#idk if this is a consequence of it being a modern fandom vs the old 2010s fandoms when podcasts were popular
molluskzone · 1 month
i feel like im always saying this. but i genuinely believe that the greater tma / tmagp fandom has consuming a different podcast than i have. not to say its all bad obviously, i have reblogged fanart before and interact positively with the fandom all the time. but every single time i venture into the tag i see a few posts where im just like "wow. you may in fact be the dumbest person alive. did you actually listen to that episode or did you just read a wiki summary for it"
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kybernecklace · 3 years
Satine be like:
Lemme just eradicate an essential part of our culture entirely, because I'm too woke for old Mando traditions and won't bother with any sort of alternative (idk sth like arena fights but out of sportmanship/competitions, teaching about the warrior culture in school whilst emphasizing the values of peace/pacifism), refuse to open dialouge with the faction of Mandalorians that hold on to said warrior culture even though my sister is amongst those people (i mean fair point to refuse dialouge once they are attacking Mandalore and are terrorists but you can't tell me that that's what they've been since day 1) and also pretend that said culture - which used to be the effing centerpiece of culture for likely millenia - has no place on modern day Mandalore, a gentrified mega dome city, cause it has always led to wars.
Also let me lean on one (1) Jedi, who I essentially claim as mine because I can and also I need his help occasionally but refuse to join the republic, but would still like Jedi support here and there.
I mean Maul claims Obi-Wan as his nemesis, but at least he's upfront about it.
I never got the whole Obitine/Satine popularity in the fandom tbh. I always found her shockingly inflexible as a politician and hence rather flat/blant as a character (basically snarky pacifist that's it which could have worked but really didn't for me). You know, I fully understand why she didn't want to compromise on pacifist principals but at the same time she seemed like zero percent open to dialouge - it was always a with or against me thing - and like, that is not a good trait in a politician. Yes, you should absolutely stick to your principals, in fact it'd be amazing if politicians actually did what they said they would in voting brochures, but you can't just claim to know everything better than anyone else and ignore concerns of a part of your population - assuming Death Watch didn't start out as a terrorist group/the people in Death Watch didn't - just because you say you know what is best. Like at least try to listen -> well as long as it is reasonable ofc. I mean. I didn't get the impression that Pre Viszla was going for a galactic war after takeover. It was literally like: Okay let's reestablish our warrior culture and get rid of the Sith who want more out of this. And even leaving that debacle aside. Saying your people are willing to suffer certain consequences for peace when you've never asked them is... an interesting thing to say. Like pacifist, non-republic Mandalore appeared to have serious supply line issues and everything that entails. Maybe I interpreted it wrong but I honestly felt like they were showing how Mandalore was really struggling under her leadership. I get that big changes can lead to such struggles and be worth it in the end but Satine never appeared to have a future plan set out. At least to me. Because like. Mandalore was already pacified, so she had achieved what she - to be fair - understandably wanted.
I mean, sure you can like Satine but I honestly didn't bat an eye at her death, whereas I bailed my eyes out over Savage.
Also in concern to Kryze-2; whenever I see posts about their amazing sisterhood I just can't. Bo was just fine with literally imprisoning/killing Satine during the Death Watch takeover. There's no love lost between them. So when Bo showed up in S7 all like "I thought you cared about her" istg I choked.
And ofc the whole Din being part of a cult while she herself was literally a Death Watch founding member was just wow.
Honestly I liked her much much better as a villain than as a protagonist (CW 5 vs. CW7/Rebels). Still didn't like her much but yeah.
I'd love to hear though what your exact issue with her was because while I'm not trying to bash the character, I never got her appeal and am curious about other people who don't care much about the character.
Really not meant as "anti-Satine/Bo" but like. Why. Enjoy them if you want obviously, but they really aren't my cup of tea.
i am going to be honest i retained hardly a fraction of this because i am dyslexic and cannot read this much in the format of a tumblr ask but my feelings for satine are very simple in the way of if you try to do cultural genocide like that you more than deserve to get stabbed to death with the ancient sword of the people you tried to have die out. i think she should have gotten stabbed way more actually. this is a satine and bo-katan hate account. thank you
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captaingondolin · 4 years
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those are too many wips. 
here’s a list with brief summaries, and then you can tell me what to finish first because i am suffering from big time choice paralysis. anon is on. ask away.
ace Obi-Wan vague idea: what it says on the tin. it was going to involve teen Obi-Wan, friendship with Quinlan and Luminara. in which Obi-Wan is interested in sex... in theory. academically. he’s his suave, charming self, and will experiment for the hell of it. (i was slightly uncomfortable with the premise of, basically, a fic about an asexual character all about... well, sex. but i wanted to work some shit out and what better way than overprojecting over fictional characters?)
Anakin in lingerie: just polishing up an old tumblr post. modern AU.
Anakin in makeup obianidala: again from an old post with subskywalker. but i wanted to give it a structure
Ani5dala FIX IT: OH MAN I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. i have tons of notes and no energy to proceed. in which Fox has a plan to keep Fives alive, Fives has a plan to keep the Republic alive - but Anakin is being a butt and Fives needs Pamé’s help. (probably Anakin and Fives were together before? + anidala open relationship, i was thinking, but idk yet)
AWOL Cody: oh boy, i started plotting this for my pod-together 2018 project with litra. in which Obi-Wan is declared KIA, but there is NO BODY and also suspicious footage/Ahsoka saw something and Cody is NOT having it so he goes on a solo mission to save him. codywan.
Darkness is but a passing thing: same as above, it was supposed to be written in 2018, good grief. post rots, sort of time-travellish, i’m not saying more bc most of the plot was litra’s and idk if she wants to share.
Detonate: translation into english of my italian obikin smut, which i promised ages ago.
enemies to colleagues to lovers codywan: this, but with a proper outline this is now being Properly Plotted. there are mindmaps. and a Scrivener file.
Jedi OC: from a prompt from last year’s rarepair exchange: Male Jedi Who Accidentally Keeps Causing Property Damage/Male Owner of Said Property (words written: 0, but the idea was funny)
Laurea traduzione: eng translation of my italian modern au obikin
Leia using the Force: a messy messy file with more than one idea in, actually. i wasn’t sure wether to go with child or teen Leia (post Princess of Alderaan plot) but then i got distracted with making Leia and Kaeden meet. Ahsoka/Kaeden.
million: from a fic exchange request in which someone said they’d read “a million words” of Bly and Aayla being disgustingly in love. just that. with a side of codywan (the irony of Bly being all like “ugh, THOSE TWO” fuelled the first few hundred words).
obianidala with nb Anakin: wait, isn’t this kinda related to the Anakin in makeup one? my plotbunnies are a mess. maybe from this or this post.
ObiBail Empire Era AND OR others: frankly. a disaster mess probably inspired by the beginning of Til the casket drops and Wild Space.
ObiBail obianidala Breha super poly dinner: this post, but in fic form
ObiBailRex: this one is funny. i found the first few sentences handwritten in a notebook and i have no memory of where i wanted to go from there, but damn, i liked those. Obi-Wan forces Cody to take some leave, and Cody forces Rex to play babysitter to his General and his Senator friend. shenanigans ensue.
storms: ahahah, another fic pending since..... uuuh...... the clone wars exchange from, again, 2018? (how much shit did i sign up for that summer? i was in the midst of moving!! why am i like this). sorry perspicacia, if you’re even still around. preparing for that fic was how i got in to obi/rex tho? and it still doesn’t have a plot.
unhinged Obi-Wan vs Grievous: this, but with a plot. if i can find the plot. why is plotting so hard? no plotting, only cool scenes. (sith/fallen!obi getting the 212th to follow him and go rogue?? maybe?) see “enemies to colleagues to lovers” above
when the numbers get to zero: a Rex/Padmé i love a lot but that, as usual with ALL my damn fic, has no structure. inspired by the blue shadow virus eps. (i posted a snippet ages ago - oh wait, here’s another one)
now onto the folders!
keep verse
untitled about other Clones finding out, and the consequences. “It’s Bly who finds out first through the GAR grapevine. Cody was supposed to be dead - and suddenly he wasn’t.”
Pilots (ot era)
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Oblivious Pilots - The entire Rogue Squadron is made of oblivious disasters. They share one braincell, and Nawara is the only one who’s actually using it. 
Dark Imperial AU - Luke is raised by Vader. but when he meets Wedge and Tycho...
Skystrike Academy AU - Luke is raised by Owen, Beru... and Obi-Wan. And he signs up to train as TIE pilot as part of a Resistance plan
WedgeTycho - the tiniest spark of an idea. Alderanian philosophy, Tycho being pretentious, sad, grieving, and in need of a hug.
SitS - A Light from the Shadows
SitS stands for “the Sith in the Senate”, the working title for this epic I’ve been plotting since 2018 that might never see the light because I went “I want a well-adjusted, non traumatised Obi-Wan!”, build a whole new canon around that ......and then got bored of it, obviously, since I love to see Obes suffer. but there were tons of things I liked and maybe I should rework it somehow? (it was supposed to be obikin. then obianidala. then i think i got distracted and got Cody to flirt with Obi-Wan. who knows at this point. what if I throw in Jango)
soft now verse
parts 2.1 and 2.2 are there and almost ready and filled with clones feels (yes, this was a fix it obianidala fluff, but CLONES)
Space Dads Extraordinaire
Hope in Unexpected Places pt 2 and maybe 3 or maybe that’s a separate story? I have feelings about smol Boba interacting with Obi-Wan and learning to trust him, but don’t know how to handle them. There should also be the bit where they find Jango’s pet strill, which I promised to Lulu like a year ago.
the life and opinions
this is a cursed title, i started a fic with a similar title in another fandom almost 15 years ago and never finished it. it was supposed to be a biography of Rex and his rise through the ranks and into an AU where the vode have their own governing body. a shitton of Rex and Cody brotherly feels but maybe also ship? why can’t i pick a dynamic
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browser history - Thranto moments told through Eli’s holonet searches
your silence is my favourite word - Emperor Eli angsty smut
new rules - Emperor Eli AU, but make it reasonably happy
see me like this - Emperor Eli AU, angst cranked up to the max
bb Thrawn - Thranto AU in which Thrawn is a weird child, the Chiss have some more contact with humans and Eli & Thrawn meet as kids
forgotten words - Thrawn growing up in the Empire, raised by Palpatine. 
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