#idk. you are MISCHARACTERIZING my blorbos
molluskzone · 1 month
i feel like im always saying this. but i genuinely believe that the greater tma / tmagp fandom has consuming a different podcast than i have. not to say its all bad obviously, i have reblogged fanart before and interact positively with the fandom all the time. but every single time i venture into the tag i see a few posts where im just like "wow. you may in fact be the dumbest person alive. did you actually listen to that episode or did you just read a wiki summary for it"
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soullessjack · 3 months
you either die a precious cinnamon roll or live to be mischaracterized as an obsessive yandere
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
What are you most controversial/unpopular OP opinions??? Sorry if it was answered before
You want me to get canceled so bad-- If I speak-- But idk, I guess I'll say the controversial opinions I can say publicly without a bunch of people coming at me!
Zo$an is a bit... Overrated? And by overrated I mean extremely/annoyingly overrated. I like the ship and its canon dynamic but I think at least 80% of the fandom portrays them in a very mischaracterized way. Not to say that... The ship is literally everywhere and the shippers always look for every little thing to prove they're canon, even if the "proof" has literally nothing to do with them. It's not that I don't enjoy the ship (although I must admit I prefer other dynamics a lot more) I just can't stand shippers that go to extremes. It's funny because I think Zo$an's dynamic is way more interesting and romantic in canon than it will ever be in the fandom. It's a bit sad, ngl. I liked them a lot at first but it got so tiring and now I am pretty exhausted from seeing it everywhere. The people force it to be more than it is when the canon is already pretty fucking great.
Adding to the Zo$san thing. I think that relationship would only work if Luffy is there somehow but it wouldn't last a day without him in the relationship. Unless there's like, a ton of character development most of these people don't make them go through.
One Piece Film Z is my worst enemy. It's such a boring movie. The only good thing is the soundtrack and maybe the suits but God watching that was torture.
Boa hate is uhhhh weird. I mean, I get why the joke about her being in love with Luffy might be annoying, but I think most of you need to learn to understand that Oda's sense of humor is sometimes a bit too exaggerated (and not funny) and it has basically nothing to do with the actual canon dynamics between characters. Boa likes Luffy because he's one of the first men who has ever treated her right, so of course she confuses that feeling with love. And of course, yeah, it isn't canon. Whatever. Just read between the lines, maybe? And also, stop using words like "pedo" to describe her because using that term so lightly about 1) a fictional character and 2) somebody who's clearly not a pedo is fucked up. Lmao. Do you even know what that word means???
Once again complaining about Pudding hate and saying that it's stupid. I won't overanalyze because I always do it with her, but the only reason people hate her is for misogynistic reasons and because they're babying Sanji. Evil male characters are okay and hot and very traumatized but the second it's a woman she's the most evilest person ever! Because God forbid they make mistakes! Suddenly their character development isn't valid because they hurt their babygirl!
Now that we're talking about my dearest Pudding. Not tagging anybody of course, but I saw this post with so many interactions of people agreeing about Sanji considering violence as a sign of love which??? Doesn't make sense at all?? OP said it was because he couldn't tell the difference between love/abuse because of his family, but that's just... Not accurate. That could only happen if they had manipulated him into thinking abuse is a type of love, but he had healthy love growing up. Even when he was with the Vinsmokes (Sora and Reiju, I love you). And yet OP said Sanji considered Pudding's behavior flirting (wrong) and that's why he let her attack him (nope) and that it was proof of Zo$an. And okay, it's not a hugely popular theory, but a lot of people agreed with it and it bothered me a lot because it's both out of character and also using Pudding (complex female character) once again to try and prove the canon of a ship (that doesn't have anything to do with WCI either???). It just bothers me. People can perceive the story however they want but... Y'know.
OPLA isn't that good. Or good at all? I only like it because I like the cast and it's funny seeing my blorbos irl. But the script is simple and dull and just stupid most of the time. The characters are either simplified, mischaracterized, or forgotten. And tbh most of the shots are very awful and could be a lot better. The directing is also nonexistent. It's 6/10 and 3 of those points are because both the Zolu and the cast.
Apparently this is a very common theory about Nami's origins, but, uh, I don't think we need to know? What else do you need to know about her? People say she's a lost princess or something like that as if we didn't have a lost princess already (Sanji ily). Repeating the same plot would be boring and underwhelming, but also? It'd be extremely useless for the plot and it'd go against everything about Nami's story and the way Luffy reacts to it.
Luffy isn't canon aroace. In fact, the reasoning people use for him being "coded" is the same Oda uses for Zoro too and Zoro is almost never portrayed as the "idiot who doesn't know what sex is" the way Luffy often is. If you're calling Luffy canon aroace for what Oda said about him being focused on adventures, the same goes for Zoro being focused on his dream. They could be coded arospec but there's nothing confirmed and the constant discourse about it is stupid. Attacking others because of their ships just because you don't agree with them and saying it's wrong using our identity to do it is very fucked up. Especially since most of the time people complaining aren't even aroace. The only reason people do it (attacking others saying they can't ship Luffy and that it's "weird" and "wrong") is that they infantilize Luffy/Don't want him getting in between their ships (<- aroace person writing this) (also, it's very ableist since people agree on Luffy also being neurodivergent coded and treating him like a kid bc of that but this isn't about that now).
Somehow this is very common. Some fucking how. I can't believe I have to say this. I'm tired of people blaming Usopp for what happened in Water 7. Or in general hating Usopp. Actually, he's one of the best-written characters in the whole show and he's so underappreciated it's so frustrating.
Sanji's perv jokes are annoying af and we all know that, but people who hate the character and consider him a red flag for that are missing the point completely. The point being "Oda exaggerates jokes to an annoying extent and most of the time they don't even reflect the character". I understand they can make you uncomfortable (same here tbh) but reducing Sanji to only those jokes is a waste of his character. You need to take jokes less seriously.
If I see one of these "red flag OP boys" TikToks adding Law/Ace/Zoro/Sanji next to fucking Doffy I will riot. Also, stop adding Crocodile there. He's a mafioso, there's NO way he won't be a sweetheart to his lover.
Baron Omatsuri's artstyle and animation is amazing and it fits the plot and aesthetic of the movie perfectly and people saying it's ugly will forever bother me.
"Usopp is suddenly hot after timeskip!" He has always been hot what the fuck are you talking about.
People reduce Nami to her "mean"/"sarcastic" personality a lot when she's quite literally one of the most kind-hearted characters of all. That being said, morally speaking she's probably one of the worst. I could explain how that works but I don't want to do it now, the point is-- Let the girl be sweet instead of making her mean all the time. And also, let her be mean and selfish without making it her entire personality. There's something called "balance".
Film Red was kind of bad. Like, the songs are amazing (thanks, Ado) but the ending is awful and the plot is very meh. I'm only here for Uta and Shanks but the rest of the characters are just useless. I do appreciate Sanji's hair in the movie, though.
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georges-chambers · 2 months
❤️ 💚 🖤 for the ask game!
"Which character do you think is most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?"
This one is not easy, really. A lot of Terror characters I personally really enjoy I also know literally aren't given elaborate canon characters so I understand they're. Not really 'mischaracterized', their fan interpretations which might be most popular just Aren't Mine, Personally. And a lot is still just a matter of preference and phrasing a characters actions as like, 'their intentional, malicious inaction' versus 'their incredible struggle and relatable lack of initiative'. So taking all of this into account. Going to say Billy Gibson. I'm just. So tired of So many fans somehow seeing everything he did and making him out to be someone totally innocent taken advantage of and manipulated in every way. He absolutely. Wasnt? Did they somehow miss Hickey's, 'I pressed him?' Line entirely? Did they miss the fact that he came up with the idea for a mutiny? THE FACT THAT HE TOLD IRVING, THE WAY HE DID? But I also still really like him as a character because that makes him so much more interesting than just a helpless victim so I can't stand how some fans just take absolutely no interest there.
"What does everyone else get wrong about your favourite character?'
My chosen blorbo Chambers? Technically he has so few lines 90% of the character I think is there is my own hc but I will say this anyways: I feel like people make him out to be both 1. Something or an orphan of some kind, and 2. Just like. Really innocent. Way more often than they should. The second goes for basically any ships boy. Like yes their whole thing was being younger and inexperienced compared to the rest of the crew, but like. Idk. I feel like a lot of fans either make them even younger and/or more. 'Modern' standards for what they'd expect of 18/19 year olrs at the time and place and I just. Don't see it at all. Which also ties into why I don't personally like the first thing with Chambers specifically. It's clearly canon with Young and one can't rule it out for Evans and Golding, but like. What characterization we actually do get of Chambers shows him being the one who seems to look up to, even admire perceived authorities like Sir John and Bryant a lot. Way more than others anyways. Even until the very end, unlike someone who seems to have had a much more probably desperate life, like Golding, he just. Never does any sort of mutiny, despite being in what seems like the same sort of position as any who did. So while I still feel like the idea is definitely valid and sometimes like reading about ot, I just personally feel like there's no way he was a completely destitute little waif, definitely not compared to the other 3 ships boys. There's also the fact that the historical Chambers actually had a family who were still aware he'd gone away and waiting for his return and all, which is, again, much more than the other ships boys had. But also I feel like saying I dislike most of all when people combine the idea that they're just sopping wet pathetic Victorian orphans And Also innocent children who know/understand the harshness of life so little because that's. An oxymoron to me. Pick One. Tbh all 4 of them could be considered my favourite characters less because I like them and more because I have A Lot of Thoughts on them i guess.
"Which character is not as morally good as everyone seems to think?"
Of course there's obviously Gibson like I just mentioned, Goodsir for clear reasons, but keeping with my ships boy brand, I literally wanted so much to answer exactly this to say Fucking Golding. Tbh it's not really like anyone's defending him much, but I hear so often, 'Well, by that point what choice did he have?' Or some variation of him being like 'lead astray' by Hickey and oh my God. I get it, he's just a little ships boy or something, but did we watch the same show? (He's like one of the most tertiary characters who has So few lines so I do completely understand this and again, it's just my personal hcs. But like. Here's why I cannot see that.) Most use the idea that he 'didn't have anyone else' but this is the same or a similar idea to the idea that Gibson 'had no one else', an idea which makes a lot more sense in the context of Hickey and Gibsons whole relationship, but like. What. Does Golding have in common with Hickey? Like name 1 reason why he should trust more and be closer to Hickey than God only knows how many other just. Similar crew mates on Terror? And there is the fact that after/around when Strong and Evans die, they're seen together with Golding telling Hickey 'Take care of yourself' (this does in fact haunt me), but like. All that indicates is they had some sort of Connection, but not how deep it was in any way. Also there's the way we see Hickey interact with/talk about the men he does actively manipulate such as Manson, Armitage, and Hartnell, and of course correct me if I'm wrong but like. Goldings just about as able as any of them. One could probably argue less of a liability Because he could always try using his impressionability to his advantage. But yet Hickey did nothing with him, despite how apparently impressionable he'd be. And even if that were the case and somehow he takes a sort of solace in Hickey or Hickeys able to mastermindedly manipulate him slowly, so easily he doesn't even seem to. Be putting much premeditation or anything behind it. Even if that's true, what about when he was manipulating Crozier? How would Golding be able to come up with and do that (Actively Scheming though he did look of course) but see none of what Hickey did with him? And just. Why? The others loyal to Hickey by that point, we generally know about. We know about Hodgson and Tozer and why they're as loyal as they are. We even know more about Armitage and why he's involved. But like. We Don't know why the hell Goldings doing any of this, not as well as we do them. If he were really just the most pathetic, poor idiot being manipulated into it all, why wouldn't he just think, 'hm. Well there's . A lot of protection here with Crozier. And even if I'm not too fond of anyone here, we just have a lot more practical resources and all. And I could sell all of them out here and now and he probably couldn't or wouldn't punish me too harshly and I'd be protected.' Like. He could probably go on to assume that on some level. So the fact that he does all he does and chooses to go back to Hickey and bring back Crozier and others to them, to me, implies he was probably way closer to Hickey than we really saw, definitely had the premeditation to just. Do all that, and like. God only knows what else he'd do right?
I just think Goldings way more fucked up than most seem to acknowledge/think about and definitely not a complete idiot, arguably smarter than some of the other mutineers. Thank you for reading this manifesto of a post.
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ajxrn · 2 months
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I stated in another ask kaeya but also Childe..he’s not the always Horny bloodthirsty jerk people portray him as?? and those are surface “traits” he’s WAYY deeper than that..?? Another fav blorbo im so correct about…..
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Chi/lumi doesn’t sit right with me anymore. I used to think it was lowkey cute and the dynamic itself is great (I prefer chiluc with the enemies to lovers thing) but the fanbase irritates me and they believe it’s canon ?? When it’s not???? I also play aether so I like to view Childe as an older brother to the traveler ngl it doesn’t feel romantic with either one to me. Chi/lumi is ok just not my thinggg my issues lie with the fans. So yeah. Chaeya ftw sorry💙🧡
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Oh fuck umm. Probably dainsleif. I love him so much and he’s a wet sock of a man but I do think he has selfish ulterior motives with helping the traveler and I wouldn’t be shocked if something happened with him? LikeI feel like his morals are mixed up lowkey he has a Vibe about him. That makes me love him more tbh. Anyways Idk this question is hard wahhh….
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
APPARENTLY it’s that I like paimons voice and she isn’t annoying in a bad way and she’s the cutiest patootie ever to exist ?? She’s annoying in the “little sister who you want to chokehold one second and then be best friends the next” way ?? Yknow?? Otherwise it’s that the anemo boys are so fucking overrated, especially kazoo (as great as he is)
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shrinkthisviolet · 11 months
Meta ask! Any oc, all the questions under the fandom section
Gonna answer these for Morgan:
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
Fan favorite for those who like her, annoying for those who don’t
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way?
If I’m doing it right, affection and a desire to protect 😂
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
Well, she is a woman in a largely male-centric series, but I think a lot of her haters wouldn’t like how close she and Barry are…and especially the fact that she does contribute to some significant plot points!
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
She gets in quite a few fights with Barry 😂 so that, for starters. Then there’s the fact that some people probably wouldn’t like how involved she is with the Team Flash stuff…even though it makes sense considering whose daughter she is (and even after s1, she’s still a valid member of their Team), and she’s still fairly sidelined—as much as she’s the main character of my AU, she’s still a side character in the grand scheme of things, and I do try to respect that!
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom?
Hmm…probably fanfics. Possibly fanart too. Possibly gifsets of scenes she's in (to be honest, I think she'd get the same type of content as Jesse, possibly slightly more in amount due to being more prevalent)
Is your character the subject of ‘imagines’ or ‘x reader’ style blogs?
Probably, those blogs will truly use any character 😂 but hopefully they either age her up if the reader is an adult, or make the reader a teenager. AND make it a QPR, since she's aroace!
Are there any tropes fandom would put upon your character, for better or for worse?
Someone would write a fic of her being a speedster 😂 and/or a villain. And I, of course, would eagerly devour either of those (I made a speedster villain concept for her here a while ago!)
What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
They’d infantilize her to no end, I just know it...and to be fair, she is the youngest member of the Team, but that doesn’t make her any less perceptive! After all, she’s the one who suspects Jay/Hunter first, the one he sees fit to threaten to keep her quiet (which implies he sees her as some kind of threat, otherwise why bother).
She’s also the one who takes Harry to task first, she’s the one stands up for herself numerous times in s1 and s2…and in s3, her extending trust to Savitar could be seen as naïve, but…it’s based on lived experience with Barry. It’s no more naïve than Iris’s compassion for Savitar.
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material?
I guess the corners that love Wells family stuff? 😂 especially the ones that like her being Barry’s sister. Though idk how many “corners” the Arrowverse Flash fandom has tbh
oc ask game!
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skylilac · 1 year
aves watching you complain is soooooo fucking funny oh my god anyway 13 and 16 for the ask game!!!
thank you i love being a hater <3
worst blorboficiation
ehh depends how you view it. like i said so many ppl who love fitz also ruin his character and its fucking awful. and i hate how keefe stans talk abt keefe but thats the younger side of the fandom really which 1) they prob dont use the term blorbo and 2) id feel bad being mean to them like tbh they get to mischaracterize him as long as theyre having fun. ill just ignore them <3
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
i already answered this but ive always got more!! so i dont get that whole headcanon that sophie and oralie bond in the future and form this mother/daughter relationship??? like okay ig its nice and wholesome but. but WHY. like its one thing for them to talk it out and have a respectful relationship but i dont get wanting them to become super close and loving like idk its all bs to me????? i dont need oralie and sophie to become mother/daughter i need sophie to go fuck it! abt her bio family bc she has grady and edaline and shes okay 💖 and FINE maybe its the oralie hater in me but if oralie wanted to be a councillor instead of a mother then sophie can treat oralie as a councillor instead of a mother!!!
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feralshadowdemon · 4 months
for the ship ask game: fukufuku and atsujunilucy?
BELOVEDS!! fukufuku what made you ship it? that one scene where we get a glimpse into their backstory. idk. something about it made me feel a type of way, the same type of way i feel about some ghilbi movies. also their dynamic is fun to explore!! it's very interesting to me to explore how different the two are now compared to their past selves what are your favorite things about the ship? fukuchi giving fukuzawa food when they were younger is cute to me. i wouldn't be surprised if drinking/eating food with/giving food to someone is a love language of his? even as they were older, even though the time we saw them prsent-day didn't end well, it still kind of felt like they were old friends reuniting. they bring a lot of emotions to me. i care about them a lot. platonically or romantically, you can tell how much they meant to each other and it just. fukuchi's death scene made me Sad (rare occurence) is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
im actually too scared to read fukufuku fics due to the fear of mischaracterization on both of their parts. fukuchi already is a pretty underrated blorbo and then fukuzawa is just.. it feels like sometimes people forget about the nuance both of them have - atsujunilucy what made you ship it? atsushi has two hands and atsujuni and atsulucy respectively are very cute and i enjoy them both. also the idea of atsushi dating two people who technically have red hair was silly <3 what are your favorite things about the ship? it'd allowed atsushi AND lucy to interact with naomi more!! who i care about a lot actually. also tanizaki would 100% get a nickname like tigerkitty. i dont know what. i think my first idea was starfish but im not so sure about that now is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i started its tag on ao3 i think most of my opinions on it would be unpopular. but i do think it deserves more attention (also it's perfect for cafe/coffee shop/etc aus. just saying.)
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yudonomi · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts and Hetalia for the ask meme please?
blorbo asks
im gonna put a disclaimer that im still in the middle of 3D and havent played KH3, but hmm anw:
Kingdom Hearts
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Axel, who got the honor of being my first ever dokidoki (2d or 3d or otherwise) right before he decided to burn himself up :/
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Namineee my sweet summer artist child who I projected onto before I learned what projection was
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
She’s gotten a lot more appreciation now but Kairi used to a bit ignored and tbh I don’t blame them she barely shows up/does anything in the early games
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
me in the Days tutorial taking my sweet time so Zexy would stay around longer mmm
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I got into this fandom in the late 00s where simply being female was sometimes a controversy for a character so Larxene lmao
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Roxas. Cuz Days + 2 wasn’t angst enough apparently
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
mansexXemnas/Xehanort/Ansem/whatever the fuck he goes by these days idk someday I’ll catch up and understand for sure but not today
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ErzsiErzsiErzsiErzsi bi awakening Erzsi
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Taiwan, who I'd been drawing with wavy hair for years before someone pointed out her hair was actually straight
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Belarus my problematic queen
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Historical states who have since integrated into a ‘main’ nation. So like, Genoa/Bavaria/Hesse/Saxony/that sort? Mmm i eat that shit up
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Rodi defense squad since 2014 I will defend you from so much mischaracterization
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Vino and Feli are taking turns rn (see: my most recent fic)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Gil lmao bye
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