#idk if this makes any sembelence of sense
mars-is-me7 · 1 year
i have!! so many thoughts! about the eclipse federation!!! I just-
Things could have gone so much better- If only they had continued to talk it out! Zam saw it as going in a circle and that nothing was going to be changed, but Vi was literally willing to listen! They’re a team, obviously it’s important to get each others feedback!
But Zam doesn’t see it that way!!! As much as he says he wants to trust Vitalasy, the truth is that he just doesn’t. Zam only points out the flaws in Vi, saying that he wouldn’t change or listen. but like, Zam is at fault for that too! He had made up his mind about leaving them before even talking to them to get their thoughts and input on things!! like, of course he was going to leave them when the people he’d been talking to for the past few days had all been saying to do that- Also, the fact of the matter is that Vi / was / willing to listen and change!! He says it multiple times!! but Zam is just so blinded by the thing he’s already chosen that he doesn’t really listen! like, after Zam’s input Vi literally did change a lot of the prison design as a compromise
i just- gahhhhhhh!!! Things could have been good, but Zam only knows a life of extremes. either he stayed silent and felt miserable in going along with their plans or he cut them off completely! at least, that’s his point of view of the situation that had found themselves in. but like, from a viewer perspective, right, if they had just continued to talk i think things could have worked out. yeah, it would have taken effort to compromise, but that’s what having a conversation is all about. but Zam didn’t see it that way, he’s convinced that what he did was the only good option he had.
idk what point im trying to make here, i just have so many thoughts and feelings about today’s stream-
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