#then why should they then care about what the rest of the server thinks of their methods? might as well just go to the extremes then right?
mars-is-me7 · 1 year
i have!! so many thoughts! about the eclipse federation!!! I just-
Things could have gone so much better- If only they had continued to talk it out! Zam saw it as going in a circle and that nothing was going to be changed, but Vi was literally willing to listen! They’re a team, obviously it’s important to get each others feedback!
But Zam doesn’t see it that way!!! As much as he says he wants to trust Vitalasy, the truth is that he just doesn’t. Zam only points out the flaws in Vi, saying that he wouldn’t change or listen. but like, Zam is at fault for that too! He had made up his mind about leaving them before even talking to them to get their thoughts and input on things!! like, of course he was going to leave them when the people he’d been talking to for the past few days had all been saying to do that- Also, the fact of the matter is that Vi / was / willing to listen and change!! He says it multiple times!! but Zam is just so blinded by the thing he’s already chosen that he doesn’t really listen! like, after Zam’s input Vi literally did change a lot of the prison design as a compromise
i just- gahhhhhhh!!! Things could have been good, but Zam only knows a life of extremes. either he stayed silent and felt miserable in going along with their plans or he cut them off completely! at least, that’s his point of view of the situation that had found themselves in. but like, from a viewer perspective, right, if they had just continued to talk i think things could have worked out. yeah, it would have taken effort to compromise, but that’s what having a conversation is all about. but Zam didn’t see it that way, he’s convinced that what he did was the only good option he had.
idk what point im trying to make here, i just have so many thoughts and feelings about today’s stream-
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sexygaywizard · 2 years
I've been seeing a lot that people are really surprised and upset that pissvortex got banned, and while I think it's fucked up and shitty that he did get banned, I also don't think it's very surprising because- and here's something I think a lot of non-TERFs don't understand- TERFs navigate this website very differently from the rest of us. The standard reaction to any non-TERF encountering a TERF is to block them, and generally not engage. You know, we have block lists of TERFs that go around. TERFs themselves, they don't really do this shit. They don't have huge block lists of trannies- I mean that would be like 80% of the fucking site- what they do is they keep watch of accounts that they really fucking hate and they hang out in their little discord servers because they're petty and vicious and have nothing better to do than fill their lives with poison and venom, and they harass you to provoke you, and when you say some shit about how terfs should kill themselves or be scalped, they share it around between themselves and mass report it. And absolutely no large social media website, not Tumblr, not Twitter, not Facebook, is going to see a post that received hundreds of reports where you said that somebody should be scalped and think, "Oh but was the other person being like a real huge asshole though?" That's not how they work. They just ban you. Whatever moderator is managing that shit does not care enough to look into the larger societal wide context of why you said that. I'm not saying this to say that you should be kind to or play nice with TERFs, I'm just saying this so that you can perhaps have an awareness of how some of your posts may look to a moderator who's received hundreds of reports about them. They're playing a different game, so play smart
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buriedpair · 5 months
How would all the yanderes react to a shy darling working at the casino as wait staff who attempts to keep their distance only working to pay off a debt the innocent type like a frightened kitten or bunny
You got it! Sorry for posting so much followers, I love my guys so much. I have a Gambit post incoming after this!!!
Yandere!OCS x GN Reader
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He's had you as his server a few times. Admittedly, you never spoke much and got nervous easily, but he enjoys your company. It's a nice change from the other over dramatic fucks working in this damn place.
That's how he finds himself requesting you to his confused waiter one day, and then the next. Eventually, everyone just assumes he wants you as his server when he walks in. He starts ordering drinks more frequently to try and make you open up. It's just too endearing, how you avoid his questions and avert your gaze and whatnot.
You, on the other hand, are alarmed. You've never had a regular before. You immediately try to get out of it. Every day he asks for you, you're miraculously missing, busy, or on break.
It doesn't frustrate Amias in the slightest. When he's told that you're not there, he simply gets up to look for you.
No doubt, he WILL find you.
"So afraid all the time... Rightfully. You should be."
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As a dealer, he doesn't get to move from his spot much. You've been formally introduced to each other before, but he's never cared much. You're not interesting to him.
On one of his late-night shifts, he notices you're still there. But... weren't you there when he came in? On his next break, he asks you about it. He doesn't seem concerned, just curious. Hesitantly, you explain that you had to pick up someone else's shift because you needed the cash. You try to explain that it's definitely not like you're in crippling debt right now, and you're totally fine.
He finds this curious. He's no doubt had to pick up shifts before in his life, but he finds it endearing how insistent you are that you're fine. When he pokes further into it, he ends up with all the information he needs.
You're such a meek little thing, he wonders how easily you'd break under his thumb.
Time passes, and he slowly starts to nudge and press against your insecurities. It's like your melting into a pool of "what the fuck" and being rebuilt over and over again. He supports you financially for a while, and you're forced to stay at his side for as long as he wants you to. Which is to say, until you're boring again.
"Love, ownership... Are they not the same?"
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Double Down
He thinks you're just ADORABLE. He finds time to flirt with you, even when he's busy. He'll dedicate his executions to you, he'll watch you like a hawk from where he stands... You're like his own personal pet!
It's superficial at first. He just wants to get you in his grasp long enough to entertain him. Once he's done with you, he casts you aside again. Yet, once you're gone, he finds himself waiting for you to come back.
You don't.
You realize you've been used like an object, and timidly resign to go find a better job. (Frankly, it's good for you anyways. It's hard to watch so many people bite it each day.) You're madly, deeply, truly embarrassed that you let him win.
When DD finds out you've quit, he grows furious. Why? He doesn't know. All he knows is that you left him. NOBODY leaves him. Not until he's done with them.
Rest assured that you are completely and utterly unsafe now. Poor kitten, he'll be sure to take terrible care of you.
"Leaving me is the last mistake you'll ever make, if you want to keep your cute little eyes open."
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Jackpot and Gambit
Jackpot just oozes confidence, so naturally you stay as far away from him as you can. He's practically the exact opposite of you. Plus, looking at him makes you nervous. Additionally, Gambit is like the boss of all bosses. There's no way you could speak to him other than a small squeak every time he regards you.
They noticed you, though. How do you think you got this job? Jackpot saw you and knew he wanted you, and Gambit followed suit as soon as he saw your poor, pitiful self.
You spilled someone's drink. Fuck. You're screwed. You're dead. You're fired. You'll crawl into a hole now, thank you. The drunk customer is enraged in an instant. He stands to throw hands, and you flinch back.
The punch never lands, however. Your knight in blue, skin-tight armor has arrived. Jackpot smiles softly at the offender, as if he wasn't holding his fist in a death grip. In a deceptively sweet tone, he explains that he doesn't tolerate any sort of violence toward the staff.
Once the customer is kindly escorted out of the establishment, Jackpot finally acknowledges you. He doesn't speak, he simply pulls your shaking form into his strong embrace. Your fear is overshadowed by intense embarrassment considering the amount of clothes he's wearing. He's warm, though.
He hushes you as he holds you, stroking your hair and swaying back and fourth. You internally wonder how this man manages to show such intimacy.
You hardly notice that there's a discussion going on around you until your arm is gently taken by... Well, fuck. Your boss is here. You're definitely fired.
Gambit chuckles in acknowledgement of your nerves, shaking his head. He doesn't seem angry, more amused. He plants a kiss to the back of your hand, asking you how you're feeling. You stumble over your words, unable to form a coherent sentence in such a situation.
They both smile fondly-- Nay, possessively-- down at you. How cute, maybe now you'll learn that they're the only ones who can protect you.
"You don't need to worry, sweet thing. We'll never let anyone hurt you again."
"I'll make sure you feel much better by your next shift. You'll have to stay with us for a while. No arguments, unless you want that debt to swallow you whole."
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calliesmemes · 6 months
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UNHINGED SENTENCE STARTERS FEATURING THINGS SAID BY MYSELF AND MY FRIENDS WHILE WRITING AS OUR MUSES IN A CRACK-BASED NONCANON GROUP CHAT. This post is dedicated to Em, Liz, Tanny, Nellie, Mel, Ange, and everyone else in the server who recognizes these quotes — you know who you are 😈
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Have you forgotten that you should not steal someone’s property? ”
“   I could slap that smug look off his face right now! ”
“   Your ears are a lie. ”
“   Woah woah that's - that's a bad word. ”
“   I don’t know if it’s allowed and quite frankly I don’t care. Fuck the rules. ”
“   Time for gremlin activities! ”
“   I hate this man. Let's prank him. ”
“   We are all going on strike today I swear ”
“   Looks like I need to invest in a kid leash. ”
“   I support her saying what needs to be said! I am done with the silencing of women!!!! ”
“   I like the dramatics. ”
“   I did not ask for a second opinion. ”
“   You seem to be doing a great job at being a nuisance. ”
“   do you want me to bring you cheese? ”
“   Next move, start chewing on the door frames ”
“   I like crumbs. They are like a little midnight snack in my bed at night. ”
“   if he wants to be a worm, LET HIM BE A WORM ”
“   the rest of you suck my toe ”
“   To be fair I am simply vibing. ”
“   I am going to commit a war crime! ”
“   I am manifesting being happy. ”
“   Am I gonna talk shit WITH you guys? because im down to talk shit about pretty much anyone ”
“   Who says? We shall revolt without question. ”
“   Let's just start burning stuff. ”
“   Did you just call me... small? ”
“   Can I convert you with my kazoo propaganda? ”
“   We were radicalised by The Little Mermaid. ”
“   Penny in the swear jar, now. ”
“   My last words are, bros before hoes. ”
“   The old men are trying to be trendy. ”
“   I can do whatever I want too! ”
“   Can we go one day without an interruption from an American? ”
“   I am so sorry. He enjoys conflict. ”
“   Why is he so tall? ”
“   For legal reasons, kids, that's a joke. ”
“   Would you like to fight the adults? ”
“   You're not meant to bite people, it's frowned upon. ”
“   He’s a fun killer, don't listen to him! ”
“   Ow! Stop kicking me! ”
“   I have quite literally begged you not to kick, hit, or bite today. ”
“   BUT I thought we were buds, pals, amigos, chums, friends. ”
“   Oh shiiiii someone’s in trouble ”
“   How much caffeine have you had in the last hour? ”
“   I'll be honest they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't speak. ”
“   Is this goof meant to be dead or what? ”
“   I am a witch. ”
“   This one reeks of self confidence when he clearly doesn't think before opening his mouth. ”
“  I call bullshit on that rule! ”
“   The point is I have a cane and I’m not afraid to use it. ”
“   If you slap me, I’ll cane you. ”
“   Yippee for women. ”
“   Sorry for being British. ”
“   Oi who's playing that ominous music? ”
“   I'm strong because I eat carrots. Oh wait or is that to see in the dark.... it's for something. ”
“   I will say sorry when i'm caught, don't you worry. ”
“   ... He's done for. Broken beyond repair. Someone play Taylor Swift. ”
“   Please refrain from punching one another. ”
“   He is becoming one with the spider I believe. ”
“   If anybody asks I will say I made you, then you will not get in trouble! ”
“   Can I be a girlboss too? I am not rude to women and I do what i like ”
“   Yippee for patriotism! ”
“   … i could make you guys rat costumes ”
“   Do you think if we started stealing bread we would lose our jobs? ”
“   why do British people ”
“   … you all need therapy. ”
“   Do you ever feel if you breathe the wrong way he will bite you? ”
“   I actively avoid whatever this is. ”
“   CARRY ME. ”
“   What if, and hear me out, they both promise not to do it again? ”
“   I wanna steal all his socks. ”
“   My socks were stolen! ”
“   Hey, watch it now. Only I'm allowed to insult me. ”
“   You couldn’t whisper to save your life. It’s pitiful. ”
“   Both of you are insufferable. ”
“   The law is overrated. ”
“   I’m afraid. Miss, you aren’t my type. ”
“   No. I swear on my life. I am being a gentleman ”
“   I support women’s wrongs. ”
“   He bites? Are you .. joking? Please say you're joking. ”
“   If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain ifyou're not into yoga if you have half a brain if you like makin' love at midnight in the dunes on the cape then I'm the love that you've looked for write to me and escape 🎶🎶 ”
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firegirl888101 · 1 month
If I was reader in the insatiable madness series I’d have a “let’s try it!” Day once a week with the harbingers, when it comes to games tho
“Let’s try Mario cart!”
“Let’s try Fortnite”
“Let’s try Dress to Impress!”
I’d only do this once a week bc I know it would take me a week to recover from their bs😭 on a serious note, I can see Childe and Scara getting sooo competitive with Dress to Impress, like they are ready to rip each other’s throats out bc “YOU COPIED ME”. Reader has to sit near them tho bc they have to explain the categories and show them examples😭😭😭 the other harbingers kinda love it bc it forces reader to explain stuff to them
Hahah I love this idea!
Y/N most likely wouldn't suggest the idea of a weekly game night because of the amount of stress it would bring for them. Maybe after introducing them to Among Us they'd slip up and reveal that there are hundreds of different games leading to one of the Harbingers suggesting the idea.
'One of the Harbingers'? What am I talking about, of course it's Childe who would suggest such a thing. He'd probably be feeling homesick and ask further to try and create a small routine between you and the group. With Pulcinella's help, they'd eventually convince you to hold the game night once every week.
Mario Kart is waaaay too competitive for the Harbingers to try. I really don't recommend playing it or even suggesting it when they're nearby. Just trust me. If you think streamers punching their tables and screaming in anger at a loss is bad, you haven't seen the Harbinger's rage. It doesn't matter which one you look at, they're all sore losers. The ones who are better at hiding it are Pierro, Pulcinella and surprisingly Childe. <- Columbina and Capitano are also better at hiding it, however, they're not good at preventing snappy replies if another Harbinger talks to them.
Dealing with a passive aggressive and possibly aggro Harbinger (ahem, Scaramouche) is not something you should voluntarily do. That's why I suggest not bringing up the game at all. If you decide to introduce the game, I recommend only doing easy levels such as Moo Moo Meadow. Never, under any circumstance, allow them to play Rainbow Road. Also Sandrone and Scaramouche are really good at the game, Sandrone because she's good at making the perfect cart for her character and Scaramouche because he's good at racing no matter what cart combo he picks.
I personally don't like Fortnite, and Y/N wouldn't either because of uhh... y'know. But, I can see Capitano and Childe genuinely bonding whilst playing the game together. I don't know if it's against the rules to cross team in Fortnite, but whether that rule exists or not they'd do it anyway since they don't care. Capitano always wins if it's only them two left in the game, if it's not only them two, Childe either dies by not paying attention to his surroundings enough or Capitano falls from fall damage because he forgets that it's a thing.
I can't help but think about that fanmade Fatui trailer where they're fighting eachother and Pantalone has the double guns. Just for the beautiful existence of this anime short, I'm going to say Pantalone is also good at the game because he has god tier aim. Imagine what else he could do with that aim... Now's not the time, NEXT GAME:
Dress to Impress or Fashion Frenzy (my childhood) would be so funny. Since Y/N probably wouldn't trust the Harbingers in a public Roblox server, they'd have to buy a private server for all the Harbingers to use. Signora is dominating the rest of the Harbingers in this game, I think she'd have the most wins and often has to help the others find things in the game. Somehow she's memorised the entire map and knows where everything is after only a few rounds...
Anyway, the women of the Harbingers would slay this game so hard. The men however... they're questionable to say the least. At first, they likely struggle and create abhorrent outfits that land them the lowest on the scoreboard but gradually they begin to make outfits that the average person would wear. Pantalone would be an exception to this group, he'd most likely grasp the concept the quickest. This is because of how many clothes he's seen as a rich businessman. He's shopped for clothes for the Tsaritsa before, so he's probably seen some elegant items of clothing and doesn't need to rely on his imagination much. As long as he remembers what they look like, he'll score reasonably high, when the other men learn, he'll gradually go lower on the leaderboard due to him not being too passionate about the game. He's a one-trick pony, if you will.
Y/N would get so tired of having to Google the categories and show reference images to the Harbingers every single time they play the game. If Dress to Impress is a popular game and the Harbingers want to play it every game night, Y/N would start to make moodboards of each category and shove them in the Harbingers face so they can leave them alone. It's not like they want to help the Harbingers, but there is literally nothing else they can do, and they don't feel like dying from boredom yet.
Pierro doesn't want to engage in these game nights because he finds them a waste of time and stays in Y/N's office to do work. Meanwhile, Dottore likes the television a lot more so he rarely takes part. If he does take part, he enjoys it but would rather do something else. Arlecchino also wouldn't be the biggest fan of the game nights, but it would remind her of taking care of the children in the House of Hearth so she'd gradually open up to like it more than she should in her opinion.
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬
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Riddle :: Wrath
A tiny spark is all it takes to ignite a fire that burns blindingly bright. If they won’t respect you and the rules on their own, you’ll just have to make them listen. After all, your wrath is justified, you are in the right here. It’s not you who is blinded, it’s everyone else who just can’t see.
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Leona :: Sloth
Work smart not hard. Or don’t work at all; let someone else do the heavy lifting to get their hands dirty. And why not? After all, lazing around in the sun is what you deserve after being the brain behind this whole operation. There’s really no need to exert yourself when someone else can get it done too. Being awake, being asleep, what difference does it make? Why put in the effort when you will always be second best anyway?
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Azul :: Greed
What’s so wrong with wanting it all? And who cares if you’ll ever find use for any of it, it’s more important that you could. Whether it’s money, knowledge or power, more is better and your desire to have more of it is valid. Avarice and success are two sides of the same coin and it’s golden gleam is oh so enticing.
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Kalim :: Lust
Don’t think too hard about what pains you, just close your eyes and focus on what makes you happy. It’s so much easier than plaguing yourself with arduous topics such as betrayal and intrigues. It’s okay if the world is burning as long as it’s at your fingertips, so just indulge a little. Ignorance is bliss and bliss is what makes life fun, right?
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Vil :: Gluttony
Never satisfied, never sated, you crave improvement the same way a starving man craves food and water. When you finally achieve something you have meticulously worked towards, there is no time to rest on your laurels, your eyes are already fixed on a new way to make yourself better, more beautiful, all in a never ending hunger for unreachable perfection. Would you be satisfied with being the fairest one of all?
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Idia :: Envy
Sure, you’ve had some achievements in the fields you’re interested in but what else do you have going for yourself, nerd? This one remarkable trait aside, who’d be impressed by the rest of you? And it’s oh so easy too, to compare yourself with the people around you and the people you see online, only to find that you just don’t measure up. You’re envious of the people with normal lives, who get to choose what they want to do, who aren’t stuck and who easily fit in. Maybe you’re even envious of your past, where everything was still alright and within reach.
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Malleus :: Pride
Being proud isn’t wrong, is it? Surely, everyone would feel that way if they were you. Just look at what you can effortlessly achieve, whereas others struggle so much with it. But you realise maybe too late that pride is often accompanied by solitude. After all, you don’t need anyone by your side, so why would anyone be willing to stand there? At the end of it all, you are too proud to lose to someone and too lonely to lose someone.
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Yuu :: The Deadliest Sin
You know you’re doing it again. You just can't stop, can you? Sitting hunched over like an invertebrate when you really should know better. Have you eaten anything yet, drank enough water? Seen the sun, taken a walk and gotten enough sleep? I thought so. The time will come where you must answer for your sins, so don’t add to the tally.
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated (also, yes, there will be second parts for the characters) ♡
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twisted wonderland masterlist || join my twst discord server :]
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twisted wonderland: @savanaclaw1996 @honehbee42
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redfoxwritesstuff · 3 months
Home Is Where The Heart Is (Vox x reader Fluffer w/ light angst)
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Vox x Reader Rated: General Warnings: I accidently spilled a little angst on the fluff serving. Sorry? Summary: You're cooking dinner when your secret boyfriend comes home. Caught up in the moment, confessions are made and hearts are put on the line.
Come join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Hotel Discord server- You can Trust Us with your entertainment! Here's an Alastor themed Discord server as well
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
Humming in the kitchen, you danced around the sink as you listened absently to the televised concert. You had access to all the best channels, privilege granted by who your boyfriend was but that wasn’t why you were with him. You were with him, quite simply, because you loved him. You had loved him for a while, not that you dared to say it.
Sure he was powerful. Sure he had money. Sure he took care of you. He even kept you safe during the exterminations. 
But the most important part to you was that you loved him and he cared for you. 
That’s all there really was to it. 
Vox made a point to always walk into your apartment by the door. At least, whenever he was coming and going in any official sense. He was old fashioned in all the most romantic ways though you hadn’t expected it from the tech mogul.
There was a series of beeps as the pin code was entered into the door as your smile widened. With a flick to remove the extra water from the carrots you were washing, you set them aside quickly and snatched up a towel to dry your hands as you scurried toward the door.
“Welcome back,” You said as you threw your damp hands around Vox’s shoulders, smacking his screen with the towel on accident. 
“Hey,” he said simply, tension falling from his shoulders as he was enveloped in the daydream he had spent all day thinking about. You were his retreat. You were his shelter. “What have you been up to?” 
“Just starting dinner,” You answered, running your hands down his chest and smiling up at him. “Roast chicken tonight. Will you stay? Or are you just popping by?”
It wasn’t uncommon for Vox to stop by for a few minutes, half an hour or so when he was between meetings. You worked managing schedules from the comfort of your unit, another privilege granted by who you were dating, not that your peers knew that. 
He was a busy man and you could never count on how long he would be able to stay when he walked through your door. It helped that you could be counted on to always be home.
“Took the rest of the night off.” Vox smiled down at you, eyes bright. “I’m not due back until nine tomorrow.”
“Nine?!” You made a show of how scandalized the thought made you. It wasn’t the first time Vox had taken a large chunk of time off his schedule just for you but it wasn’t often at all that it would happen. “What will we do with fifteen whole hours?!” 
“For a start, we should make dinner,” Vox laughed as he leaned down, placing a static tinged kiss on your lips before stepping out of your arms. 
“Right,” you laughed as he let his clawed hands trailed over your skin as you stepped out of his reach. 
Vox stepped deeper into your apartment, slipping his jacket and vest off. You smiled at him over the counters as you took in the view of him. It was a sight few had gotten to see, Vox in blue slacks and a white button down shirt, sleeves uncuffed as he worked them up over his elbows. 
This was one of your favorite ways to see him, relaxed and having just came home from work. It was a look that left your heart beating hard and put daydreams about this being normal in your head. It was a close second to the way he looked late in the night or early in the morning, screen smudged and sleep clouding the picture on his screen, comfortable lounge clothes hanging off his lean frame. 
“See something you like?” Vox’s sly smile told you he had caught you checking him out. 
“Yep,” you answered shamelessly, there was no point in denying it. 
He laughed easily as he joined you in the kitchen. You went back to washing your vegetables. His arms wrapped around your waist as his front pressed against your back, bright screen casting a blue light over your work. 
“I see something I like too,” Vox’s voice was low in your ear.
“Oh?” You laughed, leaning into his arms, “You like potatoes do you?” 
“I do,” Vox’s arms reached around you, keeping you and your colander of potatoes trapped at the sink while he washed his hands as he continued, “But I like you more.” 
“You flirt,” You teased, ducking under his arms and setting to work chopping the vegetables to add to the roasting pan. “Keep talking like that and you’ll get a girl’s hopes up.”
Vox watched you for a moment, you could feel his eyes on your back as you kept your smile in place. It was a step too far. You knew the rules of the relationship. Off this floor of the tower, you were nothing to Vox. You were a secret. 
A resort of normalcy. 
Sure, you got to call him your boyfriend but to who? Him? Yourself? he called you his but never off this floor. Never anywhere that mattered. 
You loved him. You had realized it a while ago and that made the reality of your relationship hurt when it hadn’t before. It was worth it though. It was worth it for the nights like this a few times a week. 
It was worth it to get to hold him even if for a little while. 
You glanced at him as he started spreading oil over the chicken’s skin and covering it in seasonings. That was what you needed, him to give you a reason to break the weird silence in order to prevent him from ruining the roast. 
You watched as he slipped the pan into the oven, admiring the man that you had accidentally fell in love with. 
“Hey, Dollface?” Vox had a look on his face you couldn’t read and that scared you, “About what you said earlier? About-”
You forced a laugh as you looked away, busying yourself with cleaning up. Hopefully it looked natural, not showing how terrified you were. If you didn’t tell him how you felt, his weird pretend that you did a few times a week could continue and you could have him as your’s in the little world you made. 
“Look at me,” Vox’s clawed hand wrapped around your bicep, forcing you to face him. “What if a girl got her hopes up? What if a guy got his hopes up?”
“What are you-?” 
“What if we made this real?” Vox asked, not giving you a chance to think, breath or get your bearings. “What if we stopped hiding this little thing we got? What if we let it out into the world?” 
“I come here and it’s the best damn time of my week. We order dinner in and pretend we’re out. We sneak away in the offices and pretend we’re not hiding. Why are we hiding?” 
“We’re hiding because VoxTek is perfection and I’m not.” You need him to be sure. You couldn’t stand the idea of shattering that little thing between you that you kept safe in the confines of your apartment. 
“Who says you’re not?” Vox’s voice rose but he quickly schooled it as he stepped into your space, looking down at you. “You’re perfect in my eyes, Doll. I fucking love you and I don’t want to hide that.”
“I love you too.” 
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tavyliasin · 9 months
Villain-Fucker Angst Hours
Good timezone, darlings~ Are you ready to get all up in your feelings? No? Me neither, loves, but here we are regardless so the words are going to flow as they usually do... This is focused on Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3 and his fandom, but the latter section can easily apply to any villain fandom.
Self-Analysis of Devil-Fuckery, Or Why Do I Adore Raphael When He Is Very Obviously Evil: A Short Essay by TavyliaSin (Who Still Cannot Name Anything With Less Than A Full Paragraph) ((NSFW)) (((Game Spoilers)))
The following may discuss heavier topics, but without specifics, so whilst it should be safe for most to read without triggering any difficult memories please be aware of Raphael's entire vibes, the content and context of his story, and I'd also like to mention that this isn't a "woe be us for we are terrible people" piece, it's actually more about:
"There is an inherent kindness and warmth to much of the Raphael fandom, and I think there could be some common threads behind that, pulling us all in closer in a comforting blanket that we wrap around each other to keep out the cold of the world."
So, what in the nine hells am I on about? Well. Raphael-fandom is a wild and wonderful place to be. The rest is in sections, so feel free to skip through to what you feel is relevant to your interests. I am so prone to waffle I should open a restaurant~
Who Are Fans Of Raphael? What Do They Want?
We are feral, unhinged, all sheets to the wind "I want that devil man, carnally, and there is no force in all the planes that could stop me". There's the vanilla to the extreme and every level in between, tops, bottoms, versatiles, Doms, subs, and switches - there are a whole lot of people who would love to get their hands on either (or both) of Raphael's forms, for a simple smooch or something far more spicy~ [edited in] To add on to this, not all of us even desire him in a sexual way, for many it is romantic, soft, or even just the rather pleasant thought of spending an evening with drinks by the hellfire because he would be fascinating company. Aces, Aros, and AroAces may all find themselves well within the devilish corners of fandom too~ which is a whole other essay~ [end edit] So, I see you. I'm one of you. Extremely loud and utterly hingeless in my fan appreciation for Raphael. He's one of my favourites to write about, I seek art of him, and the same goes for his mirrored other half, Haarlep, who I arguably love more despite there being far less content of them in the game.
And the Fandom? The Vibe?
From my experience in the Raphael Fandom areas, we have a very deep and abiding understanding of consent, respect, and treating each other with an absolute and uncompromising kindness. We've had talks about keeping each other safe in fandom, exchanged details of people we have encountered who need to be avoided, even shared details between moderators of different fandom servers to pre-ban people proven to be creeps and/or art thieves. We've also discussed consent, including the issues with it in the game, and how areas of the story can only really be considered dubious at best and could easily be triggering for people. And these discussions have been open, honest, fair, and with the acknowledgement that most of us love these scenes anyway. So there's a sense of care that runs through everything, behind the horny-posting and fan content, behind the endless thirsting after our favourite fictional characters. We have a depth of kindness that warms my sinners soul every time I see it.
What Does This Have To Do With Self-Reflection, Raphael, or Villainy In General?
Well let's look at Raphael. He's a villain, obviously. He's manipulative, devious, and inherently evil by his very nature. He keeps Hope chained in his basement, constantly subjected to endless torture. There's also mention of how Gortash was sold into his service at a young age, clearly not an enjoyable experience given the other details and how things turn out (particularly as Raphael would need Gortash's own plans to fail entirely in order for him to succeed in his own and get that crown). And as fans, we accept that. We don't sit making excuses, or trying to say "well actually Gortash is a little shit and Hope probably deserve it", and we don't shy away from or conveniently ignore those darker sides of him with malicious intent to enable more evil to flourish. What I noticed, when I allowed the thoughts to continue, is that there is a theme here.
If Evil Can Be Loved Then So Can I
That's the core. Of course, darlings, I am not claiming to be a heinous monster. I certainly do not have a laundry list of crimes that would make the devil himself say "Uh, that's a bit much." But I sure as fuck treat myself like I do sometimes. You see, I think a lot of us have that tendency, to judge ourselves far more harshly than anyone else. Our patience, understanding, and forgiveness for others runs deeper than the Mariana Trench, but when it comes to our own flaws? One minor mistake and we think ourselves to be the worst beings ever to disgrace the earth. Thus, the villainy we see reflects how we are treating ourselves. So by loving and accepting all of those things that should be terrible, hated, we are actually learning that no matter how poorly we think of ourselves that we can be worthy of that same love and acceptance. We are extending the affection we are unable to show ourselves to someone we see the worst parts of ourselves amplified within. And that's why villains attract the people with the most kindness. The most forgiveness. Because it takes someone with a truly huge amount of empathy to find love for the embodiment of evil.
Or, IDK, maybe villains are just hot and we're too far down to care.
But wait, before you go!
All of this is about FICTION. We should never be accepting of the kinds of evil we see in the game irl. We do not owe anyone kindness if they do not show it to us.
What is hot in fiction is not always OK IRL.
Look after yourselves out there, remember that consent is key in all things, and please do try to learn to love yourselves, darlings, you are worthy of it and you should judge yourself by the same standard you judge others. If you are in doubt, if you are worried, if you feel afraid - reach out, talk to someone. There are many who will listen.
Treat yourself as you would treat a friend. You deserve that much.
Oh, and all Raphael fans who understand kindness are welcome around me, any hour of the day, I adore our little fandom circles and would gladly collect all of us together. I'm following a lot of you as soon as I find you, like hunting shiny pokemon~
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See you in Avernus, my darling Little Mice, may we all find joy in the Cambion's Embrace~
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teecupangel · 8 months
Ok so I have had an idea. This is a bit of reference to the ratatouille au continuation of Desmond being able to hear us in the animus servers. So picture this, after a while of us talking to Desmond checking up on him and the others. Someone the group chat somehow makes a mod that gives the players (us) avatars to pilot in the servers for a short amount of time, but instead of the bodies being human they're just random animals from mise to crows to hawks and eagles. So here kinda how I think this would go. So all the ancestors are asleep or resting in the servers, meanwhile the person who made the mod adds it into the server and there's a bit of commotion as the person tells everyone else, and so the players get to work making the avatars. Then morning comes around, Desmond and the others wake up and see this excessive about of rodents just gathered around everyone. After a moment of panic and shock for our dear assassins and templars they come to find out that now the voices "inside" Desmond's head are now here ready to try And cause some havack.
Oh don't forget to drink water and eat something l. I hope you have a great day/night
Thank you, nonny! I hope you're having a great day/night too! (And yeah, I'll be eating my dinner after this hahahaha) The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’, its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us and the outside POV of Al Mualim thinking the Apple broke Altaïr and the sidestory of Altaïr accidentally connecting with Ezio while looking for Desmond
Here’s the horror-esque version of this AU for this interested in that kind of setup.
Alright, confession time. When I was writing for the voices, my brain immediately to the ‘chat windows’ that popped up in Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint and in The Perks Of Being An S Class Heroine.
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Then I thought, you know what would be funny? If it was like an actual chatbox with our preferred avatar kinda like this:
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To make this stranger, all the avatar are like stock photos of animals and plants. This way, when their avatar finally comes to form, Desmond will be surrounded by various animals.
What happens to the ones who chose plant avatars?
My initial idea was that they would be floating plants like a leaf or a flower just floating in the air.
But then I realized…
We’re crazy enough to band together and create a ‘strange’ unique flower crown to put on Desmond’s head.
The ones that transformed into animals would go “That’s not fair! Why do you guys get to be that close to Desmond?!”
“Plant ftw, bitches!!!” A dandelion of all things would shout out, accidentally blowing itself up and floating away from Desmond, “Fuck!”
A second passed and the dandelion glitches out of existence.
Only to glitch back into the (technically floating) flower crown on Desmond’s head.
“Hey, guys, did you know it cost 1000 Helix to respawn? Fucking Ubi████.”
For those who don’t care about Ubisoft’s monetization scams (as you should), 1000 Helix is more or less $10 and they don’t sell 1000 Helix, they sell the small pack for $9.99 and it gives 1050 Helix. For reference, AC Valhalla’s complete sets (full armor + 2 weapons + mount and raven skin) usually cost around 1500 Helix.
So yeah… even though the ‘players’ have spawned in Desmond’s world, they are still haunted by monetization. (This does mean Desmond has gotten himself an immortal army of plants and animals)
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thenewausten · 7 months
Quackity realising he's in love with a brazilian streamer HC's! 🇧🇷
Everything started when he invited you to join the QSMP server with Cellbit, Felps and TazerCraft, you were a brazilian streamer and youtuber and just like the others you played a bunch of weird games (and Minecraft as well). The first time he saw your face he thought you were so beautiful and even got a little nervous to send you a message on Instagram (lmao) but he did and you answer, being super attentive to him and of course accepting being part of the server!
You and Alex became friends very fast, always being chaotic together on the server and always flirting as a joke (you'd ask him if he wants to marry you so he could be the first one to get married on the server).
In real life, I can imagine you guys being awake until late night talking about your life's, thoughts, feelings and experiences. As a brazilian myself I think we have a lot in common with his mexican culture so you guys would talk for hours about your cultures, he'd show you mexican songs or bands like Los Tigres del Norte and you'd show him Mamonas Assassinas* (I'd give anything to see him reacting to this band). Also, he'd teach you how to do guacamole and you'd teach him how to do brigadeiro* as well!
I think he'd fall in love with you first and would realise it while streaming your both wedding on the QSMP, listening to your voice as you say how much you love and care for him, or even better, for q!quackity. He'd think he's confusing his feelings with the feelings of his character but his heart would be pounding so fast in his chest as you both talked later off-stream he thought he could have an anxiety attack. "Hmm, hey... I need to go, I have to work on the next event of QSMP, sorry..." He'd say to you, looking at your face on the screen of his phone. "Oh, sure. It's okay! Bye, husband!" You'd joke around calling him husband and he'd be dead for the rest of the night and the next day, thinking he was so fucked up to fall in love with someone who just wanted his friendship and lived so far away from him.
Alex didn't know you felt the same, after a couple weeks you'd realise the way you've been reacting when you talk to him. Something was different. Just like him, you thought you'd be confusing your feelings because all of the marriage lore on the server but why would you blush every damn time he'd say you are beautiful and not only that but an amazing person as well?!
You'd talk with Cellbit about it, not knowing Quackity did the same. Cellbit would say you should talk to him about it and said the same to Alex before (he's our Rodrigo Faro*).
Quackity decided he'd open his heart to you in the QSMP meeting in Brazil, he'd have to wait a couple weeks but it didn't matter, he loved you so he'd wait to see your face in real life even if you didn't love him back in this way.
Part 2???
I decided to write Quackity with a brazilian girl because I don't see a lot in here and there's a lot of brazilian's out there, so this is for all my brazilian people <3
If you're not brazilian, here's the explanation of what I marked with the *:
Mamonas Assassinas was an iconic brazilian band in 1995-1996, their music changed Brazil in that time, bringing happiness, laughter and excitement in a time where all the brazilian's needed it. They did what was never done before in Brazil and they did something someone could never do again. Unfortunately, in March of 1996 they passed away in a plane crash bringing sadness to all of our people. However, they're gone but not forgotten, they live in our hearts <3
Brigadeiro is a typical brazilian candy, it's made with chocolate, condensed milk and butter (it's very good, btw).
Rodrigo Faro is a TV presenter, in his program there's a thing called "Vai dar namoro" ("Will date" is the literal traducion of that) and people go there to meet other people so they can go on a date, lol.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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To Have & To Hold: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel - Moon Knight (Mafia AU)
Pairing: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader, Jake Lockley x F!Reader
Summary: To ensure you’re always safe even after his passing, your father, a mob boss, makes you marry his right hand, Marc Spector. You don’t necessarily hate Marc, but you don’t get along either. Therefore, this marriage of convenience may be a bit difficult for you.
Series Masterlist
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You and Marc sit across from each other at a restaurant. Your father had made a reservation for the two of you in a private room. You slump back, arms crossed over your chest, glaring at the bubbles in your champagne.
Marc sits up, back straight. He's alert but his eyes are on you, watching you. It's been fairly silent between the two of you since you both arrived to the restaurant.
He finally speaks up, "You gonna speak or somethin'?"
"Why would you agree to this?" you look at him in disbelief, "I mean, besides being my dad's successor in the business, what could you possibly gain marrying me?"
"Is it hard to believe that I care about you?" he responds with his own question which makes you snort.
"Marc, yes, you've worked for my father for a long time. We see each other a lot, but I wouldn't necessarily count us as friends."
A server comes and refills your glass, even though you've barely had a sip, and refills Marc's whiskey. Marc gives him a nod of thanks and when they're gone, he looks back to you. He leans forward, resting his arms on the table, "Listen, I owe your father a lot. He's done a lot for me. You wanna know why I'm marrying you? Because I owe him and, despite your belief, I care about you."
You scoff, you seem to be doing that a lot since earlier today, "Right, sure. Whatever. If we're actually going through with this, I get to plan ninety percent of this wedding. Got it?"
Marc holds his hands up and leans back in his chair, "Whatever you want, sunshine." He proceeds to open the menu and take a look, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving and I'm tired of waiting for you to get out with this mood," he waves his hand in your direction.
You roll your own eyes and take a look at the menu. This is going to be a long dinner.
Plates empty, stomachs full, and three glasses of champagne later, the dinner was finally over. You and Marc made, surprisingly, good conversation. He asked you about your charity organization. Throughout the entire time, Marc kept his focus on you, nodding and occasionally pushing for you to share more.
You asked about him, however, he wasn't very keen to talk about his past. You understood. You remember when he started working for you dad. All your father told you was that he's had a troubled past, but he gets stuff done. So your father took him under his wing. From what Marc told you, he was a former Marine and mercenary.
"I wanted to serve my country but...in the process, I hurt a lot of people." You could see the regret in his eyes.
"No offense, Marc, but if you don't like hurting people, getting into the mafia business isn't necessarily a way to-I don't know-cleanse your soul?"
He shrugged, "I learned to turn that all off. I don't always rough people up, like you may think. I do reconnaissance sometimes or, ya know, trail after Miss Sunshine," he nodded towards you and you stuck your tongue at him. He smirked and his eyes darkened. You suddenly felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze and began to down more of your champagne.
Now, the dinner is over and you're sleepy.
You stand up and collect your things. Neither of you had to pay because the server told you that your father handled it. As the two of you exited the restaurant, Marc's hand went to your lower back as he guided you to the sidewalk.
"Did you drive here?"
You shake your head, "Nope. I took an uber. They should be here soon."
"Cancel it." Marc doesn't ask but demands.
You wave away his demand, "I'll be fine."
"Y/N," he gives you a warning tone, "Cancel. It."
You glare at him and say with as much ferocity, "Make. Me."
He swiftly pulls your phone from your grasp and you're immediately trying to get it back.
"Wah-hey! Marc! Give it back!" your pleads are deaf on his ears as he manages to unlock your phone, go to the Uber app, and cancels your ride. As soon as he does so, he pockets your phone.
On cue, the valet drives up with Marc's car, "Get in." He opens the passenger door for you and waits.
You sigh in defeat as you climb into his Rolls Royce Cullinan. He closes the door behind you and hands the valet some cash before thanking him and getting in.
He snorts when he sees you checking out his car, "What's wrong?"
"Didn't expect you to have a car like this."
"Seatbelt on," he reminds you. After he sees you buckle up, he explains, "I never had anything super nice. Figured since your dad paid me so well, I'd buy a nice car."
"You seemed like a Tesla guy to me."
"Fuck Tesla," Marc says and that makes you laugh for some reason. His own smile makes a way on his face and he quickly glances your way before focusing back on the road.
A part of you wants to compliment his smile but...is that weird? Is it weird to tell your future fiance that you're being forced to marry that his smile is nice? Maybe?
Too many mental gymnastics made you eventually decide not to say thing. The rest of the ride is silent, but not an awkward or tense silence like before dinner started.
He doesn't say anything until the car rolls up to your apartment building. He quickly rushes out and helps you out, guiding you to the door, where your doorman, Stan, opens it for you.
Before you enter, you turn to Marc, "Um, tonight was...nice?"
He nods, "I know this is gonna be hard for you. But I would like to be friends if we're marrying each other."
"Right. Yeah, that-that makes sense."
"You'll probably be seeing more of me too."
"Of course," you're suddenly unsure of what else to say Marc and he could probably sense this.
"Good night, sunshine. Sweet dreams."
"Yeah, thanks. You too." you give him a small wave before walking into your building. Through the window, you watch him drive away.
When you're finally in your apartment, you get into your jammies and launch yourself into bed. You recall how tonight and...wait...why do you feel all fluttery inside???
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freakinator · 3 months
Zam: "The worst part about this is that, y'know, I actually... I-I kind of enjoyed working with you, but... I dunno... I-- again I-- I mean, I know how you work. I know how you are. I know what you do."
Zam: "You betray, and... I'm not gonna give you the chance to do that to my empire 'cause I care too much about it."
Wemmbu: "Bro, I haven't... I haven't... betrayed a single-- a-and I get that I've done that in the past but, like, I.."
Wemmbu: "I just haven't done anything like that on this server. I-I-- dude."
Zam: "Doesn't matter, Wemmbu, I'm not... I'm not taking any risks."
Wemmbu: "Are you not gonna kill me now, though? Heh."
Zam: "No!"
Wemmbu: "Why--"
Zam: "I have no reason to, what are you gonna do?" [laugh]
Zam: "There's no need to." [laugh]
Wemmbu: "You're gonna--" [chuckle]
Zam: "There's no need to chunk ban you either--"
[explosions go off in bg for the rest of the conversation]
Zam: "--I'll let you... y'know, I'll just-- I'll just let you, like, y'know, just live in it. Live in the moment. Uhh, enjoy your time. Live out-- Live out your days, do whatever you want, I don't really care."
Zam: "You're not a threat."
Zam: "Y'know you can just-- you can just move on from all this-- this empire stuff, you can go... just go back to whatever it was you were doing before you ever met me, before you ever met... anyone else on the server, just- just go back to being Wemmbu, just go... just go do Wemmbu things."
Zam: "Y--[wheeze] Y'know the funniest part about all of this? You shouldn't even be mad right now because this is-- these are my materials that I'm blowing up. Just to send a message."
Zam: "There's-- [chuckles] There's no reason for you to be upset about this, I gave you all this stuff. Maybe you spent the time on it but, like, who really cares? Just..."
Zam: "Just move on to something better, move on to something else."
Zam: "Uhh... and don't... don't-- don't mess with me. In any way, shape, or form, alright, let this be a lesson to you."
Zam: [giggles]
Zam: "Ahh, what a wonderful day."
Wemmbu: "Y'know what's funny, Zam?"
Zam: "Yeah?"
Wemmbu: "You think I'm not a threat and yet, somehow..."
Wemmbu: "With your prisons, you couldn't even stop literally the most helpless player on the server, Parrot--"
(overlapping) Zam: [laughs]
(overlapping) Wemmbu: "--from... from breaking into them and freeing everyone."
Wemmbu: "You couldn't even hold Spoke... for, like, a week."
Wemmbu: "And this is your--"
Zam: "Mmhmm."
Wemmbu: "--little sad attempt... at having control over that sort of situation again."
Zam: "Mmm."
Zam: "That's what you think, Wemmbu, that's what you think."
Wemmbu: "That's what I think?"
Zam: "Yeah..."
Wemmbu: "Alright..."
Wemmbu: "Ha-- You know what's funny though?"
Zam: "Yeah?"
Wemmbu: "I don't think you realize but Clown has already failed to kill Parrot."
Zam: "Really?"
Zam: "Parrot's a little slippery guy, I'm not... I mean, like..."
(overlapping) Wemmbu: [laugh] "That's just--"
(overlapping) Zam: "It's-- It's-- It's a little shocking."
Wemmbu: "That's-- That's the opposite of the truth, Parrot... Parrot is the easiest guy to capture or trick and yet y-you still.. are so incompetent you can't even do it yourself."
Wemmbu: "And now-- heh."
Zam: "Mmhmm."
Wemmbu: "And you think just placing a bunch of TNT in... in th-- in these builds i-i-i-is, like..."
Wemmbu: "I dunno, bro. Y-Y-- [chuckle]. You're a funny guy, Zam, you're a funny guy."
Zam: "Yeah?"
Zam: [chuckle] "Oh, Wemmbu..."
Zam: "Hey, if you continue messing with me there will be plenty of chances, I'm sure. But... I'm-- I'm giving you the chance to, y'know, walk away from all of this."
(overlapping) Wemmbu: "Zam. I haven't... I haven't messed with you."
(overlapping) Zam: "I feel like you should take that in good faith."
Wemmbu: "I haven't messed with you once, Zam."
Wemmbu: "I literally..."
Zam: "You said you were gonna kill me the second you get the chance."
Wemmbu: "When did I say that?!"
Zam: "During the trial chambers! Remember?"
Wemmbu: "Bro, I was just [while laughing] yapping, bro, when-- why would I kill you?"
Zam: "Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. I know how you work, Wemmbu."
Wemmbu: "Bro."
Zam: "Y-- As soon as it becomes convenient for you--"
(overlapping) Wemmbu: "Bro, this entire time, bro."
(overlapping) Zam: "--you definitely were going to kill me."
Wemmbu: "It was never convenient for me this entire time to protect your stupid vault, I didn't even go in it until, like..."
Zam: [giggle]
Wemmbu: "Until I knew for a fact that you were against me."
Zam: "Mmhmm."
Wemmbu: "I was nothing but loyal, bro."
Wemmbu: "Every single day, Egg would ask me if we could break in the vault because what you were saying made no sense and I trusted you."
Wemmbu: "You made a massive mistake here, Zam."
Zam: [laugh] "If it's a mistake then prove it to me 'cause, I-I dunno, right now from-- from what I'm looking at, Wemmbu, a shoeless-- a shoeless player, from what I'm looking at right now, uhh, this doesn't feel like a mistake to me at all. I feel like I've, uhh, made the right choice."
Zam: "I don't need someone as weak as you in my empire."
Wemmbu: "Alright, bro."
Zam: [chuckle]
[explosions go off in bg]
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I went scrolling through anti ao3 tags and blogs because I was bored and not doing the shit I need to do and you know for a group of people who every year twice a year throw such hissy fits you’d think they’d at least have a point, but all their arguments make no sense(except their one main one that they almost never use?--why??) Like ok, there is one argument for why people shouldn’t give money to ao3, and that is the argument that ao3 is bad website because it has bad policies and refuses to moderate. I disagree, but ultimately if someone thinks that ao3 should update the TOS and moderate what fan fiction they allow, it makes sense that that person would be against the site making money because… well they are against the sites founding principles, I’m not shocked they don’t want it to succeed.
But the rest of the arguments!? Man they make no sense at all
“They are scamming you there is no way they need that much money”, ”its immoral to give money to ao3 because they already have so much!”, “Even if ao3 was perfect, its ridicuslous to give 100K to a fan fiction site!” — like… maybe I’m the asshole here, but ao3 made about 250,000 this spring, so they make about 500,000 a year… that’s just not that much money! That could what, pay for 10-30 employees at best! And that’s not counting the actual cost of all the shit they currently spend their money on! I get that ao3 is run by unpaid volunteers so antis think that 500K is a lot, but that’s not true! That’s not a lot of money at all! It might be a lot of money for an individual but for a company that’s practically pennies. Wikipedia, which granted is a lot bigger than ao3, with 57,218,269 pages to ao3s 6 million works, makes 155 million to ao3 500,000. According to antis ao3 has over a million in reserve and well according to wikipedia they have net assets of US$240 million. One is clearly more than the other!
I saw someone say that servers should be 1K, which is so stupid and out of touch with eveything I almost died laughing. I had a project using firebase this semester, I created 2 projects within firebase one for my school project and one to dick around and figure out. I accidentally set my test database to a “pay as you go” version instead of a free version. And almost had to pay a thousand dollars for the month! I wasn’t even using that database it was just sitting there but I check my google billing to make sure I wasn’t paying anything and it turns out I was! 150 dollars actually so that sucks! (My fault though)
Also also I keep seeing that its ridiculous and evil to pay the much for a site that “doesn’t improve” but the “doesn’t improve” is referring to A) no changes in TOS, which I don’t want to happen any way so good. B) the fact that it’s still in beta, which I don’t give a fuck about and I don’t understand why I should care. I think antis are dont like that the layout hasn’t changed but I don’t want to the layout to change. Also things come out of beta because they are a commercial product to be sold(this is very simplified), which is why some things come out of beta to waaaay to early and are glitchy as all hell! Ao3 isn’t being sold to me its slowly being built and archiving things that would probably be lost, and it will probably technically be in beta forever, but it doesn't effect me and I don't care. Would it be better if it came out of beta only to continously updated like a lot other shit does. I don't really play video games but I know ppl that do so I know at least once a game came out that didn't really work and people needed to later update shit for it to function and I'd argue thats worse than a functional website just being in beta forever. C) The claim that it hasn’t changed at all, which is just not true! They added the exclude section and eventually added the blocking shit. The blocking took too long to come out, so I guess in this sea of dumb criticism theres at least 1 piece of critism that makes sense. And finally again I don’t want it to change! Every other week we are all bitching that Tumblr or YouTube or Instagram or any other app are needlessly changing the layout or adding shit we don’t want in order to keep up with latest trends, make it more marketable or try and attracted new users. Ao3 is great because its never going to change. Ao3 and Craigslist will always kinda look like ass and I’m ok with that. If it aint broke ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I could keep going but there is no point. I just think they are all so stupid.
The thing about beta is the funniest because AO3, like oldschool shit from the 90s, has actual criteria for coming out of beta.
It's not "we've been going for 10 years" or "we want to sell the product": it's "we've checked off all the things on this checklist".
And they still haven't done them all, so it's still in beta.
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
Jwct countdown May 16-17 -> post-nublar shenanigans:
So, I had so many ideas for this prompt, and ended up only doing two. I will be writing more of them and maybe I'll put some of them on tumblr but a lot of them are going to go towards my fanfictions. I'm not used to this multiple point of view thing with limited action and so many characters so the 1st part is a little wonky. I really love the 2nd one; it's shorter than I'd like it to be but I'll probably end up lengthening it later on. Enjoy!
“I mostly play with the dinosaur mods,” Darius says. “Can we add—”
The loud chorus of “No!”s is unmistakably noticeable especially with his headphones on. He has to lift them from his ears for a moment while the group settles down.
“No offense, D, but I’ve had enough dinosaurs for a lifetime,” Kenji tells him. “I’m gonna make the server.” 
Brooklynn groans. “Don’t name it anything stupid, Kenji.” 
“I don’t even know why you bother,” Yaz says, propping her bandaged ankle up on her desk chair leg rest.  
“Too late,” comes Kenji’s response. “I just sent you guys the server invite.”
Groans are heard all throughout headphones when they see the server named “trauma-craft.”
“Really, Kenji?” Sammy questions. “That’s not even remotely funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, just join the server.”
“Hey, guys,” Ben says. “How do I join the server?”
Brooklynn sighs. “Oh my God, Ben really?”  
“I’ve never played!”
Darius and Brooklynn give Ben the run-down while the others join the server. 
“What I’m most surprised about is that Yaz, of all people, has already played minecraft,” Kenji teases. He’s loaded into the world but so far it’s just him.
“Shut the hell up, Kenji,” is what Yaz tells him. She’s next to load in and the first thing she does is punch Kenji.
Sammy giggles. “You have to admit, Yaz, you’re not the type of person you'd think plays minecraft.” Her character spawns right next to Yaz.
Yasmina scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Darling. Don’t worry about it.”
“All right, I think I got the hang of it,” Ben says. He, Brooklynn, and Darius finally join the game. 
“The gang’s all here,” Kenji says triumphantly. He makes his avatar run around in circles as he sips from a (non-carob) juice box. 
“Well, I think it’s obvious what we do next,” says Sammy. They all respond at once. 
“Go mining,” Yaz says. 
“Build a house,” comes Darius’ response.
“Make weapons?” Is Ben’s suggestion. 
“Explore the map, obvi,” Brooklynn says.
There’s a moment of silence. Then comes Kenji’s voice. “Guys, guys. I think it’s obvious what we do first: punch a tree.”
“What I was going to say was we should go looking for a cute biome to live in,” Sammy answers. 
Hey guys, Ben texts the group chat one day when he’s visiting Yaz in South Carolina. Yaz and I are going to get our ears pierced together.
It was a completely random decision that they made. Ben’s mom just so happened to have some work in South Carolina to take care of so Ben tagged along to pay one of his closest friends a visit. They had been hanging out at Yasmina’s house all day, just chilling and playing games, when Ben says, “We should get our ears pierced.”
Yasmina looks up from the deck of cards she’s holding. “I already have my ears pierced, Dummy.”
“Okay, well yeah, but I’ve been thinking of getting mine done.”
“Sick,” Yaz says. “Do you think your mom’ll go for it?” 
“I mean, yeah probably.” He flops down on Yaz’s bed and stares at the ceiling. “My mom has been crazy nice to me lately. I think she feels guilty about sending me to Nublar.”
“Sending your kids to their presumed death will do that to you,” Yaz hums. “But yeah, my mom feels guilty about it too but it’s not their fault. We should be blaming Wu and the maniacs who made that place.”
“Oh, believe me. If I ever see Wu’s face again, I’m jumping his ass.”
Yaz smiles. “Perfect, we can tag-team him together.” The two fist bump and Yaz sets down her set of cards. “Now that you mention it… I wouldn’t mind getting a second piercing and Mom would totally let me. Do you think Sammy would like it?”
Ben laughs at the question. “I think Sammy would like anything you do. You could shave all of your hair off and she’d still love you. Have you guys said it yet, anyways? The “L” word? And no, I don’t mean lesbian.”
Yaz clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Yep, we have.”
“Yaz!” Ben exclaims, gripping Yasmina by the shoulders and shaking her while she fights the smile growing on her face. 
She ducks her head down to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Anyways, let’s go ask our moms about getting our ears pierced.”
And that’s how Yaz and Ben end up at a tattoo parlor (don’t go to Claire’s, kids) sitting next to each other as they wait to get their ears pierced. 
WHAT!? OMG SEND PICS WHEN YOUR DONE, comes Brooklynn’s reply. 
When Ben sets his phone down he begins tapping his finger against the seat’s armrest. “Is it bad I’m getting kind of scared,” he asks, watching the man prepare the needle.
Yasmina rolls her eyes and laughs. “Man up, Pincus. What happened to the Ben who defeated Toro?”
At that Ben’s face reddens. When he said it back on the island a kajillion times, it was like a badge of honor, but back home on the mainland, whenever he told anyone they looked at him like they would a person who just lost an arm in a war: with pity.  “Yea, yea. You’re right,” he says. 
Their parents are waiting up front so it’s just the two of them until the piercers come up to them, needles primed. “Are you guys ready?”
Ben looks at Yaz for a split second and then nods to them. “Hold my hand,” he says, stretching his arm out towards Yasmina. She groans but holds it anyway. 
Ben takes it like a champ. He hardly even notices when the needle pierces through his skin and the earring he chose is placed in the new hole. The second ear goes just as smoothly.
Yasmina isn’t as lucky. 
She’s gotten her ears pierced before, back when she was younger, so she’s relaxed up until the point the piercer disappears behind her head. She’s right by Yaz’s ear and on the very edge of her sight to the point where Yaz can’t even see her, but her presence is certainly there. 
Deep down, she knows that she’s not on Nublar and the woman right next to her isn’t a dinosaur coming to sink its teeth into her neck but her mind is a sick little thing that loves to seize her with fear. Yasmina closes her eyes but the image of Nublar won’t disappear and she’s certain that Blue is approaching her, hunting her. She has to run—but she can’t.
Ben’s calm until he notices Yasmina’s hand tighten around his and he glances at her to find her eyes shut tight and her knuckles turning white from gripping the armrest. The woman finishes with her just as quickly as Ben had but even when she walks away, Yaz is still hunched over and what hair that’s not in her ponytail shades her face. 
“Yaz,” he says, hesitantly. “You good?”
“Mhm,” she responds, but Ben can tell that she’s not really there. He doesn’t know why he bothered asking when the answer was so plain to see, however he does know that he has to help her in some way. He knows Yaz isn’t one for touch but when he tries to pull away, her grip tightens around his wrist. “It’s over, Yaz,” he says. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
It takes a moment but eventually Yaz’s grip loosens and she sits up a little straighter. She’s still staring at the floor, though, and avoiding his gaze. 
 “Do you want some water?” Ben asks, before digging through his fanny pack which he still makes a habit of wearing. He takes out a mini water bottle and hands it to Yasmina who accepts it gratefully and downs it all in one gulp. “Thanks,” she whispers once she’s done. 
“Of course,” Ben tells her. 
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moodywyrm · 1 year
hi mooney!
i just wanted to share my thoughts on abby n chubby reader (this was definitely NOT based on personal experience or anything) uhm, maybe slight trigger warning for implying an eating disorder?
maybe abby took reader out for lunch or something n absentmindedly said something about reader eating a big meal, (ex. "baby, you sure you're gonna eat all that?") not even meaning it in a bad way but reader thinking abby's suggesting she eat a little less, so reader just loses her appetite and goes kinda silent n doesn't say anything for the rest of lunch cs it reminds her of things her exes have said abt her; abby jus thinking she's sleepy, it goes on for like a couple days n abby getting worried cs her girl is eating less than usual n it's starting to affect her, like reader being more silent, slightly shaking a bit cs of how little she's eating n sleeping more cs her not eating is leading to less energy n it's jus reader falling back into how she used to treat herself before she met abby
abby finally decides to confront reader n reader jus letting the flood gates open n SOBBING to abby about how she thinks abby doesn't love her anymore n how she's sorry for eating so much n just saying how she's trying to get rid of the weight by not eating as much to get her body used to it.
abby is absolutely SHOCKED n confused on why her sweet angel is doing this n when reader explains what abby said, abby jus feels so bad n gives reader the best comfort n reassuring her that she meant nothing by it ["baby i swear! i didnt know :( jus didn't want you getting a tummy ache cs you ate a big breakfast too but i didnt mean you should stop taking care of yourself! :(( ] n abby jus making all of reader's favorite foods n making sure her girl is gettin all her nutrients n stuff in n jus being super comforting by letting reader cry some more n stuff
sorry if this is so long, jus had this thought bobbing around my head n needed to share it with someone :( feel free to get to this anytime ♡︎ hope you're having an amazing day/night
(also, could i be 💌 or 🐇 anon?)
TW: disordered eating, internalized fatphobia + hatred
hi baby! 1) imma choose 💌 bc it's so cute! 2) I'll say it, I have had this experience before (though admittedly without the sweet masc to help me out), so let's go! of course, trigger warning for disordered eating and general discomfort around food and body image. if you can't or don't want to read that, avoid this. avoid it like the plague.
it all started with a comment. you and abby were having brunch after class, as a treat for you having just submitted a huge assignment. and you're starving! you had no time before class to eat, and then your class was an eighty minute chunk. so you're so hungry, and you order a full meal, a smoothie plus a California club and sides! grapefruit, onion rings, fries. (obviously if you have any allergies or preferences, just imagine it's something else for this. the actual food isn't critical to the plot). and when you tell the server your order and they leaves, Abby turns to you and says "You gonna eat all of that, baby?"
and of course she doesn't mean it in a shamey, how-could-you-eat-all-of-that way. she meant it in a can-you-eat-all-of-that-without-getting-a-tummy-ache way. but that's not how it registered. and it makes you feel sick, even when you answer "maybe I'll just take the leftovers"
you definitely end up taking the leftovers, because you get maybe two bites into the sandwich, nibbling on the sides, and decide to just finish the smoothie. you have basically your entire meal untouched, and abby gets full off her own meal, so you have two containers of leftovers to take home, which makes you feel so shitty. and you can hear every negative voice in your head rise up, from family members to peers to exes, everyone who ever fatshamed you and made you feel wrong for trying to nourish your body.
you're quiet all the way home, quiet for days after. abby just assumes you're tired, knowing that you have a lot of school work. and partly, she's right. you are tired. you're fuckign exhausting because you're eating maybe one meal a day, (not) sustaining yourself on coffee and water, doing all of your assignments with no energy whatsoever. and you're fighting yourself, not knowing how to bring it up to abby. that it's not because of what she said, she didn't mean it, but it kind of is because of what she said. and it hurts so fucking bad. so yeah, you're exhausted.
it all comes to a head when you're sitting, kneeling, in front of your mirror, doing your makeup or just getting ready, and when you stand up, you nearly pass out. you're so lightheaded, slamming your hand out to the wall, trying not to fall over. your vision swims, and you try to stabilize yourself. abby, who was sitting at her desk, immediately gets up, practically flying to you and holding you up.
"shit, baby, are you okay?" and she sounds so concerned, you fucking break. the tears are so fast, you don't stand a chance at stopping them. you're standing there, sobbing, and abby is terrified. because she doesn't know why. so she gently guides you over the bed, still crying, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and trying to get you to a state where you can talk.
it takes about fifteen minutes, but you get there, still crying, still hiccuping out sobs, but at least somewhat intelligible.
"I just. I know you didn't mean it to be mean. But last week, at the restaurant, when you asked if I was gonna eat all of the food and-" You can't keep talking because it all floods back to you and you're crying again, clinging to abby like a lifeline, chest hurting from the sobs. But now Abby gets it. She remembers what she said and she figures out how it might've sounded and now she feels like shit. Because she never wanted to hurt you, but intent doesn't matter right now because she did hurt you.
"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to say it like that, and I'm so sorry my words hurt you. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I only asked because I didn't want your stomach to hurt, but I should have worded it so much better. I never, ever, want you to feel guilty about eating, or anything, with me."
You're still crying, still clinging to her, but trying to get the words out. "It's okay baby, I should've" hiccup "should've talked to you, told you how I felt but I just froze" hiccup "and I was so scared you would think I was gross, so I stopped eating so much but that didn't help anything-" and again, you're crying so hard your head hurts, and now Abby is crying, sniffling, trying to hide it because this is about you and she knows if you hear her crying you'll worry about her. So she presses a kiss to your head, rubbing her hands up and down your back.
"I wish you would have talked to me, but I know it's scary and hard and it's so easy in theory. But I'm so sorry I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me. I will always be here for you, baby, always." and when she here's you whisper out a small "I love you", she hauls you into her lap. You're still crying, because you need to let it out, but Abby doesn't move a fucking inch, holding you for as long as you need.
Once you've calmed down enough to move to the couch, Abby gets to work cooking you your favorite meal, trying not to overload you with so much ood that'll make your tummy hurt, but trying to give you a good, balanced dinner after a week of hurt. Sitting at the kitchen island, watching you eat pasta with some lingering trepidation but an overwhelming amount of trust on your face, she would never trade that moment for anything, Abby knows that, for the rest of her life, she wants to take care of you. Wants you to live a life where food isn't pain or punishment, and you're allowed to nourish yourself and enjoy food when you want to.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 13
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: violence, villain death, poison
Summary: Jason hears about something that puts YN in danger and springs into action
Notes: I found a flower that is poisonous and is used in blow darts for the flower in this chapter. I am by no means a botanist or a scientist so please forgive my ignorance if my information is way off. Also, realized I've been spelling Iceberg wrong for years because I, someone who writes a lot, cannot spell nor do I care about spellcheck apparently. I am a liar and a fraud. Very sorry. Thank you!
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Jason sat in one of his safehouses in the Bowery cleaning his guns, again. He couldn't stop his mind running and the only things he could think to do was make sure all his weapons were pristine to keep his thoughts at least distracted by the task of not accidentally shooting himself. He didn't know what to do. It was the night Bruce said YN would be at the Iceberg Lounge getting information about Penguin. She was probably there right now. Should he go? He wanted to go, but he wasn't sure if it was safe. What if she got hurt because he showed up? What if she didn't want to see him? So many thoughts all against the soundtrack of a clown faced madman. He was just finishing his one of his sniper rifles when he got a call from his second in the Narrows. Mac was a reformed drug dealer who now just dealt exclusively in dirty money and he knew almost as much about Gotham as Jason did. He was great when the Red Hood needed to know underground information about some of the normally quieter villains. While he was watching Penguin's dealings at the moment, Mac was watching everyone else. He answered, making sure his voice modulating phone app was working.
"Ya?" he said. He heard someone laughing in the background and had to shake himself to drown out the constant Joker laugh that played in his mind. He had to concentrate.
"Hood, got some interesting information for you," Mac said, then fell silent, waiting to hear what he would get out of it. Jason almost told him he didn't care that night, but something made him curious. He didn't know why but he felt whatever this info was it was going to be life or death.
"You get a bonus for it my friend, 5k," he said. He heard a satisfied grunt from the other end of the phone and then the background was a little quieter as Mac went somewhere private.
"I heard that Poison Ivy is pissed at Penguin for trying to buy up that big ass park in New Gotham," he said. Jason remembered seeing about Penguin trying to make a deal with Bruce Wayne to buy the park that Bruce paid for and carefully curated as a rare flower sanctuary. You could go to any of a dozen greenhouses and see rare flowers from all over the world. It didn't surprise Jason that Ivy would want to keep that. "She's heading over to the Lounge right now, right when it's busiest, she wants to make an example of Penguin and anyone who supports him." Jason stilled, color draining from his face. "Hood?" Jason coughed, mind scrambling.
"Thanks Mac, you'll get that 5k tomorrow," he said before hanging up. He needed to get across town fast. If YN was still in the Lounge...if she...he stopped his mind from racing and looked at his gear. He grabbed his helmet, shoulder holster, and his jacket. The rest would take too long to get on, and he ran out of the safehouse, getting on his bike and breaking every speeding law in the city to get to the Lounge before it was too late.
You weren't sure why you stayed at the Iceberg Lounge after you had talked to your contact. You had what you needed. They had let you into a server room that doubled as an illegal organ theft cooler, taken your pictures and made copies of the digital ledgers that were kept there. If you were smart you would leave before someone either stole your purse or realized you weren't exactly dressed for clubbing and got suspicious. You had planned to sneak out amongst the crowd of dancers at the club, but something about the rough music, it seemed edged in anger that night, kept you on the floor. You danced by yourself, letting months of annoyance, worry, and stress out in a way you hadn't been able to. Sure you threw yourself into work once you realized that Jason wasn't coming back. You left his book on your nightstand, note still attached, but other than that you tried to push him from your mind, stop feeling his hand in yours or seeing that smile or hearing his laugh. You started just working. You got Two-Face caught, and even had given some interesting info on Joker that had him on the run again, you were doing so much that Jim, your friends, even Bruce, were starting to worry you were careening towards a cliff face and if you didn't stop you would fall over the edge. Maybe you would, but at this point you just wanted to feel like you were in control. Somewhere in the back of your mind you thought if you could get all the villains that Jason wanted off the streets, get him his territory, get rid of Joker, maybe he would come back. But right now the music was loud, your body was barely functional, and your mind was starting to feel like something good was coming, so you danced near the edge of the floor, ignoring anyone who came up to dance with you, sometimes sending them away with a glare. You wanted to be alone. That was a lie, you wanted to be with Jason, but you couldn't have that. It didn't help that Red Hood had become a costume just like Batman, people walked around the clubs and streets wearing helmets from costume shops, some of them getting into fights with the idiots donning the cowl. It was like a constant reminder.
A guy approached you with a drink, offering it to you. He said he had something cool for you to see. You rolled your eyes but when you saw the cheap looking way too red helmet you threw the drink in his face. He called you a cunt and walked off and you took a shaky breath. It was time to go. You turned and crashed headlong into the person behind you. You grunted, almost falling, but were caught by a familiar arm around your waist. Your eyes shot up and looked at the very real helmet of Red Hood. You noticed he lacked the body armor, instead just in his undershirt and his leather jacket. You glared and shoved him back.
"Fine, you can be pissed but you have to go now, I have to get you out of here," he said. You barely could understand him above the music but you heard and felt the urgency in him. He grabbed your hand and you allowed him to drag you to an emergency exit door. Just as you got to it the music cut out and the wall opposite crashed in and vines started growing through the opening. "Go!" Jason said, pushing you out the door and closing it behind him. You banged on it, trying to get it opened from it locked from the outside. You screamed for him. He didn't have his armor, what was he doing there without it? You ran to the front entrance where people were desperately trying to get out. The blacked out windows broke as people tried to escape that way. Anyway to get in was blocked by terrified party goers trying to get out. You could hear screaming and gunshots. Finally people started to slow and you found a broken window that no one was currently coming out of. You grabbed a discarded jacket in the alley and put it over the shards, climbing inside, staying to the outside of the room, hiding behind upended tables.
Jason was still facing off against Ivy, guns aimed for her as she towered above him, her precious plants holding her aloft. She seemed to be entertained by him. Several of Penguins men were dead around her and Penguin himself was probably locked away in his office or had already ran to avoid meeting the woman face to face.
"Red Hood, you impress me, why don't we become allies? You get your territory but make sure they leave my precious parks alone," she was saying. Her voice sounded sweet and for a moment you were almost drawn in by it. She must be pumping some kind of pheromone into the room. You saw Jason take a couple steps forward and you almost cried out, but didn't want to distract him. What was he doing?
"That doesn't sound like a half bad idea," he said, lowering his guns. Ivy lowered herself to the ground, walking over to him. He didn't raise his weapons, they hung loose, almost like he was in a trance. You took a breath, scared that maybe he was infected by whatever toxin she was pushing to him. You moved trying to get a better look and fell, making plenty of noise. Ivy looked over and snarled, a vine grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you out onto the floor. You grabbed your switchblade and cut the vine, making her scream. Jason just stood there, but you noticed the hold on his gun tighten again. Shit, he had been luring her in and you had ruined it, stupid. A large white flower appeared in front of you.
"Stay put until I'm finished with my new friend here and then I'll deal with you. I hope you like a slow death," Ivy snarled before turning back to Jason, smiling again. "Now, how about that deal?" She came even closer. "We can seal it with a kiss?" He stood still until she was within arm's reach, then his gun pointed to her head.
"How about no?" he said and fired point blank into her head. You dropped down as the flower fired a poison dart before dropping itself. The vines around you died as their matriarch dropped, eyes staring lifeless. You got up from the ground and turned to see Jason on the ground, the flower dart sticking out of Jason's arm. He grunted, falling to his knees.
"Red Hood!" you yelled, running over, surprised you had kept yourself from calling his actual name. He was on his knees, breathing deep. He pulled the dart out and looked around. He grabbed a stack of napkins and wrapped the dart in them.
"I need...Alfred..." he got out, voice rasping even through the modulator. "Ivy...poison..." You nodded.
"I have a car out back," you said, sliding his arm around your shoulder and standing, staggering a little. Even without his armor he was solid muscle and that wasn't light. "You need to help me or I'm going to fall." He took a haggard breath and stood on his own, still leaning to you. "How much time do we have?"
"Twenty minutes maybe," he said. He let out an agonized cry. You reached over and grabbed his gun from him, keeping it ready in case anybody gave you trouble as you walked into the alley. You saw the line of parked cars belonging to the currently dead Penguin henchmen and picked the closest one, putting Jason in the back. You climbed in and got to hot wiring it. "Thought you said you had a car?"
"I do, I have any car I want," you said. "Now shut up and rest." Your voice was severe because even in this horrible situation you were still mad at him. He disappears for six months, comes back to get you safely away from an attack by Poison Ivy and then goes and gets poisoned? How dare he put you through this roller coaster of emotions. You got the car going and then, safety be damned, sped to Wayne manor. You crashed right through the gate and stopped by the door. Alfred was out the door, gun in his hand, dropping it only when he saw it was you.
"Miss YN, what..." he started until you threw open the back door and dragged the now unconscious Jason from the back. Alfred jumped into action, grabbing him with you and pulling him into the front hall. He locked the door and turned to you.
"What happened?" he asked as you removed Jason's helmet. He looked terrible, pale, lips barely having any pink to them. You told Alfred about the attack, about the poison. "What did the flower look like?" You were glad it had been aimed at you first, in your fear you had memorized its features.
"It was white, with red like tendrils and yellow inside," you said, closing your eyes to remember better. You knew that wasn't how it worked but right now you weren't thinking straight seeing Jason like this. You needed to stop seeing him before you lost control entirely. Alfred nodded.
"Her modified Medusa Flower, find the point of contact" he mumbled, getting up and running towards the kitchen where he kept the antidotes to several of Ivy's poisons. Luckily this was a common poison she used, having modified the flower to actually shoot the poison and the effects to be quick. He got the syringe ready, going to back and knelt down. You had found the puncture and torn off his sleeve so Alfred could get to it, displaying the frightening spread of the black poison through his veins. He injected the antidote directly into the wound. You wondered how long it would take to help him. Alfred frowned when he didn't open his eyes. "Sit him up." You did as asked, sitting him up. Alfred pulled his shirt up and over his head and you set him down, seeing poison. It was still moving, but much slower. "Do you have the dart?"
"Yes," you went through his pockets, careful not to sting yourself. You handed Alfred the dart and he frowned.
"She has continued modifying her poisons," he grumbled. "What I gave him has slowed the poison, let me get into the lab with Master Tim, we will be able to fix this. You nodded. Alfred touched a pin on his lapel and not even five minutes passed before Bruce, Dick, and Tim were all there in the hallway, asking a million questions. Bruce picked up Jason and you followed him upstairs to his old bedroom as Alfred and Tim went down to the cave. Dick followed, arm going around you as you finally started to cry.
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