#idk if this makes any sense if it doesn't dont come for me skldkaskdkl
hopeshoodie · 4 years
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thinking about Ami do be getting me thru another Big Sad so here’s some headcanons (I mean I guess they’re canons because he’s an oc but honestly nothing on this blog is canon so why start now)
definitely went through a ‘wear multiple rings on all your fingers’ phase when he first came out, but now he usually only wears one on his thumb and one on his ring finger. He definitely prefers silver or brass for his own accessories, and doesn’t own many gold colored accessories for himself.’
really wants a dog, like a big long dog like a greyhound or silken windhound, but is convinced he wouldn’t be able to take care of it like it would need and never gets one. He’s also allergic to pet dander, so it works out.
lowkey lives in a part of the city with more police presence, so he’s a bit scrappy and doesn’t make a habit of keeping valuables on him (not that he has many valuable to begin with- the most expensive things he have are the materials in his workshop, and he rents a storefront for that). Big same.
doesn’t wear makeup, but if/when he does he purposefully leaves concealer off of his dark circles because he thinks they look more artistic and masculine. Definitely into the Pete Davidson aesthetic (not the fashion style part, the Victorian man with typhoid aesthetic), even though he doesn’t use it or wear it.
has used those glittery water tube toys as a packer one (1) time as a joke but then… lowkey made the gender go brrrr. Is this just projecting now absolutely but still.
he joined orchestra in grade school and learned how to play viola, then fell off of it in his teen years. When he was 21 he was spiraling and looking for something to work on, bought a viola on a whim, and then started working on learning how to play it well. He’s not amazing at it, but when he gets really overwhelmed he’ll pull it out and play.
Has a full sleeve of black and grey traditional tattoos and lowkey hates realism tattoos/black and grey tattoos with lots of greywash. Definitely wants to get another sleeve and a back piece.
his favorite flower is daffodils, but obviously because trans he’s into dandelions too.
this might not make any sense because I’m a bit high rn but spending time with Bellamy feels like basalt rocks that have been tumbled. Smooth, comfortable, heavy, nice to hold. But there’s a hardness, a sense that it’s not something you’d want to keep around because it doesn’t integrate into life. How the fuck does one do that. It’s just something you set on a shelf and forget about. That’s what being friends with him is like, inanimate when he’s not there but solid and affirming when he is. Maybe this is just coming from the fact that he definitely has a rock collection where he’ll steal rocks from important places and tumble them and now I’m thinking about rocks.
Because of the nature of his job, he kind of gets to set his hours. This is a good thing because he works really late when he’s into a piece, but bad because when orders are dry he has too much free time. He’d love to learn how to sew and get more into fashion design, but the prospect of starting is super daunting and he’s afraid of  being bad at it at first. So whenever he has big lapses in orders, he always means to pick up a sewing machine and learn, but never does.
Ideal date is going thrifting for like… a whole day, then ordering takeout and crashing back at someone’s apartment (preferably his because he’s put a lot of time into decorating and curating that space).
has really sharp incisor teeth that he jokingly calls his fangs
hate hate HATES networking and advertising (which is unfortunate because that is… his whole job…), which is lowkey why he went on Love Island, because it felt like a one-and-done way to advertise without coming across as a try hard (which he did anyways because he’s always plugging his stuff).
he’s not a big reader. lowkey has dyslexia but was never diagnosed or treated for it so he grew up thinking he was stupid (which was exacerbated by his older sisters being insanely smart). SUPER insecure about it, and knew from early on that he didn’t want to go to college which was a whole thing. 
favorite food is freshly baked pumpernickel bread and butter 
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