#idk if you claim the bomb emoji but i’ll still give it to you
daydreamrry · 3 years
So now it feels like this theme actually started way before FL era //
Yes 🦖 let’s single handedly steer this blog down theory lane bc I love that way more than freaking out over nothing happening.
I won’t knock your theory because I actually agree that H has been telling the same story this whole time. But I do think it’s still about a lover he hasn’t met. Come with me, Gossiprry fam.
Okay so I think H has been aware of his person for a long time, like pre 1D, like always knew he had a person. I know for some that sounds crazy but I mean I’ve been connecting with a soul counterpart my whole life and maybe he has or others have too. Like smelling someone in my sleep or feeling someone holding me. Feeling this sense of connection it’s hard to explain if you haven’t felt that before.
Antyways, so I think H has been aware of this person this whole time and that his songs are inspired by feelings he has for SM but are more realistically grounded in pieces of real relationships— hence the continual themes of loss, longing, looking for someone he can’t find. That’s why some of his songs take weird turns at times.
Like Something Great, that part you picked up is strange and veers for me. But I always felt like he was saying what he says in IICF “I’d give up everything just ask me to” he would gladly have chosen a different path in life if it meant he could be with his person. I think he knows that his fame complicates things and in a lot of ways he longs for a simple life with someone. see besties there’s a theme too of Harry seemingly being willing to give up everything for the opportunity to be with the love of his life “he takes a boat out, imagines just sailing away”
Like not all songs follow the narrative but most do. Happily doesn’t and to me that’s a TS song. Then we have Stockholm Syndrome which to me is SM “who’s this shadow holding me hostage… who’s this whisper telling me that I’m never gonna get away… I use the light (another major theme he uses) to guide me home now together we’re alone.” The WDBHG which to me is a TS song tinted by SM emotions of loss, running from pain and shadows, yearning and searching. “Tell me where you’re hiding out” harks back “to come on jump out at me” “come on baby because I need you now” goes to “you’re all I want, so much it’s hurting”
Then we have IICF which to me is ultimate SM song but maybe is also a little based in reality. He definitely uses home as a theme a lot too. But fly is interesting to me because in golden he says “you wait for me in the sky” to me it’s like if I could fly up to the spiritual realms I would be with you. I think he sees her as like angelic or above him literally. Also because this line “I’ve been going out of my mind” relates back “I’m out of my head” “for when you’re lonely and forget who you are” relates to “do you know who you are?” See SM isn’t just lost to Harry but also lost to themselves and I think a lot of his songs are him trying to get through to them and remind them he’s aware of them.
Then Olivia I think is based somewhat in reality like he obviously uses a specific event or relationship idea to tell a story but there’s still this dreamy ethereal quality “when you go” goes to “when it ends” (golden) there’s no if. There’s an end but I’ll get to that.
Walking in the wind is very much about loss and death I think but still SM shows up here “you will find me, in places that we’ve never been, for reasons we don’t understand” and in “I know we’ll be all right child just close your eyes and see I’ll be by your side anytime you’re needing me” so they’re connecting in dreams or spiritually but also where have we heard “we’ll be alright?” Hmmm fine line. See this man is annoying for this. But okay “if you’re lost just look for me in the region of the summer stars” look for me where? In the sky! This person again being lost to themselves “for when you’re lonely and forget who you are” Jesus.
Okay so I think most of HS1 is rooted in reality but I do feel SM vibes in sweet creature because “you’ll bring me home” goes with “I’d be coming right back home to you” and also “don’t know where we’re going but we know where we belong” two lost people who know they are meant to be together. Also SOTT has SM hints with “remember everything will be all right, we can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here” I think this is generally a state of the world song but this is also saying hey even if we don’t get to be together we’ll meet again which goes back to “but it’s not the end, I’ll see your face again”
Now we get to fine line. Golden again has SM vibes. When it ends? Okay so it’s not if. He knows it’s ending? Why because he’s awake. When he wakes up he’s alone without SM who he connects with when asleep. It’s so final. Why wouldn’t he say if it ends? You’d think there’s be some hope about it not ending but there isn’t. “Open” to me means fame. His life is on display. But when he changes it to “hoping one day I’m open” or all those changes I think he’s talking about emotional availability and being open to accepting love. Then we have “I can feel you take a hold of who I am and all I’ve ever known, loving yours the antidote” okay harks back “I can feel your heart inside of mine” what’s it the antidote to? Being out of his mind. Instead of fighting this he’s accepting it. He’s accepting to love this person which I think is hard bc he feels literally crazy.
Adore you we have rainbow paradise which is very dreamlike. I think it’s a more general song with hints of SM. Lights up I think is about H but also for SM like hey! Step into the light so I can find you because they are “the light to guide me home” then we have She which I mean there’s so much there. But let’s start with the fact that She lives with him in memory and in present which implies a longstanding connection, she sleeps in his bed with him, she is the first thing he sees (his priority, before anything else)
Okay she, sunflower and fine line all have back masking and are linked. Also Sunflower is volume 6 of what? This same story babies which I take as
1) something great
2) Stockholm syndrome
4) Golden
5) she
6) sunflower
Sunflower to me is H imagining being with she or maybe this is even one of the dreams he shares with her. The reason it’s weird is bc he oscillates between knowing them and wanting to get to know them. Here’s how I reconcile that. “My eyes want you more than a melody” he wants her more than music, than songwriting? That sounds like “I’d give up everything just ask me to” but he says “my eyes” which to me implies physical. He wants to see them in person more than anything. He knows them spiritually or energetically but not in reality. “Wish I could get to know you” wish is an interesting word because it makes it sound like getting to know this person is far fetched. Also we have “I’ve got your face, hung up high in the gallery, out of the shade” soooo high as in idk above him like in the sky? Out of the shade of what? His life, the dark shit he goes through? His fame? Because maybe they’re “scared because he’s so open” Hung up high as in high priority? It’s his gallery. Not Camille’s boyfriends parents gallery, Harry’s gallery. Now this line is weird “I don’t wanna make you feel bad but I’ve been trying hard not to talk to you?” Why would an ex or someone he had a falling out with feel bad he isn’t talking to them?? See this to me is him saying SM I’ve been trying to disconnect from you, not talk to you in my head all the time. Why? Well because she’s coming in between him in reality. “Trying hard not to act a fool” like acting crazy or “out of his head” or how he’s been “going out of my mind” hmmm. “I’m still tongue tied” ties to “he wouldn’t know what to say” but also I think all of SV6 he is trying to explain something but can’t get the words out right like he’s literally saying in that line “I was just tongue tied” like the lyrics before are not a complete thought. He’s literally tongue tied over how to write about or talk about this. “Mouthful of toothpaste before I got to know you” again we were close before I knew you or familiarity before actually knowing the person who he still wants to get to know a few lines later? Confusing. Then all the end sounds sounds like he’s given up and decided to act a fool “the antidote”
Then we have Fine Line with its back masking. I think “we’ll get the drinks in so I’ll get to thinking of her” goes along with the idea in she that she’s sleeping in his bed while he plays pretend. He’s out drinking with friends, being famous, successful but it’s empty and shallow and broken to him. His connection to SM feels real but it’s not tangible. It’s a fine line. Between what? reality/ delusion. Real/ fake. What matters/what doesn’t. I think this connection he feels gets in between him and a lot of things including being with other people. “She sleeps in his bed while he plays pretend” with another partner? I always felt it this way. He’s fucking other people but SM is there. SM is with him energetically no matter who he’s dating and it messes it up bc he knows they aren’t the one and he feels unfulfilled. “Put a price on emotion, I’m looking for something to buy” “you’ve got my devotion but man I can hate you sometimes” yeah because he’s warring with himself! He’s devoted to finding this person but he hates them because it would be easier to not be connected to them at all but he can’t disconnect from them either like he mentions in SV6.
Besties I could write a dissertation and there’s so much I skipped. But my theory is that H and SM been connected a long time and most of his songs tie into this. It’s not just songs he writes tho. Go look up the lyrics of the songs on his pre show playlist, almost all are about longing for a lover, some even deal with dreams. All the weird rainbow dream things from first tour/two ghosts video? Yeah vibes tie back to all this spiritual world stuff. You know the clown costume H wore? Well the story line of the clown is that he is always pining for a woman he can’t have, so he becomes friends with the moon. “I’ll be looking at the moon, but I’ll be seeing you.” Wizard of oz… all roads lead to oz/ just follow the yellow brick road/ going home?
Guys I just really think he hasn’t met this person yet. Because otherwise he’s been pining over someone for ten years! I think it makes more sense he’d be pining for someone like that he hasn’t met because not knowing them in reality leaves no room for resolution. It’s not like he met them and it didn’t work and it hurt but he could move on. He doesn’t even know who they are but they are all up in his grill and he can’t escape it. That’s something that could feed creativity for years as more and more things unfold. I think he has used real relationships and experiences as well as imagination for most of his writing but SM lives with him and colors everything. Some songs could be him imagining being with SM and what he thinks it will be like. I have a lot of theories about what’s going on like why random anons are weirdly picking up on similar SM energy, why he’s with Olivia, what’s happening but we have to wait and see. If I’m right then this is the most epic shit which seems accurate for someone like H considering how hopelessly romantic he is. It probably does go down to his soul. I’m cheesy af but I think their connection has been going on for a very long time in many lives and is very well established which is why he feels it so strongly.
Also babies I’m not sitting here saying it’s all SM all the time for H. I think she creeps into everything (she because of the song I’m not implying gender and if I did through out it’s only because of she). I don’t know if he even means it to at times. He was high a lot on mushrooms writing this which is supposed to connect you to higher realms and more with your inner self. I think a lot of songs can mean multiple things but this was a specific response to another anons theory about romance. I think SS and FL songs could also very easily be interpreted as struggles with fame. 💣💣💣
you guys absolutely blow my mind with your crazy, creative theories 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 lemme kiss your brain 😘
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