#idk im honestly just bored and doodling cute vampire -> terrifying monster pipeline and its making me yearn
alotmoreginger · 1 year
Concept: comic about a very cute girl realizing she's a vampire and in the beginning it's all about how she's so nervous to hurt people and doesn't wanna drink blood but she has to or else she dies and as she consumes more and more blood she slowly begins to see her victims as less than her and ends up draining them to death/near death because they're just food and the once soft spoken easy going girl is justifying her murders to herself because she can't be a monster she still loves her friends and family and she just needs to drain these people to near death because that's how it works she has to feed or she dies but eventually at the end her friends have to kill her because she's a monster
Also it's yuri
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alotmoreginger · 1 year
Concept: comic about a very cute girl realizing she's a vampire and in the beginning it's all about how she's so nervous to hurt people and doesn't wanna drink blood but she has to or else she dies and as she consumes more and more blood she slowly begins to see her victims as less than her and ends up draining them to death/near death because they're just food and the once soft spoken easy going girl is justifying her murders to herself because she can't be a monster she still loves her friends and family and she just needs to drain these people to near death because that's how it works she has to feed or she dies but eventually at the end her friends have to kill her because she's a monster
Also it's yuri
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