#idk it seems like this problem might not be fixable. it keeps happening
angeltannis · 1 month
My dad not letting me store my 22-year-old truck in his giant garage the last 7 years and then being Shocked Pikachu face when it starts to rot from being left out in the elements 24/7
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bisluthq · 24 days
Something you have said many times is that Joe and Taylor’s relationship was good for 6 years. But was it? Sometimes things get in the way of a relationship and you look back at it and think that if x thing hadn’t happened, you might still be together and happy today. But Joe and Taylor seem destined to break up.
Looking back at the relationship she sees red flags that she shouldn’t have ignored. Which is not to say that Joe was always a bad boyfriend, but I think the relationship was more trouble than it was worth. I saw someone the other day say that while relationships are hard work, being married to her husband was very easy. I liked the way that was worded because people always talk about relationships being hard and I don’t think hard work = hard. I’m not saying they can never be hard. But what makes the relationship hard should be temporary, in my opinion. Like say, spending a long time away from each other for work or maybe one of you is going through a hard time when it comes to mental health, etc. Those are things that you work through.
Joe and Taylor seemed to be working through things constantly. Way too often. I think they loved each other but they were very incompatible so they were constantly trying to fix things that weren’t fixable. At least that’s my interpretation of it looking back. It doesn’t mean that there wasn’t any good, and maybe the good did outweigh the bad for most of it. But it sounds like a 60/40 or 70/30 situation which is still a lot of bad. The good shouldn’t just slightly outweigh the bad and loving someone isn’t enough to make something work
I agree with you but I will also throw a curveball here - my ex and I were easy. Her issues with me were my partying, flirting with boys (innocently but she didn’t like that - she was ok with me getting flirty with girls but if a boy came onto me in a bar and I didn’t shut it down immediately she’d freak), and me always doing things my way (she’s justified for that because I do and all my close friends and my current partner feel I do that too). My issues with her were far deeper and included her being controlling (as I saw it - but again, I’m self-aware and see how some of that was on me), expecting me to pay for the bulk of stuff (which I did and why I am so considerate of my current situation where I pay less but I make FUCK sure it’s proportional), and her not wanting to have sex for like the last two years except on very special occasions. It was still 60/40 good I think but we both have problems with one another. Idk dude relationships that long are complicated. But her and I could’ve objectively stayed together forever if I’d proposed lol like the problem was I knew it wasn’t quite right.
my current partner and I aren’t easy lol like we fight a lot but I also mostly find it’s worth it. And ngl some of the problems he has with me are the same my ex had with me like last night we went out partying and he wanted to go home and I didn’t wanna - I wanted to keep partying and felt very Bejeweled yk? - so he left and I said fine lol like fuck u I will call myself an Uber when I’m ready and that’s what I did lol not before making out with a girl obviously and again I see why being with me is hard but it is what it is lol and with him specifically I never promised to change. I said like “I’m gonna do crazy shit” and he was super into it when we were friends/hooking up and NOW he’s like “well why aren’t you like a perfect wifey and only this much fun when I want you to be” and I’m like “my guy we knew this. The recurrent complaint I have gotten for the last 15 years is that I’m too slutty and like partying too much” 🤷🏻‍♀️ Which I do lol. I fucking love partying and I’m a great deal of fun at those. I’m not super cut out for not yk doing that. And bf/gfs have historically tried to cramp my style but like 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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alyjojo · 4 months
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The Person On Your Mind in January 🏔️ 2024 - Libra
Whole of their energy towards Libra: 8 Swords
Feelings: 9 Wands
Intentions: 10 Cups
Actions: Page of Pentacles
I get this being family for most, it’s possible it’s a relationship/friendship too, marriage material came out for your message. I’m taking the messages as “these are decent people”, you’ve just gone through some bs or had it out, and they want to come back around after not speaking for awhile. Who isn’t speaking to who, idk, they do seem to be apologizing as the action, for some. Whatever has gone on between you has probably had Spirit’s hand in it, with Wheel of Fortune it’s like a lot has changed since whatever went down or made you part ways. Like say you two bickered over borrowing clothes and hairbrushes, now it’s more like one of you has kids that do that and the other person has been through hell…it’s not the same anymore. You’re both not. This person feeling 9 Wands is hell, they’re exhausted from a situation that’s been lacking in stability, whether it’s financially, family, relationships, they’re working through something that’s hell on them and The Fool shows them at a new beginning, they will persevere towards new things.
Intentions being 10 Cups, very positive, they want to be happy with you, whether together or with a family, maybe the instability has just been with you, and they want to fix it. For some outside of you, and they’re still want to fix it. They hope you’re not angry (still?) at them but they aren’t sure. Is it fixable? In action they will message. Maybe even apologize, for Strength & Ace of Cups. Holding back love? Not being there for you. Or they’re offering friendship and not love at all, for some this love just exists, especially with family. Page of Pentacles is platonic, a friend. Taking it slow, feeling you out, hoping for 10 Cups sure but they’ll take an Ace and a friendly conversation if that’s all you want.
Side note: because of your message of other people, and what may be family drama, you could ask this person all of the gossip you’ve heard or they might, trying to clear some things up, or they are, one or both of you may have assumptions or information that’s nonsense based on what other people think or say about things they don’t even know, could be part of the problem.
Their side:
- We have a great time together! 🎉
- Wise Spirit
Your side:
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- Marriage Material 💍
Possible signs:
Heavy Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries & Scorpio
If you’re dealing with:
The Chariot is great energy to be in, it can refer to traveling or conquering obstacles in your path, goals, ambitions, and the determination to succeed. It will affect your people all differently, but this is a positive omen for you, that you’re going places 💯 or at least progressing - that is the goal.
Aries - doesn’t really like you or unsure they want to cooperate with you, they don’t really talk much or tell you how they feel, silent but judgy, you may *have* to work together
Taurus - the kind of person that just *is* love, for all of their people, and you’re one of them, or if it’s romantic - you’re the one for them
Gemini - probably in love with you but they won’t say so, they’re moving very slowly towards romantical things and act way more casual than they actually feel 🤐
Cancer - could be proposing, or you are, they take this relationship very seriously & love you, or whoever they’re with if it’s not with you - it’s getting serious
Leo - kind, helpful, very generous, not at all interested in love right now though, it’s not you
Virgo - could be making a large purchase on something they’ve always wanted, or something is happening at work that is like a dream come true - they keep getting that message 💯
Libra - conflicted about being alone, or would rather be alone than fight with you
Scorpio - I heard “pain is motivation” and it’s focused on home/love/family, they’re inspired to make changes based on a difficult experience
Sagittarius - getting over toxic bs and moving on, maybe even moving away or traveling
Capricorn - dreams, fantasies, or fears of taking romantic action towards you, or that you will towards them, maybe someone else…something about you makes them feel insecure
Aquarius - healing - gone for January 🪧
Pisces - settling some unfinished business, or taking care of necessary things so they can close something out, could be around a home
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noddytheornithopod · 4 years
Okay, I’ll make a post about all the retcons in the Siege of Mandalore and my take on them because they don’t bother me and am able to accept the differences, but others seem to be struggling so here we go.
Fulcrum: I don’t see the issue here, Ahsoka wasn’t going by Fulcrum, it was simply a frequency Anakin communicated on that Ahsoka happened to know. She only took up the mantle later, and probably made it her codename as a homage to the secret system Anakin used.
Blue lightsabres: Filoni explained why he did this in Clone Wars Download, but in regards to it being a retcon to the Ahsoka novel... there’s not much we can do. Someone argued “green energy” being described might be Ahsoka feeling her crystals through the force and how even though Anakin changed their frequency, they still feel like hers? Not crazy about this explanation, but this is a small error that I find fixable.
Ahsoka/Maul duel: This can be taken as just an adaptational thing. When you compare the novel and comic adaptions to the movies, all kinds of stuff shows up. If it’s TOO different, I think the key to it is it being part of Ahsoka’s flashbacks. Ahsoka could be trying to remember things differently, a less painful version of what really happened.
Ahsoka being told about Anakin as Vader: Simple denial. I mean, that was even the case in Rebels. She sensed him through the Force, she had that vision in the Lothal temple but she never really processed it was Anakin until she saw with her own eyes his face under the slashed helmet. Also, of course she refused to believe Maul, and all she could tell from sensing Windu vs Palpatine was that Anakin was in serious trouble.
Rex doing Order 66: A LOT of people have weighed in on this, including myself because I KNEW the backlash would come. As I said in my post about it, it’s like one of those lines in the Original Trilogy that now has a different meaning because of the Prequels. It’s very “a certain point of view”, but I think the most important thing to remember is that this is what Rex personally believes however you choose to view it, and that he was talking to a literal Order 66 survivor. “I almost killed my Jedi but got better” isn’t very comforting to Kanan.
Maul’s escape: Again, part of it could be flashback stuff, especally because it was very vague. For more detail though... a choice between killing Maul and saving Rex. Yes, that didn’t come up. You could argue it was there in a small way: Ahsoka DID have a chance to kill Maul when everything went down as he was contained, but it was hardly a choice between him and Rex. It might be more fitting to go with the unreliable narrator route again: if you think about it, Maul basically caused the deaths of all of these clones because she underestimated him. She hoped he’d merely cause a distraction and maybe die, but he doesn’t just escape, he brings everyone down as he does so. Imagining a more simple dilemma is probably less painful.
Lady Tano: Yeah, Maul last seeing Ahsoka isn’t exactly her running away. But who’s to say this is the only time between now and Rebels they met? Maybe he also meant her running away from joining him. Grrr, peeps why do I feel obliged to do this lol. Look, if they meet again it’s at least not gonna be like Legends where Han and Lando keep making up after fighting because they apparently need to be fighting before Empire Strikes Back.
Faking deaths: IDK about you, but if I disappeared without a trace or only left lightsabres at a massive Star Destroyer crash, people would be assuming I’m pretty dead. Oh, but then who made the graves, and what about a remnant of Rex? Well, there aren’t graves marked for the naval staff, and they only found as many clones as they could (do you see the shock troopers? I thought not), so Rex’s armour wasn’t there. As for who made the graves... well we don’t know there ISN’T anyone on this planet, hmm? With Ahsoka’s lightsabres being buried, well the one she still had was marked at the grave site. As for why it said both... gah why am I doing this, these things don’t even bother me? And I think Ahsoka and Rex had graves made for themselves too? Look, maybe they’re there and we didn’t see it and it’s an adaption thing. Or unreliable narrator and Ahsoka finding the mass grave too panful versus just them two faking graves. Sigh. Also, they probably escaped into the underworld after making the grave, lol.
Okay, Noddy, why the hell did you make this giant post to try and justify a bunch of retcons most people won’t even care about, and you yourself think are easily reconcilable or too small to care about? Well I mean, that kind of is the point - most of these details are really vague and don’t really change the overall story. Some like “I didn’t betray my Jedi” and the different fight are bigger, but I think you can reconcile them easily if you’re creative enough.
Filoni wanted to tell what he thought was the best story he could, and to do so he was willing to focus on that above appeasing every little detail. Lots of people get pretty hung up on the little details and cause that to ruin their immersion, and unfortunately this is widespread in several fandoms. For me, instead of getting mad at small things that I think are easily reconcilable, I prefer to accept not everything will 100% line up and that it’s more fun to think of creative ways around these inconsistencies.
I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind here. If these things break your immersion too much, I can’t change your mind. A lot of my explanations are BIG stretches, and they are by design - they’re an exercise in lateral thinking to creatively make the problem solved instead of getting upset about them. I don’t think Filoni is being careless with continuity, he’s too into what he does to be. Like I said, I think he wants to just tell what he can even if it sacrifices smaller details, and for fans to keep an open mind.
I do get why people get annoyed over stuff like this. Making a more consistent timeline makes the larger story overall more coherent, but when it becomes out focus we often forget about the emotional and thematic parts to media.
This is already longer than I expected it to be, so it probably is pretty rambly. I didn’t need to do this, but here we are.
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so, a dude i used to go to high school with messaged me out of the blue the other day 
and me being me (world’s dumbest bitch award recipient 1990-present) i’m willing to give this the benefit of a doubt 
i mean...me also being the tired bitch i am just flat out asked him why he messaged me (i wasn’t mean about it, but after the chit-chat catch up stuff it’s like...what do you want from me?) 
and basically i guess he’s just in a place where he doesn’t really have a lot of friends in town and he doesn’t really talk to anyone from high school anymore, so he’s reconnecting with some folks and he remembers me being pretty cool, plus a good person to talk to and i guess he’s been having a rough time lately so basically it’s just “hey, wanna get coffee sometime and catch up/talk?” that kind of thing 
which again like...alright 
it wouldn’t kill me to make new friends or i guess in this case reconnect with an old friend even though we were never really that close in high school, but fine 
i’m still...suspicious because i dunno 
it’s weird because when i go out into public and just...exist, guys don’t bother me 
i don’t get flirted with, i don’t get harassed, nobody tries to get my number or anything like that, which y’know...is pretty nice although internalized misogyny has me thinking “damn, i’m really that ugly, huh???” but regardless like...that’s my jam, right? 
any of the attention i ever get is either from dudes online who don’t actually know what i look like or dudes who once had crushes on one of (of multiple of) my friends and after being rejected or realizing it wouldn’t work out they finally notice me and are like, “oh yeah, i guess that’s a girl. yeah, sure why not?” 
which...i dunno if this is a sign of what little confidence i do have or if it’s because i hate myself so much that either way i’m just like -___- about the whole thing because it’s not...genuine, y’know? 
just for once in my fucking life i’d like someone to take an interest in me not as an afterthought or because they’ve exhausted all other options or because they’re lonely but just...because it’s me, y’know? 
call me fucking nuts, but i feel like that’s...part of it? feel like that’s a pretty normal thing to want, idk
i’ve certainly liked plenty of people for who they are and their whole deal in general, not because of like...convenience 
and that’s already something i struggle with anyway because in the past i’ve had friendships that i don’t want to entirely discredit because i still feel like somewhere deep down there was...something there, but that nevertheless got to a place where it was just like...this person only keeps me around because i buy them things and/or am willing to drop everything to listen to/try to help them with their problems, but when it’s my turn it’s like...golly anna, i don’t know what to say. 
which, to be fair, for my kind of problems i really do just need to see a fuckin’ therapist about because i can’t expect my friends to like...deal with trauma i haven’t even dealt with in almost 10 years or have anyone waste their time trying to rationalize my irrational thinking when we both know no matter what’s said or done...i’m still gonna be super mentally ill about it so like...there’s that 
but especially when it’s anything to do even slightly pertaining to relationships or just...anything it really sucks to feel like the only time anyone wants anything from me in that department is as a last resort
because at least for the shitty friendships i’ve had, i’ve also had good friendships where try as my mind might, i don’t think i’m that person who’s only there because like...might as well, y’know? 
but with relationships and shit like that...no, i don’t have that reassurance 
and again, you can say “oh but anna, you just don’t see the full picture!” but honestly, H O N E S T L Y i don’t think anyone’s ever taken a genuine interest in me because if they have, it’s fuckin’ news to me, it’s never been brought to my attention and that’s not even me being oblivious like...it’s just not there 
at best, i’ve had some promising conversations on places like okcupid but shit tends to fizzle out pretty quickly and it never amounts to anything 
and again, i guess i’ll...give myself some credit here because i could definitely see how all things combined a dude just messaging me and maaaaaaybe being interested would theoretically be enough for me to be like “holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!!!!” but i’m mostly just...tired. 
i dunno
it may turn out dude just genuinely wants a friend and he’s casting out a net to people he thinks are cool and just trying to reconnect with people. i get that. 
i obviously love my online friends and i love my real life friends, but i don’t get to see my online friends that much and even my real life friends all live like ~2 hours away from me, so it’s not like i can just get off work and go meet up to hang out just whenever and for the most part, that’s fine, i’m not someone who constantly needs to be going out all the time, but there’s a part of me that’s like...yeah, it’d be nice if i had people closer to home i could just go get some coffee with or maybe grab dinner with sometime 
and if that’s the case like...hey, no worries 
but if it’s anything more than that i’m already dreading having to shut that shit down because i may not think i’m worth anything, but that doesn’t mean i need to like...exacerbate my problems by letting some dude use me 
and i hate to even think that because this dude may have the purest of intentions and, more likely than not, just sees me as a bro and would be thrown off if he knew i was even suspicious but...shit is what it is 
it wouldn’t be the first time a dude i went to high school with took interest in me seemingly out of the blue, but only come to find out it’s because they exhausted all their other options (usually my friends, so that was cool) and figured, “meh, this’ll do” or that one time i “””””dated”””” someone for a week and it turns out he was engaged the whole time??? yeah, that was cool. suuuuuuuper cool 
i mean...i’m not AT ALL fucked in the head about my self esteem and feeling like in spite of me wanting a relationship super badly that it’s never going to fucking happen for me because i’m either too ugly or too mentally ill or too boring or just...whatever for that to be possible, but on top of that let’s pile dudes who only ever perk up to me when they’re at their lowest and figure drinking gasoline when you’re dying of thirst is better than nothing 
it’s FINE 
i’m FINE 
do i need to go to therapy? uh-yeah, abso-fucking-lutely 
and i’m trying to take baby steps, i really am, i’ve been looking at local therapists and shit like that but at the same time i uh...i’m gonna have to...unpack a lot of shit i put in a box about ten years ago and just...never really dealt with 
and there’s a part of me that’s like...well, i made it ten years without opening that box, surely i can make it another ten. and then another. and then another etc. (not that i want to live that long anyway, but i also didn’t think i’d make it this far so surprise, 8 year old me who wanted nothing more than to just fuckin’ die. we’re still here, on this bitch of an earth in this fuck of an existence and we’re still...doin’ it) 
but i also know that it’s entirely possible one day all of that shit’s just gonna...breach the surface and i’ll likely have a complete and utter meltdown so that’s...not great 
also just in general, i have...a lot of shit i need to work on about myself, about how i feel about myself, etc. but boy oh boy is that a rough motivation to stir up when the conversation between you and you is basically: 
me: um, hey we should probably like...try to do something about all this? you’re almost 30, don’t you think you should...try to get better? try to be a better you? get a handle on your shit, maybe?
me: absolutely not, i fucking suck, i’ve always sucked, and if you think there’s something underneath all of this that doesn’t suck, my friend, have i got news for you. it’s all suck. all the way down. you know how you’re working on a project or whatever’s a good metaphor here, and you make a mistake, but you try to fix it or just keep going but shit just gets worse and worse and worse and eventually it’s not fixable anymore and from no way, shape, or angle could the finished product be considered good and you’d just do better to throw the whole fuckin’ thing out and start from scratch? 
me: i mean yeah, i guess 
me: okay, well that’s you, my friend
me: oh worm? 
me: worm 
so...y’know, it’s rough 
i’m not saying i won’t, i know this shit is tough no matter what and my situation is in no way unique it’s just...taking me some time to get to that point where i even feel like i deserve it or that i’d be willing to do it 
REGARDLESS i’m willing to give this entire situation a chance 
he said something about maybe meeting up saturday to get some coffee or something, so we’ll see if that ends up happening and how that goes and maybe once i actually talk to him face to face i can get a better read on the entire situation 
i just...at this point, i really just hope he wants to be friends 
i know a young, less jaded me would probably be freaking out because a guy i thought was cute in high school wants to hang out with me, oh boy!!! but present me is a little too cynical and definitely just...tired of feeling like i’m only ever a last resort of last possible option 
i guess i’ll...have an update by this weekend, maybe? 
although if dude says or does anything that makes it obvious he’s interested in something more i’ll probably just shut that shit down before it goes anywhere because i don’t really know him that well, but based off his social media it seems like he got out of a relationship not too long ago and it’s not to say you can’t be interested in someone else soon after, but i’m not...the person you want to talk to if you want a rebound, my guy 
i’m nearly a 30 year old virgin, i’ve got...literally nothing to offer you except for disappointment 
this kind of thing just...exhausts me because i feel like i can already see ten miles away how this ends and i’m just...so, so, so fucking tired of feeling like this. i’m so tired of only ever being seen as like...possible rebound option or vulnerable lonely girl ripe for plucking or, my favorite, the girl nobody pays attention to until they’re done fawning over my friends 
i’d honest to god just rather go the rest of my life being completely ignored and never bothered than to deal with that again and again and again 
but i’ll try not to get too ahead of myself and not be so pessimistic 
try being the key word here 
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