#idk it's hard to do actual whumpy stuff with karai bcz she's v hard to hurt
weregreatatcrime · 10 months
Oh, I see now, somehow missed that link. Okay, so Changeling Karai and Donnie, and "That's not a scratch" instead, then. Maybe Leo or Splinter in it too if you want.
hsjgdh u must be kinda new to tumblr!! ya there's no real rules to ask memes but generally, ask memes stick to a specific post. They tend to be art related but there's some great writing prompt ones out there. Reblogger will reblog the post with the list of prompts, typically with a tag or comment giving free reign to their followers, and people can send in prompts off of the ask meme.
GENERALLY the reblogger will answer whichever requests they want, but it's not guaranteed as the reblogger just does whichever of the prompts they feel like doing. you know. Personally, I'll keep asks in my inbox if they have prompts I'm interested in doing, save em for if I wanna do them later sometimes. If I don't get the inspiration to use them I'll delete them right off the bat, or delete them like, several weeks later when I'm bored of the ask meme and/or just feel guilty that i never did them and then have to delete them to remind myself that this is all for fun and I can't hold myself responsible for churning out content 24/7 because I'm not a machine
ANYWAYS yeah ask meme this is from here!
"It's just a scratch. Probably." Karai grumbled, ducking down below cover as Donatello rushed over.
"Last time I heard you say that, you ended up losing an arm!" Donnie scolded. He lifted her arms out of the way so he could get a better look at the giant mess on her side.
Kraang laserfire continued to ricochet around them. The other three turtles were providing them safe cover. She hated fighting Kraang. Their stupid guns were actually capable of hurting her more than most human weapons. She hated it.
"In my defense, that was just a scratch." Karai kept an eye on their surroundings while Donnie took a wipe to her side, clearing the soot away so he could see any damage.
"That was a very bad scratch that resulted in you losing an arm." Donnie deadpanned. "And this? This is also not just a scratch." He hissed sympathetically as there was a distinctively large patch of damaged stone underneath the soot. "That one got you really close- it actually cracked up some chunks of stone, here."
Fortunately, he'd gotten more used to her pain tolerance and her lack of... pain response in general. Karai could barely feel this. It was akin to a sore spot. A very sore spot that stung when he kept pressing on it.
"Ah shit." Karai frowned. "They must be upgrading their guns, the old ones did more bruising than anything."
Donnie hummed in agreement as he grabbed a brush and began going over the wound to make sure there was no blood leaking. If Karai was bleeding, it meant the lasers had managed to actually break through her thick layers of stone and they would need to be very careful. If something actually managed to hurt Karai, it would hurt the turtles a lot worse.
Karai hissed unhappily at the bizarre feeling. She snarled and threw a knife at a Kraang that glanced their way.
"No blood." Donnie reported. "I think we can leave it for now and seal it up when we get back to the Lair."
"Great." Karai leapt up without a pause, blades drawn. "I've got a bone to pick with the asshole who got me."
"Is PR okay?" Leo shouted as the changeling became a blur on the battlefield.
"She's good!" Donnie shot him a thumbs up and yelped, dodging a laser blast. "We need to be more careful, they're upgrading their weapons!"
They all hissed sympathetically at the sound of crunching metal as Karai demolished a particular Kraang droid. The poor Kraang piloting it screamed and tried to sprint away on its own tentacles. Donnie made sure not to watch the resulting massacre. Raph let out a whoop.
When Karai had a grudge, she did not hesitate.
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