#idk just something about smart men who can make these elaborate plans just gets me <3
psychopomparia · 7 months
Finallly did Ayato's story quest cause I miss him and I've only ever seen him from my game model (I couldn't do the event last year with him in it cause I was in Liyue).
Wow....his quest made me love him so much more.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Monsters  -  Eleven (Alternate Ending)
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Pairing: Dark!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a man who just wants to do better. But he can’t stop the monster from coming out every now and then. As a last and hopeless attempt at calming The Winter Soldier, SHIELD finds him something they figured would help. An innocent young woman with not a lot going for her. Or, The Winter Soldiers newest victim.
Warnings: Language, Violence, Injuries, Fluff, Mentions of Mental Disorders and Personality Disorders (of which I've used personal experiences as references)
Word Count: 2.8K
A/n: Fourth day of ficmas and y’all get an alternate ending!! The end of this has given me an idea for a new dark!Fic that could potentially become a dark series but idk yet. Anyway, enjoy!! 
A/n 2: This doesn’t fall in line with Madness or Bad Dream, but idc
Series Masterlist
“(Y/n)? Honey? You in here?” Bucky hesitantly pushes open the front door, senses on high alert in case you make a hostile move.
He walks slowly into the living room, smiling softly when he sees you.
“Hey,” he whispers. You eye him warily and he sighs.
“I’m sorry,” he begins gently, sitting down next to you, “I know what I did was wrong, and I know it looks like I chose her over you, but I’m here for you now. And I’m gonna be here for you as long as you’ll have me.”
You stare at him for a moment longer before grinning.
“You need me,” you state. He looks at you, waiting for you to continue. “That’s why you came back,” you elaborate, “because you need me. Because you know that Natasha won’t be able to handle you the way I can.”
He swallows hard, thinking back to the way Nat was appalled by the video.
“You’re right.”
You giggle, shaking your head at him. “I know. I know I’m right. I’m the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to you! You’d be lost without me and you’re now realizing it, aren’t you?” His guard is up in an instant, your outburst making him uneasy.
You get up off the couch to stand in front of him, hands on your hips.
“You hurt my feelings, James.” He nods, reaching for your hands slowly. You allow him to take them and watch as he presses gentle kisses to your knuckles.
“I know. And I’m sorry. And you’re right again. I do need you. More than I’ve ever needed anybody and that scares me.” You ponder this for a moment, thinking about all the pictures he received.
“How long were you with her?” He sighs heavily and closes his eyes tightly.
“A month. Maybe longer. At first, she was just something for the soldier when you weren’t there but… I’m not sure why I kept going back. I care about you, I really do.” You hum, pushing his hands away and straddling his waist.
You lean down, lips brushing over his just gently before you smile again.
“I fucked Steve last night. Several times.” A growl rumbles deep in his chest and you pull away for a moment, grinning wickedly as you see his eyes glaze over slightly. His hands grip your hips tightly and he takes a deep breath.
“Your best friend fucked me. For hours. Because you were too busy picking that stupid fucking bitch over me. That’s a lesson for you. I can get whoever I want, whenever I want. You need me, not the other way around. Remember that.” You push yourself off of his lap and walk to the staircase.
“In time you can have me again. But not now. If the soldier needs me, he can have me, but not you, James. Not yet.” He sits panting on the couch, eyes trained on your backside as you leave him confused and aroused.
You close the door to your bedroom and plop yourself down on your bed, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of your mind, the one that’s begging you to leave him. He hurt you, but he’s back. He must care about you or else he wouldn’t have come back, right?
As you’re pondering this, the window slides open with a soft thud. You turn to the sound, anger coursing through your veins as you see the redhead climbing into your room.
“What are you doing here?” You demand, uncurling your legs and climbing off the bed. She closes the window silently and holds her hands up in surrender.
“I just want to talk. Please.” You eye her warily but stay seated at the edge of the bed.
“He came home to me. He chose me. So if you’re gonna try and convince me that he wants you, think again,” you snark, hoping to hurt her feelings before physically hurting her again.
She shakes her head, sitting down slowly on the floor a few feet in front of you, giving you the upper hand if you wanted to get physical.
“He doesn’t deserve you.” You furrow your brows in absolute confusion at her statement. You were expecting a lot of things; yelling, screaming, insults, violence. But this is the absolute opposite of what you had prepared yourself for.
“You don’t even know me,” you scoff, shaking your head at her.
She raises her eyebrows at that. “I know about your parents. Your dad, the paranoid schizophrenic who abused you because he thought he was doing what God wanted. And your mom, the Narcissist who neglected you.”
Your hands start trembling as she brings up people who you’ve fought to forget. The people who made you the way you are.
“You don’t know anything about them. Or me. You’re just-” “Just what? Telling you the truth? Reminding you of the fact that you were raised by them, yet you turned out to be a beautiful, smart, independent young woman?” You look at her, uncertain of where she’s going with this but still angry at the fact that she knows about your past.
“You may have been raised by them, you may have had a difficult childhood, and you may be dealing with something that very few other people can understand, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. You’re not a bad person. You’re hurting, and you’re scared, and I know deep down that you know this isn’t a healthy relationship. But it can stop. We can stop this.”
“You think you know me, don't you? You think you’ve got me all figured out. You don’t. You don’t know a single damn thing about me and I’m tired of you pretending like you do.”
You stand up, glaring at her as she slowly rises to her feet.
“First you come in and intrude on my relationship, make the man who loves me question his devotion to me. Then you come into my room, in my space, and try to tell me that you know all about me. Well, guess what? You don’t. You don’t know a single damn thing about me. You think that because you’ve got the files and the information that you know a single thing about what I’ve done.”
You lean closer to her, lips just barely brushing over the shell of her ear.
“I’ve killed people before, Natasha.” She furrows her brows. You pull away and grin, batting your lashes at her.
“I’ve killed so many people, I’ve lost count. But I remember their faces. Do you wanna know why I did it?” She’s silent but you continue anyway.
“I did it because of the rush. The power of knowing that you hold someone’s life in your hands... and you ended it. It’s euphoric. I may never get enough of it. And when I plan a kill, I plan it precisely. I make sure they have no idea and then... then I pounce.” She backs up a step, inhaling sharply when her back gets pressed into the wall.
“I guess I should thank you, Natty. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be that sweet innocent girl I pretend I am. The one who I’ve been since I moved here. But now that I don’t have to pretend anymore... I feel free. And I’m ready for my next kill. Do you wanna know who it’s gonna be?”
She shakes her head, feeling genuine fear as you talk so casually about ending innocent lives.
“I’ll give you a hint: she’s a woman. And she stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. Do you have any guesses yet?”
“If you kill me, Fury will kill you. I have no doubt about that.” You snicker and pull away, looking her up and down.
“Yeah... but I’ve got someone on my side who isn’t afraid of him. Someone who’d choose me over you in a heartbeat. You may have James, but I have the soldier. He's perfect. Everything I need and more.
“He broke you!”
“He didn’t break me!” You snarl, fist slamming into the wall beside her head. “He showed me who I am and how much I can take. And let me tell you, having those boundaries pushed... it really opens your eyes to what you can endure as a person. It’s a really spiritual process. Would you like to try it?” You ask, eyes wide and full of mischief.
“No. (Y/n) you’re better than this, I know you are.” You laugh, shaking your head and staring into her eyes.
“See, that's where you’re wrong. And that’s what your problem is. You think you’ve got everyone all figured out. But you don’t. You think I’m better than this? I’m not. I can tell you that right now. I’m not the damsel in distress that you think I am. I don’t need your help. Because I like the way I am. I’m fucking perfect! Men want me, I have a purpose. And now, I can get away with whatever the fuck I want. Murder included.”
“James would never-” “You wanna call James up here? See how he likes you intruding on his space? As soon as he sees me and you in any type of fight, the soldier will step in. I know how to trigger him without those special words.” The colour drains from her face and you nod.
“Him and I? We could be great together. I just need you and James out of the way. And look, you’ve handed yourself to me on a silver fucking platter. So Bravo, Natasha.”
“So what? You’re gonna kill me? Then what?”
You shake your head, fingers stroking her cheek gently.
“I’m gonna post that little video of us first. And then, after the good name of The Avengers has been destroyed, I’m gonna take you somewhere nice and quiet and I’m gonna put a bullet between your pretty green eyes. By then, James will be too consumed with his feelings to fight off the soldier, and I’ll have everything I could ever want.”
“Why am I like this? You said it yourself. Daddy was an abusive schizophrenic and mommy was a neglectful narcissist. They made me like this. I’ve pushed it down for too long.”
“But you can be kind! Caring and compassionate and forgiving! You don’t have to be like this!”
“You want me to be kind and forgiving? Ha! The world isn’t kind nor is it forgiving. Why should I be any different?” She shakes her head at you. “I can’t let you do this.” You raise your eyebrows at her and look her up and down.
“Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? You gonna hurt me?”
She has the two of you in opposite positions in a heartbeat, a knife from her thigh plunged into your side.
You cry out in pain, slumping against the wall.
“James!” You shout, eyes full of pure evil as you look at the redhead in front of you.
Her eyes widen as you rip the knife out of your gut and shove it into hers.
The door bursts open as he runs into the room.
“Nat? What’s...” he trails off and you see the switch as the soldier takes over upon seeing you injured. Natasha is torn from you and tossed to the floor while the soldier hovers over you, inspecting the knife wound for a moment before looking back over his shoulder to where the threat is.
She scrambles to her feet and holds one of her hands up in surrender, the other going to her gut and gently holding around the knife wound
“James, listen to me. You need to understand that she isn’t who she says she is.”
You grab his hand, holding tightly and doing your best to look innocent.
“She came in here and tried to convince me to leave you. When I refused she stabbed me and said I was a monster just like you. I-I didn’t want her to hurt you... I had to do it...” You can see him struggling, trying to regain control of his body as the soldier reaches out to you.
“Bucky, Listen to me. She's not who you think she is. I know I vouched for her in the beginning but now it’s different. You’ve gotta listen to me. She’s dangerous. Please. She stabbed you and she stabbed me, James please.”
He looks between the two of you, clearly measuring his options.
“You chose her once, James. Don’t make the same mistake. Please. I trusted you.” You can see the confusion and anguish in his eyes as he looks at you then over at Nat.
“James, please. Please, you need to believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. I know you’re in there.”
“No! She hurt me! She tried to get me to leave you! She tried to come between us! Don’t let her get away with it! Please, James. Please. She did it once, what’s stopping her from doing it again?”
It’s silent for a very long time, the two of you staring at the man, waiting for him to make his decision. When you see his shoulders tense and his jaw clench, you know you’ve won this fight.
The soldier turns to Nat, metal plates in his arm whirring as he clenches his hand in a fist.
“Leave. Never come back. If I ever see you near here again I will kill you.” His words are spat with a thick Russian accent, and it takes all of your self-control not to smile wickedly at the redhead.
“James please! Please, you’ve gotta listen! She isn’t who you think she is!” He says nothing, simply takes your hand and nods at you.
“He picked you last time. Now he’s finally picking me,” you whisper, smiling softly at the man only to grin wickedly at Nat when he turns away.
“Leave now,” he barks, glaring at her until she starts moving. She half runs half limps out of the house, leaving you alone with the soldier.
“Thank you,” you whisper, hugging him tightly then hissing as the wound in your side burns.
He lays you down on the ground, inspecting the gouge before nodding to himself. He stands without another word to retrieve a first aid kit and when he’s beside you again he starts stitching you up, his fingers gentle and kind.
You spend the rest of the day relaxing with the soldier, Bucky hardly making an appearance at all.
You’re getting ready for bed when you feel someone’s eyes on you.
“God, do none of you have any respect for other peoples’ privacy?” You demand, turning around with your hands on your hips.
Steve stands by the door, his arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his face.
“You know why I’m here.” Is all he says. You nod, pursing your lips and plopping down on your bed.
“The redhead sent you. Came and tattled on me for being a bad girl, right?” He says nothing, but you see a muscle in his jaw twitch.
“Fury’s gonna find out.”
“Oh yeah? And then what? Is he gonna deprive his pet of the one person who can keep him calm and contained?” Steve’s silence is answer enough.
“Don’t act like I’m the bad guy here. You and I both know that you’re just as fucked up as I am, if not more.” He swallows hard and avoids eye contact, making you chuckle.
“Imagine what would happen if people found out about Captain America’s depraved fantasies. Imagine if they knew how badly he craves power... how he longs to make people cower before him. Well, I don’t think they'd react too well to that. Do you?” His nostrils flare as he finally looks at you.
“What do you want?” He asks.
“I want to help you find her. Whoever it is you’re planning on taking. I want to be a part of it.” He furrows his brow, taken aback by your request.
“Because,” you whisper, pushing yourself to your feet and standing right in front of him. “The power is euphoric. It’s addictive. And I wanna feel it again.”
He stares down at you, blue eyes fighting a battle as he mulls over your words.
It’s wrong. He knows it’s wrong. He knows you’re not a good person and that wanting the things he wants isn’t something a good person, a normal person, wants. And yet... there’s something so alluring about you. Something addictive about the darkness inside of you. And he desperately wants a taste of it.
With a huff out of his nose, he glances down.
“So we have a deal?” You ask, a smile playing around the edges of your pretty lips.
“We’ve got a deal.”
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam France 2.4 reaction
Double episode this week! Here is the French take on Ouija, psychics, and potatoes.
Clip 1 - Romain
This is an episode where I’m definitely missing a lot of Norwegian/French context so if I’m missing something, please feel free to elaborate or correct me.
So on the one hand I enjoy the cabin episode, it’s a lot of fun, and it’s great to get a break from the main drama and just see the girls interacting and having fun together. But is it really necessary for a remake? From my non-Norwegian perspective, I thought the cabin episode/Easter special was a spooky mystery as a nod to Norway’s tradition of reading/watching crime stories around Easter, as well as structuring an episode with our main characters when they would have been off school. It seems like it was very culturally relevant to airing at that time, in that place? Of course non-Norwegian viewers also enjoy the cabin episode even without the context, but we were not the target audience for the show.
I mean, there’s not a lot in the cabin episode that’s vital to the main storyline of the season or that can’t be transported to other clips. Really only the potato conversation between Noora and Vilde seems like something that needs to stick. Everything else - Noora getting texts from William, Vilde talking and speculating about William, Eva talking about Jonas still being into her, talk of Isak’s sexuality - has already been covered or could easily be condensed or added to another scene. Like they could have fit this into Saturday clip where the girls are sleeping over at someone’s house and end up using a Ouija board, if they wanted to include that, and a Sunday clip where they’re hanging out and Manon and Daphne talk about potatoes.
IDK, I’m not saying this is bad - again I enjoy the concept of the episode - and I know the episodes have to be like <20 minutes so it might be easier to make a cabin episode than to cram the relevant parts into the rest of episode 5.
Anyway, at least this is scenic and the girls are cute. Hat game exceptionally strong.
Lol, I have no problem with bringing Kasper (Romain) into the show but if they hook up him and Alex, I’ll be kinda bummed. Of course bi girls can be with boys, but I’ve not liked how they’ve ignored her bisexuality at times when it would be relevant to the story. Plus we already have multiple on-screen het relationships and hookups and no f/f ones through any of the Skam remakes other than Alex’s one line about Clara; if they have a female character who’s into girls, I want them to finally deliver on that, you know?
At least they found a guy to play Romain who looks like he could be a spirit. I buy it.
Clip 2 - Everyone is tired of hearing about Charles
Alex giving us the guitar playing that we lacked last episode! ❤️ I love her big sparkly sweater.
Uh, that’s a straight-up Michael Myers mask. Alex, why does your grandmother have that?
Alex being 200% done with talk of Charles … relatable.
Imane and the girls teasing Daphne about hooking up with Romain was a good bit.
“We can’t talk about feminism without talking about men’s role in it” - Mmmm … I disagree … but that’s just my opinion lmao.
Oh Daphne,making it awkward between her and Imane when their dynamic was so cute just now.
Poor Alex, going from excited to exasperated in an instant when Daphne immediately decides she can use the Ouija board to ask about Charles. She thought she would be free for five minutes...
I love that she made the board herself though!
Lol, you can’t tell me that all of the other girls wouldn’t immediately get up with Imane and go to bed as well to avoid more Charles discussion.
Clip 3 - Ouija
This is a fun scene but kinda random. For instance, Alex had flirted with Lucas before but I’m not sure why it would be on her mind now… in the other scene Vilde and Eva led up to it by asking about guys, so Chris did the same.  … and kinda not sure why she doesn’t think he could be gay considering she (unlike Chris) knows about the porn on his phone. Hoping she still has a chance, I guess? (Or well, I guess her thing about it being nonsense could be her thinking he must be bi rather than gay since he’s with Sarah, but that’s not really implied.)
But I do like Manon asking about Romain and Daphne, that whole bit of teasing is fun (and you could interpret it as her wanting Daphne to move on. Though who doesn’t at this point, really.)
Emma feels less put out about the Yann situation in general than Eva was even though less time has passed between the Emma/Yann breakup. I’m not sure what to think of that. I mean, good for her, I guess?
I do really like the staging/setup of this scene, with the girls sitting around the table with the lights. That set a spooky spiritual atmosphere.
Clip 4 - Breakfast
God DAMN I would be so sick of hearing about Charles by this point. I feel Emma’s intense boredom.
I love Daphne’s fantasy about Charles coming to her in a dream like he’s in a ‘90s music video, though.
It’s pretty interesting to see how little changes in terms of what the director chooses to show can have an effect on the messages we register from a TV show. One thing Skam France needs to improve is being very, very hyper aware of those little things. 
For instance, in the original we get a shot of Vilde’s sparse plate and we get a shot of Noora noticing how little Vilde is eating. Without spelling it out for us (such as Noora saying, “Vilde, there’s not much on your plate, why don’t you take some more food?”) we can connect the dots as to why Noora offers her the bun. That’s just basic cinematic language, we almost take it for granted.  Here we don’t see Daphne’s plate or how much is on it, we don’t see Manon looking at Daphne’s plate with any kind of concerned expression. So when she offers Daphne the bread, there’s no clear connection within this scene for us to think Manon is worried about Daphne not eating. And because of that, when Daphne goes off on her gluten allergy, it comes across less as an excuse for her not eating, and could be just her rambling and making huge leaps much like she is about Charles, whereas with Vilde we can definitely pick it out as her trying to deflect questions about her not eating.
Clip 5 - Potatoes
The taxidermied animals are a nice touch for a spooky cabin, I must say.
I love that Alex decided Daphne will be the one to attack Romain, Alex will hide behind her, and Emma will hide behind Alex. Solid plan.
The potato scene is one where I don’t know how I would feel about it if I had not seen the original version.
The way it was acted and paced was not nearly as effective, in my opinion. What I adore about that scene is that how subtly the situation is handled. Noora doesn’t confront Vilde directly about her eating disorder; does it in a gentle way, one that will get through to Vilde (I love that the mention of antioxidants helping fight cancer is OK, but antioxidants helping against old skin is what really gets Vilde’s attention, and was a smart move on Noora’s part). Part of it is the pacing. I know we sometimes knock Noora’s slow delivery, but in this scene the unhurried pace absolutely works. Because Noora’s words are so slowly and calmly delivered, you can see them getting through to Vilde. You can see her turning over all these details about nutrition. All of the pauses between dialogue contain the information sinking into Vilde’s mind. And the pacing also emphasizes the extreme vulnerability of this conversation, how very careful Noora’s approach is, how Vilde maybe (possibly) (probably) realizes what’s going on and isn’t arguing or putting up resistance like she did when Noora was more direct about it at the end of S1, how despite Noora doing most of the talking, this still feels like a conversation between them. 
This version of the scene … it’s not bad and I can imagine it working, but it’s so hurriedly paced that it feels like Manon is talking at Daphne, it’s not a two-way conversation, and I don’t feel that what Manon’s saying is getting through to Daphne at the same level.
That Romain reveal, though? Excellent.
Clip 6 - “Romain” revealed
The girls are very cute huddled together and I’m liking their dialogue. It does feel more rushed though, like it’s very enjoyable but they’re flying through it just because it was in the original. Like the line about “my hijab will protect us” is very random when Imane doesn’t tie in the hijab to her psychic powers during her explanation.
Alex and Imane hugging and kissing after the reveal! ❤️
Lol they cut out Emma talking about how some of the Ouija must have been real because of Yann having feelings for her, and the irony of her saying that when Manon is getting a text from Charles about Yann hooking up with someone else. They’re downplaying that arc a lot, tbh.
I see Manon’s little smile at that text. Whatever I feel about Charles, that’s a smooth as hell text.
General Comments:
Aside from my nitpicks and wondering if this episode is at all necessary in the French version, I did have a lot of fun with this episode. The girl squad dynamic continues to be a strength of Skam France, and there was lots of cute banter and friendship. Alex in particular got many moments to shine.
As much as I love lesbian Daphne, if they’re not going that route, I would kinda be down for her hooking up with Romain in the finale, in place of Alex. You know. As a fun fling. Get her mind off Charles. Alex can find a nice girl to smooch.
Here are some English-language articles about Norwegian Easter traditions, especially the crime stories, that gave me some context on the original episode.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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alleunwalk · 3 years
i made a tag thing, feel free to copy and paste and share your answers!  p.s don’t forget to credit/tag me :) 
also: do NOT DM me spewing out hate or whatever because these are simply my opinions. im welcome to having a progressive conversation if something about my answers rubbed you the wrong way. 
tokyo revengers tag 
spoiler warnings if you’re not caught up to the manga! (currently at ch. 209)
when did you first get into tokyo revengers? 
literally a few days ago...read the manga in the span of 2-3 days and now im hooked. i saw people raving about it on twitter and tiktok so i was curious. 
who is your favorite character(s)? 
-pet shop trio (baji, kazutora, and chifuyu) i love their dynamic and i just want to protect them and for them to be happy!!! (crying). (also i know people slander kazutora all the time but idgaf- he had one of the best character developments i’ve seen don’t come for me yes i know im problematic for liking him! im still stanning idc idc idc) -i also loved izana as an antagonist ( i know im problematiqué!) but i think he was just so complex and fascinating to see. -also really love inui-- his growth and relationship with koko made me cry  
who is your least favorite character(s)? 
-kisaki- incel scum. absolute loser. (unpopular opinion but i feel like izana would’ve made a better main antagonist...)  -taiju- he was a literal high schooler bossing around a bunch of 7th and 8th graders....embarrassing!! 
who is your favorite gang? 
OG tokyo manji gang when it was first created by baji. i think this gang-- they were just so pure-hearted and i know it’s corny to go with “the power of friendship!” but this gang really just had a great dynamic and in the end they were just a bunch of kids that wanted to have a good time and protect each other, ya know? with the other gangs, aside from the corruption i never understood what their motives were (again aside from money and corruption), we never got to see their true values and reasoning to do all that stuff. 
who is a character you would get along with? 
-probably takemichi? we’re both cry babies. but in all seriousness, takemichi is just so nice and goes above and beyond for people. -chifuyu- just so chill and i know this man has good music and manga taste. -inui- again, just super chill and idk why but i feel like this man also has good music taste
what is your favorite ship? 
-tbh i don’t mind the canon het ships (taka x hina and draken x emma) they are cute? -baji x kazutora or baji x chifuyu or chifuyu x kazutora -- possibilities are endless here -tbh tokyo revengers has a lot of great ships (minus the nasty ships - see below- considering the fact that i think most of the chars were def bi or gay lmao let me hc in peace) 
what is your least favorite ship? 
-any of the incest ships-- like wtf is wrong with y’all -adult form x child form/ adult x child -- again, wtf is wrong with y’all? 
what’s your favorite arc? 
-valhala arc: YOU ALREADY KNOWWWW -tenjiku arc: haha i love pain :,) + the Drama of it all!!!!  -bonten arc/final arc? the current future makes me tear up everytime 
what is your prediction/wish for the series? 
not to be corny but i hope takemichi succeeds in finding a future where Everyone can be happy.
im manifesting a future where baji and emma are alive LMAO 
 also maybe this is just me but i wish the author would elaborate more on how kisaki was able to manipulate and foil takemichi’s plan all this time, we were about to know until he got regina george’d. he couldn’t have just been some super smart genius, there had to have been more...idk just my opinion. ALSO hope we can see what “dark impulsivity” is mentioned by mikey and how it truly originated. but yeah- manifesting a happy ending all around and no more deaths.
my wish is for inui and koko to be together again (AT LEAST as friends) i know a lot of people Hated their dynamic because it’s “toxic” and yeah it was but there was also potential-- like if koko was able to look past inui and see inui as himself, a real person and not just a projection of akane then things can work out. inui has shown us from then and now how much he grew past that whole experience- but koko is still struggling, but maybe there’s a huge possibility for growth for him in the final arc.....again, i manifest. 
what do you like about the series? 
tbh i loved the concept- time travel but with delinquents? fck yeah! i also like how real the protagonist is- takamichi, a guy who’s not afraid to cry and is just overall super empathetic to the people around him. time and time again we’ve see him fail yet continue to persevere. yes he has his moments where he breaks down, but honestly who WOULDN’T cry if you went through something like him? the character designs are also all so unique and beautiful, the outfits, hair, tattoo designs?? simply stunning!!! overall in terms of pacing and writing style- you just never know what you’re gonna get(the twists, turns, and emotional roller coaster you go through!)  i also like how the author just gave us delinquents who have a heart of gold and aren’t afraid to break toxic masculinity norms (akkun wanting to be a hair stylist, inui wearings heels, mitsuya wanting to be a designer, men who show people it’s ok to cry and show emotion etc.) AND RESPECT WOMEN!!!! also maybe it’s just me but the author also highlights a really good point on how society treats troubled/struggling youth (ex: kazutora finally getting the help he needed to integrate back into society, hina+naoto’s dad questioning takemichi’s lifestyle etc.) at the end of the day they were all just kids who wanted family, love, and friendship-- THEY DESERVE THE WORLD!! 
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