#idk know if the first is zadf or zadr
strawowoberry · 2 years
Just some school doodles :pp 💞💞
First drawing we have me just redrawing a scene, yknow, and then my mind just went all over the place wkahskdb
Second drawing I wanted and felt like drawing lil boyo Koa 🥺😭😭😭💞💞 dibs dressed the way he is rn because resisty au thing- roleplay be going so amazixndg I can't- I just had to draw Koa smol and older as well- I actually drew this a bit ago- but idc Jsbdk it's too cute not to share
That's it akajd
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yeah sorry about springing in like this,  i was gonna dm you or message but i dont really want to be known since this is super awkward 
But some while ago i receeived this rly weird message about you in my inbox and idk what to think of it.. i debated but i feel like you should know somebody out there is saying stuff like this about you. i normally dont believe stuff like this to begin with cuz it seems really outlandish in the first place but i dont know 
u dont actually have to explain anything or post this honestly. 
Lol.Wow.I'm just laughing because of how ludicrous this is actually. 
But for a quick debunk that I know I don't owe anyone but I have time to kill:
1. This is the only blog I have. I don't have any alternative accounts. @dana-chan325 is my only other blog. And the reason I stopped using it is because around my birthday last year, I got completely locked out of my account, and was forced to change my password. The email associated with the account is my college email, and as a graduate, I don't have access to it. So I was perma-locked out of that account forever. And I don't believe I've ever reblogged zadr on it, aside from maybe jokes about it, or them holding hands. Same here.
2. As far as supporting Zadr goes, it's cute. I read it when it's there. The fandom is so oversaturated with it, it's easier to just casually like it. I have no beef with zadr and I've read a few several fics on the ship, but I more prefer zadf. I'm also extremely selective and picky about it. And I typically don't reblog anything past the boys holding hands or hugging. Maybe a kiss, but if it's a @bamsara brand kiss. (chomping dib's face off)  Although I have stated several times on my blog that my all-time favorite IZ fic of all time is a zadr fic.
 Also... I wonder if that person even sees my blog.
I'm an Avid shipper of Zim's Computer and Professor Membrane. (arguably, the only male adults with a lot of screentime in the show.) 
I just reblogged fanart of them that @i-like-pink-lolzz made me for my birthday.
 Because Zim's Computer and Professor Membrane are just totally Zim and Dib in costumes right? loooooool 
3. "She dated a pedophile"
This I have to fucking laugh my ass off.
I've only dated two people in MY LIFE (and swiped left on dating apps over a schmillion times)And I haven't dated since 2013.
That's over eight years ago
so if they grew up to be pedophiles, I don't freaking know. I lost all contact with them after we broke up XD
 The first guy I dated was majoring in childhood education, and the other guy was a scumbag who cheated on me with my sister.
So if any one of them turned out to be a pedo hope it's guy number two and he's in jail XD Cus fuck him honestly. 
4. Additionally, to debunk me being a pedo... I work as a one-on-one children's Aid at an Elementary School. Working with Kindergarteners and extremely young children. I've also worked at a High School as a one-on-one with Autistic Teens and Teens with developmental or anger issues. I don't take pedo accusations lightly, and I feel the internet has to stop throwing that term around just to describe people they don't like.
5.  "A Zadr Discord server."I don't own a discord server myself.
But I am an avid member of the Moo-Ping 10 Discord Server. But I am not a moderator or an owner of it. 
The server is ship neutral and ship safe. People do draw Zadr there, but there is also, Brainbrane, ZaTr, ZaGr, and PraR and PaZRr as well as many others.
The server is all-inclusive and non-discriminatory towards ships. A lot of minors are on it, but just as many adults are on it as well. It's a PG-13 server and it's a place where people won't feel judged for just wanting to see their favorite fictional characters kiss. Anyways, I hope that clears that up.
And weirdly, thanks for sharing that with me.
I have seasonal and chronic depression that hits me pretty hard around this time of year. But this actually cheered me up so much. It gave me a good laugh, and made me realize how awesome I am compared to someone who would go around spreading baseless rumors like this. But it weirdly made me happy, and made me feel a lot better about myself. So thanks.
But yeah, that anon just hates me I guess.
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