#idk man 99% of our traditions and cultural stuff are religious technically but no one really cares much about that part
error404vnotfound · 1 year
Fwend help me. I’m so lost.
I thought Saints were like religious people that the Catholics were like “they are holy and help out with x, y, z” and have their own little prayers.
Do saints not have to be holy??? I ???
Are there good and bad saints ??
Then again I guess the Bible is full of questionable prophets—
So that checks out. BUT STILL.
(I’m not attacking btw) (I am genuinely curious and confused)
nono, they are that's what a saint is
the confusion I think comes from a cultural thing here because when I think of saint I don't go "oh yeah martyrs that died for religion" I think "my bestie Sant Jordi <3 dia del llibre my beloved. my bestie Sant Joan another banger holiday <3 and because of Santa oliva i never had class the 10th of June thanks bestie" and "yeah when it's the day of the saint with my legal name I get money"
and it's because here basically every single day is the day of a saint, and every town and sometimes neighborhoods have their own (patron) saint, etc, so the actual meaning of saint is quite lost on me when talking in general about them (again I put the emphasis on patron and not on saint)
and a patron saint is just. the Thing the saint got prayed to. here mostly it's the saint of your town (not because they were from it but because of a bunch of different reasons). in my town it's Santa Oliva because it's been a town that produces olive oil since forever and people back then prayed to her so their crops would be plentiful (oliva is olive in Catalan btw) and eventually the Pope said yeah we'll give this town Santa Oliva as their patron saint
so,,, yeah don't know if that's clearer
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