#idk man i have a lot of thoughts about cole and phoebe and s4 and 5 and they change all the time so
paigemathews · 2 years
@fullybeautifultheorist replied to your post “I know I have some drafts that at least mention...”:
Tbh the fact that Cole was possessed doesn't really change much. Cole was egoistical and obsessed murderer in season 3 as well as in season 5. There is literally no meaningful change in his behavior during all 3 season. And even un season 7 he is playing peeping Tom
​Hmm, honestly, I see your point, but I think I would disagree. I’m not a fan of Cole’s, by any means, but I think knowing that he did not purposefully become the Source of All Evil and he wasn’t in full control would change things for at least Phoebe. I don’t want to whitewash his sins, because there are many but there is at least some kind of inherent tragedy in his loss of agency and autonomy after he tried to redeem himself. He really was trying to become good, even if it was for flawed reasons. I also think that it could bring either more pain or comfort to Phoebe and the sisters, because on one hand, they hadn’t been tricked so badly that Cole had never actually changed sides but on the other, they’d still been manipulated enough that they thought he never did if that makes sense.
#fullybeautifultheorist#abi speaks#cole turner#anti cole turner#charmed#i have a LOT of issues with cole and his storylines and ESPECIALLY the way his fans treat him#but at the same time i do think that it still mattered. do i necessarily think he's redeemable? ehhh#but i still think that the fact that he did not voluntarily betray the sisters and try to take power#is something that would be important for the sisters to know#like yeah he was a bad person and abusive and it was of his own volition#but at the same time i dont really think its fair that what they see as one of his biggest betrayals was something he had no agency over#or even limited agency over. i dont really know how much agency he had over the source tbh bc they dont really show us but#but it's like. maybe you fail but your choices still MATTERED yknow?#idk if that makes sense#my original post is more about how the sisters deserved to know more than it really changed anything for cole tho like#idgaf about him like sticking the happy ending or whatever but i think that phoebe (and the sisters) deserved to know#idk man i have a lot of thoughts about cole and phoebe and s4 and 5 and they change all the time so#bc i actually never had that much beef with him when i first watched the show (at like fucking. thirteen lmao)#i only started actively disliking him bc of his fans and tbh a decent portion of it still is how so many people act like he was an innocent#when he still had that blood on his hands#and i also havent really rewatched like s3 thru s5 for a hot hot minute especially not consecutively so like#my opinions may do a complete 180 in either direction once i actually. do that#(we're ignoring that i've been saying that for literally two or three years at this point life is time consuming)#annnnnd we're back to tags being longer than the post whoops lmao
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
favorite and least favorite season for each sister?
prue: tbh all of prue’s seasons i feel like rank p evenly for me i feel like a lot of them offered some really good episodes and some nice character developments and interesting facets of prue that aren’t always in the forefront. i feel like i would say my least favorite prue season is s3. she’s just a bit too wicca wonder in s3 for my tastes i feel like it’s just like a lil ooc imo. i also feel like nothing she did was very permanent that season like i know they said they genuinely didn’t know whether they were gonna kill off prue or phoebe but come on guys. who got an unresolved season long love interest and who got and episode coming to terms with dying. let’s be real here. that leaves my favorite to be either season one or season two and like i feel like i should pick season one bc that’s her first season and we really get to see her open up for the first time with her relationship with andy and her bond with her but like i can’t my favorite prue season is s2. i feel like she had some really good episodes both from like a character standpoint and fleshing out who she is but also from like a they’re just really fun episodes standpoint. like off the top of my head ms hellfire and p3 h2o and murphy’s luck like i feel like these were all really good prue episodes. i also liked her relationships that season i love prue x bane and i thought prue x jack was like stupid but still like really fun??? like i feel like jack was really essential into getting prue to open back up bc he was literally just too stupid to ever be burned by her insults. i don’t think many other characters could serve the arc he did. this is also the season we first see her start to embark on her photography career, which i really liked in the progression of her character. i feel like s2 did a lot of prue right.
piper: i mean hands down i don’t even really need to think about it my favorite piper season is s4. the growth we saw and the range it was really unlike anything we had ever seen before i really loved it. from prue’s death to the introduction of paige to her feeling of guilt / responsibility at phoebe’s turn to the dark side and lik the episode lost & bound to and brain drain i mean hello???? like it’s no contest for me season 4 hands down. as far as her least favorite season,,, s7 & 8 are always really fuzzy in my memory but i feel like my least favorite piper season in s7??? like what i remember from s7 is her really standing by leo more than i feel like was warranted i don’t want to say “more than her own sisters” bc i feel like that’s not inherently true but there was just something about the dynamic in s7 that i think were off also the whole not giving chris a wiccaning thing i just feel like piper was in no way consistent within the arc of s7 but also in relation to her character growth as a whole i feel like the plot was forming her rather than her reaction to the plot. but i really do have no evidence as i uhh really can never remember s7
phoebe: man phoebe really went downhill in the later seasons like with the whole baby crazy tangent but uhh all of that pales in comparison to betraying her family for some boring ass man. my least favorite phoebe season is s4. like?? i feel like it was really such a bullshit move with her becoming the queen of all evil and then the source’s heir and the this that and the other i felt like it was really a betrayal of the growth and development we saw in the previous seasons. meaning uhh my favorite season will probably one of the three before s4, and then i can scratch out s3 bc i really didn’t like what her relationship with cole did to her. while i really like the development and growth we got out of her in s2 with her registering for college & all that, my favorite phoebe season is s1. we really got to see her grow from this person that she clearly was in new york into a more responsible person while not losing her wild heart, and the growth we saw with her sisters was *chef’s kiss*. like she was very clearly the black sheep of the family and a bit of a loner but seeing her grow the have these really stronger bonds with her family,,,, is def what we should have gotten in s4
paige: paige has the inherent weakness of only being in seasons four thru eight and i have the inherent weakness of never being able to remember season seven or eight so uhh,,, i think these will be in regards to season four, five, & six. i’m going to start off by saying my favorite paige season is s6. i know a lot of people didn’t like the temp jobs plotline or her relationship with richard, but i feel like season six really has the most heart. season four was a bit too much testing the waters with the sister’s dynamic, and then got completely derailed with phoebexcole, and while i don’t dislike paige not trusting cole, i really hate what it did for the relationships around the manor. and season five was the superwitch kick, which i feel like, idk i feel like it wasn’t that good. the beauty about season six is what paige did was motivated by her heart. like the superwitch tangent was an obsession, but in season s6, all of our paige centric episodes are really ones driven by paige genuinely wanting to help people (love’s a witch, soul survivor). even with richard, she wasn’t like endlessly defending him, she was trying to stage an intervention bc she really cared for him and hated seeing him go down that path. and yes there was the sex doll thing but uhh you can’t win em all. building off what i said earlier, my least favorite paige season is s5. like how i mentioned s6 was driven by heart, s5 was the opposite of that. like a lot of paige-centric episode weren’t about trying to help people in need, it’s like she just got thrown in there (think lucky charmed, where she was literally trying to magically erase credit card debt or something and then got caught up in leprechaun drama). this is of course, keeping in mind how little i remember of s7&8 (but i really don’t think she did that much s8 like yes she did things but how much of her personality was on display, really?)
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
i always love reading your thoughts on how things were handled/could have been handled. and this is something i think a lot about, so that being said. how do you feel about how quickly they resolved the fertility issue with piper? or how they could have handled it had they not had the angel of destiny come in and be all wink wink nudge nudge. but also what could have happened had the not gotten rid of pheobes source baby.
well, in regards to phoebe’s baby, i have actually answered many an ask on that and even started a fic as a request that who knows maybe i’ll pick up again who can say but broad strokes on that: with phoebe’s baby i would have had cole’s vanquish stick at the end of season 4, and when the seer absorbs the source in womb raider, she would have absorbed only the source and not the baby, and then playing with the thinking wyatt was a girl surprise he’s a boy! since everyone thought the source’s heir was a boy i think it would be more fun to have her be a girl a) bc fuck your expectations and b) honestly the heir to the charmed ones should really be a girl like that was the premise the show was based on man. and then the baby would keep the same fire powers it had in the womb, and then also have powers over ice, like prue did in her past life. i also think phoebe would name her baby prue, and then mainly for tagging purposes i refer to her as dency so as not to confuse her with the many other prudences.
on piper’s fertility: i really don’t see a point in bringing it up if only to resolve it four episodes later? like if they thought they made it some great payoff by sprinkling that in, they didn’t?? it just felt like they robbed us of a potentially really in depth and thoughtful plotline (of course, this is coming of the heels of s4 so we might have already left the territory of the in depth and thought out). honestly, i would have loved to see fertility explored as an issue as it is a thing many women face but is not often acknowledged, but i would not have picked piper as the character to do it with. there is definitely an element of y’know like profound tragedy to piper, the most motherly and domestic character who has always craved that life to now be infertile due to her duties as a witch, but it seems unnecessarily cruel because she is the one who does not like being a witch because of how much it takes from her “normal” life. to have it take away her dream of being a mother as well.... fuckin downer m8 that’s not why people watch charmed y’know. if you were to give piper infertility, it should stem from natural causes. however, i think it would be best to grant that plotline to phoebe. because early phoebe definitely did not want to be a mother, but as she matured it really became a dream of hers. furthermore, she’s the most who loves her craft the most (except for maybe paige), and she’s also the most physical. having her experience infertility due to blunt force trauma really paint everything in a new light. because she loves being a witch, but part of her really wants to become a mom. and she’s always branded herself as this strong, independent woman, but that doesn’t mean she can’t want to have children. it adds the idea of motherhood + the woman with the self made career in a new light because she never really dreamed of motherhood til later, but that in no way makes her desires less valid. but at the same time, she loves the craft and she needs to protect the innocent. she cannot, she will not turn her back on that just to pursue her own dreams of starting her own family. and we could really get a lot of heart to hearts with members of the family as she talks with piper about really wanting to start her own family and maybe if she didn’t waste so much time in her youth to which piper pulls her out of that spiral like every move you have made has brought you right where you are and that is a wonderful, strong, brave woman who will - not would - make an excellent mother. and she talks with paige about adoption and what that means for family blah blah blah because phoebe doesn’t want to like admit it but she doesn’t really want to adopt because she just really wants children of her own she wants to be their mother and paige is like you will be their mother. it extends past biology. and honestly? maybe you don’t even resolve that with an angel of destiny dropping by like buns are in the oven. maybe you just genuinely have phoebe adopt lost witches and raises three daughters that are her own, even if she did not give birth to them. because for a lot of women who actually experience infertility, it’s not something where if you really really really want children enough, you’ll be cured. you can try everything in the book and yet. so just having that representation and showing that it isn’t the end all be all and you can still form a loving, strong family of your own. idk i think it’d be nice.
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