margarethelstone-2 · 8 months
For the fanfic ask, how about M and R?? ☺️💕
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Oh my goodness, for sure there have been some crazy ideas at a time, but I'll need a minute for this one. I do remember thinking of a Zutara: The Lion King AU, with the banished cocky, insecure prince and all, as well as a Hiccstrid: Anastasia AU (not so weird, really). Neither turned into a fic, although i did rephrase the "Rumour in St. Petersburg" into a "Rumour on the Isle of Berk" song, or at least bits of it (quite successfully, may i add). I blame @astridthevalkyrie and @wilderwestqueen for the last one.
also obviously virtually everything can be turned into an MLB au. just saying.
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
I feel like i've been answering this question since the first ask I ever posted, but when it comes to fanfic, it will always be @cried2dream, as she is the one who personally and single-handedly dragged me into writing fanfic in the first place (with her own great writing, of course).
Fanfiction aside, I do pick up a style of writing pretty easily (if imperfectly), and so here it would mostly be L.M. Mongomery, Jane Austen and Andrzej Sapkowski (yes, the Witcher guy).
But also I will never not talk about Fyodor Dostoevsky and Boleslaw Prus, so I'm dragging them into this as well because I can.
And Tolkien. Of course there must be Tolkien.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Theory: in season 7 when Phoebe showed her vision of utopia to an elder, the elder was able to sense that Phoebe's daughter in the vision was a cupid. That was why the elders "hoped she'd fall in love with a cupid". Because they knew from the premonition that she was supposed to have a kid with one, and they were trying to help her have the child she foresaw and wanted. (Maybe they even knew the father was Coop specifically? Or maybe they just took a lucky guess because he seemed eligible 😂
ooh you know what i really like this idea i really justifies that weak ass excuse bonus round! all the elders at a meeting like uhh fuck condolence gifts for phoebe halliwell any thoughts? and someone’s like umm we can give her levitation back? and another’s like would could get her something nice for her new apartment maybe? and the elder who saw her premonition is like oh shit why don’t we just send her her baby daddy and all the other elders are like elaborate. and what’s his face is like in her vision of utopia, her kids were half cupid. so let’s send her a cupid. and the elders are like lit done deal until one of them is like shouldn’t we figure out which cupid specifically? so the elders over the intercom are like can all cupids please report to the heavens repeat can all cupids please report to the heavens and so all the cupids are there like do you know what’s going on no do you no i don’t know either and why is this old why guy staring at us until the elder picks up on the vibe and he’s like that one over there and they’re like cupid! we’re sending you down to phoebe halliwell to uhh [shit we can’t say impregnate her that’s too weird oh my god this pause is getting too long uhhhhhhhhhhhhh] help her find love! good luck :)
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hanabibi · 9 years
Omfg I think you're right, that has gotta be Aanya!
That’s what i thought!!! there’s only one member who’s that guigui!
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margarethelstone-2 · 8 months
Are there any art you have discontinued? If so, why?
not so much as discontinued, more like i have piles and piles of wips that i'm still lying to myself about hoping to finish. but! as you might have seen recently, i'm actually picking some of them up now - so who knows, maybe i'll manage to get them all done eventually! thank you for the ask!
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
What does Wyatt Halliwell act like in his teenagers age? and what is his personality? Is he bad boy type and ladies man/player/womanizer? Wyatt is more like his daddy boy. Chris Halliwell is more like his mama’s boy, like he is responsible and serious about school and other things. Can you do it like headcanons? Also, what is their interest in women like wild they date/fell in love with a female demon?
okay so this ask made me remember that wyatt is not actually gay in canon but for all intents and purposes every time i write about know that i am writing him as a gay man. But, for this ask, i will write for a wyatt that is attracted to women.
for starters, the wyatt that we did see in canon is this really open and earnest guy who very clearly believes in good and sort of an intrinsic plan for everything and definitely holds this belief that if you keep an open mind and an open heart, everything will fall right into place. so i think he’s totally a hopeless romantic. i also think he’d be really self conscious because he really is this all powered embodiment of good magic meaning that within magic circles and receives A Lot of attention all the time, so he feels the need to be like especially likable (especially because the elders were so scared he’s turn evil that they tries to kill him so uhh better prove that you’re so very super Not Evil). so like, translating over into mortal circles, he can’t necessarily shed this really need to be an insanely likable, good person. and bc of this whole being a good, likable person, who’s also like tall and blond but still has this edge of mystery bc like wtf why does he mysteriously vanish for long periods of time w no explanation what’s up with that i feel like the type of girl that is really attracted to wyatt are the one’s who read romance novels. and i think the attraction goes both ways because they both sort of share this honest belief in true love and all that passion for these tales of finding great love and keeping it against all odds. that being said i think all of his relationships end pretty poorly because there’s always this jump then fall intense dramatic passion that almost always devolves into wither one of them getting to clingy or someone getting too intense or serious. i think wyatt genuinely falls in love with almost everyone he dates, and has both broken several hearts and gotten his heart broken several times. i feel like he would never be on like really bad terms with any of his exs but i don’t think that he would really be friends or like on speaking terms with any of them bc it’s just too awkward to try to be casual and small talk with anyone who you have shared such an almost like overdramatic relationship with. voted most likely to write a song on acoustic guitar for his girlfriend.
chris i think is really the opposite of wyatt like again if your brother is like this adored figure who is very much a people person and liked by everyone you can either be a try hard and try to worm your way into his circles in an cringy desperate manner or you can be aloof and act like you really don’t care and specifically build your social circles around those your brother isn’t involved in (there is, of course, the third option of just being like yourself as a normal person and not letting your familial relationships dictate who you become friends with but uhh chris didn’t think of that one) so he definitely hangs out with the misfits and only really dates those in his circle. and i say “date” but it is like the loosest meaning of the word. while wyatt goes all in and falls in love every time, chris tends to keep his armor up. he just,, he doesn’t want to go through all the effort of revealing his true self and being honest and open and all that, especially if there’s no guarantee it’ll yield anything good. i mean, that’s what wyatt does and he’s seen his brother’s heart break countless times. and on top of that he’s really become wrapped up in sort of this brand of skinny tall brunet with daddy issues because a lot of people really find that attractive. but no, he is not willing to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
as far as a demon love interest: i think chris would be most likely to have a relationship with a demon as again his idea of relationship is really guarded it’s not rooted in trust its very surface level so like they would both go into this relationship knowing it’s a horrible idea and will never last, but at least it’ll be fun. wyatt on the other hand i don’t think would ever knowingly date a demon because whoa! bad idea! but i think that if he were to be conned it would very much be a phoebe situation because once again he loves with his whole heart he’s very open and vulnerable. that being said, i think wyatt prizes his family above all else so if it was a cole situation he would definitely vanquish his love to save his family. but if it was more of a accidentally falling in love with a demon after a coffee shop meet cute where she doesn’t know he’s charmed and he doesn’t know she’s a demon that could have slightly more potential. if i were to do a plotline like this tho, i would actually make her a warlock and not a demon, because i think warlocks can defect to good and become witches, as it’s shown it can go the other way as well. demon is just too permanent. that being said, i still don’t think a wyatt demon relationship would prosper because it’s just too dangerous. again, he’s more of a hopeless romantic, the element of danger and the potential of betrayal isn’t a thrill ride it’s an encroaching fear. and especially with his family breathing down his neck bc they have seen how bad a demon witch relationship can turn, i don’t see him going through with that. even if he loved her, i think he would still break up with her (now if you then wanna pull a two households both alike in dignity situation it could be done but as previously stated i think demons are really difficult to redeem in the charmed universe)
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
What Hogwarts houses do you think the charmed ones are in?
hmm okay
so for starters i think prue is a slytherin, less because of the whole workaholic factor / bitchy character thing, but more because of how fierce she is to protect her family. they are her chosen circle and she will protect them to her dying breath. which i know gryffindor is sort of more the “loyalty” house, but imo it’s much more of a slytherin thing to have a really small close circle that is meticulously selected who you will be endlessly loyal to. on top of that, her undeniable ambition, especially at the expense of her own happiness. gryffindor is about chasing you passions, ravenclaw is following your mind, hufflepuff is doing your due diligence, but only slytherin is going into something you really don’t even want to do but still putting in endless effort into it because you have to be the best. we see a great example of this with prue and her jobs at the museum and the auction house. prue left behind her true passion of photography so her family could keep the manor, putting her love for her circle in front of her own personal desires, but that didn’t mean she trudged through her nine to five. she dedicated herself to her field and became one of the best, because that’s the type of person she is. we didn’t see her chase after her true dream until she was confident that the house was secure and her loved ones were safe, and then proceeded to pursue photography with just as much zeal as she did her previous work. on the darker side of the slytherin coin, we see her but her circle above the wellbeing of common folk in all hell breaks loose. when she needs to get piper to the hospital before she dies, she’s at her absolute most basic instinct. she launches people through the air not really caring where they land because she cannot let piper die and she’s willing to do whatever it takes make sure that doesn’t happen. and then for my third and final point, she’s the best at like a character study. she can read people and then work them to her advantage. she can easily get under people’s skin, or, on the flipside, pretend to be the person she knows they want to see, another very slytherin trait imo
then i would probably go and say piper is a gryffindor. like surface level i could easily go hufflepuff bc you know, she’s obviously a hard worker and all that but i just have to say gryffindor. because even though she was always sort of teased as the chicken of the family, she does have undeniable amounts of bravery, even before prue’s death. her speech to the elders in once upon a time?
i bet you guys think this is real funny, don't you haven't you taken enough from me? you have to send trolls to kick me while i'm down! i had a nice normal life once and you took that from me. you took my boyfriend, you took my life, the least you could do is leave me my freakin car keys. i am a good person, i am a good witch and damn it i would've made a great wife. and how dare you take that from me? i deserve... no, you know what? i demand that you send him back to me. you hear me? right now. i am going to stand in this very spot until you send leo back to me.
quintessential gryffindor. the gall, the rooting your feet where you stand, cursing out of a higher power, i mean hello? and she’s always been a bit headstrong. hufflepuff is more putting your head down and doing the work because you know it’s right, gryffindor is a little different. piper’s work ethic comes from her heart, if she puts effort into something, it’s because she holds a passion for it. if she doesn’t, well... right and wrong go a little out the window. in brain drain, she was willing to barter with the source just so she could have a normal life. her heart wasn’t in it, ergo she had no desire to put the work in. a lot more gryffindor than hufflepuff to me.
and then possibly my most controversial take i’m saying phoebe is a ravenclaw because okay like think about it a lot of what she does is driven by sort of this curiosity this passion for the unknown and desire to learn more. she never knew her dad, so after high school she flew halfway across the country just to try to find him. she was the first one to discover the book, and the first one to dive headfirst into witchcraft. if i’m gonna cite some sources here’s a piece of dialogue from the painted world:
phoebe: you weren’t at that job interview surrounded by all those college graduates. you don't know how good it feels to be really smart. smart people are respected, taken seriously. and really smart women, forget about it. then again, you probably do know what i'm talking about. you have a four-year degree.
piper: so what? phoebe, i will never have the kind of smarts you have, no matter what i do.
so from this we can gather that phoebe doesn’t like being viewed as unintelligent. in fact, she really wants to be considered smart, she wants to be smart. to which piper retorts that she is smart, but more street smarts. phoebe knows things that can’t be found in a textbook, she can operate in society at a much higher capacity than her sisters; it seems like everyone loves phoebe. also, she can go toe to toe with prue in an argument, and that takes a considerable amount of brains. and then we go on to see phoebe enroll in college and graduate with a ba in psychology, and then goes on to return to college to get a phd in psychology. and, of course, on top of that, she’s the best spell writer of the bunch, writing 40+ original spells in the show, including the spell to vanquish the source, the most powerful spell the charmed ones have. very ravenclaw, if you ask me. 
uhh but tragically i’m not gonna round this out by using all four house paige is a slytherin. now, you could argue paige for about every house but i’m arguing slytherin. bc okay. so much of paige’s life was about being the best person she could be for herself, you know? like her adolescence was very “stereotypical slytherin” with excess drug use, being goth and a dramatic fuck up to your parents, stuff you see on pinterest moodboards yknow. and then she becomes a social worker, which people would usually go to as like hufflepuff support. but like,, paige was Not like a hard worker at that job. she held a passion for it yes, and she did get things done, but she was notoriously late and behind schedule, and had a bad habit of vanishing for extra long lunch breaks (even before she was a witch, if i’m not mistaken). furthermore, her methods of getting things done are less doing the works in a solid and proper method, and more about cutting corners and using her own cunning to get it done in the most efficient way possible (i mean, she was the one to use personal gain undeniably the most). and this isn’t an insult! when she first got the book of shadows, she immediately took it to work and started using it in her cases. yes, this was “personal gain”, but she was doing it to help others. with the flipside being like she didn’t need magic & should probably have done her task properly so the use of it wasn’t necessary but like i feel like that only makes it more slytherin. and then moving on, her superwitch phase was obviously her putting herself in competition with prue, and her obsessive competitive need to be the best. slytherin. and then the next season she tried to dodge magic in an attempt to reclaim her life and find some greater meaning to herself. slytherin. her whole dynamic with kyle and being chill with him knocking out sheridan was very slytherin. in season 8, her whole early competition growing into flirty with henry is very slytherin. her dynamic with her father is very slytherin (calling back to what i was talking about prue, she has closely selected her inner circle and it takes a lot of work to get it. we also see this in early season four onward with her having trouble to come to terms with new sister living and accepting piper and phoebe into her circle.) what i’m getting at is paige is a very much a slytherin when you stop to think about it.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
I agree wholeheartedly with ur wyatt is gay hc so I’ll use chris for this thought but like imagine him accidentally getting some girl pregnant but he just Doesn’t see her again until a few weeks later when she calls him like “hi I’m pregnant. also i sneezed yesterday and everything just fell off my kitchen table lmao that’s wild” and chris is like ah shit
bro. i love it. a quintessential storytelling device. these two lads are tied together now. knocked up who?? chris being like okay um lmao guess i should probably tell you now uh magic is real and im a witch and she's like oh. cool. and chris is like wow that went surprisingly well and then she faints. and then like full quirky rom com from here on out. chris and wyatt are definitely battling demons when she calls and chris is like oh uh i gotta take this?? and wyatts like you definitely do go ill handle this and chris's girlfriend is like i can teleport now??? is this baby in my womb teleporting me?????? and chris is like .... yeah. i technical she's orbing you but the terminology doesn't really matter. they definitely fall in love piper definitely swears to kill chris for knocking up some random girl but still of course has a big hand at planning the super cute wedding a couple months after the baby is born and chris is like i know we don't need a shotgun wedding anymore bc well they baby's already born but uh i really like spending time with you and i really like you and are you proposing to me? yeah? cool. im in.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
What do you think of the scene where when Chris is forced back to the future Wyatt doesn’t immediately kill him? Do you think there was some part of Wyatt that still loved Chris and didn’t want to kill him?
you know i’ve seen this a lot like the idea that wyatt trying to convert chris rather than kill him is a sign that there is still good in him and that he genuinely does care for his younger brother but uhh i have a slightly less optimistic take. i have no idea if it’s established in canon, but i feel like it’s at the very least implied that chris rebels against wyatt’s establishment frequently. in the dark future that i write, chris is very much one of the leaders of the revolution, a quasi beacon of hope sort of thing. really, the last thing you would want to do is to make him a martyr. if you can kill him in a really pathetic ant-boot manner, great, sure, maybe you’ll dampen hope. but like, the leader of a revolution fighting to his dying breath for what’s right? it’s just too inspirational man, it ignites a fire, it puts a face, a cause, a story to a movement that everyone can share. you never really want to make a martyr. and we can also tell that wyatt’s really cocky. his dismisses his demon army for this family reunion. he’s overdramatic, he keeps a shrine to his family’s power. he genuinely believes he’s swayed bianca to his side. there’s no reason for him not to think he can’t get chris too. and to convert the beacon of hope, the face of the revolution to evil? that’s a devastating blow. it really makes you wonder if the battle’s even worth fighting if your fearless leader defects. it’s a symbol that there’s no winning the battle. you either die fighting, or live under the regime and at the very least get to live. and i think that’s what wyatt really wants. and, of course, the second it becomes obvious this isn’t happening, wyatt moves to kill chris. there’s no public audience and no one really knows where chris has been, so it’s no epic battle for the people to whisper about. honestly, if you kill him you can just get rid of the body and convince the people that he’s just abandoned them and isn’t coming back. it’s the next best thing. of course, i think in actuality wyatt would definitely put chris’s head on a pike bc he’s just like really dramatic but y’know whatever. also, as canon stands, it’s gideon trying to murder wyatt for multiple years that turns him so evil. wyatt never knew he had a brother until he was too far gone, so i don’t think there’s any real sibling bond there. the only thing wyatt loves in chris is the tie to the charmed ones line and the magic it represents. if he knew chris at all as a person he would know that his plan would never work.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
i just feel like the charmed ones should’ve dated women...u know. like as a treat. i think it was my god-given right to see that happen.
i still can’t believe,, as canon stands, they were all heterosexual. the audacity to look at the charmed ones and think “““heterosexual”””” fuckin batshit. piper’s still not over her college girlfriend, paige is a lesbian, phoebe doesn’t realize it’s gay to date girls and think’s she straight until prue points out this is her third girlfriend and babe that’s gay, prue herself has a work rivalry/romance with a competitor at another company true enemies to lovers
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Rewatching That 70's Episode and I was wondering, what do you think it would have been like for the girls to grow up with their powers and/or with Patty still alive?
i feel like they would be like,, a lot cooler. not to say that they aren’t already cool but like. growing up as the charmed ones? that really gives you this sort of x factor that the girls clearly didn’t all grow up with. like i don’t think piper would be really such a timid wallflower had she grown up with her awesome powers and this great knowledge of magic (i also think she wouldn’t constantly bitch about the great greener pastures of a life without magic bc she would have been raised in an environment where magic was of such second nature that a life without it would be an entirely alien concept to her). i think prue would also be a lot less stone cold workaholic and more prom queen esque if that makes sense. like i feel like a large part of what makes her such a hard ass is the fact that from a very young age she had to fill in this mother role and also her only other mother figure was grams who is also a hard ass so prue didn’t really know the idea soft edges. however, if she didn’t have to put on that too big shoe, i feel like she’d be a lot more enjoyable. from what we’ve heard of her in high school, she’s like cheer captain and the most popular girl in the school and beloved by all, i think we’d really see a character more like that. and obviously she’d still carry some sense of responsibility what with being the eldest of the charmed ones, but i think we’d see a lot more just like fun incorporated into her witchly duties. i also think phoebe would not have been the absolute criminal she was in high school. i think her premonitions really helped spark her basic desire to do good and help others, and i think her honing that from such a young age would really make her a more empathetic and loving character, more of a patron saint to all (that being said i still think she’d sleep around a lot and still be the wee bit of a boyfriend stealer). i also think her more punk phase again came from grams’s strict way of running the show, i think she’d have a bit more trouble rebelling against patty bc grams is the type to be stoically angry and take away privileges and give more chores whereas patty seems more the type to just sit alone and cry bc she feels like she’s screwed up as a mother, and nosey miss phoebe would definitely see that and go oh no oh my god i can’t believe i did that and definitely pump the breaks on the whole sneaking out teen alcoholic shit.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
s3: they cast Phoebe's lost and found spell, deal with the demons and Rasputin the dog, and all the socks, and everything goes back to normal - except that suddenly there's always this little green VW driving past their house at all hours, and this dark-haired woman is jogging through their neighborhood every morning, and really, she has to be a demon sent by the Source, who else could she be? (cont. part 2)
Paige, meanwhile, would like to figure out why she's always ending up in front of that old Victorian that's nowhere near her apartment, or work, or really anywhere. She'll start jogging from her apartment, and suddenly be miles away like she magically teleported. Or the car will seemingly drive itself down the street in front of that house. She thinks she might be losing her mind just a little, as the magic from the Lost and Found spell works overtime to bring her to her sisters
ooh i like this. and then you know like the sisters have to reverse that spell because shit starts getting weird if it’s active for too long so like all of this stuff Stops happening to paige and she feels like she should be grateful bc that was obviously all very crazy and unexplainable but at the same time like,,, she’s a little well. she doesn’t wan’t to use the word disappointed but like. she doesn’t know, there was something right about being there. the only issue is now that she’s not being brought there by the force she’s not entirely sure how to get there. her only clue is p3, because she knows where that is, she’s been there before. and she remembers the house and everything, but she’s not just gonna drive around san francisco looking for one particular house, that’s too desperate (but she definitely ends up doing this). and then one day, she actually finds the house she would always end up at, and she just. doesn’t know what to do. she has an address, but what is she supposed to do with this information? until she sees piper coming out, and recognizes her as the owner of p3. so now paige is trying to put the pieces together, and she can’t help but wonder,, is she related to the halliwells? is this some weird cosmic push by the universe to help her find her family? but what’s she supposed to do? hi. i think your mom might've abandoned me at birth. what's for dinner? no. i don't think so. so she lets it be. but then a newspaper falls in front of her, open to the obits. and it’s weird. and she shouldn’t go, because she doesn’t actually know them. she has to remind herself that she’s not actually their family. that’s just some dream she’s concocted in her head. still, she could just go to pay her condolences, honor the woman she once thought to be her sister. and the universe did seem to be pushing her towards it. and then she nearly gives phoebe a panic attack and oh god this was a mistake and obviously she’s so self centered to really believe the universe is sending signs to her because that not how it works and just trying to insert herself into the halliwell’s lives is just weird and uncomfortable and she should really stop. until that night, on the helipad. at this point, paige had thought she had gotten used to unexplainable things happening to her, but uhh a wind monster knocking out her date and trying to kill her was um how to put it Unexplainable. and then phoebe, the same halliwell she had traumatized at the service, is right there. and like. yes, paige knows its stupid, and ridiculous, but it’s undeniable at this point. she travels back to the manor, unsure of how she’s going to explain what she’s doing there or how she even knew how to get there. but as it turns out, she doesn’t need to; they were already heading down the stairs on their way to find her.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
How do you think Henry would look in Charmed Noir? Can we like... assume he would fit very well?
i mean like,,, yes & no. bc i think he’d get really into the idea of just sorta playing a character and put on a dumb fake accent and embarrass paige and have like a fun time, but as far as the actual noir aspect, no. like sure kyle would be into all that depressing dramatic ass stuff, but like henry’s favorite movie is definitely raiders of the lost ark. paige asks do i look like lana turner henry’s not gonna say right out of the postman always rings twice. he has no idea who lana turner even is. and, let’s be real, he’s definitely be a little too starstruck to form a clever retort either way. that being said, i think he’s definitely more of a movie guy than kyle, and would be much better and figuring out the plot, characters, & motivations. like, he’s never get in the car with eddie bc he’d know that they were gonna get double crossed bc come on, didn’t you feel it! the entire room was at an angle, it’s a classic bad guy move! he’s also be a lot more weirded out by being in black and white, and would try to find traditionally colored items just to see what they look like in this new world. i also think he’s be a lot better with eddie than kyle bc you know that’s henry’s job he helps kids on track to a life of crime and he can see eddie and know whats up, and would definitely have a lot more influential part than simply “man with gun and upset face” 
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Au where Henry Mitchell is a descendant of King Arthur.
okay so here’s the thing: i really don’t know that much about arthurian legend but what i Do Know is that the only reason arthur could pull the sword from the stone was because he was the true descendant of king uther yeah? so clearly there’s a magic something legendary tied to the bloodline, which is very charmed to work with. (also, if we’re including wyatt being able to wield excalibur in canon, we can infer that henry and leo are (very distant) cousins or something, which is also fun bc henry has like no biological family we know of (sidenote: we would know it would have to be from leo’s side because piper could not wield excalibur, establishing that she has no arthurian blood in her)). so in this au, we get henry being important to the plot (nice), leo and henry broing down and bonding (nice), and henry with a sword (nice!!!!). i have already written a bit on henry getting excalibur but i feel like the implications of him actually having excalibur and being like the once and future king is a whole nother can of worms. bc piper had the sword for what 90 seconds and she formed a round table of demons in no time. so clearly there’s magic that still honors the bloodline and the right to be king. so you’d have Mortal Henry who’s just a dude and all these people coming out of the woodwork like it’s time to lead!! who’s gonna bring in the new era of peace!! and henry’s like i’m sorry what. and you know he wouldn’t quit his 9 - 5 because he really cares for his kids and doesn’t want to leave them high and dry while he’s off to go pursue some wack ass quest, but that leads to a lot of strange types approaching him on the clock. and he thinks like you know being the new king arthur and having a sword and all that is sick as fuck but also you know he doesn’t do magic like he’s not good at it he doesn’t know much about it so i think he would definitely try to pass the title onto leo like you’re a descendant too you can do all of this but leo knows enough about fate legacy and destiny to know it has to be henry and he’s give him this nice inspirational pep talk and what i’m saying is leo would be the first to join henry’s round table. i think paige would also sort of have a large part in guiding henry to his knights so to speak like not intentionally but i think sometimes she gets a charge that isn’t actually meant for her it’s meant for her husband. i also think we could do a really fun paige/henry adventure back in time that would really help flesh henry out as a character and also totally lend itself to some cute paige x henry moments
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
what do u think phoebe’s 6-month stint in nyc was like?
okay so we’ve got two conflicting canons regarding the timeline where, in the pilot, grams was hospitalized for health issues, piper met jeremy, a gram dies in the following weeks, and phoebe returns a couple months later. then in pre-witched, we see grams die and then phoebe go to new york. and i think that one’s dumb so i’m going with the pilot. 
in the pilot, it’s also established that she went to new york to try to find victor. so i think he initial intention was to go to new york, find her father, have this amazing reunion and then just sort of stay with him and everything would be alright. but uhh. that didn’t happen. i’m sure phoebe had some money squirreled away for this little extravaganza, but nothing to last her more than two, three weeks tops, but there’s no way phoebe was returning to san francisco with her tail between her legs, so she was gonna have to find some source of cash.
so you know i bet she became a barista, and through this ended up meeting some local college kids and working her way into their social circle, and then meeting her new friend’s friends until her calendar was booked almost every night of the week. and at this point, she’s dirt broke again, so she ends up, through a friend of a friend, getting a job at the rainbow room, and she keeps clawing her way higher and higher in social status, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts. and she poses as some rich, luxurious gal to all her new friends who are all also rich, luxurious and/or posing only now phoebe’s starting to get more than a little broke, so she picks up various odd jobs here and there, always lying about her time like oh my goddd no i’d love to come but i’m catching a matinee with marcus delany - yes that marcus delany - and you know how can i say no to that!! when she’s really dog walking or something.
and she definitely has a fun time just flying by the seat of her pants and floating from life to life but at the same time she can’t ignore what’s going on back home as much as she tries. when prue called off her wedding with ugly, groping roger phoebe didn’t feel the need to reach out as prue still viewed her as the reason she didn’t end up marrying that pervert. piper called her when grams was hospitalized and asked phoebe if she was gonna come back. phoebe could tell piper really wanted her to say yes, and she could tell piper was really scared, but she had already committed to her new york life. she wasn’t going to leave the activity of the city to go sit at home and be shamed by her sisters all day. besides, piper always overreacted, and nothing could really kill grams. i mean, she’s grams. phoebe sure felt bad for thinking that when she got a call from home. it wasn’t piper, but prue, with a tone that made it sound almost like she blamed phoebe for gram’s death. this was what made phoebe decide she was never gonna come back to san francisco. and she stopped answering any 415 calls for two solid months, throwing herself even more aggressively into the energy of new york. maybe too aggressively.
her debts began to pile up, and yeah, she got worried, but she was phoebe motherfuckin halliwell, there had never been trouble she couldn’t drag herself out of. uhh, but when she ended up getting evicted, yeah, that was a low blow. and then she had to start sacrificing her wardrobe. she lost her job at the rainbow room because she just couldn’t keep up to their “standards” or whatever while couch surfing. more than two thirds of her wardrobe ended up in second-hand shops, but she still wasn’t ready to quit. she was willing to answer piper’s calls though. piper was softly suggesting that she should come back, that prue’s forgiven her and the past is past, but phoebe wasn’t ready to cave just yet. she still talked with piper in the hypothetical though, about if she were to move back, what that might look like, hypothetically. hell, she didn’t have enough money to buy a plane ticket back home. piper said she’s cover it, just to have phoebe back. phoebe said she’d think about it, knowing fully well that might become her only option very soon. losing her barista job was the final nail in the coffin. still, she waited for piper to suggest it again, rather than bring it up herself. and with like seventeen dollars to her name, phoebe came back home.
i don’t think she would regret her time in new york though. yeah, it was brutal and fake and shallow, but it was fun. it was influential. she learned a lot on that journey, not just about herself, but about people, how to interact, move, play, with them in brand new forums. i mean, in high school, she was a goth felon. in new york she got to be so many different people, and it was an experience she knew she would have never gotten had she stayed at home in san francisco. it might not have been good, but at the very least, she thought it was good for her.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Chris is not straight and this is the hill I will die on
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Hm, so we know Piper's kids were very close with Victor (esp Chris). What do you think about Phoebe's daughters? And Paige's twins and little Henry in that case?
i feel like victor tries so super hard to be a Good Grandfather to make up for the fact that umm how to put it he was a terrible father. i’m pretty sure it’s established in canon that he just like cannot say no to his grandkids, and i think he’s definitely like the type to give them gifts or a 20 spot every time he drops by. i also think he puts like a lot of care and thought into like each of the kids like pj went through this whole phase in late elementary school early middle school where she like really wanted to be a marine biologist so like victor would take her on a field trip all the way to monterey or like give her a cute little charm bracelet with a whole bunch of different fish charms on it, that type of thing. i think he and henry sr would really bond bc henry’s never had like a real dad before and he’s like yo you’re a dad right how do i do this and victors like oh lmao no i don’t know i was very bad at being a father but he like still trying to impart some wisdom regardless like a here’s what Not to do thing and i think victor relates the most to henry because he is a mortal who is very clearly unfamiliar with magic so he really puts in the effort to make sure that henry doesn’t end up like him like he’s paying penance by trying to be good for henry and all of gen2. i think paige would really just regard victor as a grandfather even though they are in no way related because of you know how sort of grandfatherly is to the group and all that and he in no way treats paiges kids differently even though they aren’t his ““real”” grandkids the only time things get a little awkward is when sam shows up i think victor gets a little territorial like woah woah woah buddy who took them to the california academy of sciences last weekend yeah that’s what i thought bucko i’m the one putting in the grandfatherly work here and everyone’s like victor,, it’s alright, kids have more than one grandfather but i feel like especially with paige’s his he again really wants to be a Good Grandfather and doesn’t want to be edged out by biology.
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