#idk maybe some of this is even canon or can be completely debunked with canon info that I don't have or remember rn xD
elvenbeard · 11 months
Suddenly fucked myself up badly thinking about Hellman's Relic 2.0 trials and like... at a place as fucked as Arasaka, where they apparently had an abundance of dead "host" bodies to experiment with (who wants to bet with me: ex-employees fallen out of favor and enemies taken out by Counterintel and similar departments, amongst others?), wondering if potentially they *always* or at least more than once used copies of Johnny's engram to implant into these "hosts"? Having him wake up and die in those bodies that weren't his over and over again as some form of messed up eternal punishment for him meddling in their affairs so long without getting caught. But then he did, and Saburo was like, "you've been nothing but trouble, I'm gonna use you now to secure my own immortality in the long run, so that your sorry life finally has a real purpose".
Like, they "collected" netrunners' engrams with Soulkiller to make use of in a very practical sense, but what's Johnny Silverhand's engram *really* be good for (sorry Johnny)? Apart from making an example of him as a glorified human guinea pig, the most awful thing you could probably do to someone hating Arasaka as much as he did.
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plague-karm · 8 months
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Right since I’m beginning to settle down on my Digital Circus hyperfixation, it’s time to talk about another one! It surprises me that I haven’t talked about the Fnaf movie that much on here so don’t expect this to be concise, it’s gonna be all over the place so let’s go!
First off, I still can’t process that the movie is coming out in almost a week! As a self proclaimed Fnaf veteran (I’ve been a fan since the second games release) i thought this movie was doomed to be stuck in development hell but no! It’s real, fnaf is real, ye.
Anyway enough rambling, time to go feral over minor details.
Yes I watched the unlisted video in full and yes this has been on my mind for the past 7 hours or so. It captured the ambience of Fnaf 1 PERFECTLY and I couldn’t be happier about it. So I’m gonna talk about some cool stuff I saw during the video.
WHAT THE FUCK? SHADOW FREDDY? That was not on my bingo card, look at him, he’s glorious.
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I also saw this small pill bottle, it’s likely that it’s Mike’s but I’m not sure why he’d have it, maybe it’s a Walten Files situation? He could’ve went through something so traumatic that he had to take normal pills to forgor? And if Mike IS William’s son here then that would explain why he didn’t know who he was during the job interview, so the event that happened that made him become prescribed to them was likely The Bite Of 83 if that’s the case. Or they’re completely unrelated since the movies timeline is completely separate from the games.
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Enough speculating, time to talk about funnie murder man now.
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They absolutely NAILED this design, I love how you can see hints of Afton’s clothes and those eyes, holy shit those eyes, I don’t know what it is but they’re so unsettling (loving the hints of purple in those peepers). I don’t know when the suit’s showing up in the movie (probably the third act) but its probably going to be my favourite part. And if the Spring Bonnie design makes me feel genuinely unsettled, I can’t WAIT to see what they’re going to do with Springtrap.
I know some people have said that this is going to be his design for the movie but I don’t think that’s the case, look at the small hints of Afton we see in the suit, there’s no blood, no hints of bodily harm, he clearly hasn’t been springlocked yet, and the suit looks worse for wear because it’s the suit from Fredbear’s, it’s old, it hasn’t been in use for almost 2 decades (it’s been confirmed by Emma Tammi that the movie takes place in the year 2000), and speaking of springlocks…
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At first I thought it was referring to a possible springlock scene, but then I remembered something that would make a lot more sense
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Maybe it’s referring to this? I’ve seen a lot of theories stating that Golden Freddy might actually be Mike after something happens (hence why Abby’s so chill with a golden bear that has Sans Undertale going into his eyes).
But it could refer to quite a few things maybe that’s how the five children were killed and stuffed? Possibly, but either way, I really hope they don’t cut out the springlock failure entirely, it’s really important to the timeline and I’m genuinely curious to see what they could get away with with the rating in mind.
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ALSO THIS. Okay, so there’s obviously a few contenders here and I can immediately debunk one of them
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It’s not Balloon Boy, we see him in a drawing during this scene in the teaser trailer, and I think it would be out of place for him to show up anyway (even if I’d find it fucking hilarious)
I think it’s either Henry or The Puppet, I don’t see it being anyone else (maybe there’s someone I forgot? Idk man Fnaf canon nowadays is ridiculous). Maybe if the Mike saw trap theory actually happens The Puppet will show up to do her thing and place his soul in the Golden Freddy suit? Maybe, it’s either that or a post credits scene. And with Henry I only see him having a VERY minor role, I’m not sure what he could be doing though, we’ll have to wait and see if he shows up or not.
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Anyway I’m very excited for this movie and if it’s not at least a 7/10 I’m going to cry.
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agodth · 3 years
My theory (be nice, I don’t know a lot about the canon lore)
So the friend constellation is crown shaped. And the other constellations feature the spirits belonging to the realm but the friend one features sky kids. And the concept art for the prince looks like a sky kid. What if WE “are” the king?
Tbh I had this thought before but because of a different thing. I started playing during the season of Prophecy. I didn’t know what a season meant (didn’t even bother to collect the candles for it) and so all I knew was that there was Eden as like... the final level and the trials. I didn’t know they were just a part of a season. I thought they were some kind of extra challenge and that there would be a big reward for completing them all. Like being crowned haha.
Also: The prince in the concept art is Sky Kid shaped. The Sky Kids also have the same shape as the prince in the ingame murals.
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We all are kings. Or queens or monarchs (as the gender neutral form, you know) in some way or form. (Not as in literally the same character but... maybe there is a connection?)
Again, please be nice. If there is any canon lore that debunks my theory, let me know. I can respect that.
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also, sorry if this is stupid or if someone said that before. Because idk.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
I don't know if you're going to see this but I'm new to the keeper fandom (I'm a heathen that doesn't read the source material because it's expensive and it's funny having no content) but I absolutly /adore/ this account and am currently going through each post because I crave detailed analyses of different media and characters and you deliver wonderfully! I am also very interested in your wings Au but I've got so much school work and haven't got around to reading it, but what you you rate it on an agnst scale to someone who. Doesn't read angst?
Also I hate you now /I'm/ thinking about the waste management /j
But in all honesty I feel like they would leave it to the gnomes to sort it out, maybe they have a team that just shoves it in human dumps so that they can rid their hands of it and continue to thrash the humans reputation towards elves?
hello, heathen! i am going to see this! welcome to the fandom, it's always fun to have new people. honestly, fair enough about not reading the source material. not everyone has access to libraries and buying an eight and a half book series isn't always cheap--I mean, the keeper series probably cost me at lest 200 dollars in total over the several years I acquired them, and that's with owning several of them in paperback! definitely not cheap! but it can also be a lot of fun just trying to puzzle things together and knowing some of the basics but nearly none of how things work (that's how I am with bnha. my sister is really into anime right now and watches it with the whole family, but I don't really care for it and just look things up and get spoilers all the time and I love it. same with demon slayer and promised neverland)
but ahh!! thank you!! I adore you in return, nonsie. you sent this a few days ago so hopefully you enjoyed your stroll through my numerous posts about keeper! oh damn this reminded me that I need to update my character analysis masterpost. I've been meaning to do that for several days. but back to what you were saying! I love doing detailed analyses of niche aspects of these characters, so I'm glad you like reading them! I mean, i literally did a post theorizing on why Tam actually likes to wear black and once wrote several hundred words debunking a single inaccurate line from one book (Neverseen) just because it bugged me so much. so if that's up your alley, you're definitely in the right place! I simply do not know how to shut up /pos
as for the wings au: don't feel pressured to read it if you don't want to! if you stick around, you may notice me talking about it a lot, but that's just because it's a pretty big project and I like sharing it (in fact, I was working on it just before I started answering this ask), but you can absolutely interact with me and any of my content without paying attention to the wings au stuff at all. and it's pretty long, so completely understandable that you haven't gotten around to reading it! honestly don't even know if I would have time to read my own wings au...but moving on! for the angst thing, you might actually be able to find a few asks about it a little further back on my blog (I can't find it at the moment but I know it's there). one person said that as they are someone who prefers fluff, the wings au is the angstiest thing they've ever read. I don't think the au is downright bad, and there are certain things I can guarantee (like I can tell you right now none of the crew will die in this au), but there's a lot of other things that are up in the air. I can say that there is a warning before every chapter listing all the common triggers I can think to list (and if anyone has any personal triggers they are more than welcome to ask me to tag them). so even if a chapter is more dramatic than some of the others, you wouldn't be going in unprepared. i tag things like panicking, fighting, blood, mental spiraling, getting injuries, mentions of medical things, but it not much worse than what's in canon.
i think a lot of the angst comes from Sophie's introspection and attempts to understand herself and less from just reckless relationships and a desire to get hurt, if that makes sense. I guess overall I would say that it is angsty. not the angstiest thing out there, so if you've read angst maybe a 3 or 4? but if you've only read fluff before I'd knock it up to a 5 or 6. then again these are my personal opinions, and as I am someone who has read more angst my ratings are probably skewed.
so if that seems daunting you don't need to read the au if you don't want to! the only thing that would really affect your time here (if you choose to stick around! no pressure!) is that every other sunday is usually dedicated to the au, both with me posting the newest chapter and then prioritizing asks about it because it's relevant. doesn't mean i won't accept or answer other asks, just that they're usually not the first thing on my mind. so aside from that, reading or not reading the wings au shouldn't affect your ability to vibe and interact on here <33
but also like my waste management question is legit--what is their system? I've never heard Sophie mention a trash can before, so do they have them?? and then there's also the whole thing with sewers. all the houses have running water and functional bathrooms, but a lot of the houses are also in the middle of nowhere, so do they just...have their own filtration system?? or however that works? but seriously do they even create waste at all? I know they use paper, but what do they do with it?
it does feel like one of those problems the gnomes would be portrayed as being happy to solve because "the lost cities are out home" and they love helping and they don't need sleep and they're super efficient. and the elves would be very grateful and take advantage of them. idk I just think it's weird. and your idea of them dumping it into human landfills to make them seem worse fits well with the idea nilnaea brought up a few days ago about the elves not actually helping the humans with all that historical stuff, just taking the credit.
to summarize: welcome to the fandom! I'm glad you're here and flattered you like my blog! I'm here essentially all of the time, so feel free to send asks about anything and everything to do with the series and things you just like in general (I may be very kotlc focused but my propensity for talking ceaselessly does not end with this series). I hope you enjoy your time here!!
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
AU-Thoughts: A personality/Role-Swap between Arlo And Seraphina (I thought of this while in the car today LOL!) X'D
(Edit: I hate everything i say in the top half because honestly after doing the bottom part, I don’t really agree anymore, but you know what I put time into this lmao and I need to post something, so yeah. Sorry about this.)
Sorry for late response but i think y’all know that by now lol
I really like this because, as I think I’ve said before, I really think that Seraphina and Arlo are very similar characters. Or, at least, under the right conditions, I think they could have ended up like each other.
The similarities are striking, actually. However, they really only are at that point of time before the story starts. The time that we see in flashbacks. Both Seraphina and Arlo came from impactful backgrounds or at least similar mindsets (Arlo’s background was quite different, but he was put in a similar position to Sera closer to the start of the story). Here’s a quick list of their initial similarities:
- very powerful (royals)
- apathetic to lower-tiers/anyone
- obsessed with their authority:
- Seraphina: obsessed with others viewing her as this perfect royal, a paragon
- Arlo: obsessed with using his command as a royal to maintain order
I didn’t even list indefinite personality traits (apathy is canon for both characters) and it’s easy to see how like their personalities are. I could even argue that Arlo was also obsessed with perfection like Seraphina because he really was obsessed with being the best royal. Not exactly in the same way as Sera, who was more invested in if people thought she was a good royal. Arlo wanted his reign to be just and, well, perfect.
We know Seraphina’s background was very involved with hierarchy, power, perfection. From a young age, Seraphina was shoved into this expectation of becoming the best of her peers by her parents, friends, teachers... She was really engaged in this mindset that she couldn’t let people down. She had to be the best royal because it was her responsibility as the most powerful student. She felt this obligation.
We know Arlo’s background is different. We don’t really know anything about his home life, or his family, but we do know about his experience serving under Rei, who was honestly such an influential presense in Arlo’s life that it probably doesn’t even matter where Arlo came from before that. Rei was the person that made Arlo who he is, though not exactly intentionally.
They’re both at kind of the same place before John transfers to Wellston. Both Sera and Arlo have been almost forced in a way to be part of this heriarchy. Sera by her peers and Arlo’s internal obligation to himself to make Rei proud (also could be exchanged for ‘Arlo’s obligation to fix what Rei had done by creating a perfect balance between destructive chaos and violent tyranny, honoring Rei’s reign, yet ensuring that who’s meant to be on top, stays on top.‘ But that’s too long lol).
The thing is, as Serahina’s friendship with John grew and his influence wore off on her, she gradually became less and less concerned with how others viewed her. While she used to be so concerned about letting people down, John taught her to not care what people thought. This is something that would really confuse the other royals, especially Arlo. Arlo and Seraphina understood each other, or had at some point (I literally talk about something like this in this post about ships a while back) if you scroll down my page). Then, suddenly, Sera replaces the parts of her similar to Arlo with those of John to form a new person that Arlo can’t really comprehend anymore. It’s likely why he tried hard to get her reinvolved in the hierarchy and why he felt that he had to get Seraphina back. I think that either Arlo was attached to the Seraphina that understood him, or maybe attached to her reign beside him as a royal because I know that Arlo was a very logical person, and rarely let his emotions guide his actions. Regardless, I am certain that Arlo missed the old Sera.
Seraphina grew away from Arlo as her personality became less and less similar to his, but it was entirely because of John. John was the sole (right?) cause of Seraphina straying from how she’d acted throughout her whole life.
In a proper au, the personality/role switch would ideally be from the beginning of the story, correct? Not just shoved in at like some random point, like now, because the characters in each situation has grown into it. Beginning Seraphina would not act like recent Seraphina. Same for Arlo. Their storylines have changed them as people and that means if we throw, say, Arlo into Sera’s current storyline, it would not be the same as his character having lived through her storyline for the entire time. This is a basic concept and I hope I’m not making people seem stupid, but maybe a better example is if we threw old Seraphina’s character into her latest storyline (basically: if Seraphina hadn’t changed at all when she became friends with John, which I believe is actually impossible because I don’t think they would be friends if Seraphina hadn’t changed but that’s off topic lol). She would no doubt act more indifferent, or probably be upset that someone more powerful is taking her old place at the head of the school (she doesn’t have her powers at this point, remember).
Because Arlo’s and Seraphina’s starting character traits were so similar
I personally believe that nothing much would be all that different.
So i know this answer is annoying as shit, trust me, but I don’t really think I can really think or prove a world where if Arlo had been put into Sera’s position at the beginning of the story, he would have acted much differently than she did.
If you guys disagree with my answer, cool. I actually do not really support this answer I’ve come up with because I keep thinking, “sure they acted similar in the beginning, but their emotions and what they feel connected to, that is different for both of them, so there’s no way of saying that something wouldn’t affect the storyline along the way. It’s called the butterfly effect.” Or... something like that idk.
Anyway. This is why I’ve decided to have a little more fun with this. Personality switch, I’ve debunked, but a less strict role swap (there’s a difference I swear)? Hell yeah.
Broooooooooo I really want to write out this small description of what this would look like so let’s go :D.
Okay first: let’s determine what roles Arlo and Seraphina have right now.
Seraphina has currently found out that her best friend of like a year, John, (??? I really need to get That timeline worked out) has been hiding something huge from her, something whose coverup gave birth to their friendship. Not only that, but his entire character, which has, Seraphina can’t deny, been getting more and more different for months now, his character, that Sera has grown used and attached to, has been completely flipped on its head. This is the friend that was there for her when Sera lost her powers, when she needed consolation, who gave Sera the courage to stand up to her mother. And he was all a lie.
Arlo has recently been facing a threat to the thing he holds above all else, something he put endless work into: the hierarchy. Arlo has put so much effort into establishing himself as leader, cleaning up after Rei, and making sure the school runs smoothly. He’s dedicated, okay. But then, because he wanted to fix another small part of the hierarchy and get a friend back, Arlo starts involving John, who despises him for it, so much so that after Arlo apologizes for bringing him back into the hierarchy, John says he’ll tear the whole system down (again: the one thing that Arlo is unbelievably attached to). One by one John is hurting his friends and there’s nothing he can do to stop him, nothing he can do. As a final, desperate blow, Arlo reveals a long kept secret to John’s best friend. If this doesn’t work, he has no moves left and he loses all the hard work he put into the hierarchy and has to watch John unravel it all.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way: let’s just... :
Arlo has currently found out that his best friend of like a year, John, has been hiding something huge from him, something whose coverup gave birth to their friendship. Not only that, but his entire character, which has, Arlo can’t deny, been changing for months now, his character, that Arlo has grown used and attached to, has been completely flipped on its head. This is the friend that was there for him when Arlo lost his powers, when he needed consolation, who gave Arlo the courage to stand up to his mother. And he was all a lie.
Seraphina has recently been facing a threat to the thing she holds above all else, something she put endless work into: the hierarchy. Sera has put so much effort into establishing herself as leader, cleaning up after Rei, and making sure the school runs smoothly. She’s dedicated, okay. But then, because she wanted to fix another small part of the hierarchy and get a friend back, Sera starts involving John, who despises her for it, so much so that after Seraphina apologizes for bringing him back into the hierarchy, John says he’ll tear the whole system down. One by one John is hurting her friends and there’s nothing she can do to stop him, nothing she can do. As a final, desperate blow, Sera reveals a long kept secret to John’s best friend. If this doesn’t work, she has no moves left and she loses all the hard work she put into the hierarchy and has to watch John unravel it all.
And guess who’s gonna stop there :DD. Me. I think- I think it’s better if I leave this here actually... Let’s you guys think about it... I don’t really want to write all this out, just trying something. I think it’s pretty good though hmm......
I still kind of think the characters would act similar, but I don’t know. I think the same things would happen regardless of the au, but there’s just something so intriguing about seeing the names in a situation we don’t normally see them in i d k.
Yo I sound so lame. I’m not new to au’s ugh I sound like a try hard don’t I? Lol.
Comment your au’s below or any criticism bye :) I’m too tired to fix this bc I know I sound really contradictory this whole time but I give up lmao (i have a 2% work ethic R.I.P.)
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soviet-lovers · 7 years
Wrote this last night right when I saw this nasty ill written crap, but got too tired to post my response. I'm not usually one to go off like this, especially on such a badly written post that has no logic in it but it's getting ridiculous as predictable with this particular part of the fandom, and I'm ANNOYED, so humor me I guess😂 “Bucky has only shown love to one person in the mcu world and that is his husband steve ( they married in my head okay ?” -First off "married in your head" ok wow you literally have to imagine it in your head.... Ok already off to a bad start on why nothing you said made any sense, yeah I don't think that means st*cky is or will ever be canon😂 “you could at least recognize me.” "i personally think she meant the times the soldier tried to kill her??" -Marvel leaves Easter eggs for each film that will lead to future events. The tiny reveal  from Zola in TWS of the winter soldier possibly killing the Starks is a brief scene in that film that most forgot and  it turned out to a HUGE turning point in CW. Don't think russos would leave the line "you could at least recognize me"  from Nat to Bucky if it meant nothing, when it could easily allude to their comic canon past. The russos have said it numerous times, they are huge geeks when it comes to comics and grew up reading them( I can completely relate😊) so the possibility of comic book references and relationships being valid & made canon (see staron&scarletvision) being in their films is endless! " if she was as memorable to him as you shippers think then how come he didn’t recognize her in the winter soldier and in civil war?" -CW was packed with scenes, and the only scene (shown to us) of him not in winter soldier mode when he's around her is when she helps him and Steve escape. And the scene is brief. Had it shown him look directly at her and nothing then maybe he didn't recognize her. But the camera didn't focus on either of them seeing each other. So it is still open for a moment in the next film for him to see her. "now their relationship in the comics ( only place where it’s canon ) is toxic , he trained her from childhood to adulthood" -We can't stress this enough to you antis at this point y'all are actively choosing to ignore facts or just don't actually do research, NAT MET AND WAS TRAINED BY BUCKY IN COMICS AS AN ADULT!!!!! She was around the age of 29 I believe?... Either way, full grown ADULT this false narrative of her being a child was MADE UP and probably taken from someone's fanfic or fan art, who knows. "seb doesn’t ship it" -we can assume Seb does ship it, or at least wants it to happen. Cause he said so in interviews he would like for it to happen..... So idk why y'all are lying about that. A lot of people say it's only cause of scarjo, and while yes she's gorgeous and that's probably a bonus, Sebastian is a fantastic actor who HAS READ COMICS AS RESEARCH and understands the bond his character Bucky and the character Natasha have, as they come from the same place and have similar experiences. Both forced to kill.  Both punished for loving eachother. They're partnership in the modern era is built off of trust and they treat each other equally. What's abusive about that...... "Bucky and her have no chemistry whatsoever ever" -we are waiting for them to have a scene where they actually TALK... So how can you even make that assumption ?? Ever heard of development?? Writers and directors tend give characters development as each film goes along. People praise the chemistry between Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson, but not until TWS film, even though they had some scenes in the avengers prior to that film. Those characters were given development, like all characters do. So if they plan on doing Buckynat, we will obviously be waiting and be excited for SOME development. " nat doesn’t deserve being made to hop on one WHITE male’s cock to another every movie." -Wow y'all know she has only been with Bruce and it didn't really work out. She has had been FRIENDS with other males, independent strong women are aloud to have friends or be in a relationship. Quit acting like you care about her when all you're doing is trying to get her away from half of your ship. The vulgar wording y'all use really seems like you're just slut shaming her. All in all, I'm fine with different opinions, but not from people ( all from a particular fandom most often) who ignore facts and well given clues, and then turn around and tell off people who acknowledge and choose to enjoy what is given and possibly will be given to them. If Buckynat happens, IT HAPPENS, all of the antis coming out to bash this ship this week seems in time with that photo of Scarlett and Sebastian. YOU GUYS are the ones making a bigger deal out of it then the shippers. A lot of us were happy because it goes with a previous rumor that they may begin filming at the same time, so they could have scenes, THATS IT!! The antis are the ones who seem very confident it will happen because of how much time they've spent the last few days trying to debunk the possibility of it happening . If one photo is enough to get you to spew so much hate into the Buckynat tag on tumblr/twitter and even Instagram and tag Sebastian in it (I've seen this), maybe your ship is not as great as you think it is. Ok rant over
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thiefnessman · 5 years
with the posts about attack on titan being antisemitic circulating there’s also been a bunch of people saying it isn’t and that it’s more nuanced and complicated than that and i made this whole long post about the impression i got from like going through a bunch of forum posts and wikis and summaries because i didn’t feel like reading the years worth of manga i had to in order to catch up but basically: the situation is a bit complicated.
As in: the people who have the jewish parallels are portrayed more as the good guys at the moment, and the people who are oppressing them are portrayed as the bad guys. and apparently the history that was given that the Eldian people (the “jewish” people) had ruled the world and stuff was coming from the people who were oppressing them, and is likely propaganda. from what i can tell, at the moment some of their claims were proven false or partially inaccurate, but there’s some stuff that at the moment has not been debunked in canon.
But like, even if the whole eldian empire stuff is 100% completely false, the fact remains that the author used holocaust imagery to draw parallels from the jews to the group of people who can turn into giant terrifying human-eating monsters. this isn’t my place, i’m not jewish, so i can’t say “this is definitely antisemitic take my word for it” but that seems very iffy.
there also is this thing where like, the original titan person is said to have gained her powers by making a deal with the devil, which one character says is propaganda, buuuut the author also put that story in a book by her people as well. sure that ~makes it more ambiguous~ and maybe in canon it could be like “they heard that story so often they believed it”. but the thing is that this is a fictional story created by someone who deliberately chose to have it be likely that a person, who belongs to a group of people that he depicted with references to the treatment of jewish people during wwii, made a deal with the devil to gain monstrous powers. now maybe this post will age weirdly and he will eventually confirm that like, idk she got the powers from somewhere else, this series is still ongoing.
like the whole thing has really blatant antisemitism parallels, so i’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing, he’s not just coming up with these stories of the eldian people from nowhere. maybe he’s trying to do something a portray it in a more sympathetic way, but i’ve seen some jewish people say that they don’t like the commodification of the holocaust for a fantasy story. and yeah the people who were against the eldian people are the bad guys right NOW, but this series switches who’s the bad guy so. idek. basically it’s complicated and then people are saying the people criticizing it are wrong because they don’t address every single little nuance and plot point or whatever when complaining about the antisemitism, or they attack old posts that were made before some of the plot points happened?
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 144
Honorable mentions:
Elaine bowing to Remi is a whole mood.
I like that Isen’s trying to help the high-tiers take down Joker, but I sure as hell hope he doesn’t help them figure out who it is.
Why does the art just continue to get more and more amazing does uru-chan have no limits?
Poor Holden was just wanted friendship from Arlo since the beginning.
That picture of Arlo cracking his knuckles was big d energy, like guys, that’s alpha behavior right there. (sorry for this one)
Seeing arlo laying down on that roof looked so off to me. Like no that’s not arlo what is happening?
That picture with Cecile, Seraphina, Remi, and John was so hyyypppe.
Arlo sounds like Claire in this episode and, as a lot of you know, I love parallels.
When Arlo apologized, not gonna lie, some part of me died.
I’m genuinely going to be upset if Arlo and John don’t find some common ground after this. I hate wastes of scenes and the potential.
Loved the theory potential with this episode omg i’m geeking out
John’s ability:
    An important discovery was made by the superhero posse ft. Juni this episode. A game-changing discovery.
    John can’t copy abilities he can’t see!
    I am speechless, I am so impressed that uru-chan managed to add on even more detail to his power. Like yes. Now we know he’s got some sort of handicap (?) or at least a minor setback. It’s a chance for the high-tiers and gives them, gives us, the readers, hope. For them, a fair fight, for us the most epic climax we’ve ever seen (maybe, depends on how John reacts to Arlo [that’s later]).
    But as cool as that is and as impressive that it was that Isen was able to figure this out, it leaves some holes. Actually… not holes… questions.
    Question 1: He copied Isen’s ability before?
Does this mean that Hunter is a visual ability?
John was able to copy not only Isen’s fighting skills like the target thing and whatnot (episode 126), but in episode 128, he’s shown using Isen’s ability to find people by like x-ray vision walls. So that either means:
Plot hole, mistake, or it was written before uru-chan decided to add on more details of John’s power (unlikely because of how it explains much about Claire.
Or: That ability was technically physical and had visual feedback. (likely)
It’s pretty similar to the healing abilities John used (Tanner and Elaine’s), but those are more visual than Isen’s so they’re not as critical.
Question 2: Where does the line between physical and abstract lie?
This is pretty similar to the last one. I’m just asking what exactly makes something “non-physical and have visual feedback?”
Like above, it’s pretty confusing to differ between the two.
I don’t really have any details for this just where does one become the other? I need more details to this.
Question 3: John’s dormant ability?
John’s dormant ability is ability-detection. He can sense when someone is using their ability
He used this against the invisible guy in episode 10 and was confused when he couldn’t detect Arlo’s in episode 72, where John said, “Arlo’s barrier is activated. But why can’t I sense it at all.” (I’m using this as confirmation that John’s dormant ability is canon)
I just want to know how this corresponds to the whole “can only copy what he can see”
What are the boundaries between ‘I know this person is using an ability’ and ‘i can tell what ability it is’?
    This development on John’s power is pretty confusing. At first I was thinking that maybe Isen was a bit off. Maybe he could only use ability that he knew how they worked, but that is questioned by the limits of John’s dormant ability and is completely debunked by the whole Claire situation a while ago, though John’s ability could have totally grown between now and then (or not, he was dormant for a long time, I’m not really sure how that works).
    I’m just hoping (it’s really likely) that Isen’s new theory about John’s power will get explored more in the future and we’ll get more details regarding it and any past events in the comic that somehow contradict or confuse the picture being painted for us now by uru-chan.
    Something real nice that Isen’s theory aided us with was clearing Claire’s ability and the potential plot holes her and John’s story held, which is actually the main reason why I don’t think Isen is wrong. John can’t use abstract abilities like the ‘flash forward’ Juni has, which is very similar (and probably a reflection of) Claire’s ability (likely the most important reason for uru-chan giving her such an ability). Isen’s theory gives a logical solution to why John never did or was never able to use Claire’s ability.
    We’ll see where this inference leads us in the future, but I know I’m excited to see where it takes us.
Arlo’s character development:
    Everyone’s absolutely raving over this.
    First off, I’d like to point out that it’s possible we’re back on track for the students to think Arlo is Joker. Yeah… not really… :( (I have hope that’s all i’m gonna say).
    But like… this episode.
    Arlo just retook the spot for my favorite character again, stealing it from Cecile, who’s reign was short, but mighty. What can I say, the King’s gotta take his throne (Arlo will always be king in my mind).
    But like goddamn Arlo really was so interesting and captivating to read. Idk. slkefkuhfj.
    I’m going to try to go in order.
    As much as it pains me to say this for Arlo’s sake, I would really love to see the students completely lose faith in Arlo like Holden predicted. I wanna see Arlo get broken. I want to see his core, I want to see him watch as everything he worked for after Rei left burns to the ground around him. I want to see the defeat on his face when after all his efforts and years of fighting to put everything in order, all of it is undone because he wasn’t careful enough with the one person who has the capability to do it. I want to watch Arlo suffer as his one mistake destroys everything he’s ever worked for and everyone he’s tried to keep safe and under control abandons him.
    Too far? Too far.
    But seriously though, do you know how powerful it would be to have the only mistake he ever made be one that completely ruins his life and damages his efforts beyond repair?
…. Moving on
    In this episode, Arlo just seems so lonely to me. When he walked away from Holden, when he was lying on the roof alone. I feel that those moments were deliberately put in to really sell the idea that Arlo really only has himself to rely on. He’s always been the most powerful, has always been distanced from everyone else because of what that power expected in return, because of his duty to lead. Now that’s he’s not on top, nothing has changed. He’s still the most powerful against Joker. He’s still is the king. He’s still the person that everyone looks up too, but who can Arlo look up too. The one person that Arlo was shown to truly respect and admire was Rei, and Rei let Arlo down. It never would have been important before because Arlo was always in complete control of every situation, he didn’t need anyone to look up too. But now, against a force that he’s already lost too, suddenly the fact that Arlo is alone is so significant. Arlo’s been distancing himself from others because it helped him when he was on top, but now he’s defeated, reversing the effect of reclusement. I don’t know. My boy just seemed real lonely. Iukghjksjhfujshgrn.
    Throughout all of this, though, Arlo’s logical mind is still in top shape. That cold and analytical breakdown of a Remi and John fight defines everything about Arlo’s character. And he uses his discernment that Remi can’t be allowed to fight John and turns it into a plan to prevent it. Love it. This is what made Arlo a king. Not his ability to make barriers, but his ability to know what to do and what must be done. It’s what got him to the top after Rei left everyone in chaos and hopefully, it will now.
    By the way, I’m loving the fact that Arlo’s logical mind overpowers his pride. Not many can say that, I can’t say that. But Arlo can and I respect him so much for it, especially because a large part of his character is reliant upon his pride and dignity. Arlo realized that it was his fault that everything was happening, realized that he made the initial mistake that led to John’s brutal takeover.
    And what does this badass, genius, cold, king do? He goes to apologize.
    Still. not . over. This.
    Arlo is going to apologize to John.
    Now, I have no idea where this is going to go. I don’t know to what extent Arlo is going to admit his wrong, or how much John will be willing to hear, so we can only wait
    Don’t mind me lowkey praying in the corner that now because Arlo really understands what John wants and has wanted from the beginning, they will someone become friends and respect each other.  
Oh, who am i kidding
See ya next week. :)
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