#idk maybe things in california were better or maybe it's the time billy was possessed and took back control a bit
i-miss-lotor · 2 years
I'm still hurt by how much Max listened to Running Up That Hill because she probably imagined so many times what would happen if she died instead of Billy and even wished for it
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
may i present: stalker!billy who is obsessed with steve and constantly breaks into his house to steal his things and gets pissed off when he sees jonathan taking pictures of him and nancy because he thinks he's taking pictures of steve.
trigger warnings: stalking, dark!billy, slut shaming? maybe it would be called?, possessiveness and toxicity and also billy thinking about hurting/murdering people but nothing too intense or bad!
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Steve Harrington’s house still baffled Billy despite being inside dozens of times. It was just so different than the shitty house they’d moved into when moving to Hawkins, where he had to use a milk crate as a vanity and the shower he shared with his brat of a kid sister only spit out hot water half the time. It was massive, with a gorgeous swimming pool like the one he used to have in their home in California.
He still didn’t understand the downgrade. Their home had been much nicer in California, Neil had had a better paying job. For whatever stupid reason, after he married Susan, his father decided to take a transfer to Hawkins where he made half his Californian salary. They were financially struggling and it made living with Neil even harder than normal.
That was the real reason why he liked being over to the Harrington house so much.
Steve didn’t know he was constantly around, but it made no difference. He didn’t need to know, at least not yet. He had to continue to believe that Billy couldn’t stand King Steve so he would never suspect that the reason his things were started disappearing was because of Billy Hargrove.
He liked to take souvenirs every now and then. A pair of Steve’s underwear here, one of his sweatshirts out of the laundry basket there. Someone so rich would never miss the disposable things, he figured. Nothing had happened yet, at least, and his Steve collection continued to grow.
The truth of the matter was that he loved Steve. It was why he acted so mean around him, like a child picking on a girl they had a crush on in the school yard. It didn’t work, though. Steve continued to be blissfully oblivious to his advances even though Billy got more and more obvious about it — a few weeks prior he’d pressed his bulge against Steve during a basketball practice, even, and nothing.
The guy was hopelessly heterosexual or a proper idiot, and Billy was banking on the later.
He was having a very rough day, a fresh bruise blooming on his cheek from the fist of his father, when he heard it.
Laughter. A girl’s laughter.
Nancy Wheeler’s laughter.
He crept to the fence surrounding the Harrington’s backyard and looked through the tiny hole he’d made a few months prior. The world suddenly turned red at what he saw.
Nancy Wheeler in a tiny little bikini, practically hanging off of his Steve, who was also just in his swimming trunks. He looked as beautiful as ever, but Billy had the most sour taste in his mouth at the sight of Nancy.
It should have been him. He should have been the once pressing into Steve, holding his arm.
Steve belonged to him.
It wasn’t just the two of them, though. The older Byers kid was there, too, and he was also laughing and taking pictures of the pair of them.
He tried to calm down by adding up the facts in his head.
Nancy and Steve had broken up months ago. They were still friends, but they never really spoke. Steve had groveled over her for awhile, had let it affect his basketball skills, too, until Billy had taunted him enough that he’d gotten his head back in the game. There were rumours that Nancy had quickly moved on to Byers, which he had assumed to be true, but now he wasn’t so sure.
For her sake, he hoped it was true. He wouldn’t let anyone come between him and his lover, even if said lover didn’t know they were together yet, especially not Nancy Fucking Wheeler.
It’d be such a tragedy for the entire town if a bright young girl with so much potential wound up floating in the Quarry.
He watched her bounce around, trying to look innocent while still pressing her arms together in that way that girls did when they wanted to make some extra cleavage and show off without being obvious.
It made him feel sick. She was such a little priss in school, yet here she was, basically ready to star in a porno with her ex for Byers’ camera.
What pissed him off further was that it meant he wasn’t going to get into Steve’s room, either. They were supposed to be out of the house; Steve was always out on Tuesday’s at four. Billy was sure of it, because he’d been watching Steve every day for many months and knew what he did every second of every day.
He knew the kind of cereal he liked to eat, what station he kept the radio on, how he folded his socks and where his secret stash of condoms and nude magazines were. He’d looked through them, had found the pages that were turned down. They were all women, all brunettes with tight bodies that could have been Nancy if you squinted hard enough, but it didn’t make any difference.
They were destined to be together. Steve just didn’t know it yet. But he’d find out one day soon, and Billy would convince him they were soulmates whether he liked the fact or not.
The more he watched, the angrier he got. Steve had already had his pictures taken for the yearbook by Byers’ two weeks and three days ago during fourth period at school. Their current little party wasn’t anything to do with school or the yearbook, he was sure of it.
This was Jonathan Byers being a pervert and Nancy Wheeler being a slut and he couldn’t let his sweet boy be tarnished by their poison.
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strangergrove · 2 years
Ooo, been a long time since I've been tagged. Thanks @lovebillyhargrove!
1. Do they get together before the mindflayer possessed Billy or after shit goes down (or maybe during 😲)?
I've written fics for every variation (kinda?) I'm not sure I have a favourite, but I usually lean toward before. The one I'm finishing up right now is kind of during/immediately after.
2. Who kisses who first?
While I think neither of them is shy about going for what they want, I think Billy would be more comfortable being the first to go for it in this situation because I've always hc'd this being Steve's first queer relationship.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
First place for non-penetrative sex? If they hook up circa s2, I'd honestly say the locker room after everyone else leaves. As for anal and hooking up post s2... Probably the Camaro, otherwise Steve's house when his parents are inevitably out of town.
4. Who says 💖 I love you 💖 first?
I honestly think Steve would be wary of being the first to say it because of the "bullshit" thing with Nancy. I think that hurt him pretty badly and he wouldn't be keen to open his heart up without fully believing Billy truly loved him.
5. Bottom!Steve or bottom!Billy?
Whichever fits the vibe I'm writing. I like the idea of top!Billy 'cause I just like me some tops hahaha. But I could see them both being vers.
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
I see Steve buying Billy things because he doesn't know how to make anything, and Billy making Steve things because he doesn't have money to buy anything. I also think they'd both be insecure about it, thinking the other one's way of gift-giving is superior, but in reality Billy loves the obscure, thoughtful gifts Steve finds and Steve loves the shit Billy makes him.
7. Where do they end up living? California, Chicago, Hawkins… idk. Alaska?? Any other location?
I usually write them moving to Cali but lately I've really been into the idea of them living in Minnesota. Granted, I'm extremely biased because that's where I'm from, but I like the idea of it. Steve gets to stay in the midwest and Billy still gets to surf, even though he'll be very cold doing so haha.
8. What are their future jobs?
In the 80s? I could see Steve being a coach of some sort. He loves sports and has taken a liking to looking after and teaching kids, so I think it would fit. I can't see him in any sort of job like what his dad does, and although I love the idea of him and Robin working together forever, I don't think they'd actually be interested in the same kinds of jobs. Billy I could see either being a mechanic or a lifeguard/swim instructor/surf instructor. He knows his way around a car and he loves his Camaro, but I think he'd be a mechanic moreso out of a financial need than a passion. Water is his passion.
9. Who’s a better cook?
At the time of the show, I think Steve would be awful because he's never had to cook in his life, and Billy wouldn't be great but he'd know how, because his dad made him help Susan sometimes, or cook for Max while they were out. However, I think Billy would get more into cooking healthy meals and Steve would maybe get into baking.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
As much as I love the last name Hargrove, I have a very strong feeling Billy would jump at the chance to bury it forever. He wouldn't let that cursed name anywhere near Steve. So, Billy Harrington.
11. What’s Max’s reaction when she hears they’re together?
She would lovingly tease the absolute shit out of them, but she'd be so happy Billy found someone who loved him, especially since Steve's influence would calm the raging fire in Billy.
12. Describe in one sentence Hopper’s reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together.
Just utterly distraught, thinking about the havoc they'll wreak.
13. Does Robin like Billy or does Robin hate Billy?
I'm thinking she doesn't meet him until after he and Steve are together, when he's less volatile and angry, and she adores the shit outta him. However, if she met him in school she'd have hated him at first.
14. What about Dustin?
It takes a while, but once Billy apologizes to Lucas and starts making up for everything, Dustin starts to like him.
15. Fave harringrove AU?
Fuck if I know 😂
16. Billy + Camaro =…?
That's his baby. His Camaro comes second only to Max and Steve.
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me in this brilliant idea!!! @lovebillyhargrove 💖💖💖💖💖
Answers below😁
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
I'm a sucker for their tension boiling over some time around Christmas and that's when they either kiss, have sex, get together or all three lol. That or post Starcourt Steve is left to take care of Billy because no one else is around who can and he slowly falls for him while Billy falls for Steve all over again.
2. Who kisses who first?
Steve. Steve going on for the kiss is my favourite. Billy of course returns it and is the one to take it further but Steve is the one to lean in or push Billy against a wall and go for it. Billy hesitates because he likes to tease and because he isn't fully sure Steve is on the same page.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
Blowjobs and handjobs at school. Hidden away or a party where they're drunk and it's messy but amazing. Sex wise Steve's room. Either its romantic and its been building to this or they rush to his, up the stairs and one is pushed down on the bed and so on. Its either intense and tension breaking or slow and caring. Or both honesty but its at Steve's house.
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
Billy. Steve thinks, knows he does way before but is scared to say it first so he waits and then once Billy says it, probably before, during or after sex he says it every chance he gets. Billy is a little less generous with it but when he says it Steve finds it means more than saying it all the time.
5. Bottom!Steve or Bottom!Billy?
I personally believe they'd switch. Hormone filled teenage boys happy to get what they can and deal it just as much. However, I'm a sucker for bottom Billy to begin with, Steve just getting into being bisexual so at first experienced Billy takes that position until Steve is comfortable enough to go for it. After that its whoever wants to or both of them. They just love being either side of things.
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
Steve will buy Billy things he wants or needs at any opportunity but Billy will buy little things here and there that have significant sentimental origin. Or he makes things like daisy chains and puts them on Steve while they sit in the grass. Little things like that.
7. Where do they end up living?
I love the idea of them leaving Hawkins, going to California and it just not being as good as Billy remembered. He bigged it up in his memories and they can't really afford the kind of place they would like there so they leave and go somewhere else to build a life together instead of relying on their past to bring them comfort. I'm not sure where they would end up really, maybe even another country eventually.
8. What are their future jobs?
Steve in sales, office work sort of thing. Billy a mechanic or dog trainer.
9. Who's a better cook?
Steve likes to think he's a better cook but Billy for sure is.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
In terms of 😏 Steve but on terms of "Oh shit he's my favourite" Billy
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
She's honestly disgusted by Steve's lack of taste and standards but is glad to know why Billy had been acting happier recently. Her first theory was drugs so being gay with Steve was more than better.
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
His ears perked up at the mention their names while sitting at the table with El, her run down of the day stating they were a couple which definitely caught his attention because never did he think the resident bad boy Billy would end up with preppy boy Steve but hey, teenagers are teenagers.
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
Robin loves anyone who helps her tease Steve but she also gives him the shovel talk which isn't as affective considering he was practically dead at one point. They have similar music taste and Billy is always brushing girls off and sending them in her direction which is an added bonus so yes Robin loves Billy as a friend but hates him as Steve's boyfriend because that's the best friend rule, you don't like their bf especially when they complain about them one minute then gush over him the next.
14. What about Dustin?
Dustin is just confused, for a long time. He doesn't really get why Steve would do this. Waste his time on Billy and he constantly asks him why but then he sees them together and sees Steve smile like he does when he's genuinely happy and he lets it go. Whatever makes Steve happy is okay with him. But he also gives Billy a talking to regarding hurting Steve or dumping him.
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
That's a real tough one. I'd have to say maybe the catching fire one I did because it lives in my head rent free and I mean in luxury with no bills rent free. It fits too well not to lmao.
Maybe the one where Steve accidentally kills Neil and they run off, idk there's just something about that.
16. Billy+Camaro=
Others have said it but I see the Camaro as a reflection of Billy and his current state. Like in S2 its all loud and fast and dangerous but then at the end once Max has threatened Billy she takes control of it just like she did Billy. In s3 its in a state of disrepair while he is flayed and catches fire as his fate is sealed and he dies just like the car. Also these shots right here are just 😭
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I'd ramble for hours but I don't have time🥲 but thank you!! I just love talking about these boys!!!! Also everyone seems to have been tagged but I'm not sure so I'll leave this open for anyone!!💖💖💖
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Harringrove tag game! by @lovebillyhargrove
I was tagged by @mrsblackruby! tysm!! <3
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
Typically I say before, like at around Christmas time in ‘84. I think anybody in a small town puts aside character prejudices around the holidays and tries to make those connections with everyone, so I’ve always felt, especially since the fight was literally only a month before, that Steve would reach out to Billy the night of the Snowball and things would, well, snowball from there.
2. Who kisses who first?
Definitely Steve. I firmly stand by the hc that Billy’s never kissed a boy before Steve, and maybe Steve hasn’t either, but he’s the romantic, no way is he going to let Billy kiss him first.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
I don’t really have a solid answer for this? But definitely somewhere very spur of the moment, maybe somebody’s couch or the locker rooms?
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
Imma say Billy. Opposite of my last answer, I don’t feel like either of them would say they love each other on accident or like, in the moment. I think their first I love you’d would be very very controlled. I also think Billy has less experience with actually being in love, so when the time comes that he’s actually mustered up the courage to say it to Steve, I think he’s super nervous and practices the perfect scenario in his head a dozen times. It’s definitely not blurted out.
5. I believe this fandom is way past having hard feelings about it, so
BottomSteve! or BottomBilly?
I don’t have a strong opinion either way, but typically, I prefer bottom!Steve. No particular reason, that’s just the way I tend to read things!
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
Absolutely! Billy doesn’t have the disposable income to run out and buy Steve new things every time he wants to give him something, so I think he does a really cheesy like, giving him a kiss as a present and making a big deal out of it.
Steve is sort of the same way, in that he doesn’t like to give Billy material things, because he doesn’t want him to think he’s being pretentious or trying to hold his wealth over Billy’s head like he’s his mom or something, so he only gives Billy personal things. Old pilled t-shirts to wear to bed and a blanket to keep on the couch in his room that smells like him. Things like that.
They also try to make eachother things as presents, like food or little knick knacks in art class, but they always fail miserably and think it’s really funny when all they have to show is a smoking mess.
7. Where do they end up living? California, Chicago, Hawkins... Idk .. Alaska??)))) Any other location?
I honestly think they stay in Hawkins. I don’t think after everything Billy would be able to leave Max behind, and I also think that Steve would like having a connection to where he grew up, even if bad things happened there. If they did leave though, I see them going down south, maybe tourist trap Tennessee?
8. What are their future jobs?
In my mind that very much depends on if we’re following canon and this is post Starcourt or like, if it’s a whole new AU. Because after that I don’t think Billy would actually ever be physically well enough to work again. I know it’s a pretty unpopular opinion, bc the general hc is that he bounces back within a year or so with some scars (which is cool! I’m not knocking that I’m just sayin) but I think he'd be permanently disabled, on oxygen support 24/7, and just with all sorts of health complications from, you know, literally having a gaping hole in his chest, that would make it impossible for him to work. In that sort of scenario I usually think of Steve as a being teacher or an artist, something that he doesn’t have very long work hours or can do from home so he can be there to take care of Billy.
If we’re going with like, a no upside down or a Billy is never hurt au, I think he stays in Hawkins and just works in some sort of a mom and pop until he’s the new manager, like at an antique store maybe?
(p.s. stay tuned for an upcoming fic about Billy working in a fix-it shop!!)
As for Steve, I feel like he wouldn’t ever be able to settle on one career when he didn’t have limitations. I don’t really know what he’d eventually decide is his calling, maybe design of some sort? Jewelry making?
This is a hard question, I don’t really see them as being tied down to one career indefinitely, but I do know I don’t see either of them ever working desk jobs.
9. Who's a better cook?
Neither of them. Billy wasn’t allowed in the kitchen growing up because Neil said it’s a woman's place, and Steve is just god awful at following directions, like, can’t tell the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon or preheat the oven awful. They just eat takeout and like, cold sandwiches literally all the time until someone (Joyce) notices and teaches them how to cook on the weekends.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
Billy Harrington. I don’t see him wanting to be a Hargrove anymore. He has no positive ties to the name with his mom leaving and his dad being his dad, so I think he’d want to take Steve’s last name. Also this is kinda weird but I am VERY particular about my middle name hcs (I think it’s an ocd thing? idk) and I have an alliterative name for Steve that wouldn’t work if he was a Hargrove instead of a Harrington, so that’s also part of the reason.
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
I think probably just like, confusion. Not over Billy being with a boy, but over that boy being Steve. Like, she doesn’t know Steve well, but she knows he’s the responsible big brother to Dustin, and that’s the exact opposite of what her brother is like, so it catches her off guard. She’s definitely a little gossip though, wanting all the not-gross details about Steve from her brother. She’s basically just a little sister about it, I guess.
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
Not again.
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
I think she likes him. I have a little hc that she and him were together in an underground pre-gsa kinda thing in high school. She pretends she can’t stand him, but the two of them are quick best friends. (this might just be me but I think the two of them together would give statler and waldorf vibes)
14. What about Dustin?
Dustin I think actually thinks Billy is really cool. Like, he’s like a little double agent, hearing from Max all the annoying things about Billy, and from Steve the good things. He’ll gag if Steve gets too mushy over him and he’ll definitely join in with Max in calling Billy gross, and he also absolutely gives Billy a (very non-intimidating. he’s too soft) shovel talk, but I think he really likes and looks up to Billy as like, his other big brother.
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
Oh gosh, I can’t even pick. I think I like childhood friends aus best? They’re really fun to play with and it always ends up being super sweet. I’m a big fan of soulmates too for kind of the same reasons. I like mushy stuff.
16. Billy+Camaro=...??? (Not strictly Harringrove, but I can't not to ..)
I honestly don’t think Billy cares about the camaro that much. He’d be sad when it gets totaled because that was his only way of getting around and also his first car, but I don’t think the car itself has that much value to him. I mean, he treats it with absolutely zero respect, jumping curbs and driving too fast and slamming on those breaks. The camaro is just a car. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ll tag: @lifegaurd-hargrove85! @deardmvz! and @strangebrainrot! no pressure! and as usual, if anybody else sees this and wants to participate, feel free!
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