#idk something about them being enemies to lovers bonnie and clyde outlaws
starrystevie · 11 months
bee!! this follower celebration is such a genius idea and I say, yet again, you are so creative!! <3333 but okay, for my ask:
let’s do an aesthetic/moodboard with a roll for ship, vibe, and era? 👀
lex ily! thank you so much for sending this in, i had a lot of fun putting it together <3
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ship: steddie | vibes: dark red | era: modern
"i told you i was a bad idea," eddie whispered from where he was perched on the windowsill, bruises blooming on his throat, smoke pouring from his lips in to the night air like the secrets and lies between them. steve kept his face still like a stone statue of a greek god as he searched for his discarded clothes, the piercing shrill of sirens bouncing off the apartment walls. he fought against the urge to give eddie one last kiss on his swollen lips and lost. and as steve watched frozen in place as the police barged in, the last image he burned into his memory was eddie with a crooked grin and hands in the air that belonged on steve instead.
roll for prompts: accepting!
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