#idk the chat i'm in is nuts as hell
fantasticalleigh · 2 days
June 21st 2024 Friday Night Smackdown photos + thoughts
I've been so excited for this show! Too bad it was so hot because by the end I was pretty sweaty but overall it was such a good show omfg
Including some photos but they all came out like ass bc my phone is so old and I was more concerned with being in the moment.
We got there a bit late and were still in the merch line when the show started. When we finally found our seats it was nearly 7pm and Tozawa's Speed title match was already ending. I forgot who he was up against tbh.
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Punk opened up the show of course and gave a really good promo about Chicago and his rivalry with Drew. Everyone was eating it up. Personally I have a love/hate relationship with Punk so I still found it entertaining but wasn't cheering for him exactly. he mocked Drew and I've been calling it since Clash and since Punk announced he was gonna attend this Smackdown that I believed Drew was gonna show up and get revenge, just didn't know when. Paul Heyman interrupts Punk's promo to warn him to leave bc even though he's off limits to the Bloodline that they wouldn't be afraid to go after him. And then Paul begs Punk to take him with him :'( Poor man needs a break. They had a long hug. it was really hard to hear what paul was saying most of the time because of how loud the 'we want roman' and 'fuck you solo' chants were. solo interrupted the promo and the boos got so freaking loud i didn't hear a word of what he said. when the bloodline tried advancing on punk we saw cody running out from behind the front row to help punk and everyone went nuts.
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(the groups of guys behind and beside me had the funniest commentary running all through the show to the point that sometimes i either couldn't hear or pay attention to what was going on in the ring. also, the sound at the Allstate Arena is absolute TRASH and sometimes you just couldn't hear a word that was being said when backstage promos were being shot so everyone just sat in annoyed silence until the volume was finally raised.)
i'm not gonna go over every single thing in the 'episode' that happened bc that would make this way too long and it's really late so i'm just writing about highlights
Bianca vs. Michin vs. Chelsea Green for Money in the Bank was super fun. Everyone was cheering for Bianca and Chelsea mostly but the crowd definitely popped when Chelsea stole the pin. I love her and really hoped she would get Queen of the Ring but I'm happy with this win and happy with Nia as Queen. Chelsea imo is amazing to watch bc she's doing amazing character work as the self-centered/egotistic/entitled/hot and bratty "spicy margarita" character she is. She's just so damn funny and I'm glad we get to see more of her.
All the Bloodline stuff--yet another member has joined the chat. Tbh i really don't care that much about the Bloodline and never have but at this point I'm cheering for Roman to come back along with everyone bc I don't think Solo Sikoa is all that impressive yet. Idk. He may grow on me. But every time Solo or Tama Tonga were out everyone started booing or shouting 'we want Roman'. Which says plenty. We also got to see a lot of Randy and KO tonight which was really great bc i love them and they're truly out there being the defenders of Smackdown any time the Bloodline pulls their cheating bs. The guys behind me were calling Solo "Temu Roman" which was hilarious. Jacob debuting today looked rad as hell and already a huge threat (possibly a greater one than Solo imo) and apparently he's a big deal in indie wrestling so I'm interested in seeing what he brings to the table.
Bayley was on screen for like ten seconds :(
Andrade was great but for some reason I don't really connect with him so I end up sort of tuning out whenever he's on. I feel bad about it but idk, I feel like he doesn't have a truly distinctive character yet that would actually make me interested in him but all his looks are nice at least.
Randy vs. Carmelo vs. Tama Tonga:
Great match. Melo also taking that win was unexpected but considering he's had mostly losses since his debut this is a good thing. Plus I got a (BAD) photo of Randy doing The Thing before the match and I think that's neat.
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(every time i see the MITB briefcases i quietly sing to myself "I got money in the BAYank" from that T-Pain song)
also got this hilarious pic of Randy who looks like a lion pouncing on Mello who looks like a frightened gazelle running away lol
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for possibly my favorite part of the night:
when this happened in the middle of Grayson Waller's promo (can we talk about how GOOD that shot was??? with the garage door pulling up to do the reveal??) everyone lost their shit and started booing Drew. I was grinning ear to ear bc i fucking CALLED IT. Though i'd hoped we'd have actually gotten to see it happen and not only the aftermath. this is a very shit pic but drew + the cameraperson walked all the way from backstage to the entry and drew just fucking tossed Punk off his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. it was hot. it was wrong and it was wild. the people of chicago cried out in absolute outrage and the boos rained down. look at your god now, i would have said if i had the courage (and lung capacity) he is a mortal like us, he brought this on himself, and he ain't shit.
i was too busy cheering to notice drew taking punk's bracelet? watch? idk. it looked shiny and silver. and then he left without a word but backstage argued with Nick Aldis and others before storming off. absolute cinema. everyone was still booing and i raised my plastic margarita jar in a toast to my beloved Scotsman.
(i'd really been hoping to hear his music live again tho)
at one point at the end of a match i sprang out of my seat and ran to the bathroom because i believed we were on a commercial break. commercials were playing on the screens, after all. i had literally just started washing my hands when i heard ~~L. A. KNIGHT~~ and then the music and i started swearing because i missed his entrance :( i was so annoyed lmao. (I was wearing black lipstick and the Judgement Day spiked vest and when i walked in a woman exiting at the same time saw me and said "Mami!" and it was great lol) (there were a lot of signs for rhea tonight btw we miss her!!!) anyway i got back to my seat while Knight was still in the ring but Logan Paul had just shown up and knocked him out and that sucked lmao for some reason I was sure they were actually going to fight tonight?? guess i was wrong. the guys next to me were cheering for logan, no shame do what you want but bleghhhhh
Cody did two appearances. first when he came out in his corporate attire and then again for his match with Solo. everyone sang his theme with gusto, and it was a pleasure to actually know the words this time. the pyro was WILD. and imo there was too much fog coming from it to the point the arena got noticeably hotter after the pyro went off. i was wearing a mesh shirt and i was still pretty sweaty. everyone did the WOAH. i think cody was wearing his Mania fit so it was really cool to see it again; his costumes are the best in the WWE rn and no one else comes close. at least not in the men's division. the match itself was kinda disappointing with how quickly it was disqualified bc of the bloodline's bs. not that i expected there to be a title drop or anything then and there but it all happened so quickly and i was so annoyed that when jacob came out i was sort of checked out. obvs i wondered who he was but there was no name card on the screens or anything so i was lost until i checked the subreddit later. cody got his ass beat and even tho randy and KO tried to help the bloodline still won and ended the episode and everyone booed them.
was it good tv though? absolutely. i feel lucky to have been there and seen it all live. this is only my second live WWE show and i'm hooked. i can't wait to watch the episode and hear the commentary.
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after the cameras stopped rolling The Awesome Truth came out and everyone fucking lit up when Mix and R Truth came out singing their song and everyone was super into it, screaming 'WHAT'S UP?' back to Truth. tbh after the way the main event match went it was a perfect pick me up to end the night and it got our energy back up immediately. then the Judgement Day came out and the boos came out again for Dominik and JD (but mostly Dom). i was there in my dorky lil spiked vest cheering my babies on. it was a great fucking match, super entertaining and they were absolutely feeling the energy. Miz and Dom were having a contest throughout trying to get the loudest crowd response and Miz was raising his arms getting us to build up to it and then Dom tried getting us on his side but when we didn't or just booed him he more or less flipped us off without actually giving the bird lol. he also took a bottle of Prime and tasted it, only to spit it back out in disgust which actually earned him a few cheers and several shouts of "fuck Prime!!" i may have seen it from the wrong angle but it did also look like he wiped the bottle on his butt before tossing it away. R Truth did the five knuckle shuffle and everyone got hyped and screamed the you can't see me thing and then he did it again with Miz and then they did their tag team finisher. idk the name for it but it's the dancey in sync move they do. it's adorable and i love them so much. but back to the match, all of them were fantastic and of course Awesome Truth won, but at one point when it was quiet enough i yelled out "YOU SHOULD'VE LET R-TRUTH JOIN THE JUDGEMENT DAY" and a few people laughed which felt really good lmao.
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and after the match ended and everyone was clapping, Miz asked for a mic and told us (and this is very paraphrased and relying on my memory) that he 'doesn't get to do this often' and he isn't used to being cheered so much so this was really great and he was thankful to chicago for that. we cheered extra loud for that and then they left and it was over.
i'm still newish to the wwe universe but i know Miz was a world champ not that long ago. i haven't seen much of that run and i always thought he was a very likable character for all his faults so hearing that he wasn't used to being cheered broke my heart a little bc i like him a lot.
anyway it was amazing overall and i really hope they come back again soon. when i went to RAW in march they gave us all a promo code for early access tickets for this show, but this time there wasn't one, to my knowledge.
after tonight i now have a cody rhodes shirt, a deeper love for wrestling, and a new friendship bracelet. i have a ton that i made for myself a while back and a couple given by friends/family. i wore them all today and after the show while waiting for my brother near the merch line a woman came up to me and asked if i wanted to swap bracelets. i was like :o i didn't know people did that here!! and she said a few do, that she'd given a couple away already and luckily i'd just made an 'omg it's cody rhodes' and a rhea ripley one the night before so i happily gave her the rhea one and she gave me a 'mami's always on top' bracelet in return and just like the Judgement Day bracelet my dear @rogueimperator got me for my birthday, i will treasure them forever <3 i should have asked for her name tbh but thank you kind stranger! now i need to make more for next time :)
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a lot of people were also very sweet about my goth look for the night--i was trying to channel Rhea for sure lol but my black lipstick was rubbing off everywhere and i was so sweaty because of the vest and boots lol--not a good choice for a 90 degree day but we're all doing our part to hasten Rhea's hasty return, right??? a bit of sweat is no problem in the long run.
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oc-aita · 9 months
AITA for trying to get rid of this weird man who is obsessed with lawn gnomes?
(cw for discussion of slavery)
So I (32 F) run a small commune on a planet that was being terraformed into a theme park but got abandoned. A lot of us are genetically-modified humans or their descendants; it's rough being a xeno out in the galaxy so we're trying to make a more inclusive community, at the cost of ousting baseline humans unless they're extremely chill.
We located a vault near our base full of what we thought was loot but turned out to be people in cryosleep guarded by war robots; specifically they were a bunch of the research staff from the planet's attempted theme park phase. They holed up and went into cryo for 312 years because of an insectesoid invasion which was also what stopped the theme park plans, but that's beside the point.
Anyways. We woke these folks up out of cryo and it turned into a firefight. As in, many of them just rolled out of their pods and started shooting us before we had a chance to chat. Most of them died in the attack, except for two: A (27 F) and G (53 M). Both of them are baseline humans, and, since xenotyping is newer tech, were kind of freaked out by us.
A is cool. We nursed A back to health and she decided her best chance at survival was to stick with us. She's good with a gun and was an assistant veterinarian for the genetically-engineered fauna that was being added to the theme park. She likes our llamas a lot, but feels weird being only one of two baseline humans in the group (the other one, B, is planning to leave in the near future to start a new community).
G is. Hmm. So I've talked with him extensively but he's kind of impossible? My understanding is that he was grown in a lab to be a perfect scientist, discovered an obsession with sculpting lawn gnomes, escaped the lab, and grew up to become a geneticist who also ran an art gallery focused on lawn gnomes. This, by itself, sounds cool as hell. Unfortunately this guy is just really unpleasant to be around.
For starters, he hates sleeping. He claims to have insomnia but he literally just spends his nights wandering around his room, staring into middle distance with the lights on. Every...idk, 38 hours or so he passes out on the floor? He has a bed! We then have to haul him to his bed and he sleeps for 10+ hours. Weird schedules are fine but, man, at least attempt to get into bed instead of wandering about until you're exhausted. And, to be clear, he definitely stays awake until he's completely overtired and barely lucid. Talking to him in this state is...not good.
Also, I asked him how long it takes him to sculpt and paint a singular lawn gnome. He estimated sixty to eighty hours! That's kind of nuts. It sounds like they're beautiful gnomes but also, let's be honest, how much is the average rimworlder going to pay for a fucking lawn gnome? While we do have room for folks in the commune who aren't able to work full-time, we're concerned that he won't even really be making back his cost of materials.
Add that to the fact that he's a baseline human and a geneticist whose research helped lay the groundwork for human genetic modification (many of us have trauma around being genetically engineered against our will) it seemed like our commune isn't the right place for G. Our closest neighbors are a settlement called Love Town, which sounds horny or hippie but they're pretty boring tbh. Not bad trading partners, but definitely wary of xenos. They're part of a bigger network, so we introduced G to them. And, okay, yeah, "introduced" might not be the correct word. We essentially asked Love Town if they wanted to buy G from us in the hopes of recruiting him for their settlement. Since he's a pretty experienced scientist and artist they paid us...quite a bit of silver, which we desperately needed. I know they're anti-slavery, at least I'm pretty sure, so while he could wind up coerced into staying he'd at least be in a much bigger community that could better support him.
That was two months ago. Today, we spotted a drop pod being launched near our base and one of our new members reported an injured man was found inside. And who is it but fucking G. He's not conscious yet but we don't know what we're going to do with him. We radioed to Love Town and they're playing dumb, claiming that they never even bought G from us in the first place. At least they're not asking for their money back?
I don't think we can just kick this man out of the commune, because he won't survive in the wilds but... the other closest settlement to us is pro-slavery, so bringing G to them is also pretty awful. No one really likes this guy, even A who knew him 300 years ago. Our new member who found him, O, thinks it's terrible that we sold him to Love Town in the first place and is pretty mad with me about that. Her argument is that we should openly accept him as a community member to apologize, but I keep trying to convince her how much that won't work. I'm sure once she actually talks to him she'll understand.
But I have to wonder...AITA for selling G to Love Town in the first place? WIBTA if I try to get rid of him in some other way, either bringing him to the other town or just sending him out into the wilderness?
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Should dwarves come into play in one of the future arcs, may I recommend We All Lift Together by Freya Catherine? It's just got Those Vibes, y'know? (I also just like to listen to it because, hOH my god, the VIBES) I feel like dwarves (dwarrow?) would go nuts over it.
Hope this wasn't a bother, good luck with whatever college stuff you've got goin' on, in like a week I'll be in a similar boat of "Oh No, It's School, But Up The Y Axis."
Dwarves will ABSOLUTELY come into play in later arcs. and We All Lift Together is such a good song, like. listening to it is not enough, i need to eat it and feel it reverberate in my bones.
not a bother! never a bother! i'm almost free from academic hell and i hope your misery also passes soon. idk when this ask came in. i hope you've had time to rest and relax during whatever you've got going on.
thanks for chatting!
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squish--squash · 1 year
oh yeah idk if I ever told y'all this but I have a funny story that happened back in september involving evangelical protesters, a lesbian flag, a rainbow umbrella, and an impromptu pride party
(it may be a bit long, so story is under cut!)
Okay so, let's preface with the context:
I attend a public university. This means that people, if they want, can reserve spaces around campus for events. This is usually used for tailgating during sports seasons.
But it also means other people can reserve places of high foot traffic, such as evangelical protesters with anti-abortion signs with the signature "repent or hell" bullshit signs.
Anyways apparently these fuckos have been doing this shit for years so upperclassmen and some of the LGBT and activism groups had already been warning as many underclassmen and transfer students as they can, so for the most part a good bit of the student body knew to avoid the water fountain in the middle of campus or else.
However, since I had an 8am the morning they arrived and am prone to not checking my phone, I had no clue about this at first. I actually cross the fountain on my way to and from my class, so I saw some people standing around and wondered what they were doing. And I got my answer as I was walking back from that class and saw the signs and was like "oh my fucking god there are religious nuts on campus"
I sat down in a building near the fountain to check my phone, where I learned from my friends what was going on. Now, since I didn't have a class until 2:30 (which ended up being cancelled after all), and also didn't have anything that needed to be done that day, I decided I wanted to be a peaceful shit and go bother the protesters because I knew they were already making and were going to make even more a lot of people uncomfortable and feel unsafe (and if their attention was on me, they weren't going to harass others).
However, none of my friends were available to come with me, and I was considering just going back to my dorm.
Until an acquaintance arrived. I knew her because she was friends with someone from my hometown I talked to occasionally, and since she's kinda important to this story later let's call her "A".
Anyways A asked me if I'd seen the protesters, and when I said yeah and that I was planning to go bother them, she said she was about to ask me if I wanted to go and bother them too since she was on her way to the fountain.
And so we both went to the fountain.
At the fountain were like, 3-5 or so men who looked like they hadn't showered in 5 months and came from the woods, a woman who looked tired, and her two young sons (who I later found out were homeschooled, which is so, so heartbreaking). All of them protesters. There's one man that's the focal center, who is yelling just complete bullshit (I can't even remember half of what he said bc I just tuned it out like a bad radio or smth), while the rest of them were holding abysmal anti-abortion signs full of misinformation and graphic images and trying (and failing) to pass out flyers/brochures.
When we get there A goes up to the main yeller and starts having a civil discussion with him because she told me she likes to debate. I sat down by the fountain wall next to someone with a frog hat on (I'll dub them "Frog Hat"), who was blasting music as loud as they could on the small speaker they had. The music? I'm not sure what bands or genres, but it was definitely music that those protesters thought was satanic.
Me and Frog Hat have a nice chat while watching the flyer guy continue to fail at passing out stuff. Highlights of his failures include many people shaking their heads and putting their hands up and away, multiple sneers of disgust, and this absolute queen who had an umbrella and used it as a shield as she walked by (I will call her "Queen" because she will return to this story later and own up to that title).
Now during the watching of flyer guy fail, another girl joins me at the fountain. We start chatting (let's dub her "L"), and it's going well, but then she pulls out a large lesbian flag from her backpack, and we spread the flag over our laps in lesbian solidarity. She also pulls out a rainbow umbrella and hands it to me to keep us shaded since the sun had come out from behind clouds. I think it's crucial to note that the flag and umbrella are going to become very prominent features of this story.
And so there's four of us. The three of us at the fountain doing miniscule counter protesting, and A who's still debating with the main yeller.
But that's when some more people show up.
At first it's some members of the campus's activism group, who ask us if we're doing alright and have a little tote with them (spoiler alert, it's pronoun and lgbt pins), along with a couple signs. Some of the members have stuff to do so they leave, but some others stick around the fountain and start quietly counter protesting with us. (During this time there's this REALLY pretty woman me and L spot walking past the fountain area a couple of times, we dubbed her "the goddess"; a little while later she returns with her own sign, and joins us. An absolute win.)
as more people arrive to watch and (later on) be a menace, Frog Hat has to sadly leave for classes, and so we're without music.
Until I suggest to the few people around me I've been talking to for us to play circus music on our phones as "fitting background music" for the protesters.
It takes a couple minutes of slow data speeds and finding the same video, but eventually there's 5 people playing circus music in sync. It was fantastic, but sadly didn't last long because someone in the growing crowd got irked by a protester and started yelling.
Now, to avoid anything happening, I get an idea and ask L if we can use her flag and umbrella as some sort of shield to put between the students and protesters. This spawns, what I mischievously called, the "gay censorship plan". Since it would be hard to walk protective circles around a group of moving students, we decide it would be easier to just block the main guy who's yelling bs (he also has a sign, which we try to block as well).
So gay censorship springs into action and me, L, and other people that switch out occasionally held up the lesbian flag in front of the yeller, blocking him from looking at the student body; I see it as a win of multiple fronts, because the guy looked crusty as fuck. Since I was also the tallest of the flag-holders, I also held up the umbrella as an extra shield, making sure to block the guy's face if the flag dropped too low or to try and block his sign (at some point the guy manages to extend the pole of the sign raising it higher, which I found funny but also makes you think this probably wasn't too uncommon if he was that prepared...). There were also times I detached from the flag to go over and cover the more graphic signs they set up with the rainbow umbrella because really, nobody wanted to see that on a tuesday morning.
The guy was constantly moving too, but so were we. Every time the guy moved, we got in front of him.
More people are arriving at this point, donning pride flags and booty shorts. There was even someone there in a cat maid costume. Queen returned to deliver absolute scathing remarks every time the yeller said smth, and someone showed up with a big speaker to play some zesty lgbt-friendly music on it.
During this escapade A gets a sign from someone and joins the gay censorship gang. We start chatting again, and while watching people having fun counter-protesting I remember that one video of two guys kissing at an anti-lgbt protest. I mention it to A, jokingly say "even tho I haven't had my first yet, I would so kiss a girl rn to make the protesters mad."
Well. Next thing I know, A and I are standing like 10 feet off to the side of the yeller, umbrella and sign off to the side, A shouts "People! Can I have everyone's attention for just only one moment!" (even the yeller stopped talking for a second), and I have my first kiss
Shit y'all not, the students who saw it cheered. I (very awkwardly, voice crack included) yelled "First kiss, baby!", which got even more cheers, but also the attention of the yeller, who then screamed that lesbians were going to hell.
It's a pride party at that point. People are dancing to music and screaming "YEAH!" every time the yeller says smth stupid. We continue to cover him up until he decides to stop in front of the fountain, where people with pride flags hop on top of the fountain wall and essentially cover the guy with flags. literally. The only thing you could've seen was his sign, which got half-covered by a handmade sign a very tall guy was holding.
There were some people who tried to argue with the guy, but since you can't argue with stupid it was a bit of a lost cause, but for the most part people just treated it like a party with some annoying thing in the far background. It was like the lgbt community at my college just individually got up and decided to schedule a pride event at the same place as the protesters.
Eventually the protesters packed up and left at around 1, but it was a wonderful couple of hours (I mean sure I was slurred at and insulted but I literally couldn't take any of it serious enough to be offended or frightened)
I know that what we all did didn't help our case (and in the protesters' minds "proved" their conceptions about us) but we all knew they'd never change their views anyways, so why not have a little fun?
Anyways this October the activism group released an opportunity for anyone who felt unsafe by the presence of the protesters or harassed by them to write a letter for the group to eventually send to the higher ups at our university to see if they can get the protesters banned on account of making their student body feel uncomfortable on their own campus.
The yeller also uploaded his body cam footage of him being an idiot to youtube bc ofc they have a yt channel, so not only am I a pretty common sighting in that video but the audio of my first kiss is on there too, which I think is hilarious.
That's the end of my story now, hope it was as funny as I think it was.
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cosmictulips · 2 years
this is just a rant
im just so disappointed at myself now. and i cant even cry. theres his event at my grad school tomorrow and im skipping it. ive been thinking about it trying to prepare myself for over two weeks and tbh ive been worried about it even before, like months before itself. now theres messages in my group chat asking everybody to come for heavensake cuz of the expense and effort. and i feel terrible after listening to all that. but still i cant go. i just cant go. this is hard cuz im gonna mess up regardless of what i do. whether i go or not. the event is like freshers and we might get put on spot and i had experienced it once before and i couldnt forget it long after that and it made me nuts. i just cant do it again. im not going. but nobody will understand and will just think im a coward and lazy. i myself think of me that way. and im just in a really bad state right now. i cant even do anything, i cant talk and my parents dont help either. its just really bad. idk what im gonna do.
Hello My Darling Star Cadet!
I'm glad you feel comfortable sending this to me. I hope you don't mind me responding. and if you ever want to message me privately, feel free to do so. I think I have my messages on.
I totally get what you're going through. I've been rather slow lately with the tarot readings and it's making me feel so embarrassed but I've honestly just have been so hard with everything... and more importantly myself.
and I say this because I think you may also be so hard on yourself. and I think you should go. maybe for five minutes. just to say hello and exchange pleasantries -? nice exchanges lol. I don't know if I spelled that right-. it may actually lower your anxiety and make you feel accomplished. no one is going to judge you or put you on the spot, they will simply be happy that you came. quick entrance, quick exit.
Also, it genuinely should not matter what others think of you. if you go or not. that is ultimately up to you to decide. and if you feel that bad about going, then don't. I turned down an invitation yesterday even though I orginally wanted to go. I've been having a hell of a time with work the past couple of days and I really just needed to decompress. no one was upset, they understood.
don't be so hard on yourself. whether or not you decide to go. take that time and use it for yourself. I think you might be over thinking this just a little. I trust that you'll get your answer. and you should trust yourself to not think so poorly. your body loves you, it has put you this far after all ;)
above all, choose kindness. and rest if you need it.
I love you my darling star cadet.
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So I’m having a hell of a time finding good friendship fanfiction of Celes and people whose names aren’t Locke, Terra, or Setzer. It brought me to wondering, what do you think Edgar’s dynamic with Celes would be like? Would Celes and Sabin grow closer and become super good bros due to the length of time they would have traveled together with just the two of them in the World of ruin?
honestly... i'm not surprised, unfortunately 😔 i would say that it's kind of "understandable" since she mostly interacts with them, but she has nice interactions with Edgar too considering that he's one of the characters you're forced to recruit in WoR, and the basis for something interesting with Cyan is Right There!!!
tbh if theres one (1) thing i could complain about in ffvi is that there's no resultion for Cyan and Celes' first argument, or Cyan and Terra for the matter. like I REALLY like what they did with Cyan's character and I can see his growth, but I would've loved to see them chat in WoR or him helping her during the credits escape :(
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ANYWAY, going under read more
I think Edgar at first in WoB would probably be a little suspicious of her. Like I think he's charismatic enough not to openly show it (and she's pretty so he would try his shots with her too at first let's be real), but I think that in the group he was one of the few who actually wondered if Celes was double-crossing them. Not outright believe it maybe, but he would have his fair amount of doubts and would mostly make sure that Locke is doing fine. He wouldn't tell him not to pursue her maybe - on the contrary, he would love to see him moving on from Rachel -, but he would make sure to keep an eye open In WoR, however... he would probably open up with her, even before he does to Sabin. I think he spent that year really wondering if everyone in Figaro Castle died and. I think his mind went in some very dark places, every now and then, and with both of them being High Ranks People Who Need To Suppress Their Emotions For Their Job... idk, i like to imagine them spending a night chatting about it on the BlackJack and drink something together to celebrate their second chance to make things right.
also idk the idea of him slipping That Coin to Celes when they first met Setzer and just telling her to "trust him"? It's very good. It's very nice. Please Consider.
As for Sabin? He likely saw the good in her. On the contrary of his brother, he was one of the very few in the group who felt like Celes couldn't be a spy for a single second. Call it being positive, call it being naive, call it Not Trusting The Cringe Clown Like Seriously Guys This Dude Is Nuts. He probably tried to chat with her more than once during WoB, with her being the one not engaging instead, especially when they put their hands on the Magicite and he tried to use magic for the first time.
sidenote sabin spamming reraise during the final boss literally managed to make me win the entire game we stan a legend
in WoR, he acted as if they never spent a day apart, and... Celes finally started appreciating him like he deserves. I like to imagine the whole Cid thing actually taking a little longer, and also moving on a raft probably took a day or two more, so she finally felt how it is to be truly alone and defenseless. Having him around, having such a positive person with her despite everything... really gave her an extra push to actually hope things would get better. He was there to lift her up whenever she fell and she taught him how to properly control magic, he consoled her when she was sad Terra didn't want to fight on their side and she reassured him when Edgar pretended to not know them.
...idk, Celes and Sabin being besties is cute..............
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clericbyers · 5 years
The funny thing about RR!St3 (and yes I'm still talking about this) is that its technically your au so if u don't like stuff about season 3-and maybe that's like everything lmao- than you can change it for this au!!! so what're some things you could change to flex on the duffers with ur beautiful Galaxy brain?
oh ur so right….oh man OH MAN the power in my hands right now…this is super long but i got so into it okay thank u…
First off, my real vision for RR!ST3 would not be too close to how ST3 went down; the RR!ST3 I originally hashed out was me trying to stick close to ST3 but as I said then, it was hard bc many of the issues in ST3 wouldn’t happen if Mike wasn’t obsessed with El and if we actually address the fact that these kids are dealing with serious trauma from the events of ST2. In RR!ST2, Mike would be the one dealing with being possessed, Will would have been at his side the entire time, Nancy and Mike would be a lot tighter thanks to RR!ST1 (like she’d be very overprotective because she almost lost her brother and he’s annoying yeah but she can’t imagine not having him in her life anymore). So when RR!ST2 ends with the Snowball, I can see Mike still dancing with El when she returns because he needs to thank her, she saved his life after all, but I really. just cannot see his level of attachment being enough to try to date her. Because in ST1 and at the beginning of ST2, Mike is wracked with guilt about losing her, about bonding with her and ultimately her being a sacrifice to save them. He doesn’t have that in RR!ST1 and RR!ST2, at least not to the same degree as ST1 and ST2. He didn’t have the time to bond to El and while I think he might have fleeting feelings for his savior (like I said, nightingale effect) and have some guilt about how she seemingly gave up her life to save everyone, especially him, I also think RR!ST2 Mike would be very attached to Will though given how Will trusted him and stuck by him despite all the horrors. Mike takes loyalty very seriously and Will being with Nancy and Karen (as she would be the “crazy” mom who lost her son in RR!ST1, but she’d enlist Joyce’s help since Ted wouldn’t really care so it would be power duo Joyren trying to figure out where Mike is) in the RR!ST2 shed scene would mean a lot to him.
Now, we have those 8 months between ST2 and ST3 where basically Mike and El entered a relationship in ‘85. In that time frame in the RR au, I would focus more on how the Party is getting over the trauma they faced during RR!ST2. Firstly, Mike is definitely not okay after being possessed by a demonic godly shadow force. He’s in therapy again maybe, back on medications, IDK what exactly but he is broken inside but trying his best to act like everything is normal and he wasn’t just possessed. I think he would try to cling onto his childhood as Will did in ST3, because Mike didn’t get to grow up normal since he got kidnapped and possessed by monsters. Will and El would bond a lot in those 8 months though, definitely becoming closer siblings and El having a crush on Mike can still a thing. Mike might not feel that same way for her but he’d be down for dating if just to feel normal again. Part of that may be to continue dampening how he feels for Will because he just wants to be a regular kid again and what he feels for his best friend is not at all natural in his mind. I like the idea of Mike and El getting together in ST3 at the mall scene so I’d stick with that. But I also feel like Mike would definitely also be spending half the time subconsciously trying to stay away from El because she’s also a reminder of the horrors he faced in the UD and with the Mind Flayer.
There would be a lot of Will, El, Mike moments too! Will is her brother of sorts in the RR au and Hopper is only ever really comfortable with Mike coming to visit when Will is over, too, even before Mike agrees to date El.
So okay, Episode 1 of RR!ST3 deals with the fact that all the kids are still dealing with some sort of trauma. Mike wakes up from a nightmare, uses his walkie talkie to contact Will, and Will comes over and sits in his room with him and they chat for a bit until Mike can fall back asleep. Will sits at the foot of Mike’s bed watching him sleep before he sneaks back out the house. Nancy catches him and thanks him for stopping by and then he catches Lucas outside too while making his way back home. Lucas casually mentions that he couldn’t sleep and they chat about how weird things have been when no one in Hawkins knows what happened last fall. In the early afternoon the next day, Will bikes over to Hopper’s cabin to hang out with El, they listen to music and doodle together for hours, just being great friends. El casually mentions that she might have a bit of a crush on Mike (who comes with Dustin, Lucas, and El to visit sometimes because fuck ST3 and isolating El from the Party). This could be a moment for Will to be like, “Oh, me, too.” and they can bond over liking Mike together (that’d be cute af!! and it would help Will feel more comfortable about how he feels toward Mike when he’s able to talk about it without persecution). She asks him if Mike likes him back and Will kinda just stops doodling.
“I don’t know,” he murmurs hoarsely. “He’s never said anything.”
El hums and takes out a purple crayon to color in the grass. “Do you know if he likes me?”
Will says he doesn’t know but that he’ll figure it out for her. Hopper won’t let her come with Will to the movie that night so he promises one night he’ll help sneak her out and then bikes over to the theater. We have the ST3 theater scene but it’s reversed of course, so it’s Mike who feels the Mind Flayer and Will who asks him if he’s okay. Mike isn’t as shy and flustered as Will was in ST3 though, he tries to brush Will off petulantly (as RR!ST3 Mike tries his best to act like the events of RR!ST2 aren’t affecting him as much as it is) but Will takes his hand and says, “It’s okay to not be okay.” and Mike kinda fidgets but squeezes his hand in turn before they both go back to watching the movie.
The next day when Dustin comes back, we have the Party going up to Cerebro but there would not be any El and Mike leaving like in ST3. Instead, Will and El are whispering between themselves but it’s not really much about anything. El is too shy to ask Mike if he wants to sit with her as they listen to Dustin call his girlfriend and Will just wants her to feel comfortable near Mike and keeps pestering for her to just sit next to him. Mike is irritated because he wanted to hang with Will more today and he’s bonding with El. His powers activate from his irritation and he’s blocking the radio signal for Dustin and Suzie’s call. When it starts getting late, the Party splits up, Will and El leaving first because of curfew (a real one not the lie El told in ST3). Lucas and Max leave next and Mike is left solo with Dustin.
“I know that Will and El aren’t together, but god, I feel so childish being the single one out.” Mike complains as a chill breeze washes over the two of them.
Dustin hums distractedly, still trying to work out why Cerebro isn’t picking up Suzie’s channel. It takes a moment for Mike’s words to sink in and then he perks. “You know, El likes you.”
“She what?” Mike blurts, giving Dustin a look. “No, she doesn’t. She can’t.”
“Uh, but she can and she does.” Dustin turns a random knob to a different frequency. “It’s pretty obvious; she was sending you heart eyes this entire time if your oblivious ass would have realized.”
Mike isn’t sure how to feel about it. He’s always seen El as Will’s sister, especially with Hopper attempting (and kinda failing) at dating Joyce. Even when they danced at Snowball, it was a thing of gratitude, of joy, of acknowledging that she hadn’t died and he was happy about that. But, El actually liking him? “What am I supposed to do about that?”
“Do you like her?”
Mike scrunches his nose. He feels…something toward her but he’s not really sure what it is. It’s not the same way he feels toward Nancy but it’s not what he felt toward Max either. And it’s definitely not what he feels toward Will, but he doesn’t want to think about that right now. He wants to feel normal. “I’m not sure.”
“Well, if it’s not a solid no, then I’d say go for it.” Dustin adjusts his hat and leans back with a sigh. “She’s cute and I think this is the first time a cute girl has ever liked your nerdy ass.”
“Shut up,” laughs Mike and he nudges his friend who grins in turn. He looks up at the sky and sighs. “I should probably get back home before my mom goes nuts. Talk to you later, yeah?”
“I’m leaving, too,” he sighs as he stands up. “I don’t know why this isn’t working. Maybe the clouds are too overcast.”
Mike shrugs and flicks at the radio’s antenna. It buzzes erratically, static blasting through Dustin’s headphones and then suddenly there’s a voice coming through the noise. It’s a blend of things, like the receiver is caught between two frequencies. One is Suzie, the other is some spoken code (in English because the random inclusion of the Russians works for Red Scare era / anti-Russia 80′s America but like…it had no set up so I wouldn’t use it for RR!ST3) that neither Mike nor Dustin can understand. Dustin tries to fix the frequency channels to focus on Suzie, but he looses her and the input only focuses on the frequency the code is on. Mike touches the antenna again, holding on this time around, and he can literally feel the electric currents coursing through him, something sharper than a tickle but not as harsh as actual electrocution. The dials on the receiver interface start wavering about randomly and crazily until Mike lets go and then there’s only static again.
“What the,” Dustin mutters, bending down to check how Cerebro is working. “What did you do?”
Mike stares down at his hands, a panic attack on the edge of his senses because, seriously, what the hell was that? First having flashbacks in the theater and feeling that shocking tingling sensation on their way up the hill, now this? “I…I don’t know.”
Dustin taps at a dial and frowns. “Touch it again. Like hold onto it as you did earlier.” Mike does as told and the dials go nuts again. “Mike…do you…have you had any issues near electrical appliances recently?”
Mike scowls and tries to remember if anything odd has happened recently. “No? Not really. Sometimes the radio in my mom’s car doesn’t work and the TV gets a little staticy but that’s normal. Oh, and we had flickering lights out at the cabin when Will, Lucas, and I visited but it’s a cabin in the woods so what do you expect.”
Dustin bites at his bottom lip. “And this only happens when you’re around?”
“I, uh,” Mike grabs at his hair, “No, no, it doesn’t. It doesn’t. It can’t…I’m not, what…I thought that was the Upside Down only.”
“What do you mean?”
“I could touch the lights and the TV when I was in the Upside Down version of the basement. And when I touched them, everything glowed. Kind of like casting Daylight in D&D.” Mike struggles to find his breath; he never really talks about what it was like in the Upside Down. “And…and I knew, I knew where the demogorgon was before I should have. Like innate. And the dead people…”
“Detect Evil?” Dustin suggests, cocking his head to the side. “Mike, do you think any of that stuck with you here?”
[ So basically, the equivalent of “magic” in D&D is electricity in the real world / the Upside Down since electricity and tech is kinda like modern magic, and all of Mike’s powers in the Upside Down are, in theory, paladin spells. He couldn’t control which lights flickered on like Will did in ST1 but he can turn them on and he can create a beacon, along with talking to the dead and having an innate circle of protection around him (a magic circle as paladins can have!) ]
Mike goes back home totally freaked out and refusing to believe he has “powers” because his time in the UD felt like such a nightmare anyway. He just wanted to survive, he didn’t ask for this, he didn’t ask for the Mind Flayer to possess him and use his body to kill people, to almost destroy Hawkins in the process. And that night, Mike decides he absolutely cannot let these possible powers do anything or mean anything because he’s normal, he’s a normal 14-year-old boy who is absolutely not crushing on his very male best friend, no, he’s gonna get a girlfriend, and hang out at the mall like kids do over the summer, and everything is going to be fine.
The next day, Will doesn’t go over to El’s place to hang out, Mike picks up the phone and says a dumb lie about Will being busy to try to get out of it. (“Friends don’t lie,” says El afterwards. “But brothers do.” snorts Max, “All. The. Time.”) He’s frustrated by El wanting to spend time with Will one-on-one when he’s trying to get the og4 Party members together for some normal hangout time playing D&D because, again, Mike here is the one trying to cling onto his childhood, even more now that he might have “powers”. They play D&D with Mike as DM and it all goes well until Karen comes downstairs asking about magnets and Mike internally freaks out. He’s been feeling like someone is watching him for a while now (hint: El when spying on the boys in the Void) and now his mom is talking about something that could very well be his powers working. Dustin knows and can actually see it, so he suggests everyone should get some fresh air and hang out at the mall. The Party goes out shopping, they hang out at Scoops Ahoy and Mike and Dustin share their story about the radio last night but purposefully leave out details about what Mike did with the antenna. Will feels guilty for lying so he’s trying to find some new clothes so El isn’t always wearing Hopper’s hand-me-downs, and they run into Max and El outside.
“Well, well, well,” Max huffs as she crosses her arms. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Will is worried because El leaving the house and being at the mall of all places would definitely make Hopper upset. “Are you okay?” he asks her, careful not to sound too overbearing. “Does Hopper know you’re here?”
El shrugs. “I told him I was seeing Max. And I am.” She turns to Mike. “You said Will couldn’t come over yet you are shopping. Why did you lie?”
Mike, who has spent practically the whole time at the mall on pins and needles, is really not in the mood for being questioned like this. “It just came out. I wanted to hang with the boys, okay? Just us. Like old days.”
El frowns. “Do you not like me?”
“No! No, I really like you!” Mike softens up and gives her a smile. “Honest; friends don’t lie, right? I’m sorry I lied to you. Today’s been…weird.” Dustin huffs at that. “Don’t worry about it though, I genuinely like you.”
And Mike doesn’t mean it that way–he had just said ‘friends don’t lie’ because he really does see her as a friend–but El takes it that way, and she grins widely, blushing as she ducks her head. “I like you, too, Mike.”
Will didn’t even think Mike liked El that way but now that it’s spoken in front of him, he can feel his heart breaking just a bit because any chance he thought he had is gone in his mind. El steps into Mike’s space and he blinks a couple times. “I want to go out with you.”
Dustin gasps, Lucas covers his mouth, Will tries his best not to look dejected, and Max whoops at her side. Mike turns to Will, who is staring at his feet, and then looks back at El. (A parallel to Snowball when Will looked at Mike for approval before going to dance with Zombie Boy girl.) Mike told himself he was gonna get a girlfriend and be normal, right? Ignore whatever happens in his chest when Will smiles at him. Ignore all of that and his stupid powers and be normal. “Yeah. Yeah, okay. Let’s go out.”
So the Party stays at the mall a little longer and Mike and El hang out together and get ice cream at Scoops’ Ahoy, which is amusing to Steve and Robin both. At the end, they go back to the Wheelers and El has to go back to the cabin but Mike is kind of in a daze because wow, he just got a girlfriend for the first time and went on a date with her. Dustin keeps teasing him, Lucas is cackling and making kissing jokes, but Will…Will is oddly silent at first. They get back on the campaign but no one can really concentrate and Will starts getting concerned about El and how she was out and about without Hopper’s knowledge. Mike is even more frustrated now because he thought things were going to start getting normal now, but it just seems to be falling apart. Will won’t even concentrate on the campaign, Dustin is horrible at trying to be subtle about if Mike’s powers are activating, and Lucas is complaining with Will about how Max and El are hanging out.
Mike lashes out and storms outside, where Will goes after him. “Mike, I’m sorry, it’s a really good campaign,” Will starts with a hand to Mike’s shoulder, “but I’m worried about El and I just…I can’t concentrate right now. We can play it tomorrow, I promise.”
Mike yanks himself away from Will. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, it’s always tomorrow! I said ‘see you tomorrow’ before and then I never did! Tomorrow may never fucking come! But oh, that doesn’t matter, huh? Tomorrow always comes for you. Tomorrow is always gonna be better.”
“No!” he yells and lightening crackles in the distance. “No, you don’t get to say anything! You keep spending time with El, forgetting about all of us! I’m her boyfriend now and I’m not even this obsessed with her whereabouts.” He waves at Will, who scowls. “She’s not even really your sister and you’re letting her just ruining the party like this? And for what? So you can have a fake younger sister to hole up in her room all day?”
Will’s nostrils flare. “El is my sister whether you like it or not!” He snaps back with irritation. “It’s not my fault you don’t like El!”
Mike pauses, eyes widening just a fraction as his breath visibly hitches. No one was supposed to know that he wasn’t even sure how he felt…Dustin himself had come to the conclusion that Mike knew he liked El all along. Will though wants to take it back immediately. Taking out his anger onto Mike isn’t fair at all and just because Mike suddenly has a girlfriend doesn’t mean he should try to accuse Mike of not liking her. But he can’t help but question either way because Mike barely alluded to seeing her that way anyway.
“Look, I’m…I’m sorry, that came out wrong. So wrong.” He steps toward Mike, who tenses up more. “I know you like El, okay? I know you care about her. I care about her, too, just differently. She helped save you and the Party, how can I not care? That type of care has been with me for months. I can’t shut that off. I’m sorry.”
Mike’s breathing is getting denser and his vision is getting blurry because now he knows. Now he knows how he feels and he really fucked up saying yes to dating El. He doesn’t like her like Nancy and he doesn’t like her like Max either. He especially doesn’t like her like a boyfriend. “I like El like how you like her.”
“Mike?” Will’s voice is soft and shaking a little and Mike feels like throwing up.
“El saved me,” he whispers, “She saved me and I like her for that. I do. But she’s not…”
“She’s not what?”
Mike is crying now, angry tears dripping down his face like the rain as his voice crackles like the thunder. “She’s not you! I thought she would be enough and maybe I was wrong for it but it hasn’t even been a full day and I already know! I already know I don’t like her like that because I like you!”
There’s nothing but the patter of rain and Mike’s heavy breathing, and Mike can already feel his heart breaking because he spent so long trying to deny this and now he blurted it out in the midst of an argument like a dumbass and now Will is going to hate him. Hate him for not being normal, hate Mike for being what Lonnie always said he was. He’s crying still, hands shaking at his side as the tears continue to spill.
Will looks up at him with widened eyes and Mike can’t take it any longer. He can’t face the inevitable rejection right now. “I need to go.”
“Mike, wait, no! Mike!” Will rushes toward him but Mike’s already on his bike and riding through the rain. “Mike! Mike, come back!”
When Mike doesn’t turn back, Will rushes downstairs, tears streaming down his face as well and he can barely get his words out. “We need to find Mike, we need to find him now!”
“Will, what happened?” Lucas asks but Will grabs his jacket instead of replying.
“We need to go, now.” the brunette is shaking and Dustin puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Seriously, Will, what happened? Is he okay? Is he hurt?”
“Yes, yes, oh my god,” Will collapses on the stairs before he can finish climbing them. “Oh my god, he confessed to me.”
“Confessed what? His powers?”
Will blinks a few times and looks up at Dustin as he rubs at his runny nose. “His what? Powers?”
Dustin freezes. “Oh. I, uh, I thought…oh…oh. Mike likes you?”
Will waves a passing hand. “Pause, what is this about Mike’s powers?”
Lucas speaks up with irritation. “I thought you said we need to go!”
So all the boys get on their bikes and ride toward the Byers house since that’s where Mike would go when his nightmares got bad enough and it’s a safe place for him outside of the basement. Dustin explains what Mike had done with Cerbero and how they caught this code that he had been sort of hashing out with Steve and Robin when they went to the mall. No one is home at the Byers residence (Joyce and Karen are out with Hopper doing their whole side storyline there) and Will starts to freak out more.
“Where would he be, where would he be?”
Lucas crosses his arms. “Maybe the cabin? That’s where his girlfriend is after all.”
And that’s not where Mike is, he’s actually with Steve and Robin at the mall given he feels he’d be better off with someone who understands the UD/MF mess (Steve) and someone who doesn’t know the Party dynamics (Robin). He’s just about to tell Robin about his confession to Will when he feels the Mind Flayer and knows that he’s back.
The rest of the season is kinda…the same ish but also not?? But so I don’t write out the whole damn thing now lmao here are the pointers:
El and Mike are still trying to be girlfriend and boyfriend when they reunite at the cabin (Scoops Troop is a thing but it’s not tied to the Russian bs so they aren’t at the mall the entire time) but Mike is also really uncomfortable with El’s advances though he tries not to act like it.
Mike avoids Will as best he can even though Will keeps trying to get one-on-one time with Mike to confess that he likes him back
Jonathan and Nancy team up at the cabin too with news about the exploding rats (the MF’s attempt to possess non humans that went wrong) and Mike speaks up about how he might have powers himself
El tries to teach him how to go into the Void (which would be like a prayer for him) but when he does so, he ends up running into the Mind Flayer and find out that it’s after him and is willing to kill all his friends to get to him
Mike and El both pull out of the Void together gasping and crying and Will is immediately at Mike’s side as Max rushes to El. “He’s going to kill us,” Mike sobs shakily, “He’s going to kill us all.”
El gets attacked by the Mind Flayer (not Meat Flayer) because it was coming for Mike and she intercepted the transmission using her mind
At the hospital Mike breaks up with El (instead of how in ST3 they became friends again), and she’s a little hurt but understanding when he confesses that he likes someone more than her and doesn’t want to hurt her by lying to her constantly when dating her
Will finally gets Mike to himself here and is about to confess but then Mike feels the Mind Flayer (his innate sense evil power) and it’s possessed someone. He confronts it, helps save Nancy from the shapeshifting demogorgon attacking her, and banishes it from this dimension, only to pass out from the effort
El takes over with her powers and with Mike’s help, accesses the radio to find the channel that Dustin and Mike had found before. She discovers that someone is trying to open the gate again under the mall
At the supermarket, Will and Mike finally get to talk and Will confesses that he likes Mike, too. “Blank makes you crazy, right?” Mike chuckles as he takes Will’s hand in his own. He’s not willing to say love yet even if he knows it’s true. He knows that Will understands him though. Will always does.
“Yeah,” the boy replies sweetly, “blank makes you crazy.”
Cue an almost kiss before Lucas and Dustin come around with the fireworks and they all get over to the mall
Big battle against the Mind Flayer and the people it possessed. Instead of a giant gory meat machine, it possesses people in Hawkins like it did Mike in RR!ST2 and uses them to shapeshift them into individual monsters. So the Party is attacked by a horde of demogorgons and demodogs!!
The fireworks help a lot as Lucas suggested, and Mike and El work together as superpowered besties to banish the Mind Flayer from all the neighbors. Some die in the process (because it’s just, brutal and violent and horrible) and Mike gets temporarily repossessed in the battle but he’s more leveled up now and understands how this works, so he can banish the MF from him (a level 4 paladin spell might I add!) as much as El used her powers to take out the piece of the meat machine in her leg in ST3
Hopper closes the gate but not in enough time (we need him in the Upside Down for RR!ST4) and then the Mind Flayer retreats, but it kills all the people it had possessed in the process, which only wrecks the kids with guilt for being unable to save everyone like they almost did
This also frightens Mike who has been possessed by the Mind Flayer because it means his connection is still strong enough that the Mind Flayer could kill him instantly too (but it won’t bc Mike and El’s powers are too strong and it could possibly kill itself trying to kill them through that connection)
At the end there’s no one really moving away. El has lost her powers, Mike’s are nearly depleted / he doesn’t know how to use them without El’s help. Everyone is mourning Hopper and with El and Mike unable to use their powers, they can’t go into the Void to see that Hopper’s actually alive.
uhhh the epilogue is the first day of high school and the Party are hopping off their bikes and chatting about something nonsensical. Lucas and Max are holding hands, Dustin is waving his arms about wildly as he explains his latest science project, and Mike and Will are standing close together, just enough to brush their fingers together. (El is homeschooled since she needs to catch up on her education)
“You okay?” Will asks quietly as they stand off to the side away from the bustling crowds. “It’s okay to not be okay.”
“I know,” Mike grins down at his boyfriend, which is still so blush inducing to think about, so he blushes. “But, I’m fine. I’ve got you right beside me so I’m definitely okay.”
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tylerwritez · 3 years
3:38 p.m. Wednesday June 30 2021
Song reccomendation:
Hey guys. We went to the mall again because it's too hot to go outside. I l1fted a bit but I did buy a blue and purple tie dyed tank top for summer and a Slayer shirt from the hot topic.
We had funsies, me and my friend were chatting and stuff. Not much to say.
I'm feeling sucky now cos we got lunch at the italianos store and I wanted to get Dulce De Leche because what's the point of going to the italianos if ur leaving with NO dulce de leche....?? Its so yummy. My mom said yes but my 11 YEAR OLD SISTER LIKE FLIPPED OVER THE CAN AND READ OFF THE GRAMS OF SUGAR AND CALORIES!!!!! liKE WHAT??? ITS NONE OF UR BUSINESS JESUS!!!!!! thanks for triggering my uh disordered eating...  cos after that I wanted to cry and I just put the can back and remembered how fat I am and I ALMSOT HAD A BREAKDOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORE LIKE IT WAS THE WORST FEELING...
Now I'm worried about my CaLoRieS and jesus it's the worst feeling... thanks sister who is eleven and REALLY MEAN?? she literally calls me short fat and ugly all the time... I think my mom and sister make me the most insecure. My mom is always ragging on what I eat how much I eat what time I eat it's the WORST PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE???? like I'm trying. You think I don't ALREADY feel bad??? Like okay way to shame your HEALTHY BMI (bmi 22) child for... eating a sandwich for lunch? I can't even. Like YEAH IM A BIT CHUBBY BUT IT HURTS MY FEELINGS FOR Y'ALL TO POINT IT OUT COS IVE BEEN INSECURE MY WHOLE LIFE AND I JUST CAN'T EVEN. I CAN'T.
.... but we had fun at the mall. So yeah.
I think I ended up l1fting like, a choker, some masks (for covid), fake nails (for my sister), and some hair bands (since my hair is crazy in the morning and always gets in my eyes)
Also some mentos XD but I won't be eating those since I feel like shitttt thanks family ily ♡ /s no I don't
Also that stuff I was talking about being upset over the divorce? Last night? I'm better now so dw.
.... I'm ravenously hungry right nowwww  but. We are going to ignore that. Because hungry is good. Itz good to be hungry it means you're on the right track and if you stay hungry long enough you DO lose weight. You just gotta stay hungry. ALSO, ALSO IM TRYING TO AVOID BLOATING because if I bloat then I get insecure with no top on,,, and it's hot out, so what I wanna do is keep my tummy flat ALL DAY so I can wear like just my sports bra or smthn... i hate saying that I'm wearing a bra but like thAt's what it is if I called it anything else I'd confuse you.
If you're on this blog for the first time,,, I'm MALE, so like don't just assume I'm a girl.
I feel like I dont pass enough but also I dont really mind? Like people keep calling me a girl but I dont see it? I personally dont think I look feminine??
.... I guess when I'm naked... JAY.
and when I dont bind, and my voice, but that's about it.
Also uhm. I'm kinda a kleptomaniac. I'm gonna check the diagnostic criteria for that because... I sorta l1ft every time I go out. Even if I dont NEED anything. It's not a problem, since I'm not getting caught, but it's still a CRIME and I should try and slow it down a bit.
At least I'm not HAULING as much as I used to.... I would FILL my mfing backpack, bro. I would go nuts. So I gotta try n be more careful so I don't get caught. I take too many risks... sex!!!!, theivery!!!!, and light drugs.
But isnt that what being 15 is about? Idk. I'll post pics of what I l1fted to my l1fting blog after I remove the metadata/exit data (location data) so I don't get doxxed...
Also I dont know if I told yall this but I might get contact lenses :) I think glasses make me look ugly so i dont wanna wear em. Also i hate having em on my face all the time it's just plain annoying.
4:18 p.m. update: okay so we're going home.
My mom is being kinda annoying shes like mocking me... Whateverrrrrrrrr idc. Jay is at his friends house rn, Eden is busy and Erin proabably won't come if Eden doesn't come so I guess I'm resigned to biking alone tonight.... probabaly after I pack all my shit of course.
11:20 a.m. update:
I didn't end up going biking... we took the bottles to the bottle depot, I got 20 bucks, and so did my sister even though she didnt even come :P
I got home and just went online. I was scouring Encyclopedia Metallum for any good active local metal bands that I could potentially see live in a concert in my city! 
I ate okay today, kinda ate more than I intended to before I slept because I was so hungry :| willpower 0 (zero)
Anyways I ate to maintain today :/ which is okay I guess.
I'm a bit upset since my dad was crying about the divorce and like I tried to comfort him and said it's okay to cry and stuff but... MAN THATS PAINFUL.... and like... shouldnt it be the other way around? I hate this. I hate everyone feeling bad. And I hate having to be so grown up.
Oh well... I was always the hound of hell, not the lamb of god.
4:15 a.m. update
Everyone wants to hang out with me XD so I gotta ask about that
Roadtrip soon.
Idk, not much to say.
I'm uh, listening to MUSIC right now. I love music and I wanna play bass again. I also feel very insecure and want to cut my junk off so that's fun.
Goodnight ig
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713-4th-ward-g · 6 years
1 - 70 😏
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? i didn’t always have a good relationship with them. i am just now getting alright with them but im still kind of distant from them.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? my mom
03: Do you regret anything? i dont regret much just small things i did as a kid.
04: Are you insecure? not really
05: What is your relationship status? complicated
06: How do you want to die? in my sleep overdosing on lean 
07: What did you last eat? i ate chicken 
08: Played any sports? i played basketball
09: Do you bite your nails? i used too bite my nails a lot as a kid but now i only do it when I'm anxious.
10: When was your last physical fight? shit with my dad about what 6 months ago
11: Do you like someone? lol, keeping this a secret
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? i have stayed up for 3 days before but i as soon as i closed my eyes i was knocked the fucc out ahahaha.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? just them folks ina badge an undercovers.
14: Do you miss someone? i miss my tio carlos and tio luiz.
15: Have any pets? i have one old dog and im planning on adopting another dog soon
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? im feeling quite empty right now like a void of nothingness lmao. im feeling idk how im feeling hahaha.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? nope i haven’t
18: Are you scared of spiders? i hate spiders if i see them im like ohhhhh shit but then i try to kill them but if they can jump im running outt the room.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i wouldn’t go back in time but if i did it wouldnt be past the 70s. 
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? its been a long time lmao. maybe a year or like 6 months
21: What are your plans for this weekend? i dont plan anything i just let things pop up if nothing pops up then i jus chill at home.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? i want 4 kids hahaha my wife finna be getting nutted in every year hahaha.
23: Do you have piercings? How many? i have 0 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? i was good at math and social studies.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? just my dead loved ones. 
26: What are you craving right now? im cravin some affection and some love lmaooo
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? yeah lmao i think i have but she got back with me after it.
28: Have you ever been cheated on? i have never cheated but i have been cheated on.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? i have and it is the worst feeling ever seeing yo girl cry
30: What’s irritating you right now? no comment
31: Does somebody love you? if they do they need to stand up 
32: What is your favourite color? blue, black, or gold
33: Do you have trust issues? extreme trust issues 
34: Who/what was your last dream about? someone leaving me
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my family at my tio carlos death bed. or in front of my two friends.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? not really only if it is reasonable
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?: can you really forgive if you dont forget? but if i had to say its definitely forgive 
38: Is this year the best year of your life? not even close to it
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? i was 13 years old.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? lmao, hell no. only as a baby
51: Favourite food? wings and pizza
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? sometimes things happen for no reason at all
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? i was on ps4 playing video games while on chat wit my best friend david.
54: Is cheating ever okay? its never okay 
55: Are you mean? at times i can be really mean
56: How many people have you fist fought? im not sure a good handful or more
57: Do you believe in true love? if its real hopefully she finds me 
58: Favourite weather? cold weather
59: Do you like the snow? im from houston we dont get that here often so yes i do even if it is disgustin and never should land on ones tongue
60: Do you wanna get married? i lowkey do but idk.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? i love it when a girl calls me babe idk why.
62: What makes you happy? playing basketball, good jokes, and playing video games.
63: Would you change your name? nah im named after two people they would be pissed lol but for real i wouldnt
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? not really 
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? if my home girl like likes me and im single i would be like wassup if im not single ima have too cutt her off or tell her that im taken and her feelings are going to have to take a back seat
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? i dont really have any home girls but my homegirl Jessica and I be havin hella funny talks. she a fool i swear.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i dont talk to my homegirls as much anymore they got they lives and i got mines. i haven’t talked to them in months.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i haven’t had a deep conversation in years.
69: Do you believe in soulmates? sometimes to be honest
70: Is there anyone you would die for? i would die for my nieces, nephews, and my mom 
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Indie & Rio
Indie: [Sends selfie] Indie: Bangin or clappin? Rio: 😍😍😍 Rio: So peng Rio: Gurl who you fightin?! Indie: Not too extra like? I don't wanna go too hype w my garms Indie: There's a lad at college and he is proper peng no jokes Indie: I helped him fix his wheels now he owes me and tonight I'm collecting Rio: Nah, perfect Rio: effortless babe 🙏 Rio: Ooh, love that for you Rio: Obviously not a dickhead either if he didn't get humpty about you being a grease monkey Rio: Debrief after, like 💋 Indie: Wifey please, didn't give the boy no chances to do anything but moving aside Indie: Innit. The vibe feels good to me I'm about seeing what he's thinking to do tonight Indie: You out? Indie: I'll catch you over the crunchy nut like Rio: That's my baby! 😄😘 Rio: 🍀 Rio: Thinking 'bout linking if he's got eyes boo Rio: Yeah, I'm not home but fosho be back in the AM, I'll bring your faves back Indie: If he only wants to jam that's gonna feel dred after how amped ive got 💔😢 Indie: But I'm have him pegged for a chief tourist if he can't see what he was onto Indie: is it? Bit awkward to bring mckenna over if I've been kicking it all night with some other rudeboy 😂 think on Rio: N'awh baby, I'm sure he's gonna wanna chill too, ignore me, just tryna gas you up, not do the opposite, like! 💔 Rio: Absolutely Rio: 😂 Behave Rio: Whilst we're on the subject though Rio: I don't know how to say this, eurgh, but don't worry, not dying Indie: nahhhh give ME air I'm flatroofin here cos he's not like the hoodies in these endz Indie: And I am 😜 Indie: Girl get your words together Indie: Nothing you can't say to your wifey Rio: I know Rio: Just makes it seem so dramatic, not like I tell you about every hook up but then, not like I have to hide 'em either Rio: Its a bit of a wild one so, you're allowed to freak, yeah? Rio: I've been getting with Buster, for a bit, like Indie: I knew you had a mystery man but these is jokes Indie: You and Mckenna please Indie: always got beef with that boy 😂 Indie: like that can be hot but you two'd straight up merk each other Indie: Who's the lad proper? Rio: I ain't even joking Rio: It's mad, I know Indie: Watch! Are you legit with this 411? Indie: Oh my days Indie: That's so crump fam, nahhh Rio: I thought you'd figured it out, like Indie: How am I gonna be putting my finger on that madness Indie: How long you been linking up? Rio: I know, its fucked up but Rio: its happened, happening, whatever Rio: like 2 years... Indie: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indie: I thought you were gonna be a month gone Indie: Rio Indie: He's your hubz oh my god Rio: Whoa, nah, it ain't like that Rio: You recall his two baby mamas? Indie: I haven't mashed with the same lad for 2 weeks straight Indie: He's your hubz Indie: You got one you're hiding???? Cos you be telling me tales for 2 years Rio: You trippin' Rio: No, nah, its not like that Rio: I didn't lie Rio: you can see why I didn't tell, can't tell nobody else like but idk, its making me feel insane and I wanted to tell you Indie: Girl please you pushed me over 😂 Indie: Not fit to broadcast Indie: But you could have hit me up with getting that good for 2 years Indie: I've done wilder Rio: Serious? Rio: You not gon' block me 'til I get some sense back? Indie: vexed I can't get my own taste now Indie: But that's not your damage Rio: 🤷 You're still free to try, babe Rio: Thanks for not totally losing it Rio: Had to get it out Indie: I'm not gonna do you like that, we fam Indie: Tell me about the 🎁 cos he's dripping w 💸 Indie: His body be as good as bling tho Rio: 💖 Rio: I told you it ain't like that tho Rio: Probably still gon' get with another rich ass white girl Rio: you still my only bae Rio: [Sends picture of the bracelet] Indie: You been riding him for 2 years Indie: Who else has he ever got with more than a couple of times? Please Indie: 2nd baby mama only lasted ??? weeks Indie: He's your bae Indie: Sick? That's 💰💰 dropped Indie: I'm taxing it Rio: Okay, I do like him Rio: but I'm not telling you like this is an engagement post, let's calm down, yeah? 😂 Rio: Try it, bitch Rio: We might be fam but there will be blood 🥊😉 Indie: I'm seckled, not trying to chat like you want him to put another baby in you Indie: But you're a grimy jokester if you reckon him coming back to roll with you every time is no thing Rio: Another?! Bitch where's my first? Rio: but, he just tried to get back with #2, she said no (duh, so what if he's just...putting up, 'cos he can't get better? Indie: He's got 2 so far is what I was yelling out 😂 Indie: You're the best, wifey 👑🔥🍑 no gas Indie: He can flex but he can't do better Indie: Mckenna ain't that much of a tourist. He knows what he's got Rio: You're such a sweetheart, you know that? 💎 Indie: Trust. He knows how sweet you are. Fuck his babymama who can't even rep the 24, he's on that criss new shit with you Indie: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Indie: Has been since before she rolled in Rio: Fuck it Rio: even if you ain't, you SHOULD be right Rio: not vibing this insecure shit ❌💩🖕 Indie: Yeah Indie: There's no hype Indie: You're one sick bitch Indie: Can I come out with something tho? Rio: Lawd Rio: I'm ready, go for it Indie: It's chill I'm not claiming you 411 about 🍆 measurements reh teh teh Indie: Wondering how you put 2 years in with all those fam functions, innit Rio: It ain't been easy like Rio: but if you gotta, you make it work like Rio: I'm 99% sure no one else knows, like you said, why would you assume that? Its a pretty good cover tbh Indie: I reckon you'd know if anyone did, his mum would invite you over for dins and be like you're going to hell, can you pass the salt tho Rio: 😂 Rio: Don't Rio: drag me there herself, I'm sure Rio: Jesus Indie: least you'd meet him there cos he's no 😇 Indie: oh my dayz have you ridden him with me home? 😂 Rio: Gurl, hush Rio: 👃 Indie: !!!!!!!!!!!!! Indie: Such a yeah Indie: oh man how many times have you fucked him on our sofa and I never knew Rio: Its pretty grotty anyway, babe Rio: I'm not taking all the blame for that one 😜 Indie: bet that's a turn on for him Indie: rich boy Rio: Povvo porn Rio: I hope not, Rio: how fucking insulting, we'd have a real problem then Indie: If he was thinking he was just in it for the slum I'd merk him Indie: Got the advantage cos he don't be knowing I know Indie: It's jokes anyway you make sick 💸 Rio: Better watch his back Rio: I'll not let on you know like 🤐💅 Rio: Yeah, exactly, we moving on up baby gurl! Indie: Naah he's your hubz you'll be chatting all that Indie: screenshooting all my words Rio: Please Rio: I ain't that hoe Rio: #loyal Rio: plus you got it the wrong way 'round, I'm meant to bombard you with all the dumb shit he says like you can do anything about it Indie: 😂 Indie: Bet his drunk dials are madness Rio: 😂 you have no idea Rio: best kept that way, trust Indie: Law it. I can't believe this is how you living Indie: life and wife goals bitch Indie: vexed on my rudeboys behalf that he can't standup to it Indie: Like yeah we gonna roll together but my head be on this like Rio: Glad you think so 😜 Rio: They'll call you an enabler when they're carting me off but you just my hypeman, don't get it twisted lads Rio: I'm soz 💋 Rio: Still gon' have fun, make it happen, boo Indie: not bothered Indie: yeah my night is looking bare hectic still Indie: You seeing your boo? Indie: cos if you're riding w him you best 2s me some deets in the AM Rio: Might do Rio: I'll be sure to let you know once I've heard all of your goss Rio: I'm thinking pancakes, yeah? Indie: could be none 😢 you know Buster ain't no virgin least. I can't speak for my lad Indie: He ain't moist or anything but he's a quiet one. Shy Indie: 😋 Indie: I'm with that plan Rio: Shy is good Rio: Doesn't mean he ain't wid it Rio: I'll let you go and find out if its worth the hype Indie: And I'll let you know Rio: You better Rio: Love you bitch Indie: Love you more wifey Indie: ✌ Rio: 💋
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