#idk the reason it just feels mega lame (again as always. just when /i/ do it. cuz im special(DEROGATORY) apparently)
hanabiira · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Bunny   AGE: 26      CONTACT: IM & Discord
CHARACTER(S): OCs, and technically Kensei but I have neglected him as of late. 
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  None that I’ve actually written yet but I have an Avatar LOK AU for Miki.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English, no other languages I can fluently write in. I can read hiragana and katakana and very basic elementary kanji. 
THEMES I’M INTERESTED IN FOR RP: Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sports / Music / Science / Fight / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
ASKS CAN BE SEND BY: MUTUALS / NON-MUTUALS (for OOC questions only) / PERSONALS (for OOC questions only) / ANONS. (for OOC/IC questions)
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES (please do!) / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
PREFERRED THREAD TYPE: crack / casual nothing too deep / SERIOUS / DEEP AS HECK.
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS (if I know the fandom) / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  Tumblr IM or if you know me, discord. Once you have my discord there’s no reason to IM me really. I’m more likely to notice a message from discord than tumblr since I have discord on my phone and laptop. 
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: I mean, if we’re actively plotting something I at least expect some back and forth?? But if it’s just general spewing of shit about stuff our characters might do I don’t necessarily expect it to become a thread or anything. Sometimes I just like to scream and think about stuff with other people lmao.I don’t even really expect plotting all the time, unless you have a really good idea then I’m all for it!! totally!! I love a good plotted thread but I am also cool just going with the punches. 
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?: If the person doesn’t seem into it I’ll probably just drop it? I’m not going to pressure anyone into any sort of rp they’re not vibing with, it’s fine. 
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I love that this meme assumes I plot a lot lmfao. Uhh...I find it quite difficult to come up with a lot of different active scenarios or stories but I do frequently like to discuss what ifs between my characters and whoever I’m talking to and that often can evolve into an idea for a thread which I am all for taking places. I wouldn’t necessarily call it plotting because it doesn’t always have to turn into something, but its just fun little banter about our characters and their reactions. If I am trying to buckle down and plot I will do my best to contribute to whatever we’re trying to plan? 
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I won’t be mad, just be like ‘hey can we drop this?’ and I’ll be like “cool”. I get that sometimes you just can’t find the words to reply to something and that’s ok. But just let me know so I’m not sitting there waiting for a reply I’m never going to get. 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  Either an natural ending of the thread or I just....can’t think of any juice to keep it going and get stuck behind a wall. I am MORE than happy to start something fresh and new when threads are ended or dropped! 
- AND WHY?: I think a lot of misunderstanding stems from a lack of communication. Do I talk OOC with ALL the people I rp with? No, but If I have concerns or questions about a thread or something we’re doing I am 100% going to talk to them about it to make sure nothing gets misconstrued. I get people get anxious but like...if you have the balls to write a character on the internet with a stranger you can send them an IM if you have a questions/concerns. None of us are mind readers, so don’t leave your partner in the dark about your thoughts and feelings. Obviously if they are writing with you they don’t hate you. 90% of us don’t bite and are just lame nerds behind a computer screen, so.... 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: I mean, I’m not going to LOVE hearing something negative but if its a valid point or concern I’m absolutely going to listen to it and try to rectify it? Problem is a lot of people thinly spew hate or baseless negativity and then thinly veil it as “criticism” that stems their personal feelings about a character than it really is anything constructive, which is a no go for me.  Will I 100% always agree with how everyone else plays their characters? No, but if its not hurting anyone and they’re having fun I’m not going to say anything to them. I 100% welcome constructive criticism or tough questions! It’s one way to improve. 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: My goal is really just to have fun and enjoy myself. The longer I am here the less I am worried about doing big deep threads or having amazing fancy graphics for that RPC clout. I’m here to have fun with my friends and play my OC that I love. Again, I don’t profess myself to be much of a writer so I’m not technically here to really further and deepen my writing skills. That sounds bad, I don’t mean to say I am adverse to improvement and I am always looking for ways or feedback that could make my storytelling better, but it is not my main goal or reason for why I rp, if that makes sense. Telling a narrative has always been something that’s been difficult for me (I HATED having to write stories in school and avoided creative writing like the plague) but I really welcome ways that could help me be better, because it hasn’t always been something natural to me. 
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  I YEARN for a good thread with a Shunsui about Miki taking over the 8th division and how she changes it since his time there. She really worries about still holding onto his legacy while also making a name for herself and differentiating herself from him and how he ran things and would really want his feedback and approval. I would also really love if there were some characters that really took an interest in the kinds of stuff she does with the things she grows in her garden and greenhouse. It is more than just “ooh, look at the pretty flowers” and it is not really something I’ve gotten to explore despite my time here. 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE: Anything gross. Rape/noncon/underage/furry or weird extreme fetish shit. I 100% do not vibe with racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. I do not mind some darker themes but I don’t really have any interest on writing any threads where Miki is deeply deeply hurt or tortured or anything like that, which kind of falls under the gore category. Will I write her injured and do I welcome some kinds of sparring/fighting threads? Yes. But I won’t subject her to gross violence and having the shit being beat out of her. Miki is not infallible but I don’t want to write it. 
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?:  Starters that are too open ended, start with a general with a question and/or little scenario building. You know like the “why are you here”, “what are you doing”, “who are you” sorts of starters. They’re boring and I will most likely run out of ways to keep going with them. Set a scene for me and I will have a much easier time! 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  That’s a good question...Miki tends to like friendly people (obviously) but also gets a kick out of interacting with cold or difficult to talk to characters (think Soi fon, Kensei, Byakuya etc) because she sees it as something of a challenge. She wants to see if she can befriend them. I also like characters that have an interesting theme or shitck . 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?: Characters that are not really in her age group (think the karakura kids). I have the most difficult time thinking about how they might even interact in a way that is not on the most superficial level. Also characters that I can’t realistically see her meeting or running into. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I am pretty easy to reach OOC, and once I’m in I’m in. I love talking about our characters interactions and will spam you with asks and shit if that’s what you want. I will talk all day about our characters if you let me. I will send you stupid memes. Even if I am not posting on tumblr I’m easily reached through discord. And Idk my oc is good??? maybe??? 
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I would say I’m inconsistent? I know its covid times right now but I do work a full time job that takes a lot of my time and energy usually and I absolutely can’t write when I’m mentally exhausted. It won’t happen. So there may be times where you just won’t see any posting from me and it may take a long time for me to answer a thread or ask. As much as I also don’t like to label myself this way...I guess I technically do suffer from chronic pain (I have a hip malformation), and sitting is one of the things that really can exacerbate my hip and back pain meaning sometimes I just can’t tolerate sitting at my desk for very long or even sitting up in my bed which really prevents me from writing sometimes even when I want to. I wish mobile draft writing was better lol 
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: Too much smut is boring, obviously, and I’m not really a fan of smut really just for the sake of smut and threads like that tend to die for me.  And I also don’t rp smut with just anyone, there has to be an established relationship between the characters. But if it flows with the story and it makes sense for the scenario then yeah, I’m down for a good smut thread. 
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?: I’m pretty vanilla and I didn’t really give Miki anything that’s really nonstandard. I’m not going to shame anyone for what they’re into or their characters but there’s just kinks I couldn’t convincing write, would be ooc, or I just would be too embarrassed. So far I have not run into anything weird though. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES?? / NO. Though I mean ship not in a strictly romantic ship sense. I value all ships as in friendships and other relationships, mentor mentee, etc. and it really helps drive story for both characters I think. Miki CRAVES FRIENDSHIPS!! SHE WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND!! LET HER!! Even negative relationships have value.  
ARE YOU:  Multi-ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - As long as its discussed before hand or is easily implied (say like, an 8th lieutenant). 
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?:  Miki is unique, I’d like to think. She is a blend of soft and gentle, but also stubborn, opinionated and desperate to prove that she shouldn’t be messed with. I basically wanted a character that just seemed like a living and breathing springtime breeze. I’m not saying necessarily that some of the tropes she holds are entirely unique to the series, but I think its the blend of all her aspects that make her different compared to other canon characters. Plus if you love that plant and flower aesthetique™ you have come to the right place. Plus she takes it further than just an aesthetic or a surface level “I like flowers” aspect of her personality. It runs so deep and she is so passionate about it in so many different ways. 
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Again, ones that I can’t find much of a commonality with so those who are not her age or are strictly human. Though it is not impossible to interact with humans, I prefer to develop her story within the scene of the Seireitei. Also characters that are super volatile and aggressive. 
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  Peace, accomplishment, happiness mostly. Miki wants to be recognized for her hard work as well as desires to form positive relationships with others. She wants the Gotei to feel less disjointed. 
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  The way they talk, their facial expressions, their eyes. 
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Kindness, determination, drive, sense of humor. 
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  Plants, flowers, flower arranging, gardening, poisonous plants and their potential affects and uses, tea, shitty jokes, food, general day to day gossip, handsome men (lol), books, kido and other shinigami arts, human world stuff. 
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?: Math, long convoluted talks about history, people who talk too much about themselves. 
- DID THEY EVER GO THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  The thousand year bloodwar. The death of a romantic partner. The death of her mother. 
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  It’s really hard to imagine a scenario where Miki would immediately go in for the kill zero questions asked with no context. Probably only if it’s someone known to be a threat, has done things that are terrible, and is likely to continue being a threat to others or is actively killing/about to kill someone else. 
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Birds. Hypocrites. Super self important people. 
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Just roll up on her. She’s easily found in her barracks. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by: @bazzardburner technically but for quincy miki which I will also tweak and post there. 
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mr-moustachio · 6 years
A *quick note from my suppressed consciousness.
It has been slowly rising up from my subconscious to my awareness that I am incredibly depressed. I really don't have any outlets for this newfound discovery, so I'm posting on Tumblr where I feel I can say what I want and it will most likely just get lost amongst the memes and posts that people actually want to read.
A quick recap of my current life: I am 29, have a wife and 2 children. I work at a grocery store as a supervisor making roughly $17/hr. My wife does not work, meaning I bring in 100% of the income. She stays at home raising our boys. But not "our" home, because I can't afford to pay rent and feed my family and supply them with clothes and other necessities. In the state of NV I only qualify for about $65 in foodstamps. So there is this impending and constant struggle for money. The past year I was paying about $1000.00 a month for rent. But I was over drafting every pay check and borrowing money when I got the chance. Shitty. And I cope with the financial struggle with alcohol. I'm not going to consider myself an alcoholic, because if there is liquor around, I don't care. I drink beer. Love it. Can't wait to get off work and have a few beers . Everyday. I'm not at rock bottom but I can see the floor beneath my feet. So I moved my family out of the apt. And into my grandfathers house. He's 92. Love him. My dad also lives here as kind of caregiver. Him and I don't get along. Like, at all, we don't fight. It's more passive aggressive over everything. Literally the smallest stuff.
So I've covered my finances and my stressful living situation with family. Now, my wife is everything to me. I love her with everything I got. But I feel like I can't make her happy. She does so much for us and the household and is mega under appreciated.. And for whatever reason I can't seem to please her emotionally or sexually. I mean, I've become such a "type a" person. Very logical and straight forward. That I don't stop to just enjoy our time together. And with the kids it's like we never have time to be Kyle and Britt. We Are always playing Mom and Dad. We don't really trust anyone to watch our kids. Weird. I know. But when we do have babysitters we can't just let loose. And this is all raking a toll on our marriage and our friendship. I have become so reluctant to do any activities or even play with my kids. I'm distancing myself and I hate myself for it. I see that I am acting just like my mother did towards me. And it fucking pisses me off. I want to be a better father. But I feel so drained after work. I come home and everyone is asleep. I wake up with them in the morning groggy and I make them breakfast and try to spend a bit of time with them before I go to work. But I end up playing video games or sitting on my phone scrolling and scrolling. I pretty much shut out my wife and kids from my consciousness and escape for a bit into the internet. And I know it's detrimental to both my kids perception of me and my marriage. I know my wife is unhappy. I can feel it and see it. And I'm unhappy despite laughing and wearing a smile. And my wife knows it.
First off. Sometimes I have performed amazing. Like we both finish and are sweaty and everything was perfect. But for the most part. I'm a disappointment. To myself and my partner. Whether it's my wife now, or girlfriends in the past. I struggle with ED, and sometimes I don't finish or most often, I finish far far to soon. The later is the most common now. I'll be super horny, ready to have sex, my wife not so much, okay, I'll warm her up and turn her on. But with living at my grandpa's house who's always home. And having the boys running around or distracted for a short time with TV/electronics. She can't get in the right state of mind. So it's bad for her because she can't let go enough to actually enjoy the 4 minutes I offer of actually sex. And I'm so stressed about being quick or trying to get her excited enough to feel something that I ejaculate to soon, no condoms, only pull out. And literally the second I feel my orgasm, I get overwhelmed with disappointment. And I apologize to my wife. For the lame sex. Was that really great for me and I know it wasnt great for her. But I feel so ashamed about it. That most days when I feel horny I'd rather just rub it out in the bathroom and get it over with. So I don't have to go through that disappointment again. And that alone is one of the most depressing things I've ever admitted.
I'm a flirt, I have this horrible habit of attracting the attention of any woman that will give me the time of day and over flirting just to feel wanted. I never have had girls look my way growing up. My teenage years were spent needing out with video games and music to really have girls chase me or flirt with me. Idk how to act in those situations, and after being married for over 4 years now. And not actually wanting to pursue any other woman, I flirt so hard. I talk to almost all the girls at work like I'm only interested in them and I make them feel special and act like I just want to take them to the supply closet and make out. Of course that never happens. I just spit horrible game and they giggle or laugh and everyone feels a bit lighter after. But it is such a shitty perception to place on other people. That's not who I am. Im not actually interested in fucking or dating these girls. In fact I don't particularly even care for their wellbeing. I just like the attention and reactions I get. Twisted. I do however stare and gawk at pretty girls that I don't know like a fucking wolf in the old cartoons. I just feel so sexually deprived that I want to fuck everything. But when presented the opportunity to legit have 1 night stands. I freeze up and bail, because not only is adultery a shitty thing to do but I would just be a major disappointment to that girl and to myself. That is what keeps me loyal to my wife, the fact that I don't offer great sex. I can talk game and get a girl interested but the rest is just filled with to much anxiety.
So after all these things happening on the regular, I drown out my sorrow with beer and video games and flirting, I also love porn, would watch everyday can't get enough. 4 vices I didn't even know I had acquired.
The scary thing is that I spend so much time numbing and neutralizing my depression and anxiety that I don't known who I am as a human. Like, looking back I can see all these characters I played. All these roles I filled to have friends. And now instead of friends, it's coworkers and my family. Am I a good or bad father or am I just pretending to be. Do I actually enjoy things or is it fake emotion. I can't tell what is real feeling and what is forced. I just look forward to the next beer or video game etc... #whoami
End rant. Thank you Internet.
*not actually quick.
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salamandorange · 7 years
Summary of TAZ discourse today
(Let me be clear I am likely to come across as defensive of taz in this)
Here’s the primary source of the controversy. Originally, preview images of the comic adaptation of the adventure zone showed it was going to portray all three main characters as white. New preview pages of the comic with revised designs were released today. (For the record, I am not 100% sure how much the Mcelroys are actually involved in the comic making process?)
Tumblr media
So now we have; one pale skinned character, one dark skinned character and one character with non-human skin color. The brothers have made it clear that these design are not canon and there are no “canon” appearances for the characters (If you feel like that is also a bit of a cop out, thats fair tbh). A lot of people were unhappy for several reasons. 
- There still could be more poc representation.
- “We wanted dark skinned Taako and you give us blue??? wtf is this??” (Again, I can see why people read this as a lame cop out)
- Some people feel really strongly that Taako needs to be canonically Latinx because of the running gag of his name sounding like taco which has grown into him having some connection to inventing tacos. (Griffin has discussed his anxiety about this, and I think he is in a lose-lose situation. Having Latinx characters named taco and chalupa would probably create even more backlash)
- A lot of people have decided that giving Taako blue/green skin makes the design anti-semitic. (It takes some deep ass digging to figure out why green skin is antisemitic? But apparently the green skin+long nose+pointy hat look came from anti semitic stereotypes back in ye olde europe)
And then there are a couple things from the newest episode.
-There is a long-ish romantic scene were Barry Bluejeans and Lup become an official romantic pair. Some people aren’t happy about a straight relationship getting a lot of time, or think that the lgbtq relationships in the show didnt get a comparable amount of time. (For the record, Lup is a trans woman so Blupjeans is straight, but arguably still lgbtq representation)
-At one point Justin does a bit where Taako is reciting inspirational quotes from famous people and attributing them to himself. During this, Coco Chanel gets quoted and some people are pissed on account of Coco Chanel being a MEGA-Problematic person in a number of ways. (I am anticipating that Justin will figured out he goofed and publicly apologize bout that)
IDK what I am even going on about tho... I think for me the bottom line is its totally okay to be disappointed about some of this stuff. BUT there has been a lot of black and white “if the Mcelboys arent saints then they must be VILLIANS” stuff going around and??? Yeah they have made mistakes out of ignorance but have always shown a desire and willingness to take criticism and improve themselves. I mean, maybe they only act like they care about representation for the sake of pleasing there primary audience. But if someone seems to be trying as hard as Griffin is to do right by minority groups, I really think we should try to maintain our civility when they mess up and give them a chance to improve themselves.
But hey, then again, I could just be cutting them too much slack cause I enjoy TAZ. That not implausible. 
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senpai-notice-me-i · 7 years
My boy Charles tagged me in a tag meme let’s do this
Tagged by @charlesmcfatty
Rules: answer the question in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
a - age: 21 b - birthplace: San Antonio, Texas c - current time: 11:53pm d - drink you last had: Water (I’m lame but it’s cause I have heartburn right now??) e - easiest person to talk to: I can talk to most people pretty comfortably but straight up though @g0shiki that’s fam for life f - favorite song: Since no one will like my country music opinion I’ll say Zoom by DNCE (bless Joe Jonas) g - grossest memory: Cleaning poop out of the pool as a lifeguard on multiple occasions...once there was a bloody pad floating around.... h - horror yes or horror no: Heeeeck no there was a boy who tried to take me on a date to watch Sinister and he walked out of that theater with my nails dug into his arms and a little blood smh i - in love Tbh I’m getting there ;u; j - jealous of people?: I mean I wanna say nahh but me on the inside is like “are you sure” k - killed someone?: Someone couldn’t think of a “k” question so this is it huh l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: My whole life has been a love at first sight and get utterly heartbroken by someone who barely acknowledges you m - middle name: Nicole I’m a basic white girl n - number of siblings: 1 older brother o - one wish: I swear I tell people I want to fly so badly. Or have telekinesis so not only could I make things move with my mind but make things fly through the air with me on it. Boom. Two for one. p - person you called last: My mom to tell her I might be getting hired at a new job! q - question you’re always asked: “Why are you always smiling?” r - reason to smile: I literally cannot stop smiling it’s impossible I even smile when I’m really sad so idk I don’t have a reason it just happens to me s - song you sang last: Burnin’ Up by the Jonas Brothers t - time you woke up: 10:30am u - underwear color: Pink polka dots yooooo v - vacation destination: Japan w - worst habit: I can’t make eye contact I hate making eye contact with people and when they do to me I feel like they’re staring into my soul x - x-rays: Only for my teeth (with braces and stuff) I’ve never broken a bone or anything y - your favourite food: Macaroni and Cheese z - zodiac sign: Libra
Tags: @g0shiki @archerybe @mega-flygon-forever @cecilebakura @lazy-art-senpai @ibeanos @camkel @ispeakforthebeez welp that’s enough for now but if anyone else wants to do this please tag me so I can go see it!!!
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