#idk what I haven’t post everything with the ocs 😭
passive-star-au-home · 7 months
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About my last ask
Got two lads I want to know about
"who hasn’t realized yet that their Vulcan coworker is an alien, and keeps summing up their behavior as them being autistic like the oc or it being a religious thing as their coworker is clearly religious (they assume the Teachings of Surak is a religion) "
Because honestly this is my favourite thing ever. Also my brain is so stuck on *oh yeah, vulcans do just look like goth humans don't they?*
And also "Mostly just because I want Vulcans to come into contact with a knitted Sehlat and stop functioning for a second, I don’t want to look at everyone through a human lens but I still think coming across a small plushie that resembles your pet growing up is a universal want "
Because mmm funky ass interactions of "I made this for you?" "What? H o w???"
Idk if I'm explaining my thoughts correctly but my autism has latched onto your ocs
(Real quick, none of my oc’s are named because I’m terrible at naming 😭)
Unfortunately I don’t have too much for the first one, the main thing was just misunderstandings of them like, offering chocolate to their coworker and when they reject it, they assume it’s either a religious thing or they’re allergic to chocolate, so they take great care to not offer it again to not make them uncomfortable (especially if they want chocolate but aren’t allowed to, wouldn’t be nice of them to dangle a treat like that in front of them knowing they can’t accept it)
Their Vulcan coworker just thinks they’re the most accepting Human they’ve ever worked with:
very courteous of their personal space and eating requirements, tries to communicate with them on the same level (mirroring them), i.e., trying to avoid words that imply emotions, they don’t ever make them feel unwanted or like an outsider, but they also don’t ignore that they’re a Vulcan, they’re always inquiring about Surak and acknowledging the differences in how they view things since they’re from a different species (their coworker is actually just acknowledging how coming from different time periods and religions causes them to view things differently)
I got stuck on what would happen after awhile, I was thinking that maybe their other coworkers figure out what’s happening first based on how the Human coworker has phrased some stuff about their Vulcan coworker or Vulcans in general, but I couldn’t think of how I’d want the reveal to go down (other than the Human bouncing back immediately because I can’t stand the thought of the Vulcan coworker having to deal with the fact that the Human actually is freaked out by them being different species or anything like that) so this little au/story/thing is on the back burner for now
And for the second one, oh my god I haven’t thought about those ocs in awhile, they’re connected to a type of ocs I was making for awhile that included “Humans making videos that Vulcans watch for entertainment”:
So the premise was that this Human wakes up in the future (I forget the buildup, really need to write stuff down more often), and they’re trying to adjust to the fact that since the world is post-scarcity they can actually follow their interests, but also since the world has changed so much, they don’t even know how to enter their world of interests anymore (if that makes sense?)
While trying to acclimate to everything, they look into their hobbies to see how much has changed, and find out that knitting (both fortunately and unfortunately) hasn’t changed that much, like there’s way more patterns for Human stuff, i.e., more realistic patterns for earth animals, but patterns for non-Terran stuff? Nonexistent.
The Human starts filling this niche, coming up with patterns for them, and then making long “how to” videos with no cuts (they have no idea how to edit videos, so all their videos are real time how they made the item), and then they post it where it doesn’t really get a lot of Human views, but it starts gathering the attention of other species’ who all start to really enjoy learning this Human hobby
Because the videos are so long, the audio is the Human talking about customs and stuff surrounding knitting (like baby blankets for baby showers, making scarves for crushes in media, the “boyfriend curse”, etc), which leads to other Human customs, and gives everyone who watches it a new view of Humans, while the Human gets an appreciation for these other species that other Humans don’t normally get, as their first introduction to these species is searching up customs and stuff that other Humans don’t even think about as they try to see if there’s anything similar to Human knitting customs
(Like do other species ever gift handmade blankets to each other? if they did what’s everything surrounding them? like do different patterns and different colors have different meanings? can any of these blankets be recreated with knitting? etc)
I’m so upset that I forgot what the setup was with the Vulcan in this scenario, the main things I remember was them seeing the stuffed sehlat for the first time and just freezing, and the other thing was them knowing the Human before ever knowing that they knit and getting a crush on them through the videos after seeing how focused and competent they were while knitting
(I love Vulcans falling for wacky or whatever types of Humans, but I also like them first logically getting a crush on Humans after seeing them serious or competent in a way they never really thought of Humans being like, and then the crush getting worse after seeing them be silly and they don’t understand it)
Edit: I have another oc set that’s similar to this (like I said I have a lot of Human ocs that follow this outline) except: they specifically make miniature realistic figurines, they’re academic rivals with the Vulcan (huge misunderstanding, neutralness sometimes sounds like being an asshole especially when the other person has been having a terrible day and doesn’t know anything about Vulcans and them being neutral, but the misunderstanding eventually led to both of them considering the other one a rival)
And one of their rivalries is over getting this specific study room, the Vulcan thinks it’s the most logical place to study, and the Human uses the room to make their figurine videos and hates the idea of switching to a different room when they’ve become accustomed to this one, so the two keep trying to arrive earlier and earlier than the other one to claim it, even going to the lengths of underhanded methods (the Vulcan swears they didn’t mess with the coding on the door to not let the Human in when they got the key first that one time, but they totally did)
Eventually a professor steps in and forces them to share the study room, which leads to the Vulcan’s new fascination with these tiny figurines and then a fascination with the one who makes them (although tbh that fascination was already building while they were fighting over who gets the room first, the Vulcan just doesn’t want to admit to ever having a crush on such a hot headed Human)
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jazz-apple-jones · 3 months
Hi hi, it’s Jazz :) 🍎💕🦔
I have decided to finally become active on Tumblr, this is my introduction post.
This blog is gonna be for my art but we’ll see what happens. Maybe the occasional brain blast or random thought will make its way on here. Idk how reblog culture works so I’ll either reblog everything or nothing.
⭐️ I draw on Procreate
⭐️ I’m 19 :)
⭐️ Most of my art is on Insta (Jazz_Apple_Jones)
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About me…
• Call me Jazz
• I speak English and a good amount of Spanish
• Pronouns are they/them/she/her
• Ace-spec <3
• Anxiety disorder, buckets of fun
• Catholic-ish, lover of Jesus. To clarify, I’m not a bigot or a creep I promise 😭
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DNI list: ⛔️
• R@cism in any capacity, block me
• Colorism in any capacity, block me
• Ped0s (or whatever other label they give themselves, idc, block me)
• F*tish posting, block me
• G*re, block me
• Proship posting, block me.
• Blogs with strictly NSFW, block me. If you’ve got the occasional spicy art post you’re probably fine
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My fandoms: 💃🏽
- Lego Monkie Kid
- Disney/pixar animation (not immune to its charms unfortunately)
- Nicktoons Unite (and related fandoms)
- Dan & Phil
- My Little Pony
- Gorillaz
- Tangled the Series
- Vat7k
- Gravity Falls
- Sanders Sides
- Hilda
- Roleslaying w/ Roman
- Miraculous ladybug
- Trolls
- Bluey
- Welcome Home
- Various Webtoons
- My own OCs
- DSMP (for the lore and nostalgia, not for its creators!! Ranboo is chill tho)
- Percy Jackson (haven’t touched this fandom in a minute tho)
- Harry Potter (I know we hate JKR but I don’t touch this one much either)
- I’m in a bunch more fandoms but I don’t actively post all of em
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My likes:
• Drawing (obviously)
• Writing stories n making OCs
• Pretty wrapping paper
• Pretty stationary
• Cooking
• When I pour soda and the condensation bubbles touch my nose
• Sandwiches
• Fandom edits
• Self-inserts
• Puzzles
• Satisfying keyboard sounds
• Those plants that hang from strings
• My dearly departed doggy :(
• The smell of the pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney
• Pirates in general
• Muffins (best pastry)
• Cartoons usually made for children
• Putting lots of posters and prints on my walls
• Using “n” instead of “and” when I type, I dunno why
• Fall and Winter aesthetics/activities
• Markers
• Scented candles
• Makeup (casual, sfx, cosplay/costume, you name it)
• The occasional cosplay
• Live events
• Going to the movies
• Parties
• Travel
• Fun outfits
• Rain
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That’s all for the intro post folks :)
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strawberry-cake-roll · 9 months
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Dissecting him under a microscope tbh. Idk if I’ve talked much about him so here’s a ramble (feel free to skip the text lol, it’s probs very nonsensical because my brain is actually mush rn)
He’s an immortal critter/kind of a god/grim reaper thing who absorbed the soul of the previous immortal dude after they stumbled into eachother, both dying from separate things. They can’t age and he can die repeatedly and regenerate based on how many souls he collects, and if he runs out of lives he will evaporate or something and become one with the earth, which is what was gonna happen to the last fella before this soggy specemin of a guy crawled along. He can also take features from those he reaps which he used to disguise himself when he was previously on the run from various secret organizations, Area 51, mainly, because they knew he’d be a valuable asset to their campaigns and whatnot. It also prevents him from being caught when he’s on top secret missions for his current line of work ooo!! His transformation process into becoming what he is definitely wasn’t a walk in the park, his friends and family lost all their memories of him, and all records of him were erased as if he never existed at all. Even after dealing with all of this he really tried his best to live a semi-normal life, before starting his current job. He lived with two roommates who were friends he made in college (before he dropped out), one of whom was also on the run from the same organizations for being a shapeshifter teehee. He doesn’t know this yet but those two are still looking for them after their capture and forceful employment for Area 51. This is very scrambled because I haven’t really thought everything through/fleshed it out, but essentially by the time he moves to Langley and meets Roger he’s been working for Area 51 as an alien hunter for a few years (he has always wanted to be a astrophysicist though). Also sorta off topic but I didn’t write this on the drawing so I’m writing it here, if he reveals his true face and you happen to be a human (or rarely a nonhuman) who’s not looking away or shielding your eyes when he does so you will be driven into madness, which is why rarely ever shows it off 😭. He’s also got electrokinesis(?) and telekinesis for no other reason than it adds some unnecessary flavor :3
In short they’re my favorite little angsty Mary sue and I will start swinging my legs if I think about them too long, which is so hard not to do tbh!! I’ve been trying to refrain from spilling too many facts about him because I get a little embarrassed…but sometimes I like sharing oc lore as a treat! I hope ya’ll enjoy these little messy doodles, toodles!! :3
(Also I didn’t really wanna put this on the AD main tag cause I feel a little bad just posting oc content with no other AD characters but also I want other fans to ponder the kibby!!)
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andro-dino · 1 year
for ezekial and luther 1,2,28 .... and ykw fuck it 11
Do they have any motifs?
Luther has 2 kinda. One was a little intentional the other just kinda came as a bonus. His main one is like, angelic imagery. That’s mostly from one of the first scenes of the story I came up with, where Ezekial is first brought to see Luther, who’s standing above him with light shining from behind him, and that with his hair kind of creates a halo kind of look and Ezekial remarks to himself that he looks like an angel. And yk, that whole like, white/light blue being angelic/pure idea with his color palette also kinda reflects that, which is both reflective and subversive to his character. Reflective in that it shows how he likes to be extremely clean and put together, but subverts how he’s involved with very dark things. His other motif only just occurred to me, that being space/moons. His planet and moon earrings weren’t really meant to be anything more than a cool design choice, but I realized that a lot of scenes I’ve pictured where he’s more vulnerable and open are at night and/or under the moonlight, so that motif has become a bit important to his character. You could also definitely draw some sun and moon imagery with him and Ezekial from that.
Ezekial doesn’t really have concrete motifs in the same way Luther does. There’s a couple reoccurring ideas that surround him, like scarring, loneliness, and loyalty, but I haven’t really given him strong specific motifs. I guess the main one that you could argue for that I’ve been thinking about lately is kind of like, wearing over time. That applies to the story and their dynamic at large, but specifically with Ezekial, there’s a lot of focus with him having to accept that things are not the same as they once were, as well as visually, his design changes and wears with time, both with him getting more and more scars and with his clothes gradually becoming more scuffed and dirty with the more experience he has. This also juxtaposes Luther, whose design is very clean and sharp and put together.
Describe their voice. Do they have a voice claim?
I always struggle finding voice claims for my characters bc I have such a specific vision in my head that nothing feels completely right for them, but I’ll try to get as close as I can.
For Ezekial, my first thought was Aoba from the beastars dub (I think. I was specifically thinking of the “hey, legoshi already knows her name!” line and I’m pretty sure that’s aoba but idk). Looking up a couple voices, I think also a bit of Ash from fantastic mr fox, though very slightly lower for both of those. Also also a smiiiidge of mk from lmk. Just a bit. The idea for him is to have a voice that’s very smooth and nice, pretty average tbh, and usually very bright but occasionally able to slip into a darker tone. Idk though, I feel like he’s really hard to place and I don’t even know if I really like any of these all that much for him, but it’s the best I got 😭
Luther’s voice I imagine closer to the lower end but also not particularly deep, very soft and level, kind of that back of the throat kind of sound. It’s really dumb but specifically I thought of that one clip that’s like “SHUT UP. SHUT UP. IM GONNA KILL THE NEXT PERSON I SEE I SWEAR TO GOD” but JUST for him yelling. The line I was imagining him saying in that tone was “Don’t you get it!?” and it works oddly well. Otherwise, it’s kinda like a mix between lilac cookie’s eng voice and sal fisher. Another one I found specifically looking at voice claim compilations that’s random as fuck is Wesley Gibson from wanted??? no idea who that is or what that’s about but I think his voice fits really really well for Luther.
Are they a dog or a cat person?
Ezekial likes both and he wouldn’t be able to choose, though probably leans a little more to dogs.
Luther you’d think would be more of a cat person, given his everything, but he actually prefers dogs because they’re easier to train and more obedient. He doesn’t dislike cats though.
Have they ever fallen in love and with whom?
I mean, there is a LOT of longing between these two, especially on Ezekial’s end. He’s been in love Luther since they were really young but I think he didn’t really realize that for a long time. At some point it kinda registered for him but even then I don’t think he ever really said it out loud to himself. It was never really some big revelation or anything, just kind of putting a word to a feeling that’s always been there.
And I’m not gonna lie and say the feeling isn’t reciprocated, but that’s something Luther hasn’t thought about in years and still hasn’t yet to really understand himself. The mix of emotional suppression and catholic guilt made a cocktail of self denial and inability to really accept that thought when he was younger, and in the present it’s far worse and far more repressed, and he has a long way to go before anything begins to change with that.
It’s actually interesting because this is also a scene I thought of pretty recently. After their reunion, once the tension has settled past the initial Luther-being-willing-to-kick-Ezekial-across-the-floor-without-a-second-glance phase, one of the conversations they end up having is Ezekial asking Luther if he’s dated anyone since he last saw him, to which Luther respond “I don’t think you could really call it that.” He asks the same question back at Ezekial and Ezekial responds “Yeah, I don’t think those really count either.” And that surprises Luther and he give a little “Huh.” And Ezekial asks what that’s about but Luther just says it’s none of his concern (really he’s surprised because Ezekial’s always kinda been a romantic, and he’s dated a couple people before when they were younger. “And I mean, Ezekial’s an attractive guy, and he would probably be a good partner, how has he not had any good relationships since high school?” (<- clueless))
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
tumblr writers q&a
I feel so loved being tagged in this, thank you so much @pedrito-friskito !! 😭💛
If you want to get to know me 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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1) How many complete fics/oneshots do you have but haven’t published yet? Like 4 at the moment ahhh but I have so many work in progresses! And constant ideas. They do not stop.
2) How many WIPs do you have? I think 4 WIPs? I honestly have no idea because I'll start writing, come back to it while I start another and they build up
3) Do you take requests, write original fics or both? BOTH baby!!!! I haven't gotten a request yet but I'm so excited! But yes all ideas are mine :)
4) If you have requests how many do you have right now? NONE!! Pleaseeeee ask. PLS. Also I just love talking to people
5) How many fandoms do you write for? Currently only Daredevil/Defenders Saga and I think I wanna keep it that way! I only write about material I'm super passionate about//think I can deliver. (E.g. I LOVE Percy Jackson but could never write a smut about my darling boy, plus I think I'd get too angsty writing a fic about Anakin)
6) Are there any fandoms you used to write for? Yes! I have a Wattpad and used to write about Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and pretty sure 1D at some point. But this is years old and I was actually a child ok 😭
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or OC? Lmao the way that my OC is actually ME. Myself in a parallel universe. But mainly reader inserts. I'd like to try ships but I'm not sure if I can execute stuff like that! Also because I ship me and Matt. lol.
8) Niche fandom/characters you write for? Ok so I may or may not have a Michael kinsella fic in progress 👀
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? Fuck. YES.
10) Favourite genre to write for? I love fluff and romance stuff, but angst and smut are genres I love to write. I just want to make people feel things!!
11) What is your favourite trope to write? omfg girl bumps into guy and there's back and forth and yknow shit happens. I love the innocent to dark trope if that counts? (ALSO I LOVE READING JEALOUSY FICS SO YEAH)
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? I feel pretty lucky in that I draw inspiration from everything around me, especially music. I usually put on that song & let my brain do its thing
13) Is there a trope or genre you like to read but not write? Smut definitely because I feel so awkward writing it 😅 but anything Frank Castle cause I feel like I can't capture his essence.
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? I feel like I never see anything Elektra on Tumblr. To be fair I hated her and Matt's relationship but I want to see more about her as a person, individually
15) How long have you been writing fan fiction? Since I was like 11 maybe lol. But the first time I posted anything I was seriously proud of was last week! (Early Apr 22)
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Absolutely !! I feel like I learn from those before me and they inspire me to post!
17) Do you only post on Tumblr or other sites? Only here!
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of "Drabble", "one shots" and "fics"? I don't really care for it at all! Generally drabbles are short, one shots are a bit longer and fics are more like series w chapters?
19) Which do you prefer to write more? I love all of them, I don't have a preference! I would say series are the most difficult to write because you need a good concept with plot lines/twists etc
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? None atm!
21) What is one of your main pet peeves as a writer on Tumblr? I'm lucky to not have had dealt with anyone rude just yet, but I guess I would have to say imposter syndrome which can really get me down, or when people like/reblog your fics but don't follow? idk
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? Whenever I get the idea! I write on my Notes app whenever and wherever 😭
23) Do you listen to music when you write or do you need total silence? I am hereby plugging my Matt Murdock playlist here and my Anakin/Hayden Christensen playlist here
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Generally yes but it depends! Sometimes mid-write I'll get an idea for a line for another fic and write it down for instance
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time of day? I kind of have to psych myself up to post sometimes but generally once I finish it!! I do edit my fics as much as possible but I like that once you post it its kind of done, before I started posting I'd edit them over and over again 😖
if you made it this far, thanks for reading!! <3
no pressure tags: @murdocksluvrr @rcughroad @catholicdaredevil
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hobidreams · 3 years
(warning: idk whats up w the spacing tumblr is acting weird🙄)
writing this on my notes app first lol but miss rain!!! so i am finally calm enough to write a somewhat coherent message about the latest mlt update🤪
oh man, what a RIDE. i remember anxiously checking your blog in the morning just in case there was a spoiler and when i tell you my heart fell out my ass when i read that spoiler u posted on twt😭😭
(imagine how much more i lost my shit when i woke up on a peaceful sunday morning and found out you were posting the update EARLY😭😭)
reading it was so intense,,, like i had no idea what the mc was going to say to seongmin😭 my friend and i were thinking hands were going to be thrown, suga 93 hoodie and all LMAOOO
words cannot explain the relief i felt when the queen started laughing!! i mean yeah i as confused a bit but then the realization!!!!! AMEN (i’ve been hoping for something like this to happen, but i was scared to get my hopes up😭)
IM SO HAPPY THAT MC AND SEONGMIN NOW GET ALONG (KINDA)!! (n that they’re hopefully going to be good friends in the future🥺🥺) my woman loving heart is SOARING through the clouds!!! seongmin babes welcome to the club of women characters i will hold dear to my heart forevermore <33
i can already imagine her kids and mc’s kids growing up and being good friends and they can all be like a fun extended family😭 like,,,, seongmin and yoongi walking out of a meeting and then realizing they’re both going to mc’s room because they want to spend time with her, yoongi being mildly confused (and concerned) at how well they get along, seongmin and mc having tea while their kids have fun???? 😭😭😭 my heart is so FULL just thinking about it😭😭😭😭😭
also the way mc RAN to yoongi’s place???? PLS AHAJFKG she’s so cute i love her so much😭 and the way yoongi was so happy to see her too like ma’am??? are you trying to kill me????????
i love how she just let herself be vulnerable with yoongi this time😭 she’s been holding back so much and now everything’s just out in the open. i can’t wait to see what happens next in their story🥺
(also i still haven’t finished translating that song i mentioned awhile ago HWJKTGL)
hope ur well miss rain🥺 -🌿
hahahah ive had a fun time picking out the spoilers bc i didnt wanna reveal too much but also couldnt resist giving the theorists something 👀
omg oc would never throw hands but 93 hoodie AKJDKSMD thatd be so fucking funny. if anything, seongmin would be wearing that 🤣 omg pls thank u for welcoming her into ur heart 🥺🥺 ive loved her all this time. i didnt have much of an outline for her character so watching her grow as i wrote her was a deep pleasure!!!
PLS THAT IS THE CUTEST LIL SCENARIO and that makes me wanna write that so bad!! i definitely see oc and seongmin being close friends 💞
theyre seriously just two dummies who are so in love w each other they can barely see past it hahaha 😭💗 and i accomplished my goal of making a story be ridiculously romantic without those 3 lil words hehehe 😌😌
thank u for this sweet 🌿 anon!! pls tell ur friend i said thank u for reading too ♡♡♡ ur support all this time has meant the world!!! take ur time with the song haha ♡
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