#idk what hakai is tbh
inkudrama · 5 months
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Here, a friend of mine wanted me to give this to you...a ball of hakai... don't touch it with ya bare hands.
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cursedcountess · 1 year
>> Author's note:
> I'm thrilled to announce Nightmare Fuel
> it's probably gonna fail :/ I wrote this long time ago
> story category - calm, later shady, horror, blood, etc. (no smut)
> tbh I wanted to post something but idk what so here we are
> the characters are based off my class from elementary and my ex-best friend
> fandom - none (I wrote it myself!)
> Avian - a humanoid creature w/ wings
> name localizations: Arashi (jap. - Storm), Hakai (jap. - Destruction) and Hikari (jap. - Light)
> inspired by: Horror Express (70s horror movie), memes and history
> recommended song for reading (SlipKnot - Scissors): https://youtu.be/90tMJjWQTBQ
> enjoyyy
In a beautiful city, there was a special national museum. It had a few issues but the staff doesn't know why. They checked every inch of the museum but nothing, everything was intact. People complained that something was quite off with the dead, stuffed animals. They also noticed that it had a strange scent and the walls were eaten and cracked, as if someone tried to smash the walls with a sledge hammer. In that museum, a teacher often visited there and he didn't notice any of that. He wanted to take his class to see the museum and discover the past, to learn new things.
He worked in a great, public school and his class was known to be very obediant, wonderful and friendly. The class had 24 students: Dove, Robert, Phoenix, Hudson, Soojin, Zoe, Axel, Cole, Larray, Miles, Emma, Marco, Lizzie, Ramos, Felix, Mia, Ruby, Marlene, Flo, Lexy, Ricky, Andrew, Kyle and Skyler. The students were around their 20s meanwhile their teacher was 2 older, so around his 40s. The class always called him by a nickname they gave him when they were younger, which was Sans. Sans was in charge of council class and biology class.
One winter day, he made a deal with the class when to go to the museum and the parents' permissions and so, everything was good. Everyone was allowed to go. Sans and his class met in the front of the museum, at 9 o'clock, nightly hours. The museum during night seemed like a wealthy, vintage, sparkling manor. It looked very marvelous and astonishing, not to mention it also had 3 floors. As for the class, including Sans, all of them paid for the tickets and got in. They saw old Roman stones and medieval engravings, weapons, jewelry and more. The museum was very large so there was a lot of things to see and explore.
They passed the history section but when they came to the stuffed animal section... That's where the dreadful rumors of the museum became true... Everything escalated in the nick of time. Something in the walls was making strange noises, sounded more like buzzing. The teacher and his class felt something was out of place... Their concern increased drastically. The buzzing actually didn't come from the walls but from the dead insects in the glass display. The animals somehow resurrected from the dead. The insects flew and broke the glass as if they're bullets.
The huge spider suddenly vanished and the other animals have broken their glass shackles. The scene was horrific, even the decapitated moose heads were alive. What's even worse is that they started assaulting everyone in the museum. Everyone was panicking, screaming in fear and running like crazy.
The flesh-eating scarabs crawled and slipped into Ramos's skin, he screamed from fear and pain... The flesh-eating critters crawled and crawled and crawled until they came out of his eyes and mouth... Everyone was freaked out from the terrifying sight. This was mayhem and chaos at it's purest form but oh, that's just the beginning.
Marlene grabbed a small lighter nearby and used it against her biggest fear, spiders. She tried to fight back, she waved the lighter to repel the spiders and yelled with her British accent: „Begone you disgusting pieces of rubbish!“ but she didn't know an Australian funnel-web spider was right behind her. The sneaky pest jumped on her shoulder. As she yelped, she dropped the lighter, her only weapon to defend herself. The spider bit near her neck so she slowly died from the venomous bite, dropping dead.
Zoe and Soojin were running away from a Sabretooth tiger but the tiger caught up to Soojin, tackling her. Zoe stopped her tracks and tried to prevent the beast from ravaging her best friend. She leaped on the tiger and yelled: „STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BESTIE!“. Zoe's yelling sounded like heavy metal screaming. They were fighting for a bit but it's sadly, a bitter loss. Both Zoe and Soojin were ravaged, a narrow ledge between life and death. Zoe quietly said to Soojin: „Don't worry, I'll see you again Kpop bestie...“ Soojin teared up because of Zoe's words, Soojin said with blood dripping from her mouth: „I'll see you too, we'll meet again emo bestie...“. Both of them made the last epic, emotional handshake before passing away. The unique duo were just there on the floor, with their handshake, looking like 2 bloody massacres with their guts splattered all over the place.
Robert and Marco were fast enough to escape the museum but later, they were very unfortunate. Both of them ran in the M-17 road, a road they have always known. They knew that special road by heart. Sadly, a jet black Mercedes GLE Coupe ran over Robert meanwhile a gray Volvo XC90 ran over Marco. They were on the road, bleeding but nobody helped them. The other were just staring in disgust. A few moments passed, Robert and Marco both die from blood loss.
Phoenix however was resisting from a huge hawk, trying to stay alive but the entire flock was there. Two hawks pecked out his icy blue irises, then the flock took him somewhere around the museum. The flock of hawks ended up ripping his body into 2 pieces. The blood splattered and his spine fell out on the cold, hard ground. Such a harsh way to die.
Dove and Emma were impaled by an African rhino, first Emma, then Dove. They looked like a human šiš kebab when the rhino impaled them with it's horn. The rhino pulled out it's horn and left the two best friends dead, just stacked one another like a stack of pancakes. That was the end of 2 close friends named Dove and Emma. (this is the end of Wakanda)
Lexy ran into a small room with musical instruments. There was an old piano, violine, guitars, etc. She thought she was safe from the mayhem but she was so wrong. The piano started playing the piano start of Journey – Don't Stop Believin'. Lexy looked back and nobody was there, the song continued... She felt very unsettled and uncomfortable. The song still continued... She got close to the piano and... *c r a s h !* A red piano crushed Lexy and the black piano. The red piano continued the instrumental riffs when suddenly, a monster came out of the shadows. It wasn't a monster, it was a demon. His name was Hakai. He sang: „Just a low ranked demon, living in mortal world! I took someone's life and a few...“ he quietly sang the whole song but major changes in the original lyrics, in addition of subliminal messages.
Larray hates bugs and critters but won't she have a wonderful surprise? A giant Japanese hornet came flying at Larray, she screamed in fear but she managed to dodge it's attack. Not so long, she ended up being stung by hornets and wasps, oh, the pure dread radiating off of Larray for these buggers. She started feeling weaker and weaker, her knees fell to the ground. She was lying down, simply out of the excruciating pain in her body. Later, she passed away from the stings, filled with dangerous venom.
As for Lizzie, she was sadly pinned down on the ground by a titan beetle, twice her size. The jet black titan beetle picked up her body and flinged her out of the museum. She flew all the way to the parking lot, along the way broke down the windows. Not only was she half dead but she was surrounded by small glass shards. A few moments passed, she lied down on the ground until the titan beetle picked her up and devoured her, limb from limb.
Miles was hiding somewhere, he tried his best to blend in so nobody can notice him but it didn't go that well. In that same spot, an acid-spitting cobra was there. Miles noticed it and tried to run away but too bad for him, he had injured his foot before so he tripped. The cobra spat it's poison at Miles. It directly aimed for his eyes and it hit. Miles was unfortunately blinded by the acid. The cobra also bit him in many places but the poor student died from the venom and acid. The cobra slithered to his corpse, on top of him. It took out his eyes, licked them with it's long, thin tongue. After licking Miles's poor eyes, it chewed on them like they're bubblegum and swallowed them. The cobra wasn't done yet, it entered his body and started eating his organs.
Kyle, being the lazy, sleepy kid, fell asleep. How was he able to sleep in this chaotic, hellbent cesspool? It's equally frightening but strange. Because of the huge, incontrollable mayhem, a part of the ceiling fell on him and completely crushed him.
Felix had a pet monkey, Bob. The bad thing is that the possessed animal betrayed him. Bob roughly grabbed Felix's wrist and threw him out of the window, full force. They were on the 3rd floor so Felix died from a very high place. He fell on a metal praying mantis statue, directly in one of it's claws. Felix was there, on the statue, impaled and dead.
Hudson was outside and saw Felix impaled to the steel mantis. He was mortified but something struck him. A long, thick icicle spear pierced his skull, killing him off. It was like that one dark story where a little girl and her mother were peacefully walking, when suddenly, an icicle spear murdered the innocent, little girl. She was probably a 2nd grader.
Skyler was on the 1st floor, trying to find a weapon or atleast, a decent hiding spot. He found something else, it wasn't a hiding spot nor a weapon. He accidently stepped on something and it revealed a secret basement. He was baffled by the secret basement but he still entered. As soon as Skyler entered the basement, the door slammed shut. There's no way escaping. Now he's trapped there but something was also present. Skyler wasn't aware what was with him in that shady basement. Two fluorescent yellow irises were staring at him, it lowly growled. Skyler heard it but stayed silent. He quickly glanced at a furnace and planned to lure that mysterious creature into the furnace. Skyler slowly went near the hot furnace and turned around, a werewolf was in front of him. Sky got startled and stepped back but that was a huge mistake, he was in the furnace, slowly dying from the flames.
Ricky, known as the class tank, hard and heavy student with 0 damns given about his low grades. His grades stoop lower than alley cats. Despite his low grades, the class respected him. Ricky was watching the mayhem happen while taking a bite of his burek. Poor Ricky choked on his burek and that moment arrived, his type II diabetes kicked in. The choking and diabetes ended Ricky's life.
A demon was flying around the museum, circling like a vulture and picked up Andrew from the ground. The demon shoved Andrew in the Brazen Bull. The fire was lit up as soon as Andrew was shoved there. The heat inside the bronze bull got progressively worse, making Andrew scream in agony. Outside of the Brazen Bull, only bull noises came out and those bull noises were actually Andrew's desperate cries for help.
Ruby, the Australian justice ranger of the class, was running away. She was close but she fell right into a trap. She was hanging upside down, trying to get out of the unexpected trap until company came. The same demon that killed Lexy and shoved Andrew in the Brazen Bull, sawed Ruby in half. She screamed in pain so loud, death metal and screamo bands fell into depression. A half of Ruby was hanging upside down while the other half was on the ground, blood spilling around it.
Mia was pretending to be sober. She was drunk all along. Unconscious, unaware Mia glanced at a rope on the ground and took it in her soft hands. She kept staring at it, trying to see crystal clear but no, her vision was still shaky and dizzy. Her body slowly swayed like a weeping willow, gently blown by the wind. A voice in her head was telling her to make it into a noose and join her friends. Mia was the funny, kind and loyal one in her friend group. She wanted to join her friends, to reunite. She ended up hanging herself, to join her friends again.
Cole was the random, odd one of the class. Being the random guy in the class, he had a slice of bread in his mouth like Japanese students do when they're late for class. He found some scissors and company, a Japanese crab spider. The creature came crawling really fast and cornered Cole. He, however, tried to defend himself with the scissors. The crab spider gave him a blank stare and took Cole's hand, leading it to an electrical socket. The scissors and electrical socket electrocutes both of them. Too bad Cole is dead because now he has toast in the mouth, toasted into perfection. The crab spider got up like it never got electrocuted. It took the toast from Cole's mouth, ate it and danced under Cole's corpse.
Axel was running away from a Floridian crocodile but the crocodile chomped his leg off. Axel was heavily injured, bouncing on 1 leg. He returned at the Roman stones but that's where he made a mistake. Axel was bent over the stone by the crocodile. The vicious reptile continues his meal, which is Axel. Later, Axel was eaten.
Flo had a very grusome death. The pale brunette was brutally skinned. Blood was everywhere, surrounding her corpse and her skin. Skinning someone was one of the most brutal ways to end a person's life back in the medieval ages. The medieval ages were known by their terrifying executions and torture methods.
And last but not least, Sans had the quickest and most painless death out of all of them.
Something dark is rising... In the basement, where Skyler was creamated in a furnace, a demonic ritual was happening. Hakai dragged the lifeless bodies into the basement and put them in the summoning circle. He also picked up Skyler's ashes in the summoning circle. It was done. The ritual has summoned a demon of higher rank, Arashi. This was Hakai's entire plan, to slaughter a class along with their teacher, just to summon his master. There was a secret Hakai was hiding about the museum and... The truth is, the national museum was cursed from the start... This is the end. This is how we all dissappear... His name was Arashi, destroyer of worlds, the highest ranked demon of Hell. He rose from the summoning circle, it's hollow eye sockets glowed blood red and wickedly smirked with a hint of malice and lust for power.
His body was a combination of a tarantula, a scorpion and a torso of a man in a centaur manner. His head was a withered skull with red, hollow eye sockets. He had a knife that was connected with a long chain, precisely, as in a spear. As a demon, he was a lot bigger than humans, an outstanding 10'44“. He wasn't just a scary hybrid demon but he also had his own human form to blend in. His human physical appearance was very attractive that would make everyone astonished and swooned when laying their eyes upon him.
Arashi was ready to cause major chaos in the city or more, the country, maybe even the world. This didn't mean battle, this meant war. Arashi terrorized the people, it was more grusome than a genocide. While tormenting was in progress, every secret organization, police department, army has come to put an end into this. As soon as they arrived, they wasted every bullet, ammo and artillery on that chaotic, evil demon.
Arashi murdered them in the blink of an eye, quick and painless but maybe there's atleast a spark of hope. A white, hooded figure appeared with a lethal weapon that can possibly stop this malicious, insane supernatural. The weapon was a simple dagger but it wasn't no ordinary dagger. It was a dagger that can clean the victim's soul, if the victim was a demon, then it would make them burn like vampires.
The Avian's name was Hikari. He finally built the courage and bravery to stand up to Arashi. Arashi saw him coming and so, he turned into his human form. Hikari said: „Brother, I have no choice but to put an end to your reign of terror!“; Arashi chuckled, then replied with: „Y̶̼̫͆̈̊ơ̷̤͚̿̏́ư̸̡͎̋͊̔ ̶̝̞̗̄ț̶̡̼̃̀͂h̶̛̖͎̻̆̂î̶̟ṇ̶̛̮̬̄̆k̸̹̯̟͊̓ ̶̩̗̚͠y̶̙̪̟̗̋o̴̖̜̭͂̂͗͝ụ̷̡̳̔̂͒͗ ̸̠̕c̴̡̢̙̋̉͊ą̸̺̱̲̆ņ̵͇̓̾͌ ̶̤̯͍̣̓̽͛̎d̵͉͚͋̅̄̕ȇ̴͍̰f̶͔͂e̶͎̥̓a̵͔͕̬̲͛t̵̛̠̽ ̶̤̳̖͊́͠m̶̞̍͐̏̚ͅę̸͕͛,̴̪͝ ̷͚͉̋̿̉͘b̸̡̛̫̜͐̋͝r̶̛̯̮̀̈́̍ő̷͎̤̃ẗ̴̠́h̵̢̹̱̟̆̇e̵̿͜r̶̘̭͒͂?̵̨̻́̕͠ ̷̗̖͉̾͋̐͝Ŷ̸̨̭o̷̡͎͐̈́̎͜u̸͇̿'̸͇̬̲̃̒̍r̴͈̉ê̵͕͈ ̴̦̦̺́ṉ̵̰̐̊ô̴̳ ̷̟̤̓̉̓m̶̦̠̮͂̋͑̆͜a̷̲͍͐̀t̷͉́͘͝ĉ̸̰h̷̫͍̖̃̑̈́̋ ̸͉̱̲̊̂̀͛ͅa̶̺̠̹͋g̸̥̟̎a̸͚̣̻͆̓ĭ̸̱̈́n̵̥͖̥̰̾͛s̴̜̤͓̲͒̌̈́̓t̴͖͎̪̏ͅ ̷͓̌m̵͚̭͔͆e̸̝̞̐!̶̨̀̓ ̸̫̽͐͘I̶̮͙͌͐̓̕f̸̬̏̋͘͠ ̵͇̓͗ý̷̢͙̇̈́͝o̶̮̠̞͊͛͌͝û̴̧̱̥͍́̆̀ ̵̨͕́r̵̗̭̳̽ę̵̱͇̀a̶̯̹̭̻͠l̴̻̜̉͂̎̋ĺ̴̺̲y̸̘̻̾̂ ̸̭̈́͊̅͂͜ͅw̴͇̲̏̈̅a̴͈͎̿̅̅̚ņ̷͔̟͉̽̍̔̚t̶̩̯͆ ̵̨͈͂̇̾̿a̸̩̣͖͆ ̷̫̑̀̒d̴̢͇̱͎͗̀ė̵̖͊̈́̓a̵̛̰͌̂t̷̡̤́͗̾̂ḧ̵̢̳̮͔́̆̚ ̶̨̜̍̐̽͜͝w̷̬̫͔̃ͅi̸̡͕̍͜s̸͍̰̾̏̃͛h̷͖̣̜̞͝,̴̣̣̬͝ ̷̛͍̌̿͌t̵͍́͆ͅh̵͈̕e̷̲͍̎n̴̞͒͒̔̑ ̴̡͇̇̀͂̕b̷̹͒̉e̷̠̘̚ ̶̭̞̳̈̄͠m̶̠̀̏̓́ͅẏ̸̤̱̥̠̈́ ̵̣͛g̵̨͈͚͗͒͠ú̸̢͕̠̟͆ë̶͖̉̕͠s̵̫̤̫͎̈́̂t̵̗̱̜̭̅̊.̴̻̝͊̀.̵͎̑̌.̶̡̦̈́“. Arashi and Hikari started fighting with their daggers, the final battle to the death. The duel felt like 10 eternities. Dodging and attempted jabbing back and forth until Hikari finally stabbed Arashi in the stomach. Arashi screamed from pain and the amount of purity launched into his abdomen.
His skin started to sizzle and slowly burn. Arashi yelled his famous last words: „I̶͚̮̾'̷̦̝̋̃̿L̴̟̘͖̓ͅL̷̹̙͙̽̒̂͗ ̸̡̽͂͝C̷̡̲͉͇̅͂̃̃O̴̺̮͌͗̆̊M̶̰̣͛̒̋̐E̷͕͇̍̑͘ ̸̛̠̼̆̉B̸͈͓̻̱̒̚͝Ẩ̸̡͇͉̫͆̔C̷͔̜̓Ḱ̵̮,̷̱͇͇̤̈́̐́̂ ̶͇̪̭͌̀Y̴͉̻̌̉͜Ǫ̷͉̟̆̍͝Ǔ̵̯̀̀͐ ̷͍͆H̸̳͎͚̿̀͜Ḁ̶͍̲͐̈́̌̄͜V̴̲̰͇̝͒͂͊͝E̴̳̪̓̃͜N̵̤̉̂'̸͇̽͛͜Ṱ̷̓̏̈́̀ ̴̞̓̑̐S̵̢̳̼̀̉͝Ȅ̸̩̲̽E̸̻̣̽̎͘N̵̡͚̦̘̈́͘ ̶̛͙̈̓T̵̹͂̎̿͆Ȟ̵͍͚͍͌E̶̯͓̰̙͋̈̈́͘ ̶̰̠̬̈́͒͛L̵̹̪̫̠͋̈̀̌Ã̷̲̳̖̭͋̔̀S̷͓̪̗͕̚Ţ̶̱̦̜̇̿ ̸̟̅̍̊O̶͈͈͛͂̈́̈F̷̯̋̀͠ ̵͉̼̣̎̍M̸̟̅͑̀̐Ȩ̸̛̪̇,̷̡̞̩̈́ ̶̢͖̭͘Ã̶̳̒̐̃R̸̡͔͉̅̇̒̎ͅĂ̵̧̧̖̞͐̎S̵͔͑H̵̨͊I̷̩̦̲̔̕͜͝!̵̢̢̨̲̎ ̸̛̱̽M̸̞̃̊Â̴̰͍̺͖̐͛̒Ŗ̴͎͙̃̚K̴̨̨͓͇͆̚ ̶̥͔̩̂M̵̮̿̈̇Y̴̛̗̩͛͘ ̵͉͇͂̃͋W̵̧̹̎̋O̸̠͒͝R̴̹͓͓͙̂͋̓͝D̶̡̟͕͎̐Ș̶̣̱̥̌̇́,̴͓̞̰̚ ̵͍̰̘͎̎̆̈́̈́B̸̨̧͌R̴̨̛̰̟͓͝Ó̶̡̟̝͉͝T̶̡̲͓̉̀H̷͎̥̀̈È̴̛͇̫̦̘̕Ṟ̸̥̩͊̈́!̶̻͛̈́͐͝ ̸̱̦̿Î̵̻͇̣̼̿̍'̴̙͎̫̌̊L̵̡̜͖̫͆̆L̴̥̐ ̵̛͇͖͑͜͝Ŕ̷̞͗E̷͚̔T̷͈̘̟̅̐̔Û̴̝͍̣͔̃̑͛Ŗ̷̱̬̜̉̍N̶͍͊ ̴̫̫̠̐̑̏̐Ą̴̳̪̝̂̿̉G̸̼͙̈́̂͝A̵̢͕̯͚̐I̶̗̪͗́̂͋N!̸̛̜̏͑ ̷̯̘̼̀́͂́“ He burned into smoke, vanishing in the break of dawn. With nearly everyone severely wounded or even dead, Hikari went to the demolished building, the start of mayhem, the museum. The war was finally over...
Hikari felt really terrible for the victims of his brother's mischief. He slowly walked in the destroyed establishment, surrounded by his brother's dark aura. He thought to himself that he should burn this building, once and for all, for everyone's good. Every memory spent in this museum will become dead memories.
As soon as Hikari left the museum, he burned it to the ground, watching the flames devour the building...
- Cursed Countess
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