#idk where to start?? the seductive whispering in thomas's ear
cosmic-walkers · 5 months
what the hell, was the relationship between henry and thomas in the tudors?? they are a trainwreck in the making T-T
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
Give me love I tommy shelby
Pairing: Tommy shelby x Reader
words: 2.160
summary: you and tommy are invited to one of Oswald’s parties. Angry at tommy for leaving you alone, you drink more than you should and then things take a very bad turn between you, Tommy and Oswald.
warnings: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ABUSE & ALCOHOL, angst, mentions of blood.
Author’s note: possibly my best work? Idk but please leave feedback.
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After 5 glasses of gin the music had turned to an ongoing buzz in your eyes. for the first time after a long time you were feeling alive and there was this spark in your chest, if you didn't know any better you would say that It was happiness. True you were only happy because the alcohol had burned down your worries like they were thin Paper and had messed with your mind so much you could barely  consecrate on What you were doing and where you were. You started dancing around the third glass going from One man’s arms to another’s. It had been so long since you danced.
Tommy was so busy with his work as a Politician now, he only seemed to have time to Fuck you and even that would be quick, a simple dose of satisfaction for him. Too occupied in his own thoughts and worries, you didn’t feel like his wife anymore and since you didn’t feel like his wife you thought It was about time to stop acting like his wife.
You and him were invited to one of Oswald’s Parties, The Place was packed with young girls, drunk politicians and unknown faces. As soon as you arrived the smell of alcohol mixed with cigars washed your entire body, pulling you Into a very dangerous ocean and you didn’t even try to resist the sirens. Tommy left your alone, saying that he would be back shortly but five glasses in and he was still locked up to Oswald’s office. 
"Another glass Ms. Shelby?” Asked one of the boys with the traits and you smiled, nodding like a kid about to be given candy. He handed you the glass and you drowned It all down in seconds. The buzz turned Into a muffled sound, so loud and confusing at the same time. The other guest kept bumping into you as you stood still in the middle of the room, alone. The spark in your chest turned to a wildfire, that was turning your insights to ash and your brain felt so heavy, You wanted to scream. You started moving from where you were, not really know where you going but you saw a table with more drinks in front of you and you reached for It, grabbing one at the bottles. You struggled but finally managed to open It with your hands, you thought that It would be able to put your fires out. You leaned against the table and watched everyone at the room around your, dancing, laughing, some of them where so hammered they were fucking on the couch but you weren’t in a position to judge. Meanwhile your fires were growing higher, the smoke blurring your vision.
With your bottle in your hands you started moving again, this time your destination was the bathroom but the house was so big and you were so drunk you had no Idea where the right door was and If anyone tried to help you, you wouldn’t know. Lost in the Hallways you even forgot where you wanted to go. You examined the place, thinking that everything looked so fucking expensive. Occasionally your would take a sip from the bottle which by now you were Pretty sure was Champagne. You let the carpet lead you to wherever It was leading you until you reached a huge door. Maybe It wasn’t that huge but in the state you were in It looked like Poseidon’s castle doors. You stared at the handle, debating whether you should go in and drown or stay out and wither. You raised the Champagne and took along refreshing ship and with a Swift movement opened the door.
The room was warm and elegant, there was a massive bed on the middle and as you walked in you admired the decoration. There was a painting on the wall behind the bed, You had seen that Painting. It was The Burial Of Count Orgaz. Your heart started Pounding as you looked at It, a fear rising in your chest as the room turned from warm to suffocating. You wanted to leave, but Your feet were tied to the ground, your body was frozen, the bottle slipped from your palm, the shattering glass sounding like a thunder, you were in the middle of a storm, loud, cold and scary, you-
“Ms. Shelby?” His voice came as unexpectedly as an earthquake, shaking you Into awakening. Your turned around to meet him. Oswald was standing on the door, looking at you like an animal about to attack his pray. You trees were weak before him, your mind blank of words. He started walking towards you slowly, which only made You move backwards. He twitched his lips, looking at the floor “Tsk, Tsk, stole one of my Champagnes I see, you’re gonna have to pay for that darling.” A smirk formed to his lips and maybe It was contagious because your lips did the same. There was not a hint of tommy in your mind, not one reason to not kiss the man standing in front of you. You Just wanted to have fun, feel like you were loved, You wanted someone to kiss you like you were the sexiest woman in the world, You were tired of feeling granted. Oswald stroked a Strand Of hair behind your ear, his touch alone was so seductive. Normally you wouldn’t even think about fucking him. You were faithful to Thomas but the gin was faithful to doing whatever the fack It wanted.
“looking for me?” he questioned, his breath hitting your face in the most hypnotizing way. You gulped, your obvious fear encouraging him even more. He smiled, stepping closer. “I’ve been wanting to fuck you ever since I laid eyes on you” He tilted his head, breathing onto your neck. You closed your eyes ready to give yourself to him, really to cut that One last strand Of Sanity. “Tommy doesn’t have to know”
Tommy… Thomas. That last Strand became stronger in the sound of his name. 
“NO” you whispered and pushed Oswald away. “Stop” It took all your Strength to speak those two words. You shut your eyes trying to focus. You had to find tommy, you loved him, you needed him. Your breath got caught on your throat, the air was so thin, you were breaking apart. Finally the ocean you had thrown yourself In was catching up with you, dragging you to the bottom. 
“Thomas” You said a little louder and went for the door. Oswald stood in front of you like a wall. “where do you think you are going?” he held your arms tightly. You tried to shake him off, Shouting for him to let you go. You could only see one thing in your mind and that was Thomas, You screamed his name while Oswald tried to get you to his bed. Everything around you was moving, your sight was so blurry from the drinks It got even worst with the tears that filled your eyes. “Shut up! You little tramp!”
You screamed his name again, Oswald arms were wrapped around your back, making their way to your chest. He forced you to kneel on the ground, the shattered glass stuck on your skin like thorns, making you bleed. You snatched one of the glasses and In a swift movement you stabbed him in the stomach with It, causing him to step back and groan in pain. You released Yourself from him and stood up, pushing your hands against the floor and the broken glass, making your palms bleed even more. You turned around to see him kneeling on the floor. You wiped the tears of your face, the blood getting on your cheeks.
“y/n” your name echoed in your ears. He was calling for you, you followed his voice blindly, running until you crashed on his chest, crashing like a ship that Finally found shore in an endless ocean of heartache. He wrapped his arms around you In an Instant while you cried on his suit, grasping onto It for dear life. Your home, your warmth, your love. He pulled back only a little so we could look at you, his expression a mix of anger and worry. He Held your face, confused about the blood. “What the fuck happened, Eh? What happened.” You wished you could explain everything, but the words and the events were tangled In your head, It was hard to put anything to a sentence. Then another voice spoke from behind you.
“I was about to call for you Thomas.” Said Oswald “Your girl is pissed. I found her in my bedroom, a broken bottle in her hands, bleeding and when I tried to help She stabbed me with the glass.” His voice was like poison in your ears. Tommy’s body stiffened, he didn’t believe a word that he heard. His gaze turned back to you, warming you and calming you. Nothing could hurt you now you were with him.
“Tommy” you mumbled in a broken voice. You tilted your head, It was too heavy to keep straight. Tommy Stroked your face, wiping the blood from under your eyes. “I’m so sorry” He couldn’t Stand to watch you like that, his heart broke at the sight. His first Priority was to get you home and safe. Then he promised to himself that he would make that bastard pay. 
“I’m right here, It’s Ok” he reassured you, holding you tight against him and striking the back of your head “let’s go home” was the last thing you remember hearing before all your senses faded away in his embrace.
Next thing you know you are laying in bed, on your soft mattress, someone Is caressing your legs and you have a horrible headache. You open your eyes Slowly the light piercing them like needless, you groan in pain. Tommy stopped cleaning your legs When he heard you. You looked at him only for a second before covering your eyes with your hand. It was when You moved that you realized how badly It hurt because Of the cuts. The memories were coming back in bits and pieces.
“What happened?” you asked, making him scoff, he shook his head, trying to keep calm.
“I don’t fucking know (Y/ N). You gotta tell me.” He paused, biting his lips so he wouldn’t start Shouting. “How did you get to Oswald’s bedroom?”
“I was drinking because I was mad at you… I drank to much and then I wanted to find the bathroom I think but the house was so big and confusing…” you stopped, the memories from then on were too hurtful, You remembered standing still as Oswald walked to you, you remember wanting him and then realizing you don’t. You look at Tommy, heartbroken “I’m so sorry! I was so drunk, I didn’t know What I was doing.”
“what happened?” He asked, his eyes watching you carefully.
“I was on the room, alone and then he came” your tone started to break “I didn’t try to stop him at first but then he said your name, I told him to stop, I didn’t want to… God Thomas I’m so sorry-“ Tommy reached for your hand, helping your focus on him. “we’ll talk about all that when I come back but I need to know now… did he do this to you? The bruises and the cuts on your legs? Did he try to…” he Couldn’t finish the sentence. You nodded, breaking into tears again. Thomas held his hand in a fist, all he wanted to do was to kill him.
“It’s all my Fault”
“you didn’t know what you were doing. But him- I will cut his eyes and his tongue and then I will put a bullet in his head.”
“Why? Because he touched your property?”
“what?” He asked confused.
“You’re mad because I’m yours, your property”
“No. No you’re wrong. It’s Because you are my wife. Because I love you, Because he hurt you and no one is allowed to do that, Ever! I love you and any man that tries to hurt you is dead meat for Johnny dogs.”
“Is it so hard to say that a couple more times a month? Because lately I feel like I’m nothing to you, that’s why I drank, that’s why I’m hurting”
Tommy lowered his head, he sighed and then moved from the end Of the bed, next to you. He helped you sit up and looked in your eyes, cupping your face. You held onto his hands. He didn’t answer to your questions but he Leaned in and kissed you like It was the very first time. He left his taste on your lips, letting you know that he was yours forever. Than he left his mark on your neck, a message to everyone that you were under his protection. He moved back to your lips, Giving you all his love. 
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