#and actually this thomas is also a menace
cosmic-walkers · 5 months
what the hell, was the relationship between henry and thomas in the tudors?? they are a trainwreck in the making T-T
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creepswrites · 1 year
Dear, writter
May i've a request for Thomas hewitt, Bubba Sawyer,bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, and Vince Sinclair, With a hot wife fem reader, I want to see their life being a father to a hot fem reader. Because that is my dream. 💫Fluff💫
Please.... Your writing is so gorgeous 💋💋 master 🌹🌹🌹
Thank you so much
From your followers:
awww i'm glad you like my writing!! hopefully you enjoy this :D
SLASHERS with a F! S/O who is their hot wife
Everyone in town was shocked when you and Thomas got married
Thomas included but he never said anything about it
His family thought you were way out of his league, Hoyt was never afraid to comment on this to your face
But you love Thomas, he was a good man
So when he'd finally, finally, proposed to you, of course you'd said yes
When he found out you were having his child? He was over the moon
Luda May was almost as overjoyed, already making arrangements for the baby's room, making clothes, etc
She couldn't wait to be a grandmother and Thomas couldn't wait to be a father
When the baby's due date was getting closer, you could tell Thomas was nervous about if the baby would come out looking like him
But you reassured him that, no matter what your baby looked like, you would love it the same way you loved him
He was good with the baby, so gentle and patient, always happy to help when it cried
If Hoyt ever tried to give either of you a hard time, Thomas actually violently defended you, sometimes tossing Hoyt across the room with one arm
He'd never let anything hurt you or your baby
Like Thomas, everyone was surprised when you and Bubba got married
Though his family were far more excited about it! After all, their brother was quite the catch
You got along well with his family even before you moved in, with Chop Top and Nubbins always commenting to Bubba how lucky he was to have such a hot wife
It always made your husband get all flustered, babbling soft nonsense. He was cute
When you got pregnant, Bubba and the Sawyer family were over the moon
Family was extremely important to them and they were happy for you and Bubba
When Nubbins made a very ugly little hat for the baby, you accepted it but told him gently it'd be too big for their head but that you'd grow into it. He was excited about that prospect
Chop Top and Drayton helped Bubba set up the nursery so you could just relax
And when the baby was born, Bubba was so scared of holding something so fragile and precious
But you helped him, guiding his arms to hold the baby, and he was in shock and awe
He'd never thought he'd get married, much less to someone as gorgeous as you, and have a child together
Bubba was a nervous father, usually letting your kid get away with anything so you had to be the rule-setter when it came to the kid
His brothers were menaces when it came to babysitting their niece or nephew
But both you and Bubba were happy. He'd protect you both, no matter what
Honestly? This was a major win in Bo's mind
If you think he doesn't show off for you, you're wrong. That man takes every opportunity to
He also definitely flexed to his brothers about scoring the hottest wife ever
Of course, his brothers were very nice and respectful with you, though Bo wouldn't let them be too friendly
He's got a jealousy streak
Whenever visitors arrive to Ambrose, he's always got his arm around you or bragging about you when you're not around
He's whipped, you've got him wrapped around your finger
But when you tell him your pregnant, you're shocked at how scared he becomes
Of course, he doesn't show it visibly, but you know your husband and you can tell when he's nervous about something
Eventually, when he starts trying to pull away from you, you corner him and make him talk
Some yelling and fighting ensues but he caves, confessing he's scared he wouldn't be a good father. I mean, he didn't exactly have the best role model and he didn't want you or your babies to suffer for it
But you reminded him you were in this together and he'd relax a little
You had twins, because of course you did, but this only seemed to make Bo all the more anxious
He didn't exactly... know what to do with a baby? He'd never really been around infants so he's looking to you for help on this one
When they're a bit older though, he'll let them hang out in the auto shop with him when he works
One day you come home to find him asleep on the couch with the twins curled up on his chest and you just melt
He's a good dad and a good husband
Vincent was shocked you'd said yes when he proposed
He didn't consider himself attractive in the slightest but you said yes?!
I mean, you were stunning, he'd stared at you constantly even when you were dating and it certainly didn't stop when you were married
Bo and Lester were definitely jealous, teasing him to see him get flustered over how lucky he was
Unlike Bo, when he found out you were pregnant, he was excited
Nervous, absolutely, but everyone is nervous when they're having their first kid
He's so wary for you though, nearly had you on bedrest the entire pregnancy because he feared the worst
One time he caught you standing on a chair to reach something and he nearly had a conniption
But the twins came - because of course they were twins - and were healthy and beautiful
Vincent is so gentle with them, like they're the most precious things in the world to them
He makes little wax sculptures for their room to decorate it
Definitely encourages and supports creative hobbies for the kids! He gets them finger paints and crayons and the like
You've woken up in the night because of the babies crying but Vincent is already up, ready to help
Vincent's mastered carrying them both with an arm each and its very cute
Sometimes you catch him holding one of the twins and humming softly to them as they sleep in his arms, just swaying together in the kitchen
You feel so lucky but he feels even luckier to have you and your kids
Lester is by far the most... stable? So you'd been instantly drawn to that about him
He'd always get so flustered, bringing you flowers and blushing like a madman while you were dating
It took him the longest to propose to you though, he always felt like you were waaaay out of his league
Visitors came and would gawk at you and he'd feel a twinge of jealousy at the reminder that yeah, you could have anyone
But he did propose to you and you said yes because you wanted him, not anyone else
Neither of you had any shame in PDA, often holding hands or kissing in front of visitors
You lived with Lester and Jonesy in a little house on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by trees and very peaceful compared to the horrors of Ambrose
It had actually been Lester who suggested having a kid or two running around. After all, he had two older brothers so he was used to that business in a house with lots of people living in it
Over time, the two of you would have two kids, but they weren't twins
Lester was a good dad too! He was attentive and loving but he didn't let them get away with too much
He'd teach them how to shoot when they were a bit older because it was a fond memory he had with his own dad
Of course, Lester didn't have the best dad to draw comparison to
But at least he knew what not to do. Surely that counted for something?
You'd come home from working a short shift to find Lester and the kids playing in the backyard, running about with Jonesy as they played soccer
Both you and Lester would do anything for your kids and you knew he'd do anything for you
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clydesavage-thefox147 · 4 months
I don't think enough fanders are aware of this little piece of evidence, so I'm going to post about it. (Also pardon my nearly 2 months long hiatus, been mentally shitty)
Ever wondered why Janus has that pink blemish around his eye?
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So, according to Joan in a past Livestream in late 2019, they confirmed that the pink was actually a scar. Yep. A scar. It makes sense since snakes and no other reptiles have that marking naturally. Apparently, it was added to make it more menacing and scary which honestly it did work at the time of his introduction, if you remember how scared people were of him then.
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Initially, they weren't going to explain why he has the scar, since it would have been "too intense" to do so. To be fair, at the time it would have been, but now, do we really care how intense it could've happened? Also, I feel it's a bit messed up to make people with scars out to be intimidating, especially since that scar must've been a traumatic experience. I do think that they should go back on their statement and confirm that scar canonically in an understandable, less insulting way.
Now like I said in a previous post, I know Joan isn't much apart of the team anymore however, some of Joan's influence has still carried on in recent canon. Not to mention that Joan literally created Janus as a character. Another thing Joan did mention in their statement was that the scar..has a connection to the next side which is Orange. Which got me thinking-
Does that mean that Orange will be scarred too? Or..did Orange do it to him? Honestly, it does make sense. If you look at the pink hue enough, it does resemble that of a burn scar. Orange has been associated with that of fire.🔥
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A character Janus has been connected to is Harvey Dent or Two Face due to Virgil's retort in Embarrassing Phases. According to the comics, Two Face is an ex lawyer who uses his studies in criminology and Law to commit his villainous crimes. He was chemically burned at a court trial, however some alternate versions suggest a more gruesome torture. And, it also happens to be on the same side of his body as Janus' scales and scar. This reference was made the episode right before SvS, where Janus was a lawyer. Definitely foreshadowing.
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Another connection is to that of Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. We know Thomas loves this series and the character is notable here for having a very similar burn scar on the same eye. Coincidence? I think not!
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Now, if it is answered, was it truly Orange who did it? What if it was Remus? And was it on purpose or accident? With Remus, it's more likely to be an accident but Orange we have yet to know but it's more likely purposeful. Unless, Virgil caused it and that could be something he's guilty of but who knows. I just feel bad for Janus in the sense that his snake vision must already suck and then he was nearly blinded a second time? Damn man.
But yeah..that pink is a scar..from some injury..from someone...for some reason or motive. What do you think about this?
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This thoughts still cooking, so it might not make sense, but I think Thomas (Tomas?) Astruc is a very good case study on how being too attached to your own ideas can hinder your story telling.
I don't mean this in a "Thomas's original idea for the series was bad", but rather that he seems so attached to this concept that he can't stand other people having a differing view from him.
Chloe's the titular example here. Some people thought she deserved a redemption arc, and instead of just saying "nah, I don't think so" and continuing to write her the same way he had been, he had to prove them wrong, prove that his idea was the only correct one, and so turned her into the spawn of Satan and let her rule over Paris for some reason.
Instead of making Marinette less stalker-y, he wrote an entire episode poorly justifying it. And, imao, somewhat diminishing what PTSD actually is and does to people.
I'm not saying he has to make any change (though I think making Marinette less stalker-y would be a good change), but instead of 1.) sticking to his resolve or 2.) taking the criticism, he clung dearly onto this perception of his characters and his writing suffered because of how much he had to twist things to "prove" that his original assertions were right. And also that everyone who disagreed with him was wrong and didn't understand
idk if that makes sense, but the concepts been lingering in my head recently
It makes perfect sense! I've had similar thoughts. It's hard to say for sure, but Miraculous may be a case study in "kill your darlings". I'm not deep into the behind-the-scenes lore and I was not here in the early fandom, but I do know that, at some point, a much darker version of the show was pitched. That's why these exist (image source):
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[Image description: two sketches styled like comic book covers. Both have the title "The Mini Menace Ladybug". The left cover shows Marinette's silhouette in a doorway. The door's glass and the glass of a nearby window are broken. In the foreground lies a hand holding a ladybug charm. The hand is limp and surrounded by blood, implying that someone is injured or dead. The right cover is Ladybug doing a spinning kick while looking angry.]
We also have this evidence of the darker original concept:
Jeremy Zag then proposed another project... which he was unable to sell to broadcasters... the project was called "Ladybug". No one was interested, as the project was aimed more at an adult audience... Sébastien had to make sure that the project could be broadcast on Disney and TF1.... Thomas wanted to make a series for adults, but at the time, it was very complicated to make a cartoon for adults. What's more, they didn't have enough money to take on such a project. Sébastien finally agreed, but there were some changes to be made, which Thomas accepted... In the end, Thomas Astruc's entire project was discarded, leaving only the love story between the two heroes and the city of Paris, where the story was to take place.
I've been aware of this darker origin story for a while due to Tumblr and, because of this knowledge, I have often had the thought, "are the writers trying to sneak elements from this darker version into canon?" Because that's the most likely explanation for what's going on here.
If I'm right, then I think that was a terrible move on their parts. They needed to let go of the story that they couldn't sell and embrace the story that they're being allowed to tell. It's why "kill you darlings" is such good advice. Many good stories have been ruined by writers clinging to an idea that ultimately doesn't work for some reason.
It's why the sitcom How I Met Your Mother has such a universally hated ending. The show was originally supposed to go for two seasons and so they wrote an ending that would fit the second season. The show ended up running for nine seasons and, by then, the ending didn't fit, but the writers kept it and left everyone with a bad taste in their mouths, which is not what any writer wants. That's why you have to do what's best for the story even if it means abandoning something that you really love.
This early version of canon may also be why the writers are so obsessed with Marinette. My understanding is that this concept had her mainly acting as a solo hero and, oh look! What is one of canon's biggest problems? Marinette being treated like a solo hero even though she has a partner and, later on, a team!
Not saying that this theory has to be true, just saying that it would explain some things. And if they're poisoning canon by trying to include elements from their darker original? Then it makes sense to assume that they're also doing it for smaller stuff. Like I'm pretty sure I've read that the head writer wanted Chat Blanc to be a lot darker originally, but no one would green light it, so we got an incredibly lackluster episode that spat in the face of the genres Miraculous' is trying to be part of while also falling to have the sort of impact we'd expect from an episode like that. It's a good example of a darling that really should have been killed. It just doesn't fit.
(Totally unrelated sidenote, but is your blog name from Tangled? Because that's what I immediately thought of and it made me smile!)
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p0lyn3sian · 14 days
Muti slasher with a reader that loves to bake, eat, and share
But the reader is like feeding them the sweets like a baby
(I think I went overboard on this one lmaoo)
Slashers: Michael, Jason, Bubba, Thomas, Billy and Stu, Billy lenz, Brahms, Carrie, Hannibal x Will, & The lost boys!
Feeding slashers sweet treats!
Michael Myers:
This silent man actually does love when you bake something for him, especially that he has a sweet tooth! Like he'll be popping out of nowhere just to see what you are baking! And just watch you do the stuff from scratch.
If you want to share with Michael, this man will literally steal the whole damn plate just to eat the whole thing in front of your face..! Which makes you pissed every time he does that, and you would ignore whenever he tries to ask for those baked treats.
Michael does not want to be fed like a baby, he would most likely slap your hand away that's full of treats onto the floor.. Which Michael had to clean that up since he acted like a full on child for that.
Jason Voorhees:
When he found out that you would love to bake, he immediately wanted to try whatever pastries/deserts you would make! He'll also help you with whatever you need help with your baking!
Sharing these treats with Jason is like heaven to him! He loves seeing his darling making faces of how delicious your sweets are!
When you get the chance to feed these sweets to him, Jason gets really embarrassed that he's getting fed, but he's not complaining! He actually loves it when you feed him, cooing at him, and praising him for how much of a handsome boy he is!
Bubba Sawyer:
He LOVES LOVES your baking!! He'll be blubbering about how delicious your baking is, and how flaky it is when he bites into it! (His brothers are a little jealous, that their little brother has a baker that feeds him 🌚.)
When you share the new sweets you made, he'll be jumping up and down, wanting to try your new recipe! He then starts blubbering praises of how good it is, and that you should start feeding him that!
Now feeding Bubba, he's really shy but that doesn't matter, because getting fed by you and your sweets will be treating him like a baby, wanting more and more! But for you, you are so glad Bubba loves your sweets, and of course you love feeding him too! It makes both you and him happy as ever!
Thomas Hewitt:
This big burly man will be wanting to try your sweets of course! He immediately smelt the fresh apple pie, thinking that it was his mama making it, because he loves his Mama's apple pie!
When he got up there, he was surprised that you were baking! So of course he needed to try your apple pie! Once he bit into the apple pie, he was over the world! Making grunts of how good it is, and praising you with his grunts!
You then grabbed the chair and went beside Thomas, and grabbed a piece of apple pie, and tried to feed him. Which surprised him since you wanted to try feeding him, but he didn't care he just bit into it, and then he looked into your eyes, and Thomas put the piece of apple pie down from your hand and gave you a hug for how delicious your pie is!
Billy & Stu:
Now these two, especially Stu are a menace! When they found out you loved to bake, of course their big mouths wanted to try your sweets! Begging you if you are making more sweets, or making new sweets too!
Stu loves how you make your sweets by scratch and Billy loves how you make so much effort just to feed those sweets to them! So sharing your baked sweets to them, it's something that they will never forget!
When feeding them your baked treats to them, they'll be giving so much praise for how good it is, and asking you to feed them more! While feeding these two, they both have the audacity to start moaning while eating, so you gave them a smack to the head for that..
Billy Lenz:
You kind of knew Billy when you were staying with the sorority girls. Sometimes at midnight, there will be noises of clattering downstairs, so you had to investigate what was all that noise. Seeing a person opening up what's left over your baked brownies, froze still.. You then chuckle at the feeling of how you knew that the "moaner" was eating your brownies!
Wherever there's a chance during nights, you'll be baking treats for the "attic" man, because that's what you call him when he shows you where he hides most times. But he then told you his name, which made you happy that he told you his name, so of course you had to make more cookies for him!
For Billy, he doesn't like when people feed him, so getting fed by you would make him move away from you.. He just thinks that it's weird and he could just feed the treats to himself if he wanted to. Which you completely understand that if he doesn't want that, you'll have to leave him be.
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms has been bugging you for the past few hours to make him treats! Which made him pissed that you will be fully ignoring him, so the only way to get your attention, is by acting like a full on child..
He'll be full on child mode, making messes, yelling, and crying. Hearing him being like a grown man child is something that you really hate, and you gave in and started baking a batch of treats for him.
After baking those treats for him, he'll be forcing you to hand feed them to him, because he wants to be a big baby. You had to tell him to say 'please' after what he wanted, and he said it, just so you could feed him.. But seriously he loves you so much, and he wouldn't know what to do without you and your baking!
Carrie White:
You loved to bake too? So does Carrie! Both you and Carrie will be making batches of whatever treats you guys like! Carrie loves how you make anything with chocolate, and you love her cakes that she likes to bake!
Sharing recipes with Carrie is always fun! Both you and her will be trying out new recipes with each other, and taste test them! Carrie's favorite recipe from you is the brownies, but with melted chocolate inside! As for you, you like her baked cakes! She makes so many and they're all so good, which you couldn't pick but whichever you like that's your favorite cake from her!
You and Carrie love sharing food too! Which isn't weird for the both of you since you've been sharing food since you guys were little! So you both love making "Here comes the airplane" or anything else than that, while feeding each other! Which makes it funny while eating, and just laughter filled in the air!
Hannibal & Will:
These two love your baking! They both praise and coo at you for making these delicious treats for them! For Will, he will give you cuddles for making the treats and for Hannibal, he'll be cooking your favorite dish/food for making the treats too!
Sharing your baked treats to them, makes them fall in love with you more! These two will be giving you love for making these treats for them, they'll also do everything for you too! They're really helpful after giving them your baked treats!
Will kinda does want to be fed by you, but for Hannibal he doesn't want to since he's a clean man, but he would most likely feed you though.. but they both love you very much just for feeding them your baked treats!
The Lost Boys (David, Dwayne, Paul & Marko):
Feeding these vampires is something you kinda hate but also love at the same time! They love your baked treats a lot, (maybe too much) because they'll be bugging you to make more and more! And if they want more, that means your money will be gone within a week..
They love you so much for sharing your baked treats! Even though they know that you are running out of money for baking these treats for them, the only way these vampires will do is steal money of course, just for you to make more..!
They love to be fed by you, especially Paul and Marko, but for David and Dwayne it might take some time for these two. But over all they love you so much, that they will literally make them feed your baked treats over and over again (Even if your broke 🌚).
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Batfam as characters in one of those manhwas if they each got killed and transmigrated (by themselves, there is no shipping in this post):
The Head Butler
The hidden veteran
The grandfather with a lot of money
Bruce Wayne
Tired Dad of the Villainess (bc let’s be real he’s got a pretty decent track record of making sure his kids don’t turn into outright war criminals)
Father of the male lead
Maybe the cold northern duke but this man would not be falling in love with anyone tbh
Dick Grayson
Male lead frfr
The villainess
Older brother of the villainess (he’s damn versatile)
Tragic second lead is also a good contender but only
Knight Captain of the empire or whatever but only bc Dick was a cop once
Wise mentor/friend (who’s probably an immortal)
Crown prince in disguise
Barbara Gordon
Master of the magic tower
Merchant guild leader
Spy network owner
King maker
Shadow ruler
A crown Princess, but only bc Barbara Gordon’s letting whoever the king/queen is remain in charge so she doesn’t have to deal with the annoying courtiers
Cassandra Cain
The OG female lead
The OP SAINTESS (the good ones)
THE LOVE INTEREST (bc I have a major crush on her kickassery)
The villainess’ royal ally/friend bc Cassandra deserves to be treated like royalty dammit
Crown Princess that had to take over the kingdom bc her parents sucked at their job
Aura Master who’s underestimated bc she’s small
Magician of the tower, second in command
Information Broker, maybe
Jason Todd
The villainess (good route OR bad route)
The mercenary king
The dragon slayer
The male lead that’s probably a red flag but he’s hot and totally respectful of the love interest so you just kind of poof the homicide away. What murder?
Crown Prince that raises the education levels of the kingdom
Tim Drake
The villainess. Like. THE villainess. War crimes for the good of the people? Yes.
The villainess that takes over the kingdom and overthrows her shitty king-father
Revolutionary co-leader
Prolly opens coffee franchises to make hella bank
Spy network owner?
That one male lead with the super tragic background but is also like committing crimes to help his kingdom or something
The Sleeping Beauty Prince
Stephanie Brown
The villainess that was neglected but turns everyone to her side but the end of the manhwa
Revolutionary Queen
Mercenary Queen
Aura Master/Sword Master
Legendary mage or the tower (Steph would be a menace with magic let’s be real)
Salon Owner
Duke Thomas
The main lead who is seen escaping the palace guards in the first two episodes/chapters
Roguish Crown Prince (full of respect women juice obv.)
Rebellion leader who used to be the king’s trusted knight in shiny armor
Mercenary King
Damian Wayne
Sword master, genius prince of the kingdom
Beast tamer
Dragon warrior (let’s be real, Damian would lose it over having an actual dragons)
Serious Crown Prince (with kennels of “hunting dogs” that we all know is there for him to cuddle)
Cold Northern Duke but he’s cold frfr bc his family isn’t with him
Former assassin turned Duke of the east or something
The famous painter
Alternatively, they all say “fuck it, I don’t fuck with monarchies” and start a revolution.
I wrote this pretty late so it might be off lmfao
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cinnamonest · 6 months
As opposed to calling one the boys boring.. imagine them catching you laughing at one of their jokes..
You either tried to hide it behind your hand, or were horribly trying to keep calm, but they catch you regardless. Personalities like Kaeya and Childe would end up teasing you afterwards.
“C’mon you’re not even hiding it well.” But then they can’t get enough of that irresistible smile of yours. The quirks of your lips, and the crinkle of your eyes squinting as you smiled.
They WOULD, Childe and Kaeya would be the biggest menaces about it -- but then again you also have ones like Kazuha/Thoma/Kaveh that get all excited because it's such a positive reaction when you've been so mean up until now. And then the dense boys like Diluc/Xiao/Alhaitham who don't actually realize how what they said was so funny and now they're getting upset because why are you laughing at him, stop that...
Anyway tfw the worst guy you’ve ever known just said the funniest thing you’ve ever heard and now you gotta sit there and pretend like you’re not about to lose it
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butcherlarry · 23 days
Weekly Fic Recs 78
There probably won't be a fic rec list for next Saturday, I will be preparing something special for Superbat Week 2024 during that time :) In the mean time, enjoy this extra long fic rec list (and yes, Poolverine still has my brain trapped in its adamantium grip).
Blood and Honey by RedFive - Superbat, wip. An update to this fic where Bruce is a mershark with a pod of orphaned killer whales that take down rich people's yachts, and Clark is the marine biologist who studies them.
A Prior Engagement by Imagine_sleeping - Superbat, wip. An AU where Bruce in a prince who has an arranged marriage with Lex Luthor :( Needless to say, he runs away and runs into handsome famer Clark :)
A lesson in trust by CGJ - Superbat, complete. Desk sex. Also, RIP Lex's desk, lololololololol.
World's Greatest Detective by p0lartang - Superbat, complete. Some hilarious identity porn where Bruce finds out Superman's civilian identity in the silliest way possible.
Our Gravity Keeps Us Together by Skylarium_Rose @skylariumrose - Superbat, wip. Aliens keep mistaking Superman and Batman as husband and wife 💖💖💖
A kindred bond by Nyszu @theocddiaries - Superbat, wip. An update to the fic where Bruce was kidnapped by an evil Superman (but don't worry! He was rescued :)) and now has to deal with Trauma™.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 @ktkat99 - Superbat, Superfam, Batfam, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! The lost doggo's owners have been found! But they don't want him back :( Maybe someone else *cough cough* Connor *cough cough* could take him in? 🥺
girl on the moon by TheResurrectionist @frownyalfred - DickBabs, complete. Barbara is having some frustrations about getting off. Dick is there to help :)
boyish notion of false emotion by Violet138 @violent138 - Martha/Thomas Wayne, complete. Martha and Thomas meet for the first time. What I love about this fic is that you can see the bits of beliefs and personality that Bruce gets from each of them :)
take me by the hand take, take me somewhere knew by WhatIsAir - Poolverine, complete. Logan has a bit of amnesia after saving the world at the end of the movie, and assumes he and Wade are dating. Shenanigans ensue.
Oh Logan series by LianthLining (ActuallyAMenace) @actually-a-menace - Poolverine, stories complete, series wip. Omegaverse, kinda. A series that looks at Wade and Logan's relationship where Logan is an omega.
only you can make me (scream and beg for more) by yellow_crayon @yellowwwcrayon - Poolverine, wip. Omegaverse, kinda. An update! Logan gets kidnapped. Wade goes off to save his wife with some help from his friends Johnny Storm Captain America and Jessica Bucky. Needless to say, I am Excited for the Shenanigans that are about to ensue.
Save Me (Or Five Times Logan Needed Wade's Help And The One Time He Just Needed Wade) by Curupia @curupia - Poolverine, complete. Logan goes on a series of terrible dates and Wade bales him out. Shenanigans ensue.
How To Pay For Rent by fictionfest @fictionfeast - Poolverine, wip. Wade and Logan pay rent by taking on jobs they (Wade) find on Craigslist. Shenanigans ensue.
make me into something sweet by mothgardens @mothgardens - Poolverine, wip. An update to the teacher AU! Wade and Logan take the drama kids on a trip to an escape room for bonding time :)
Didn't Know How Lost I Was (Until I found You) by lunardeath @angrylittlehoneybadger - Poolverine, wip. No Powers AU. Wade is a cancer survivor who needs a job because America is Terrible when it comes to health care (among other things). He ends up taking a security job at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Oh gee, I wonder who else could be a teacher there... :)))))))))
You had that look in your eyes by jayyxx @ghostycas - Poolverine, complete. Part of the Wade n Logan series. A 5+1 fic where Logan is figuring things out. The other fics in the series are fantastic too, so give them a read as well if you haven't :)
Domestic Poolverine series by jenniferlawrencelover @jenniferlawrencelover - Poolverine, latest fic in series is wip. All the fics in this series is SO GOOD and SO FUNNY and fucked up in the best possible way. I LOVE Logan and Wade's relationship in this fic and all the romantic milestones they go through.
Happy reading!!
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ilyuan · 11 months
First time doing any request!! How do you think Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Childe, Ayato, and Itto (plus whoever else) would react to their partner owning a reptile? I’m gonna be getting a bearded dragon soon <3
🪷 a/n. THATS SO CUTE yesyesyes and good for u!!
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— how they react when they see your pet reptile 🪽
🪷 warnings. mentions of alcohol on kaeya’s part, kaeya being a menace to diluc in diluc’s part, a lil self indulgent, lmk if i missed anything 🤍
- astonished. to say the least. his voice or face doesn’t prove it tho, but trust me he really loves it lol
- tbh, i think diluc would be the type to always want a pet reptile such as a bearded dragon because of their scales, yeah he seems like that type of person
- DEFINITELY tries to befriend it with his bird 😭😭
(it works btw)
- sometimes when he comes back to the winery, he sees your pet and his bird sitting together on a cushion near the windowsill and he texts you about it later on
- kaeya gets confused when he randomly sees your animal just unexpectedly sitting there on the table in the winery
- then diluc tells him it’s his significant other’s, which he is wide-eyed about and says “YOU CAN ACTUALLY PULL PEOPLE?” which you can hear from all the way upstairs 😕
- no diluc slander tho i love him, sorry got too carried away LOL
- but in conclusion, he would check up on your pet every day at a certain time period to see if it’s still sitting in the most random place ever
- “not surprised that you have another thing to love you” is what he instantly says when he notices you cuddling aside your pet on the bed
- your face instantly flushes red 😭
- he adores you sm, he also makes sure to take care of your reptile with you
- sometimes he randomly comes up behind you and whispers into your ear saying stuff like “is your little pet well taken care of?”
- he cares a little too much because he’s jealous of diluc having a pet so he always wanted one too LOL
- he calls the both of you parents of your pet
- he’s one to randomly come into your room in the middle of the night, check if your pet is right next to you, and steal it from your arms while you’re sleeping
- when you wake up you’re so confused, but then you go downstairs to see him giving your pet his favorite alcohol drink as a joke, he wouldn’t actually do that ofc
- when i tell you he loves it, he LOVES it.
- trust, when he first saw it, his eyes were quite literally glittery.
- despite being a dog person because of his dog, he’s one to care for every type of pet
- he’s literally a househusband, do you really expect for him to not care about your baby too?
- LOL other than that, he’s really cute when it comes to taking care of his pets, and yours ofc.
- one time he almost melted because when your reptile tried to bite him, he did NOT see it as a threat at all. the real reason he found it so cute was because the little bite your pet tried to perform failed 😭😭
- he felt so bad when he noticed a little, almost unnoticeable pout on your pet’s face
- has definitely made a little hut for your pet before in your shared bedroom :(( it’s so cute
- definitely treats it like his brother, teucer.
- no like, quite literally almost does the exact same things he does to teucer to your pet.
- it’s cute to watch tho
- one time, he was literally sitting down at the dinner table with your pet in his lap, leaning down a little to spoon feed it a little bit of food.
- exactly like he did with teucer, except they were right next to each other. he spoon fed teucer ALL the time, and now he’s doing it to your baby.
- that’s so cute to think about
- other than that, he’s quite childeish with it. (haha get it? childe-ish? ok that was embarrassing.. anyway..)
- ok but actually, he’s childish with it LMAO
- one time it scratched him, not even making a mark btw, and he came over to you with your reptile in his hand and yelled out
- “this b*tch scratched me!!”
- “lemme see”
- “it didn’t even make a mark, stop being dramatic.”
- he loves it very much tho :))
- “hm. fascinating.” his exact words when he first sees it.
- he acts like it isn’t that important, but one time when you came home from work, your reptile was resting in his luxury bed with your reptile’s required food, except it looked really expensive.
- you instantly assume it was ayato.
- you tell him and he’s like, “mhm?”
- “that’s normal, is it not?”
- he cares for it like he cares for ayaka, but you never catch him doing it
- except for the few times that he said he bought your pet its required food, except he had jars and jars of food in his hands.
- yeah, he cares a lot.
- he sometimes watches it squirm around in its habitat (that he built for it by the way, and despite not being an architect, his luxurious-self that he likes to brag about built it with some of the most finest materials) and listens to the soft sounds of whatever noises it makes.
- instantly tries to pair it up with his beetles.
- he LOVES to bring it to watch his little beetle fighting contests with him
- he records it ofc, then sends it to you while you’re at work, catching you completely off guard when you noticed your little pet right next to him watching the contest.
- has definitely placed it on top of his head and walked home with it constantly touching his horns
- he was giggling the entire time 😭 he’s such a man-baby it’s adorable
- definitely falls asleep with it in your shared bed with the tv playing your favorite song
- he thinks of you all the time when he’s hanging out with your baby :)
- every time you bring up the fact that he got scared when you introduced it to him, he says, “at least i took the fear like a boss!”
- but other than that, he quickly got used to it after you kept randomly jump scaring him with your pet behind his back.
- even one time, when he wasn’t used to it yet, it crawled/slithered up his back when he was asleep and he woke up and screamed for a second louder than the sound barrier which woke you up too 😭😭
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms 🪽
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weirdowithaquill · 9 months
Fish in An Engine's Tank? It's More Likely Than You Think:
So, recently I wrote a story for my 'The World Famous Engine' fic (read here) which focused on the Flying Scotsman getting fish and weeds into his tanks, which clogged up his injector.
While on the surface, this sounds like a rehash of 'Thomas Goes Fishing' from Season 1, it's actually a rehash of a real-life event that happened to 60103 Flying Scotsman in 1958.
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The story of the original incident goes as such: back in the late 1950s, the Flying Scotsman worked on the ex-GCR mainline through Leicester. On the way to London, the injectors failed one after the other, leading to pandemonium on the footplate as they were forced to basically drop the fire at speed and try desperately to get the injectors working again before their engine blew up with a full express. You can imagine their relief when the water started flowing again!
And despite all of this, they were only five minutes late to Marylebone!
The reason for this absolutely frantic and tense few minutes? Well, the outlet pipes from the tender to the injector were protected by wire mesh, which was absolutely clogged with algae and weeds! And then they managed to extract roughly three buckets worth of live fish - and not little minnows, I'm talking bream and rudd - from Flying Scotsman's tender!
And the cherry on top? The fireman, Ken Issett, recalls a lady who said to the crew: "Thank you for my safe journey."
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Yeah, this actually happened. The world's most famous engine was very nearly destroyed by some weeds and fish.
But how did the fish get into Flying Scotsman's tender? The answer lies in where railways got their water supply from: anywhere and everywhere. Railways needed a lot of water in an era when pump infrastructure and feed-water was treated a lot less carefully. Furthermore, a lot of railways (in the UK at least) also owned canals, which they would simply take the water from and use. The water was moved to water towers via either gravity or pumps, and then stored before being loaded into the engine's tanks. And the pipes were big, to handle the amount of water required by steam railways.
Some firemen from the era recall using homemade rods to go fishing in tenders and water towers and catching fish! Others recalled the fact that they disliked going into the water tanks to clean and inspect unless they were ordered to. One account literally says:
'The bigger tanks were best, not the smaller side tanks. Better than the canal, though.’
Another said:
‘On Friday afternoons they had trouble finding cleaners because we were all up in the water tank with rafts!’
From this, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Thomas getting a fish in his tank after having to use a bucket is surprising, not because there was a fish in his tank, but because it wasn't pumped in months ago! Apparently steam locomotives were just massive, unwilling fish tanks.
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Considering this, it's a real wonder that there weren't more stories about fish causing an absolute menace on the railways!
For those who want to read the article this is based on, here is the hyperlink and the URL:
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falconcoast · 2 years
pocky day! | various genshin x reader
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it’s november 11th, aka pocky day! how will your lover react when you suggest a game of pocky!
a/n: had no one to play the pocky game with, so had to write about it T-T take it and enjoy it! (also. like lowkey. isn’t the pocky game a choking hazard)
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you have to explain it to them at least six times until they understand what the game is: and for archons’ knows what reasons, they still don’t really get it when you pull out the box of pocky. they sit awkwardly next to you, holding your hand. they’re bashful as you look straight at them, eagerly chomping on your end. you’re the first to kiss them at the end, and while it didn’t go exactly as planned, you still found their fluster very cute. 
— GOROU, sara, albedo, xiao, eula, shenhe
they catch on pretty quickly with what you’re about to do. they’re kneeling next to you, keeping a level eye contact with you. they also aren’t averse to using underhanded tactics, like tickling your sides or leaving feather-light touches on your arm. at the end, they quickly leave a kiss on your lips before chewing on the rest of the stick. “wanna play again?” they ask, smiling innocently before holding up another stick. 
— THOMA, YELAN, kazuha
they’re actually the one who brings it up first. as soon as you’re in position, they tilt your head up so that you have to look up at them. they’re all up in your lap, wrapping their arms around your neck. they never lose eye contact with you, probably having more passion than anyone else you’ve ever played the pocky game with. at the end, they swiftly delve into a fervent kiss with you. after they pull away, you’re the one left flustered. they only chuckle in response, discarding the box in favor of kissing you once more. 
— AYATO, KAEYA, childe, ningguang
they don’t really see the point in doing it, but go along with it anyways. they’re probably the most normal about the game. they sit close to you, balance the pocky stick between their lips. they get a little closer, and a little closer, until both your lips eventually meet. you both pull away, dizzy in the head and heat on your cheeks heavily. you both confirm that it was, in fact, a draw. 
— ZHONGLI, JEAN, tighnari
absolute menace. they begin the game normally, before snapping the pocky in half accidentally. after seeing your pout, they continue to break off the pocky before you can kiss them. eventually, you have to put your hands on their cheeks and pull them in for a peck. 
— CYNO, itto 
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capnmachete · 1 month
Augusnippets 2024 Path of Comfort Day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
Old Testament, Part 2: Horse Liniment and Idle Speculation Fandom: Peaky Blinders Characters: Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons CW: references to NSFW, profanity, general assholery, M/M, an exchange of what -- for these two stubborn mamzers -- amounts to a declaration of undying love Takes place a week after the events of Old Testament, Part 1. Alfie, predictably, is still achy and bruised and out of sorts. Tommy provides a little TLC. Also here on AO3
OLD TESTAMENT Ch. 2 Horse Liniment and Idle Speculation Tommy eases a leg over Alfie, straddling the big Jew’s thick thighs.  Alfie winces and mutters an unintelligible curse, Tommy's slight weight jarring the still-sore muscles of his lower back.
The rear view is something Tommy never tires of, even now. Alfie’s broad, muscular back is speckled with scars, and decorated with an enormous, vivid tattoo that spans the width of his shoulders – something elaborate and vaguely savage-looking.  A souvenir, according to Alfie, of the seagoing days of his youth.  Merchant navy, he’d told Tommy.  Rite of passage.
Tommy has no idea whether the story is true, or whether Alfie has ever actually set foot on a boat. Alfie says a lot of things, with varying levels of veracity.  Doesn't matter, really. However the tattoo happened, it's fascinating to look at, the thick muscles bunching and tensing under the elaborate swirls of ink. 
All the ink had been a great surprise, the first time Alfie and Tommy had grappled and snogged themselves into a snarling, desperate mess, and torn each other’s kit off.  “Thought your people’s God forbids that sort of thing,” Tommy had remarked afterwards, sweaty and spent, before Alfie pulled his shirt back on.
“Forbids a lot of things, don’t he?” Alfie had rasped agreeably, glancing back over his shoulder to where Tommy lay.  “Man’s gotta exercise his own judgment now and again, yeah?  Decide for himself what’s worth getting smited for and what ain’t.”
The beltmarks that now stripe Alfie's back are healing nicely. Daily applications of horse liniment -- Tommy's favorite cure-all -- gently smoothed on and rubbed in, have gone a long way towards healing both Alfie's foul and indignant mood and the actual bruises. The raised welts are mostly gone now, as is the worst of the bruising, faded now from a vivid purple to a sallow, yellowish hue.
Yellower yet, after Tommy smooths on a handful of the sharp-smelling horse liniment, itself tinted a rather vile yellow. Tommy pours a small amount from the bottle into his cupped hand, and warms it between his palms, before spreading it onto the partly-healed marks.
“Ah – chap nit, you little menace,” Alfie yelps, then hisses through his teeth as the liniment stings a few still-raw spots.  “Treat your horse like a man, and your man like a horse," he grouses, settling again, frowning.  "Typical.”
Tommy cannot disagree, not entirely. It's true -- he does pamper Sheitan, his spirited black stallion. It's what any Romany man worth his salt does; horses are treasured, sacred. Still… “Pot and kettle, Alfie,” Tommy says said mildly, stifling a smile, stroking his hands over Alfie's broad upper back, smoothing in the last of the liniment, before moving on to massage the sore muscles a little lower.  “I can only hope one day you'll treat me as well as you treat Cyril.”
“ ‘s a lovely dream, that is, treacle, but don’t hold your breath, right?”  Alfie rasps with a half smile, glancing back over his own shoulder. And then sucked in a breath, stifling a curse, as Thomas’ knuckles dig into a tender spot – applying a little extra elbow grease to work a knot out.  Alfie blinks back over his shoulder, eyes narrowed and brow lowered. “Fucking hell, ziskeit, if you’re after killing me, just shoot me already and have done with it.  Quicker and less painful.”
“Not anywhere near as satisfying, though,” Tommy reflects, digging in. He smiles to himself as Alfie grumbles, face buried in his folded arms again.  “My horse doesn’t complain near as much as you do; perhaps that’s the reason I'm gentler with him.” Alfie gives him a halfhearted glare, but can't muster up much indignation, too relaxed, soothed into a near-doze by the pleasant weight perched on his thighs and the lovely attention of Tommy's hands, which have finally worked the kinks out of his strained muscles. "Thomas?" he mumbles, stifling a yawn. "Mm?" Tommy, only half-listening, traces the deep furrow that runs down the center of Alfie's back, fingers brushing the near-invisible ginger-gold down that frosts the warm, battered, inked skin. "Maybe I won't kill you after all, yeah?" Alfie muses sleepily. "Suspect -- and this is just idle fuckin' speculation, mind you, so don't go getting bigheaded about it -- suspect maybe I've grown a bit fond of you. You're still fuckin' impossible, and a pain in the backside, but -- " He shrugs, one shoulder rising and dropping lazily. "Glad to hear you've reconsidered. And thank you. I think." Tommy smiles to himself. It's one of those peculiarly-Tommy smiles that only show in the eyes -- something Alfie has in fact grown rather fond of. He clambers down, heading downstairs to wash the horse liniment off his hands and have a smoke. "And likewise," he calls back over his shoulder, after a brief moment of consideration. Although Alfie -- already asleep -- doesn't hear it. ___ mamzer: bastard chap nit: take it easy/ease up Sheitan: Romany for "Satan" ziskeit: sweetie
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homicidal-slvt · 2 years
How Dirty Minded Are They?
Slasher Head-Canons
Brahms Heelshire
Constantly day dreaming about inappropriate things and trying to touch you. An absolute menace.
Hard time keeping his hands to himself, you have to be stern with him if you don't wanna do 'it' and he'll still be pouty about it.
"I don't see why not! Don't you love me?!?"
Thomas Hewitt
Just because he's good at hiding it doesn't mean he isn't a dirty minded guy.
If you bend over in front of him he may lose his composure and just grab you like a sack of taters' hauling your ass up to the bedroom though.
"...... Irritated huff."
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba's dirty mindedness is pretty balanced out, a very private guy who only will open up his more spicy side when alone with you.
Typically pretty calm about it but most definitely fantasizes about you.
"Unintelligible noises"
Michael Myers
Sorry but this big guy doesn't even consider that stuff most of the time, doesn't really fantasize about much other than cold blooded murder.
He'll sometimes think about it though but even if it is on his mind there is no guarantee he has any interest in actually doing it.
"........ Signature head tilt"
Jason Voorhees
Shockingly thinks about that stuff more than Michael does, he's very touch deprived but not knowledge deprived.
He's VERY ashamed of those thoughts though so it'll be a long time if ever that he'll act on them with you or show that side of himself.
"Sound of distant stomps in the woods"
Bo Sinclair
We all know Bo is VERY dirty minded and isn't afraid to constantly remind you of that.
He will tell you all his dirty little thoughts and constantly tease you, however if you dare try to tease him back you're gonna get punished.
"What was that, darlin'?"
Vincent Sinclair
Not as much as his twin but don't be fooled by his silence, he thinks about doing MANY things to you more often than you'd imagine.
Typically he doesn't really express these thoughts, however with time he'll let you know just how much he really desires you.
"You're so pretty like that."
Lester Sinclair
Look- this guy fucking adores you in every way and will express it also in every way. His dirty mindedness is- weirdly wholesome.
Will voice his fantasies to you whenever you two are alone, loves it if he can make you flustered but not in a sadistic way like, Bo.
"You're just the cutest darn thing, honeybee."
Billy Lenz
There is no way around it, this guy is thinking at least some form of a dirty thought nearly 24/7. Even if it's just a dirty joke.
Cannot help himself. Just constant degrading pet names and descriptions of what he'd like to do to you.
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yahoodarling · 7 months
Yandere Thoma/Ayato X Isekaied GN Reader
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Warnings: Posted in comments to avoid spoilers, please read them if you wish to avoid potential triggers.
Chapter 2: 6k+- words, Chapter 3
Full Fic option: 20k words
The words Ayato left with you clung to your mind, in all this time interacting with ‘characters’ you haven't once seen anything alter the course of the world yet. Perhaps it's a twisted Butterfly effect and your actions have changed something you cannot see but Teyvat was still intact and no news of a newly declared war has come about (for whatever reasons your actions may potentially had started a war in the first place). Perhaps the time of paranoia can finally come to an end and you can ‘live' a little, truly live here if it means spending the rest of your life in this world. You also owe it to Thoma. You've done everything in your power to avoid him when he's done nothing less but show genuine interest in getting closer to you and with Ayato's words you can confirm that you've hurt him. In your time knowing him, truly knowing him, not as a character reading lines of script, not as a collection of pixels on a screen but as a real person with flesh and feelings, it's really made you appreciate him more than anything one could feel for a fictional character. Thoma is not fictional in this world and in this world he looked to you for a friendship, you lead him on in your weakness and now he has to face the loss because of your choices. Ayato was right, you truly don't have the right to make this decision but the least you can do is make up for your mistakes and keep your promises. Teyvat isn't going to fall apart just because you want a friend, what led you to think you could change the fate of the universe in the first place? Fate is a strong thing, it will not break so easily just because you exist. The rest of the ‘plot’ will go on as normal, the ‘hero’ is most likely still in Sumeru sorting out their issues and that ‘hero’ can go on and change Teyvats fate, you can sit still, live a normal life and they can keep the story going. 
You decide the best way to apologise is to show Thoma you genuinely care and the best way to do that, (other than actually talking to him) is to do what he's already established means a lot to him, make something. Thoma loves to see the effort people put into something much more than the actual execution of it. You are hardly a master baker yet he savours what you bake like it's been done by a professional, so play to your strengths. You finish your work day, inform your boss you will no longer be taking the overtime and rest for the day. Not wanting to rush into things too quickly you wait a few days and in your spare time make a batch of miso butter cookies and a simple fresh loaf of shokupan on the day you decide to meet him. It being a weekend you were off work but that also meant Thoma wouldn't be in the city, he does his trips here only during the week when he needs specific supplies for his upkeep of the clans residence. Taking a walk to the Kamisato Clan is quite the walk but you owe it to him to get this done, he can't be the one to keep chasing after you, you need to show you want to be close as well. 
You arrive midday, the walls of the clan still so daunting, and walk to the entrance where the clans guards await, noticing your presence long before you could actually stand before them. 
“Good day, I am here to deliver something to Thoma.”
The guard eyes you but responds, “He's out. If you have any deliveries you can leave them here where they will be checked before entering the clan.”
Thoma isn't here? Shit. That makes this whole thing a bust. 
“Do you know where he's gone or when he'll come back? I'd prefer to see him in person.”
“No. Please leave any packages here and-” the guard was cut off as the man of the house walked up to the entrance, Ayato offered a slight smile, perhaps to ease your nerves at the guard's menacing stance though that is his job, before turning to said guard.
“They are a guest and are welcome to the clan. Thank you for serving your duties but they are free to enter.”
The guard bowed and uttered a small, “Yes my lord.”
Ayato then stood to the side to allow you in, his arm outstretching the direction in welcoming. 
“Ayaka and I were just having tea in the break of our schedules. Please do join us.”
Well it seems you will be meeting Ayaka (for the second time), not expected, not something you were prepared for but if you are to truly let go of your worries then meeting Ayaka should not be a problem. 
You follow suit and see Ayaka sitting at the table on the outside courtyard , she smiled in greeting as you and Ayato approached. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Ayaka Kamisato.” she nodded in greeting. It's a little difficult to respond to people such as Ayaka and Ayato whom are so versed in proper Inazumaian etiquette but you've been in Inazuma for long enough to have picked up some things. You bow slightly in turn, “A pleasure as well Lady Ayaka, thank you for welcoming me to your home.” You responded in a similar way when first meeting Ayato though you imagine conversing with him from now on would be a lot more relaxed after your previous meetings. Said man indicated for you to sit beside his sister which you did, form a lot less refined compared to the pair of siblings. 
“Ayaka, this is the person Thoma has been talking about as of late. A new friend to the Kamisato Clan.”
“Oh! It's truly wonderful to put a face to a name. Thoma has spoken only positives about you. What brings you here?”
You look down to the wooden box in your hand, your apology gift. 
“I need to speak with Thoma and give him something.”
You don't even need to look at Ayato to know that he's fully aware of what your meeting with Thoma is all about.
“I see. He's gone out for a walk at the moment but should be back soon. Anyway,” it felt like ice drawn at the blunt way she changed the topic. She quickly turned back to Ayato, more specifically the paper in her hands, with a look of true delight on her face. 
“The travellers' tales of Sumeru are incredible! Such a different place but the stories they are embarking on are memorising.” her eyes had a sheen to them, not the gloss of tears but of something you couldn't exactly tell what it embodied. 
“Their letter details so much, the food, the culture, the people as well as all the situations they've ended up in.” she giggles, lifting her hand to cover her joy but not truly caring about it since she was in such comfortable company which is… odd considering you just met. 
Ayato looks at you with a quick strained smile, almost to say, ‘sorry she's overlooking you’ but quickly returned to paying his attention to Ayaka. 
“I am not surprised they often find themself in trouble haha though it is good to know they are enjoying their time there. Do they mention when they may return to Inazuma?”
Ayaka looks slightly dejected at that, “No. They say they need to stay in Sumeru for now but will come to the next major festival if they can.” she takes a deep breath in and releases it. “I hope it's soon. I want to hear all these stories from their mouth rather than just as words on a page.”
So Ayaka also has that ‘crush’ on the traveller which was very heavily implied in the game. That must be the reason she is so relaxed and open with her emotions here. 
She looked back down at the letter, a soft smile developing. “I hear Yoimiya is planning on taking a trip to Sumeru in the future, perhaps I can ask her to deliver a token from me to the traveller while she is there.”
Ayato's smile remained as always listening to his sister but the small crinkle of the wrinkles by his eyes increased slightly for but a moment before relaxing. His wrinkles… a pity the game models of the characters didn't implement small details such as those. It would have been interesting to see what small features the characters had ‘realistically’ that weren't shown. Would Jean have bags around her eyes? Would Albedos skin have a slight difference of texture than normal? Perhaps Cyno has a more defined tan or Xiangling having slight burn blisters on her hands from cooking and her vision? You've only had a closer look at Thoma and he was so much more ‘real’ than just a 2D image which was slightly unsettling at first but normal now. What interesting things to think about…
“How about you join her?”
Your fascination died instantly. What? No, Ayaka will NOT be joining Yoimiya, that's not how it goes. Ayaka will deny or something will stop her.
“Really? But what of my responsibilities? I don't even know if she'd accept me joining.”
“Do not fret, I will have your duties covered and Yoiymiya is your friend, I think she'd appreciate getting to share the trip with you. You deserve a break as well and I see no better opportunity than this.”
No, no, no, no you won't because she's not going. 
Ayaka stood up, elation beaming off of her while she clutched the letter closer to her. 
“Thank you brother! Oh I must ask Yoimiya right away!” 
She bowed and made haste out the residence not even sparing you a glance, to her you were a nobody. Her mind was solely on making this trip. 
You sat in shock, in the past her forgetting about you would be amazing, proof of your ‘npcness’ but you only felt stunned. Ayaka doesn't go to Sumeru, only Yoiymiya does for her second story quest, Ayaka is not involved, Ayaka does not show up, Ayaka is not part of that plot!
“I'm glad she can have a chance to experience the world outside the residence though having to cover for her duties will prove tedious.” Ayato shook his head, then chuckled. “But I'm not opposed to it for this.”
Just how- how has your involvement changed this?! It must be your fault, it can only be your fault, the story has gone on exactly as it was shown in the game so why is this different? What could you have done to make Ayaka go? 
“Hmm?” Ayato noticed your silence, “Is something the matter?”
You swallow the spit that had accumulated in your mouth and regained as much composure as possible. “Yes yes I am fine I just- I just need to go have a quick walk by myself. I will be back soon.” It's all you could say. Your mind switched to autodrive in shock and walked you away, neither mind nor eyes truly focusing on anything but your legs walking you a path you've taken many times before yet never once stepped on, into the forests behind the clan house. 
Walking in the tanuki filled forest may not have been the best idea, you recall ingame how Hilichurls and Fatui mages are ‘spawned’ here yet your walk was nothing but peaceful. The sound of the stream was somewhat calming, it helped you to think logically. Just because Ayaka says she's going to go on this trip doesn't mean she actually will, something will happen that will prohibit her from going to Sumeru. She is a very important character, her absence in Inazuma may cause something terrible to happen that didn't ingame. Maybe she helps a person in need ‘canonically’ but because in this existence she leaves for Sumeru she isn't there to save said person, that person dies or many people die which could upset their families which could cause them to lose faith in the (police) which could lead to disrupt in the city which could… which could… leave blood spilt? 
You stopped your rambling thoughts, eyes zoning in on the pools of blood on the moss covered stones. Whatever caused this is nothing you should get involved in, until a sound of a strangled hiss, electro energy popping and fizzing in the air, a shriek of vengeance and then… nothing. The sound came from further ahead to the right behind a large mound, you watch to see the source, feet ready to run away as the slightest threat. Footsteps sounded and around the bend came a semi dirt covered Thoma, looking ahead with a solemn expression, seemingly dazed. His chest huffed out periodic breaths of air to regain himself and latestly wiped off his brow and took out a cloth and dabbed at the specks of blood on his clothes and arms, while doing so he turned and saw you standing motionless, eyes awide and still in semi shock. Almost instantly devastation fell upon his face, his eyes sunk in immediate sadness, he just looked at you for a second, whatever his thoughts were were his own, before quickly putting the cloth away and rushed to step towards you. 
“Please just- i'm just doing my duty, I don't mean-, i'm not…” the more he tried to justify himself the more he seemed to sink into his own hole. 
“I know this looks bad, you are the last person I'd want to see me like this but-” he took a deep breath in, steeled himself to elaborate properly, “it's to protect the clan. Fatui spies, rogue samurai, rival clans, a lot of them come here to spy on the clan or put us at risk, i'm just doing my duty and protecting the people who protect me.” he looked at you earnestly, hoping for your understanding, hoping you don't see him as a murderer, hoping to retrain the image of an amicable person but his soft smile of a plea also held the acceptance that you may not acknowledge his reasonings, that you'd turn your back and leave. 
You do understand, you do know Thoma isn't a harmless friendly face, that he can and will do what must be done for the people he cares about, it's just that… it's a little hard to easily be calmed even with that notion when the very real blood and remains of that dedication is shown spewed across the forests floor, it's not something any ‘average’ person would not react to but still, this is Thoma, he has his reasons, it was done in the name of goodwill and he's trying to explain it to you. 
You take a few steps towards him and offer a hesitant smile, “I get it, I don't see you as any less than before.”
Before you even regain your senses properly you feel his arms around you, tight and secure, his hand cupping the back of your head and hiding his face in your shoulder, so desperate to have the reassurance that it's okay but still hesitant to look at you, like you may change your mind. 
“Thank you… archons above I was worried I've scared you. My word, that's the last thing I'd want…” she shook his head slightly, took one last deep breath and moved back up, his hands grasping your shoulders lightly, you could see his face up close now and he finally allowed himself to look at you, his face held a smile. “I am so happy to see you!” the heavy atmosphere diminished as Thomas usual radiance shone, “Haha, what are you doing here? It's been ages, the last place I thought I'd see you was all the way here.”
“Oh yeah, I actually came to apologise about that, about being distant. It wasn't right of me to just cut you off, I'm sorry.”
He stayed silent, only looking at you, his eyes softened and nose wrinkled in his genuine expression of embrace. “Dont worry about it, I was clingy, I'm just glad to know you are here now. I'm really happy about that.” he chuckled and shifted his weight to point you back up the path to the Kamisato residence. 
“Let's go catch up shall we?”
On the walk back up you explained to Thoma your ‘reason’ for avoiding him (your half lie, half truth reason), the same one you told Ayato. You are shy and get intimidated by how social he is. Thoma nodded at your explanation, expressed his apologies for not noticing your discomfort and promised from now on he'll be more aware when you are together and not encourage meeting with others you aren't comfortable with. The walk was nice, a bit strained because of the topic but after all the knots had been loosened it felt good to be relaxed with him again. 
You two entered the Yashiro court again, Ayato still sat at the table reading through some papers. Thoma turned to you, “Oh sorry, meeting with Ayato was one of the things that made you uncomfortable right? We could go somewhere else to catch up?”
“No it's alright, I met with him earlier when I arrived. I told him I'd return so it would be rude not to haha.”
The noise must have alerted said man, Ayato peaked his head up and greeted the both of you with a smile as you walked towards him and sat down.
“The both of you have returned safely from your walks then, it's good to see. How was it?”
Thoma hesitantly chuckled, “Haha, came across some trouble but nothing I can't iron out. Otherwise we just had a little talk.”
Ayato nodded and hummed.
You remember your carrier box filled with the apology gifts for Thoma and opened it.
“Thoma, I made some more biscuits and bread and wanted to give them to you, to further state my apology.”
“oh? Perfect then, we can have them with tea.” Ayato must have had someone refill the teapot while you were away as Thoma poured you both cups of steamed golden liquid and refilled Ayatos. Thoma took a biscuit and devoured it in delight, did he always over exaggerate when eating the things you baked or was his reaction authentic? 
“Ayato, would you like one? They really are divine.”
“No thank you. It would be wrong of me to strip you of your joy haha.”
It was odd but so welcoming to be able to have a casual conversation with the two. It seemed easy to get lost in Thomas stories, he seemed fully invested in everything he spoke of and when listening he truly captured every word. Ayato, though not as vocal as Thoma when he did speak his words were like a maze you'd have to do a small mental puzzle to understand if they were a wise response or a guileful remark coming from his teasing nature. Though harder to understand, Ayato's words were still a welcoming part of the conversation as the three of you went on to drink and share. 
Ayato shuffled his papers, putting them to the side, even on his supposed break he was reading through documents, Thoma hummed, took a quick look around then returned his gaze on Ayato.
“Where is Lady Ayaka? I thought you two were having this tea break to discuss something.”
Oh wait… Ayaka…
“Yes, she received a letter from the traveller today and was eager to share it, haha she truly is fascinated with that adventurer. She's not here at the moment however, she's gone to speak with Yoimiya. She says Yoimiya will be taking a trip to Sumeru in the future and has gone to ask if she may join.”
“Oh that's wonderful!-” Thoma hesitated, “Oh but doesn't she have some important meetings lined up these coming months with the shrine? There were those exchanges that need to be made, some deliberations about the upcoming festivals… as supportive as I am about her going on a trip, it doesn't seem doable with just how much is installed for these next 3 or 4 months.”
Oh Thoma you are truly a blessing, not only are you a true friend but you reestablished that the ‘plot’ wont change. You mouth a soundless thanks to him. 
Ayato hummed and tapped his quill* rhythmically on the table. “That is true but I want Ayaka to enjoy her years and not only focus herself on clan affairs, this trip is a good first opportunity to see the world outside Inazuma and with Yoiymiya as her travel partner I do not doubt they will have a good time. As for the workload-” Ayato reached over to the paper stack and shifted through them, “I was busying myself with planning and rearranging the meetings and visits she had in the time I expect her departure will be. It is more work but it will be rewarding, you'll see.”
Thoma seemed confused, it seemed from the look on his face he was doing the same as you when it comes to Ayato's words, figuring out the puzzle but if there was an underlying meaning to his words you didn't detect them, Ayato was simply stating facts and expectations yet Thomas silence ment he was looking for more than just that. Whatever mental games Thoma was tackling he must have failed, he chuckled and melted back into his relaxed self. 
“I'm glad then, it will be good for her.”
No… no this isn't right. There will be something, something will stop her from going, there must be. 
“mhm, I only await to hear back from her and her meet with Yoiymiya, I don't see any reason why she would decline.”
Yoiymiya will decline, she will, she must. 
“oh? Are you okay?” Ayato looks at you in concern, he puts his quill* down and gives you his full attention. 
“Is something the matter? Whatever it is, I am sure we can address it.”
“No, no its okay I just realised- I had some serious stuff to do for work which i've forgotten.” 
Ayato's face turns to mock surprise, you know he didn't believe you but he doesn't comment on it, Thoma does the same but you can detect the small quiver of his smile in disappointment that you are leaving so soon.
“Oh dear! Do you need help getting back home?”
“no no, i'll be fine thank you” you rush to stand up and then smile down to the two. “Thank you for today but I must go. Enjoy your afternoon.” you rush pleasantries and are out the gate before the two could press you further on your actions. 
You've done it again, you came here to try to fix things but you've just made a mess. You can try to fix it tomorrow, for now the more pressing thoughts of the potential Sumeru trip Ayaka will go on drowned out any other thoughts. You walk home rushed, the long walk not helping much to ease your nerves, you can only hope fate will prevail and Ayaka will stay in Inazuma. 
Ayato and Thoma sat in silence as you left, mutual understanding of the odd nature of your departure yet not wanting to address it.
“So… your ‘walk’ was fruitful then?”
“Just a few stray Hilichurls and a Fatui mage but it's been sorted.”
“Thoma, you know securing the perimeter is not part of your duties, you needn't lie about the reasoning for going out.”
Thoma did not respond. 
Ayato breathed in deeply, “I am not opposed to you going out to release your emotions but I worry you may get caught up in them only to further feed into your obsessions.”
“I'm not obsessed! I'm just-” he grit his teeth in his own turmoil, “I don't want to label these feelings as ‘obsession’, that wouldn't be right to them. I don't know, I still don't know. When they stopped talking to me it felt like I'd lose them forever, that everyday I don’t see them with my own eyes is a day that they may disappear and I know that sounds obsessive but… but I don't want to call it that. I just don't…”
Ayato soaked up his friend's words like a sponge and as always his responses were either clear or muddled with undertone, this time Thoma could tell instantly Ayato's words were transparent.
“You need not worry yourself about labelling your feelings then, you two are back in contact and there is still a future for you to explore what the emotions you are holding mean. Just do not lose sight of your health and those around you, even obsession can be tamed. “
The next few months were both easier and harder than the times you were avoiding Thoma. Sure, you lessened your workload and your health improved, you stayed in contact with Thoma, not as much as before but still enough to bond over. It was good to have a friend again and the feeling was mutual, every time you did meet he seemed eager to enjoy it to its fullest. You had even met with Ayato a few more times, never to the extent of Thoma but at least it became comfortable to sit and have tea with the both of them in a relaxed manner but that was the positives, the looming threat of Ayaka changing the plot was a heavy cloud always looming. The few occasions she saw you she was cordial and respectful but her interest glossed right over like you didn't even exist. She and Yoimiya made plans, fulfilled the work she could and now here you stand on the beach you woke up on exactly 2 years ago, 2 years since you randomly came to be here in Teyvat, the same day fate was changed and both Yoimiya and Ayaka were set sail for Sumeru. 
In blunt terms, youve fucked up. This was pure proof of your paranoia, this was proof your existence can cause the plot to change and the realisation of just how helpless you are in this situation dawned on you. The very act of your existence, whether you interact with those deemed ‘special’ or not, can and will change the story and you can only wonder if it will end well or if you've led something to doom. 
It's not fair, it's not fair at all. Even though you've been friendly with Thoma recently it's not like you can truly confide in him and he's just a painful reminder of your mistakes. The burden of wearing this responsibility, one you didn't even know how to fulfil, one you failed to fulfil, it's unfair. You are only human, you have needs to fulfil and ‘dying’ isn't one of them…
But is it moral to be so selfish as to care about your own being when putting the risk of others on the line? Ayaka is gone from Inazuma, just how many people was she meant to interact with if she stayed? How will her presence in Sumeru affect the story? If you guess right the ‘hero' should be done with the main quest of Sumeru if it means Yoimiyas story quest can start but what if something happens that prohibits the plot for future stories? What of Ayakas presence delays the ‘hero’, even for a minute, in which that minute was originally meant for something in the greater scheme of things? 
This is awful… this isn't right. Not only has living become so difficult because of the constant nagging of anxieties and worries but you also have the potential to be responsible for disaster simply by existing. 
It isn't right… it isn't right you afflict this world with your existence and the threat it brings. 
Two years ago when you awoke on this beach you hoped to retain a normal life, perhaps find a way back home but at the very least, set up a life for yourself, an npc life but at least something. It's only fitting that you felt you had to come here, to kneel in the sand and watch how its granules slip through your fingers, it's because you exist that this sand is moving… it's only fitting that you finally come to the conclusion that you must die while being here. This is the place of your ‘birth’ into this world, perhaps it can be the place of your death as well. Not ‘death’, not some convoluted meaning of ‘dying' and becoming a new person, no you need to die. You need to die to ensure the people of Teyvat can remain on course. You are the virus here, you are the disease you need… you need to die.
Tears ran down your cheeks at such a resolute statement, sure youve thought about it all but now and truly you've decided that this is it, that you must do this. It's not like you want to die, not on a personal scale, but on a mental and emotional scale all this is too much, too much to bear and too much to live through. 
It's not fair to leave the people you've so selfishly afflicted with your presence without giving them a reason but you are too much of a coward to tell it to their face. It wouldnt go well if you were to stand infront of Thoma and tell him you were going to kill yourself, thats for sure but at the very least he could get some form of an explanation. 
You decide tonight is not the night you die, that would be tomorrow, you stand up from the ground and walk home, the weight of your choice still as raw as the moment you decide it, death is no light matter after all. 
You get home, a small space a person like yourself could afford, only the basics of furniture and 2 rooms. There under your door lay a letter, you pick it up and sit at your table where unblemished paper sat to become future suicide notes. Taking a look at the letter it was sealed in wax, the crest of the Kamisato Clan dug into its mass. 
You open it,
‘Dearist   XXXX
May this letter find you well. Both Thoma and myself wish to invite you for a stay at the Kamisato Clan as both a guest and a friend. The changing season brings a beautiful opportunity to witness it first hand as the trees take on their new hues and the oceans change their tides, you are welcomed to join us. Thoma sends his best wishes but asks for them to properly be said in person rather than in post. We eagerly await your response. 
Haha… how casual for a man like him… haha… haha here you are preparing to write letters announcing your death to them and yet they think only of including you in their lives. Haha… how horrible, how utterly vile it is to be able to experience emotions such as these. These feelings only prove your point more. You put the letter to the side and stared blankly at the response you are going to reply with, oh of only it were as optimistic and welcoming as theirs was.
You tried to make it easy for both yourself and those intended to read it. You state that the mistakes of your past have lay heavy on you and that death is the only relief, that you are sorry you cannot return the sentiment of friendship and must lay your mistakes to rest.
To Thoma you leave a more personal note, telling him that he made your life here in Inazuma so much better, that it was only in the moments with him you forgot your ‘mistakes’ for even a moment and for that you are grateful. It's true, it's only Thoma who made you forget the fact you don't belong here when you spend time with him. Sending this letter to him is assured to rip his heart, he sees you as a friend and he's going to beat himself at the thought that he did not help you enough to make you feel you'd want to stay, that he wasn't a good friend, which is not true at all but you know there is little you can do to convince him otherwise. In a moment of distressed induced vulnerability, with tears in your eyes you state something so cliche as that perhaps in another life you two may be able to have the friendship you both craved in this life, if only there is a case of reincarnation and you may be born in the same universe as him and live that life with no burdens or guilt of your existence. 
To Ayato you are more cordial, less emotional or descriptive but you tell him that he was right on that day in the rain, that there is a deeper problem than you just being ‘introverted’, otherwise you keep it professional. 
After the hardest two were done it was rather simple, it's not like you have any friends or family to write to and sending a letter to the street vendor you buy from doesnt make sense. You do write a letter and tell your boss that you simply will not be returning to work, you don't say why, and that you thank him for all the opportunities and help he has given you. 
For once it was easy to fall asleep, for the first time in 2 years the moment you lay your head on your pillow you were unconscious. For once you've felt the release of the burden you feel and the comfort that will come when your plague on this world is done. You are so tired and finally you can rest. 
The next day went on simply, it was a weekday and you went to work, in the afternoon you submitted your letters to the post and walked back home, taking in the scenery of Inazuma. This will be the last time you walk these streets. You wait at home quietly, have a decent meal and enjoy the sounds from outside of leaves and people. You felt in an odd state all the way through the day, like your senses were hypersensitive noticing the slightest thing around you which was lovely. You got to focus on the squirrles you passed on your way to work, the smell of baked bread smelled heavenly once again like it had the first day you were in the bakery, the pink and purple blossoms of the trees were so vibrant on your way home. You had given the shop vendor a smile and a wave as you passed her, that day you felt no burden, no grief. You only had one more step to take, the hard part was already over with. 
In the late evening you stood by that beach again, the view was incredible. You sat down in the sand and got comfortable leaning against a rock and letting the tide touch the tips of your toes. You were naughty today, you bought enough substances from clinics or herb stands to be sure you felt good in your last moments. You took them quickly and then rested your head back against the rock, letting the sound of waves softly crashing, leaves rustling and the odd animal chirp lull your mind. It took some effort not to fall asleep just yet, you blinked your eyes harshly and woke yourself up a bit. This part was slightly uncomfortable, the beach you woke up on had a slight cliff, nothing you'd die by jumping off of, it was just a little steep incline but it was enough. You took a large rock from nearby and rolled it closer to the edge, tying a rope around and around your ankle. Drowning didn't seem like a peaceful death but at least like this your body can be washed into the sea where it can decay in peace without traumatising a random person strolling the beach. You relaxed and took out the large knife you had brought with you. Bleeding out decreases the time by knocking yourself out and not having enough energy to wake up in the water and struggle. You should be numb enough now. You closed your eyes and cut lengthwise, both arms, a leg… you tried your neck but even drugged up that was beyond doable. You didn't even register when you had stopped, you didn't see the blood flowing or feel the pain as it pooled, slowly your will died out as everything became hazed. It was a feeling, not a good or bad one, you couldn't even think. You felt the weight on your ankle tug, your consciousness dropping and allowing the gravity to pull you away. Black. 
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imtrashbutcute · 9 months
ATEEZ if they were dropped inside Genshin Impact
AN: I know there’s a term for this exact scenario but I can’t quite think of what it is exactly XD also, I’ll probably end up making this a full series if y’all want it. A couple of my friends ( @joychiri and @chuimoon 💜💜) and I randomly got the idea of what it would be like if the members of ATEEZ were suddenly dropped into the Genshin Impact universe so here’s what we ended up with.
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Hongjoong would probably end up being dropped in Fontaine because with their fashion and technology, it’d be one of the most fitting places for him to end up. He’d more specifically land somewhere in the Court of Fontaine. He’d probably end up with either a dendro or hydro vision, but I’m leaning a bit more toward a dendro vision because of his pursuit of learning and trying out different styles of music. Hongjoong also gives off bow-user vibes, similar to Tighnari and Collei.
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Seonghwa would end up somewhere in Liyue when he first gets dropped in Teyvat. I’d wager either around Stone Gate or in Jueyun Karst. There isn’t as much of a reason compared to Hongjoong, it’s really just the vibes he gives off. He’d probably end up with a cryo vision which is fitting because of the fact that he originally was going to be a rapper but ended up debuting as a vocalist. That, along with his insecurities when it came to his singing voice predebut, adds to why he’d have a cryo vision. Seonghwa would be a sword user for fairly obvious reasons (Wonderland, Kingdom version to be specific).
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Yunho would end up landing in Mondstat. Probably somewhere just outside of the main city, like Springvale. I don’t have a specific reason why, but Yunho would have a hydro vision. As much as I want to say that he’d be a claymore user, I feel like he’d actually be a catalyst user, similar to Neuvillette. He just gives me hydro catalyst vibes.
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Now Yeosang is a unique one. He’d also land in Fontaine, probably somewhere near Marcotte Station. This is mainly because of Yeosang’s love of building and flying drones. I feel like he’d end up welding two visions. The first one being anemo because predebut Yeosang and up until fairly recently when he decided to suddenly beef up, that man was a bit of a twink (I say with the most love possible). I have yet to see a male anemo user that isn’t a twink. I feel like he’d also end up wielding a dendro vision because of his insane duality. Plus, that one performance of Bouncy where he’s in the green shirt, forest fae princess vibes right there. He also would probably end up being a catalyst user because, once again, fae princess.
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San would probably end up in one of the abandoned villages located on Serai Island which is in Inazuma. He honestly gives me Inazuma vibes, which is one of the biggest reasons that he’d end up there. I could see him having an electro vision. Once again, no specific reason, it’s just the vision that I think fits him best. San would also wield either a sword or a polearm. I’m leaning more towards a polearm because of his martial arts training, plus I imagine him doing the types of aerials that Thoma does when he’s using his elemental skill.
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Mingi would land either in Sumeru or Inazuma. If he were to land in Sumeru, it’d probably be in either Gandharva Villa or Port Ormos. If he landed in Inazuma, however, he’d probably end up near the Kamisato Estate or somewhere in Ritou. With his passion and fire (no pun intended) that he displays when he’s rapping, I imagine him with a pyro vision. Plus his stage presence is also very fitting for his vision. Mingi would probably end up as a claymore user similar to Dehya and Diluc and have a quicker attack sequence similar to how Itto’s attack pattern is in game.
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Wooyoung, the brat that he is, would also end up in Liyue. The Heavenly Principles had probably intended for him to land elsewhere, but he’d likely will himself to land in Liyue with Seonghwa, just to be a menace to him. They likely would still be separated but would be the first to reunite because Wooyoung is persistent. He’d end up having an anemo vision because, once again, I have yet to see a non-twink male anemo character. Plus, that one move in Crazy Form he does before the chorus, twink behavior and no one can convince me otherwise. I can see him using a polearm because of how agile that man is. Like, I’d say he’s about as agile as Xiao with the personality of Heizou.
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Now last, but certainly not least, we have Jongho. Jongho would probably end up on Sumeru. More specifically he’d probably end up in either Sumeru City or Port Ormos. I would envision him with a geo vision because of his steadfastness and commitment to his craft. Plus, he just seems like he’d have a geo vision. Lastly, I think he’d use either a claymore like Navia and Itto or a polearm like Zhongli and Yun Jin.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
Katie, congrats on your milestone !! <3 I don’t think that sub rosa Bradley would ever actually be this ballsy—lest Iceman might literally kill him—but please indulge me for a second 😂 I can’t stop thinking Bradley fingering lil Kazansky under the table at a family dinner because she’s been teasing him all day before they had to go to her parents’ house. The whole family is there along with Mav and Penny. Bradley’s hand slowly creeping up her thigh, discreetly making its way under her dress and making her breath hitch, nearly choking on her drink, his movements painfully slow so as not to alert anyone of what’s going on, but also to punish her for teasing him, and stopping right before she can reach her high and leaving her a flustered mess :)
- @sugarcoated-lame 🥰🫶🏼🫶🏼
She’s a tease at the best of times but this past weekend, when all of them have been invited to her father’s lake house for the Fourth of July weekend — she has been an absolute menace.
Asking him to reapply the sunscreen on her shoulders, pushing her ass back against him as he had.
Looking him dead in the eyes, ice-cream on her lips, being extra slow to lick it back off.
Falling into bed last night wearing not a stitch of clothing, claiming that it would just be too warm otherwise — knowing that these old beds creak and her family were right down the hall.
Today, he has been avoiding her as much as he can and being an excellent future son in law. Her mother is really starting to warm up to him, and Mav always tries to vouch for his good character so that’s a bonus too.
Becoming an expert at this game now, Bradley makes it impossible for her to get him alone all day. So, she takes matters into her own hands. He’s sitting out on the back porch on the left of Thomas Kazansky when his phone buzzes with a text message from her. He should know better but he opens it out of instinct.
Bradley almost chokes on his beer at the sight of a picture that he took himself suddenly appearing on his own screen. It’s her, on her back in his bed. Bathed in the glow of his lamp, completely naked and her eyelids heavy with lust, not sleep. His fingers are in her mouth, his cum is coating her tits, and his still hard cock is just between her legs.
Her face isn’t in it completely, but either way Bradley’s first instinct is almost to toss his phone into the lake rather than get caught looking at a photo like this by his future father in law. And boss. Fuck, he forgets that Ice is his boss.
He shoves his phone into his pocket and turns his head, watching her lift her head and smile sweetly over at him from where she is playing with her nieces.
Bradley has tried to let go of the grudges he holds, and he’s working on telling himself that retaliation isn’t worth it. But today, she needs to learn.
He settles in beside her at dinner. It’s nice, a candlelit meal on the back porch, overlooking the lake with everyone that they love most in the world. Bradley slips his hand into hers, lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles softly.
To everyone else, he looks like the perfect gentleman as he brings their hands under the table and squeezes hers softly in his. He grabs his beer and takes a calm sip as he uncurls his fingers from hers and digs them into her thigh.
Her eyes widen. She bites her cheeks immediately. She was beginning to wonder when he would break.
Conversation carries on around them. Bradley is polite and engaged as his fingers dip under that pretty little skirt of hers and circle her clit until she’s soaking the pads of his fingers through her underwear.
She always fidgets so much when he’s touching her like this. She sips nervously at her wine glass, reaching down and curling her fingers around his wrist.
“Bradley,” She leans across to him, frowning softly. “I — I can’t… in front of all these people.”
“Feels like you can.” Bradley answers her, his face as calm as if they were talking about the weather. His fingers ditch her clit abruptly, making her jolt towards her wine glass. She grips his wrist tightly as he sinks two fingers into her at once.
Her eyes are ablaze — she loves when he takes charge like this, but god she wishes they were anywhere but here. She swallows softly, turning her head to stare at her silverware as his fingers curl into the plush of her walls, white knuckling the edges of her chair.
Her stomach grows tighter and she’s the furthest thing from engaged. Bradley’s deep in conversation with her sister, listening tentatively as he fucks his fingers in to her. Finally, she grabs at his wrist and squeezes tight. He pulls his fingers from her and relents, giving her thigh a soft squeeze.
“Are you going to behave now?” Bradley asks calmly, taking a swig of his beer. She swallows, then gives a shake of her head, wetting her lips with his tongue.
Bradley’s cock twitches in his pants as she turns her head to look at him, eyes serious.
“Meet me inside in three minutes.” She breathes out, excusing herself politely before he’s got a chance to argue. Bradley exhales softly, lips quirking to himself as he takes another drink. Really, he wouldn’t have this any other way.
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