#and any time henry looks at thomas he looks like he wants to burst into tears
cosmic-walkers · 5 months
what the hell, was the relationship between henry and thomas in the tudors?? they are a trainwreck in the making T-T
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blackbirdi · 7 months
Brief Description: Sometimes it feels like the Glade could be the most boring place in the world and at times like that you have to make your own fun, your own reckless fun. One person in particular however is not pleased with your recklessness.
Point of View: 2nd Person
Word Count: 962
Character: Newt x Reader
Book: The Maze Runner (Pre-Thomas)
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Sitting in the Med-Jack hut, you swing your legs as you sit on the bed, waiting for Jeff to tell you you're free to go.
You didn't mean to land yourself in the Med-Jack hut, you were just trying to have some fun with your friends as you all had the afternoon off. It was hot out today so you all went to the edge of the Deadheads to hide in the shade the trees give. It wasn't long before you suggested that you climb the trees and try and find some of the Beetle Blades. Surprisingly you did find one, however it wasn't in the way you wanted to. It kind of just popped out of nowhere right in front of your face, scaring the living klunk out of you.
Out of shock (and fright) you had let go of the branch you were holding onto and dropped eight feet, landing flat on your back, leaving you breathless.
Your friends immediately ran over to see if you were okay, after you caught your breath you replied that you were fine, but your friends were doubtful and made you walk over to the Med-Jack hut to make sure you really were okay.
That was over an hour ago. Jeff had assured you that there was nothing broken, just bruising, and that you'd be sore for another couple of days but you were still in the Med-Jack hut.
It was tradition for you and Newt to eat lunch together ever since he retired from being a Runner. So when Newt went his whole lunch break without so much as seeing you, Newt was on edge about what could've happened to you. He knew that you and a couple of your other friends had the day off so he immediately went looking for them, because they would know, right?
"Henry!" Newt calls for one of the members of your group, jogging up to them, his limp noticeable.
Henry straightens up as soon as he sees the second-in-command, his muscles tensed as he notices the concerned yet demanding look in Newt's eyes. The others around Henry share looks, wondering what's got the usually calm and collected Newt looking so panicky.
"Hey, Newt, what's up?" Henry asks, her body language showing that he was nervous.
"Where's Y/n?" Newt questions instantly, his mind focused on nothing but you and where you could possibly be.
Henry visibly relazes, knowing why Newt was so worked up. "Med-Jack hut —"
He's going to explain more, but before he can continue Newt takes off in the direction of the Med-Jack hut, even more worried than he was before.
Bursting into the room you’re currently in with Jeff, Newt puts his hands on his knees and tries to catch his breath, wincing as he steps on his bad leg.
“Newt!” both you and Jeff cry as he enters the room, standing up and walking over to him quickly.
"Are you okay?" Jeff asks, his worry evident as his eyebrows furrow and focus on Newt's bad leg.
You rest your hand on Newt's back as he's bent over, trying to get some air into his lungs. Your hand rubs comforting circles on his back, trying to get him to breath and calm down.
"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine," Newt answers Jeff, breathing heavy. He promptly stands up straight, turning to you and holding your face in your hands. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.
Under Newt's gaze and his hands holding your face oh so gently, a faint pink raises in your cheeks.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply. "Why?
"Henry said you were in the Med-Jack hut," Newt informs you, tilting your head every which way to try and find any injuries. "I thought you were hurt."
"Y/n fell out of a tree trying to find some Beetle Blades," Jeffs tells him with a smirk, noticing the blush on your face and Newt's concern.
"You what?" Newt cries, her eyes shifting between worry and anger. "What in the bloody hell gave you the idea to do that? We don't know those things well enough, Y/n. They could have weapons on them, or some sort of Griever- like injection. And what were you planning on doing if you even found one? Keeping it as a pet? Besides, you could've broke something playing in the tree. Or cut yourself on one of the branches? That was so stupid of you."
As Newt continues ranting about the dangers you put yourself in, you and Jeff share a look, rolling your eyes the longer Newt talks.
"Newt, dude, I get it," you say, pushing his hands off your face. "Besides, I'm fine, aren't I? Just a bit of bruising and I'll be a bit sore, but that's it. I'm okay, Newt."
Newt scowls at you, hating the way his heart flutters at your defiance.
"Just-just don't do that again," Newt grumbles.
Jeff laughs from the corner, grinning at the two of you knowingly.
You ignore Jeff's giggles, meeting Newt's eyes with your own challenging gaze, "Newt, I'm not a child, I can take care of myself."
Newt sighs, "I know. But I just don't want you getting hurt."
You scoffs, smiling softly at Newt's worry. "I'll be fine, Newtie. Don't you worry about me."
With that, you send Newt and Jeff a grin before walking out of the Med-Jack hut.
Jeff snorts as you leave the room, throwing his arm around Newt's shoulder as he teases him, "I can't believe that Y/n doesn't see how much you like-"
"Shut up," Newt snaps, blushing as Jeff calls him out on his feelings towards you.
"You could not be more obvious, man," Jeff laughs.
Newt just grumbles under his breath in response, blushing more as Jeff teases him.
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leadandblood · 3 months
(part 1) (previous part) (next part)
Smells Like Honey, Feels Like Home (Part 12)
He was only half-focused on Jopson and Harry’s conversation. Not that he didn’t care – he cared very much – but most of his mind was unwillingly occupied by Edward. The clean, intoxicating scent coming off him. The batting of his eyelashes. The gentle swaying of his antennae. He could sit like this all day…
But Edward is nervous. He’d been looking wide-eyed at Jopson from the moment he walked in.
In hopes of calming him down, Henry rubbed his cheek against Edward’s again. It coaxed a quiet squeak of out him. Henry couldn’t hold in a giggle. It was easy to get sounds out of Edward, when one knew what to do. He brought one hand up to Edward’s face to hold him close and pressed a kiss to his cheekbone. “He will stay,” he whispered.
Edward hummed and closed his eyes. At least he’s calmer now…
When Jopson initially left, Edward looked like he was going to burst out crying. He and Harry had to keep reassuring him all hope wasn’t lost, but well… They all thought it was. That is, until Jopson appeared by the door. It was obvious enough he wanted to join (he’d been wistfully glancing down at them every few seconds) and he wanted the man to finally give in, but he also knew how important it is to let him choose his own speed. It would be an awful shame to scare him off… again. Though, Jopson was taking stubbornly long.
He took a part of his attention off Edward and onto the conversation. He looked up just in time to catch Jopson’s gaze.
“At any point?”
Harry had his calming smile on. The smile he gave patients before giving them horrible-tasting medicine. “Yes, Thomas. You just have to say the word. Nobody will mind.”
He’d never seen the steward so unsteady before. His left antenna was twitching every few seconds and Henry – to his own astonishment – found it strangely endearing. “Then… I’ll try.”
Edward melted, letting out a gentle sigh of relief and looked back at Henry.
He smiled down at him and gave his cheek another kiss.
Thomas cautiously took Harry’s hand, who then led him further inside the nest.
Suddenly Edward sat up, like he’d been doused in cold water. “Here,” he pointed next to himself, without looking up.
Thomas smiled, red spots blooming on his cheeks. “Alright.”
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(I forgot to add few more details to this but i was feeling lazy to fix it so I'll leave like this... DEAL WITH IT!)
This story sets two months after Fleeing The Complex.
"Hey... My name is Ellie Rose, current leader of the Toppat Clan, but i wasn't always the leader, i actually stole the leadership to the original leader, Henry Stickmin, we meet each other in the Wall two months ago."
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"He suddenly asked me for help so i helped him escape... And he helped me back, but i didn't trust him very much that time because i had a feeling that he was a jerk (Like any other boys i met) so i... Left him there..."
"After that i arrived to the Toppat Airship and Reginald asks me about Henry... I panicked because if i told them the truth they could kill me, so i lied to them saying that Henry give me his Toppat leadership right before he died, i though they weren't going to believe me but... They all fall for it, including the RHM"
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"Soon i became their new leader and everything was going awesome! I became feared and respected by everyone in the clan! And i made so many friends! Although... Most of the time i feel insecure hiding them the truth that i left their real leader in a complex, they're my friends and my family and I'm lying to the-"
Ellie's thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone calling her out, it was Reginald, it seems like they were in the middle of an important conversation and Ellie somehow got distracted with her thoughts.
Reginald: Ellie? Are you okay?
Ellie: E-eh? Yeah Reginald, I'm okay..
Reginald: Are you sure? We can take you to the medway if you want.
Ellie: No no I'm fine i swear, i just got distracted..
Reginald: If you say so.
Ellie: let's just continue with the reunion...
Reginald: Of course, as I was saying, once we have arrived, we should be able to launch the orbital station before we get attacked by any government trying to take us down.
Ellie: yeah, but most importantly we need to be prepared in case of an surprise attack, any suggestions?
Toppat #1: Nope.
Toppat #2: Sorry Miss Ellie.
Toppat #3: I think Geoffrey might have an idea.
Reginald: Ah yes! Geoffrey Plump! Our man idea! Has anyone sees him?
RHM: Last time I seen Geoffrey was like two months ago.
Reginald: That's weird, because as far as I know Thomas Chestersire was not seen in the past two months.
Ellie: That's very weird.
Reginald: Indeed, i wonder where did they went...
"Oh you wanna know?"
Everyone turned to where the voice sounded, and for everyone's surprise it was Geoffrey Plump along with Thomas Chestersire and.... Henry Stickmin!?
Thomas: We went outside to took for the REAL leader!
Everyone (except for Ellie): HENRY?!?
Ellie: (💭O-oh no...)
Reginald: Henry?? You're alive?? Ellie told us you died!
Henry: That was a pathetic lie from that dumb redhead! She abandoned me and run away! I was about to give up and let myself scum in the Wall but then Thomas and Geoffrey manage to burst me out of there!
Geoffrey: That's right! *Looks at Ellie* He helped you escape and you just left him!
Everyone in the airship (except for few Toppats) were completely shocked about what they all heard, the girl who has been their leader for 2 months has been lying to them the whole time, they felt angry and betrayed, so mostly everyone looked Ellie with an anger look.
Ellie: I-i can explain-
RHM: Silence Ellie, we already heard enough.
Reginald: And I need to ask you something very serious.
Ellie: (💭I-i'm so dead...)
Henry: (💭Heh heh, bye bye Ellie Rose.)
Ellie gulped and brace herself for her destiny but things didn't go like she thought.
Reginald: Why didn't you kill him instead?
RHM: Yea.
Ellie: (💭E-eh??)
Henry, Thomas and Geoffrey: (💭WHAT!!??)
Ellie: Y-you're not mad a me??
Reginald: Why would we mad at you? What you did was something that I should've done so long ago.
RHM: Yea I agree with Reg.
Reginald: Plus we didn't wanted Henry as a leader in the first place, after what he has donde to Righty.
Ellie: *Sighs in relief* (💭Thank goodness...)
Henry: (💭I should've know those two didn't trust me!)
Reginald: I'm sorry Henry but Ellie's still the leader, she's a lot better than you.
RHM: Yea.
Toppat: Even if she lied??? That's selfish!
Other Toppat: Yeah! She's not worthy of being our leader!
Another Toppat: Yeah! And neither you two are worthy of being Elite Toppats!
Henry: Well now, looks like the entire clan is on my side~
RHM: Grr! Not for long!
RHM in an attempt to attack Henry he suddenly got attacked by Henry who knocked him out with a hammer that he mysteriously got out of his pocket.
Henry: Don't even try.
Thomas and Geoffrey: Wow...
Reginald: RIGHTY!!
Henry: Someone take this guy to the brig, and has for you two. *Sees Ellie and Reginald* You two will be thrown overboard.
Ellie and Reginald we're soon in the plank of the airship, very close to jump off, Reginald was very scared while Ellie was trying to figure out a way out of this mess, meanwhile, few Toppats we're giving their opinions about Ellie being dethroned, Reginald being kicked out and RHM being in the brig.
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Bonnie: We can't do this to them! It's not right!
Nicole: I know!
Mercudi: I don't like how this is going...
Sven: Yeah! This doesn't really feel-
Sven was soon interrupted by Geoffrey who overheard what everyone said.
Geoffrey: Take any loyalties to the brig! Those who are loyal to Ellie are traitors as well!
Carol: Y-you can't do that! Some of us are Elite Toppats!
Earrings: Yeah! It's true!
Geoffrey: Not anymore, you guys are gonna be in the brig for the rest of your lives!
Back with Ellie, Reginald and Henry.
Ellie: (💭 This is bad...)
Reginald: I-i don't like this! I really don't like this!
Ellie: Don't worry Reginald! I'm gonna find a way to get out of this.
Henry: Oh no you won't! You either jump or I'll kill you!
Thomas: Yeah! What he said!
Geoffrey: You better listen to him lady!
Ellie: Bring it on then!
Reginald: E-ellie be careful! (💭Righty I miss you...)
Henry then got angry and grabbed an gun and pointed to Ellie and Reginald.
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Ellie: (💭What am I gonna do??)
WHOOO I'M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PART OF THE PROLOGUE! I'll wait for the results in one week so I can start the next part.
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Snow Problem
Ao3 link
“The nerve of that engine,” Nia muttered as she chuffed towards the mountain. “Who does he think he is leaving me behind like that? You’d almost think that I hadn’t been helping him his entire journey! He’d still be stuck in the rainforest without me, or still stuck on that hill back home.”
It had been several days since Thomas and Ace had left Nia behind in Arizona, and the orange engine was still cross.
“I can deal with tank engines with bad attitudes,” she continued. “I can deal with rude little race cars insulting me. But to abandon me like that on top of everything? It just isn’t proper, is it?”
“It’s alright,” her driver soothed. “We didn’t need them anyway. Let’s get you up to that mountain. You always wanted to see snow up close, didn’t you?”
That made Nia feel a little better. With a cheery toot toot! Nia chuffed quickly to the mountain.
But she couldn’t have known that she was headed for trouble…
Winter had come to the Island of Sodor, and it brought heavy snow clouds along with it. Before the engines knew it, the railway was covered in thick blankets of snow.
“Would you look at that?” Emily marveled when the engines awoke. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much snow.”
“I have,” Percy said, grinning. “Remember? When Ulfstead Village was snowed under and I had to save the day?”
“I helped, too!” Thomas huffed. “And anyway, Nia and I have seen far more snow! Remember, Nia? When we were in China and there was that avalanche?”
Nia shivered at the thought, but she put on a brave face for Thomas. “I remember. You tried to pull me back onto the rails, but Yong Bao had to come and save us both.”
Then, the Fat Controller arrived.
“The line up to Ulfstead Castle is snowed under,” he said gravely. “Nia, I need you to clear a path and take a train of coal trucks to the castle.”
“Yes, sir,” she said.
Once the Fat Controller had left, Henry saw that Nia looked nervous.
“Are you okay?” He asked. “You don’t look so well. I can take your train if you’d like.”
“It’s fine,” Nia said quickly. “It’s like Thomas said; I’ve dealt with worse.”
And before Henry could say any more, Nia puffed away to collect her trucks.
Nia collected her plow and trucks without issue, but as she ventured out onto the mainline, it began snowing again.
“Just what we needed,” she muttered. “Hopefully, we can get to Ulfstead before it gets any worse.”
Presently, they arrived at Gordon’s Hill. Nia couldn’t see the rails leading to the top, and the bottom was surrounded by deep drifts. With the clouds swirling above her, Nia was reminded of her trip to the Himalayas.
“Would you look at that!” Nia cried as she came to a stop. A large snow drift sat at the bottom of the mountain.
Nia’s driver inspected the drift, then she glanced at the dark clouds forming around the mountain.
“We’re not getting through that,” she sighed. “We’ll just have to come back another day, Nia.”
“Oh, can we please try and climb it? We have come this far already!”
The driver couldn’t say no to the hopeful look on her engine’s face.
“If we are quick about it. I don’t want to be caught up in a snowstorm.”
Nia cheered as she began working her way through the drifts. She was going to make it to the top or burst!”
“We should have expected this,” Nia’s driver sighed, shaking the engine out of her thoughts. “We should wait for the twins to come clear it.”
“I can get us through it,” Nia chuffed. “By the time Donald and Douglas get here, the rest of the mainline will be buried. Please, let me try!”
The driver sighed, but agreed to let Nia try. With a determined toot of her whistle, Nia began charging at the snow.
The cold wind blew across her face as she charged up the mountain.
Nia slipped on a patch of ice and lurched back.
“Steady!” Called the driver.
Nia laughed as she slid partway down.
A pit was beginning to form in her firebox.
Snow began to fall as she turned round a bend. She could hear her driver muttering about turning back, but the orange engine was too excited to listen.
Nia focused on nothing but the task ahead as she climbed the hill. The snow was packed together and hard to move, but Nia struggled on.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, Nia made it to the top.
“It should all be easy from here,” she said to herself.
Nia was quiet as she made her way to Ulfstead Castle. She didn’t sing, she didn’t joke to her crew, she didn’t even whistle at passing engines. She shivered as she cleared the tracks and tried ignoring the cold.
Eventually, she arrived at the bottom of the hill and groaned.
“Right,” she groaned. “I had almost forgotten.”
“Hello, Nia,” Edward greeted from the other line. “Thank goodness you’re here. I need to get Jack here up the castle, but the snow is too heavy for me to get through. Could you help me?”
Nia glanced down at Edward’s buffers. “Where is your snowplow?”
“With BoCo. Bill and Ben thought it would be fun to try clearing rocks with his and broke it.”
“That sounds like the twins alright. And sure, I can clear a path for you. Just follow me!”
Edward and Jack left to find a junction, while Nia reversed to get a running start.
Toot toot tooooot! “Here we go!”
Nia charged at the hill at a great speed. Snow flew everywhere as she began making her way up.
“Go it, Nia!” Jack shouted as Edward followed behind.
Twin puffing echoed around the mountainside as Edward let out an encouraging peep peep!
Suddenly, Nia skidded to a stop.
Nia thought she heard the faint sound of an engine puffing behind her.
“It must be my echo,” she said to herself.
Peep peeeep! “Nia!”
Her name echoed across the mountainside. Nia looked back to see a cloud of steam below her, but she couldn’t see the engine making it.
“Nia!” The voice called, followed by a loud peep peep-ing. “It’s me!”
Nia looked back again and scowled. There was Thomas, puffing after her and whistling loudly.
“I’m sorry!” The blue engine cried as he whistled again. “It wasn’t my idea to play a trick on you! Honest! It was Ace’s idea!”
Nia grew crosser still. “And that makes it alright, does it?” She shouted back.
“No, because I went along with it! Please, I’m so sorry!”
She was just beginning to wonder if he was sincere when it happened. The mountain rumbled loudly. Nia looked up to see an enormous pile of snow headed straight for her. Nia began to reverse as quickly as she could.
“No, Nia! The tunnel! You’ll be safe in there.”
Quickly, Nia changed directions, but her wheels slipped and spun helplessly on the icy rails. Nia shut her eyes and braced herself as the crushing weight of the snow pushed against her…
“No, please,” Nia whimpered. “Not again…I can’t go through that again.”
The driver knew Nia could go no further. She gave a short blast of Nia’s whistle and gently began reversing her down the hill.
As Nia’s crew placed warning flags and detonators behind her, Edward pulled up alongside. Tears were streaming down Nia’s face and she was shaking violently.
“Nia?” He said gently. When she didn’t respond, Edward was just a bit louder. “Nia!”
Nia opened her eyes and looked around. “How did I…? I was just-”
“On the mountain?” Edward guessed.
“…Yes,” Nia replied quietly.
“Thomas has told me a lot about his and your adventures, but I think it’s time I heard about what happened in China from your perspective. If you’re up for it, that is.”
Nia was tempted to say no and leave it at that, but she knew Edward only wanted to help. So Nia took a deep breath and told him all about the Himalayas. About how hurt she was that Thomas left her behind. About how the snow had forced Nia over the side of the mountain. And about how Thomas’ rescue attempt only made things worse.
Once she was finished, Edward was silent.
Then… “I’m sorry that happened to you. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be in such a perilous situation. And I doubt Thomas constantly talking about it made you feel any better.”
“No, it didn’t.”
“You know,” Edward said after a moment. “I was caught up in an avalanche once.”
“You were? What happened?”
“It was my first year on the island, and I was helping replace the rails in Misty Valley, but my steam and the vibrations caused a massive avalanche. My crew and the workers managed to get out, but I was trapped.
“I thought they would get me out the next day, but they couldn’t. It had started snowing heavily, and it was impossible to dig me out. So there I stayed until the weather cleared up.”
“How long was it?” Nia asked quietly.
“I asked the Fat Director when they dug me out. I was under all that snow for two and a half weeks. I was afraid of snow and had flashbacks to the incident whenever I went through the valley.”
“So what did you do?”
“Well, whenever the snow got too heavy, my crew or Henry would always talk to me to keep my mind off of it. It worked wonders whenever I needed to pass through the valley. It still helps too, even today.”
Nia was quiet for a moment. “Do you think it would help me?”
“Maybe. We’ll never know if we don’t try. But if you don’t want to, you can stay at Wellsworth while I take your train.”
She looked at the long line of trucks behind her.
“I’ve come this far,” she said. “I can’t stop now.”
“If you’re sure. I’ll couple Jack up to your trucks and push from behind.”
“Thank you, Edward. And…can you please not mention this to the others? I don’t think I’m ready to talk to them about it yet.”
“Your secret is safe with me, Nia. And Jack won’t say anything either, will he?”
Jack grinned. “I won’t tell a soul, Nia. That’s a Pack Promise!”
Soon, the two engines were puffing slowly up the hill.
“You know,” Edward called from behind, “I don’t think I’ve told you about the time I pushed Gordon and Duck up Gordon’s Hill.”
Nia heard his voice echo and took a deep breath.
“Did you really?” She asked back.
“Yes. You see, it all started when Gordon said I should be retired…”
“…and then Spencer went down the wrong line!”
Nia laughed as she imagined the look on Spencer’s face when he realized he had lost the race. The two engines pulled into the platform outside of the castle.
“Thank you so much, Edward,” Nia puffed. “I don’t think I could have done this without you.”
“It’s alright,” he replied as he shunted Jack’s low-loader into place. “You would have done the same for me. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get out of this cold.”
“So am I,” Nia agreed happily.
Nia is still afraid of snow and often thinks back to her accident. But she knows that whenever she’s feeling overwhelmed or afraid, she can always look to her crew or Edward for help.
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Thomas and Friends: Sodor Online Journeys, Starring Blue Train with Friends (Story 28): Off The Rails/Gordon Takes a Dip
One day, Gordon was resting in a siding. "Sometimes," he thought, "it's really tiring to be such a large and splendid engine. One does have to keep up the appearances so." "Peep! Peep! Peep! Hello Fatface/Lazybones!" whistled Henry. "What cheek!" spluttered Gordon. "That Henry is too big for his wheels! Fancy for speaking to me like that! Me, who has never had an accident!" "Aren't jammed whistles burst safety valves accidents?" asked Percy innocently. "No indeed! High Spirits! It might happen to any engine, but to come off of the rails like Henry did. Well, I ask you. Is that right? Or is it decent?"
Then it was Henry's turn to take the Express. Gordon watched him getting ready. "Be careful, Henry. You're not pulling the Flying Kipper now. Mind you keep on the rails today." "Whatever you say." Henry went off with a huff as Gordon yawned, and went to sleep. But not for long. "Wake up, Gordon." said his Driver. "A special train is coming, and we are to pull it." "Is it coaches or trucks/freight cars?" "Trucks/Cars." said his driver. "Trucks/Cars!" said Gordon. "Pooh!" Gordon's Fire was slow to start, so Edward had to push Gordon to the turntable to get him facing the right way.
"I won't go! I won't go!" grumbled Gordon. "Don't be silly! Don't be silly!" puffed Edward. At last, Gordon was on the Turntable. The movement had shaken his fire. It was now burning nicely, and making steam. Gordon was cross, and didn't care what he did. He waited for the turntable to be halfway round. "I'll show them! I'll show them!" he hissed. He moved slowly forward to jam the table, but he couldn't stop himself, and slithered into a ditch. "Oooooooooosh!" he hissed. "Get me out! Get me out!" "Not a hope." said his driver and fireman. "You're stuck you silly great engine. Don't you understand that?"
They telephoned the Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt. "So Gordon didn't want to take the special train, and ran into a ditch? What's that you say? The special's waiting? Tell Edward to take it please. And Gordon? Oh, leave him where he is. We don't have time to bother with him now. We'll get him out soon."
On the other side of the ditch, some little boys were chattering. "Coo/Oh, doesn't he look silly? They'll never get him out." they began to sing. ♪Silly old Gordon fell in a Ditch! fell in a Ditch! fell in a Ditch! Silly old Gordon fell in a Ditch all on a Monday morning.♪ Gordon lay in the ditch all day. "Oh dear." he thought. "I shall never get out."
But that evening, they lifted Gordon, and made a road of sleepers under his wheels to keep him from the mud. Strong ropes were fastened to his backend, and James and Henry, pulling hard, managed to bring him to safety.
Late that night, Gordon crawled home. A sadder and wiser engine.
Story End
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thepeakygirl · 3 years
To Bite A Bully Back II - Ruby Shelby
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{Part One} {Part Three}
Summary - After her bullies let slip a big secret, Ruby unwilling to believe it soon confesses to Charlie what she heard. Telling her to keep quiet Charlie hopes she will let it go but after pressure from her parents, Ruby let’s the words come tumbling from her mouth leaving both Lizzie and Tommy startled. Pairing - TommyxLizzie
Warning - Bullying, Violence, Past Sexual Assault
Word Count - 4501
Family Dinner
"You're a liar!" Ruby's blood was boiling and bubbling beneath the surface of her skin, ripping along her flesh painfully causing her anger to grow and grow as she growled at the boys circling her. She was a wild battered animal readying herself to bite back, her teeth screaming for flesh. Ruby could handle being picked on but when it came to her family she was not so easily ready to let words slide.
"She's a whore!" Henry's teeth were now on show, he was ready to bite back just as hard and Ruby through her haze of anger knew she would still have to be careful.
"Me Mum is a respectable lady you'd do well to keep your fucking mouth shut!"
She was shaking. Her teeth snapped against her tongue, filling her mouth with the taste of blood. Even now it seemed she was the one hurting the most.
"Ask me Dad, he used to be one of her best customers, said she was good with her mouth. That was until your Dad came along and whisked her away play the part of a fookin' secretary. You can put nice clothes on a whore but in the end it's still a whore"
It was Henry's smirk as he spat his poison that Ruby hated most. It was a smirk that told her he knew more than her, that she was less because of it. Ruby's life had been sheltered for the most part but she wasn't stupid, she knew who her family were, she knew what they did and why they did it. She'd heard her Dad say countless time that there weren't to be any more sport for Shelby's only to sneak into the house in the middle of the night with blood on his hands and a satisfied glint in his eyes. Ruby had seen the blood that decorated the blades in his cap as he washed them clean, she'd even seen her Mum helping him clean before shutting the bedroom door, leaving the kids on the other side with a firm warning to get to bed.
Sport never ended for Thomas Shelby, Ruby didn't believe he could ever give it up.
"Well it's no wonder you've turned out the way you have with a Dad like that" Ruby laughed coldly in disgust, picturing a man with the same revolting little smirk as Henry. She imagined he was the very image of his Father and Ruby pitied the woman who'd be unfortunate enough to call them husband and son.
"What's that supposed to mean rat?!" Daddy's boy hissed like a little grass snake, already offended by Ruby's words. His family appeared to be off limits but if he could talk about hers than she could certainly return the favour.
"It means your Dad isn't the only pig in the family" Ruby smirked and feeling a burst of confidence run through her she lifted her arms and shoved Henry as hard as she could, finding humour in the way he hit the ground "Is he Piggy?!"
"You'll regret that Shelby!"
His words drained the confidence from her body, replacing it with fear once again and not wanting to stick around to be punished, Ruby pulled her bag up off the floor and ran. She didn't stop running until she was inside the car that took both her and Charlie back home.
"Everything alright Miss Shelby?" The driver asked taking in her dishevelled appearance as she tried to get her breath back.
"Yeah....I'm...f..fine" Ruby wheezed glancing at Charlie quickly who was now staring at her in question. She gave him a look that told him to wait, she would discuss things with him when they got home.
"Family meeting!" Ruby announced taking Charlie by the shoulder and pulling him away from the main doors. They couldn't go inside just yet, not when there were eyes and ears around every corner.
"Where are we going Rubes?" Charlie questioned trying to keep up with her fast pace as she dragged him around the side of the house, ducking under the windows to keep themselves from being seen.
"The stables Charlie it's the only place no one listens" Ruby answered never letting go of Charlie once, her grip on his shoulder becoming tighter and tighter the closer they got. She was praying neither their Mum or Dad came out and tried to see what was going on. This family meeting was just for her and Charlie, no one else, especially when the topic of it was sensitive.
Peeking over her shoulder, Ruby scanned the area around them before pulling Charlie into an empty stall. Standing upon one of the hay bales she began to pace, wondering how she could possibly bring up this matter with Charlie.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Charlie wondered sitting himself down and watching Ruby pace nervously, growing more and more frustrated the longer she did so "C'mon Ruby m'starving! Mum will come looking for us soon"
"This is about Mum Charlie but I don't know how to say it!" Ruby hissed pausing in her step and staring over at the house expecting to see her Mum's dark bouncy curls approaching them, the sound of her expensive heels clicking against the pavement but there was nothing.
"Just open your mouth and say it Ruby, if it's about Mum I should know"
She didn't expect Charlie to have the answers but she couldn't keep this to herself, she needed to tell someone.
"Henry Stewart told me that Mum used to be a prostitute before working for Dad, told me you can put nice clothes on a whore but it's still a whore" Ruby finally got it watching Charlie scrambling to pick his jaw off the floor, his eyes wide and furious. He was just as angry as Ruby had been earlier. She was still angry, she wanted to throttle Henry until all the air was gone from his lungs.
"Henry Stewart is a dog, don't tell me you believed him Ruby!" Charlie exclaimed now pacing the stall like Ruby had done moments earlier.
"Of course I didn't! He even tried to say that his Dad was one of her best costumers" Ruby scoffed in disbelief "He's sick!"
"There are always going to be people who speak badly about us Ruby because of who we are, because of our name. Being a Shelby automatically puts a target on our backs. If you ignore what they say they'll soon grow bored and leave you alone. Don't stoop down to their games, keep your head up Rubes" Charlie tried to encourage her making Ruby want to scream. She'd tried ignoring them over and over but they never went away in fact it only made things worse to ignore them. Keeping her scream in the back of her throat, Ruby placed a tight smile on her face and nodded, jumping down from the hay bale as she did so, bringing the family meeting to an end.
"Good girl Rubes, now can we go inside and eat?"
The table was silent.
All that could be heard was the sound of cutlery and her Dad flipping the paper in his hand avoiding the plate of food in front of him. Ruby felt nervous, her palms slipping down the edge of her knife and fork as she found herself constantly peering over the table at her Mum. Her Mum didn't look like a prostitute but Ruby came to the realisation that she had no idea what a prostitute was meant to look like. She also couldn't imagine her Mum with any other man but her Dad. Ruby of course knew that people led different lives before truly becoming who they were, her Dad had been a simple bookmaker from Small Heath turned MP. Not much was ever said about her Mum's blood family, the topic was unheard of in this house, she'd always at heart been a part of the Shelby family even before marriage but it made Ruby wonder just who she was before then.
What life had her Mum lived?
Had she been abandoned by her family?
Had they died?
A frown found it's way onto Ruby's face. She didn't understand how she could know her parents and yet know nothing about them at all.
"Is there somethin' wrong Rubes?" Her Mum's voice softly called out, pulling Ruby from her thoughts and turning her cheeks bright red. She'd been caught staring into her Mother's soul, burning holes through the poor woman until she could no longer cope with it.  
"No Mum..l….m'fine" Ruby replied, her words hesitant as she replaced her frown with a small smile, turning her attention back to the food on her plate. She heard her Dad pause behind the paper but it never came down instead he waited, now listening intently to his family.
"Are you sure? You haven't stopped frowning at me since we sat down to eat, so tell me what's wrong?" Her tone was kind yet she expected answers.
Feeling panic seeping up into her throat Ruby flickered her eyes over to Charlie who stared back in warning, telling Ruby to keep her mouth shut and not turn dinner into chaos.
"Yeah I'm sure, nothing's wrong" Ruby squeaked unconvincingly watching Charlie beginning to shake his head, a look of horror on his face knowing his sister would slip up if there were anymore questions.
'Don't!' He mouthed dropping his knife and fork on the table and freezing in place, only his eyes moving between his parents and sister. If his Dad hadn't been here, Charlie was certain he would of dropped to his knees and begged Ruby not to speak.
"Lying are we now Ruby?"
"No Mum...I....I...just....it's nothing" Ruby fumbled over her words, a wave of nausea washing over her kicking the very appetite from her.
"Ruby" Came a deep warning voice from behind the paper resting upon the table. The God of the house had spoken and spoken clearly sending the warning through Ruby like a strike of lightning and swallowing the painful lump in her throat she found herself defeated.
"Ruby slower" Her Mum laughed making Ruby want to weep, she wouldn't be laughing when she knew what Ruby said.
"A boy from school said you used to work as a prostitute"
The paper slammed down on the table sending Ruby further into her chair, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her knife and fork tightly. A choking sound left the back of her Mum's throat and Ruby waited to feel to familiar stinging sensation of her Dad's palm connecting with the side of her head yet no one moved. Instead they all stared at Ruby in disbelief making her feel as small as the rat Henry considered her to be.
"I didn't believe him though" Ruby added with a whimper finally lifting her head to see her Mum's sad tortured face.
Ruby's eyes filled with tears, she'd hurt her Mum with her words and wanted nothing more than to turn the clock back and make everyone forget she'd ever said anything.
"Excuse me for a moment"
Getting up from her chair, her Mum threw down her napkin and began to leave the room, her steps wide and fast. She couldn't get away from them quick enough.
"Mum!" Ruby pleaded, her heart beating wildly in her chest. She wanted to run into her arms and beg for forgiveness.
"Leave her Ruby" Her Dad sighed also getting up from his chair and glancing between both of his kids he pointed in their directions and shook his head "No one move until I get back"
And then he was gone, following their Mum out the dining room leaving a distraught Ruby and a disbelieving Charlie.
"Nice going Ruby!" Charlie snapped putting his head into his hands with a growl of frustration. Why couldn't she of just stayed quiet for once?
"I didn't mean to hurt her Charlie"
Ruby was crying now, soft tears rolled down her pale cheeks and dropping her cutlery she brought her legs up into the chair and rested her cheek against them, her eyes never moving from the main doors as she continued to weep.
"It was nice knowing you Rubes, Dad is sure to kill you after this one"
If it made it up to her Mum then Ruby had no objections.
"I'll let him"
Tommy had found Lizzie in their room, biting down on her nails nervously, her hair now ruffled and wild from her constantly running her fingers through it. She always did this when she was nervous or worried. Often there had been times where her fingers began to bleed due to her latching onto her skin with her teeth. Nervous nibbles he called them, the words always seeming to pull a chuckle from her in the worst of times. Hearing him shut the door, Lizzie looked up at him and let out the air she'd been holding in.
"Did I startle the kids?" She asked remembering Ruby's little voice calling out of her as she fled from the room. She'd wanted to reassure the children but found herself too lost for words. What words were there to possibly say? No parent was ready to be caught so incredibly off guard.
"They'll be fine, they're just worried" Tommy answered coming to sit next to her and reaching up he pulled her hand away from her mouth and brought it into his lap, intwining their fingers tightly.
"What do I tell them Tommy? Do I tell them the truth or do I put it down to schoolchildren bein' silly? We always tell the kids to be truthful...but this.....I never expected this to come up again" Lizzie mumbled finding herself deeply confused. She hadn't expected her past to come back and haunt her in the form of her own child.
She wondered what type of child would even discuss something like this with another child. Ruby was only twelve and Lizzie's life as a prostitute was not for her ears.
"Whatever you decide you have my support Lizzie but we can't keep the kids waiting too long, it will only raise their suspicion"
In truth Tommy didn't think it fair that Lizzie's past be seen as worse than his own. He'd done so much in his life that prostitution did not come close in comparison yet it was always Lizzie people casted their judgment upon. Perhaps it was because it was easier to hurt her than it was to hurt him.
"What if they hate me Tom?" Lizzie whispered mournfully not wanting to see the disappointed looks upon her children's faces knowing their Mother used to fuck men for money.
“We have the best kids Lizzie and they could never hate you” Tommy smiled and taking her face within his hands he placed a long kiss on her head “That I can promise”
“You’ve made a lot of promises to me in the past Tommy” Lizzie humoured sinking into him, his touch already giving her the comfort she’d been craving. Tommy always had a way with words and actions, maybe it’s why she’d forgiven him so many times before. He had a way of making someone feel special until he decided they weren’t. Lizzie once felt she was nothing but a warm body to him but things had changed in the last few years, love had blossomed and while they still had their moments of displeasure, Lizzie now felt as if she were special to him everyday.
Tommy belonged to her and belonged to those kids downstairs, they had his heart. A part of it would always belong to Grace but it wasn’t enough to pull him from her anymore. Lizzie felt like she had a reason to stay and that reason was not only his love but Charles and Ruby’s too. This was her family, the thing she’d always wanted and now that it was hers Lizzie could never let go.
“Yeah but this one I can keep” Tommy winked as he pulled back and tucked a loose black curl behind her ear.  She loved it when he was gentle with her, treating her like a fragile flower, caressing her petals softly in order not to harm them. He’d been the first man to do so, those before him had been rough and uncaring, treating her like a tool in a workshop being passed about until it broke.
“Go get the kids Tom, I’ll speak to them here” Lizzie smiled softly already mentally preparing her speech as she readjusted her hair and dress. She wouldn’t go into detail, there was no need to but she would tell the truth and accept whatever troubles it came with.
The children walked into the room like two misbehaved puppies, cowering at the sight of the Mother, their Dad standing firmly behind them blocking the escape.
“Mum I’m sorry” Ruby spoke first, her tears tearing at Lizzie’s heart, her hand wrapped tightly around Charlie’s for comfort. She was shaking like a leaf and Lizzie was positive she’d never seen the child more terrified in her whole twelve years of life. Lizzie just hoped Ruby would let her hold her once she knew everything.
“It’s alright Ruby, come sit down both of you” Lizzie ordered gently holding both her hands out encouragingly and walking further into the room the kids cautiously took their Mother’s hand in theirs and sat beside her. Ruby looked over at her Dad who was now stood by the door with a lit cigarette, his face a picture of calmness yet his eyes didn’t betray any of his feelings. For all Ruby knew he could of secretly been furious.
“Are you alright Mum?” Charlie asked giving her hand a squeeze, a concerned frown upon his face.
“Yes I’m alright darling but I do ‘ave something to tell you both” Lizzie began, her eyes flickering over at Tommy who nodded, blowing smoke into the air as he did so. Turning her attention back to the children she tried not to cry “Ruby, what that boy said to you today is true. I did used to work as a prostitute, a very long time ago. You see I lost my family when I was younger and was thrown onto the streets with nothing but the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet. I was too young for work, too scruffy for work and those I begged for money would pass me by without a second glance. No one wanted to take on an orphaned child. It didn’t take long for me to grow hungry, I was so desperate for food that when I finally offered that type of work I didn’t hesitate to say yes. It was a very dark time in my life, a time I’ve tried to forget until today. I’m not ashamed of my past, I did what I did in order to survive but it’s not somethin’ that I like to speak about”
The room was silent for a moment allowing Lizzie the time to let a tear fall, fearing the worst was yet to come. A sob left her throat as Charlie pulled back and let go of her hand only to stand up and pull her into his arms. Resting her head against his stomach, Lizzie cried and held onto him for dear life hoping he would never pull away.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that Mum” Charlie whispered tightening his hold on her and staring at Ruby who was doing her best not to cry again. Placing her head on her Mum’s shoulder, Ruby continued to hold her hand.
“Please don’t cry Mum, we love you”
“You don’t hate me?” Lizzie dared to ask and shaking her head, Ruby took her face within her hands just as Tommy had and smiled at her.
“Mum we don’t care that you used to be a prostitute, we’re just sorry you had to live like that. You fought to survive and that makes you the bravest woman we know and there’s nothin’ you could ever do to make us hate you” Ruby reassured her before placing a long kiss on her Mum’s cheek.
Wrapping her arms around both children, Lizzie let out a long sigh of relief.
“You children are my very heart and I love you more than anything”
“Ey?!” Tommy barked mockingly seeming to take offence to her words and placing a scowl on his face.
“Sorry Dad you know Mum loves us more than you” Charlie shrugged sitting back down on the bed and resting his back against the headboard, falling into a state of relaxation now he knew the house wasn’t going to erupt with fights.
“Yeah! Hate to be you Dad” Ruby cheekily stuck her tongue out his way and as Tommy stood there he realised as man of the house he had no authority when it came to the three of them and he wouldn’t of had it any other way. Being outvoted wasn’t all that bad in end.
The children stayed with their parents in the bedroom until their Dad finally called it a night and told them to go off to bed. Giving their Mum a quick hug and kiss they both left, Charlie feeling relieved and Ruby dreading the day to come.
“Ruby? Come ‘ere” Tommy called out down the hall stopping his daughter in her tracks and turning around she walked back towards the room with a questioning look.
“Yeah Dad?” She asked wondering why he’d called her back without Charlie.
Was this the part where she got in trouble? Was he going to bollock her for today’s mishap?
“The boy at school, what’s his name?” Her Dad demanded keeping his voice low whilst glancing over his shoulder to make sure her Mum wasn’t listening in on their conversation.
“Henry Stewart” Ruby answered truthfully, a hint of fear running through her eyes before she masked it but it was too late, he’d seen it.
“Did he say anythin’ else today?”
His eyebrow was raised as more questions slipped from his lips. Ruby found herself not wanting to answer, she still didn’t want him to find out she was being picked on and if she continued to talk she would spill everything just as she always did.
“He just said that his Dad used to be one of Mum’s clients, said she was good on her knees. Henry’s just a rotten little boy who likes to say silly thing, I now see where he gets it from havin’ a Dad like that” Ruby chucked bitterly hoping she never had the displeasure of meeting Henry’s Dad.
“Thank you Ruby that’ll be all. Goodnight”
Turning away abruptly, her Dad left her standing in the hall more confused than she’d been when he first called her over.
“Goodnight!” She chirped waiting until her parents bedroom door shut before making her way to her own bedroom. Ruby knew she wouldn’t sleep tonight not when she knew Henry would be waiting for her in the school yard.
“You ever ‘ave an old client who thought you were exceptionally well on your knees?”
“What the fuck Tommy?!” Lizzie exclaimed sitting up in bed with a startled gasp. She’d only just pulled the blanket under her chin and closed her eyes, the events of this evening making her tired. She didn’t have to reach for her book tonight, exhaustion had took her. Sleep was almost upon her when Tommy walked back into the bedroom and surprised her. After all this years of knowing him he still managed to do it almost daily.
What kind of question was that?!
He didn’t answer, instead he threw her an expectant look as he began to remove his suit eager to climb in the bed beside her and rest. He watched her closely waiting for the look of recognition to cross over her face. The wheels in her head turned and turned until her eyes filled with disgust and her rosey cheeks turned pale.
“Yes there was…..William Stewart. He began comin’ to me a few weeks before you offered me a job at the office. God! Just saying his name makes me skin crawl. He was a horrible man, used to force me to my knees and hold his cock in my mouth until I began to choke. He would laugh and spit on my face, slapping it over and over each time I begged him to go easy but he always payed extra, always. It didn’t last too long, he always came quickly but in the moments when he had me on me knees I remember feelin’ so disgusted, so violated and I prayed every time he left that he wouldn’t return” Lizzie confessed, her throat closing up, the memory of his face looking down at her causing her body to tremble.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I was still comin’ to you, you could of fuckin’ told me” Tommy glowered, tensing in anger as he stood at the end of the bed. Lizzie could almost see the steam coming out his nose and ears making him take on the form of a raging bull readying himself to strike.
“Tommy I was your whore, you didn’t come to me for conversation. If I remember correctly you didn’t fuckin’ say anythin’ to me except grunt like you’re doing now” Lizzie scoffed throwing the blankets from herself and crawling on towards the end of the bed, she knelt in front of him and stared up with a shake of her head.
Taking her chin within his fingers, Tommy held her head in place and exhaled sharply.
“You still could of told me love, I wouldn’t of let him come to you anymore. He would of been the one walkin’ around Small Heath on his knees” Bending down he placed a possessive kiss on her lips and growled “He still might be when I fuckin’ find him”
“Tommy let’s just leave the past in the past, it was years ago” Lizzie whispered placing her hands flat against his chest, watching his eyes flicker dangerously. He was ignoring her, she wasn’t blind.
“You know Lizzie I’ve learnt somethin’ interesting today” Tommy hummed, his stare growing darker and darker sending a cold chill up her spine.
“What’s that Tom” Lizzie swallowed hard, barely getting her words out. She wasn’t certain what she loved more, gentle Tom or furious Tom. It seemed both sides of him could have her squirming in her spot, seeking desperately to pull him into her.
“It seems our little Ruby is bein’ picked on at school but not to worry Lizzie I’m not about to let another one of me girls be tortured by a Stewart boy” He kissed her again, taking her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging gently, his eyes still lit with bad intentions “I think it’s time for a bit of sport for us Shelby’s don’t you?”
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I know you write about relationships in TLH and TID that are rarely/seldom touched on in the books or extras, but I wanted to know if you would consider a Christopher and Thomas Lightwood fic. Maybe the first time they are both in the lab and Thomas experiences the first of the many explosions which Kit unintentionally created. You could follow it up with another scene: Thomas pointing out to Christopher what had led up to the explosion (a misidentified component or measurement).
Of course! I absolutely adore the Lightwood cousins! I put a tiny bit of all of them in this fic, but it's mostly focused of Thomas and Kit :)
Thomas and Kit:
Thomas’ sisters have been giggling for what felt like days. Not only giggling, but they kept pestering him, asking about what men fancied the most in women.
Oh, Tommy, do men like shorter hair or longer hair?
Do men prefer a woman who speaks softly or says what’s on her mind?
Thomas would always say the same thing: I don’t know.
Because, really, he didn’t. He’d never thought of women in that way, though the angel knew he’d tried. He simply couldn’t. His mind told him to like one thing, but his heart said otherwise. It was frustrating. And very confusing.
“Why can’t you just be yourselves?” Thomas said. “Who cares what the men think?”
They giggled again, which made Thomas furrow his eyebrows.
“Don’t you understand, Tom? You have to lure them in by attracting their attention, and then, once you have them wrapped around your finger—”
“Then, you can show your true colors.” Barbara finished.
“That’s a terrible idea.” Thomas said. “You’re just wasting your time.”
They both shook their heads in perfect synchronization.
“He’s too young.” Eugenia said.
“And innocent.” Barbara replied.
Thomas rolled his eyes as they giggled again, and began discussing possible bachelors.
Thomas could only tolerate two minutes before he felt suffocated and stood up, frustrated.
“Wait, we still need you.” Eugenia said.
“Where are you going, Tommy?” Barbara asked.
“Out.” He snapped, taking his coat from the hanger and tugging it on. He let the door close behind him, ignoring his urge to slam it, and quickly made his way down the steps of his house.
The cold air bit into his skin and made its way to his neck and down his back. He silently cursed his sisters for making him leave in such a rush that he forgot to take his scarf.
Thomas walked down the streets of London, letting movement cool his head.
He was tired of the world. Angry at it. The way his sisters embraced it and tried their very best to be a part of it. The way it would force him to live his life differently, with someone he could never truly love.
He wished it would disappear, leave him alone, and yet it was always there, floating over his head like a shadow.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and briskly crossed the street.
Most days, Thomas missed Idris; walking barefoot through the forest and simply being outside in the clean, rich air. In Idris, if he wanted to be alone, he could. He could lay on the grass and fill his lungs with it’s wonderful scent, or climb a tree and hum melodies of his own creation. Of course, he liked the fact that in London, he could be with his friends, but there are some things even friends can’t quite help with. His friends could calm his mind the way the soft breeze that ruffled his hair or singing of birds could.
Thomas didn’t realize where he was going until he was standing in front of his Aunt and Uncle’s house.
He knocked on the door, and when nobody answered, he shrugged and opened it.
He made his way through the house, poking his head in certain rooms, trying to find one of the residents. It was usually quiet today. He looked into the parlor and found Cecily with her back to him. She was swaying back and forth, her hair falling from it’s bun.
“Hello, Aunt Cecy.” Thomas said.
Cecily turned, and smiled when she saw him. Her eyes had bags under them, as she and Uncle Gabriel were very tired these days, the reason for which was soundly snoozing in Cecily’s arms. Thomas’ new baby cousin, Alexander (whom Kit had informed Thomas was very loud) apparently has lungs of steel. Cecily had said she looked like a raccoon these days, but Thomas thought she still looked as pretty as always. “Oh, hello Thomas. Have you come to see Christopher?” She asked, rearranging Alex’s blanket.
Thomas nodded, “is he here?”
“In his room. He’s been awfully quiet today.” She said, simply. Then she furrowed her eyebrows, as if realizing what she’d just said.
“Do make sure he's not partaking in something foolish while you’re there, Thomas, would you?”
“Yes, Aunt.” Thomas said, making his way up the stairs.
He hadn’t wanted to come any closer to his baby cousin, for fear that he’d wake him, and Aunt Cecy would have to put him to sleep again.
Thomas waved at Uncle Gabriel as he passed him in the study, as he walked down the hall. Gabriel waved back half-heartedly, as if the life had been sucked out of him.
When Thomas opened the door to Christopher’s room, he found him bent over the table in his room.
“You’re going to hurt your back if you stand like that.” Thomas said as a way of greeting.
His cousin looked up immediately.
“Shut the door,” he hissed.
Surprised and confused, Thomas did so, and Kit straightened.
“What ho! How wonderful that you are here, Tom. I was working on something fascinating.”
“Is it related to science in any way, because last time you tried something like it, you blew up one of Henry’s walls.”
“That was because I made a simple mistake.” Kit said, with a wave of his hand. “This time it’s different.”
Thomas wasn’t very convinced. He noted Kit’s askew cravat, his tousled hair, his glasses that sat crooked on his nose and his wide-eyed gaze and concluded that his cousin has officially lost his head.
“Why did you look like I’d committed the largest sin on the planet when I left the door open?” Thomas said, deciding to change the subject.
Kit scowled. “Alexander.”
Thomas blinked. “You’ll have to be a little bit more specific than that.”
“Any small amount of noise and Alexander will cry for hours.” Christopher said, scrawling something on a paper. “At least this way I don’t have to hear the racket so much.”
“Oh,” Thomas said.
“I don’t know why Mum and Dad even wanted another baby. They’re demonic creatures.”
“I thought you liked Alex.”
“When he didn’t cry so much.” Kit said, rather darkly.
Thomas had never seen his cousin so…gothic? Not only was he strangely gothic, but he has also thrown himself into science experiments, which didn’t settle well with Thomas. It was as if he were a mad scientist and Thomas, who’d read Frankenstein, didn’t think those two words were ever a good combination.
He cast an uneasy glance at Kit, who was biting his bottom lip as he combined two solutions.
“Kit, what are you even trying to accomplish?”
“Oh, erm, actually, I don’t know. I’m just observing what will happen if you combine— Oh, that’s not good,” Kit said.
“What’s not good?” Thomas asked, just as a large explosion answered the question for him.
“What the Hell was that?!” They heard Gabriel’s frantic voice call from the hall, just as Alexander began wailing and Cecily let out a noise that started out as frustration, then became something halfway between confusion and worry. Christopher, covered in soot, simply stared, dumbfounded, at the place where the vial had once been.
“Erm…” Thomas said, unsure of how to answer the question his uncle asked.
Not that it mattered, as Gabriel burst into the room a few seconds later. Much like his son, he blinked and just stared at the explosion site for the moment it took Cecily to come inside with a red faced Alexander in her arms. The latter was rubbing at his puffy eyes with his small fists, clearly not happy to have been woken up from his nap in such a way.
“Christopher Gideon Gabriel Lightwood, what in the name of Raziel have you done?” Cecily said, not hysterically, like most parents might ask, but more so weary, as though she wasn’t entirely surprised by the fact that there was an explosion in her residence on a Sunday morning.
Kit shrugged, still staring at the explosion site.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Thomas said, “but are these chemicals toxic? Shouldn’t we be evacuating?”
And for the first time in Thomas’ life, he saw his Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Cecily exchange a wide-eyed expression before Cecily ordered them all out of the room and briskly led them down the hallway.
She knocked on Anna’s door as they passed it. “Cariad, make haste, we’re evacuating the house.”
“Why?” Anna asked in a bored and strangely breathless voice, as if she were dancing.
“Your brother caused an explosion. Did you really not hear it?” Gabriel said.
“Oh, that’s what that was?”
“Yes, now come outside before you start glowing in the dark from the toxic fumes.” Cecily said firmly.
Anna groaned. “Alright. Let me get dre— I mean, I’ll be right down.”
Cecily sighed and continued down the hall.
Thomas waited outside with the Lightwoods, Anna climbing out of her window a short while later, not bothering to straighten her simple dress as she landed. If either Gabriel and Cecily were by any means surprised by Anna’s exit, neither remarked upon it. Nor did they mind that Anna was barefoot or that her wavy hair was unbound, waving in the wind like an ebony banner.
Gabriel and Cecily were simple folk, in that sense. They didn’t waste time trying to make their children conform to society, they just let them roam free.
Well, except for now, as they were scolding Kit, Cecily forbade him from any sort of experimentation within their house. They may differ from parents in many ways, but they were still parents, regardless.
Anna slumped down beside Thomas, watching the house.
“Another day, another dollar in the Lightwood residence.” Anna said mournfully.
Thomas just stared blankly ahead.
“One of these days, Tom, I’m going to get my own flat.”
Thomas nodded.
“And you can have my room here.” Anna said.
Thomas snorted. “Your room is pink. Very pink.”
Anna pressed her lips together. “Believe me, I’m aware.”
When Kit was done being scolded, he came over to them. Anna patted the grass next to where she was sitting and Kit plopped down beside her.
“How angry are they?” Anna asked.
Kit just frowned.
“At least they’re not disappointed.” Anna said, ruffling his hair.
Kit just pressed his lips together, identical to the way his sister had done shortly before. Anna and Kit looked very alike, despite their coloring. They always denied it, of course, just as Thomas always denies it when others say that he looks like his sisters.
“Well, you two are a dull bunch.” Anna said, getting up. “If neither of you are going to talk, I might as well leave.”
They watched her go to her father, most likely making a joke as she walked and despite everything that happened, Gabriel chuckled.
Kit scooted closer to Thomas, who put a hand on his cousin’s back.
“Maybe next time, you should study the chemicals better.” Thomas said, “see how they react to other chemicals. I don’t think spontaneity is something scientists encourage.”
Kit looked up.
“And maybe don’t do it in your room?” Thomas said.
Christopher nodded.
Thomas looked straight ahead, and they sat in a comfortable silence.
“Do you really hate Alex?” Thomas asked after a while.
“Not really.” Kit said. “He is just vexing sometimes.”
Thomas huffed a laugh. “I feel the same about Genia and Babs sometimes, if that makes you feel better.”
“I still like Alex, though.”
Thomas hummed. “Yes, I still love my sisters too.”
Thomas leaned back on his hands and closed his eyes. He may not be in Idris, but at least he still had his family. He may be different and the rest of the world might shun him, but at least his parents would still love him.
At least he was alive, and though sometimes it wasn’t always perfect, life was still good.
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes  @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @fictionally-fantastic  @stxr-thxif  @writeforjordelia  @itsdaughterofthemoon  @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca  @heronstairs2014  @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @readersconfessions812 @nightshade3465
If you want to be on my tag list, or if you changed your url recently and your not in the tag list anymore, let me know! Also, if you want to be removed, send me a dm! I won’t be offended in the slightest :) Oh, and if you asked to be on the tag list and you’re not on it, please tell me (I’m very absentminded lol).
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All my energy was used on the fic, you don't get a title
Basically I took the scenes of lord of shadows and replaced the characters
( @littlx-songbxrd helped me develop the plot a lot so thank you Zia)
TW: descriptions of blood and injury, mentions of homophobia and ableism
Thomas had quickly come to the conclusion that he hated the land of Fae. Not because the location itself harboured ill experiences, but rather because of his travel companions.
He glanced at said travel companions. Alastair and Christopher were attempting to assemble a fire, struggling greatly because London wasn't exactly a place of forests. Alastair's face was stern with concentration, eyebrows drawn together as they always were, a permanent appearance of disapproval. His lips were turned down slightly, frustration causing him to scrunch up his face.
It wasn't adorable, Thomas scolded himself, it was intolerable. And entirely unenjoyable. He breathed a sigh, turning away from them and back at the rushing waters of a river. They'd been sent to be audience to the Seelie court and request their assistance to defeat Belial. It was a useless excursion, the Faerie wouldn't intervene unless their own land was being threatened. But the Clave had sent them regardless.
Christopher called his name, his voice a whispered yell as to not draw attention from whatever lurked in the forests. He picked his way back, settling on his sleeping mat and looking up. Without a fire, only moonlight made anything visible. Christopher had curled up already, but Alastair was awake. He was staring up at the stars his eyes wide with something like wonder.
The sight was disarming, but Thomas turned away, before Alastair caught his stare. Nothing good could result from that. The Sanctuary was a few weeks past, and what had started as longing glances and tortured pining turned into short tempers and quick annoyance. They hadn't talked, not the way Thomas desperately wanted to, but they had argued and bickered nearly every time they crossed paths. And he despised it.
Curling his hand into a fist, he turned onto his side and willed himself to sleep.
Alastair was fairly certain they were lost. It was as if Faerie shifted everytime they were on the correct path, and it accomplished nothing but adding to his frustration. And apparently, Thomas's.
"We should go north." He said, his eyes glinting with annoyance.
"Are you stupid? Do you want us to get killed? We'll end up there either way."
"Your method would take longer and time is something I don't fancy to waste."
"And your brilliant solution is to- what? Traverse through an entirely unmapped territory? It's far too dangerous, and I would like to keep my head adjoined to my body."
"Maybe sometimes it would do you some good to do something dangerous."
"Oh?" Alastair whirled towards him, their faces inches away from the other, each sparked with anger. "Do something dangerous? Like you? To my memory, it got you imprisoned!"
"Perhaps it would suit you to travel in solitude! Since you always seem to prefer that anyway!"
"I do not-"
"I really do not think we should be causing this much of a disturbance," Christopher chimed in, his face twisted in confusion, head swiveling between both of them. "They're simply... directions?"
"Without directions." Alastair said, "you end up lost." His eyes stayed locked with Thomas's, head tilted to meet his infuriating height.
"We won't get lost," he hissed back.
"For someone with a tattoo of a compass you truly have a horrendous sense of direction-"
"We could just," Christopher started, flipping the map over, before looking up with wide eyes. "Go through here." He gestured at the map.
"Absolutely wonderful. Let's leave, I wish to depart as soon as we're able."
A few moments passed before a loud screech like noise emerged from the forests. Because why, Alastair thought drawing out his weapons, would anything ever be simple for him. Christopher and Thomas pressed closer when the creature burst forth from the trees. And really creature was the only world he had for it. It appeared as a demon but not one Alastair had ever studied, and from the looks on the others faces they hadn't either.
"Do we-"
The creature lunged faster than any demon could, a flash of the murky green that colored it's scales. It's claws flashed, charging at Thomas. Alastair briefly registered slipping in between the two, lodging the wooden shaft of his spear between it's jaw. He sought out Christopher sliding under the thing to stab it with his blade, killing it quickly but not quickly enough to prevent when the creatures claws raked against the top of his chest.
Air rushed out of his lungs and he felt familiar arms wrap around him, catching him before he could fall. His eyes fluttered shut on their own record. He fought to regain conciusness, he refused to be unconscious around the likes of his companions, but he felt himself dragged into blackness regardless.
Christopher was accustomed to his friends odd relations. He had certainly gained enough practice observing the spats they often had. But whatever anger his cousin held towards Alastair was always a puzzle to him. He was sure it was a puzzle to them too considering their never ending shifts in emotion.
He looked over at Thomas who's face was twisted in something between intense worry and sorrow. His eyes dropped to Alastair who had still not woken up, bandages covered the scratches that stretched from his shoulder to the top of his neck. He winced remembering the injury, bleeding profusely with no runes to stem it. His own worry for Alastair had occupied much of his mind. James and Matthew would be furious at such a thing but Christopher found he didn't care.
"I'll go stand watch," Christopher offered, making his way to the outside of the cave they'd taken shelter in.
Thomas hated being in debt, he remembered. When they were younger he would never accept help unless it was forced upon him, his stubborn nature preventing it. And now after Alastair had risked his life twice to help him, he must feel like he owed something.
Christopher pulled himself onto one of the rocks resting outside of the cave and tipped his head back. He missed his home. Not whatever had overtaken it in the months past, he missed Henry, he missed his parents who he'd barely conversed with since before the killings had happened. He missed Alexander even if the child cried a storm. He glanced up at the sky, noticing the first rays of dawn breaking through the clouds. He pulled himself off of his rock with a sigh. He wished for normalcy more than anything. But he doubted it would grace them anytime soon.
He ducked under the entrance of the cave, opening his mouth to call out for Thomas to get ready to depart. But Thomas wasn't awake.
He was curled onto his side, facing Alastair, both evidently asleep. Their hands stretched out the distance between them and were laced together.
Christopher sucked in a breath. "Oh, Thomas," he breathed.
He'd known of his cousin's vauge feelings for Alastair from the time that Thomas was quite a bit shorter than him. But he hadn't fully understood what the two felt towards each other. He knelt between them, gently attempting to pry their hands apart, but both their grips tightened. As if through the small action they were able to pour every unsaid emotion they'd held.
Christopher wasn't a stranger to the way the Clave treated anyone they viewed as different. The way they shut down every attempt Henry had made to better the Shadowhunter world, the way they would continue to deny any of his own attempts. They claimed to want happiness and order for all but the moment someone proved to differ from their standards they would shut them down and rid of the evidence. They would remain under the pretense of fairness while they claimed credit for any accomplishments him or his uncle managed to force into them.
Thomas never had chosen himself, never his own happiness. Christopher let go of their intertwined hands, then looking at Thomas's face. It was almost drawn up in concentration. He stood, glancing at them once more before returning to the front of the cave and yelling for Thomas to wake up so they could depart to the castle. It wasn't as much as he wanted to do, but it was all he could.
Thomas dumped their small pile of belongings near the foot of the bed. The Seelie Queen had apparently chosen graciousness that night and permitted them two rooms. Christopher claimed the first one, leaving Thomas and Alastair to occupy the other. Not that Alastair had woken yet.
Thomas crossed the room, refusing to look where Alastair was laying on the bed, where he would soon need to lay next to him. He made his way to Christopher's room, too tired to truly marvel at the tall marble pillars and regal decor adorning the halls and bedrooms. Christopher was cross-legged on the bed, scrawling something into a notebook under the dim lights that shone through the waterfall close to the wall.
He pulled himself onto the bed next to him, worrying at the material of his nightshirt. Christopher looked up after a moment, fixing his peculiar eyes on Thomas.
"Are you all right Tom?"
The question shouldn't have startled him as much as it did. "I'm okay."
Christopher lips tightened. "You're lying. You usually do when people ask you."
Thomas breathed a soft sigh, pulling his legs up onto the bed. "I know."
Christopher studied him for a few moments, debating something in his mind before saying "You don't have to sacrifice yourself to make us happy Thomas. Anyone who truly cares for you will not love you any less for your decisions."
Thomas startled, looking at him with widened eyes. Something in his heart sped up, as if a weight had lifted from it causing it to beat faster in it's absence. "I don't- I don't understand-"
A hand gripped his forearm. "Go back to your room Thomas. I suspect he'll wake soon."
When Alastair woke he wasn't in a forest. He had known the Faerie were images of royalty but the room seemed ridiculously extravagant. He wanted to pull himself up in the bed but a sharp sting on his neck forced him back down.
The door swung open then, Thomas entered with a odd look on his face. It switched to overwhelming relief when he saw Alastair.
Swallowing, Alastair rose a hand his neck. The Faeries must have worked on the wound, it had healed over somewhat but not enough to relieve him of the pain.
He heard Thomas clear his throat. When Alastair looked up again, he'd moved to the other side of his bed. "You had gotten injured in the forest. We're in the Seelie Courts now, you've been indisposed for a few hours."
"Oh." He wasn't sure what else to add.
Thomas stared at him for a few unnerving moments before making a frustrated noise. He slid onto the bed, folding his legs underneath him and giving Alastair an imploring sort of look. "I'm sorry. For everything I've done. And I'm sorry I couldn't give you the right words in the sanctuary. I'll try to give them now."
Alastair inhaled sharply, from surprise rather than pain. "I don't understand. You shouldn't be apologizing-"
Thomas half smiled before cutting him off. "Let someone apologize to you for once. You deserve as much after the way we've treated you."
Biting his lip and looking away, Alastair noticed the pile of clothes and other luggage in the corner of the room. Oh. He turned back.
"Well Mr. Lightwood I find your apology to be satisfactory, despite it still being unnecessary."
Thomas smiled fully then and something in Alastair's chest loosened.
"Does this mean I am permitted to use the bed alongside you?" His voice was teasing.
"As long as you manage to stay on your side of it."
But that rule was quickly broken, Thonas shifted close and carefully curled his body around Alastair, his head resting on in his curls and limb wrapped loosely around him. Alastair breathed a small breath of relief before pressing his face into Thomas's neck and sleeping peacefully for the first time in years.
Happy birthday Zia!! Ilysm and you deserve literally every good thing in the world, you're amazing and very talented and yeah <33
Tagging: @adoravel-fenomeno @thewarthatsavedmylife @eugeniaslongsword @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @foxglove-airmid @littlx-songbxrd @alice-got-the-blues @writeforjordelia (lmk if you want to be added or removed)
I'll tag @youngreckless for thomastair week
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Corpse's Bride (I)
Pairing: Corpse Husband / Reader
Summary: When you end up in an unfortunate arranged marriage to salvage what is left of your parents’ wealth, it seems fate has other ideas in store for you; or perhaps it was the Devil who decided to bring back the dead?
Notes: Yea, I don’t know why I wrote this either, and no idea where this series is gonna go. If you have any suggestions, please send them. But I wanted to write something for Christmas since I haven’t posted in a while. I hope you all have safe and happy holidays! Let’s just get 2020 over with, please.
Tag list currently closed.
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Chapter I - The wedding
Somewhere through the clouds of smoke erupting from the city, just beyond the hills, lies a small town called Gloomington. Where the streets are always swept and yet seem never clean, where birds fly high through the sky yet never manage to reach the clouds, and where dreams are crushed underneath the wheels of creaking carriages and half-empty fish barrels. It might seem like the most boring old town, with its inhabitants that look like they’re either on the brink of death or very much willing to be, but it wasn’t to you. No, to you life appeared much more interesting, though not by your own volition. You did not turn a blind eye to the grey streets or creaking bones or listening ears, as they had always been the same to you, but the troubles you had yet to bear were much too big to focus on anything else.
Your parents had deemed that on your twenty-first birthday, you were finally fit for marriage. It was the age that they had gotten married, and by tradition, through their parents as well. Why they had decided to force this upon you as well, you did not know, for as long as you could remember you’d only ever thought of your parents to be miserable together. Their time with you was now something of the past, however, because if all went well today, you would be married within just a day or two.
It was already raining, which would’ve made the situation so much gloomier to you if you hadn’t been revelling in the fact that it meant you could take the carriage instead of walk. You didn’t mind getting your shoes or the hem of your dress dirty, but other people did. And the people you would be seeing today would not approve of anything that wasn’t perfect upon arrival.
You only remembered the Everglots vaguely from your childhood during the instance when you’d been playing in a similar storm and one of their maids had shooed you away, saying you were being too loud and an unfit view for their folk. Their house was a different story, however. It stood tall above all other houses, even yours, so it was hard to miss. You weren’t rich, even though your parents liked to pretend they were. Your father owned the biggest and only fishing company in town; the main source of income from Gloomington. The thing was though, the seas were being overfished, and all he was getting from the ocean now were ones the sizes of goldfish.
You presumed this is why your parents decided to marry you off to the Everglots’ son, Thomas. According to your nanny, they were a bunch of washed-up aristocrats. Otherwise, you’d never even caught a glimpse of them, let alone of their offspring. Which is probably why you were so nervous. If he was anything like his parents personality-wise, you hoped he at least made up for it on the outside.
“Stop fidgeting,” your mother said, snapping you from your daze. You looked down to your hands, which had been crumpling a bunch of the fabric of your dress together, probably creating creases. You wonder if you had subconsciously done it, simply out of spite, because the nerves had numbed any other senses. You smoothed it out, crossed your legs and folded your hands across your lap, to which your mother gave a pleased nod.
A glance towards your father told you not much else, he was too busy going through last-minute calculations in his notebook. This must seem like ordinary business to him.
Your heart jumped a little as you watched the horse pulling your carriage nearly slip in the mud. He’d been in your family for fifteen years now, it was a wonder he was still standing. Perhaps the whip was reason enough for such a solemn animal, confined to his leather straps and iron mouthpiece. You tugged on the silver chain your mother had draped across your neck. Some of the diamonds had been taken out, but you could only see it if you looked very closely.
The carriage wavered and eventually managed to stop with another crack of the whip. It went almost simultaneously with the clash of thunder.
Hopping out, you looked down to see your polished shoes had landed directly in the biggest puddle on the square.
“Oh, miss, you should’ve let me put my coat down for you,” the old coachman called out, rising from his seat.
Your mother’s unnerving gaze followed yours down to the puddle around your feet. “Yes, you should have. I told you to watch your step with those shoes. Henry, clean them up.”
The coachman then proceeded to lay down his coat in the puddle anyways, and even after your protests continued to polish your shoes with his previously clean white handkerchief. You thanked him when he was finished, to which he tipped his hat.
“Hurry up. We’re already late,” your mother said. You wanted to rip the whip from his hands and hit her with it, but your composure and good sense got the better of you.
The massive doorknocker hit the hardwood three times because of your father’s shaky hand, which seemed to collapse back down to his side immediately after.
To your surprise, no maid opened, but the lady of the house herself did. Missus Everglot looked down upon you with a smile that looked more like a sneer. Her hair was greying, almost to the point where it was white, a colour matching the black dress she wore. Weren’t you supposed to wear colour for a special occasion such as this? You’d been so bold to wear something green; your best dress, to be perfectly honest. Were you supposed to wear black?
“It is good to see you again,” she hummed, and your parents made noises of agreement.
“Our apologies for bringing the bad weather. But that usually means good luck!” Your father said. You all laughed, though mostly out of politeness.
She invited you in, and you were finally able to see the grandeur of the Everglots household. Or well, what was left of it. The unlit fireplaces on either side of the entrance hall made you wonder if they no longer had maids working for them or if they simply enjoyed the cold. There was only one butler you saw so far, the one who took your coats from you and then scurried off. A big staircase stood in front of you, leading two opposite directions upstairs.
“Ah! You must be the daughter we’ve been hearing so much about!” Mister Everglot suddenly appeared, his arms spread wide with the same smile as his wife spread across his pale cheeks. He also wore black, though he bore quite a bit more weight than his wife, almost to the point where the top button of his shirt looked like it wanted to bail ship.
“It’s a true pleasure meeting you, mister Everglot,” you replied quietly, holding out your hand for him to shake. He barely did, before brushing you off to gloat about things to your parents. “You know, we’ve picked out the finest gold for the rings. The blacksmith in town just did a marvellous job on them-“
The ring on your hand felt heavy. It was your grandmothers’, passed down from your mother and onto you. Now you had to bear the burden of a loveless marriage.
Your silent sigh was interrupted by a quiet clearing of someone’s throat.
You looked up to meet the eyes of a dark-haired boy, who was scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably. He asked you if he got your name right. You nodded politely.
“Hi, I’m- I’m Thomas. It’s very nice to meet you, miss.”
You huffed in amusement at his stuttering. “I don’t think you have to call me ‘miss’, Thomas. We’ll be married soon.”
He smiled shyly. “I would keep calling you ‘miss’ if you preferred it. Marriage wouldn’t change that for me.”
You stood there, slightly aghast. This boy was nothing like his parents. You wondered who had raised him because as you had been fortunate enough with your nanny, you couldn’t imagine his having been any different.
“Better watch it there, Thomas.” Another man strutted down the stairs behind him. He looked just about as pretentious as mister and missus Everglot. “Don’t want to scare the little lady off there.”
Sykkuno only chuckled, but you could sense that his friend didn’t have the best intentions. He introduced himself after you, “The name’s Barkis. I’m a… good family friend of the Everglots, I suppose.” He kissed your hand, which made you shiver uncomfortably. You tried your best to hide it, instead turning your eyes to meet Thomas’ again. They seemed much brighter in this gloomy place.
At least, that’s what you kept reminding yourself of as you looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to refrain from fainting as your mother kept pulling on the strings of your corset until you were quite certain a few ribs had been broken off in the process.
“Now,” she reminded you, “This will be good for the family. I know you’re an unconventional spitfire, - I don’t know who you got that from – but you shall learn to listen to your husband. It will save your father’s business and his honour, not to mention your dignity.”
You couldn’t breathe, you needed air. Your mother saw the look in your eyes.
“And as a final warning, young lady, if you dare to try to run, you better remind yourself that this family will never take you in again. Not when you come crawling back with not a penny to carry, not with a baby you got from another man. You will be as good as dead to us, if you wouldn’t have already died in some gutter.”
You nodded, “I understand, mother. I just need some air.”
She gave you one last glance, before nodding. She locked the door after she left.
It allowed you to burst through the doors to the Everglots balcony, where outside the rain had thankfully settled a bit to a slight drizzle. But you didn’t care if your dress got wet. You had to untie the knot at your back.
But you couldn’t reach.
You leaned across the railing.
If you could reach a little further-
But your hand slipped, and you felt your feet being thrown the wrong way as you plummeted down the second floor.
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funnycatfelix · 2 years
briefly gonna talk about some of my design choices for my batim au
joey drew: wasian swag transgender gay man swag. his cane is pretty heavy too
henry stein: tucks his tie in so it doesn't get in his way while he works, keeps his hair nice and tidys
wally: nothing special he truly is just some guy to me!! regrets not wearing his jumpsuit properly when pipes burst and it gets all over.
thomas: WASIAN SWAG 2, the ink is cold so he wears a very thick sweater, not to absorbent, scratchy and uncomfortable to most people.
sammy: not buff. twig. flat. he can never get the right sized pants because his waise is to small and legs are to long. Wears thick socks to keep warm because his circulation is dog shit. got a perm and regrets it.
susie: loves yellow because it's a happy color, curls her hair every other day but otherwise forgets to do a lot of stuff. Just generally forgetful when it comes to appearance care i guess? she doesn't iron her shirts.
norman: ohh fuck his swag. Likes to wear fun but dark colors, keepshis pants tucked into thick rubber boots because he doesn't want any ink on them. he likes to sew + tailor in his free time and keeps all his vests bespoke
jack: keeps his stuff very nicely pressed and wears cologne in an attempt to cover the weird ink smell (doesn't work most the time). keeps a cotton glove on his left hand so any smudges will only be on frabric. (got to annoyed washing his hands for hours to get the stains out) TRANSGENDER.
shawn flynn: doesn't give a fuck wants to have a little fun. keeps a cigarette in his mouth but no lighter, likes having something to chew on. wears gloves for the same reason as jack except he's ambidextrous
Grant: likes to wear a nice knit to keep warm (circulation is so bad) barely ever trims his sideburns, so proud of them. Trasgender as well btw.
bertie: puts the most effort into looking pristine, but also interesting. Life is no fun without a fun colorful suit.
lacie: dresses pretty drab, likes to be left alone so she doesn't draw attention to herself to much. Has the scarf on her head to keep hair back so it doesn't get into anything she's tinkering with.
allison: doesn't have a great fashion sense, dresses for comfort more. wears lots of layers because her circulation is also bad.
Murray: likes to show off his arms, wears gloves basically all the time and has dry ass hands
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julemmaes · 4 years
Thoughts on Thomas and Alastair reading red white and Royal blue together in modern AU.
This contains spoilers for Red, White and Royal Blue. Enjoy!
Imagine them in bed right after dinner cause they're one of those couples who ditch their friends to read
Thomas coming back home with this book Matthew and Cordelia have been ranting about for the past weeks
And Alastair is weirded out by the fact that he has two copies, "Why would you buy two?"
Thomas just shrugs, "I didn't. Cordelia gave me hers, cause she told me you'd spoil anything the second you read it."
They settle in bed and Alastair waits until Thomas is ten pages in to start his, cause Cordelia wasn't wrong about him spoiling everything
Thomas is a calm reader, only crying when you're supposed to cry and reading a book without having to talk about it for the rest of your life
Alastair is the complete opposite
He frowns and screams at the books and always goes to Thomas to make him read single sentences before starting to rant about what fucked up shit the characters are doing
Thomas usually doesn't understand anything of what he says, but he also stops doing whatever he's doing, focusing all his attention on Alastair until he just storms out of the room to continue reading the book
Alastair is also a ugly crier when it comes to books
And a thrower
He once hit Thomas by mistake and it was because of a character's death. Imagine his guilt just adding to his grief and picture a very distraught Alastair while he's being coddled by his boyfriend
Alastair has laughed and chuckled way too many times in Thomas' opinion, but hasn't commented on anything yet
Until, "Oh my sweet jesus, bOY YOUR GAY IS SHOWING."
Thomas has to laugh at that and turns towards him, "What happened?"
Alastair is shaking his head in disbelief, "Alex is hating Henry with every fiber of his body one page and then he's brushing his posters the next? He's dumb."
"He reminds me of someone." he mutters
Alastair ignores him
"I'm living for Henry calling Alex out on his shit behaviour." Alastair whispers at some point, with a large smile on his face
Something hits Thomas on the leg and when he looks up he notices Alastair with his eyes and mouth wide, "The cAKE!"
"Homoerotic frat bro mishap - gotta love this woman."
"Tom," he calls him, "have you ever hate-read my wikipedia page?"
"You don't have a wik-"
"But, honestly, who does he think he's fooling? This boy is dumb dumb." He laughs, "Mad stupid."
From time to time Thomas just hears "Stan Zahra." or "Stan Ellen." and he just smiles
At some point Alastair just screams-laughs and goes "I'm going to thROW UP ON YOU, I'M DYING." before falling silent again without any trace of amusement seconds later
Thomas is startled when Alastair screech, "BABYY!"
Thomas is enjoying the book just as much, but he can't wait for the moment when they both realise they like each other, so he just keeps reading
"Alex was fAST starting to see Henry as a human being and not some kind of monster."
"Oh my god, why is Alex being such a dickhead-"
After a few minutes of silence, Alastair gasps, bringing his book higher and buring his face between the pages before screeching again.
Thomas snorts with wide eyes
After a while, Alastair turns to Thomas, brushing his arm, "Are you liking it?"
He nods, "I like the fact that Henry uses capitals at the beginning of his texts while Alex doesn't, it's the little things."
During The Turkey Scene™️ Alastair just loses it and Thomas has to stop reading to calm him down
"Oh god Tom fucking finally-" he turns to Thomas, "Henry looks fucking rested for once."
Thomas nods again, "And Alex noticed."
That makes a wide grin spread over Alastair's face
Thomas understands he's reached the New Year's Eve when all he can hear from Alastair are gasps and curses
"NO. NONONO. NOO!" Alastair hits Thomas on the arm, "Alex just kissed Nora and Henry ran away."
Thomas smirks, "Just keep reading."
"NOOOOO!" Alastairs screams, "WHY DID HE LEAVE WTF?!?!"
"Thomas I'm breaking up with you if you don't tell me now this is gonna be fixed somehow in the next three pages."
Thomas just clicks his tongue, shaking his head
"Wha-" Alastair just huffs a laugh. He turns to Thomas, pointing to the book, "Baby have you read this? Alex is- He thinks he's what now?" He's straight up laughing now, "Straight?!"
"He did what with Liam?"
"This is literally the gayest shit I've ever read in my life."
"Nah ha, I don't believe it."
"How can he think he's straight?"
"Oh god they watched porn together- HE JERKED HIM OFF."
Alastair just hits his head against the headboard, "I didn't think I'd have to go through the who the fuck am I in this book. I THOUGHT IT WAS PRETTY CLEAR JUST BY THE FACT THAT HE FUCKING CARESSED HENRY'S POSTERS."
Alastair panicked for a short time when Henry was seen with that blonde but started screeching again after a moment
Thomas bursts into laughter when he heard Alastair mutters God save the Queen
"'I want you on the bed.' OH JESUS CHRIST THOMAS IT'S US."
Thomas turns when he hears the hesitancy in his boyfriend's voice. Alastair's face is red and he's biting his lower lip
"You okay? What part are you reading?"
"No, uhm," Alastair scratches his head, "can we -" he clears his voice, "Can we make out?"
Thomas blinks a couple of times, "Sure."
A heavy make out session ensues before they both can start reading again
"We need to buy cupcakes tomorrow." Alastair mutters at some point, chewing on his lip
"Thomas this fucking book is the best thing I've ever read. I'm loving it so much."
Alastair closes the book around midnight, but Thomas knows he's not finished. He doesn't look his way thinking he's just gonna go to the bathroom
When Thomas senses him move around on the sheets and lay his head on hip lap, he closes the book too and look down at his boyfriend
"What's going on? We just made out."
Alastair grunts in his legs and looks up at him, "You're my match."
Thomas doesn't understand, but he smiles and leans down to kiss him
He resumes reading and realises Alastair had read more than him when he reaches Alex's and Ellen's conversation about matches. Thomas looks at Alastair once again and pesters him with kisses
It's around 3am when Alastair starts yawning
"Alas, you should go to bed."
He shakes his head, "No, I'm not tired, I wanna finish the book."
"The book will be here tomorrow."
"I don't care."
He drops the fight, knowing perfectly fine that he'll never win this
Alastair can be quite impressive when he finds something he likes - especially when it's books
"Fucking homophobes."
"I'm gonna riot if somebody doesn't let Alex call Henry right the fuck now."
The end of the book is read so fast that Thomas can't keep up with him and is now more than 20 pages back
Alastair is a crying and screaming mess by the end of it and Thomas has never seen him so upset in their time together
He's just spoiled the whole book for him, but he doesn't care. He doesn't care that it's now 5am and they have work in a couple of hours, cause Alastair just looks his way with wide eyes and his mouth open as if he's just realized something shocking
"Oh my god, did Pez, June and Nora had a threesome in that hotel room?"
tsc tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just send me an ask or dm me)
bold tags don’t work
@storysaremyreality @clara-sm @zoyalinas-nazyalensky @harryscameron @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @stitchkiss @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders @tremendousheadachecollector @tlh-tea @taco-taco-belle @city-of-fae @ifeelfreewithoutmyshoes @fclklcres @ghostlivvy @matthewwfairchildd  @abigneignenn @imherongraystairstrash @rednailpolishqueen @herondamnn @parababitch-herondale @silent-nerd @fairherondale @starryherondales @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @claralady @anne-reads @darkshadowqueensrule
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theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night Part XXXII
(A/N at the end)
The Parabatai rune on the center of Lucie’s back sent a course of happiness through her as Cordelia and James kissed for the first time as husband and wife underneath the cherry wood harbor adorned with delicate white daisies.
It’d been six months since the battle on the bridge. Six months since everyone she loved found out about the power that lurked within her. Six months to help rebuild a demolished part of London that the mundanes claimed to be a terrorist attack and were still investigating which country it might have been. They’d soon forget all about it though, as soon as the roads were repaved and the debris washed from the streets by the rains. Mundanes were so easily distracted.
The looks from other families hadn’t stopped in those six months, however. When Lucie would be out walking with Cordelia or her mother when she’d catch a glance from some busybody that would end in them scuffling away whispering underneath their breath. Tessa would go on as if she hadn’t noticed anything, but there had been a few times when Lucie had to distract Cordelia from shoving the notorious gossips into the park fountain.
It didn’t bother her as much as she'd expected it to. She heeded her brother’s wise advice and “just ignored them” on most days. When someone was brave enough to whisper an insult behind her back, she may or may not have asked a wandering ghost to tie their shoelaces together or perhaps undo their suspenders so their trousers slipped to the ground. Even though she was under she’d strict orders never to conjuring the dead.
“The dead have fought and earned their peace,” said Charles as soon as he was well enough to hold a Consul meeting. He'd suffered a grave injuring during the battle on the bridge-- though not grave enough. “I’m sure they don’t appreciate you disrupting them.”
During the entire meeting not once did he meet Lucie’s eyes or even glance at her. He spoke to her parents as if they held more control over her power than she did. She knew there would be those that feared her, but she’d decided not to bother with them or their opinions.
Not when the ones that mattered the most had welcomed her with open arms.
Not once did her parents hesitate to hug her, hold her, or speak openly about what she’d been able to do since she was a child.
“I knew it,” said Will, kissing her forehead. “I told your mother when you were still in her womb that you were going to be special.”
“You said she’d be able to recite Tennyson by the time she was three,” said Tessa, her arm wrapped tightly around Lucie’s shoulders.
“I could speak to Tennyson if you’d like,” grinned Lucie.
They all grinned with her and for the first time, she wondered why she never told them to begin with.
And they never asked. Perhaps there was an understanding amongst them or perhaps they were all just happy to have escaped Belial without a member missing that they didn’t bother with such trivial things as what was or was not said in the past. It didn’t matter why she never told them— they knew now and they loved her still.
Both James and Cordelia wanted a short engagement and nothing too grand or spectacular, to the chagrin of Sona. Tessa tried not to share her opinion on the matter, but Lucie could tell her mother secretly wanted an elaborate wedding and made Lucie promise that when her time came that she’d at least have some sort of grand party.
Lucie assured her that she would. There wouldn’t be a family in this realm or the next that didn’t know about the elaborate event.
Helping Cordelia with her plans and watching her quiet, secretive interactions with her brother often made her think of Jesse. He left for Alicante with Grace to settle a few familial affairs and similar to their acceptance of Lucie’s abilities, the Consul wasn’t so sure about how to feel about Jesse being resurrected and thought it best to reintroduce him into their society, slowly.
She hadn’t had even a moment alone with him, to see if whatever existed between the two of them still existed now. She hadn’t realized how much she’d come to rely on her talks with him until she could no longer communicate with him whenever she pleased. She’d written several letters to him. Seventy-two to be exact, and they were all tucked into a hidden compartment in her desk.
Letters that spilled her unaltered, unreserved, erratic thoughts; confessions she could never and possibly would never say aloud.
The last letter she wrote was a week ago and after careful contemplation and exhausting her feeling in the other letters, she found herself brave enough to put it in with the post to be sent to where Jesse was staying.
She knew there was a fraction of a chance that he would write her back, but at least there wouldn’t be any more wondering afterward. She’d finally be able to close that chapter— his chapter and move on.
From the entrance steps to the Institute, she watched the guests find their seats. Her eyes shifting amongst their familiar faces, secretly hoping that he would appear amongst them. When he never did, she refused to let herself be disappointed and distracted herself by organizing the bouquet of long-stemmed white daisies, weaving in sprigs of evergreen and silver heart-shaped eucalyptus.
The hustle of servants and groomsmen went past her in a blur. She’d had to help Thomas and Christopher with their ties earning her a kiss on the cheek by both men. They both smelt of whiskey and the gleam in their eyes told her all she needed to know about what went on in their dressing room earlier this afternoon.
When Cordelia emerged from where she was being primed and prepped, Lucie was waiting by the stairs— the only bridesmaid that Cordelia chose-- and beamed at her best friend and Parabatai’s beauty. Beside Lucie at the end of the stairs, stood Alastair. Silver already rimming his eyes at the sight of his sister.
Her vibrant red hair was elegantly pinned back in a braid that crowned her head with daisies interwoven throughout. Around her face hung only loose curls. Her makeup was subtle: just a hint of blush on her cheeks, a swipe of mascara on each eye, and a soft red on her full, heart-shaped lips. The gold of her dress shimmered as she walked down the stairs, the sun bursting through the round window behind her had her glistening in a way that would put the stars to shame. The silk fabric clung to every inch of her curves. The swooped neckline showed off a respectable amount of her chest that swelled with each swollen breath she took.
While she was an absolute vision, it was her smile that had tears springing to Lucie’s eyes. Never, in all of her short life, had she ever seen someone so happy.
“It’s not too late,” she heard Alastair whisper in Cordelia’s ear as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I can have a carriage meet us in the back in two seconds.”
Cordelia took his hand in hers. “That would be an awful waste of a perfectly good cake.”
“Well take it with us,” he shrugged.
“It’s four feet tall,” whispered Lucie. “And at least that wide. Bridget has no control when it comes to weddings, I’m afraid. Perhaps only take the top part.”
Alastair nodded at that.
Cordelia nudged Lucie. “Do not encourage him.”
The three of them walked to the closed doors they were to exit out of, walk down the stairs to the aisle, and land at the alter where James waited beside Matthew, Christopher, Thomas, and Will. Charlotte was asked to officiate the service and happily agreed.
When the music started playing, Lucie turned to Cordelia to speak, but she was leaning her head against her brother’s shoulder and she decided not to speak. Alastair’s eyes shimmered again as he looked forward.
Lucie had waited in the other room while Cordelia asked him to be the one to walk her down the aisle instead of their father. While Alastair’s opinion of James had only improved slightly, he agreed. The words exchanged between the two of them, Lucie didn’t know, but when they emerged from the room both of their eyes were rimmed with red and she knew that it was not for her to know or understand.
When she faced forward again, the music began to build and the wooden doors opened to a cool breeze. Lucie, in her periwinkle blue dress, smiled at the crowd that turned to watch her. At the back sat longtime friends. Bridget looked as if she’d started crying hours ago. The Townsend’s, Penhallow’s, Rosewain’s, Ashdown’s, Wentworths, and others all filled the back rows. Including some that Lucie didn’t recognize that might have fallen under Cordelia’s kin. Towards the front rows, Lucie found Henry in his chair beside an arrogant-looking Charles. In front of them sat Anna and Ariadne with her Aunt Cecily and her Uncle Gabriel who looked to be holding back tears. In the same row sat Sophie and Gideon, while she watched Lucie, Gideon watched his wife. When the rumors came out about Gideon and Charlotte, Lucie dismissed it as absolute rubbish because for as long as she could remember, the only person Gideon’s eyes ever softened for was Sophie. He looked at her the way her father often looked at her mother when Tessa wasn’t paying attention. They’d be reading on opposite ends of the couch, but her father’s eyes would wander off the page and watch Tessa.
Lucie often found herself hoping one day someone might look at her the same way.
Her Uncle Jem sat beside Tessa in the front row with Sona and Elias beside her, a bundle wrapped in a gold cloth covered the child nestled against Sona’s chest. Alastair’s and Cordelia’s little brother, the tufts of red hair could just barely be seen. Lucie had only met Elias once when she was young before he disappeared, she remembered him being stern but handsome. Through those years he’d been gone, the stern side seemed to overtake the handsome. His eyes were circled in darkness and he lacked color and shape in his face. Lucie wondered if that was perhaps why Cordelia chose Alastair to walk her instead.
When she reached the alter, James was the picture of a modern gentleman, but he also wore the expression of someone preparing for battle.
She brushed his shoulder with her own as she passed and whispered, “Relax.”
He released a breath he’d been holding and gave her a curt nod.
As she found her place across from James and his groomsmen, she turned to smile out to the crowd. Her heart sank just a little at the face that she did not find there.
The Blackthorns were invited, she knew. Both Jesse and Grace, but never received a card announcing their attendance. Lucie made sure that two spots were reserved for them just in case, but even now as she looked into the crowd those spots remained empty and the last flickering embers of hope that she kept alive for Jesse, evaporated in a puff of smoke.
The reception was held as such in the ballroom of the Institute. Persian rugs of all manner of color and design covered the floors and the spices and essence of Cordelia’s home and culture filled the room with life. Cordelia danced merrily with James for the fourth time, neither of them willing to let the other go. Only Alastair managed to sneak a dance in with her while Tessa stole James away, but as soon as their dance was over like two ships in the night, Cordelia and James found each other again.
Matthew danced reluctantly with his mother.
Tessa danced with Will.
Alastair danced with his mother while Elias held the babe.
Anna danced with Ariadne, challenging anyone who might dare interject or judge the pairing with the harshest of looks.
Christopher danced with a timid Carolina Belltower, both looked completely out of place and uncomfortable. Lucie was sure Christopher had managed to step on her toes not once but four times in the two minutes of the song.
Thomas was the only other one not dancing and didn’t seem inclined to do so. He stood beside Lucie his eyes locked on Alastair.
In her six months as a social pariah, when she wasn’t helping with wedding plans or writing in her room, she took to observing those around her. Thomas and Alastair had become a favorite of hers, especially when they didn’t think anyone was paying them any mind. The friendship was timid and slow. At first, Lucie thought that they hated each other, but then she began to notice that whenever they all found themselves in a situation together, Thomas and Alastair seemed to gravitate towards each other. She observed with curiosity the subtle change in their relationship from a timid want to something she could only describe as a yearning.
It was there in Thomas's eyes now as he stared at Alastair across the room.
“You should ask him to dance,” said Lucie, nudging him with her elbow.
Thomas raised an eyebrow when he looked down at her. “Here?”
“Why not?”
“A whole manner of reasons why not,” said Thomas and looked down at the glass cup in his hands.
“Are you afraid someone will disapprove?” Lucie sipped from the refreshment in her hands. His silence gave her the answer she already knew. “I do not want to rush you into a decision, but take note from someone who hid a secret about herself from those she loved the most in the world— if they truly love you, and they do— it won’t matter to them. They will love you all the same. Their approval is not worth a lifetime of your unhappiness.”
Thomas slid a hand around her waist and pressed a quick kiss to her head. “Not all of us are as brave as you are.”
Lucie smiled to herself. “I shall lend you some of my bravery then. If you won’t dance with him, then at least go talk to him. You best hurry for the song is ending and if you don’t I might have the good sense to ask him myself.”
“Who will keep you company?”
Lucie looked to her left where Oscar, Matthew’s dog, was lying in wait by her feet for someone to pet him. “I have Oscar. He’s the perfect company. He doesn’t step on my toes, he doesn’t prattle on about dull things. He could stand for a breath mint, but otherwise, he’s the perfect companion.”
Thomas chuckled, then as the song came to a close, he stalked across the room to where Alastair was guiding his mother back to her seat.
Lucie watched as the two talked for a moment, both of them leaning towards each other slightly before they both turned towards the doors leading to the gardens.
Lucie felt a swell of pride at the momentary act of bravery and found herself wishing that the world would change just a bit faster to make room for the amount of love those two would share. And if the world wasn’t willing to change, well then she’d just make sure they had a safe place around her to be themselves— to figure it out.
The next song started a slow, sweet melody that had the partners in the room drawing just a bit closer to one another. Cordelia’s red hair stood out like a beacon in the center of the floor, James pressing his temple against her own as they talked quietly to one another.
Lucie had become so enamored with watching the way her brother’s face light up when Cordelia said something particularly funny that she didn’t notice or feel the presence come beside her.
“Not dancing?”
The smile slipped from her face as she turned to see the familiar dark-haired gentlemen standing beside her. His blue-green eyes shifted to hers for a moment as he leaned down, close enough that his shoulder brushed her own. “I used to enjoy watching you dance. You weren’t as serious as the other girls. You would abandon yourself to the music instead of focusing on the proper steps.”
A warmth rose in her cheeks. “I hadn’t known I had an audience.”
He ignored her jib and continued. “I stood and wondered what it would be like to be one of the gentlemen that had the pleasure of being your partner. I would have filled your card with my name if I could.”
Lucie swallowed the lump climbing up her throat. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming.”
“We weren’t.”
“And yet here you are,” she huffed.
“It was a last-minute decision elicited by a rather threatening letter.”
“My letter was hardly threatening.”
“Not your letter.” Jesse’s eyes went to Cordelia who was glaring at him from over James’s shoulder. “Your letter was lovely. Hers gave me nightmares.”
Lucie glared right back at her conniving friend. “I’m so pleased you felt pressured enough to come. If you’ll excuse me, my drink has gotten warm and I no longer want to be here.”
A lie, and also not. She didn’t know how to be there. How to talk to him without there being some physical limitation. She’d let him go. She’d written those letters and let him go. She wasn’t entirely sure she could do it again.
She’d already moved into the crowd and was walking towards the refreshment table.
She brushed past Christopher who had switched his brunette partner with a delicate blonde one. It took her a moment to realize it was Grace.
Lucie shouldered past them, set her cup down on the refreshment table, and gathered her skirts to rush out into the hall.
Some tried to stop her along the way to tell her how beautiful she looked and congratulate her on her ceremony with Cordelia.
She grinned and mumbled her ‘thank you’ before the servants opened the doors for her to exit through. Once out in the hall, cut off from the music, noise, and smell of the party, she was able to breathe. She was almost to the end of the hall when the noise filled the space again.
“Lucie!” Jesse’s footsteps came after her. “Please wait. I didn’t mean—“
She’d turned the corner and hurried towards the staircase.
“Stubborn child,” she heard him mumble behind her. She was near to the ground floor when he said. “Damn this physical form, if I were still a ghost—“
“But you are not anymore,” said Lucie, turning to face him as he slowed on the last few steps. A dark strand of hair had come loose and fell in his face. He’d let it grow since she last saw him, the tips grazed his shoulders, pieces curled around his cheekbones. He was beautiful, heartbreaking, ache in her gut, tongue numbingly beautiful. “You’re alive and can go and do as you please. I am not longer the only company that you can have and it was clear that you never wanted. If you have anything more to say, write me a letter.”
She turned to walk away again but a hand closed around her arm. “You’re the only company that I want.” He loosed a breath and drew his hand away, running it back through his hair. “Damn it, Lucie, even now in life, I have no control when I’m around you. Can’t you see, you’re the only person I want to talk to. Still the only person that sees me.”
“I thought that—“ she swallowed and stared at the crookedness of his tie. “You said that—“
“I didn’t mean what I said,” said Jesse before she could finish. “I said those things because I was trying to keep you from going to the Lightwood house where Belial was lying in wait. I was trying to protect you.”
“Why didn’t you say that?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t believe me.” His dark eyebrows drew together in a pain-stricken expression. “I knew you’d think I was lying to keep you from trying to resurrect me and that’d you go anyway. I had to tell you something that you would believe… even if it broke your heart. Even if it broke my long-dead heart. I thought when you sent me away, locked me away that it’d worked, but then you bloody went anyway.”
“I went to tell Grace that I wanted to end our arrangement,” she said quietly. “As desperately as I wanted to bring you back, I wouldn’t have done it unless you wanted me to.”
“I’m an idiot,” he gasped. “I should have explicitly told you that Belial was there.”
“I wouldn’t have believed you,” said Lucie, with a small smile. “And if I had, I would have gone anyway if only to try to stop him. What happened was inevitable. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Regardless, I’ll punish myself for the rest of my life for it.” Jesse dared a step towards her. “Lucie, I have missed you.”
Tears prickled her eyes at the gentle way he spoke the words, yet she couldn’t holster the doubt that crept into her mind. “Why did you leave?”
“Guilt, shame, fear, of what the Clave would do to me, to Grace, because of our mother.” His hands tightened into fists at his sides. “Charles came to me after I’d been examined by the Silent Brothers and told me that I was to return to Alicante, immediately. He said I couldn’t be trusted and that I was to be placed under observation until further notice and when I inquired about you, he just gave me a grave look and would tell me nothing more.
“Everyone I spoke to gave me the same response. I thought you were dead. I thought Belial won. When I learned that he was defeated, I waited to hear from you, but when nothing came I thought maybe you were done. I thought maybe I'd lost you. I didn’t know what else to do so I left. I lost myself a little bit or rather I struggled with finding myself in this living world again. I think that I didn’t want it… not without you. It wasn’t until your letter arrived that I realized even if you had moved on, I hadn't. It took me weeks to gain clearance to come back here. The laws I had to break to be here.”
“You broke laws?”
He shrugged. “They’re bad laws anyway.”
A smile tugged on Lucie’s lips.
He braved another step. Inching just a bit closer.
Lucie took a shuttered breath. “I missed you too, Jesse Blackthorn. So much.”
It was the last bit of reassurance he needed as he moved forward, bending at the knees to wrap his arms around her waist and lift her against him. She wound her own around his shoulders, pressing her forehead against his own. He was real. Every inch of him, real. She ripped off her gloves and tossed them aside so she could feel him underneath her palms. The hardened plains of his back, his shoulders, his arms, his chest, until her fingertips grazed his jaw.
His breath hitched as if he were as starved for touch as she was.
He seemed to be content to do the same. As he slowly lowered her back onto her feet, his hands brushed the bare skin where her dress dipped just below her shoulder blades and continued to roam down her waist.
“Lucie,” his breath brushed against her lips.
Her mouth had gone dry. “Yes.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to feel you, touch you, hold you in my own hands,” he swallowed and his fingers brushed along her arms. “I’m half out of my mind right now with want of kissing you.”
“Why aren’t you then?”
He chuckled. “A nice girl like you found kissing a once dead man like me. The scandal.”
Lucie rose onto her toes. “I guess it’s a very good thing then that I’m already ruined.”
She tilted her head and met his lips with her own.
For the first time in Lucie’s life, she didn’t care about what people thought or the going on’s of the world around her. She let the intoxication of happiness overcome her in a way she hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Her friend, the boy in the woods, the ghost who’d given up everything to save her brother, who’d given up everything to save her, was all that mattered in the moment. She couldn’t believe, hated the thought, that she was moments away from losing him.
But like that day in the wood so long ago, he found her… somehow he always did.
A/N: Wow, we DID it! I cannot believe it’s almost been a year since I started this project and what a year it has been. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much if you read one part, six parts, fifteen parts, the whole thing, or if you’re just joining us. Thank you for your comments, your reblog, your likes, for your collaboration and encouragement. I have LOVED this challenge. I never had the bravery to do it before and while The Last Night was supposed to be a one-shot, I had so much fun expanding on it and playing around with some predictions. I hope you guys are satisfied with this ending. I know it ended with some Jucie* (I’m not even sorry) but I hope the Jordelia storyline was satisfying. I’ve learn so much from you guys and while there are about a million things I would like to change, mistakes I’d like to fix, or moments I want to expand on, I’m quite happy with the way this story turned out. Thank you again! 
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joezworld · 4 years
D7102 (1/10)
Fuck it let's write something
I blame @mean-scarlet-deceiver. Like, this is 100% their fault.
D7101 is a diesel hydraulic locomotive on the Island of Sodor. He came to the Island several years ago along with another engine, D199. Both engines failed during their trials, and had to be rescued by Henry, who himself had failed as well.
Because his personality had failed just as badly as his mechanicals, D199 was sent back to the other railway in disgrace. D7101, on the other wheel, was a pleasant, personable, and all-around likeable engine, and so The Fat Controller had retained him, using the diesel on The Limited as well as freight services.
7101 has fit in quite well on Sodor - he is especially close to Henry, with whom he struck up a friendship after their "super rescue" during the trial period.
One morning 7101 was sitting in the yard when The Fat Controller approached him.
"7101, may I speak to you for a moment?"
"Of course sir."
"I have a small problem, and I will require your help to determine an outcome." If 7101 didn't know any better, he'd say that The Fat Controller looked embarrassed.
"What is it sir?"
"Well, you see, when I acquired you for this railway, your Region was... less than inclined to give you up."
7101's eyebrows rose. "What does that mean?"
"It means that they never agreed to a transfer, no matter how much I argued. Technically, you are still here on trial."
"But sir, it's been three years! I've been repainted!" 7101 exclaimed. He thought he'd been one of The Fat Controller's engines.
"Yes you have, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes you one of us. Now, I came over here to ask you if you wished to stay, but I think I know what your answer is. Now the question is, how can we make the Western Region come around to our way of thinking...?"
Two days later, the Fat Controller was informed that the head of the Western Region was traveling to Tidmouth to personally track down his engine.
Forced to accelerate his scheming, he eventually managed to hatch a master plan.
"I feel like a stolen car!" 7101 complained as the men painted over his numbers with quick-dry paint.
"That’s because you are." Henry said, sotto voce. The Fat Controller had claimed that he needed a "reliable presence", and had recruited Henry into his plan.
7101 laughed a little at that, knowing that Henry held no malice towards him. He really liked this Island - the engines were friendly, and everyone seemed to care about each other in a way that you didn't get on the mainland. He didn't want to leave.
A few minutes later, with his 'new' numbers drying on his side, 7101 watched from the yard as the Fat Controller left his office in Tidmouth Station, following a tall man in a sport coat.
"-now I know that you're full of it, Hatt! I can see it! And why've you repainted it? They're going to the chop soon anyways. And what the hell is that next to it? Is it 1930 all over again?"
7101 gulped. He knew his class was non-standard, but he hadn’t realized that he could be withdrawn so soon. Now he really didn’t want to leave.
"Frederick," Growled the Fat Controller, his voice unexpectedly harsh. "As I have said four times now, this is not your engine, and this is not your region."
"Bullshit. This is my locomotive! It's a Hymek! Do you know where every other Hymek is? MY REGION! Except this one!" Frederick was a very excitable man, and was practically jumping up and down in an effort to prove his point.
"I think that if you investigate a bit more, you will discover that D7102 is most definitely not yours."
"7102? 7102? They only go up to 101!"
"Well, as you can clearly see, this engine is D7102, not D7101, whom we returned to the Western Region three years ago."
"What I can clearly see is that you have a stencil and a pot of paint around here somewhere! What kind of a moron do you take me for Hatt?! This is my engine!"
"Excuse me sirs," Henry said suddenly. "But 7101 was sent back in 1967. This is Bear, we got him from the Midland Region."
Frederick began to turn purple, while the Fat Controller suddenly found the ballast beneath his feet to be of great interest.
"The Midlands!? What?!" Frederick shrieked like a tea kettle.
"Yes." Henry ploughed on with his lie. "He was borrowed from Carlisle and then The Fat Controller decided to keep him."
"Reeeeaaalllllly?!" Frederick was unimpressed. "And what say you, Dee-seven-one-oh-two? Are you magically from Carlisle?"
7101 had no idea why Henry had decided to call him 'Bear', but decided to apply the one fact he knew about Bears to the situation.
He growled unintelligibly, making it seem like he had answered his question like a Bear would.
"What the fuck was that?!" Frederick was turning puce.
"He doesn't speak." Henry and The Fat Controller said at the same time.
Mr. Frederick was so upset that he had to go sit down, and didn’t notice the astounded glances the three Sudrians made at each other.
"I give up!" He shouted after he took his heart medication. "Keep the damn thing! It's not worth it! You're nothing but a fucking thief Hatt! A brazen criminal with a suit! You'll get yours!"
With that, he strode off to the station. Henry, 7101, and The Fat Controller watched him go.
"If he thinks that this was brazen," The Fat Controller said slowly. "I hate to think of what he'd say about my father."
"What did your father do sir?" 7101 asked as Henry rolled his eyes at the memories of the First Fat Controller.
"Well, to start, he stole Thomas from his original owners."
“And Edward.”  Henry chimed in.
“And Edward.”
"One of the original express rakes was acquired through insurance fraud."
“Was it? I thought that was just most of the fish vans." ”
"And the station clock."
"No, that 'fell off a goods wagon'".
"Did it? He must have been feeling brave that day."
7101 listened with raised eyebrows and wide eyes. "Does this mean that I'm one of you now?"
Henry and the Fat Controller, stopped, looked at each other, and burst out laughing.
“Yes!” The Fat Controller eventually said. “If there was any doubt left, that’s it done! I’ve stolen you from the Western Region just like my father would have!”
“Now you really are one of us!” Henry snickered.
7101 was thrilled!
“Henry,” 7101 asked later. “Why did you say I was called ‘Bear’?”
“I don’t know.” Henry said after a moment’s reflection. “I thought that it would be more believable if you had a name.”
“And you chose Bear?”
“There are thousands of words in the English Language, and at that moment I couldn’t think of any of them other than than Bear or Marmaduke, and-”
“-And since it isn’t 1874, I said Bear.”
“I’m so pleased you said Bear.”
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Headcanon: Going Into Labor At The Garrison
Request: None really, you guys just really seem to like this series and, honestly, I do too.
Arthur Shelby x Reader
Warnings: language, pregnancy, barely edited
A/N: You guys really love the ones I did for Tommy, Michael, and Finn so I decided to one for Arthur and John as well. The one for John should, fingers crossed, be out later today. Requests are open at the moment for everything. If you have any questions about it, my rules page probably has the answer and if not, just message me. Hope you guys enjoy.
Part One (Arthur) / Part Two (Finn) / Part Three (John) / Part Four (Michael) / Part Five (Thomas)
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The room was full of laughter at something Finn had said. His aunt didn’t find it as amusing, earning a smack from her. “Watch it, young man.”
You shifted next to Arthur, his arm slung over your shoulder, holding you close. He glanced over at you, having felt you move against him. “You alright, dear?” he whispered in your ear.
You nodded, giving him a smile before turning your attention back to what John was saying.
Since finding out you were pregnant, Arthur was happier then he’d ever been. It didn’t stop him from drinking or fight, but you never expected it to. You never wanted to change anything about the man you loved.
Your husband wasn’t as protective as you thought he would be. He would done anything for his family but he never kept you from doing as you please. If you wanted to go somewhere, he’d let you go and depending on where it was he’d tag along. 
He was more nurturing than anything, something no one expected from a man with such a brutish exterior.
Resting your hands against your swollen stomach, you glanced at the watch on Arthur’s hand, stifling a yawn.  It was late, and though you wanted to stay, your brain was beginning to become foggy with exhaustion.
“Arthur, love, I’m tired.”
He nodded kissing the side of your head before turning to his brothers. “We’re gonna head out, Y/n’s tired-” He stood from the table so he could help you up. “-and I won’t have to put up with Finn’s shit at home.”
A cheeky smile covered Finn’s face. He felt no guilt for the trouble he’d caused for his family early in the day.
You bid everyone good night as Arthur handed over your coat and slipped his own on, receiving a chorus in return.
Before Arthur could step out of the room, Polly called him. He looked over at his Aunt, brow raised. “What Pol?”
“Any pain, and I mean any, you call me Arthur Shelby,” she demanded. “You men know nothing of childbirth and I don’t need you freaking her out.”
He nodded, glances at you. “Don’t worry, Polly. She’ll probably kick me out if I do.” That earned a chuckle from Tommy.
“We’ll welcome you with open arms when she does,” John smiled at him, laughing.
The walk home was silent, peaceful as Arthur held a cigarette in one hand and your in the other. Your pace was slow, but neither of you were in any rush. You quiet enjoyed walking around Small Heath and even more so at night. Arthur, on the other-hand, enjoyed being anywhere with you.
Once in the comfort of you own house, Arthur assisted in taking your coat up, hanging it on the rack for you. “You don’t have to do that, love,” you told him, sliding off your shoes as he hung his coat up.
“Yes, I do.” He hooked his arm around you waist and pulled you close. “Your my wife and I’d do anything for you.” 
You pulled him closer, capturing him in a kiss. “I love you,” you mumbled.
He chuckled, breaking the kiss. “I love you, too. Now, let’s get you to bed.”
Arthur grabbed you a glass of water while you climbed the stairs, insisting that Polly would kill him if he didn’t take care of you properly. 
You were already in your nightgown, the dress you’d worn early laid in a pile on the floor. “Look who finally decided to show up,” you teased, taking the glass from him and planting a kiss on his lips. “What did Polly tell you before we left?” you asked and set the glass on the night stand.
Your husband shrugged. “To call her when you-”
“Go into labor,” you finished his sentence. “I don’t know how many times she’s told me that.” You sighed and walked over to Arthur.
“Why don’t you get into bed, love?” He grasped your hands, stopping you from unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. 
You pouted, “But I’m your wife and I’d do anything for you.”
He rolled his eyes. “You are such a tease,” he smiled. “But you are also the one who said they’re tired.”
You huffed and leaned into him. “Why do you have to be so mean?”
“Says you.” Arthur rubbed your back, enjoy the embrace.
“You are right, now.”
After some convincing, Arthur finally got you to bed, allowing him to strip his clothes off and slide under the covers next to you. You fell asleep in his arms while the two of you talked about a house Arthur had looked at in the country.
It was pitch black, when your eyes fluttered open, a pain in your lower back waking you up. Pushing yourself onto your elbows, you waited for it to go away. It wasn’t hard for you to go back to sleep, you were uncomfortable, but you could manage. 
The next morning, Arthur woke you as he rummaged the room for his left shoe, swearing to himself when he couldn’t find it. “Did you check under the bed?” you asked, voice groggy with sleep.
Your husband looked up in surprise. “Sorry I woke you,” he mumbled, checking under the bed. He sighed when he reappeared with a shoe. “How do you do it, Y/n?” he questioned, leaning across the bed to kiss you.
As you had nothing to do, you decided to spend the day with your husband and the first thing on his agenda was to stop by the Garrison.
You pushed the door open, being greeted by John and Tommy, Arthur right behind you. “Morning boys,” you greeted, taking a seat at the bar.
“Mornin’ Y/n,” John said before he turned to his brother. “Mornin’ Arthur.”
Before much else could be said, Tommy started talking business. You sat there, content listening to the men talk. Then the pain that’d woken you had made it’s way back and you did your best to let it pass.
It had hit you multiple times during the morning while you got dressed and made breakfast, but you brushed it off as nothing. You brushed it off, assuming that it would be more painful if it was something. 
Once one wave past over, another hit you, stronger than the last. You let out a shaky breath, grasping the back with your hands, knuckles turning white. 
You couldn’t ignore the pain any longer and tugged on your husband’s arm from where he stood next to you. He turned, eyes full of panic when he saw your face contort in pain. “Call Polly.”
“You hurt the lady,” Arthur shouted at John. His brother ran over to the phone, praying that Polly answered her phone. Turning back to you, Arthur cradled your face as you leaned into his touch. “We need to get you home.”
He helped you off the bar stool just as Tommy walked out of the back room where the phone was. “Polly wants to know how long you’ve been having contractions.”
You sighed, knowing Arthur would scold you for your answer. “I don’t know, sometime last night,” you let out as another contraction started. Just like you assumed, Arthur shot you a look but was unable to say anything as Tommy opened his month again. 
“You hear that, John?” His younger brother confirmed he had before Tommy asked another question. “You’re water hasn’t broken yet, has it, Y/n?”
You were about to nod, clutching onto your husband, when something ran down your legs landing on the floor. That gave both Polly and Tommy their answer.
“Shit, tell Polly to head to the pub,” he shouted at his brother as both Arthur and Tommy ushered you into the private room. It would be the most private and comfortable place for you to deliver as there wouldn’t be time to get you home.
Polly burst through the door not five minutes later, having run all the way from her house. “Where is she?” the woman asked John who was leaned against the bar before she saw you and Arthur in the private room, Tommy leaning against the doorway. “Jesus Christ, you two out,” she demanded, pointing at her nephew. 
They wouldn’t dare fight their aunt on the matter and the two fleet the room, Arthur kiss you on the temple before he left. 
With the door shut behind them and the sound of the pub doors opening and closing, Polly knew you were finally left in peace. “Alright, darling, let’s bring this baby into the world.”
You nodded and did as she asked you. Polly was an amazing coach, keeping you calm during the whole ordeal. And with her help, sweaty and tired, you held your baby against your chest. His soft cries died down as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. 
Polly looked down at you, wiping her hands on a towel. “I’m gonna go fetch Arthur. Let’s hope he hasn’t lost it yet.”
You chuckled at how your husband had likely handled this whole ordeal. He was probably loosing his mind, not just because your baby had been born in his pub, but also because you never mention the contractions you’d felt earlier in the day. 
Not even a minute later, Arthur stood in the door way, love in his eyes as he watched you coo over your son. You glanced up, a smile brightening your face. “Come here, love.” You extended a hand out to him.
With hesitation, Arthur took your hand and sat next to you. “He looks just like you,” he muttered, kissing your hair. 
“Here,” you gently placed your son in his father’s arms. “It’s alright, Arthur.” You laid your head against his shoulder, feeling how tense he was with the infant in his arms. “He won’t break.”
“I know, love. I know.” He looked down at his boy. “Nothing will hurt Henry Shelby, nothing,” he declared.
You smiled at your two boys, content with the name you’d decided on weeks ago. It was a strong name from a boy you knew would need it with the family he was born into.
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x0401x · 4 years
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Los Amigos
A short story from Tsujimura-sensei’s site for Henry’s birthday. Was actually published months ago, but I decided to post the translation today to celebrate the date. As always, feel free to message me about possible corrections, and please consider supporting the creators by purchasing digital copies of the official releases.
T/N: To the Spanish speakers reading this, I know that the lyrics of the happy birthday song aren’t quite right, but that’s how Tsujimura-sensei translated them. She’s trying, guys. She’s trying. _(:’з」∠)_
Someone from the distant past once said, “You come to know who your real friends are as you grow older”. Shimomura Haruyoshi’s actual feelings were that he didn’t want to know.
In short, he thought, this means one thing: although you meet a relatively large amount of people when you’re young, you only manage to keep in touch with a few of them after you get tossed about by time, by society and by individual people. This was nothing but a general theory, and he wished he could retort with a “that’s none of your business”.
Having left Japan and come to the remote countryside of Spain, he had but a handful of “friends” who he could keep in touch with. His days of being chased by lessons that seemed to keep on rushing and rushing no matter how fast he went were fulfilling, and though the presence of his school mates who played music with him in the same institute was stuffy, if he let himself go even just a little easy, he would be attacked by a sense of loneliness. It felt as if he were alone in the world and was doing things frantically.
“That’s why I’m really grateful to you, Enrique.”
“That aside, it would be great if you could improve your English a bit more.”
“English is hard... I’m already buried up to the neck with Spanish; my head would burst if I tried to study English too. It’d burn up, dude, burn up.”
“Ooh. That would be a problem.”
“Right? So let’s talk in Japanese and Spanish.”
“But if we do that, your English won’t improve. Just as you gave me assignments in Japanese, I gave you assignments in English. It’s okay, you can do it. I believe in you.”
“Enrique, you’re surprisingly spartan.”
“Not at all. Compared to my step-brother, I go as easy as it can get.”
“How many assignments does your step-brother give?”
“Let’s see... firstly, he would make you do a three-minute speech. After that, he would comment and make you do another speech based on it. And then comment again.”
“Oeeh. My mistake. Enrique-sama-sama. I like my curry sweet.”
“I like any kind of curry. Now, please do your best.”
Haruyoshi Shimomura fidgeted in front of the video call screen, and after hesitatingly saying, “All right, all right”, he slapped his cheeks as if he had made up his mind.
“Eh... I’m gonna do last time’s task, ‘short speech’.”
When prompted with a “go ahead” the young man began to speak.
His dream was to become a guitarist. There were many types of guitarists, but his goal was to become a guitarist who could do live concerts in Japan. He also wanted to invite his family and friends to his concerts. He would be happy if they could listen to his music and enjoy themselves.
That was it.
After saying this much, the young man’s words trailed off.
“Eh~, we still have quite a bit of time left, so for the rest, I’m going to do a ‘speech’ now,” saying so, Shimomura Haruyoshi reached his hand outside of the screen and took his guitar. And then, while playing the strings, he began to sing.
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you I hope this year will be Good for you, Enrique Happy birthday to you
As he finished singing Cumpleaños Feliz, he put away his guitar and clapped his hands.
The blond man on the other side of the screen was bewildered. “Why...?”
“‘Why’, you ask? Today’s your birthday, ain’t it? November 9th.”
“Forgive me if I forgot, but when did I tell you that?”
The young man smiled back at the man who asked him in English as politely as usual, except a little quick. “I asked for a telephone game. When I went to that party, I wanted to ask a lot of stuff since I had gone through the trouble, but we didn’t have much time to talk in the end, right? I wanted to at least ask about your birthday.”
The one that the young man had asked about it to was not the birthday person himself, but instead an old friend of his who had organized the party, Nakata Seigi. After saying, “Wait a bit”, Nakata Seigi went to ask his employer, who prided himself in a refined beauty that resembled Mount Fuji at the break of dawn, and then quickly came back with the information.
“My bad for asking it without telling you. But I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Do you know what my relationship with that person is?”
“Eh? With Nakata’s boss? Nope, nope; you a client of his?” While saying that he should have asked how Richard knew his birthday, Shimomura Haruyoshi gave himself a forehead slap.
As Enrique smiled and said nothing but “is that so”, he once again expressed gratitude for the courteous celebration of his birthday. The Asian young man shook his head with a “no biggie, no biggie”.
“Y’know, I... I’m aware that I’ve walked a thorny road when it comes to building up relationships with other people, and it’s not like I’m gonna be in Spain forever, but even if I go back to Japan, I also don’t think I’m gonna settle there forever. Even if people say that ‘you come to know who your real friends are as you get older’, it’s just a matter of having less friends with time, isn’t it? That’s why,” Shimomura Haruyoshi laughed, “Enrique, thanks a lot. I’m grateful to you. Thanks for being my friend. When you seem to be having fun, I have fun too.”
Enrique made a completely exhausted face, then gave an embarrassed-looking, bashful smile after moment and applauded him. “That was a wonderful speech.”
“Ah, the one just now? It counted as a speech? Lucky me.”
“Haruyoshi... you are... pretty frivolous... sometimes.”
“Sorry, sorry. Wait, Enrique, when did you learn such a difficult word in Japanese?”
“I read it in a book.”
And so, Enrique began speaking in English once again. He talked about not knowing the saying “you come to know who your real friends are as you get older”, but he knew the following words.
Shimomura didn’t understand very well the proverb that he recited torrentially from memory. He was only able to catch the words “friendship”, “wine” and “milk”.
As he titled his head with a “so, in short, what do you mean?”, Enrique gave an elder-like smile and said in Spanish, “‘Friendship is like wine. Raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man’s milk and restorative cordial’ - these are the words of Thomas Jefferson, one of the presidents of the United States.”
“A brewing of friendship, huh.”
“There are no true or fake friends. Friends are just friends. They’re not an universal medicine that can solve anything, be it uncertainties towards the future, homesickness or other such things. But I believe they’re something limitlessly similar to that. Haruyoshi, please cheer up. We are music pals. I’m here with you.”
Shimomura gave a strained smile. He, who had the natural disposition of a youngest child, was fond of the sometimes fastidiously straightforward side of this man named Enrique. If anything, he was the sort of companion that made Shimomura want to follow him.
“Thanks, Enrique. I feel like I’m gonna cry. I’m counting on you from now on too.”
“Same here; please take... care of me.”
And so, the two brought the language study to a close and moved on to talking about briefing sessions for new songs like usual. “By the way, about those Yakuza-like lines used for threats that I had to teach you a while ago, why on earth did you want to know something like that, and surely you didn’t actually have to use them, right?” was a question that Shimomura Haruyoshi forgot to ask.
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