#idk who hasn't been tagged yet take it and say i tagged u <3
ashrifts · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper: a generic one for my work phone and cute cacti for my personal one bc i can't let my irls know i like anime jk jk last song you listened to: trap for you... sorry for being an enstarrie i can('t) change currently reading: tender is the flesh and re-reading omniscient reader's viewpoint! last movie: tusk (which i think ran would find hilarious) last show: oshi no ko what are you wearing right now: pjs piercings / tattoos?: nothing bc that'd get me kicked out of my latino household jk (no jk) glasses ? contacts?: neither, i got lasik lol (laughing to hide the pain) last thing you ate?: An Egg. bit into it like an apple. favorite color(s): green! current obsession: yoo sangah specifically. my beautiful wife... do you have a crush right now?: on my s/o but don't tell them favorite fictional character: ooo my top 3 faves of all time are takemichi, yukari takeba and alba frühling!! alba u can clown on all u want but i WILL fight for yukari and michi's honor
tagged by: @deathfavor ty ty! tagging: the girl reading this ❤️
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gramarye · 1 year
TESS IM GONNA HAVE TO DO IT 2 U AS WELL HEHEHE… IF YOU’D LIKE!! Chris Quinton V arclight? >:D!!!
THANK YOUUU HEHEHE sorry for taking a bit i love doing these but im getting my ass kicked by antibiotics induced Tired
ok like i say this is Woman to me but i'll use he/him for clarity's sake
First impression: INSANELY PRETTY HAIR. very responsible and cool? respect
Impression now: still insanely pretty hair and cool and responsible BUT ALSO A HUGE SPACE NERD AND WE LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #DYSONSPHERESWEEP
Favorite moment: ok i think his final duel where he's tagging with trey goes SO hard... it's so so cool like one of the coolest duels ever, i love how they came so close to outwitting mizael....... ALSO the scene where tori gives him and trey onigiri and he's like. "What Is This." white woman moment <3 made me laugh so much i love seeing the cool eldest sibling character wrong about something and looking a little silly
Idea for a story: waaa i would like to see ppl write out his training with kite... i loved his event where he teaches everyone else dueling too and goes a little insane slash pos. i would like to see them bonding when they were young i think it'd be sweet, and id like to see him bond w haruto post canon too. they are all a big family!!!
Unpopular opinion: idk how unpopular this is bc many of my friends are incredibly based but..... trans woman to me. maybe hasn't realized it yet. but in time. god bless
Favorite relationship: OOOUUGH HM i rly like his friendship with kite.......... both eldest siblings forced to bear massive responsibility and bonding over it..... i also love the fact that he thinks of kite like his family too and taught him to duel........ AND OBVIOUSLY i adore his relationship with everyone in da arclight family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the arclights were my favorites in zexal in general so ;_; wuw them all so much
Favorite headcanon: ik hes made everyone watch all star wars movies. they are so tired. even kite has been dragged in. haruto too. haruto is the one who minds the least he thinks they're pretty cool :)
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malewifemanhunter · 2 years
thank you @headgehug, @emodennis and @sunnyontheside for the tag!!!! man i haven't done one of these in a whiilleee sorry it took me so long jshdjhd
name: Ohra, malewife, whichever is easier to remember
star sign: libra sun (sorry for being an emotionally imbalanced slut)
height: 175 cm, or 5"9' for my american buddies
time: 1:45 pm
birthday: das for me to know and you to find out. (lol tho to be fair i will post about it when it is)
favorite bands/artists: uuuhhh, like mitski, gorillaz, the beatles, deaftones. i don't really listen to bands, i care abt the music only
last movie: Romy and Michelle's high school reunion. really cute chick flick, and the fits are sooooo good
last show: sunny lol. more specifically season 7. fat mac has me by the throat.
when did i create this blog: in 2016 for kpop, but i didn't actually using it until January 2021
what i post: horny stuff mostly, 90% sunny stuff only
last thing i googled: google keep wont sync in. the notes app is being so goddamn difficult for some reason, and idk how to fix it
other blogs: qweerpeep - for face app gender bend edits and uuhhh catboyohra for depweshion shit. i don't really use it anymore, prefer to write in a diary, plus i feel better now emotionally, but you can go look or whatever. don't follow tho, if you do i'm blocking u sowwy
do i get asks?: sometimes my friends send me cute asks, and other times people dump their godawful takes on sunny
following: like 179 ppl, a lot of those blogs i followed when i first joined, and they're inactive now :'(
average hours of sleep: no clue. i think like 6
instruments: kalimba. and i used to play the piano as a kid
what i’m wearing: gray tshirt with mickie and minnie mouse and beige short shorts
dream job: no fucking clue. genuinely, never thougth i would make it this far lol
dream trip: i wanna see my online friends, i don't really care where. would prefer a beach tho. and i wanna visit japan, so so sooo badly, and see my friend there. she's so outside internet culture, and i truly love that for her
nationality: romanian (nobody say shit about andrew tate to me, i will kick)
favorite songs: like rn? the fruits by paris paloma, la luna enamorada, nathalie, rich friends
last book i’ve read: songs of achilles, haven't finished yet, sure hope nothing extremely sad happens :)
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: sgahgsdhgahsd bro idk. sunny? i don't have that much of an imagination
i have seen this game a loottt on my timeline lately and i have ni clue who did it or not, so just in case, @officialbillhader, @twinkmacrules, @stglennfucker, @lets-dont-this, @allgaysunny, @macisnotajabroni, @citytwinkmac, @cutemeat, @cocklickerdennis, @nightcrawlerzincorporated, @trillgutterbug, @kardinalkalamity, @aanteater-nose, @katyasghoulfriend, @kathleenbrash27, @citymacs, @ratcoffin69, @bastardmanvibes, @sewerkingcharlie, @chrundletheokay, @gothmacbro, @lesbee-dee you wanna tho~ also anyone else that wants to do it but hasn't been tagged, i wanna read as many as i can lolool
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franciskirkland · 1 year
Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for tagging me @fireandiceland 🔥🧊🇮🇸
1.) How many works do you have on AO3
7 🍀
2.) What’s your total AO3 count?
Word count currently at 191,103. Hit count 3,468. We gotta pump these numbers up these are rookie numbers 📈💁‍♀️☝️
3.) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
We write Hetalia here Sir 🧐🌍
4.) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Boys Don't Cry (🇬🇧🇫🇷)
2. Dancing With A Stranger (🇬🇧🇫🇷)
3. Sugar, We're Going Down (🇬🇧🇫🇷)
4. (You'll Be My) American Boy (🇺🇸🇫🇷)
5. (Hit Me) Baby One More Time (🇬🇧🇫🇷)
5.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
🤔😈 That's a hard one bc like most of my major works are pretty angsty but they're also mostly unfinished! I would have to say Boys Don't Cry is the angstiest in general but it'll have a happy ending!! 🥰
6.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
See above. All my stuff will eventually have fluffy endings 🥹💖 That being said, La Vie En Rose is a domestic fluffy oneshot! 🌹
7.) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah, hasn't really come to mind.
8.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Not a ton, and I have to be in the right mood for it. What kind? Idk how to answer that 😅 I guess I can write rough fucking or gentle lovemaking and whatever in between 🤷‍♀️ Idk. Also I exclusively write Franny on the receiving end (also topping from the bottom is 🤌 *chef's kiss*) and Artie more dominant bc that's just how I see them! Mommy and Daddy 💕 Don't h8 appreci8 😘
9.) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Always!!! 🤩 I looooove any and all feedback and I try to reply ASAP
10.) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Mmm no but I got anon hate for the first time telling me my characterization sucks and it's like 😭 Are u 13??? Go study for your math test girlie xoxo
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and I will go ballistic if that ever happens ☺️🤪🤙
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I try to include a fair amount of French when I'm writing France, but I write in English and no one has ever translated it. If you'd like to, go ahead!
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I do get a lot of input from friends here and have been inspired by some ideas from others (with permission to make them my own stories) but no, I'm more of a solo writer who takes requests!
14.) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Arthur/Francis 🇬🇧🇫🇷 I looove ScotFra too, and US/Fr 🤤 Honorable mention for CuCan but I haven't written anything focused entirely on them yet!
15.) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
Never say never. I always come back to my works even if it takes me a while 🥹
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I've received a lot of compliments on my characterization and also descriptions of settings so! That must be it! I'm a details girlie ✨
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Mmm writing fluff without adding angst. Don't get me wrong I love fluff I just can't help but do a little Suffering 🥺😈 Also time management, dragging things on, getting distracted 🥴😵‍💫
18.) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I do often write Francis speaking in French! (and I usually call him François bc that's the French spelling sorry hhhh) If it's a long piece of dialogue or a phrase that isn't well known, I will usually provide a translation, but if it's something like "Voila!" or "Je t'aime", y'all can figure that out for yourselves.
19.) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hetalia I think 🫡 I'm not rly in any other fandoms.
20.) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof I don't play favorites, seriously I try to give all my WIPs equal time and attention. Sometimes if I'm not feeling something as much I'll put it off, but like I said I'm excited to write all of them!! 😁💕💘
@koolkat9 @swagtalia if you haven't already done this! (no pressure as always 😚)
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fcntasmas-archive · 1 year
I recently read keep going, keep going come what may (admittedly without reading any of the tags/notes, so going in totally blind and started off a bit confused lol) and oh my god it was amazing! [spoilers below for anyone who hasn't read it yet :)]
When I realized the "hallucinations" were those who were currently visiting Buck and the conversations he was dreaming with them were really stemming from the one-sided conversations they were saying to him at his bedside?! I immediately had to start back from the top to reread with that perspective and it made it all the more heartbreaking but so, so good. Like, the conversations when Buck starts to "flicker" and you can tell the others are able to see from their side that something is going down hill and he's deteriorating. Chim telling him that things are going to get rough from here on out but he has to hang in there and keep trying, *forehead touch* that he can do anything. AH!!! And then Eddie asking him to keep fighting but letting him know he'll love him either way. (not my heart splintering into a million pieces over here). I know there have been some 6B theories about Buck maybe going into a coma or having some sort of head injury-induced dream, and idk if that will actually happen, but if it does, I would really really love if they used this fic's format where we get to hear what everyone is saying to Buck, gradually have him come to the realization of what's happening, and make a final decision between "moving on" or going back to them <3 Thanks so much for writing and sharing this fic! It's incredible!
HELLO???? this is actually so sweet of you i’m gonna cry 🥺🥺🥺 ilysm thank you for taking time out of your day to send me this kgkgcwm has SUCH a special place in my heart and even though it’s probably my least popular buddie fic it’s also the one i probably had the best time writing so??? comments like these make me so happy thank u again this genuinely made my whoooole day ilysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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