#idk why I bothered making that art queue post lmao I’m just coming up with different things to do instead
widowshill · 1 year
apropos of going apple picking with @criticalfai1ure and fam im currently drowned in the Visions of r/v doing fall activities
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bienmoreau · 3 years
Tagged by @sweetlittlevampire ! Thanks :)
why did you choose your url?
Oh it’s a fairly long story if I tell it all but to cut it short it’s a development on a joke from a fandom subgroup that I spent most of my university years in on here. It used to be beanmoreau but given that the character it’s in reference to is french (and a good bean!) I decided I liked bienmoreau better :) It’s almost the only thing left on my blog thats immediately referential to that fandom now too..
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
Yeaaaa loads lmao. The only one that is even vaguely active these days is only @loverslivingpoetry (quotes and pretty things) It’s also the oldest one I have. From back in the days when you either had an aesthetic or a fandom blog so I had both lmao.
how long have you been on tumblr?
Gods. Okay I know this.. December 2012? I think? That sounds abt right.
do you have a queue tag?
Nah. I have in the past for when I knew I would be away for a while at festivals and such but I’m way to inconsistent to bother these days
why did you start your blog in the first place?
My best friend at the time had one and said it was fun and that I should make one. Out of the 4 of us that made blogs that year I think I’m the only one still on here anymore..
why did you choose you icon/pfp?
.. it’s just a silly lil beeb Jin Ling I doodled but I think it’s cute so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
why did you choose you header?
Because that art is super specific to me so it never gets notes but I’m really please with how it turned out and I still love both the characters and the idea behind it so I like getting to see it regularly
what’s your post with the most notes?
????? Not even sure how to check that tbh! But there’s one that if photos from the Coming Out exhibition in Liverpool a couple years ago that i had to delete cause the notifications literally broke my app.
how many followers do you have?
2.5k+ but honestly I assume most are deactivated now since I’m definitely not in the fandom that most of them followed me for.
how many people do you follow?
672 I used to follow thousands. Then went though a time of limiting it to like 500. And now I just don’t really pay attention but also haven’t added many new people lately
have you ever made a shitpost?
Uuummm probably.. I think I have but I don’t remember enough to give examples
how often do you use tumblr each day?
🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ it depends massively on the day tbh. But I will normally check it at least twice. In the morning and the evening to catch up with friends. More when I’ve made a post myself
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
Yeaaa I was caught in some real bad fandom drama for the last fandom I was properly part of which it a big part of why I’m well away from it now.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
Low level irritation and a stubbornness around not reblogging it even if I would have without that comment. Mostly cause I don’t like to pass the comment on.
do you like tag games?
YEP! But sometimes I’m rubbish and slow to do them
do you like ask games?
YES! I used to reblog loads and have made a few of my own but I’m so not in any social fandom groups anymore so people don’t engage so much anymore.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
??? Idk there’s probably a few mdzs blogs that are *known* in the fandom and back in the days of my previous fandom I was pretty big in the fandom myself so a bunch of my mutuals were *famous* in the fandom but I don’t think I have any that are tumblr wide famous. Tho a few have posts that have seriously taken off.
do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nah. Love y’all for what you make and those I’m friends with as well mean a lot to me but I don’t really do crushes tbh.
And tagging @everythingthatmatters @rinielle @theheartofthekoko @faintlyglow @wesawbears (I know I already know some of you but sshh) only if you want to!!
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