#idk why i keep giving oliver a bad rep but i promise i love him out of everyone here
doobea · 11 months
bllk college au pt. 2
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a/n: a continuation of my college au headcanons c: under the assumption that soccer is a hobby for majority of them hehe featured charas: sae, shido, oliver, kunigami, barou
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international relations with a minor in spanish
the honorary chill/quiet popular one in his department and, unlike rin, he has a large social media following but is the type to have 5 posts
being popular also means being constantly invited out to parties and events (ppl think pretty face = more ppl will show up - they r exploiting him!!!)
honestly really sucks at studying? doesn't like people seeing him stressed out so he suppresses it to act 'cool' and in secret he attends private tutoring sessions
of course he's gonna spend a year aboard in spain, most likely planning on moving there after graduation
since his personality is unpredictable and eccentric, he would probably major in art with a strong concentration in 3D sculptures
favorite past time is scaring high schoolers and their parents during campus tours (either hides in bushes and jumps at them or chasing them around w an inflatable dino suit)
loves loves loves to go over the top with his designs and projects, probably even has an online art shop
the general student body is afraid of him but he doesn't care and doesn't really lump himself in any sort of social group - just surrounds himself with people he finds interesting and fun (sae and oliver r like his only besties)
smells and looks like a marketing and communication major
most likely has “saturdays are for the boys” flag somewhere in his room
can probably imagine that he’s the type to display empty alcohol bottles in his apartment kitchen’s top shelf
always partying or hosting, even during finals week but still manages to barely pass his classes
also probably spends half of his time in class messaging his 10 situationships
tbh early elementary education or any education major
he gives off the vibes that he would be absolutely fantastic with kids and probably be good with teaching too
speaking of which, when he's not powerlifting at the gym, he's in the library hosting tutoring sessions (likes to also prep his students and study mates with little get-well baskets filled with energy drinks and granola bars)
has a wild and unhinged side that comes out during parties (bachira + shidou + kunigami = noise complaint & campus police)
frequently solo travels during holiday breaks
agree to disagree but real talk maybe something having to do with culinary?
he has a secret food account where he only allows his sisters to follow him and he's super meticulous about the presentation (sisters probably convinced him to go to culinary school, can totally see him as a gordon ramsey type head chef lol)
hes a super hard worker - maybe even puts in the most effort into any subject compared to everyone else on this list? tries to study alone 99% of the time in a private library room
is a regular in the university's bowling ball club (bc apparently on his wiki it says that he loves bowling lmao)
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Calm down Janis: almost as keen as him Jimmy: like a kid at a birthday you Jimmy: sort it out Janis: I know Janis: he's just SO interesting Jimmy: & HOT Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: like OMG Janis: 😂 Janis: when generations of inbreeding has done wonders for you and your bank account Janis: sign me up and get out the way, gracie Jimmy: I'll see myself out Jimmy: 💔 gutted Jimmy: call me later boy Janis: soz you can't compete 🤷 Jimmy: it ain't my fault I can feel the #nohomo from here Janis: just making you feel at home Janis: so considerate Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: falling for him Janis: do you reckon we've misunderstood the purpose of a double date or Jimmy: hang on, is it not that you're fucking him & your sister is fucking me? Jimmy: that's what I signed up for Janis: un🍀 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: suppose I'll have to go home with you then Jimmy: bit rude but Janis: no one's more disappointed than I am Janis: trust Jimmy: yeah, I can feel it from you Janis: Can't feel nothing from there Janis: why do you have to sit opposite Janis: has she made that up Jimmy: for the 😍 to really hit Jimmy: [gives her a genuinely sexy look though] Janis: stop that Jimmy: that's what the seating plan is actually for Jimmy: your sister can't play hard to get if he can touch her under the table Jimmy: & neither can you Janis: 😒 Janis: really Jimmy: really Janis: behave Janis: this is a fancy establishment Jimmy: you working here? Janis: I don't work Janis: I distract other people from theirs Jimmy: then I ain't gotta Jimmy: do nowt Jimmy: especially behave Janis: gotta do something Janis: operation piss mia off Jimmy: I'm here looking the part Jimmy: job done Jimmy: this is operation drink you under the table, lightweight Janis: then we need more drinks Janis: not asking him, probably click his fingers Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: be a hero Janis: yours Janis: i know 💪 Jimmy: save me from this & I'll think about it Janis: [gets drinks] Jimmy: [does a glass clink but just with her cos he rude] Janis: 🥂 Janis: You're on Jimmy: [downs half of his drink (only half cos money & he ain't gonna her order more straight away like a tit) 'cause 1.challenge accepted but 2.he needs it 'cause lord this date Janis: [keeps up and then some 'cos that bitch] Janis: when can we leave Jimmy: now? Janis: wanted to run up more of a bill to leave him with Janis: but christ Jimmy: Grace'll do it Jimmy: we both know fake 💕 when we see 'em Janis: experts Jimmy: she's decent at this Jimmy: not as good as me but 🥈 Janis: makes a life out of it so should hope so Jimmy: you should've got some tips mate Janis: fuck off 🙄 Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: alright Jimmy: in a bit Jimmy: [downs his drink & gets up but only going to the toilet lbr not leaving] Janis: you're such an idiot Jimmy: you love me Jimmy: so you're the idiot Janis: I can change Janis: you'll always be a dickhead Jimmy: change into a bigger dickhead, yeah Janis: one that don't fuck w you though so Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: [comes back & with more drinks but puts both of 'em next to him cos he's a child] Janis: 'scuse me Jimmy: ? Janis: play fair Jimmy: [gives her a look like idk what you mean cos nerd] Jimmy: be nice to me Janis: [has to lean over and grab drink excuse me everyone] Janis: you Jimmy: [has to lean over & kiss her excuse him everyone] Janis: 😏 Janis: reckon I'm well in Jimmy: don't you reckon you need some more drinks first Jimmy: he's a bit Jimmy: what's the word? keen Janis: Hmm Janis: true Janis: and I'm no lightweight so Jimmy: still only got your word on that Janis: play your cards right and you'll see 🍀 Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: come to mine though Jimmy: my dad'll love how pissed you'll be Jimmy: might as well piss him off tonight too Janis: 🙄 Not the rep I'm after but bit late to salvage what we coulda had, Ian so Janis: 👍 Jimmy: do call him Ian in a bit 👍 Jimmy: 😂 Janis: Mr Taylor? Janis: ew Janis: you ain't a teacher Jimmy: that much of a dickhead Jimmy: & got the ☕ breath Janis: 😬 Janis: not planning to get that familiar thank you Jimmy: bet he's 💔💔 Jimmy: thin line between love & hate Janis: 😂 Janis: obvs Janis: everyone loves me Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: so 😎 Jimmy: 🚬 break, cool girl? Jimmy: or your sister got you 🚭 Janis: ha, she wishes Janis: let's go Jimmy: [takes off the shirt before they go outside cos gotta return that shit can't be getting smoke on it, good thing he ain't topless that'd be awks] Janis: 😳 steady on Janis: make it more obvious, lad Jimmy: that's what we're here for Jimmy: being #goals Jimmy: & I am so Janis: [walking n talking obvs] Janis: you reckon I ain't pulling my weight? Janis: rude Jimmy: just trying to keep you on top, babe Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt like Janis: I remember how much you liked that Janis: don't worry Jimmy: 😳 you steady on Janis: 🚬 about it, baby Jimmy: til I can 🎨 Jimmy: you'll like that Janis: obvs 😍 Jimmy: I ain't forgot you need that nude Jimmy: & twitter Jimmy: & the world Janis: Shh Jimmy: make me Janis: [smoochin'] Jimmy: you fucked up Jimmy: meant to be goals in there not out here Janis: You want me to stop? Jimmy: can you? Jimmy: always #goals you Janis: cross to bear, like Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: me too Janis: that's why we're a team Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: and you know Janis: who else was gonna fake date you Jimmy: you know there was a town full of lasses who would Janis: only got your word for that Jimmy: if that's a challenge you also know I'll accept it Janis: no Janis: [pouty face] Jimmy: [kisses but does the hot pull in the pouty lip thing cos you gotta] Janis: I already don't wanna go back in Janis: don't need to convince me Jimmy: you want me to stop? Janis: [goes in 'cos obviously not] Jimmy: what if we just don't go back in Janis: but your beautiful pink shirt Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: buy me a new one, rich girl Janis: 😏 buy you a better one maybe Janis: [is looking at phone and not replying 'cos Grace be blowing it up] Jimmy: nowt hard 'bout that Jimmy: you just wanna get me in the changing room Jimmy: obvious you Janis: 'scuse me tryna fufill your broken promises, bitch Jimmy: that why you're ignoring me Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: I ain't my fault you wanted to stay in bed, girl Janis: nah, it's her SOSing Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: told you, can't play hard to get when Jimmy: gimme your phone Jimmy: gotta reply to my girl really quick Janis: 😑 Janis: fine Janis: you go back and be a hero, I'll go Jimmy: where you go, I go Jimmy: remember Janis: wanna go see your girlfriend then or what Jimmy: I'm looking at her Jimmy: [is] Janis: Nerd Jimmy: [kisses her for encouragement cos they a team & they can do this] Janis: once more unto the breach, my friend Jimmy: she'll only fuck it up if we don't Janis: 🤷 Janis: he wishes Jimmy: I didn't wear pink so you could shrug Jimmy: & Mia could win Jimmy: get it together Janis: thought you were #experimenting now you're free Jimmy: free of the north not the mindset Jimmy: my masculinity is way too fragile Jimmy: so come on Jimmy: [slaps her booty like they do in sports for some reason] Janis: [shoves him yeah you mind so much] Janis: 👌 Jimmy: [back at the table like hey guys] Jimmy: 💕 Janis: She's not been assaulted, job done Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: still got yours to do though, mate Jimmy: 🍹 Janis: [more drinks more drinks] Janis: catch up boy Jimmy: [does] Janis: how you feeling, lightweight Janis: 🤔 Jimmy: good as you look Jimmy: so come over here & be #goals for the 📷 Janis: You being nice again now? Jimmy: when weren't I Janis: not got the time to list Janis: not very #goals Janis: let me count all the ways Janis: you are a massive dickhead Janis: 💕 Jimmy: we can go now Jimmy: you've proved what a romantic you are Janis: not the challenge is it Janis: 🍾 Jimmy: you've also proved you can't handle your drink about as many times Janis: why you giving up? Jimmy: as much as you need the chance Jimmy: nah Janis: [is about to try and leave when Grace drags her to the bathroom] Janis: help.me. Jimmy: say I'm having a medical emergency Jimmy: always works that Janis: what, my jimmy senses are tingling Janis: he's trapped down a well again gotta go bye Jimmy: alright well if I come in & just start kissing you, what's she gonna do? Jimmy: hang on Janis: not entirely sure we wanna find out Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: tell her I said this lad is flirting with a waitress Jimmy: that'll get her moving Janis: 👍 idea Janis: also tah for not taking your chance w him yourself Jimmy: I thought about it but he keeps getting olives in his drinks Janis: sexy Janis: cunt think he's james bond or Jimmy: probably Jimmy: though I don't reckon trying to look up lass' skirts technically makes you a spy Janis: 😂 Janis: she's fuming I ain't listening now 'cos actually lol Jimmy: I'm fuming I can't smack this dickhead like I did the one from the other night Janis: don't even need to be quick about it she's still going a mile a minute in here Janis: avoid the face if you wanna keep it hush Janis: #amatuerian Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: if you don't hurry up you're gonna be so many drinks behind, girl Jimmy: downing 'em since I can't drop him Janis: that bad Jimmy: he's trying to have #ladbants with me Jimmy: I'd rather alcohol poisoning Janis: really gotta come save you Janis: [casually walks out like enough now grace] Jimmy: come here Jimmy: actually need you Janis: [forever lap sitting like you gon be getting looks in this place] Janis: hey Janis: what's up Jimmy: [lil make out moment cos gotta take what you can get ladies & it can go on the story for Mia so win win] Janis: that made all the rest of this almost worth it Jimmy: almost? Jimmy: [make out x 2 cos gotta do better than almost] Janis: just wanted to do it again Janis: did the first time but Jimmy: we can do this all night Jimmy: but let's also do shots Janis: oh you're THAT dickhead, yeah? 😏 Janis: alright, easy 💪 Jimmy: what kind? Jimmy: if you mean the winning kind then yeah Janis: I mean SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS Janis: idk why you wouldn't talk to Janis: ryan Janis: so much in common Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: trying to keep things bearable without fucking you at the table is the kind of dickhead I am Janis: 😳 Jimmy: [gets shots brought to 'em cos doesn't want her to have to move basically ever] Janis: [gets straight on it 'cos rather think she was pink from being tipsy like] Jimmy: [also has to get straight on it 'cos she has] Jimmy: for a fancy place it don't taste no different Jimmy: bit rude Janis: was you expecting to taste the stars, babe? Janis: you're cute Jimmy: you're pretty Jimmy: snide to me though Janis: Am not! Janis: name one time Jimmy: literally just then, diickhead Janis: I meant it Janis: 😒 Janis: never being nice to you ever again Jimmy: really Janis: really Janis: this is my serious face Janis: [is not, dork] Jimmy: [whispers in her ear 'but what if I'm nice to you, are you not gonna be nice back?' and does the earlobe thing cos rude] Janis: [whispers back 'are you gonna?' 'cos how does it feel jimothy the tables hath turned] Jimmy: [kisses her again cos what can he say, she got him good there] Janis: It's a start Jimmy: I can start something anytime to you want Jimmy: [touches her under the table but in a teasing like don't test me way not like WE'RE DOING THIS] Janis: boy Jimmy: ? Jimmy: too nice? Jimmy: 👌 Janis: too something Janis: i hate you you know Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: loud & clear 'bout it, babe Janis: 👍 Janis: don't wanna get it twisted here Jimmy: 'course not Janis: where do you wanna go after this hell is over Jimmy: where do you wanna go? Janis: was just wondering if you wanted to keep being a ladladlad Jimmy: if it means I can drink more & get in a fight Jimmy: then alright Janis: 😎 Janis: let's find somewhere not shit then Jimmy: get on it, local girl Jimmy: impress me Janis: been there, done that Janis: you think of an excuse while I'm pondering Jimmy: why do we need one? Janis: you reckon gracie is gonna let you just silently bow out Janis: there's only 4 of us, bit obvious, babe Jimmy: we done our bit Jimmy: & she don't need me to hold her hair back tonight so Jimmy: supposed to leave him wanting more not drag this shit out til we're all 💀 Janis: 🤢 Janis: x2 Janis: you'll make yourself sick again Jimmy: what are you on about? Jimmy: I weren't Janis: nearly Janis: poorly ted Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: misremembering you Janis: nah Janis: remember everything Jimmy: easy to say Janis: test me Jimmy: What colour was Bethany's punch bowl from 1997? Janis: 😏 you're going with that Janis: one of those mixing bowls everyone's ma has Janis: mustardy Jimmy: 👍 Janis: memory of an 🐘 me Jimmy: I'll remember that Janis: 🙄😂 Janis: dad jokes Jimmy: you called me a good dad that night so it felt appropriate Janis: shoe fits, cinders Jimmy: only left one baby in the CG 🏆 Janis: that you know of Jimmy: get it right, babe, coulda left 100s up north Jimmy: unless you got summat to tell me there ain't no more round here Janis: why do you think pete was off Janis: dundundun Jimmy: you knocked up Pete? Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: he had a great career ahead of him Janis: I know Janis: and body Janis: #ruined Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: so selfish you Janis: life-ruiner Janis: don't you know Jimmy: you did warn me 'bout mine but I reckoned you'd leave Pete out Jimmy: so innocent him Jimmy: 😭😭 Janis: such a bitch Janis: i know i know Janis: least i'm rich Janis: get that child support, boy Jimmy: oi do you want summat money can't buy? Janis: ? Janis: intrigued Jimmy: lower your expectations first Jimmy: [gives her a napkin that he drew a pisstaking doodle of this lad on when he was left alone with] Jimmy: stole that from the bar 'cause he ain't worth a tapestry Janis: [loves it] Janis: still might frame it Janis: put it in gracie's room, freak her out Jimmy: [actually lols] Janis: [heart eyes motherfucker] Janis: k we're going Jimmy: one sec Jimmy: [kisses her 'cause one for the road, just gotta annoy everyone for a last time] Jimmy: alright Janis: Idiot Janis: [takes his hand and bounces] Jimmy: so where we headed? Janis: you like surprises? Jimmy: depends Janis: let's go with yeah Jimmy: make me Janis: that's the plan Jimmy: [🚬s & struts cos that dickhead] Janis: [catches up 'cos not hard w dem legs and takes it 'cos cheeky] Jimmy: rude Jimmy: [playfight cos its been ages] Janis: you know I'm always gonna win, babe Jimmy: only 'cause I gotta let you Jimmy: such a girl Janis: Now it suits ya Janis: dickhead Jimmy: It ain't my fault winning suits you Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: #whipped 😘 Jimmy: on the 'gram maybe Jimmy: nowt real Janis: mhmm Jimmy: you trying to start a real brawl now then? Janis: 😂 Janis: Pretty bold for a boy who just got his ass handed to him aren't ya Jimmy: listen, I told you, I had to let you win Janis: okay, something you don't have to let me win in Janis: race ya Janis: [bolts shameless cheat] Jimmy: [don't move] Jimmy: piss off am I running Janis: [shouts] CAN'T HEAR YOU Jimmy: you too drunk to read already yeah? Janis: [jogging on the spot] keep up then pussy Janis: or you'll get lost Janis: AGAIN Jimmy: [stubbornly stays] Jimmy: someone'll find me Janis: Have fun with someone then Janis: 🤞 it ain't them coming out Jimmy: do worse than that threesome Jimmy: bet he loves a mirror more than that other lad Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you are disgusting Jimmy: if you throw up, you lose Janis: 1. if i threw up so would you so Janis: 2. you ain't gonna find out if you're so busy being basic with your bffs so so Jimmy: piss off Janis: moody Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: [sends location and not that far so] Janis: if you stop being boring Jimmy: you stop Janis: what Jimmy: being the world's biggest dickhead Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [is ignoring cos gutted] Janis: are you seriously not coming Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: this is ridiculous Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: be like that then Jimmy: you started it Janis: I didn't do nothing wrong Jimmy: be like that then Janis: what Janis: what's the problem Jimmy: nowt Janis: then come on Janis: you wanted to go out somewhere not shit Janis: I ain't gone in, I'm out front Jimmy: & now I don't Janis: alright Janis: fuck you and all then Jimmy: fuck me 'cause you're being Jimmy: alright Jimmy: 🖕 Janis: being what Janis: I'd have come back if you were that arsed Jimmy: just Janis: I don't get it Jimmy: I know Janis: see you 'round then Jimmy: will you? Janis: I don't know, will I? Janis: wanna make that into a game Janis: why not Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: it's not Jimmy: that's why not Janis: don't tell me to shut up Jimmy: don't chat shit Janis: How am I Jimmy: I just told you, it ain't a game Jimmy: don't say that Janis: it ain't to me either Janis: but Janis: what the fuck Jimmy: leave it out Janis: I will, I'll leave you alone Jimmy: you already have Jimmy: 👍 Janis: what Jimmy: I'm alone now, aren't I Janis: I'd only have to walk like Janis: 20 steps and I could see you Jimmy: don't take the piss out of me Janis: I ain't Janis: but I don't know why you're so mad about it Jimmy: you are though so Janis: you clearly wanna be in a mood Janis: or want an out so yeah Janis: if you like, sure Jimmy: I'm in a mood you put me in Janis: 👍 Janis: alright Jimmy: I wanna go home so I am Jimmy: nowt else Janis: like I said, see you around then Jimmy: 👌 Janis: [walks past] Jimmy: [is literally just hanging around moodily 🚬 cos don't wanna go home so can't pretend he don't see her] Janis: you got money for bus or what Jimmy: I'm walking Jimmy: [but isn't cos literally ain't moved have you boy] Janis: Jim Jimmy: ? Janis: this is bollocks Janis: talk to me Jimmy: & say what Jimmy: you just said it's bollocks Janis: I meant Janis: I don't care about this enough to fight Janis: how can I Janis: I keep telling you I don't even know what this is Jimmy: then don't Jimmy: don't care about it Jimmy: don't fight me Jimmy: whatever Janis: tell me what I should do Janis: not what I shouldnt Jimmy: how do I know? Jimmy: you left me Jimmy: & it's bollocks Janis: but I didn't Janis: I'm here Janis: I was just Jimmy: & at the party too Jimmy: you were just Jimmy: you just walk away from me all the time Janis: when at the party? Jimmy: when we had to chase each other around the place Janis: I don't know if I remember but Janis: I don't do it on purpose Janis: I didn't know it was something I was doing Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: like you said, who cares Janis: well it obviously does Jimmy: nah Janis: you gonna be my mate again then Jimmy: [does a lil lol can't help it] Jimmy: don't be funny right now Jimmy: it's not Janis: sorry Janis: can't stop being #goals ever, you know that Jimmy: yeah, massive burden that Janis: do you want me to go Jimmy: do you want to? Janis: No Janis: I told you Jimmy: what do you want then? Janis: Just talk to me Janis: like it was before Janis: tell me how to fix it if I've gotta Jimmy: I don't know Janis: you saying I can't or give you time Janis: just tell me that at least Jimmy: I'm just saying go if you're going Janis: I'm not Janis: I wasn't trying to go Jimmy: you weren't Janis: no Janis: just take you somewhere worth being Janis: just us Jimmy: do you still wanna? Janis: do you? Jimmy: that's not an answer Janis: well, obviously I do Jimmy: then let's go Janis: yeah? Janis: okay Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: okay Jimmy: [the deepest of deep breaths to ever] Janis: [not sure if she should or nah so gives him a tentative shoulder squeeze like idk but I wanna] Jimmy: [hugs her for ages 'cause is there ever a moment when they don't need comfort goddamn these babies] Janis: [kisses him full of soft love bitch] Jimmy: I'm sorry Janis: Me too Jimmy: I still like you Janis: Good Janis: swear Jimmy: [kisses her again so I don't drop the other L word] Janis: [puts her hand out] Janis: let's go Jimmy: [let's get 'em in there] Jimmy: [gets drinks immediately 'cause 1.challenge & 2. needs to 'forget' any of that happened] Janis: 🥂 Slainte Jimmy: cheers Jimmy: [downs it for the above reasons] Janis: you really wanna win, yeah Jimmy: 🥇 Jimmy: or nowt Jimmy: remember Janis: I do Janis: [lbr isn't far behind 'cos stressed] Jimmy: [gets more drinks] Janis: what you reckon then Janis: anyone you wanna brawl in here Jimmy: not so far Jimmy: you? Janis: I'm good Janis: night's still young-ish Jimmy: thank feck for that Jimmy: need that craic you Janis: calling me boring Janis: rude Jimmy: that was you about me Jimmy: was a bit rude Janis: shh Janis: you said you didn't wanna brawl Jimmy: I don't Jimmy: not you Jimmy: [doesn't, like would literally have been touching her in some small way constantly since she put her hand out 'cause soft boy] Janis: Good Janis: [snuggles into him sim style] Jimmy: I really fucking like you Janis: I know Janis: me too Janis: [more soft kissing] Jimmy: [more sim style snuggling and him playing with her hair cos SOFTEST] Janis: [whispers 'please don't be mad at me again'] Jimmy: I wasn't Jimmy: I don't Jimmy: you just Jimmy: don't scare me again, alright Janis: I didn't mean to Janis: I'm sorry Jimmy: [more kisses because IT'S ALRIGHT BABE IT AIN'T YOU & WE KNOW THAT] Janis: I'm just bad at all this stuff Jimmy: you're not Jimmy: you're Jimmy: like perfect Jimmy: it's why I need you to stay Janis: well, I ain't Janis: but I ain't going anywhere either so Jimmy: [is heart eyes cos she is & we know it] Janis: you're so Jimmy: stupid, yeah Jimmy: I know I fucked up Jimmy: again Janis: that's not what I was gonna say shut up Janis: and you didn't Janis: everything's fixable, yeah Jimmy: I'm shutting up Jimmy: [finishes drink number whatever the fuck] Jimmy: 👍 Janis: but Janis: tell me things too yeah Janis: just to be awkward about it Janis: [dranks] Jimmy: what do you want me to tell you, awkward girl? Janis: when i fuck up Janis: lemme sort it Janis: only fair right Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: but you didn't Jimmy: I'm just weird Janis: maybe Janis: but so am I Janis: that's how we like it right Jimmy: [clinks their empty glasses cos yeah bitch & goes to get more] Janis: It's a good thing School doesn't start tomorrow Jimmy: you admitting you can't handle your drink? Janis: nah Janis: admitting I don't wanna do first day back with a hangover Jimmy: I don't wanna do first day back Jimmy: let's just not Janis: not like we'll miss anything important Janis: ever, tbh Jimmy: think of summat you wanna do/where you wanna go Jimmy: whatever it is, challenge accepted Janis: okay Janis: but can we get back in bed once your dad's gone 'cos fuck you Janis: for a bit Janis: I'll put away the 😍 to plan Jimmy: I ain't gonna refuse Jimmy: even if my dad was your #1 fan Jimmy: but you have to multitask 😍 & planning Janis: that's be even more uncomfortable tbh Janis: alright Janis: easy 💪 Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: you know it babe Jimmy: [kisses but less soft & more hot cos he does know it] Janis: reminding me why we're a team Janis: alright Jimmy: if you reckon you need reminding I better not stop Jimmy: [doesn't] Janis: poor choice of word Janis: not all poets like pete Jimmy: so you do want me to stop Jimmy: 'cause you're thinking of Pete Jimmy: alright Janis: why would that mean stop 😏 Jimmy: you can't think about him when I'm being distracting Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: still working on the multitasking thing, yeah Janis: shh Janis: don't stop Janis: please Jimmy: [kisses her again but goes harder cos she said please] Janis: [indicates at the empties and goes up to get more 'cos damn what a night] Jimmy: [drinks but not as dramatically cos soft boy has been reassured thanks] Janis: are you even tipsy Jimmy: how drunk are you? Janis: I can't say Janis: that's the challenge but I need comparison Jimmy: you want me to say Jimmy: sneaky you Janis: not sneaky Janis: you reckon you can handle yours so we're just testing me really Janis: 👀 tell me tell me Jimmy: I can feel it Jimmy: but maybe its just you making me feel Janis: such a little sweet talker Jimmy: it's no line, you just make me all 😳 Jimmy: what do you feel like? Jimmy: gimme a hint Janis: [kisses him the hardest yet 'cos] Janis: like that Jimmy: & you're still standing Jimmy: impressive Jimmy: what are you after if you win then? Janis: 🤔 Jimmy: [lil make out while she's thinking] Janis: you're giving me lots of ideas right now Janis: very inspiring Jimmy: [goes the hardest he has yet obvs] Janis: you won't be too sore a loser, will you baby? Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: but only 'cause I want you to make it better Jimmy: if I'm so sore, what are you gonna do? Janis: fuck Janis: show me where you need and I'll kiss it all better Jimmy: [kisses her neck in a really sexy way cos they in a mood now] Jimmy: it'd be a start I reckon Jimmy: if you just Jimmy: [keeps going but does more cos rude] Janis: just like that? Janis: [mirrors what he's doing] Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: that's Janis: starting to feel a bit better? Jimmy: I thought I would but Jimmy: now I just ache Janis: Baby boy Janis: [covering him in kisses and sliding onto his lap, yet again] Jimmy: [has to keep kissing her so he doesn't make all the sounds which nobody else needs to hear excuse you] Janis: I can Janis: I can feel you Jimmy: can you touch me Janis: [does] Janis: you're gonna have to kiss me to keep quiet Jimmy: [blatantly does have to] Janis: I missed you Janis: [keeping up sexy eye contact] Jimmy: I missed you too Jimmy: so much Janis: I really like you so, so much Jimmy: I really really like you Jimmy: you're Janis: God I Jimmy: say it Janis: You mean it Jimmy: don't stop yourself Jimmy: don't stop any of it Janis: you don't know what I wanna say Jimmy: but I want to hear you say everything you want Janis: [has to go harder on what she's doing like girl shh] Jimmy: shit Jimmy: [has to kiss her harder cos damn] Janis: I'm gonna fuck you so hard Jimmy: I know baby Jimmy: I can Jimmy: feel that Janis: you're so hot Jimmy: you Janis: these jeans are yours, aren't they Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: it's alright Janis: thank god Janis: you can feel me some more Jimmy: I Janis: You Janis: you're so good, Jimmy Jimmy: [says her name cos can't even help it at this point] Janis: [shushing him with kisses but is smirking so smug] Jimmy: is anyone looking at us? Janis: [has to look 'cos do you ever care lads?] Janis: maybe but they looked away when I did Janis: why? Jimmy: we can't get kicked out of here yet Jimmy: I need Janis: I'll be good Jimmy: you are Janis: want me to stop though? Jimmy: please don't Janis: I'm so glad because Janis: I really don't want to Janis: this is Jimmy: [kissing her so he don't say anything OTT or make even more noise cos boy I'll kill you] Janis: you taste so Janis: I think I'm drunk now Jimmy: I think you're 🥇 Jimmy: so fucking Janis: One day you're gonna tell me everything you hold back Janis: and I'm gonna fucking Jimmy: [kisses because I nearly fucking typed it SOS] Janis: You look so Janis: damn Jimmy: you Jimmy: you're so beautiful Janis: where did you even come from like Janis: how did this happen Jimmy: thank your sister in a bit if you're pissed enough Janis: rather thank you Janis: if it's all the same Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: I'm in no position to argue Janis: hell yeah you ain't Jimmy: so be nice to me Jimmy: please Janis: shit Janis: how nice Jimmy: I need you to be really nice to me Janis: I mean Janis: do you want me to make you cum here Jimmy: I do but Jimmy: I don't wanna get you in trouble Janis: we'll both get into trouble, drag you down with me Janis: but okay Janis: wanna find somewhere Jimmy: I'm gonna need a sec if we're moving Janis: I don't wanna Janis: just be good, keep kissing me Jimmy: you're so good though Janis: for you Jimmy: don't look at me like that Jimmy: I'm Janis: close Janis: I can feel it Jimmy: baby Janis: let it happen Janis: I'll keep us out of trouble Jimmy: I trust you Jimmy: you know Janis: I know Janis: I'll show you you can Jimmy: alright Janis: I'm being so good 😇 Janis: you know how badly I wanna just move all our clothes to the side and ride you 'til we both cum right now Janis: like, where's my 🥇 Jimmy: I know Jimmy: I want that too Janis: when we get back to yours Janis: or somewhere slightly less public, at least Jimmy: I promise I'll fuck you long before we get to my house Jimmy: it'll take ages Janis: see, when you're nice you're very nice Jimmy: I'm selfish Jimmy: I wanna see it Jimmy: hear it Jimmy: all of that before then Janis: i want it too so Janis: be as selfish with me as you like Jimmy: we could do it now Jimmy: just like you said Janis: can we Jimmy: it's loud in here Jimmy: louder than your brother's van Janis: true Janis: fuck Janis: we're actually doing this okay Jimmy: we don't have to Jimmy: but you want to Jimmy: I want to Janis: I need to Janis: I feel so Jimmy: we need to be quiet though Jimmy: show me again Jimmy: how do I Janis: yeah Janis: alright Janis: [leans forward to do the repositioning they need to do and bites his lip pretty hard when she sits back down, pulling him toward her] Janis: don't be afraid of a little pain, it's good Jimmy: I'm not scared Jimmy: I feel like Janis: like you can do anything Janis: me too Janis: we can Jimmy: I don't care about anything but you Jimmy: this Janis: this is all that matters right now Janis: all that other shit is gone it's just how fucking Janis: perfect you feel Jimmy: you're the best thing that's ever happened to me Jimmy: literally ever Janis: Jimmy Janis: [has to kiss him or the sounds and the l word like lord playing with fire kids] Jimmy: you look Janis: stay Janis: okay Jimmy: where else would I be going? Jimmy: I need to be right here right now Janis: good, don't Janis: let's keep it going long as we can okay Jimmy: not just gonna bin my 🥇 Janis: just checking Janis: cos this is Jimmy: it's Jimmy: [has to kiss her for being quiet reasons not me trying to type ILY for once] Janis: [letting out them sounds in his ear 'cos don't waste 'em] Jimmy: Janis Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: I can't fucking say it as loud as I want so take it Jimmy: like I can't remember when I didn't even know what your name was Janis: I can't Janis: begin to explain how fucking glad I am I met you Janis: and I wanna take it bad, so fuck loud give it to me hard Jimmy: I can feel how glad you are & it's Jimmy: [also does cos too late now to have any chill] Janis: Oh my God I Jimmy: I know Jimmy: I'm Janis: Please do it Janis: I'm ready I want it Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: I'm gonna Janis: cum in me baby Jimmy: [how polite to just do what you're told like that Jimothy] Janis: I Janis: did we just do that Jimmy: I can still feel it so Janis: I fucking Janis: I have no words I don't know why I'm trying Jimmy: don't dump me when I can't compete with that in a bit Janis: never Janis: you're always good Janis: good not being a good enough word Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: #same not being a good enough # Janis: you're stuck with me for a bit Janis: said you don't mind Jimmy: I want you Jimmy: even more than I want a 🚬 & not to have to look any of these dickheads in the eye Jimmy: which right now is a lot Janis: genuinely have no idea how loud or quiet or plain obvious we were then Janis: my brain couldn't even care Janis: we should probably take that 🚬 and run though, just in case Jimmy: I stopped thinking properly ages ago Jimmy: but you're full of good ideas so let's go with 'em Jimmy: you wanna go home or just somewhere else where we ain't fucked in front of everyone? Janis: very inspiring, I told you Janis: kinda just wanna go home but gimme a minute and we'll see 'cos I still can't think of anything but you so Jimmy: [takes her hand so they can go for that 🚬] Jimmy: you're shaking still Janis: I know Janis: I feel like you'd only have to look at me right now and I could cum again it's Janis: crazy Jimmy: let's get outside & I'll see what I can do Jimmy: [does look at her though cos cheeky] Janis: oi Jimmy: ? Janis: I'm so serious Janis: I'll die Jimmy: I'm serious Jimmy: like you said, the night's young-ish Janis: Gimme 🚬 time to recover though Jimmy: [lights up & passes it to her 'cause that's love bitch] Janis: 😊 Jimmy: I know Jimmy: #goals Janis: are though Janis: actual Janis: bit rude Jimmy: can't stop Jimmy: which is a bit rude Jimmy: soz Janis: let you off Janis: long as you don't Jimmy: [kisses her to show that he'll keep being #goals forever] Janis: hope you didn't like that pub too much Janis: can't go back now Jimmy: I already don't remember nowt about it Jimmy: your fault Janis: 🤷 Janis: taking that as a win Jimmy: it'll make the loss of being a lightweight easier babe Janis: that's your fault, I told you Janis: what do you want for winning then Jimmy: I don't reckon I can ask for owt after that Jimmy: be a dickhead wouldn't I Janis: but you are, babe Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: I like it Jimmy: I like you Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [Snuggles 'cos shh] Jimmy: [after much snuggling and smoking time] Jimmy: where we going then? Janis: I don't care Janis: anywhere we can get lost Jimmy: we'll just walk then Jimmy: come on Janis: [hand holding cuteness] Jimmy: [shit club looms] Jimmy: up for the challenge? Janis: 😣🔫 Janis: nothing challenging 'bout it but the company Janis: go on though Jimmy: for you you're a hot girl Jimmy: might have to have that fight me Janis: will if anyone tries to dance with you Jimmy: if anyone tries to dance with you Jimmy: I will give 'em a smack yeah Janis: so goals us Jimmy: get it on 📷 when I win Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: be nice for you to win for once 😉 Jimmy: piss off Janis: nice for me too Janis: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: now we gotta go in Jimmy: can't turn down a challenge like that Janis: 💪 Janis: [is in] Jimmy: [takes her straight to the dance floor cos we know what we're here for lads] Janis: you're actually good at this Jimmy: I get it, I'm white Jimmy: but you don't have to sound so #shook Janis: 😂 Janis: I'm just saying Janis: worth 🥊 for Jimmy: you just out romantic-ed yourself Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: get me on twitter or a rooftop Janis: wish I was living that lavish 🤑 Janis: soz babe Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: that bloke there looks really lavish Jimmy: crack on Janis: Back to trying to hoe me out Janis: thought we were past that 😕 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: just trying to keep you playing to your strengths babe Janis: so you can get on the 'gram for the flex Janis: 😒 Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: nowt else matters Janis: Mean Janis: Imma push you off this imaginary roof Jimmy: you can try 💪 Janis: be nice Jimmy: [dancing in a sexy way that's gonna feel really nice cos shameless boy] Janis: Oh Jimmy: something you wanna say? Janis: lots of things but Jimmy: but you're speechless 'cause of how hot I am Jimmy: I get it Janis: oh, thanks Janis: that really turned me off Janis: so thoughtful Jimmy: all part of the deal Janis: I must've forgot that part Jimmy: [actually lols cos where's the lie she turns him on all the time] Jimmy: you really fucked up the whole virgin thing Jimmy: meant to know nowt about turning people on Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: sounding like my sister Jimmy: actually just 💔 me Jimmy: gonna go throw up right now & then sign up for youtube Janis: 😂 Janis: what are you gonna tutorial, babe Jimmy: who knows Jimmy: good at everything me Janis: 🤔 Janis: can only think of things that would get you banned Jimmy: first vid can be what to do when your dad's a dickhead & your girlfriend's fake Jimmy: very #relatable Janis: 💔 Janis: and not a girl, don't forget Jimmy: then just turns into smoothie recipes Jimmy: 'cause how to win that GIRL over Janis: 😏 Janis: nice save Jimmy: Pete's gonna watch then come for you Jimmy: but I'm ready Janis: I wish Janis: get my hopes up Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: he'll be worth the wait though Jimmy: even though he won't know the secret ingredient Janis: 👀👀 Jimmy: just put some Classic FM on & recline in your bed dramatically til then Janis: yours Jimmy: you ain't fucking that stud of a lad in my tiny bed Jimmy: get it together Jimmy: Pete deserves the best Janis: 😂 Janis: but Janis: I'll miss you Jimmy: ring me after Jimmy: he smokes more than I do Jimmy: not gonna have the stamina Janis: 💕 Janis: always gonna be my hero, yeah Jimmy: you know it Janis: [kisses him but make it playfyl or it'll get real again Jimmy: do you want a drink or you done now the challenge is? Janis: once you're out you're out Janis: go on Jimmy: hang on then Jimmy: be right back Janis: don't lose me Janis: so many dickheads in here Jimmy: I can find my way to the bar without getting lost Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: don't dance with anyone I can't beat the shit out of Janis: struggle w my type but Janis: do my best Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: tah babe Jimmy: so thoughtful Janis: don't want you reckoning I've got an actual weird kink Janis: 💉 Jimmy: kinda sounds like you do now Jimmy: protesting bit much Janis: Shut up Janis: I don't wanna fuck you up to fix you Janis: not that psycho Jimmy: just wanna fuck me up Jimmy: I remember Jimmy: got that warning Janis: that was forever ago Janis: I'm a different person 💁 Jimmy: yeah? Jimmy: who are you Jimmy: always forgetting, me Janis: whoever you want, obvs Janis: that's the deal Jimmy: now you sound like your sister Jimmy: stop Janis: how dare you Jimmy: is she still blowing your phone up? Janis: I ain't looked Janis: she's on mute don't tell her Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: but if you wanna turn it off Jimmy: I will use my words Janis: yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: what if I was scared Janis: a bit Janis: I ain't Janis: but what if Jimmy: I get it, the accent's a bit Jimmy: but you know how to shut me up so Jimmy: nowt scary Janis: 😂 Janis: alright Janis: deal Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: [comes back with drinks then] Janis: [drinking faster than necessary now calm down] Jimmy: [starts dancing with her so she can't drink as far cos we see you babe] Jimmy: *fast Janis: [is all like 'hey!' but dances with obvs, not that mad] Jimmy: [kisses her so she can't be mad even though he knows she ain't really] Janis: [are getting jostled about how you do in clubs] Jimmy: [is mad about it cos how dare they not be the only peeps who exist] Janis: [tries to move 'em away best you can, like, so she can kiss him back properly] Jimmy: [kissing and dancing for a bit cos let 'em world] Janis: okay but I can't hear shit Janis: not giving in Janis: but Jimmy: sounds like an excuse Jimmy: but yeah literally nowt except whatever these shit tunes are Jimmy: to be continued for a night when you can hear me Janis: if you ain't got nothing nice to say 😏 Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: nah Janis: I missed you though Jimmy: you're cute Janis: you being sarky or Janis: 🤔 Janis: suss Jimmy: now I know you're pissed Jimmy: if you can't tell Janis: Pssssssssh Jimmy: you're gonna be wearing that drink in a sec Jimmy: & it ain't gonna be my fault Janis: 😱 Janis: #storytimeiwasTHREATENED Jimmy: nowt to do with me, like I said Jimmy: only meant 'cause you're a pisshead surrounded by 'em Jimmy: [puts an arm around her in a protective barrier kinda way] Janis: you're cute Janis: 😉 Jimmy: shhh Janis: well I mean it Janis: just fyi Jimmy: yeah? Janis: Mhmm Janis: I speak only the truth Jimmy: that's why its only bollocks then Jimmy: 'cause course you do, pisshead Janis: what you mean Janis: dickhead Jimmy: drunks only speak the 'truth' like Janis: I'm not drunk Janis: and I do Janis: so 🖕 Jimmy: come on Jimmy: tell me something properly true then Janis: that's vague Jimmy: go on, sober girl Jimmy: rise to the challenge Janis: 🙄 Janis: hold on Janis: [winnie thinking] Jimmy: [lols cos so cute] Janis: you're too cute for the truth Janis: must be protected Jimmy: if you were gonna tell me you're leaving me for Pete Jimmy: ain't that surprised Janis: that's the one Janis: [drinking fast again] Jimmy: [gives her a look that she may or may not see] Jimmy: what? Jimmy: something's wrong Janis: nowt Janis: [one of those blatantly fake smiles not like a 'trying to convince' kind] Jimmy: truth Jimmy: I can take it Janis: it ain't about you it's just Janis: the only thing I could think to say was how I think I hate my whole family Janis: but not really that surprising either, is it Jimmy: nah Jimmy: but that don't mean it's not shit Jimmy: for you Janis: why? not like I have to Janis: could always not be a bitch, yeah Jimmy: [does the little chin tilt thing so she has to look at him properly] Jimmy: you're not Jimmy: [says it out loud too, in her ear so she has a chance of hearing it, for emphasis] Janis: [shakes her head] Janis: whatever Janis: you too sober for a truth I assume Jimmy: I always want the truth Jimmy: enough people have chatted shit to me Jimmy: 'bout enough things Janis: meant telling one Janis: but I don't bullshit Jimmy: I was telling one & you know it Janis: Meh Janis: not very interested in myself, sorry Jimmy: then ask me Jimmy: what do you wanna know? Janis: why have I gotta be specific Janis: you weren't Janis: whatever you wanna say Jimmy: not very interested in myself either Janis: alright Jimmy: & anyway you know loads of shit about me Jimmy: always going on, I am Janis: don't mind Jimmy: 👍 Janis: another drink? Janis: [already going] Jimmy: keen Janis: i'll drink yours if you can't keep up Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: keep up with you easy Janis: 👌 Jimmy: spill yours if you're gonna 👌 Janis: not 🔥 money here 'scuse you Jimmy: don't have to tell me, rich girl Jimmy: broke & jobless me Janis: 🔪 Janis: shut up Jimmy: you can't make me from over there Jimmy: [shouts 'I'm just a poor boy & nobody loves me' cos nerd] Janis: you're so embarrassing Janis: ain't with you Jimmy: 💔💔🎻🎻🎻💔 Jimmy: I'll go find someone who thinks I'm 😎 Jimmy: it's alright Janis: good 🍀 Janis: take your drink Janis: [casually shoves it at him] Jimmy: tah Jimmy: [has a wander through the club casually] Janis: [pouting in the corner] Jimmy: [comes back so he can kiss her and do the hot pouty lip thing cos loves it] Janis: [more hot dancing 'cos mad] Jimmy: [heart eyes motherfucker] Janis: [shouting] when can we go? Jimmy: whenever you want Jimmy: [downs his drink so he's technically ready to go if she says now] Janis: get you out 'fore the fights start Janis: come on Jimmy: I can take any of 'em Jimmy: don't worry 'bout that Janis: not Jimmy: not worried or not convinced I can fight my way out? Janis: not worried Janis: only so much blood I can excuse away 'fore the fam are though Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: love you too Jimmy: we're going to mine not yours, they've seen worse Janis: by all means then Janis: idiot Jimmy: so supportive you Jimmy: tah Janis: must be the love Jimmy: yeah Janis: [walks to go out but not so much ahead it's like lol bye] Jimmy: keen Jimmy: [but does catch up] Janis: when you're in you're in Janis: know you're a slag, soz Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: am I not coming home with you now Jimmy: don't mean we have to run there Jimmy: calm down Janis: 🙄 Janis: what was it you said Janis: can't play hard to get Jimmy: I ain't touching you right now Jimmy: I'd need longer arms Janis: [stops like hurry up] Jimmy: [holds onto her when he gets there like he's about to fall down dead & trying to stop himself cos casual comedian] Janis: hope you're drunker than you reckon Janis: idiot 😏 Jimmy: how many times are you gonna call me an idiot before we get back? Janis: going for gold or nah? Jimmy: always Janis: keep it up then, babe Jimmy: 👍 Janis: school's gonna be so shit Jimmy: that's why we ain't going Janis: that's why we're putting off the inevitable Janis: but yeah Jimmy: if you'd rather go, go on Janis: obviously not Janis: open your earholes Jimmy: they are, they're just 💀 'cause of that 🎶 Janis: standard club fare Janis: poor indie boy 💔 Jimmy: piss off Janis: funny 'cos the rest of your tastes are so top40 basic Jimmy: what are you chatting shit for? Janis: just tryna end your night how you dreamed, babe Jimmy: what? Janis: more drinks and a fight, you were very specific Jimmy: I was very specific that I didn't wanna fight you, I reckon Janis: 🤷 Janis: take what you can get Janis: the only one here, like Jimmy: [stops her and is just looking at her like ??] Jimmy: [asks her what's wrong out loud 'cause now they can hear each other] Janis: [says 'I dunno'] Janis: just pissed, probably Jimmy: you've been pissed all night Jimmy: so what is it Jimmy: what did I do? Janis: it ain't you Janis: just saw someone I didn't wanna in that club alright Jimmy: okay Jimmy: [puts arm around her] Janis: [breaths deep, trying to calm down] Jimmy: hit me Janis: don't be stupid Janis: I'm not hitting you Jimmy: like you said, I'm the only one here Jimmy: & it'll make you feel better Jimmy: so go on Janis: no Janis: ridiculous Janis: [starts walking again] Jimmy: [catches up] Jimmy: nah Jimmy: serious Jimmy: come on Janis: I am not gonna hit you, Jimmy Janis: shut up Janis: [pushes him but not hard] Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: you're scared 'cause I'm so hard & northern Jimmy: don't be Jimmy: not gonna smack you back Janis: then I'm not interested Janis: fair fight or nothing so bye Jimmy: We ain't fighting Jimmy: I'm just a punching bag for a sec Jimmy: til you feel alright Janis: you're not Jimmy: not if you don't take me up on it Jimmy: but that'd be stupid Jimmy: & you're not Janis: I don't fucking want to Janis: Jesus Jimmy: why? Janis: do you wanna hit me? Jimmy: I'm not having a shit night Jimmy: & you're such a girl Janis: Oh my God, go away Janis: I know what you're trying to do Jimmy: make me Janis: [ignoring] Jimmy: that's what you'd rather do Jimmy: we coulda sorted this by now if you'd just smacked me when I said Jimmy: you reckon you're gonna fuck me up? Jimmy: Cass don't & she's harder & more northern than you Janis: well I ain't her Jimmy: obviously ain't Janis: if you wanna go date your sister be my guest Janis: probably wouldn't brag about it though Jimmy: if you wanna turn into yours go on Jimmy: definitely don't brag about it though Janis: fuck off Jimmy: no Janis: I'm going home, this is stupid Jimmy: don't be a dickhead Jimmy: you're coming home with me Janis: no i ain't Jimmy: yeah you are Janis: yeah love to see you try and make me Jimmy: stop Jimmy: I'm sorry, alright Jimmy: just Janis: not in the mood for this shit Janis: told you it weren't your fault so just go home okay Jimmy: I'm not going without you Janis: then drop it Jimmy: alright Jimmy: [lights a 🚬 cos calm down boy] Janis: how many do you actually smoke a day Jimmy: depends Janis: roughly then Jimmy: why does it matter Janis: making conversation Jimmy: well you sound like my sister Jimmy: who I don't wanna date, tah for that Janis: you brought her up Jimmy: not like that Janis: ain't my fault Janis: you were trying to make me hit you at the time so Jimmy: 'cause you should've at the time so Janis: don't start Jimmy: you brought it up Janis: twat Jimmy: don't you start Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: there's no point me coming to yours Jimmy: if that's what you reckon then there ain't Jimmy: go home then Janis: I will Janis: later Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you getting the bus? Jimmy: told you before, broke & jobless Jimmy: I can walk Jimmy: you're the one living in the middle of nowhere Janis: well I wanna run so Jimmy: I ain't stopping you Jimmy: stop typing & start moving Janis: are you gonna get lost or nah Janis: don't be a dick for a second and answer Jimmy: 1. I don't know til it happens do I, that's why I'm lost Jimmy: 2. I'm not the one being a dick Janis: [tries to give him change] Janis: get the bus Jimmy: keep your money, rich girl Jimmy: I ain't on the clock Janis: you're gonna get lost so just do it Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: but I'm in no rush to get home anyway Jimmy: so who cares Janis: you're gonna wander the streets on your tod then Jimmy: worse ways to end a night out Janis: fuck you Jimmy: fuck me 'cause you're a massive dickhead Jimmy: yeah alright Janis: you said it Janis: whatever Jimmy: I said don't keep walking away from me literally a few hours ago & you're doing it Jimmy: again Jimmy: whatever Janis: I am not, I TOLD you I was going, that ain't the same thing Jimmy: It's bollocks is what it is Jimmy: so bollocks to it Janis: what Janis: I ain't allowed to go home Jimmy: like you said, I can't stop you Jimmy: much as I bet you'd still love me to try & make you, yeah Janis: yeah Janis: got it in one Janis: that girl Jimmy: but only a girl when you say so Janis: what do you even mean by that Jimmy: you can take the piss however you want Jimmy: chat to me however you want Janis: you constantly do it back so you've got no point Janis: and if you don't like it you know what to do Jimmy: 👌 Janis: mature Jimmy: you ignored me earlier so you've got no leg to stand on Janis: 'cos I had to Jimmy: well I had to agree just then Jimmy: not really giving me much else choice, are you Janis: not my fault you're wrong Jimmy: not my fault you saw someone you didn't wanna Janis: literally said that, didn't I Jimmy: It don't matter what you say if you're still being a dickhead to me Janis: that's why I'm trying to leave Janis: no point me being at yours if I'm in a mood, that's what I said Jimmy: then just fucking go Jimmy: I told you earlier, go if you're going Janis: don't try and tell me what to do either way Janis: I was trying to fucking help you Jimmy: likewise Jimmy: with both them things Janis: fine Jimmy: [lights a new 🚬 'cause it be like that] Janis: [is a distance but clearly not that far] Janis: can I have one Jimmy: do you want me to throw it 'cause in that case no Janis: I know about your lack of sporting prowess but I ain't walking over if you ain't gonna give me one Jimmy: piss off I could Jimmy: I just don't hate you enough to set you alight Janis: your problem not mine Janis: [comes over] Jimmy: [gives her one & the lighter cos he ain't doing it 💔] Janis: tah Janis: [hands it back but don't move] Jimmy: [pockets it & likewise cos he ain't moved literally this whole time] Janis: [sighs drmatically] Jimmy: say it Janis: can't, 'fraid Janis: maybe a few insults back but not in good conscience now Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: exactly Jimmy: [starts walking away finally 'cause thinks he's gotta] Janis: if I say it will you get on the bus? Jimmy: are you gonna say you're in love with the bus driver? Jimmy: 'cause sorta giving yourself away there Janis: be serious for one second, oh my GOD Jimmy: you should be happy I wanna walk Jimmy: athlete you are Jimmy: can hit the gym together and be really #goals Janis: 😑 Janis: you are so annoying Janis: I'm trying to apologize here this is why Janis: you never just shut up and listen Janis: or answer questions Jimmy: what was it you said, your problem, not mine Jimmy: 1. I'm listening all the time Jimmy: 2. I've told you, ask me Janis: I repeat myself then Janis: if I say it will you get on the bus? Jimmy: I don't wanna get the bus Jimmy: why does it matter so much Janis: because I'd rather you didn't get lost and die if it's all the same to you Janis: don'tneed that on my conscience Jimmy: I don't need it to happen to me Jimmy: so gimme some credit just once Janis: I'm not juding Janis: excuse me for giving a shit Jimmy: if you give so much of a shit come with me Janis: fine Jimmy: [is just walking casually] Janis: why don't you answer questions Jimmy: I do Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: only if I ask again Jimmy: I answer questions Jimmy: why are you making me sound like I'm really weird? Janis: why do you make me have to pry like I'm the nosiest bitch in the world Jimmy: ? Jimmy: that's not Jimmy: I don't Janis: never mind then Jimmy: nah you obviously mind Janis: not exactly, I just wanted to know why Jimmy: I don't know what you mean Jimmy: can't help you with that Janis: alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [smoking in silence] Jimmy: I got an interview next week Janis: fast Janis: where? Jimmy: some other ☕ place Jimmy: they all basically have the same names Janis: True that Janis: could use some creativity so 🤞 Jimmy: this one could Jimmy: [shows her generic coffee shop on his phone] Jimmy: but I'll poach Pete the CG's shining star Janis: eye candy is all that matters anyway Jimmy: I thought you didn't wanna hit me Jimmy: really backhanded that compliment Janis: I called you creative before that but nah Janis: ignore that Jimmy: don't listen do I so Janis: apparently not Jimmy: definitely not according to you Jimmy: never is what you said Janis: now he listens Jimmy: 'cause like I said, I always do Jimmy: you on the other hand have told me I'm a good listener before, so which is it? 🤔 Janis: [stops him walking and goes to kiss him] Jimmy: you could have just told me to shut up Jimmy: even if I never do Janis: I didn't want you to Janis: I wanted to kiss you Janis: that alright? Jimmy: [kisses her really intensely 'cause yes & it's all he ever wants to do lbr] Janis: Good Jimmy: [takes her hand for hand holding] Janis: how much do you hate me then? Jimmy: so much Jimmy: don't ever stop thinking about how much I hate you Janis: good to know Janis: probably get a hobby though Jimmy: [actually lols but then uses their linked hands to pull her into another longer kiss] Jimmy: I've got one Janis: not bad Janis: I approve Jimmy: but do you really approve of my 🎨 Janis: 'course I do Jimmy: good Jimmy: what about the pink shirt? Jimmy: art in itself I know so sort of a trick question Janis: [lols] Jimmy: [is heart eyes] Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: you're Janis: I'm sorry Janis: don't let me spoil it Jimmy: you didn't let me earlier Jimmy: we're even Janis: I Janis: works for me Jimmy: maybe I'm drunker than I reckon or stupider than you reckon but do you wanna Jimmy: like piss off with me for a bit before we have to go to school Jimmy: I don't know where or how I just Janis: yeah Janis: I wanna Jimmy: we're probably gonna have to take the dog with us Jimmy: but I know you ain't 💔 Janis: yeah, devastated Janis: I jut wanna be with you, not here Jimmy: I'll call in the babysitting Gracie owes me Jimmy: much as I wanna be with you I don't want both my brother & sister to hate me at the same time Janis: that's fair Janis: we can make it happen Jimmy: say that again Jimmy: I'm really listening Janis: we can make it happen Jimmy: everything that's made it weird between us lately is other people Jimmy: Mia & your sister & all that bollocks Jimmy: & my fucking dad obviously Janis: other people are cunts Janis: coulda told you that Janis: probably did Jimmy: [lols cos she actually has I remember] Jimmy: you have Jimmy: we can't let them ruin it though, yeah Janis: I'm very wise, you should listen to me Janis: fuck that Janis: not gonna let us ruin it, never mind them, they don't even get a look in Jimmy: I really really really fucking like you Janis: that's a lot of reallys Janis: but I feel it too Jimmy: just remember it, alright Jimmy: you're pissed enough to forget loads of tonight & I don't mind if you do most of it but Janis: I love you I remember Jimmy: [make out because I can't] Janis: [hope you're near home lads] Jimmy: Janis Janis: Yep? Jimmy: how drunk are you really? Janis: Hmm Janis: probably the drunkest I've been but one time Janis: no, maybe two Janis: top three 🥉 Jimmy: okay Janis: know why you're asking Janis: but I mean it Janis: and you do too Jimmy: [just gonna put another make out here cos where's the lie but also help me jesus] Janis: know you said you'd fuck me before we got to yours, just' sayin' Jimmy: [lols but is also just looking at her like hell yeah] Jimmy: you know loads for a pisshead, you Jimmy: you ain't forgot the pub already have you? Janis: you said multiple, actually, I'm asking for one here Janis: [puppy dog eyes 'please'] Jimmy: [goes for it 'cause lbr doesn't need any convincing] Janis: fuck Janis: yes Jimmy: I'm so glad you asked Jimmy: I've been wanting to do this for ages Janis: the pub wasn't that long ago Jimmy: I know but Janis: me too Janis: I think about it all the time Jimmy: me too Janis: along with how much you hate me yeah Jimmy: yeah Janis: fine by me Janis: long as you're thinking 'bout me Jimmy: you're basically all I think about now Janis: same Janis: I like it Janis: you're better than anything else I was thinking 'bout before Jimmy: you're better than anything I've ever thought about Jimmy: I reckon Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: Janis Janis: you reckon you're not good with words but Janis: you really are, fuck Jimmy: you ain't my muse for nowt Janis: I don't even care if you're taking the piss just don't stop Jimmy: I'm not Janis: you're so special you know that Janis: I don't like anyone Jimmy: you Jimmy: I ain't good with people I'm paid to be Jimmy: so Janis: Baby Jimmy: ? Jimmy: tell me Janis: You make me happy, you know Jimmy: I gotta Jimmy: nobody else here Jimmy: you need me & I need you that's all there is Janis: I need you so bad Jimmy: I can feel it Janis: do I feel good Jimmy: 🥇 Jimmy: you're so Jimmy: [kisses her 'cause what words even] Janis: probably don't believe I was a virgin the way I act with you Jimmy: I believe you Janis: you're just Janis: different Jimmy: I've told you, I trust you Jimmy: whatever you say to me Janis: then you believe me Janis: that I love you Jimmy: I do Janis: Good Janis: it's the truth Jimmy: I know Jimmy: but the truth too is, I'm so scared of you Jimmy: I don't know how I can trust you & also that but Janis: Why? Jimmy: You're just Jimmy: so important Jimmy: & everyone else who matters is Jimmy: they just Janis: don't like me? Jimmy: don't like me, maybe Jimmy: or needs shit from me that never gonna be Jimmy: I don't know Janis: I really get it Jimmy: I said I wasn't gonna do this again Jimmy: ages ago Jimmy: but I like you too much Jimmy: I have to Janis: I'm sorry Janis: I didn't mean for it to happen Jimmy: me either Jimmy: but don't be sorry Janis: I was only ever joking about breaking your heart Janis: and I don't wanna scare you Jimmy: I know Jimmy: I'm sorry Jimmy: I don't wanna be scared Jimmy: I don't Jimmy: I just want Janis: It's okay Janis: I am too but it's okay Jimmy: [kisses because it's okay kids shh you can be in love] Janis: I won't say it again Janis: if you don't want Jimmy: I want you to say it Jimmy: whenever you feel it Jimmy: I hate not talking about things, not being allowed to Jimmy: like they just didn't happen Jimmy: but they did Janis: sometimes it's easier Jimmy: sometimes its not Jimmy: you should have the choice Jimmy: so I'm giving you yours Janis: [more kissing 'cos what can she] Jimmy: tomorrow I'm choosing to fuck you with no clothes in the way Janis: 😏 Janis: you're doing great, sweetie Jimmy: that sounded really fake Jimmy: 💔 Janis: does how wet I am for you right now feel fake Jimmy: you've never been that good at pretending Janis: don't insult me Janis: whilst Janis: very rude Jimmy: at least I didn't call you a horny mute Jimmy: can't anymore Janis: want it Janis: suits you Jimmy: you reckon? Janis: Maybe Janis: [does best to make him make noise] Jimmy: [it works] Janis: You're so fucking hot, Jimmy Jimmy: you baby Jimmy: & you can call me what you want if you do that again Jimmy: I don't care Janis: you're killing me Janis: so [does unfy thing 1] fucking [does unfy thing 2] hot [does unfy thing 3 Jimmy: [is reacting exactly as she knew he would/loving life loudly] Jimmy: it's your fault Jimmy: you reminded me I said multiple times Jimmy: so now I just want you to cum Jimmy: as many as possible Janis: you know exactly how to make that happen, baby Janis: only you Jimmy: [has to kiss her 'cause he will declare his undying love & I can't] Janis: even kissing you is fucking Janis: obscence, frankly Jimmy: [gives her more] Janis: how are you so Janis: I'm so glad you're mine Janis: I don't want anyone else to have this, have you Jimmy: I only want you Jimmy: there isn't anyone else Jimmy: [is literally trying to pull her closer even though they can't get any closer goddamn] Janis: Shit shit, Jimmy harder please I need to feel every part of you in every part of me I am so close Jimmy: [does as he's told & is also just going in on her neck 'cause wants to kiss her really hard too but also wants to hear her so] Janis: I'm gonna be loud here whilst we can Janis: don't care if anyone hears Jimmy: I don't even know where we are Jimmy: it don't matter Jimmy: just Janis: I would seriously fuck you anywhere Janis: everywhere Jimmy: I'll make school worth going to, a challenge & a promise Jimmy: I swear Janis: 😩 Janis: why is that so Jimmy: you have the skirt, yeah Jimmy: I remember seeing you in it before Janis: really Jimmy: It's not like your sister's or anything weird is it Jimmy: 'cause you looked really good Janis: no, it's mine Jimmy: thank god Jimmy: even if he don't exist Janis: 'bout as non-existent as that skirt Janis: told Miss it's not my fault I'm tall Jimmy: tah for the reminders Jimmy: that's really Janis: you're the one who wants me to wear it so Janis: 🤤 Jimmy: maybe I am ready for school to start Janis: me too but take me away first Jimmy: let's just go now Jimmy: keep walking Jimmy: not right now though Janis: gonna say Janis: hold on Jimmy: but will you Jimmy: just come with me Janis: of course I will Jimmy: [kisses her cos even though they can't go right now cos Twix etc it's cute] Janis: you're all I want Janis: and need Jimmy: you've got all of me Jimmy: I know you can feel it Janis: damn daddy Janis: actually the hottest thing you've ever said Jimmy: [does some of the hottest things he can do too just because] Janis: I've Janis: if you keep making me cum harder than I've ever before Janis: I assume I'll actually die Jimmy: I don't want to accept that challenge Jimmy: stay with me Janis: you're so Janis: I love you Jimmy: [kisses because I nearly wrote I love you too & none of me is ready] Janis: [post-sex snuggles] Jimmy: so where are we? Janis: [looks around] Janis: probably not quite far enough from town or your gaff for 'normal' people to reckon that was acceptable but what do they know Jimmy: are there still buses going? Jimmy: I'm tired Janis: poor baby Janis: you work so hard Janis: can catch the last bus just about though Jimmy: I know you are too Jimmy: we're a team Janis: Yeah Janis: don't let me fal asleep though or the bus drivers are all gonna hate me Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: you gotta make sure we don't miss our stop anyway Jimmy: redeem yourself Janis: exactly Jimmy: come on then, baby Jimmy: let's do this Janis: help me up Janis: i'm weak and it's your fault Jimmy: [picks her up, boy be careful] Janis: your girlfirned was small wasn't she Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: but who isn't compared to you Jimmy: [looking her up and down appreciatively] Janis: I hope you know if you said that to any other girl they'd literally commit Jimmy: but you ain't Jimmy: & if you want a piggyback to the bus I can give you that, for real Janis: [giggles 'cos adorable and hops on] Jimmy: [piggyback as promised cos cute nerds] Janis: [on bus] Jimmy: [snuggling & he's playing with her hair cos fave thing] Janis: stay Jimmy: fucked as my home life is we can't live on this bus Janis: please Jimmy: [snuggles into her more] Jimmy: what do you need Janis: [pokes him in the chest like you, boy] Jimmy: [does a small lol and gives her some soft kisses cos he's right here] Janis: [taps where she wants kisses next] Jimmy: [gives them and some extra cos he just wants to] Janis: [cuddles into his chest] Janis: you smell good Jimmy: I smell like you Janis: and sex Janis: it's a good smell Jimmy: the dog loves me now Jimmy: never mind your influence #yourscent Janis: 😂 Janis: she might love me a little too much Jimmy: I've been saying it since day one Jimmy: listen up, girl Janis: how many advances has one girl gotta fend off 🙄 honestly Jimmy: if she tries to come between us she ain't coming away with us Jimmy: 💔💔 gutted for you both but Janis: put your foot down, babe Jimmy: I am Jimmy: I ain't having it Janis: you're such a cute nerd Jimmy: you're so tired & pissed you can't type Jimmy: cos you meant I'm so impressive & intimidating to snide 🐶 Janis: hmm, okay Janis: what else did I mean Janis: interpret Jimmy: you can't wait to spend all day in bed with me tomorrow once my dad's fucked off to work Jimmy: & you wanna watch my fave film again & eat my fave tea 'cause you love me that much Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: the cutest Janis: I agree Janis: with myself Jimmy: nah but seriously we gotta plan how we're getting out of here Jimmy: when & where Jimmy: I reckon we could go tomorrow night if we get our shit together Jimmy: & you ain't too hungover to do your bit Janis: 'scuse you Janis: would never thwart us like that Jimmy: not your fault Jimmy: I challenged you Janis: you gonna still be nice to me then, even if I'm dying and useless? Jimmy: maybe Jimmy: if you look pretty while you're doing it, or nowt as the case could be Janis: 😒 oh I'll do my best to make death look seductive Jimmy: 🎨 Jimmy: are your parents gonna give you shit for going? Janis: like to see 'em try Janis: but no Jimmy: 👍 Janis: what about your dad Jimmy: that's a given Jimmy: probably fuck up the other side of my face Jimmy: again 🎨 like Janis: 😣 Janis: maybe I shoulda smacked you to beat him to it, like Janis: [snuggles more instinctively] Jimmy: I did tell you, girl Janis: you know you say a lot of things, babe Jimmy: you telling me to shut up? bit rude Janis: No, I like it Janis: you're Jimmy: [soft kisses cos soft mood] Janis: too nice Jimmy: nah Jimmy: decent amount Janis: if you do say so yourself 😏 Jimmy: #selflove babe Janis: now who sounds like my sister Janis: I'll leave, like Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: but don't Janis: fine, fine Janis: I'll watch you selflove Jimmy: steady on Jimmy: there's only so many times on buses before I get a rep Janis: 😂 Janis: control yourself then Jimmy: but you're so much better at it Jimmy: ain't my fault Janis: if that's your excuse you'll never do nothing Janis: 🥇 me Jimmy: my excuse for why I'm doing nowt, exactly Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you're welcome then Jimmy: 💕 Janis: where are we gonna go Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: as long as you're coming, I don't care too much Janis: same Janis: [look of love bitch] Jimmy: [more kisses] Janis: I'm so Janis: 😴 Jimmy: get your head down for a bit Jimmy: I'll wake you up Janis: I'm so tough though Jimmy: that's why I need you to save your energy though Jimmy: protect me from 🐶s & the big wide world Jimmy: 💪 Janis: 💕 Janis: okay baby Janis: [is snoozy] Jimmy: [is playing with her hair & being a soft boy until he has to wake her up which he'd do out loud in a cute way] Janis: [is all cute and disorientated like wut] Janis: hey Jimmy: [is the most heart eyes ever & kisses her so soft cos the CUTEST sleepy girl he's ever seen good day] Jimmy: come on Janis: 👍 Janis: forgot where I was then Jimmy: hold onto that feeling when we get in Jimmy: pretend we've already left Janis: [kisses him as they getting off the bus like 'scuse you bus driver  but less soft 'cos obviously the mood for going away] Janis: easy Janis: 💪 Jimmy: [look of love bitch & handholding as they walk to his] Janis: I hope you can stay and Bobby stays asleep Janis: does that make me a bitch Jimmy: if it does we're both bitches Janis: #bossbitchesamiriteladiez Jimmy: [lols] Jimmy: if you've trained that dog at all he shouldn't wake up it's well late now Janis: I'll bribe her Janis: #protrainertip Jimmy: so you're trying to train me too, then Jimmy: how's that going? Janis: you know, have your moments but on the whole Janis: say I'd got you where I want you, like Jimmy: 🤔 Jimmy: [picks her up again cos he's a massive nerd] Jimmy: yeah, I'd say the same about you Janis: [giggles 'cos loves it] Janis: I'm alright with it too Jimmy: good Jimmy: [is just carrying her around like an idiot, boy stop you aren't Buster & she ain't Rio you can't] Janis: drop me and you're dead Jimmy: you're probably the 💀 one Jimmy: [looks down dramatically] Jimmy: it's a long way down, babe Janis: such a giant Janis: 😉 Jimmy: 😳 Janis: awh baby Janis: don't, you're just right, remember? Jimmy: I'll take the reminder Janis: [kissing on his neck like bitch be careful you gonna get dropped] Jimmy: shit Jimmy: I get it, you want us to die together Janis: not exactly what I had in mind Jimmy: 'course it is Jimmy: peak romance Jimmy: never switch off, you Jimmy: that romantic Janis: 😂 Janis: okay, said you weren't down for that challenge but you can kill me Jimmy: [gives a very sexy smooch cos okay] Janis: [gets down or this'll end badly lmao] Janis: I like you a lot you know Jimmy: I know but Jimmy: keep letting me know Janis: I will Janis: but quietly Janis: 😇 Jimmy: I Jimmy: you're just so Janis: tell me 'bout it sometime, okay Jimmy: but loudly, yeah Janis: mhmm Janis: showing me is fine for now Jimmy: [lil handsy make out cos gotta show her something] Janis: 😍😍😍 Janis: we need to go inside Jimmy: [conflicted cos doesn't ever wanna but also does wanna so takes her hand] Jimmy: alright Janis: [squeezes his hand 'cos knows and feels it] Jimmy: [go in & to his room, twix hears them like a ro & comes outta Cass' room & with but can only hear her dancing feet its okay] Janis: [gives her plenty of fuss and loves] Jimmy: [doesn't cos has to pretend he's a hater instead plugs both their phones in cos must be fucking flagging by now I don't care if it's the future] Janis: [is reclining and pats the bed next to her and Twix immediately goes to that spot like lmao too slow] Jimmy: [is literally like 😒 but IRL] Janis: [lols 'cos such a cute grump and has to skillfully move Twix like calm down girl] Jimmy: [still grumpy faced but gets next to her] Janis: [Big spoons him] Jimmy: [let's it happen & Twix lie with him so he's like the middle of a sandwich lol] Janis: [casual happy fam bye, scratching his back and giving him the neck/shoulder massages always] Jimmy: [is sleepy cos that's so relaxing bye] Janis: [let 'em snooze] Jimmy: [okay but hear me out FINALLY DROPS THE L WORD out loud when he's basically asleep cos]
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