#idk why it matters so much that I’m not found out 💀
sheepie-self-ships · 7 months
Do any other self shippers get extra weird about if the fandom of the source of an f/o might find their selfshipping blog 😭
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Okay, on account of recent requests, I now have something to ask. What Usopp, Barto, and Kid with an S/O who's hobby is art but can pretty much only draw stick figures. How would they react to finding a painting of themselves in stick figure form?
a/n - barto would cherish that drawing more than he cherishes his Luffy posters I just know it 😭 tysm for this request anon! This is so adorable 🥺💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid lmao
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- He loves you so much, but this boy is the definition of “Aw sweetie you’re talented in other things!”
- … I’m sorry but it’s true
- Barto can’t do art, it’s just not very compatible with him
- Idk once he tried to paint something of you (I think he put Luffy in the background somewhere) and he accidentally dropped the paint bucket on his head, turning his hair pink for around a month
- He supports every single one of your hobbies, it doesn’t matter what the hobby is!
- Cooking? Of course! He’ll help in whatever way he can :) Writing? Omg you better read him bed time stories 😭
- Today, he was walking around the ship, looking for you in literally every room
- “Y/n?!” He was so confused- where the hell did you go ?!
- He found you seated at the table, extremely focused on something, so he decided to try and be quiet for you
- He tiptoed (like those fucking cartoons) trying not to make a single peep
- He looked over your shoulder, struggling not to make a noise
- You were drawing! But.. Why did that stick figure kinda look like him??
- His eyes widened when he realized you were drawing him
- His heart melted, his eyes turning into little sparkles of amazement and care
- “Y/n is that me?!”
- “WHAT THE FUCK?!” You were startled, man forgot he was supposed to be quiet
- You scared the living shit out of the poor boy, “WHA- WHAT’S WRONG?!”
- “Barto- why’d you sneak up on me?!”
- Poor boy didn’t mean to scare you! He was just so amazed by that drawing of him
- It doesn’t even matter if the drawing was good or bad, he literally didn’t care
- He took that drawing and framed it in his room, and he asked you to draw another one so he could keep one with him at all times 😭
- This boy will do anything for you, and seeing you draw him? That just made him fall even more for you (if that’s even possible, man’s already head over heels for you)
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- Honestly Usopp is a pretty good artist himself!
- He painted the strawhats flag after all!
- He was going about his day, gathering random scraps of materials he found scattered around the ship
- He went to go say hello to you, his precious, amazing y/n (who always protected him in his times of need)
- He paused when he saw what exactly you were drawing today
- He tried his best not to just burst out laughing
- “Oh- Usopp!” You said with a grin, looking up from your stick figure drawing
- Usopp gazed at the photo with a snicker, taking a look at how- long his nose was
- how dare you make his nose 3 inches longer than it should be?! 💀
- he was yelling at you while pointing at his nose for a while after that
- “I’m gonna sue you!” He shouted jokingly
- “Mhm with what money??”
- …
- “NAMI?!” -Usopp
- pssssssst- he kept the drawing anyways 😭
- he uses it as hype up material for when he’s scared or about to fight someone strong hehe 🥺
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- Kid’s a mechanic, not an artsy guy
- he lets you do you though, it’s not bothering him, actually he kinda likes seeing whatever you end up drawing from day to day
- your drawing today was of him, and instead of stick figures, you decided to practice some anatomy! (It obviously went wrong)
- His chest was extremely disproportionate to the rest of his body (it was literally like you stuck watermelons onto his chest 💀)
- Perhaps that’s how you saw him
- Kid looked over your shoulder and immediately took a step back
- Was that.. HIM?!
- Man got so angry lmao
- He had to lecture you about how he’s actually not that large and how his tiddies are “small”
- You couldn’t even practice anatomy in peace with this dumbass tulip head
- “KILLER! My chest isn’t that big right?! Y/n’s fucking blind!”
- Killer snickered, and he agreed with you, the drawing you drew was pretty accurate
- … kid you need to calm down 😭
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a/n - lmao I love barto 😭
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swirlyblast · 6 months
Postcarter AU
Something that's been on my mind for a long time now is if the Witchcarters were permanently freed from Wendy Naugus's mind control. By Team Hooligan because of that Archie issue where the teams worked together. And Carrotia, Falke, and Bearenger's personalities are definitely different compared to Wendy's interpretations.
So sometime after they're freed, they decide to get new clothes because they didn't like the old ones and they bring back terrible memories!
I’ll post them one by one because Postcarter!Bearenger isn’t done yet and I’ve been working on and off on these…So starting with Falke:
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Imagine designing a Wispon for one character hahahaha (I’ll draw him with the Trigger Wispon in action eventually)
Falke is much less insane than when he was mind controlled, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be a goofy ass! He found a way to cope through cooking (especially German foods his mom made- yes I’m going by the German Wulf headcanon) and window shopping for heels
He goes by Falke or Hocke, doesn’t matter to him but most of his friends call him Falke. Hocke came from Wendy’s WILD mispronunciation of his name, and she didn’t realize until mind-controlled Carrotia brought it up
Falke has some dense fur and bones from experiments Wendy made him go through, so that’s why he can’t get hurt by his own mines or break bones from a lot of damage…win-lose situation
Some Postcarter Background Info:
Fang literally only wanted to save Bear and Falke because he thought Carrotia would be upset if he didn’t 💀
Fang saves Carrotia, Bean saves Falke, and Bark saves Bear. I want the Hooligans to go into the Witchcarters’ minds somehow so they can permanently lock out the mind control. Maybe Wendy learns a new spell to try to kill them off? Idk yet
The Postcarters definitely have a hard time trusting people besides the Hooligans for a long time. Even if Carrotia and Falke start working for the Restoration, they’re not super friendly at first. Bear gets into a boxing career to deal with anger he hasn’t really gotten out. He tries not to show much emotion since he doesn’t wanna scare anyone with his loud bursts of anger. Basically stoic. He smiles more around his siblings (Carrotia and Falke 😌)
More info in the future!
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yunayoshi0 · 1 year
Ahem, so there’s a lot of people who read majima as queer and I found a video talking about interpreting the games (Y0, and YK) through a queer lens. There’s a lot of people in the comments who are upset about people thinking majima is queer
Here’s some of the arguments people used to say that he couldn’t be queer and why they are stupid.
1. “well what about y5, y0 and yk2”
First of a bisexual people exist And also 2 of those examples are the same women so like idk why you’re separating those 2 situations and also his feelings for makoto had closure like the game makes it a whole point to show he has closure with makoto now how’re you just going to ignore that and say it’s proof that majima can’t have any way of every having feelings for someone of the same gender because he had feelings for a women that wouldn’t have even worked out anyways because she loved Y0 Majima which is extremely different from how he actually is during the events of Y0 he was restrained mentally which like HE KNOWS THAT which is why he talks to the doctor dude at the end of y0 he knows it wouldn’t work out.
I haven’t played 5 yet so I can’t say much but he divorces Mirei
And either way it doesn’t mean he can’t be queer because he married a women 💀
2. “I think he’s crazy more like the joker the things he does that imply he’s queer is just him being unhinged”
Okay listen tf up people if you knew anything about DC you would know The Joker is extremely queer coded !!!! Like literally he’s in love with batman and it’s shown in many adaptations. It’s not a healthy love by any means it’s very much obsessive but it’s still there and it shouldn’t be ignored. Fucking Lego batman is a perfect example of that which I know is like a silly example but like the way they portray the relationship between Batman and Joker didn’t like come out of nowhere it’s because there’s a history of Jokers queerness throughout the franchise. So like my point is the joker is an awful example. And to argue the other point majima is not crazy he’s very flamboyant yes, but he’s not like clinically insane he is aware of his actions and makes them on his own accord. He does things because he wants too there’s nothing that is influencing his actions in most cases.
Majima has trauma yes but trauma doesn’t make you act queer
3.“Most of those things are treated as a jokes so it doesn’t really mean anything”
I mean yeahh i won’t argue that a lot of things majima goes that could be interpreted as queer is treated as a joke which is unfortunately how queercoded characters are usually treated even if it is treated as a joke it’s still *something* and I feel often times in the story it’s not treated as a joke by majima himself I mean he’s very persistent with it for it to be some big elaborate joke to him I’m sure there’s something to be taken from the encounters even if it’s framed by the creators in a joking manner.
Lastly why does it matter anyways if queer people want to latch onto a character that’s very relatable to a lot of queer experiences and especially if it’s a franchise people like in a genre with like 0 representation of that kind. It’s not hurting you it’s really not and you can let one character be fucking gay 💀
Here’s the video in question
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
I broke up with my ex bf because I’m fairly certain he was low key stalking me. There’s rlly too much to cover unless you were there tbh but basically here are the main reasons or things that tipped me off.
I mentioned that yung gravy is generally (and very platonically) attractive and he got super jealous and told me that he didn’t want to hear abt it and he doesn’t like that I find other ppl attractive besides him.but the thing is he would buy kpop albums and send me pics of the posters and photo cards and tell me how hot they were so like ???? Huh. 🚩
Another reason is that I mentioned that I would have to be very comfortable around him to consider a lot of physical stuff, even kissing bc I’ve had some shit happen in the past and he was like 🥺👉👈 b-but I’m your boyfriend so it shouldn’t matter.
Pretty much any conversation after those two where we were talking abt serious shit, for example the differences person to person in the love you learn from parents and guardians, or love languages and how everyone has a different receiving and giving language, he would bring up the fact that i didn’t want to be physical and found other people attractive besides only him and say that I didn’t love him. 🤪
He also said I love you on the second day of dating after only knowing him at a coworker level for about 4 months prior. There’s a lot more that you rlly had to be there to get it. but idk we only dated for like a month and a half and I was getting maaajor red flags. Like when we would FaceTime I found out he would screen record a lot of our calls 💀 and at work he said he would stare at me all shift, and other stuff like that.
I also have weirdly prophetic dreams and up until I dated him I hadn’t had a nightmare since I was a child but I kept kept having nightmares where he was stalking me. Which sounds crazy but with the stuff he would say sometimes like idk. And get this, we used to go on shopping dates to a specific store and I hadn’t been to that store in a month since I broke up with him and the day i decided to randomly go there with a friend he randomly appeared out of nowhere after we were finished walking around the store for like an hour or so and got behind me in the self checkout line. 💀 I couldn’t tell why it bothered me so much for like two weeks but I realized he makes a certain face when he’s fake surprised at something and he made that face when he saw me so no way was bro surprised. Like 🤨. He also texted me after I saw him in the store and noticed the very small change I made to my hairstyle. Like I parted my bangs ever so slightly different and he texted me abt it. 💀
There was a lot of other stuff like him getting low key upset when I would hang out with my friends that he has never met before. Or when he would hang out with his friend (singular I’m dead serious only one friend) he would say stuff to try and get me to be jealous over the fact that he’s hanging out with someone else🚩💀🚩
Yandere is fun in fiction, not irl. 💀💀Anyway there’s my reason for breaking up.
Yikes, no that's a whole lotta red flags 🚩🚩
I'm happy you ended it and now that you're okay and safe! One of the few reasons I don’t date straight guys!!
One time, this guy who I went on a date with said I smelled good. Which, was nice. But he continually bring it up; "Oh my god, I cannot get enough of your smell" and "what kind of shampoo do you use? It's smells so delightful!"
I mean, saying someone smells nice is a good compliment. But if you continuously say it and be weird about it, it's a red flag.
Again, I'm happy you ended it. Hope your okay :]!
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gaymikelesbianel · 2 years
And here’s elmax!
When do you think fell in love with Max and how she understood this?
What do you think they love about each other the most?
What’s your headcanons about their sleepover in season 3?
What do you think their future together would be like?
How do you think Max felt when El rejected their handshake?
Where would be their first date?
How would their friends and family react to elmax dating? (If LGBT people were accepted back then😔)
How did Max realize that she likes girls?
hi again!!!!
so here are my answers:
1. i think she fell in love with her during season 3. however, i don’t think she fully understood that she’s in love with her. this is because she misunderstands platonic and romantic attraction, so she was thinking her feelings for mike were romantic and max was platonic when it was the other way around. that’s why she didn’t realize she likes girls :)
2. el loves max’s confidence, and her ability to know herself and what she wants/likes. she also loves max’s style. max loves el’s powers, sure, but it’s much more than that. max loves that el is so kind, courageous and fearless. she loves how el is willing to put herself on the line for the people she loves. she loves her for who she is, not what her powers are. even without her powers max would love her just as much.
3. some hcs of their s3 sleepover:
- they painted each other’s nails and did each other’s hair
- they gossiped about the boys (and max gossiped about the stuff happening at school to el)
- el opened up a little about some of her trauma and max was there for her
- they sneaked around the house at night and when they got hungry stole food from the kitchen while hopper was asleep 💀
4. they would both support each other no matter what, and they would always find a way to do things together. if el needs to take time to get to know herself and who she is, max would be more than willing to wait for her. they understand each other’s needs and wants and have healthy communication :)
5. max probably felt so sad :( you could tell she really admired el. it was really sad to watch :((
6. i feel like their first actual date would be at a carnival or amusement park! it would be so cute and they could try out lots of fun stuff together :,)
7. i feel like everyone in the party would be supportive. it would be hard for lucas (poor lucas :() but he would be supportive too (honestly in my ideal world elumax is ftw). el’s family would 100% be supportive. el, will, jon, joyce, hop would all be so supportive of her relationship with max. i’m not too sure about max’s family tho…i feel like her mom might be supportive too. if billy and his dad were there i don’t think they would be supportive at all >:(
8. hmm…i think max probably didn’t realize until later on that she likes girls. maybe el was her bi awakening, actually. it could be she had suspicions about her sexuality as she found herself attracted to certain characters on television but idk
tysm for the asks!!! i hope you have a great day and sorry this took me so long to answer as well :,) <3
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
tw: rape, attempt and idk what else??
so basically my depression worsened and i had an attempt on wednesday, this week. school is too much already and it barely started, my whole family is a problem and my friends(?) are making jokes about me which i find somehow funny but it also hurts me
my family is talking about how my breasts grow so fast and how they are bigger than most of the women in my family and even men are saying this which makes me uncomfortable… my parents also keep telling me if i keep misbehaving (sleeping when its daytime) i will be sent to my family in vietnam (im not that close with them because theyre pretty much aggressive and i’m bad at speaking vietnamese, they can’t speak polish, so it’s hard to communicate)
the jokes my friends(?) make are about how a guy almost raped me but i managed to push him off of me.. the jokes are like “omg youre like literally our hulk” etc. // i do find the jokes funny sometimes but then i think about the time it happened and i feel grossed out by myself and feel like crying
also all the panic attacks i had in the recent weeks are all too much.. and it’s too much pressure thinking about everything at once, i just can’t sort it out in my head
even tho my problems may not be that serious, i still can’t handle them anymore. thank you for “listening”to me, i’m really thankful for you<33
first of all, i know it's hard to keep that in mind sometimes, and that's why i want to remind you that you should never make a hierarchy of problems. your problems ARE serious, and you should not delegitimize them like that. your feelings are valid no matter what your issue is, if it makes you feel that way then there is a reason and it's your right to be hurt.
i'm genuinely pissed off hearing about the comments on your body from your family 💀 as i hit puberty very young, i also had that problem of adults making inappropriate remarks on it, and i know how it hurts and can mess with your self esteem and the way you feel in your body. avoid the people who make this kind of comments as much as you can. depending on the links you have with your family, try and tell them that it makes you uncomfortable. tell the women in your family especially that it's even worse when it's men and hopefully they will stand up for you if they ever tell you something about it in front of them. this is so annoying why do they care about your body like that 💀
about your friends and their jokes!! even if it can make you laugh sometimes, it's better to tell them straight that you don't like it. if you let them get away with it for too long, they might not understand why you're against it when you used to laught about it. maybe they don't mean any harm, but if they're actual good friends they'll respect you and stop with these jokes. if they are not, i guarantee you that you'll be better off without them. you're very strong, okay? what happened to you when you got assaulted is in no way your fault and it is not taking away your value. don't forget i call you pure >:(
as for the panick attacks, do you have any methods to calm them down?? as someone who suffers from it as well, i had a time when i was younger where they were very frequent. i have less now because i found some methods that help me calm down easier. if you can, press your back against something cold, a wall for example. if you're not alone, try to put your hand on a friend's chest to feel the way they are breathing and try to match your breathing with their. also, i have a friend who put their face in a huge bowl of water. try these next time you have a panick attack, and if doesn't work, look for other ones! there is surely one that will work for you.
i assume you're much younger than me so i will treat you as a little sibling and talk to you according to my experiences as someone who went through similar things as you. if you ever wanna talk about anything, i will always take my time to answer to you and try to give you advices. take care of you, you're valuable, and you should never hurt yourself <3 better days are surely waiting for you in the future, and it would be a shame to miss them, right?
please come back to me at least once a week so i can make sure you're doing good >:( take care, pure 🩶
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
brizz my love, as with all things I do, I tried to make this as short as possible and I failed miserably aksdjfhlkasdjf i hope you don’t mind
💖 What made you start writing?
In terms of, like, writing in general, I don't really know what made me start! I was always writing stories, but I really got into writing towards the end of middle school, and I think I "finished" my first story in eighth grade, when I had an English teacher who made us write a journal entry every day, and instead of writing anything about myself, I wrote a story about a character (i think she was a mermaid? I can’t remember)(also $50 to whoever can guess my favorite coping mechanism 💀). But, after middle school, I had a bit of a falling out with writing, and I put myself in a position to either do engineering & math & science related stuff, or do writing related stuff. Idk why I thought I couldn't do both, but obviously, I ended up becoming an engineer, and while I wrote a little bit in high school, I completely gave up writing in college.
Then, covid happened at the end of my senior year of college, and I suddenly had, like, a renaissance lmao. I had nothing to do and so much time to do it, and then I ended up watching the first season of Outer Banks nine times through (yes I know I’m insane, but we move), showing my family and then various friends during zoom parties, and I became obsessed with figuring out Kiara's story. I had a doc full of questions based on throw-away lines and I don't know when it turned from "conspiracy theory about kiara carrera's background" to "actual legitimate story (kind of)", but it helped me A LOT when I was going through the early pandemic. So, I guess, obsessing over Kiara Carrera got me back into writing?? lmao. also having a lot of feelings over the pandemic and being locked in my hometown and isolated from my college friends while being much, much closer to my middle/high school friends?? idk. I clearly had a lot of feelings to wrestle with tho aksjdfhlkasjdf
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
LMAO yes!! I think almost everyone guessed just about every plot point in pltc, which is very expected when I was literally writing it to fit as well as it could into canon. I also had a few other fics where I read people's comments like "ah yes at least my foreshadowing works" 💀 I think there were a lot of those comments especially with like daisies underneath! 
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
for you, Brizz, a snippet from my upcoming fic for the music festival au space on my bingo card!
There’s something kind of thrilling about having him so close. She knows her makeup is beyond fucked, and her hair is in disarray, and she has a string of plastic gems trailing down her cheek that are worse off than they were last night, but it doesn’t matter. The music is too loud for them to maintain the sort of distance that she would normally expect from a complete stranger, and he leans in close, his blue eyes fixed on her with a piercing gaze.
She doesn’t know a lot about him, but she can sense how momentous it is to capture all of his attention for any period of time, like her body had cataloged every distraction he had found throughout the day and now marvels at the singularity of his attention. 
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
heeey i have a question, idk if this is okay but please ignore it if it's not... *also this might be a little long sorry
so i recently read a manga "blue period" which focuses on art, finding their own art, wondering which type of art they fit most, expressing themselves, finding themselves, and a lot more, you should read it if you can! an anime adaptation is also up to date on oct! 💗 gosh sorry i really wanted to share this bc its amazing! uhm my question is... how did you find what you really liked? like for example writing, is writing just your hobby? how did you know it was just a hobby and not something that you wanted to pursue? i really like writing and drawing, i started writing since 6th grade and now i'm in college, you prolly thought im still writing but no.. i stopped in highschool because i didnt know the purpose of it, i always search for the purpose you know, even in math, the numbers you need to use, the variables, i need the purpose to be able to continue without difficulties, and if theres no purpose and just "just that" i find it difficult to move, just like in writing and drawing, i lost all motivation, i lost the emotions i used to have, i lost the feeling of joy when finishing a poem or a short story, and as for drawing, i recently discovered my love for drawing the last three years when i saw an art in an exhibit, i felt so motivated and inspired to draw, at first i traced other people's art, then tried to mimic the art that i traced, but i realized i approached it in a wrong way so i tried to start learning from the beginning, the shades, lights, perspectives, shapes, but in the end all i had was random sketches from a notebook using a pencil, i felt empty, i couldnt do much because we arent that rich to buy supplies, or to invest my time in it because i had a lot of things to do, so i stopped, again, i dont know where to start and how i can start, i dont even know if i actually like writing and drawing, do i rlly like it? am i just swept away because of the pandemic? or am i pressured to have something that i can say i like doing?
sorry for blurbing out, day's rough, you can ignore this, sorry for the time u spent 😩💀
I just looked up that manga and it actually really sounds like something I would enjoy so I'm definitely going to check it out, thank you for the recommendation!
I’m gonna pop this under a read more cause I got ridiculously long for no real reason too😂😭
I think for myself writing has only ever been a hobby for me, and in my mind it'll always just remain a hobby. I started writing when I was younger because the characters I liked in anime had virtually no OC/reader fics for them and I just wanted to have something to read for myself and give myself that comfort when I was a teenager. It helped that when I shared it that other people would comment and say how happy they were that they found the fics and how underappreciated the characters were and even though my writing sucked it just made me feel happy so I kept doing it. Even to this day I feel like no matter how many people tell me that they enjoy my writing and think I'm good at it I'll never really truly believe it, because to me I'm just doing something I enjoy. I don't think I could ever release a book or even write something good enough to be published, and thats totally okay because writing like this has helped me through so many shitty periods in my life that I may not have made it through without this release.
I feel like if you sit down and enjoy writing/drawing when you do it, it means that it is your hobby. No matter how good you are at it, no matter whether people like it or not it doesn't matter if you're gaining enjoyment from it. I think if you're just doing it to please other people or to say you have a hobby it isn't quite the same, and that could be why sometimes you feel almost obligated to do it? Writing/drawing shouldn't be seen as an obligation when you're doing it for free, and no one (including yourself!) should make you feel that way.
It actually sounds like you have talent, Anon! And that you enjoy drawing. Even if you're just tracing I would say thats completely okay and valid as long as you're not claiming the work as your own or trying to pass it off as such.
Even if its something you were just using to get yourself through the pandemic I think that's totally okay too. I've taken huge gaps in writing (I'm talking years) between fandoms, I stopped writing for a good 3/4 years at one stage because I just didn't want to do it. But no matter what it's always been there for me if I've wanted to return to it, and I think that's the main thing. So it sounds like drawing could be the same for you?💕
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