#idk? much of my commentary about misogyny and how it affects diff women esp queer women?
johannestevans · 1 year
“when you’re in a gay male space, you will very rarely hear them even mention women” cis white gays are sometimes some of the most misogynistic men out there, under the guise and pretense of being sassy. i’m not buying into this AT ALL and you’re one of these dudes who weirdly and grossly bashes women— don’t think we forgot when you called some woman ugly and loudly asked why women are the image of beauty when they’re often so UGLY in the near vicinity of some poor stranger and then proudly posted all about it online as if it was cute and funny and quirky. uplifting gay spaces as woman-neutral and bashing lesbians as man-haters (again! literally the whole stereotype that straight cis men use against lesbians too?) is fucking bogus when you’re literally a prime example of a gay man who can be really fucking weird about women
babe you can just move on with your life and not engage with me or my takes lol, thats very much a thing you can do
like its grand to write fanfiction about things ive said or jokes ive made, have fun with that, but you can also do real things with your time as well
i spend a lot of time with beloved dykes offline (which i would recommend heartily for the too online ❤️) bc of the long standing fag dyke alliance and its literally fine. there is crossover between us, even, bc dykes and fags crossover so significantly
im totes weird about women bc i dont want to have sex with them and bc i base my personal standards of beauty on men rather than women (which in itself is also an act of rebellion against a cishet society, soz to break it to you)
but women werent made for me? i wasnt made for women? my distaste for the expectation of that Everyone Must find women ~objectively beautiful~ (which in itself is a tenet of misogynistic ideology bc it insists that Male / Female exist in a binary of Ugly / Beauty in part TO discredit women and women's ideas) is not actually hurting you or anybody else
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