#idk. its just so funny to think that to get their callout posts attention they blaze them. could you fucking imagine
alienhazy · 2 years
wait, what if they start blazing their call-out posts?
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lambo-san · 7 years
I've been following you for years and I'm in shock about the things you've been accused of. I'm sure they're just joining on the callout culture bandwagon. I know its hard to do but please don't give more power over you.
thank you that means more to me than words can even express ive been such a nervous wreck wondering how this could effect my… everything really i mean in a situation where someone knows nothing of me, what are they to think?im nothing like that and i thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for knowing me well enough to know better 
and know better than to believe the basic callout slander of some angry young adult making things up for…. idk attention? pity? ive honestly no idea what i did but i assure you and everyone else it was never
like what ive heard they said about me [[a friend of mine
[[s/o to ephona kiss kiss ilu girl ♥]]
read it and gave me the watered down details but it still hurt very much to hear because this is a person that only a year ago i considered my
very close friend
who i did everything in my power to make happy and accommodate, as i would for
friend i feel as close to as i did with them, so imagine the hurt and betrayal i feel
hearing that they even made such a post about me let alone the cruel things they made up and said about me really who can just do that without remorse?]]
and to log in to such a rude anon calling me sick over a bunch of lies, an anon who most likely knows nothing of me or how i truly am let alone anything about what happened between this person and i?
what makes it worse is, as i said before, i really did think we ended this on a mature note seeing as they cut me off over an argument they had with ruby, not me
an argument i had no part in at that and i did try to apologize for rubys actions/words but they just wouldnt have it. so, as i also said, of course i had to accept their decision to leave and, in their words, “move on”. i remember our last conversation vividly. i was waiting in a hospital room to see whether or not my father was going to live. it was not a very good time in any sense so of course i remember the details of that day and i remember how our friendship ended along with the tension in that room. id… rather not think on it further
what happened between us happened in a very short amount of time looking back on it but i did regard them very dearly and did whatever they asked of me to help accommodate whatever mental issue they were having at the time. they even thanked me for sticking it out with them once during a particularly bad episode of theirs
i just feel so stupid for falling for yet another persons betrayal. its like hellOOOO EVERYONES done it to you! get a grip! wake up! stop trusting people and walking into it over and over again! am i right? lol
oh there is SO MUCH i could recount but like i said id rather not contribute to the mess and id love to just put this behind me. and preferably have them delete their basic callout they did for… whatever reason? a year later?
i really am trying to not let it get to me but it really does hurt.
but i will survive. this is not the first human to betray me and sadly they will most likely not be the last. this is kind of a running gag in my life.
funny huh lol
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