#you have to actually seek out replies and tags on posts made by ppl you dont follow
alienhazy · 2 years
wait, what if they start blazing their call-out posts?
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 4 months
I found your post "sorry (not) sorry" where you talk about asexuality and aces who say they love sex etc.
That post ended up on my "for you" and I'm glad it did. I wrote a reply in that post but I was typing too quickly and it was a mess. So I deleted it and decided to write a message instead.
I have to say that I agree with your post 100% and it's quite sad that your opinion is "problematic" in ace community.
Can aces have sex? Yes. Some say they do it solely to please their partners, which sounds very RAPEY. It's interesting how little we hear about the allosexual individuals, who might masturbate instead of having sex with their asexual partners.
Nowadays, it seems like everyone is obsessed with labels and twisting words to fit their own narrative. I'm not against labels, just use labels that fit you. A lot of times I feel like allos just use asexual label so they can preach how they love sex & they can show aces that they can love sex too like every other "normal" person.
Sometimes when I see someone talking how they never want sex or that they are sex repulsed there always have to be some "ace" that screams BUT DON'T FORGET ACES LOVE SEX TOO! WE LOVE KINK! WE LOVE FUCKING!!!
It feels like you're being erased, but erased by someone who's not even asexual.
I come to ace tags a lot, because I would like to follow some people, (also I come to the tags a lot so I can block bots that started spamming the tags) but it's always the same story. I see people who say they are ace but they also say things that show me that they are pretty much allos. It's sad because these people made me avoid ace spaces... because it really feels like 60% of them are allos who just use ace label. 30% are aces who don't want to be rude and they're like "all are welcome, all can use ace label!!! No one can tell you that you're not ace" and then 10% people just don't say a word because they don't want drama.
This is why people won't take us seriously because a lot of people who don't know much about asexuality hear just "I'm ace but I still love and enjoy sex!. And this is why some people think being celibate and being asexual is the same thing.
Sorry for a long message & my rant but it's RARE that someone who's ace actually say things you said in that post out loud... and it's refreshing to see that.
I don't really know how much we have in common but I will follow you just so I can read more of your ace posts in the future. Because I really need that.
thank you so much for sending this message, i'm really glad that my post resonated with you. and i agree with everything you said. it's awful that the asexual label/community has been overtaken by this narrative that aces can have sex even tho it's just false. it's actually pretty scary bc, like you said, it sounds so rapey. you rarely hear ppl adovacting for allos to have sex just to please their partner or for allos to have sex with ppl they aren't attracted to bc everyone recognizes how disgusting that is, but for some reason, ppl think it's normal and okay to do this to ace ppl.
i hate being one of those ppl who tries to tell others what their identity is but i truly do feel like ppl who claim that their ace but still want/enjoy sex aren't actually ace, they're allosexual who decided to call themself ace for some reason. asexual ppl do not experience sexual attraction so they would not be seeking out sex with ppl nor would they enjoy it. if someone claims they enjoy sex despite being ace, i feel like there's a good chance that they're not actually ace.
i've also seen the argument that "asexuality is a spectrum" for why aces can have sex but i'm gonna be honest, it seems more like it's allosexuality that is the spectrum; there's only one way to not experience sexual attraction (asexual) but there's many different ways to experience sexual attraction and there's nothing wrong with that but it doesn't mean you're asexual. if you experience sexual attraction, you're not asexual.
i've also seen ppl get harassed for saying that they're asexual which means they don't want to have sex and/or dislike sexual content and i've experienced that myself. i've made posts just talking about my own sexuality and have had multiple ppl who jumped in to try "correcting" me by telling me that aces can have sex, which again is false, and it just shows how creepy this attitude is bc why do ppl always feel the need to try forcing this mindset onto any actual asexual person they come across? it really feels like ppl are just trying to pressure ace ppl into forcing themselves to conform to allosexual society's standards.
anyways, i think you hit the nail right on the head, you're so right about everything. it seems that even the ace community has been overtaken by a compulsory sexuality and rape culture mindset and it's so sad. this is supposed to be a community for ppl to celebrate and bond over their identity and yet you have so many ppl either trying to coerce asexual ppl into having sex and/or ppl who aren't even asexual who are claiming the label and twisting it for their own weird narrative.
thank you so much again. 💕 ik it sucks and it makes me sad and angry that ppl do this awful stuff too but always remember that there is nothing wrong with who we are and that we should try to stay positive and fight against ppl's acephobia as much as possible. 💕
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
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howdy, im cannibal-nighmares, i am/was/am a professional artist, amateur music critic, and literary hobbyist. I draw professor franken stein from soul eater quite a lot. I do not have a consistent-enough temperament to describe myself in words, but my principles remain the same: Do no harm, take no shit.
sometimes i post about the lived schizophrenic experience. i post entirely for the purpose of psychoanalytical observation, to share the perspective of what it's like, and to resonate with like-minded people. unless i explicitly state otherwise, i do not want any semblance of your pity. if you seek further understanding, i am open to questions, but know that my experience does not speak for or reflect everyone else's.
I never judge books by their cover and hold a grain of salt to everything before giving out ultimatums; in other words, I leave judgement to my own experience and not the opinions of others. I am known to be cautious, aloof, and skeptical. I am notorious for going radio-silent without any given notice. Nothing personal. Bad wiring. I believe in pure talent and pure spite equally, though my opinion shouldn't change what you do with your passions, so long as you are truly devoted. my only real goals in life are to rewrite the stigma around schizophrenia and to write fiction novels. ...and maybe make a bunch of fan art on the in-between.
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uuuuhhhh other stuff ive seen in ppl's pinned posts that I am even less formal about:
my tags are #my art, #cannibal-nightmares rambles, #cannibal's music, #actually schizophrenic, #actually schizospec, #actually psychotic, #my fanfic, #my gifs among a few others.
as for content warnings, i try my best to tag for flashing lights/images (a sensitivity of my own), unreality, depictions of hallucinations, indiscernible voices, scopophobia, and gore. i find comfort in creepy shit, what can i say?
i like a lot of things, but my primary obsessions are Soul Eater (anime and manga), Hannibal (the entire franchise), Maniac (2018), House MD, and "The Boys Next Door" (1996). other big favourites include Fargo (FX), Mr. Robot, Better Call Saul, "Re-Animator" (1985), Arcane, True Detective, "Donnie Darko" (2001), "Ghost World" (2001), "Trainspotting" (1996, 2016) and much more. and sooo much music. So much music.
my (anon) asks are always open. send me a song or a question or a headcanon, if you dare. my response time means genuinely absolutely nothing, by the way, I might be the worst and most inconsistent reply in the world.
i'll probably end up making a schizophrenic storytime-type masterlist somewhere, sometime.
wow you made it this far. have some songs:
[ loathe - tool - circuit circuit - tear dungeon ]
peace, love, and anarchy.
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
man idk there's so much to say on the like/reblog thing but i think the main point i feel strongly about is like. please consider that artists dont owe you anything unless you're literally paying them. they could decide tomorrow that they're tired of posting and leaving
if you have an artist you enjoy but you're never sharing their posts, consider why. maybe take a second to remind them that ppl enjoy their stuff, even if it's just by reblogging it or maybe just leaving a reply. maybe even send them an ask if that's something you'd rather do. doesnt boost their posts, but it still gives feedback. i just think feedback is a pretty big motivator even on the smallest posts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lolzskye · 3 years
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PAIRING: harry styles x reader
WARNINGS: fighting 😣 (because ppl like to make the reader a shy cry baby that can’t defend herself…most def not me) also not proof read
SUMMARY: you defend yourself against a “fan”, harry’s there to calm you down
wc: 1.3k
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“but i don’t want to,” harry pouted childishly, pushing his face more into her neck.
“harry, i’m literally not going anywhere. i’ll be, like, 5 feet away. you’ll be fine.” they had about an hour and a half before harry had to be on stage, but for now, there was a small meet and greet being held backstage. it was a must to be vaccinated and negatively tested, otherwise you were not allowed backstage for the safety of the crew, harry, and everyone else backstage.
“why can’t you just sit by me?”
“because i’m not going to be signing autographs or taking pictures. now, i’ll be eating snacks if you need me.” you were happy when harry smiled at you, letting out a small giggle before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
you knew why he didn’t want you to be alone, he never wanted you to if fans were around because many of them didn’t like you. they didn’t really have a reason not to, you were the type of person who never took shit from anybody and spoke up when need be, they didn’t like that it was about them, though.
you’d get lots of dms, tagged in twitter or instagram posts from “fans” who were blatantly rude and disrespectful. you, being the type of person you are, if something stuck out to you, you would respond to them.
you were sitting down scrolling on your phone when a group of girls walked up and stood in front of you.
“hi,” one of the replied shyly, “we were just wondering if you could take a picture with us. obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, we were just wondering.” you were surprised by her question, wondering why they wanted a picture with you. you weren’t anything special, really.
“no, you’re okay! of course i’ll take a picture with you.” you stood up from your seat, putting your phone in your back pocket so you wouldn’t lose it or have it stolen.
you motioned for one of the security guards over to take the photo for you as the five of you moved around to be in the standing positions that fit your interests.
you stood in between the four girls, having two on each of your sides, and wrapped each arm around the two that were standing closer to you. you gently pulled them closer to you, causing the two girls on the end to move closer as well.
you also took individual pictures with them, as requested, and took a few pictures with others who asked as well.
you said your goodbyes to the four girls, watching as they moved to walk over towards the snack section.
you talked to a few more fans before someone, who you had very much so expected, showed up in front of you, making you abruptly stop your movements.
“hello?” you said cautiously, taking two steps back. the girl glared at you. she had a guy behind her, who you had assumed was her boyfriend because of the way she leaned onto him. he paid no attention to the conversation, continuing to stare at whatever was on his phone.
“why are you here?” the girl snared, giving you a dirty look as she crossed her arms over her chest and shifted her weight onto one leg.
“well, i mean harry is my boyfriend. has been since we were 21,” you replied, looking back at her with a frown on her face.
“well, he shouldn’t be. he deserves someone better than you. you’re rude and disrespectful.”
“no, i’m just not intimidated by so called fans like you. i speak my mind about anything, including fans like you, and you don’t like it,” you shrugged your shoulders at her, silently laughing at the facial expression she made.
“i hope he comes to his senses. you don’t deserve him because you’re nothing but an attention seeking bitch,” the girl took one tiny step closer to you. you didn’t move from your spot, knowing that no matter how close she gets, she wouldn’t have the audacity to actually touch you.
“oh?” you laughed, “and what would that make you?” you saw rage fill her eyes. you gave her fake, tight lipped smile, setting her off even more by how unintimidated you were by her. you watched as she pulled her cheeks in, and before you knew it-
she spat in your face.
out of reflex, your right hand formed into a fist and was moving straight towards the middle of her face in a quick motion. you watched as her head moved back from the force of the punch you threw before you used both hands to push her onto the floor.
you felt a large arm wrap around your midsection and lift you up from the ground, away from the crowd that was beginning to form around the girl on the floor.
you wiped the spit off of your cheek with the sleeve of the hoodie you were wearing, only then did you realize that you were crying. you weren’t sad, you were upset, beyond upset, and tired. tired of people feeling like they could do or say anything to you without any consequences.
“put me down, please,” your voice was shaky and your vision was blurry from the amount of tears brewing in your eyes.
the guard put you down and walked with you back to harry’s dressing room. you walked inside of the room, slamming the door loudly before walking over to the couch. you sat down, dropping your head in your hands as you finally let the tears fall.
you were so disappointed in yourself for letting someone get to you like that, but at the same time, you were proud of yourself for defending yourself when you needed to.
your body shook as sobs and tears began to flow. finally, the door opened and in came your loving boyfriend. his bewildered expression fell into a worried one once he saw you.
“baby, what happened?” he asked, rushing over to you and pulling you into his embrace.
your sobs and tears continued to flow. harry did everything in his power to sooth you, not asking for you to stop crying, but for you to calm down enough to tell him what happened.
it took a minute for you to calm down, sitting with your head on harry’s chest while he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back.
“she came to me and- and asked me why i was here and then started saying these things like you deserve better and she called me a bitch. she spit on me and,” you paused to take a breath, “i punched her.” harry’s motions didn’t stop, even when he heard your last three words.
“you punched her?”
“yes, but it was a reflex. and she did spit in my face,” you whined in defense. it was silent until he shrugged his shoulders and let out a dramatic sigh.
“she did kind of deserve it.” he smiled when he heard the laugh you let out. he lifted your head, smiling down at you before leaning down to connect his lips with hers.
“i love you, and i’m proud of you for defending yourself. i promise.” and you were very content with that, not worrying about how the girl would change the story of what happened and the backlash you were going to face because of this. you were just happy to have harry with you no matter what you do.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Thing is, I once enjoyed your meta, was part of the "positivety police". But when you started attacking ppl who want more to see DeanCas as canon, I didn't understand your aggressivety. Nowadays, I only see the likes of you and Casgirlsam defending win*est, reblogging win*est, arguing how stupid Destiel shippers don't appreciate Win*est, even though it was the most famous ship or sth. Saying how everyone against it is just purity police. That's why no one takes you serious anymore. And it's sad
Oh look more bullshit. *looks high and low for anywhere i defend wincest*
*encourages my blog followers to look high and low for anywhere i defend wincest*
Oh you mean that time i told people to stop dogpiling a nonaggressive person in fandom minding her own fucking business while saying i dont like the ship but she doesn't deserve you being a bunch of thundercunts? That person who doesn't hang out with the aggressive shippers that attack people? Who literally was so respectful she didnt just tag everything but made a side account for her squick ship so others didn't have to see it, and mysteriously you go out of your way to look at while claiming to hate and be triggered by it?
You seem to be confusing "thinking you have no right to relentlessly assault someone in their own space" with "defending a ship i have been extremely vocal against", and, in irony, you even can't control yourself while I'm flagging your IP and interactions enough to approach your ISP for service termination on its harassment clause.
By the way-- "positivity police" ends at me not accepting abusive cankers like YOU coming into MY space or speaking up when you get SO OUT OF HAND you negatively impact someone's mental state, which you show zero empathy for right now.
As if anyone from yeshims ring, who use that phrase, were ever friends of mine anyway.
The world is literally burning, people are dying by the hundreds of thousands, protests are worldwide, and you're online trying to manufacture drama. Given you at least stopped libeling the lgbt author with shit you made up here at least. Now try that for the other made up garbage. Find something constructive to do.
This is the last ask I'll actually respond to from you, statcounter quantifies engagements you send even if I don't reply and I'm not gonna clutter my blog with negativity you are DESPERATELY seeking platform with. I'm sure you'll cry POSITIVITY POLICE WAHHHHH for me not giving you that platform and taking up space on my blog that NEWS FLASH, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ANYWAY. People don't come to my blog to read made up drama bullshit. Traffic slow on yours, it seems. If you weren't insufferable maybe you'd have enough platform to make up shit and get the attention you're after on your own blog. Try it some time.
My blog is not a ship war blog. Get it through your thick head or I'll have your ISP get it through your head for you.
If you think not having free right to someone else's space for abuse is "positivity police" you have some deeper problems going on and definitely aren't welcome at my blog till you clean that shit up. My tolerance for abusive personalities are negative-nothing.
And no son. Someone defending their own space and voice firmly isn't abuse. That's the narrative an abuser tries to spin, so lemme head you off there. I can and will drag you folks that wanna be big and bad @ me. You're used to getting away with it on other blogs with other personalities. I have been trialed by real life events that make these pitiful attempts laughable. Deal with it.
Get over yourselves. You're an anon nobody. I'm not gonna get on the lgbt history deletion train because some anon coward wants to spam my inbox. I will not go down on that wrong side of history. I am not part of your ship war hype you are mapping out in anon all the ways you are addicted to the war, not the content. To the attention, not the value. That aint this blog.
This behavior even looks ridiculous to most people in highschool. And i don't know about you, but i graduated high school a LONG fucking time ago. Actually more than an entire K-12 over again ago. This is not a blog for children; not because i post explicit content, which I don't, but because it's centered on discourse of politics, theology, history and yes, bodies of text. Not bored kids who can't figure out how to be constructive and spend their entire day fabricating nonsense to flatter themselves with digital pissing matches. I spend my days phone banking and fundraising for dozens of progressive organizations to liberate people but please, go off that your random nonsense that you literally make up is somehow woke.
That's not to say people under 18 aren't allowed at all. Again, i have no explicit content. Some people under 18 are mature. That is not what I'm calling children. I'm calling people that act like children, children. And i don't care if they're 22 when they do it.
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