#idk. they are cute. finally having mermaid thoughts get BACK in here im thinking about merfolk
adriartts · 2 years
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Messy merfolk thoughts for today - subspecies and morphology
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rinatouin · 4 years
a breakdown on the mermaid melody kingdoms pt. 1!
an anon asked me to make this post so here we are! i’m going to go pretty much in order from what we see in the show, so of course i’m going to start with the kingdom we see the most of: the north pacific, lucia’s kingdom! more under the cut!
the first look we get at the north pacific is in episode one, of course! we see lucia’s getting ready to leave for the surface and we get some super cool opening shots and a look at what pink mermaids look like!
the first thing i noticed, of course, is that the north pacific palace looks very much like the taj mahal! including the little towers, the dome, and the big walkway! im pretty sure the north pacific palace is pretty much almost entirely based off it, tbh!
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this is the main shot of the palace! its so pretty! its really interesting to me because all of the little details we get to see- plenty of windows to see the sea from inside, the colors range from yellow to purple and of course, to pink! the palace is huuuge of course because you have to fit in the hundreds or even thousands of pink mermaids that live in the palace and make space for all of the sea animals that live in there too!
 there’s a lot of typical mermaid imagery throughout the palace and its gorgeous! pearls, clamshells, etc etc its beautiful! lucia’s palace gets a lot of special attention because 1. its one of the only castles that doesn't get wrecked 2. lucia’s the main character 3. the coming of age ceremony episodes! i love it, and i especially love the pink coral lining the walkway? (swimway?) the entrance to the palace!
a headcanon i have for the north pacific is that they have a lot of like lore about how the yellow mermaids were their ? hmm kind of predecessor? i thought it was really interesting how even though the exterior of the palace is pink and they are the north pacific pink mermaids, of course, but the interior is mostly yellow and purple-pink? anyways so that's my little headcanon on that lol
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its Crazy how many columns there are in this palace shfgd i was like???? but you know what, i think that this shot in particular makes the room look a lot smaller, but that room is actually a lot bigger than it seems! also is there a pool? in the back there? but anyways you can actually see this crazy amount of columns in the taj mahal too!
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 anyways those columns are actually different types of columns in different parts of the palace- ionic, doric, greek corinthian, etc! and theres a few shots where you can see some columns have really detailed carvings in them, but they’re hard to make out, unfortunately! 
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 also this is super cool and i just realized it but we have a little shot of the fountain of promise in episode 1 in the very beginning! if you don’t remember this is the same fountain that we see lucia dsgd passed out near when gaito attacks the north pacific!
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a million pearl designs of course!!
we also see that the palace has a lot of pretty arches and arched doorways around the whole palace! whiiiich surprise surprise we see this in the taj mahal too!
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another thing i wanted to discuss while we’re here- the north pacific mermaids! as far as we can see the mermaids are pretty much color coded, but lucia’s kingdom has a wild variety in coloring! and by that i mean that lucia’s blonde despite being the pink mermaid princess, and the mermaids around the palace range from brown to purple to a million different haircolors!
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in this picture alone we can see the diversity is crazy! buuut we also see that the outlines of these girls tails are actually colored differently! the main tail is pink but the little outlines at their hips are yellow, green, and indigo respectively! so my little headcanon for that is that these girls might actually be mixed! 
its interesting to think about because really, the mermaid princesses have much richer and purer (?) coloring than the other mermaids, in that hanon is bright aqua, rina is green, noel is indigo etc but lucia’s mermaids stray from the palette entirely! but to be fair, so does lucia! she’s the only one of the girls whose hair color doesn't match their tail almost exactly !
(side note: nikora should definitely not be from the north pacific kingdom, but she calls it home? her tail is purple! whats going on there sgfds)
when it comes to the palace, we get random shots of different rooms throughout the coming of age episode! 
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this is the room lucia gets ready in, kind of preparation chambers i guess? theres a million columns in the room of course, and you can see fake archways carved into the wall! the main door has a clamshell carved into the very middle and its wonderful because you can kind of see a little nod to the girls powers there- the clamshell has carvings projecting outwards and at the end of the lines are a bright circle that looks like a pearl! <333
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 the little chair has clamshells on it too! <333333 i love that the palace has chairs and stairs and stuff that they don't really need dgsfgds 
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who are these stairs for? it really perplexes me truly shdgshsgdhs technically speaking, this would make more sense as a sort of ramp? instead of stairs, and it would actually be pretty that way too! 
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theeen theres this little hmm idk divination room? where taki talks to hanon and rina about lucia’s ceremony, which is pretty cool! seeing as they have chairs and tables and stuff, i’m guessing there’s some sort of ? magic artificial gravity that keeps things tied down while simultaneously allowing the girls to swim wherever they want in the room, because we see lucia does that whole dramatic swimming to the ceiling when kaito shows up sdgs 
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this is the room we see momo bring kaito in through! this room haunts me sgh momo goes through the glass and it leads from the palace to the ocean of course, and its interesting because the palace is underwater and the girls swim through the palace with no problem, but gaito breaking the walls of the palace makes a bunch of water start rushing into the castle! which is weird because i assumed there was water In the palace already but sgdsf mermaid magic! 
one thing i did notice in this room is of course the cool columns and the shots of kelp? or some kind of seaweed that we see there! and the way that the room has tiered stairs that we can see from above, too!
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nice! another thing i noticed in this room is that theres a huge clam shell there that makes me suspicious because i’m not entirely sure what it is- basically, there are two options in my head! this is either the throne (lounging?) room, or, and this is less likely, this is where lucia was born!
my rationale is basically that this room is actually really similar to a room we see from rina’s kingdom! we see her chilling here during her flashback in the episode where we see the emerald that was taken from her kingdom! 
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this includes the tiered little steps, the big windows with the shots of the kelp out there, the clamshell chair with the cushion, and the pretty columns! i think this option is the most likely option, and it would make sense because momo, if he wanted to bring kaito to lucia, would bring him to her throne room!
oh i just realized- theres a shot of a room like this in caren’ s kingdom too!
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buuut since the shots we get of the little one at lucia’s palace are kind of blurry and small i also considered the possibility that this might be where lucia was born! and the reason why is because during pure, we get a little shot of where seira is born (almost sfdgs) and it’s a little clam shell! 
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of course the indian palace has been destroyed, so we don’t get to see what it looked like in its original glory! buuut the room has a bunch of columns and i thought it might be close enough, but summarizing this all for you now, ive pretty much convinced myself that the shell in that room in lucia’s palace is a little throne! its super cute i love that its a huge clam shell <3333 also the kingdoms have matching rooms! fun!!
and finally, this should be the last room they’ve shown us:
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this huge room where lucia sings legend of mermaid to get kaito back on the surface (also can we talk about how she has that power? im guessing that was a little sneak peak of what she might be able to do as aqua regina since that's the first time they mention that, but i was like??? so you can do that??) and its super cool! we don't get to see much besides the doorway and where lucia’s sitting, but we do know that the acoustics in here are amazing! sghdgsh
to be honest i think that the other girls kingdoms would have gotten this same level of depth and detail if they had been given the opportunity, but since the show never focused on their kingdoms for too long, we didn’t get to see it!
anyways that's my little summary post on the north pacific kingdom! i know it was super long and props to you if you made it this far, i’m going to post the next kingdom soon! it’ll probably be the north atlantic since we get to see that kingdom the most after this one, i think! thank you for reading!<3333
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psicygni · 7 years
commenting is hard and scary: general trends in the reasoning of fic readers
an incredibly academic review of answers, asks, and replies by me, 2017, tumblrdotcom
This post concerns the super scientific survey from yesterday.  A couple of you asked, so: the reason I wanted to know why folks don’t regularly comment is a combination of things.  The first is writing for spones, which is a rather new experience, and the comparatively tiny number of comments on what I think is a pretty darn good story, compared with the overwhelming enthusiasm for the s/u piece I posted the other week- it got me thinking, needless to say.  Second is the ever present discrepancy between number of comments and read-counts on new chapters when I post them.  Third is receiving comments that start ‘I never comment, but’ and finally giving into the curiosity of what that’s like, to read all this fic and not comment on it.  Fourth is the always circling posts of ‘comment on the fics you read!’ with explanations of why and how - it seems like those don’t totally get through to people?  I don’t know, maybe they do, but it’s not like I reblog one and wake up the next morning to a bevy of comments.
Participants included the metric butt-ton of anon commenters, plus those who replied to the original post which you can read here.  Too many to respond to without clogging everyone’s dashes, so we’re doing this instead.  
There were five main categories that responses fell into: not having much to say (and the temptation of the kudos button), RL issues, finding commenting stressful, perceptions of the author, and other.
The Profundity of Comments
The most reoccurring reason for not commenting (or not commenting regularly) was a feeling of not having much to say other than ‘I liked it.  As one anon wrote, “i just honestly never know what to say and other comments are so well-constructed that i feel like my random "aww theyre so cute" would be inadequate.”  This pressure to feel profound was reiterated by others, such as another anon who suggested “I think not all readers are former lit majors who may get intimidated to leave a "thoughtful" comment and are reading to de-stress or something.”
Beyond this lack of profound and interesting statements on fics, there was a general feeling that leaving a kudos, favoriting a fic, or creating a bookmark was akin to leaving a short comment saying ‘that was great’.  One anon put it this way: “if I'm just saying 'great fic', it feels interchangeable with giving them a kudos”.
RL Issues
There was a reoccurring sentiment related to feeling like one has to be profound: not having enough time to sit down and leave the type of comment the reader wanted to.  Also included in this was not having the energy to do so, either because readers were enjoying fic as a way to relax and de-stress, or because they were reading in bed and were tired.  Another issue raised was the fact that mobile reading doesn’t lend itself to commenting, and it’s awkward to have to switch to a desktop to comment.  Finally, there was the simple problem of forgetting, despite all best intentions.  Life, as we all know, gets entirely too busy sometimes.  @samttuummaa ties this all together nicely and puts words to what a number of other folks said in their own replies: “Here's the recipe: start with I read on my cell, where typing is a moth#£$&#@! of an experience. Combine that with the fact that I always had a million things to say so the reviews were rarely short. Toss that with a toddler wanting my attention. Let it all simmer in the fact that I only got to read in spurts of just a few minutes at a time… modify this recipe by adding a 2nd baby”.
Commenting as a stressful activity
This section of results fell into two main categories.  First was readers who struggle with social anxiety.  Second was readers for whom English is a non-native language, and either the difficulty of writing in english was prohibitive, or they were too self-conscious of their writing to enjoy the process of leaving a comment.
Author as a roadblock
Interestingly, many folks wrote about ways in which authors themselves were an impediment.  There was a general sense among respondents that if authors don’t respond to comments, it’s not worth leaving them a comment on their story.  One anon raises an interesting question, writing: “if the author then doesn't engage with the comments… why is a comment better than a kudos?” Additionally, readers felt that writers who don’t respond to comments might ignore the comments they leave, or commenting might be bothersome or irritating to these authors.
Some readers had negative interactions with authors which turned them off from commenting.  One anon wrote: “Actually I left a good comment to a fic arthor and she didn't reply back to my comment but replied back to everyone's else and felt so horrible.”  Another recounted a story of an ongoing correspondence with an author that went south for no discernible reason, which made them wary of engaging with writers in the future.
Another aspect of the way in which readers’ perspective of the author interfered with commenting was a perception that fic authors don’t like short comments.  A second was that authors - myself included - are annoyed by pleas for updates, but that is what the reader really wants to write. (footnote 1: there is a difference between ‘update please!’ and ‘can’t wait to find out what happens next!!’  For me at least, the latter is more than welcome, while the former does tend to feel quite rude)
Finally, @what-if-im-a-mermaid and @mizjesbelle offered insight into the feeling that authors have their friends in fandom and that fics have an ‘insider/outsider’ culture, which the reader can be very much on the outside of, or that as an unknown reader, that feedback wasn’t pertinent compared to the author’s friends comments.  As @what-if-im-a-mermaid wrote “I also remember having this vague impression of fandoms as these groups of people who all know each other and comment on each other’s work and are friends and feeling, idk, ‘excluded’ is not the right term because i wasn't sad about it, but like it was something I wasn’t part of? Like it didn’t concern me?”  @mizjesbelle follows up this comment by writing, “@what-if-im-a-mermaid I know what you mean about a comment section sometimes feeling like a club you're not part of. I follow a lot of webcomics, and there are some I don't comment on because everyone clearly knows each other. I know they don't mean to be unwelcoming, but it can feel awkward.”  (footnote 2: I have made all of my fandom friends through discussions started in comments on stories and trust me, if you comment on a story of mine, I remember you and I love you)
There were a number of reasons that fell outside the above mentioned themes.  These are that a fic is bad and the reader doesn’t want to leave criticism, being overwhelmed with feels after finishing reading a fic, the story is old, as a writer themselves they don’t care to receive comments and therefore don’t leave them as readers, and not realizing how it feels to put yourself out there and publish creative work.  @what-if-im-a-mermaid writes, “I think part of it is that if you’re a casual fic reader and you’ve never put yourself out there by posting stuff you created to The Interweb it can be hard understand how incredibly rewarding receiving any feedback at all is. For the longest time I thought of fic writers as a bunch of people who find writing so easy and intrinsically rewarding that they post billions of words on line for free, because it makes them happy.  They’re obviously Real Writers, very good at what they do, so why should feedback from a random girl who knows nothing about lit and writing affect them in any way? ‘ (footnote 3: it does make me happy, it’s so asldkfjasldkjf not easy, and if you enjoyed my story, you’re not random, see footnote 2 about how much I love you)
Overall, a number of reasons stated here have made the rounds in fandom before: old stories tend to get few comments, folks don’t want to be rude and leave criticism, English is a ridiculous language, talking to authors can be scary, commenting is just plain hard when we all have work/school/kids/whatever, and the kudos button is right there for the clicking.
One aspect of these responses that surprised me was the variability.  A lot of people have very different reasons for not commenting, which I hadn’t ever really considered before.  As a writer, I interpret a lack of comments to mean that my writing is bad or boring, and even if folks are reading it, it’s more so out of not being able to find better fic than any true enjoyment.
Another thing I hadn’t thought about was the fact that for readers, the kudos button can feel the same as leaving a short comment - I don’t know about other writers, but those two feel entirely and hugely different to me.  However, having read through all your responses I think I can change a bit and take kudos more to heart and hear what you’re all saying: you enjoyed the story and had you commented, that’s likely exactly what the comment would read.  At the same time, I’d encourage all of you to consider how it feels to see a list of names of folks who have left kudos and know full well that only a handful of them stopped to tell you that they liked your story.
I was also surprised by the way in which a writer responding to comments made such an impact.  I had no idea anyone responded until one day I left a comment and got a response back and then I started doing it myself.  I mcfreaking love talking to readers through comments, especially on chaptered fic as I get to see their reactions as the story develops.  It’s like getting to read my own story through someone else’s eyes and experience it as if I’m the reader who doesn’t know what’s coming up in the next chapter, with all of that thrill and fun.  The same goes for one shots, though I don’t get to build that rapport over the course of the story.
Further Research
One question I’m left with is: for those of you who do comment, what is the draw for you?  And for those of you who don’t, is there a way for authors to engage you so that you would comment?  An anon wrote, ““FFN has this culture of the idea of asking for reviews being tacky, probably from the occasional 'I'll post the next chapter after 100 reviews' fics” which I’m not suggesting or anything of the sort.  I don’t think that begging for comments is exactly the way through this.  I’m more curious as to whether there is anything that might change your commenting behavior - because trust me, I’ll do it.
Fandom is the best and continues to be one of the great joys of my life, and I imagine many of yours.  I wish I could convince everyone to comment, but I also respect all the reasons all y’all have furnished as to why that’s not realistic to ask.
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4yutaeil · 7 years
prince johnny & the mermaid
(its u. ur the mermaid) 
ft. some other nct princes & mermen 
basically takes place in the same au as mermaid taeyong which if u havent read is here! 
so ... ur a mermaid princess from a different kingdom 2 taeyong n the rest of the nct mermaid gang.
& you’re visiting because the Ruler of Ur Kingdom (ur dad) has 2 go for the annual Mermaid Council Meeting and is like “listen you’re the next in line to rule you have to come.. You need to learn what your responsibilities are gonna be” 
n you dont rlly wanna go but you’re like FINE whatever. 
so you tag along & u dont rlly bother meeting the citizens of the nct kingdom bc you’re gonna be there for like a week tops before u gotta leave again so whats??? the Point. 
u basically plan to spend the week in ur Luxurious Clam Shell sleeping.
but you get bored so u decide to swim off towards the castle bc u overheard someone saying how pretty it is so u wanna see for yourself!!! 
bc ur kingdom is in the middle of the Ocean so you’ve never actually seen a castle. or Humans rlly. 
But you’ve heard about them! 
so you’re swimming 2 the castle when u hear someone singing ... and you’re like okay well im the only mermaid here so!! thats gotta be a HUMAN 
so u poke ur head out of the water but u dont .... see anyone? 
but u recognise the song they’re singing so once they’ve stopped u sing the next part of the song back 2 them ... hiding behind a rock so they dont see u O F C ! 
you’re not about 2 get urself caught pffff ! 
& u see a head poke out of one of the windows and ur like TIME TO GO! 
but not without gettin a glance of tht incredibly ,,, ,handsome face ,,, 
anyways this continues for like ! 3 days. u go to the same spot, hear the same beautiful boy singing & sing back 2 him when he stops . 
n he looks out of the window Every! Time! but you’re 2 quick for him 2 see you lol
but then u go back the 4th day ,,, n u hear music but no??? singing?? 
so u go a little closer n perch yourself on a rock tryin 2 get a closer listen, n u hear the most beautiful melody coming from the same room. 
and before u know it you’re humming along.
its not until a little while later tht u realise the music has stopped and ur just going along on ur own and u look up 2 see The Boy(tm)... 
in a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up n these dorky glasses (Y’all know the look im on abt  ..... That Look).
n you’re like .... GOTTA BLAST!!!!!!!! 🐠💨💨💨
n here’s the thing .... prince johnny cannOT stop thinking about u.... nd it was all a ruse ! 
obviously not in a Bad Way he just wanted 2 find out who was fINISHING HIS SONGS BEFORE HE GOT THE CHANCE 
n he didnt.... think you’d be tht beautiful ..... 
& he spots ur tail as ur escaping and he’s like ... HOLD ON A COTTON PICKIN MINUTE ! 
lucky for him ... it was Cupcake Collection Day(tm) for his good Mermaid Pal Taeyong 
so while taeyong is eating his cupcake .... johnny brings up The Topic 
“so uh,,, taeyong,,,  u know pretty much everyone in ur kingdom right???”
taeyong with a mouth full of cupcake: i guess 
“so uh there’s this.... person .... a merperson, if u will, and u Gotta help me find them” 
taeyong: “whats in it for me???”
johnny: “an extra cupcake” 
“make it 12″ 
“ok deal” 
so johnny tells taeyong abt this mermaid ,,,, a Beautiful mermaid with the most Beautiful voice 
“are u sure ur not talking about taeil?” 
“shut up im sure” 
so taeyong is like kk ill help u lol 
“taeyong u cant help him. they have 2 leave in like 2 days” - doyoung
“bUT HE LOVES THEM!!!!” - yuta 
“he hasn’t even met them!!!” 
“that isnt a thing!” 
yuta pulls out a rose & hands it to taeyong “tell them it’s from johnny” 
“where did you even get that from?” - taeyong
“he just carries them around. it’s better not to ask” - johnny 
MEANWHILE you’re at a Boring Mermaid Council Meeting 
“ok listen ,,, we get that ur helping the humans by sabotaging the sirens but ... its gotta stop they’re goin 2 other kingdoms who have Enough Problems” 
and that subject peaks ur interest.
these ... mermaids are sabotaging sirens?? Lmao serves them RIGHT ! 
so after the meeting ,
like, later at night, u hear this off-key singing and you’re like ok what the F
and ofc u gotta check it out because what MerMoron is disgracing ur Entire people like that.
n there u see Merman Moon Taeil, a couple meters behind sirens, hangin out by boats tryin 2 Do Their Thing.
but they can’t because Merman Moon Taeil is singing ,, horribly out of tune and off-key and it Clicks. 
this is how they’re saving sailors lol. singing loudly and off-key to drown out the sirens song . its pretty smart. 
n this guy looks like he’s havin the Time of his Life, so u swim up behind him n join in. 
u 2 are havin a WHALE of a time , singing out of key n just absolutely ruining the sirens favourite pastime 
but then u spot one wander off n you’re like ..... well that’s not suspicious AT ALL 
so u Follow. and then you see this Lone Guy in a tiny boat and you’re like what kinda DUMBASS 
and u poke ur head up to get a look at the idiot that’s on his own & JUST UR LUCK its Cute Castle Guy. 
literally ur only thought is “is this boy actually 100% For Real what is he Doing” 
and u dont! Have time to start singing off key because he’s pretty much already Hooked on this sirens song so .... 
u straight up tackle the thing away from him. No1 is hurting ur Cute Castle Boy with the nice voice. Not on UR Watch .
n ur fightin with this thing for a Good Couple Minutes until it just hisses @ u and goes back 2 its own gang. 
“YEAH THATS RIGHT U RUN AWAY !!! n dONT COME BACK!!” - you until u realise u should Probably check to make sure the boat hasnt crashed or something.
He’s a bit dazed n confused and has No Idea what the Heck just happened
and johnny is so pretty u just kinda stare for a while until ur like Right i should probably ,,, like ,, make sure he doesnt Die.
so with all ur Mighty Mermaid Power u push his boat back 2 shore 
by which time he’s completely Mostly recovered 2 the point he can recognise u and he’s like 
“ITS U!” 
to which you, once again, gotta blast 🐠💨💨💨
but he , being Cute Clumsy Castle Idiot tries 2 be all dramatic and grabs ur arm , 
proceeding 2  FALL Out of his boat face first into wet sand with the occasional wave just .... rolling over him .
and you’re like .... really ??? Really now. Really .
*ur longest deepest sigh ever* 
“are you ok?” 
he holds 1 hand up and does the a-okay sign.
u cover ur mouth so he doesnt hear u LAUGH
he hears it. looks up. gives u that dUMB EMBARRASSED JOHNNY SMILE. (U know the one). 
 n you BLUSH because he’s so gosh Darn CUTE. even if he is an IDIOT. 
“i just wanted 2 make sure u were okay ...” he says in the Sweetest most Caring voice Ever and it makes ur heart melt BEcause .... .
that stupid dumb embarrassed johnny smile is STILL THERE and you’re trying to Convince yourself he is Not Cute Enough for ur poor heart 2 be Racing like This. 
“whatever ,,,,,,,,, im fine thank you” 
but he spots that nasty scratch on ur cheek courtesy of that stupid poor excuse for a sea witch n he .... puts his hand on ur cheek . 
and ur brain is Screaming at u GOTTA GO MY OWN WAY but u cant ... bring urself... to leave bc he’s LOOKING at u ,,,,  
OH Boy ,,,, 
he’s Really ,, Looking at u with those big concerned eyes and ur Poor Heart literally cannot cope like ... his hand is so ,, ,warm and 
even though all he’s done is move a piece of ur hair  ,,, and tucked it behind ur ear ,, 
you’re already feeling a lil bit better.
so instead ur like “pff whatever its just a Scratch” Because You! are One Tough Cookie 
adn u dont need this Beefy arm Boy lookin @ u like That.
“it looks really painful!! Wait here we have a first aid kit in the lifeguard hut!” 
you go 2 stop him but he’s already up and running so all u can do is like ,, roll ur eyes n Sigh & wait for him to come back
n he does and you’re like “Listen u really don’t need to do this im a mermaid we don’t feel pain.” 
he proceeds 2 dab a cotton pad 2 ur cheek & u hiss at him because 
“ok 1. i should have warned u its going to sting and 2. ur a LIAR one of the kennel dogs got overhyped & scratched doyoung by accident. he cried like a baby” 
you laugh n johnny thinks ,, its the most beautiful sound in the entire world. 
like he’s got 1 hand by ur cheek trying to clean ur battle wound but he’s just sO ,,, entranced by your laugh that he just , forgets what it was he was doing. 
“hey bud are you ok?” 
“YES! Yes , ,i am sorry i was just ,, where was I.” 
he’s LOOKING at u again and like , you’re honestly Just as lost as he is because ,, 
up close u can finally see his eyes and they are just. so pretty are humans Supposed ??? To be This Pretty?
& suddenly u realise Why humans make statues & paintings of Other Humans because like, wow they’re So Beautiful. 
is there a statue of this breathtaking boy sat in front of you out there somewhere? There should be. 
he clears his throat eventually and runs his hand thru his hair n does a little embarrassed laugh , 
“by the way um ,, did you get that rose ? From taeyong?”
and you’re like “uhhh,, the what from who now?” 
n he hits himself mentally bc DUH Doyoung said u were from another kingdom so like , maybe u never met them he doesn’t know so he’s just like “nevermind!!” 
and that’s when it hits u... You don’t even know Cute Castle Boy’s NAME.
BUT youre leaving soon so u figure it doesnt matter anyways :(
so you’re like uhhh i should ,,, go. thank u for ,,, this.
n he’s like !! wait idk ur name!!!!!
so you tell him,, n he repeats it & like
youve had Literal Ocean Royalty sing ur name to get ur attention but.
it doesnt even COMPARE to the way he says it.
and u tell urself that it doesnt matter. u need to Stop bc you are leaving there is Nothing u can do about it
and he’s about to tell you his name but. it’s just Better for u that you Dont know it and he stays as Cute Castle Guy
so before u can even hear him say his own name You Are Outta There bc!
no! attachments!
esp not to humans!
and johnny ,,, 
poor sweet johnny is just.dumbfounded and lost bc?
what. Just happened. 
the next day ,, Johnny plays his piano hoping that you’ll pop up and sing along to his playing, and when he realises that like,, you’re not gonna show up he just . his hands slump against the keys n he’s just ?
what did he do Wrong? 
eventually he has to meet taeyong 2 give him the cupcakes even though taeyong was No Help at All 
and johnny ends up eating most of them himself and taeyong is like ok buddy spill the beans whats wrong 
so johnny tells him abt you ,,, and that he Finally met u and you Saved Him! but u left before he could tell you his name n you didn’t show up to sing today and 
taeyong feels a lil guilty but He knows there’s not much he can do because like , you’re from a different kingdom ? Ur literally the future ruler ,, so he can’t try 2 convince u to stay. 
BUT You’re not actually Leaving until tomorrow so Maybe. he can convince u to see johnny before u go. 
so he’s like “leave it to me!!!” and finishes his cupcake before zooming off to find you.
but he has 2 find doyoung & taeil first because they need to come up with a Plan
& they find u sitting pretty in ur  little Clam Shell just ... looking Very? Confused and
suddenly the big Plan is out of the window because doyoung swims straight up to you, looks you in the eye and says, “our human friend is a Mess.” 
and you’re like ?? Who even Are you but then u recognise taeil behind him who’s waving at you and you’re like oh ok one of his weird friends.
and you’re like “anyways idk who you’re talking about” 
“our FRIEND. u saved him last night ! His name is-”
“DONT SAY IT I dont need 2 know his name!!!” 
and doyoung is getting a liiiiiittle annoyed because like, despite everything johnny is his FRIEND and he wants him 2 be happy!! so he just backs off and taeyong takes his place like ,
“listen. we’ve known him for a while now & he’s never talked about any1 like this before. n we know you’re leaving but he would rlly love to get the chance to talk 2 u.” 
and now you’re more confused than ever!! Because you’re leaving Really Soon and you don’t! need this! 
but he’s so cute ,,, and seeing that dumb smile of his one last time wouldn’t hurt, , right?
“ok fine tell him. i’ll be sittin on the rock by his window tomorrow at dawn, before i leave.” 
the 3 boys high five n taeyong secretly wonders if he’ll get more cupcakes for this.
The Next Morning at like ? 6am. you’re nervous as Hell. 
you really shouldn’t be doing this because its just going to make things worse for you And for him. 
but you’ll probably never see him again ? So, just 2 yknow, say it was nice to meet him and goodbye, u show up.
Also maybe get a cupcake ? because taeyong literally would not shut up about them and now you really want to try one. 
you show up. and johnny is already there , holding a rose 
(a nice one. not a fake one like the ones yuta carries around)
and he looks Super nervous and you’re also Really nervous but. 
you swim up to him anyway and poke his arm. 
which makes him jump 
and that embarrassed smile comes out again and you can literally feel your heart melting because god he is Adorable. 
and you’re starting to think this was a Really Bad Idea. 
but he looks at you and he hands you the rose, and you’re about to speak when he stops you, 
“I just. Wanted to say thank you for saving me. And the guys told me you’re leaving and that really sucks but I’m really happy you decided to see me again.”
and you just. for once in your life you’re speechless and you just stare at the rose he gave you and. eventually you just manage to stutter out a “you’re welcome” and 
you two are just staring at each other for what feels like Hours. and you’re pretty sure you could do it for a lot longer because he’s just so nice to look at. 
but before you know it, doyoung & taeil are behind you, and they’re like, “you gotta go, your dad is waiting for you.” 
and it feels like your heart is breaking because ! you dont wanna go! you wanna stay and you want to get to know Cute Castle Boy.
but you have a kingdom to rule over in the future. 
so you try not to look too sad as u look at johnny and give him a smile, 
and he cups ur cheek the same way he did the night before ,and he’s pulling you closer and before you know it his lips are on your cheek
and you’re Blushing like Crazy! !!!! because oh my god he just kissed you. 
he finally moves his hand from your cheek 2 your hands,
“my name is Johnny, by the way” 
you cant really do or say anything because you gotta leave Now. 
so you look back one last time before joining the boys and give him a little wave, and he waves back before watching you swim away. 
So, here’s the thing.
When you were a baby, a tiny little adventurous mermaid swimming along dolphins three times your size, 
you had accidentally gotten a little carried away and wandered outside of your kingdom barriers, 
lost and confused, you found a light which you followed into a cave, 
and there you met ur friendly neighbourhood sea witch. 
she hadn’t really been banished from your kingdom, mostly because she knew she wasn’t welcome so she just kept to herself. 
but she thought, hey! if i help the ruler’s kid get back to the kingdom, maybe they’ll realise im Not So Bad and accept me. 
so she takes you in, makes sure you’re safe, and helps you find your way back .
UR FATHER, however, freaks the hell out and starts going off about how,
“This wicked sea witch tried to KIDNAP my child! How dare you! You are Banished” 
so , the sea witch does what literally Every Other Disney Villain would do. 
she puts a curse on you before the king tosses her out on her ass.
This curse,  however. 
when you fall in love, you’ll turn into a human so you can’t Be with them. (because yknow everyone thought you’d fall in love with some Beautiful Mermaid Royalty) 
so while you’re swimming home,
taeil, doyoung and taeyong volunteering to be your escorts, making sure u get home safe and sound.
(you didnt really need them but those boys are Stubborn and also wanted 2 see what your kingdom looks like) 
but because they’re there you don’t really need to stay with ur dad; you’re old enough & ugly enough 2 take care of yourself and show your friends your favourite parts of the journey back
but suddenly you’re finding it really hard to breathe and swimming is Really difficult
and something is Horribly, horribly wrong. 
so you grab whatever you can which happens to be doyoung’s tail 
and he turns around like what the Hell. 
Oh, shit. 
he’s yelling for the other boys 2 help you and ur dad is too far ahead to hear whatever is going on.
so the boys take it upon themselves 2 save U. 
and they’re swimming back to the beach as fast as they can and they get to shore and luckily! 
Johnny is sitting there, looking out at the ocean wondering if he’ll ever see you again. 
and doyoung is just Yelling at him
so johnny has no idea what the Heck is going on but he runs to get towels, helps the boys wrap you up and take you to the lifeguard hut 
where johnny puts u on the sofa and he’s like , desperately trying 2 get u to wake up. doing cpr and whatever else he can .
like he has no idea whats going on but you’re here and you’re not breathing and he’s panicking because like, he can’t lose you??? He can’t. He Wont. 
and its been what seems like fOREVER but you’re finally! coughing up water and you can breathe again and you’re feeling Very lightheaded and dizzy but all you can really think about is. 
that Johnny’s face is hovering over yours and he looks like he’s about to throw up but then he sees your eyes open and he has Never 
felt this much relief in his Life! 
and before you can even Process what the hell is going on, he’s leaning in closer and you’re kind of trying to figure out what’s going on but! 
he already has his arms wrapped around you so tight, never ever wanting to let go because 
he could live with himself knowing you were out there, alive with the slightest chance of coming back to visit him 
but he would never be able to bear it if you were gone forever .
so he just keeps you in his arms for a Very Long time, whispering in ur ear how scared he was, that he thought he’d lost you. 
the other boys have left u alone, yuta and doyoung arguing outside
“i TOLD U love at first sight was real!”
“shut up yuta they almost DIED” 
“he saved them! he saved them with true loves first kiss” 
“he literally gave them cpr” 
but ignoring those 2 bickering.
u and Johnny are just. holding each other and. you can’t explain it but it feels Right that you’re with him
and he is just so happy that you’re alive and okay. 
and everything just feels like it’s falling into place. 
and before anything else happens you’re just . kissing him .
and he’s kissing you back.
and it all just feels so Perfect. 
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