#idont like . being like this but also its my house and the doors are open.
trainingdummyrabbit · 11 months
politely asking the gay people piloting my brain to quiet down, a little bit, please thankyou
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Fingers and Toes // H.P.
Request: heyy!! i’m not sure if you still take requests but i was wondering if you could write a harry fic as a dad? like make it all fluffy and stuff like that? thanku!! - anon
Summary: Glimpses into Harry’s life as a father.
A/N: I adore this request! Thank you so much for sending it, I hope you like!! Also I made some changes to canon, so in this there are only two children, not three. 
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of injury and nightmares. This is nothing but wholesome fluff.
Word count: 1.6k
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On the eve that Harry became a father, he couldn’t quite believe the size of his son’s fingers and toes.
Ten tiny fingers.
Ten tiny toes.
As a whole hand of tiny fingers wrapped around one of Harry’s, Harry made a silent vow.
This vow he made as he glanced between his newborn son and you, sleeping peacefully after an intense delivery. This vow he made to remind himself of the importance of family.
The ten fingers and ten toes of his newborn son would never once experience the level of pain he had. His son would never go through the emotional torment of never knowing his parents; his son would never experience true loneliness.
Harry made the vow in utter silence, sealing it with a kiss to his son’s head. As if in response to the promise made, his son squeezes his father’s finger, gripping it with all the strength in one of his tiny hands.
Ten fingers, ten toes. All perfect, and all there.
It’s a huff and a cry that follows that has Harry rushing from the kitchen into the back garden. Harry’s heart stops at the sight of his son sprawled on the floor; fat tears running down his face more from shock than pain.
He brushes his son down, checking for any major injuries as he does so. His heart returns to a normal rhythm once he realises that James is entirely uninjured, suffering shock more than anything.
“How many fingers, James?” Harry asks; reaching out brush the tears away from James’ face.
“How many toes?”
Harry kisses his son’s hair, “Ten fingers, ten toes. We’re ready to go. Do you feel better?”
James nods; wiping away the last of his tears and smiling shakily up at his father. Harry smiles back at his son; lifting him under the arms and settling him on his hip. “I think we’ve had enough of the outside for now,” Harry comments softly, “Will you help me make lunch, James?”
James nods once more, tucking his small head into the crook of Harry’s neck. Harry chuckles softly, heading back inside where he settles his son on a stool at the kitchen counter.
“What will it be, James? A sandwich or some soup?”
“Soup!” His son shouts, a smile on his face as Harry grabs the tins from the cupboard and sets the pan on the stove.
You enter the kitchen, pressing a lingering kiss to Harry’s cheek before dropping a kiss to James’ head. “What’s happening here?”
“Lunch Mama!”
You laugh, “I can see that. What are we having?”
“Soup,” Harry states.
Harry watches you with a warm smile. You pick up your son, settling on his stool before sitting James on your lap. Harry thinks back to his teenage years; to the years that he didn’t know whether he would make it through the school year never mind make it to having a family.
The rich laughter of his son brings Harry back from his memories; fetches harry back from the precipice in which he found himself teetering. He lets himself have his small panic; Harry lets himself fall prey to the anxiety that has unfurled in his gut. But he only lets it keep hold of him for the amount of time it takes him to count the fingers and toes on his son.
Ten fingers, ten toes. Harry’s mind calms and his smile returns to his face.
Ten fingers, ten toes. All will be well.
Harry lurches upright. A hand to his throat as he drags in air; his mind rattled and his body shaking. It had felt so real. It had been real; he had experienced his nightmare before as a teenager, but now, knowing he had much more to lose, it felt even more terrifying.
He glances over to your sleeping body; a hand outstretched towards him even in sleep. His eyes run over you; watching your sleeping form rise and fall as breath leaves your body. Harry’s mind settles slightly as he sees you’re alive and with him. The silver wedding band on your left hand signally a happy future from the nightmare he had found himself in.
Harry presses a kiss to your forehead, brushing your hair back from your face before leaving you in bed. He shives against the cold air of the night; the landing freezing as Harry sits at the top of the stairs, hanging his head in his hands.
He knows logically that there is no threat now; he vanquished it years ago and there had been no signs of another uprising since. Yet, Harry spends most nights having to repress the urge to stand guard by the front door, wand at the ready for whomever should come crashing through posing a threat to his wife and his son.
James stands by his door; his teddy hanging from his hand as Harry tries to settle his breathing and heartbeat.
“Daddy?” He asks, voice quiet yet ringing through the silent house.
“James,” Harry says, a hand reaching for his son.
James goes into his arms willingly, yawning tiredly as he settles his head against his father’s shoulder. James doesn’t say a lot, even this young he knows that his father struggles to sleep on some nights. He had found him asleep on the couch downstairs more often than not, a blanket thrown haphazardly over his body as James hears his mother soft humming from the kitchen.
“How many fingers?” James asks, stumbling over the harder sounds in the words.
Harry swivels to face his son; the question being the last thing he expected.
“Ten, James.”
“How many toes?” James follows, kicking his feet in the air for emphasis.
The weight on Harry’s chest feels lighter as he answers his son, “Ten, James.”
Ten fingers, ten toes. James reminds Harry – ten fingers, ten toes, and we’re ready to go. As long as we have all ten fingers and all ten toes, we can do just about anything, even if it is defeating the terrors that haunt us at night.
The very same vow is made when Lily Luna Potter arrives in the world on a sunny March morning. Harry felt sure that he had the same awe-filled expression on his face from when he first held James.
The pregnancy had not come as a shock to either you or Harry. The both of you had been trying for a second child for close to a year before being blessed with a positive test.
The nerves do not rack Harry as much as they did before James arrived. However, they still turn his stomach as he watches you go through the same experiences of morning sickness followed by odd cravings. For James, it had been chocolate with cheese and onion crisps. For Lily, it had been crackers slathered with butter followed by plain digestive biscuits.
Harry crinkled his nose at all cravings, but kept his mouth shut for fear of upsetting you. He would reassure your worries as you would reassure his. The both of you looking to James as an example that so far, neither of you had failed at parenting. The small boy turning into young child that knew his manners and was devoted to his mother.
It is James who whispers the vow. He stands over the cot of his baby sister, eyes wide in awe at the small bundle of blankets. He turns to his father; catching his attention from whatever conversation he was having with you.
“Ten fingers and ten toes,” James whispers, pointing to Lily’s hands and feet.
“Ten fingers and ten toes,” Harry states, the vow unleashed to the world and sealed with the very same kiss he had placed upon James’ head all those years ago.
The Hogwarts’ Express hoots behind them. James looks toward the train before fixing his tear-filled gaze on his father. Harry is barely keeping it together himself; the first of his three children to be going away to school. He knew he would be emotional; he just didn’t prepare himself for the pit of dread eating its way through his stomach lining.
Harry reaches out to ruffle his son’s hair. His first born; his eldest – the one who made him a father, who had moulded him into the man he is today.
“Write to your mother and I when you get settled?”
James nods. “As soon as I get to my room,” He replies, voice quiet.
“Do not be scared of whatever house you are sorted in. Your mother and I love you either way.”
A weight is lifted off of James’ shoulder; he had been silently obsessing over that since the letter first arrived. His father, the great Harry Potter, was known for his strong allegiance to the house of Godric. James couldn’t help but panic if he was to be sorted into any other house; he didn’t want to think of his father’s reaction should he be sorted into Slytherin.
Harry pulls James into a hug; unable to let his son go without one more. As they part, Harry pats James on the shoulder, nodding towards the open carriage door, silently letting him know that it’s okay now. It’s okay to let go and board the train.
James does so with a wobbling lip; trying his best not to cry in front of those who could be his housemates for the formative years of his life.
“Fingers and toes,” Harry shouts, not caring about the odd looks from the other parents. These were his final verbal words to his son until Christmas. He would make sure they were   those that he vowed over his cradle when he was only a few hours old.
James sticks his head out of the carriage window. “Fingers and toes!” He cries, throwing the promise back to Harry.
He would return in one piece.
All ten fingers and all ten toes.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @theweasleysredhair @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @figlia--della--luna @idont-knowrn @liilyevanss @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @starlightweasley @dreaming-about-fanfictions @lestersglitterglue @msmimimerton @obx-beach @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @bbeauttyybbx @breadqueen95 @acciotwinz @kashishwrites​ @slytherinsunrise​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @remmyswritings​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​ @ria-rests-here​ @inglourious-imagines​ @superbturtlemakerathlete​ @ithilwen-lionheart​ @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown​ @ilovejjmaybank​
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writingwithlulu · 6 years
"Forever Alive"
BTS Grim Reaper!AU
Chapter summary: So you're a SUPPOSED immortal. What the fuck are you supposed to do now?
Word Count: 1079
Genre: A good ole fluffy comedy! (with a smidge of angst and MENTIONS of smut)
Warnings: It talks about death (hense the grim reaper thing), Warnings may or may not be added in future installments.
A/N: The only reason this chapter took so damn long is cuz tumblr acted like posting it was a sin. Anywho ENJOY'
The walk to HQ was a short walk away, but the whole time you were asking the important questions. "HOW THE HELL DID WE GET HERE? WHY ME? WHAT ARE YOU?"
"Well for one, you're being very rude. Now, we got here because I teleported us here. It's usually what happens when people die and their souls have been reaped. However ,I was skeptical if you could even come, since you're SOMEHOW immortal." Yoongi scoffed, "Now why YOU, I dont know. Im just as confused as you are."
"So you're 'The Grim Reaper'? You have skin, and you dont wear long dark robes like everyone says-"
He interrupted you, "Y/N before now you didnt believe in me OR other reapers. Why are you going by the storybook now?"
'Oh shit......death boy has a point' you thought, "LOOK AT THIS POINT STORYBOOKS ARE ALL I KNOW ABOUT YOU!"
"Well they are freakishly wrong. For one, im not THE Grim Reaper, im just the president of the Council of Head Reapers. There are a shit ton of us. We work at HQ, where we are headed right now." Yoongi rambled, "Also before you ask, we dont live at the office. We have apartments and houses JUST like Earth. Any other questions before we get to there?"
"Just one. How did you and the other reapers get here? Or get the job of reaping?"
Yoongi paused. ".........Its God's own lazy version of Purgatory-"
"You just said you wanted to know about reapers.....shut the fuck up, PLEASE. When you aren't a HORRIBLE person yet not a saint, you get sent to work here. The ghosts humans RAVE about? Those are reapers either A: on their job or B: choosing to stay.......and honestly I can't blame them-"
Reapers HQ is located smack dab in the MIDDLE of The In Between and it was beautiful. The building's exterior looked like a skyscraper straight out of New York City, while the interior was surrounded in advanced technologies and artistic decor, almost like what you would imagine from a Google ran hotel. You had never seen such luxury before. In fact, your definition of luxury was affording something like In n Out, Whataburger, or even Chickfila if shit truely hit the fan. As you were ushered to the elevator, you couldn't help your excitement and slipped out some words, "Holy fuck, this places looks like a literal dream-"
Yoongi sighed, "You're here, darling. Now we just need go to to the top floor tp see the council to discuss your, uhm, situation."
You nearly forgot. You're apparently 'immortal', as if the day couldnt get weirder. 'However,' you pondered, 'Me being immortal would explain the not dying or truely getting hurt thing, kinda sorta. Right? Nope. Still dont get why this shit happens to me.'
Your thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the elevator doors to welcome you to a enormous meeting hall. However dispite all the room, there was only eight chairs, three of them already full. The people stared into your soul, examining anything DIFFERENT about it......anything special
"Well a HELLO to you too, team" Yoongi scoffed. Suddenly a man with olive green hair and an intentive glare spoke, not moving his eyes off you, "Hello Y/N, so very nice to meet God's best mistake-"
"NAMJOON! DONT SAY THAT TO HER!" screamed the kind faced man with the broad shape.
"One, no lady should be referred to as 'God's mistake', best or not. And Two, we dont know what she could do to you. Her pain tolerance is high and she heals like crazy. Bustin' your ass would be a breeze. However, you are special miss Y/N"
You were still shooked about where you were, you nearly forgot that you were supposed to be talking about your apparent 'immortality', "Special? What am I like legit the first forever living human y'all have met?"
Jin started to inform Tae, "Well, technically she CAN multiply it would just take some effor-"
"WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP, ALL OF YOU. My goodness, we have one guest and all of a sudden you people act like some children at a playground" Yoongi yelled. Well that shut them up nice didn't it, now nobody would speak. Not even you, even though you were carried away with watching all the chaos ensue.
"Tae. Schedule a meeting between us, God, and Lucifer...... ASAP! I need to discuss to them how we three should handle another part of this situation. Now Joon," sighed Yoongi "Tell her how all this went down"
"Gladly. Last week, I was doing human inventory seeing who on Earth was still alive, when they would die, all of that. However, I noticed that YOUR NAME, AND ONLY YOUR NAME was missing a death date. Taehyung called up God, and he went to check HIS inventory just to make sure that he just didnt SEND IT, but he too couldnt find one. So we checked every book, front to back, cover to cover and NOTHING. You dont have a scheduled death date, therefore as of now, you are immortal."
You stared at him. You're immortal because you dont have a death date. You will live forever because you, yourself weren't meant to die.
"So I don't have a death date because?"
"Nobody knows," replied Taehyung.
You instantly rushed them with questions, "Well am I going to get a death date? What can I do if Idont? Am I just going to stay on Earth forever? Whats gonna happen to me?"
Yoongi answered the only way he could, "Y/N, we dont know. I have no fucking clue. Thats why we are discussing with the others. We dont know what to do with you yet. You may get a death date, you may get the ability to choose where you stay, you may just die on the spot-"
"IT WAS HYPOTHETICAL, CHILL! All I know is for the next few days, you're going to be here in The In Between. You will live with us in the council manor. We are sending you back with Tae so you can grab some belongings, say some short goodbyes, and come back. Got it?"
0 notes
dreambook06 · 6 years
Dream from: May 19, 2018
Very brief there is soo sooo much more to say about all this than what im about to say of course. here goes. it’s already fading as i begin.
some idek weird schoolworld idk! a scrapbook with colorful photos of the old school but it was like washington showing the old cafeteria (not real life) and food court and bathroom hand washing stations idk. mrs cowing was there idk she was like mom or idek we were like related like family? too vague but she was showing me (not really reality me t all or even a  physical being) pictures of her kids and in one i said ill try to find jackie (her daughter) and quickly pointed to a girl who looked like jackie and she said close but it was the girl to the left of her with a really orange tan.. eeetcccc.. so much holy craaappp so so much i cant even!!! nights and days of stuff.... some weird thing where i was trying to rescue animals through a cat door type thing i left open like a group of baby pandas wandered in then i opened another door in this tunnel thing leading up a staircase with this big room secret upsaairs thing where they lived until idk ?? we put the back in their natural enviromnent bc they were being poached or somethign what?? next door afar the whole time was mrs cowing in this weird train type really narrow trailer house wtff. it wasnt a neighborhood or anything kinda in the middle of nowhere field world wtf! there wre lambs, etc idk. and somewhere in the mix was karen alternate reality version she was like really naughty like promiscuous always with boys idk she was like sanding v oice messages to them like “come on bad boy” someting about bl****** it was weird idk what else happened with that. something with a bed then it cut away to a new segment of the dream... jumping around. i was trying to sneak on mrs cowing’s train for this one photo in her refrigerator? what? idek what it was  some old photo like from the 90s maybe of something or someone? idk!!! then there was this whole thing with me and nori and like a field trip or something in this old school place or train or plane kinda with bunkbeds and idek!! it was in the middle of nowhere what.  so i wanted a top bunk but this jellyfish thing wtf took my spot and nori was also on a top bunk and i was like thats so unfair i never get a top bunkbed and that jellyfish doesn’t even need a top bunk, it doesn’t even have a mind! so we moved the jellyfish and it was like 3 dead washed up jellyfish on the floor wtf…. next scene a school burning down on fire someone said “areas 1,2,3,7,8, are destroyed” or something like that. a whole thing involving that occurred…. like a pretty long / huge part of the dream but i forgot. more more omgg damnig!! i feel like I’m forgetting a huge huge segment… oh yeah the thing with the secret doors… well idont even but somehow it was then later like the incredibles family but mrs cowings family but also a made up family and they had to hide their kids which was kind of pilar,= & teagan, but NOT. they had to hide them in the upstairs dome hidden world i mentioned before with the pandas. for years. but they didn’t age. this part of the dream was huge i can’t even describe holy shyot!!  so so much. aunt becky was there like a maid for us and other people idk! taking care and stuff and the kids or whatever they were were being really loud like laughing and playing crazily one day or early on and a neighbor guy bc it was somewhat like an apartment got concerned and ventured up the stairs secret and i told aunt becky quickly and she had protocol like she’d pretend it was like a castle (that makes sense. totally.) but i left and later i came back and the guy was actually there bc he and becky had talked over a dating app and was there to meet . so then they were in love lmao…. so much more holy crap!!! dad was there something in this place with a huge circus ring thing idek like a competition like some game show with random people from the audience getting picked but it was insaaanee and our aunt stacy (but her name was willy or wilbur in the story) kept getting picked and winning so much money. later cut to a scene of her house alternate reality x 10000 with  weird rooms, puzzles, a garage thing where mom said she got rid of most o her bikes she used to have like 100 but then it was reduced to a toy box full wtf. i picked up my old light blue bike from 2012 ew and tried to ride it (irl we only have 4 bikes and i need a bike to go riding with the family) but when i tried to brake the handle break was broken so i couldn’t use that bike. mom said some bikes don’t have that? wtf. anyway so so much more i cannot even holy crapp!!!!!! so overwhelming. i missed a crapton but onto the “next” segment. some family reunion thing in this specific backyard wilderness forest woods setting that mustve been in an oooold dream or somehow fabricated based on fragments of childhood memories. like a family get together with lawn chairs, campfire, etc. logs lying around. while this was happening in my brain in the dream i was like so overcome bc i remembered this place from childhood. now that I’m awake i know i made that up. this wasn’t in rea life but it sure as heck felt like it!! so here we go. it was current day but it was weird everything felt like 2006-2009 idk! mason was younger, so were pilar and teagan. i took pilar’s pink ds because i had no cameraa w/ me and desperately wanted to photograph what i was seeing! but it took forever to take pictures it was so frustrating. like it kept lagging and stalling so it hooklike 30 seconds to take one picture & wanted to hurry because i felt like a time bomb was ticking and it all would vanish soon…. so we ventured along. i took pics of the pile of logs which was exactly how i “remembered it” from my real memories, the layout of the family sitting around in groups, the fields, the trees leading to the woods nearby.. when i was it. this specific stream arrangement to a secret secured place with a tree with a split kinda knot in it opened up like a pocket… we went closer , it was scary bc i didn’t want to drop the ds in the stream…. and i looked inside the wide knot of the tree and saw old messages, blue egg shells, white rocks. that we (my sisters, me and our cousins) left there last time we had gone there. i was so overcome with emotions like it was amazing like a lost part of my past (but this did not happen irl although it sure damn felt like it did!) the white rocks had our initials carved on it.  “T.H. 2010” was the main one i kept seeing. and there were crumpled up pieces of paper with messages that were kinda washed away (the inked/penciled words) . there was this asian type girl with us too but idk who she was. but she discovered more stuff but i was like slow down  i need to get pictures of this stuff first and preserve it!!!!! it was crazy i thought it was going to slip away  before my eyes and disappear, i was kinda panicking. she had found more secret stuff we left behind. teagan found a littlest pet shop benny thing with some initials written on its foot in the tree. the girl found a magazine of our dad posting in the front cover for some local gymnastics halloween party thing idk. then we went inside this secret passage near the secluded area (but we never ended up going in there. it was like a little mini pond that the stream led to , dark in the shade of trees with weeping willows and stuff— like the surskit area in poke park wii idk) — and it was kinda scary in the secret hole idk not really but it was  an old 2000s box t.v. playing dad’s tapes of gymnastics stuff and then stuffed with straw scarecrow type things sitting around it like a halloween props. they were in the pose of the picture on the cover, one of the dummies was supposed to resemble dad. there was a pumpkin on top of the tv. then it jumped around a bit idk  and my camera/ds died i guess. so i rwanted to run back home . to get a real camera. mason and pilar came with me and we had to run dow a super steep hill like the one in town by hermann… mason had his bike, i was running so fast my feet couldn’t stop and i reach out my right hand and grabbed a pole and swung around it as mason massed under my arm, ducking. it was funny, perfect timing. then this whole segment of the dream pretty much abruptly ended. and now we’re at the last segment. i pretty much forgot it at this point. something really weird and not as memorable so I’m not really complaining. but it is annoying to forget. some weird prank type thing where this girl and this weird guy who was serving food hit it off and got married instantly. it was weird idk it was supposed to be like a funny prank thing but too vague to remember now. ufgh.it was weird idk what else happened with that. something with a bed then it cut away to a new segment of the dream... jumping around.
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^^^ This.
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Scratched a person’s car? Will insurance go up?
"Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats a cheap car insurance company i could try??! other than quinn any recomendations?
see above :)!
Car insurance??????????
im 18 my boyfriend is 21. of he gets my car insured in his name it'll be cheaper. but if i get pulled over while driving, does my name have to be on thebinsurance card?""
Insurance coverage with DUI involved?
My father recently crashed his car into a van after consuming over the legal limit of alcohol (well over knowing him), and is concerned whether Progressive insurance will cover vehicle damages for him and the other driver. Also notable is that his car is pretty much totaled, I think, and he does have some previous blemishes on his driving record and the car is leased. If someone with some knowledge on these matters would help and give me an idea of what insurance will and will not cover could help it would be much appreciated.""
Should the Government make sure that every American has affordable health insurance?
Why or why not? What is a possible solution?
Can you get a Drivers License and not have car insurance?
I dont plan to drive, but i do intend to get my license. Is it possible to not have to get car insurance with your license? Idont own any cars as well""
Does a written warning affect your driver's insurance in Massachusetts?
I just got a written warning tonight in MA. I have a couple of questions, does it affect my insurance (I heard that it does not increase my insurance, but my insurance company is notified and my rates for next year will not decrease, is that true?). Also, how long does it stay on record? Much Thanks!""
Im looking for really cheap mediocre Auto Insurance!!1 HELP!!! PLEASE?
I have a mustang and I want cheap Cheap insurance any Ideas? I need to be able to pay with a credit card.
Alternative ways to insure a car?
Im 17 and looking for car insurance someone told me that you can insure it by giving some company a certain amount of money around 15k and then at the end of the year they would give u it back, however if you were to claim, the cost would come out of the money you gave, is this true and anyone know what its called if it is? ty""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of dedutactable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
New car insurance when to get it?
Bought a 2010 Toyota corolla s at rusty Eck ford my grandpa consigned for me and they took a copy of he's insurance to let me drive the car home on 60 day tag plates. Am I supposed to put the insurance right away or after the 60 day tags are over ? I'm in Wichita ks
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
How much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?
i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
How much of your pay check would you take out for Health insurance?
this is my first job that offers health benefits. I am new to this and having problems deciding if i need to get it or not. My company is offering both HMO and PPO for about the same price. Both cost around 70 per check, but i only make around 850. That is almost 10%. Should i shop around or should i just go ahead and get it or not have insurance at all. I dont even like going to the doctors but i would like to have health insurance just in case. My deductible for ppo is 500. I dont even know what that means. any advice would be helpful. thank you""
Will CT speeding ticket effect my NY insurance?
I have recently received an out-of-state speeding ticket in CT, and the state's policy is that if you just pay the ticket (pleading no contest) there will not be any points added to your license. The policy for my home state, New York, is that the state does not record out of state moving violations such as this one. My question is that if I were to just pay the ticket so I wouldn't receive points, would my insurance company in NY still be able to raise my rates for this? Would they even find out? Anyone with a simalar experience between these two states would be extremely helpful""
Need help with car & insurance (Just starting out)?
So I am 18 and want to move out of my mother's house because of reasons I shouldn't mention. Not because I am some spoiled teen looking to do what ever I want. But are you willing to help me? My question is: How do I get my liecense with out limited insurance or a car? How do I get insurance without a liecense or a car? How do I get a car without a liecense or insurance? This is the vicous cicle D: How can a new adult jump out into the world when my mother isn't willing to help me? I have a stable income. I just need some advice.
How much is Motorcycle insurance in TORONTO?
I'm a 28 year old male with an M1. I'm looking to purchase a bike like a 2000 GSX600-R and i was wondering how much insurance would be a month. If you are not from TORONTO, ONTARIO please don't bother replying because the prices in Toronto are usually outrageous so if you're from somewhere else, don't bother, i'm glad you get such good rates ;) also i have rode before many times, so no comments about a 600 being too big... i grew up on dirt bikes... thanks""
Car Insurance in a different state?
Hello and thanks for all the answers! I have my car insurance in nyc on my name, I am 22 and its 3200 per year. I have been told that I can somehow have it in another state even though I dont live there. Do I need to open a mailbox there or how does it work? What will hapen if I get a traffic ticket here? Thanks!""
Will my insurance rate go up??PLZ HELP:(?
I was parked in front of a kroger at the parking lot ...I came out of the store and saw that my cars been hit! Its an 07 mustang gt i took it for an etimate it has damages worth 1300 I have full coverage insurance with a 500 dollar deductable I pay 110 a month for insurance I live in Michigan..will my rate go up? I mean i wasnt in the car i came out and it was hit?Also I have only one claim with my truck thats it and a perfect driving record no points ever.
How much did your car insurance go up when your teen began to drive?
How much did it rise? Did they get their own car or did they drive yours? Did they have a good student discount? Did they take drivers ed (and get a discount)? Are they a boy or a girl? Anything Else? Thanks... Just trying to figure out how much ours is going to go up
Student car insurance help. Anybody else in this situation?
I have recently passed my test and am picking up a car I have bought in two weeks' time. The car is only a little 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 2002, paid 2000 for it. I've been looking on insurance websites - namely Compare The Market, and the cheapest quote I've found is 2436 (250 excess)! I am wondering if anyone can recommend an insurance company which will allow me to hold my own policy (not a named driver) for 2000 or less. Any suggestions?""
How much do you think my car insurance would be/added on to my mother's insurance?
I'm 18 and just now getting my license. My car is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 that I bought for $2500. My mom is going to add me to her insurance which is $50 per month (I know that is outrageously cheap I'm so jealous lol). I just want a loose loose estimate because I'm also in college so I'm only working 15 hours a week at minimum wage.
Cheap car to insure mpg above 25?
Looking for a car that you may have had experience with that is cheap to insure, with decent mpg. I was looking at '95 and '97 civics because they are older and I thought might be cheaper to insure and get pretty good mileage from what Ive heard. Mainly looking 4 doors not too shabby low insurance and decent mileage. Thanks in advance for responses everyone""
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
I have full coverage on my car insurance..i accidently dented my car and broke the window my self what i do?
i have full coverage on my car insurance ,,i accidently broke the driver side window and dented the door my self,,what should i do? tell the insurance that somebody else did it and have them fix it?..they supposed to right?""
""Live in NJ, bringing car to school in FL, question about car insurance?""
I am looking to bring my car from NJ (where i'm a resident) to school with me in Florida, and I need some help: My father is freaking out because he thinks the car insurance will go WAY UP. Does anyone know how this works? Am i allowed to ship my car down there and not tell me insurance at all? Just like bringing it on a mini vacation lol. Remember, I'm not a resident of Florida. Any answers?!""
Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(
Take away driver insurance!?
why is it so hard to get insurance for driving take aways? is it even possible?
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
Does one single speeding ticket raise auto insurance rates?
hey guys so probably 2 months ago I got my first speeding ticket whilst on the way to the movie theaters at college because my stupid friends wanted to make the 9:30 showing of Evil Dead. Needless to say it was still my fault getting pulled over in the end. The cop did however tell me that there would be no points on my record since it was my first ever offense and basically it was just a $92.00 fine that I paid the next day. I am a very cautious driver and have not had any trouble with the law regarding my driving except for that one mishap. Does getting this one single ticket raise my insurance rates? We are looking to switch insurances so will our rates be higher because of this stupid mistake of mine?
""What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
Different Types of car insurance?
i know of state farm progressive and Geico. what else is there?
Insurance question after engine blow up?
I was wondering, will insurance pay for damage to a car without being in accident? Let me give you example. What if I was driving on highway and my engine would blow up (not during racing, just cruising around), and I don't have manufacturers warranty anymore. Can I file claim, and will insurance pay for new engine?""
Cheapest car to insure?
Hello my friend is passing her test hopefully in September time and is looking for a car now to get insured for September the first with her full license she is 19 but wants cheap insurance? Thanks
How much car will insurance cost for me?? please help?
becoming a new driver and driving a 1982 corvette with a v-8 how much would the car insurance cost, will it be higher because the car is costly but also cheaper because its not a big vehicle and cannot do as much damage ?""
Can my car be on my parents car insurance?
Im 19 years old and im buying a car and would like to know if my car can be on my parents insurance. The car will be in my name only, my old car was in their names so therefore it was on the insurance. I have been under their insurance for the past 3 years. i would like to know if im able to be under my parents insurance.""
Who actually has health insurance?
Just about everyone I know doesn't have health insurance. This sounds pretty bad. Who actually has health insurance?
Whish insurance compay should i go to (auto)?
i just bought a 2000 Toyota camry Ve last night and i have never had any insurance before because i havent need it , i am 23 years old and i am looking for insurance some people told me go to Gieco has good prices""
Can I get decent car insurance through Aetna?
I have them as health coverage through work. I just moved from FL to DE and my insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I am trying to find a better rate.... any ideas? Thanks
Van insurance employment status question?
I'm about to set up my own business as i've qualified as a painter & decorator so i'm looking into van insurance quotes. For the employment status i've been filling in my current job details (sales) as i am not yet registered as self employed and i will be maintaining my job until work picks up. Is this correct? It will only let me choose one occupation so the option of 2 is not there
Insurance for young drivers?
I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company's require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company's plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks
""50cc bike insurance, need help!?
Well i need to get a bike to get around more.. and its like a 2000 reg bike that i found which is in pretty good condition.. and i've got my provisional etc.. and my CBT but the insurance still comes out as 560!? is there anyway of getting it lower?!
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that pays the Medicare B premium?
I live in the formerly great state of California. A friend has her Medicare B insurance premiums paid by her insurance company. She was employed by a school system in California. Is there such a plan for non-school retirees? My current insurance says everyone must pay the Medicare B premium.
What will insurance pay?
If my car is totaled, which amount on the Kelly Blue Book will the insurance base payment on.""
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
How do I know what value to put on my home insurance?
I have a flat in London that I want to insure. The flat is 64 metres squared and is 100 years old. The market value is about 200,000 to 210,000. A similar flat, in my town, in the North is valued at about 100 000 One would assume that the insurable value would be less for than the market value in London. My question is for what value should I insure the flat in London?""
How do I get medical insurance?
Is it offered when you have a job? If i have children, do i just add them to the plan?""
How do I find out who insures a store?
I know its private and you can't find this out and the owner doesn't have to tell you. Although there is a safety hazard when I go into this store and I don't want to get hurt and have to sue...I don't want it to get down to that...I want to let they're insurance company know. This really concerns me how you can contact somebody's insurance company... Is there anybody else I can report to?
Which is the best medical insurance ?
Can any one suggest a good medical insurance company and plan
Ex husband to pay off car. Who pays insurance?
Since my ex is paying my car off in the divorce shouldn't he be responsible for the full coverage insurance? I cant afford full coverage. If I only get liability should he cover the rest to obtain full coverage? Help!
If the insurance company totals my car do they keep it?
My car is old. Its a 95 Neon and it was backed into this weekend. We got one estimate of 2600 but that is more than the car cost. If we go thru the insurance company and they total the car will they keep the car or let us keep it. It still runs fine.
Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(
In california does a 16 year old new driver have to be personally insured to drive their parents car?
My sister lives in san jose and she was told by her parents that to drive one of their cars she has to pay for her own insurance. Is this true???
Are you glad you have individual Health Plan?
I work freelance and I am looking into getting a health care plan. I haven't had medical insurance since elementary school but now that I'm approaching mid 20s, I wanted to prepare for the emergency, the 'just-in-case' situation. My problem is that I have a very negative impression on the insurance business and health care itself. I've gone to health clinic from a floating rib and I paid $300 to be told that I need to get tylenol LOL My relatives and friend went through some misdiagnose, multiple exams and charges. Some friends go through such a bull5hit time - one friend was charged $500 to borrow a blanket in the waiting room at a health care clinic and all she had to do was make a call and complain to cancel the full amount. We were baffled So.. they get paid $500 for lending a blanket? They take the $500 away if we complain? It's like complaining at a restaurant LOL!!! I maybe ignorant, but it makes me so upset to see people without insurance having such a hard time affording health care. Health care and insurance makes me feel like I'm giving into a manipulative scam - like buying a $120 clothing that only costs $5 to make. But incase I break my face crashing on my bicycle, I guess I need one. $500 for a blanket? I wonder how much X ray actually costs to buy, operate, and maintain. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it. Anyhow, I know I'm ignorant, please enlighten me. Any positive experience on having affordable individual plan would be great. Thanks in advance.""
Discount car insurance by putting another name on my insurance?
I know plenty of people the same age as me, 19 who have put another persons name on their car insurance eg. family or friends so its cheaper due to the other persons experiance, my mum passed her test when she was 21 but has never drove a car or owned a car herself since... so would putting her name on my insurance be pointless.???""
So why is car insurance expensive for anyone under 25?
I can understand someone who has just gotten behind the wheel for the first time ever, but I have been driving for 2 years without even a traffic ticket on record, and my insurance is still near 2.5 grand a year. I don't drive a sporty car either, I drive a 2002 Accord. And I still have to wait 7 years for my insurance to go down to a reasonable rate? doesn't this sound a little ridiculous? And don't tell me that an accident is bound to happen or unavoidable for someone of my age. My dad got in his first car accident at age 35. My mom has yet to get in one (well, one that doesn't involve being rear ended). My girlfriend's oldest sister, who is now 27, hasn't gotten in an accident either. I think it is flawed that the insurance companies are simply assuming I am going to get in an accident instead of assessing what kind of a driver I really am.""
Low Cost Individual Health Insurance - Is It for Real?
I'm thinking about starting a business but I'm worried about health coverage for myself and my family. At work, our health plan is so expensive (if I had to pay for the whole thing), so I'm cautious about the cheap insurance I see advertised all over the place. Is low cost individual health insurance for real or a scam? What do I have to watch out for in looking for coverage? Thanks.""
Where to get cheap insurance for 50cc geared moped?
trying to find a insurance broker that does good deals for 16 year old drivers. trying to insure a 2003 DERBI GP 50. cheapest deal iv found so far is 370 pounds. anyone know a good insurance company that can do cheaper. thanks in advance
Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?
Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)""
Who gives the cheapest car insurance for a nissan skyline import?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance for a nissan skyline import?
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
Why do you have to have full coverage on certain cars?
I have only liability right now on a 2000 ford. I am trying to figure out how much my insurance will go up, and if I have to get full coverage or not. Also what is the longest you can have a car loan? I really would like a Nissan Murano maybe around 12,000-15,000 at the abs. maximum. What do you think my monthly payments would look like? Thank you for any advice.""
How Much Is Insurance For A Mustang?
I'm 16 and am looking into getting a 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang gt. im a great driver. my parents have travelers for auto insurance, and they're going to add my car to their insurance. my parents are also great drivers, no wrecks/tickets or anything. what is the average i would have to pay for my car insurance each month? thanks:)""
""Where can I buy cheap auto insurance in Houston, Texas?Just moved here, only paid $30/month in California!?""
Want to buy cheap auto insurance in person! In California I paid $30 a month at a place that catered to poor people basically, but had good coverage for cheap. I am not interested in paying double online with Geico, progressive, etc (as the quotes I've gotten are). Where can I get cheap basic coverage in person in Houston Texas? Thank you.""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent?
I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate.""
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
How much would a 2001 vauxhall astra cost for insurance for a 17 year old male?
No sites please i would like to know roughly how much... x
Need health insurance?
I need to get my own health insurance. Does anybody know of any insurance that just covers if stuff goes really wrong?
Motorcycle insurance prices in uk at 17-19?
Hello, I really want to get a motorcycle at the age of between 17 to 20 (preferably 17-18) but I was wondering how much it would cost for the insurance of a brand new Yamaha r125 and a Kawasaki Ninja 300 at each age between 17 to 20, thanks guys and it would clear some thoughts on how much it would be, what age seems good. I really want to get a bike before uni.""
23 & Auto Insurance...never had any in my name?
ok, so i haven't gotten my new vehicle yet. I won one through the company i work for. I will be getting my new ride in about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have never had car insurance in my name, my dad always took care of this kind of stuff for me. well since this car will be in my name, i was wondering do alot of the insurance companies go based on your credit score? i don't have good credit at all and worried my rates will be very high. I would like some companies listed that you know is cheap but also has discounts for my age with kids. I have 3 kids and i am 23, someone told me State Farm will give me a discount for my kids. Anyone heard of this? Or any other companies that do this. Thanks ANY information about AUTO insurance will be greatly appreciated. As far as the coverage also, i don't have a clue about any of these deductibles they are asking about when i go to some of the sites online for quotes! Thanks""
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is my first car. The cheapest quote I got was 350 a month and that's only for the state minimum. I already have health insurance. They want me to pay more for car insurance than my car is worth and if I get in an accident they wont even cover it.
Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?
Whats the difference between Medi -Cal and Health Insurance?
How much is motorcycle insurance?
For an 18 year old male with a streetbike, how much would insurance cost. I am just looking for a range because I plan to get a bike in the future and want to be prepared.""
Average cost in nj for 17 year old girl for car insurance?
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
I got a car insurance quote from State Farm that?
is double that of the quotes I got online (from brokers). Is it better to go with State Farm or one of the cut rate insurance companies? I mean in the event of an accident and getting paid. I also rent a lot of cars and will be using the insurance I buy for those. And, not get the insurance that the rental companies over charge for.""
Does anyone know about work insurance in lagos nigeria?
we are ptentially going out for 2 weeks to fit a conservatory and need insurance not holiday but work / life insurance
How do i report insurance fraud?
for the last year i have worked for one of sacramento's mortage realestate companys. during that time i have witnessed my boss committing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of insurance fraud, filing false police reports , theft, vandalism . who do i report this to and is there a reward ?""
Where is the cheapest van insurance available?
I'm 21 and looking for cheap van insurance....Any recommendations?
Self Drive Hire car insurance?
Is therer any insurance company out there will insure under 21 on self drive hire cars?
New driver- car insurance?
i just got anew car, hydauni elantra 06, and i need insurance, wats the cheapest insurance for a 19 yr old girl,no driving record, tickets etc in the rome/utica area? thanksssss""
Whats a really good health insurance for college students?
I was wondering what is a good health insurance company to get a plan with. Im a college student and im in nursing school so they want us to have health insurance in case we get hurt or exposed to anything at any of the hospitals we work at. Im not required to have it but i would like to look around and see if there is a good plan that I could afford. So in case something like that would happen i wont be paying for the required treatment completely out of my pocket. Thanks for the help.
Cheapest insurance company?
I want the cheapest no fault insurance for my car, 1994 beretta""
California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
How much does a person riding a motorcycel have to pay a month for insurance?
also provide your age, becuase i heard the older you are the less u have to pay..""
Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?
My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!
Is there a grace period where you don't need insurance after you get your drivers license?
I'm getting my license tomorrow (as long as i pass the test) but I'm not sure when we have time to go to the insurance office to get my name added. The vehicle is insured. Is ...show more
""Why am I getting quoted 11,000 for 1.0L third party only car insurance?""
I am 17 years old (male) and have just passed my driving test. I was supposed to purchase a 2010 Citroen C1 5 door with a 1.0L engine today but had a look at the insurance first. This tiny, under powered pathetic excuse of a car is probably the most insurance friendly car I could think of yet on all the car insurance sites like go compare and confused the lowest quotes were 11,000. What am I doing wrong? I have been able to choose all the best stuff like locked in a garage at night, the highest excess, low annual mileage etc There is nothing in my details that would be counter productive for a low insurance quote. This is only third party as well, if I was to have a bump my car wouldn't even be covered! I need to be driving by christmas, I don't even care that much about what car I have to drive (hence the C1) as long as it isn't too old. Just anything that I will get a realistic quote on. Any advice? Maybe I am doing something wrong here. Thanks!""
""I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to? read the details below!!!!!?""
I am fully comp, and my insurance said i can drive any car i wish to, Can i really drive any car i want, EVEN IF THE OTHER CAR HAS NO ONE INSURED ON IT?""
How much does a checkup usually cost with insurance?
I just want to have a yearly checkup, and we have medical insurance. I know each place is going to cost more than another,etc. but what's a generaly price for a check up with insurance in alabama?""
Will getting a CA medical marijuana card affect my health insurance coverage?
I was considering getting a medical marijuana card here in California for my insomnia but I was wondering if it'll go on my medical record that I use cannabis and therefore make my health insurance more expensive. Will my doctor be able to see that Im a medical marijuana user?
Why dont we get a refund from car insurance companys when we dont make a claim?
i pay more for car insurance than i do for house insurance yet my car is worth a fraction of  to my house ????
Car insurance for teen help?
So am buying a car and my parents don't have a driver license But i Do But i am only 17 which makes the insurance a lot . So my moms friend said he would put me under his insurance but he isn't Driving but he has a valid new your license . So is there a way for me to be under his insurance with the title of the car in my name ? or does it have to be in his name does he add me to the policy as a Additional driver & The car Or just me alone and not the car ? what would happen if i get pulled over and the title is in his name ?
Car insurance...?
When you get a quote online for car insurance you get asked so many question like deductible, collision... etc etc.. so many numbers to choose from.. Can anyone explain them to me? i'm just used to liability or full coverage.. right now i have liability on my car and i pay 135 a month. When i got a quote from allstate it turned out to be only 38 a month??? i'm sure i didn't pick the right numbers....""
Insurance estimate for 99 mustang GT for 16 year old girl?
I'm looking at a 99 mustang GT and some other years (all the 4.6L engine years....99-04 mainly) I was wondering if anyone would know from experience a good estimate of the price of insurance on it. It's bone stock. I know that if you make decent grades you get discounts and I make A/B's in all AP so I don't know if that would help very much? and I have never had a wreck or ticket, & I am just turning 16. This would be my first car. I'm looking at one GT coupe and one convertible. If you have an idea of how much more it would go up with a convertible please tell me. Thank you!""
My car no longer runs. Should I cancel my insurance on it?
My friend suggestted that it might not be wise, because when I get another car in 5 months they will charge me more for insurance if I was not insured for a long period of time. His logic was that it's a red flag to insurance co. They think you were driving without insurance or totaled your car. Even though my car just died on it's own.""
Is a Infiniti G35 Coupe a good car For A Teenager?
I live in Alabama and my parents use Alfa Insurance and i about have them talked into getting me a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe and if they do get it for me which they probably will i was wandering if it would be high on insurance and is it a good car for a 16 year old?
Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting. And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it? I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.""
Scratched a person's car? Will insurance go up?
So, I'm 17 and just got my insurance for driving a day ago. Today, as I was going home from school, I U-turned and didn't make a big enough turn and hit a person's car. I was able to make the turn after the hitting the car, but it left scratch marks and one little part of the car was hanging out slightly from the car. I left a note saying to call me. My question is, will my insurance go up for this? I just got it and all. I plan on not driving again to school...and how much does it cost to repair a person's car with scratches? (just the back corner of the car that was scratched) PLEASE HELP! :(
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