#ie the way i draw face shapes now i just stole from sena
dexalyys · 1 year
0K HII!!! Y0UR ART STYLE IS S0 C00L AND Y0U ARE A HUGE INSP0 F0R ME !! H0W DID Y0U FIND Y0UR STYLE? LIKE WHAT MADE Y0U DECIDE UR STYLE WAS WHAT U WERE G0ING F0R? (s0rry if I s0und weird im n0t g00d at talking ): )
UHHH HONESTLY IDK ??? it’s always changed and warped over the years i sorts just add to it what i think looks good at the time ? most of my inspirations as of lately that have affected my style are sena and neil (no idea what their @s are now), kiana mai @kianamaiart, vik @reviked and zee @treehairr — i generally just steal bits and pieces of their styles that i like and add it to mine, but sometimes my style will just morph on its own i guess ? it typically happens when i get into a new media or make a new oc , since it means my style has to adjust to accomodate for the unfamiliar designs. my latest example of this is rysparks 🫶 ⭣⭣⭣
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never drawn sparks before and ryan just got a redesign soooo l’l of this is unfamiliar territory. this is the first sketch i’ve done of them both that i’m actually completely happy with ^_^ that’s a bit off topic from the q but my point is i didn’t really Decide on a style i guess ? i hop from inspiration to inspiration and my style fluctuates with me as i go; it’s always just been pretty fluid i suppose.
for some comparison, here’s something i drew when i first got into tmc, vs it’s redraw from literally only two months later ⭣
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like what on earth even happened there . if i redrew this again again it would look completely different again (which . is tempting…………)
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