#ietm level 4 expert
s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
IETM LEVEL 4, Standards, GUI, Security, Platform, Technologies, Performance, and Specification
Code and Pixels, in Hyderabad, India, develops The best eLearning, CBT, and IETM software (at level 4 standards) with a focus on GUI, security, platform, technologies, performance, and specifications. Thank you for reaching out to us for IETM services. Code and Pixels is an IETM & IETP Services Provider delivered 25+ projects.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 7 months
Documents Required to Make IETM Level 4 Software Code and Pixels
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What do we, Code and Pixels need to make IETM Level -4? Inputs that are required to make IETM level-4. or Contribution of OEM while developing the IETM.
What Inputs Are Required to Make Ietm Level 4?
To make IETM we need Inputs in the form of documents and a little guidance from Subject matter experts is needed from the OEM.
IETM means Interactive electronic technical manuals. To make the IETM, we need all the manuals which are in electronic format. It means soft copies i.e. DOC files or PDF files of all the manuals finalized and reviewed by the relevant approval authority i.e. DGQC, MAG etc and all the Drawings, Images and Videos if you have any.
Images / Videos
Documents Mean, What Are the Various Documents You Need?
Based on your delivered equipment the type of documents may vary. A big system or Machinery will have many more documents than a small system or component.
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Hence, there is no fixed rule on what documents will go into the IETM.
We also need Subject matter experts available to finalize IETM home page Module boxes, Table of Contents etc. Once the documents are converted to a database, then hyperlinking and Hot spots are done.
With our knowledge, we will be able to make 50 % of interactivity between documents and topics. With the Guidance of Subject matter experts, other tasks like related topics linkage, Search indexing, and Hotspots will be done to complete the development process of IETM Level 4.
Softcopies means, Documents in PDF or DOC format and kindly be sure that they are text copyable, not raster/ scanned images.
In Summary: The support or inputs that we need from OEM is
Documents/ Manuals and drawings and Images and Videos
Subject Matter Expert’s guidance
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Documentation standards Vs IETM Standard EED-S-048 |DME 452 |NCD 1470 |JSS 251 |JSG 0852
Technical documentation is a very broad word used in tender documents/Scope Documents. They put the heading as Technical Documentation and in brackets write IETM Level -4 or IETM class-4 mentioning EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470 JSS 0251 and JSG 0852 standards and ask OEM to deliver in DVDs and some sets of Hard copies.
Some SOTRs may even have Training Aids under Technical documentation.
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Steps for Creating Technical Documentation:
(step 1&2 is done by OEM and Step 3 is executed by the IETM Software Vendor)
STEP 1 (Content writing)Writing content/ preparing the manual based on the standards (EED-S-048, DME 452 OR NCD 1470.)
STEP -2 Standardising / formatting the content Converting the raw content into a proper technical document using JSS standard.
STEP -3 Converting the final PDF manuals to IETM Converting the approved/vetted Manul to the IETM database using the IETM authoring tool / IETM software.
Your Scope or SOTR shared by the Indian Navy to make IETM will have the Standard names i.e. EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470.
EED-S-048These are Naval standards. Specification of Documentation for new Construction Ships,
DME 452 The Directorate of Marine Engineering (DME) is a part of the Materiel Branch and works under the overall command and control of the Chief of Materiel, as PSO, and Assistant Chief of Materiel (Dockyard & Refits) as APSO. Documentation Specifications
NCD 1470 Director of Standardisation – Department of Defence Production Requirements For Preparation of Documentation For Hull Equipment, Structure, Material and System
JSS 0251-01:2015 (Rev no. 2) JOINT SERVICES SPECIFICATION (JSS)Procedure for preparation and production of technical publications for electronic and electrical equipment
JSG 0852: 2001 Reaffirmed 2019
Joint Services Guide (JSG)Indian defence standard to make IETM
EED-S-048, DME 452, and NCD 1470:
are purely standards defined by the Navy guiding OEMs to follow these guidelines while making documentation. These are purely technical stuff, and only Defence scientists or technical teams of OEMs who were involved in the development of equipment/devices can prepare. They need domain expertise.
These are absolutely in no way relevant to IETM development.
By adhering to EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470 these standards your technical team will make manuals i.e. User handbooks, Technical Manuals, Maintenance manuals, MRSL etc.
The content may be written poorly formatted by the domain experts as, aesthetically arranging and making a table of contents, header, footers etc. is not the work of technical people.
Once this content is written by the experts the documentation team will come to the picture.
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Following is the Sequence of Contents to Be Followed While Making Document:
Front/cover page which is printed on thicker paper or laminated
The title page is the same as the Front-page
Record of changes
List of other associated handbooks
Safety warnings in red colour
First-aid instructions
Cautions & Notes
Demolition instructions
Change Notice
List of contents
List of illustrations
Text/ content
The separate card titled Illustrations
Sepaarte card titles Appendix “A” , B,C
Appendix or appendices
Back Cover Page
Once the document is made available this will be shared with DGQA and other competent authorities i.e. defence labs etc.
Once these documents are fully vetted they enter into to next phase which is IETM.
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In short, the work of the IETM service provider starts, once your final manuals are frozen or vetted by the end client.
The IETM service provider is not an expert in the domain, and the IETM team consists of all the software development team like, Angular Java programmers, database engineers, content integrators, and Quality assurance team etc., and they are not experts in the domain hence what whatever manual is made available to the team they simply convert every line into database and creates Database of the manuals.
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Documentation standards Vs IETM Standard EED-S-048 |DME 452 |NCD 1470 |JSS 251 |JSG 0852
Technical documentation is a very broad word used in tender documents/Scope Documents. They put the heading as Technical Documentation and in brackets write IETM Level -4 or IETM class-4 mentioning EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470 JSS 0251 and JSG 0852 standards and ask OEM to deliver in DVDs and some sets of Hard copies.
Some SOTRs may even have Training Aids under Technical documentation.
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Your Scope or SOTR shared by the Indian Navy to make IETM will have the Standard names i.e. EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470.STEP 1 (Content writing)Writing content/ preparing the manual based on the standards (EED-S-048, DME 452 OR NCD 1470.)STEP -2 Standardising/ formatting the contentConverting the raw content into a proper technical document using JSS standard.STEP -3 Converting the final PDF manuals to IETMConverting the approved/vetted Manul to the IETM database using the IETM authoring tool / IETM software.EED-S-048These are Naval standards.Specification of Documentation for new Construction Ships,DME 452The Directorate of Marine Engineering (DME) is a part of the Materiel Branch and works under the overall command and control of the Chief of Materiel, as PSO, and Assistant Chief of Materiel (Dockyard & Refits) as APSO.Documentation SpecificationsNCD 1470Director of Standardisation – Department of Defence ProductionRequirements For Preparation of Documentation For Hull Equipment, Structure, Material and SystemJSS 0251-01:2015 (Rev no. 2)JOINT SERVICES SPECIFICATION (JSS)Procedure for preparation and production of technical publications for electronic and electrical equipmentJSG 0852: 2001 Reaffirmed 2019Joint Services Guide (JSG)Indian defence standard to make IETM
EED-S-048, DME 452, and NCD 1470:
are purely standards defined by the Navy guiding OEMs to follow these guidelines while making documentation. These are purely technical stuff, and only Defence scientists or technical teams of OEMs who were involved in the development of equipment/devices can prepare. They need domain expertise.
These are absolutely in no way relevant to IETM development.
By adhering to EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470 these standards your technical team will make manuals i.e. User handbooks, Technical Manuals, Maintenance manuals, MRSL etc.
The content may be written poorly formatted by the domain experts as, aesthetically arranging and making a table of contents, header, footers etc. is not the work of technical people.
Once this content is written by the experts the documentation team will come to the picture.
These documents are re-arranged and re-formatted as per JSS – 0251 standards.
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Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Following is the Sequence of Contents to Be Followed While Making Document:
Front/cover page which is printed on thicker paper or laminated
The title page is the same as the Front-page
Record of changes
List of other associated handbooks
Safety warnings in red colour
First-aid instructions
Cautions & Notes
Demolition instructions
Change Notice
List of contents
List of illustrations
Text/ content
The separate card titled Illustrations
Sepaarte card titles Appendix “A” , B,C
Appendix or appendices
Back Cover Page
Once the document is made available this will be shared with DGQA and other competent authorities i.e. defence labs etc.
Once these documents are fully vetted they enter into to next phase which is IETM.
The approved PDFs will be shared with IETM vendors like us/code and pixels for converting to IETM based on JSG 0852 standard, which is the standard defined to make IETMs.
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Exploring the Different Levels of IETM and CBT
Understanding the Different Levels of IETM and CBT, their unique purposes, multimedia components, cost calculations, and the importance of clarity in AR/VR. Unveiling the confusion and enhancing learning!”
Let’s explore the fascinating world of computer-based training (CBT) and interactive electronic technical manuals (IETM). You ask, which one is better. You might be surprised by my response, but it’s similar to comparing apples and oranges or asking whether a fan is superior to a tube light. They have many functions and each has value in its own right.
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Image Source: ( Google — Code And Pixels )
Understanding Their Unique Purposes: IETM and CBT
Imagine yourself perspiring on a scorching summer day and in dire need of some refreshing air. A tube light might be useful. Obviously not! You can’t directly compare IETM with CBT, just as you can’t substitute the comforting air of a fan for the illumination of a light bulb. In their respective fields, they are exceptional and irreplaceable.
Let me simplify things for you. IETM is the collective name for a user-friendly collection of technical publications, PDFs, and manuals. It’s like having all of your information conveniently located and organised. The days of turning endless pages or scrolling endlessly through PDFs are over. Utilising search features, hyperlinks, hot spots, related topics, or menu options, IETM allows you to find what you’re looking for in a matter of seconds.
Exploring the Different Levels of CBT and Their Multimedia Components:
On the other hand, we have CBT, which stands for Computer-based Training. It’s all about providing detailed explanations through multimedia elements like animations, videos, and voice-overs. Imagine having a step-by-step guide with a friendly voice explaining complex processes, assembly or disassembly procedures, or operating instructions. CBT focuses on essential topics that require real-time practice or visual demonstrations. It’s like having a knowledgeable instructor right at your fingertips.
But here’s the catch — CBT doesn’t cover the entire system. It zooms in on the critical aspects that demand hands-on training, such as operating procedures or installation processes. Creating a CBT for a ship, for instance, could take up to 2000 hours and a substantial investment. However, when a problem arises, it’s not practical to spend hours searching through a lengthy CBT. That’s where the trusty IETM comes to the rescue!
In fact, about 90% of issues can be resolved by referring to the comprehensive manuals provided in the IETM. Only about 10% of problems require the expertise of an expert advisor. So, you see, both IETM and CBT have their unique roles to play, and they complement each other beautifully.
Let’s have a fun adventure across the IETM and CBT worlds! Every one of them has a distinct purpose, yet occasionally people mix them up in odd ways. It just doesn’t work to try to combine a unicorn and a dragon.
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Level 5: Improving IETM with Design:
There are various levels within the CBTs. Less animations are present in Level 1 whereas more animations and images are present in Level 2. And if you reach Level 3 or 4, get ready for even more interactivity and fancy 3D and mode graphics. But here’s the thing, my friend — just because you add some animations and 3D elements to an IETM, it doesn’t magically transform into a Level 5 IETM. Nope, it’s still just a Level 4 IETM, albeit with some snazzy 2D animations, 3D animations, and videos in the form of MP4s. If your animations are in HTML-5, you can even add hyperlinks and open your CBT in a separate tab or window in your browser.
Now, brace yourself for this mind-blowing revelation! I stumbled upon a recent document where they added some content and called it Level 5. But wait, there’s more — they also tossed in some AR and VR and labeled it Level 6. Talk about taking things to the next level! AR, VR, e-learning, CBTs, and video films are all multimedia components that enhance the user experience and are undoubtedly crucial for effective learning. But here’s the catch — mixing IETM and CBT and inflating the levels goes beyond the boundaries of the JSG-0852–2019 document. It’s like trying to fit an elephant into a teacup!
Cost Calculations and Clarity:
Let’s get one thing straight — adding AR/VR/3D/2D/videos doesn’t magically elevate the IETM level. CBT and IETM video films are like peas in a pod when it comes to training. They’re separate deliverables developed for different purposes. So, when it comes to costs, IETM calculations depend on the number of pages, let’s say around 200 rupees per page. On the other hand, CBT costs are determined by the number of hours and whether it’s 2D or 3D. Let’s assume around 2 lakhs per hour. As for AR and , well, they have their own universe and category. Implementing AR and VR can cost anywhere from 1 crore to 2 crores! That’s no small change, my friend.
So, when you’re floating that RFP (Request for Proposal), make sure to be specific. How many pages are we talking about? If you want to include 2D or 3D animations, what’s the duration for each? And most importantly, please don’t mix up AR and VR with IETM. They’re like two parallel dimensions that should never meet.
Adventures with IETM and CBT:
So, next time someone asks you which is better, IETM or CBT, you can confidently say, “Well, it’s like comparing a fan to a tube light! They have different purposes, and we need them both to shine bright and keep things cool in the world of technical knowledge.”
The Project Manager of IETM at Code and Pixels brought you this amusing article. Many thanks for reading.!!!
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