#if I don’t do this now it’s not gunna happen! cuz !! scatterbrained
tothesolarium · 1 year
Did ya know I illustrated a book? The way of Loving Kindness: an imperfect process of spiritual engagement by David Orendorff. I keep forgetting to make a nice post about it with teasers and stuff but- this is my grandpa, one of the kindest people I’ve met next to my Nana and some friends.
They’re the reason I’ve been able to work on my art and story so much recently, and have been keeping me from drowning in these… Emotions, to say the least.
The book is about the universal love and the work of being kind to the whole. He is a Methodist and a retired pastor, but he considers my magic and demons to be just as loving and good as what he does. Well, he’s certainly helped more people directly than I have, but he’s an old man! Give me time to catch up fhfhdhs
So to my witches and whoever else follows me, I really recommend this book. It’s got ten illustrations of mine, and a lot of good words.
He’s a wizard but wouldn’t call himself one, but has a better altar than I do.
Y’all better know what a big deal it is for me to recommend something like this
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