#anywho check out the book 10/10
tothesolarium · 2 years
Did ya know I illustrated a book? The way of Loving Kindness: an imperfect process of spiritual engagement by David Orendorff. I keep forgetting to make a nice post about it with teasers and stuff but- this is my grandpa, one of the kindest people I’ve met next to my Nana and some friends.
They’re the reason I’ve been able to work on my art and story so much recently, and have been keeping me from drowning in these… Emotions, to say the least.
The book is about the universal love and the work of being kind to the whole. He is a Methodist and a retired pastor, but he considers my magic and demons to be just as loving and good as what he does. Well, he’s certainly helped more people directly than I have, but he’s an old man! Give me time to catch up fhfhdhs
So to my witches and whoever else follows me, I really recommend this book. It’s got ten illustrations of mine, and a lot of good words.
He’s a wizard but wouldn’t call himself one, but has a better altar than I do.
Y’all better know what a big deal it is for me to recommend something like this
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shleepyissleepy · 8 months
When Sweet Meets Savory
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Content warnings: Vague depictions of violence and death.
Notes: Descriptions, name, and gender of the reader is left alone.
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Dropping ass first into hell wasn't exactly on today's to-do list. The last thing you remember upon waking up in the middle of a bustling, critter ridden city was that you had just gone out for your morning stroll. It was quiet out. The fog had just begun to settle in, and it seemed that the day was due for a little rain. You had plans to go shopping, tidy up your quaint little apartment, and get some chores done. Perhaps read a book or two while your record player sang sweet melodies. Yes, a peaceful, productive day was in the works, well that was, until you decided to take a detour through the trail just short of less than a mile it'd take otherwise to get to the convenience store.
Something felt incredibly off. Entering the forest opening were the trail began, and stepping past the overgrowth of weeds and roots, it was clear this area of the neighborhood didn't get many guests. Normally, it's a smooth sailing walk, besides tripping over a couple of rocks and roots, that takes less than 10 minutes to walk through fully. However, today, it seemed you had a plus one. Someone had followed you into the trail, judging by the crackling footsteps behind you. Part of you assumed they just happened to be going the same way you were, but it just felt... wrong.
Anxiety started bubbling up in the pit of your stomach. Of course, you must be overreacting, but it couldn't hurt to pick up the pace a bit. Bad move. Immediately, the steps behind you move faster, and out of reflex, you do as well, sending you to full-on sprint. Slapping branches out of your way and jumping over protruding mounds of dirt at the speed you were going, mixed with the ever-growing fear as agitated grunting and heavy steps close in behind you causes you to hyperventilate. You didn't even make it halfway through the trail when the perpetrator caught up to you, tackling and pinning you down. You wondered if anyone heard your screams, or if anyone found your mutilated body.
Well anywho, that's how you found yourself here, admist the chaos of a crimson city. Honestly, you expected more fire and pitchforks. Adapting to your new environment took some time, well okay, a lot of time. Eventually, when you stumbled upon your reflection for the first time, you had audibly yelled in shock and fell on your ass. If you had a nickle for everytime that's happened since you got here you'd have two, which is not a lot but it's funny that it happened twice. Finding somewhere to settle proved extremely difficult given the fact that it was hell and everything came with a price, whether it be in the form of an "act of service", to giving up your mortal soul... and an absurd amount of money, of course. Which was why you eventually found yourself standing at the ominous front entrance of the comically infamous in completely bombing, Hazbin Hotel.
A place meant to house and redeem sinners. To be completely honest, you knew exactly why you were here in hell, however you were not very keen on sharing that information. But maybe if you could waltz in, and give a good enough introduction to apply for a job here, you may also get to have a decent roof over your head. Now the only issue with this little plan, was that there was literally no job openings that you knew of listed here, so you had to come up with... well something. Maybe coming here on a whim was a terrible idea, or it might just be the best decision you'll ever make in your undead life. You'll never know until you open those doors.
With a sigh and somewhat confidant stance, you push open the double doors, reveling in the crimson golden glow of the hotel. Immediately you find yourself in the lobby with pointedly no check in desk. Clasping your hands behind your back, you survey the interior and notice a bar to the left of you. A cat like demon with wings is behind the bar cleaning a glass, and actively avoiding to look in your general direction, but he definitely knows you're there. Just before you can finish examining your surroundings, a cheery voice booms infront of you.
"Hellooo!" You stumble back, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. A young woman in a red suit stands before you and practically touching noses with you seconds prior.
"Oh my gosh I'm sososo sorry I didn't mean to spook you, I'm just so excited to see a new guest!" Her voice trails off in a giddy nature, her heels rocking lightly. Finally you begin to process that the princess of hell, Charlie Morningstar, is in front of you. Which of course you expected, but not quite imagining it like this. Releasing the tension in you posture you hold out a hand to shake, introducing yourself. She practically shakes your arm off.
"It's so nice to meet you, I'm Charlie Morningstar- ah, but you can just call me Charlie..." backing away with a spin, her arms reaching out beside her in a grand display.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel~!" She ends of with a sing song tune to her voice.
"Ah, it's nice to meet you as well...uhm but I'm here looking to be a guest, per say." Shit. You really didn't think this through. Also "per say"? Who says that??? Charlie laughs faintly, closing the distance once again to hold one of yoy hands in hers in a polite sort of fashion.
"Ah nonsense. Everyone is a guest here!" She tugs your hand gently but with purpose, guiding you towards the bar.
"C'mon lemme show you around, this is the baarr and the bar tenderrr.~" The demon behind the bar finally shoots you a non-committal glance before going back to scrubbing a... completely clean glass... yeeahhh. You give him a polite wave regardless and move on.
Over the course of the next thirty minutes, Charlie gives you a tour around the hotel. You couldn't help but feel charmed by her excited nature. She gushed on and on about the hotel and its goals, she seemed really committed to this place, you could practically see the sparkle in her eyes. Eventually, she got to asking you about what brings you to the hotel, your goals and such. Welp, time to bullshit something!
"Well you see, I'm here on business. I see your vision of redeeming souls, and I have an offer for you, if you're interested." Please almighty Lucifer be interested. She urges you to continue.
"I have a wonderful idea that could add some frosting to the cake, if you will. To your lessons and exercises. How do you feel about opening a library?" An awkward pause floats in the air. Charlie cocks her head slightly as she feigned a smile.
"Ah... a library?" You pat the air with your hands to wave away the tension. Internally screaming at the single braincell in your head to come up with something.
"Let me elaborate." Clearing your throat, you straighten your posture. A shiver runs down your back, and there's a dry spot in your throat. Time to make the pitch.
"With a library, guests can find themselves a quiet escape, something healthy and stimulating. Not only that, but you could utilize a library for writing and reading exercises. What's a better way to connect with people and to express yourself? I can offer poetry and calligraphy lessons, teach others to write about their experiences and through this medium, perhaps there would be a better chance to really help sinners along the way to redemption!" Slightly out of breath, you finish off with your best award winning smile. Most of that was just complete bullshitting out of your ass, but there was some truth to it. You always found comfort in setting like a library, or a cozy cafe in the hidden nook of a shopping center. Reading and writing has been proven to be therapeutic and a good medium for expressing yourself. Letting the mind wander and letting your imagination take hold of a pen- you're losing focus.
Your eyes snap back to Charlie from where they had trailed off, she stares back wide eyed. Worried you may have offended her for even pitching this ridiculous idea, you began to apologize. However you were interrupted by her grabbing your shoulders. She stood on the very tips of her toes and gleamed.
"That. is. a. WONDERFUL IDEA!" She spins you around for a moment before gushing further about all the new ideas she has for lesson plans and exercises.
After a while of banter back and forth, you were surprised and relieved to hear that you got the job. Not only that, but you were extatic to hear that you would be receiving your own room. Score! This is exactly what you needed. Now the only issue was the fact that the hotel... did not have anywhere to put a library, but that can be arranged! Charlie said she knew the perfect person for the job...
...and that was when you immediately regretted your decisions.
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happypotato48 · 6 months
List of Thai BL dramas i've watched with short opinions about them i guess :P
Thai BLs that i finished:
A Boss and a Babe. It's cute for what it is, i loved the gaming friendships and i'm a sucker for forcebook. 7/10 need more unhinged energy from book.
A Tale of Thousand Stars/Our Skyy 2 : Bad Buddy x A Tale Of Thousand stars. this show reminds me a lot of early to mid 2000s lakorns. it's a beautiful by the book love story, i appreciated that a bl got to take a spin on this kind of quiet thai story. 8/10 loved it but still too vanilla for my taste.
Bake Me Please. Guide Kantapon is the cutest man alive and CAKES! that it, that all i have for this show. 6/10 it's a show that exist.
Be My Favorite. damn fluke gawin is so pretty what was this show about again? :P i'm kidding, i actually really liked this show. i watched it when i had zero knowledge about bl industry, i was oblivious about krist's controversy and i find krist acting to be charming and think kawee is very relatable as a cringe fail human myself. 8.5/10 this show made me want to collected weird thingies.
Cherry Magic (Thailand). oh boy this show. it's was everything to me also the only show so far that i've written extensively on this site. here is my personal feeling about this show. 9.5/10 would kill for taynew.
Cooking Crush. what! the fuc$! look look, i just learned that both offgun are older than me. when i first saw the show i thought they were some rookie actors with how young they looks. watching cute bl is gonna be the death of me. anywho this show is supercute don't have a lot of thought about it though. 7.5/10 cutting half a point cause of no samsee x metha.
Cutie Pie/Naughty Babe. what a fuckin legend of a series. all the characters have zero braincells and somehow all the rich pretty boys are engaged to each other and by arranged marriages nonetheless. wtf is this fanfic version of thailand and where can i get hit by a truck and get isekai to it. 7.5/10 still haven't watch Cutie Pie 2 U, i hope it get dumber.
Enchanté. this show is so dummmb it should've go full camp reverse harem yaoi nonsense but it didn't and ended up being kinda boring. 6.5/10. meh, i'm still a sucker for forcebook.
Last Twilight. UGHHH!! i'm still so mad. this show was going to be THE SHOW for me then ep 11-12 happened i legit mentally check out halfway through ep 12 and i basically blocked the ending from my mind. this show came out at the right place and the right time for me, the first 9 episodes helped me through a very tough time in my life. the story of two people helping each other finding their way out of the dark was very compelling to me. ughh. 5.5/10 (9/10 for ep 1-9) P'Aof why are you like this!!
Laws Of Attraction. yassssssss this show slay(literally :P) the show is a breath of fresh air for me despite how very lakorn of it is. i'm glad that there is a bl that feel this soapy and campy cause like i do love my angsty and innocent school bls but the industry really need show like laws of attraction. jamfilm also were very great in their roles espically film, charn is the most babygirl corrupted cute evil lawyer of all time. 9/10 no note headempty only charn's evil smirks in my mind
La Pluie. now, this is a romance. this show is one of the most romanctic media that i personally have experience. i loved that the show took the cheesy premise of soulmates and work it so well to do both deconstruction and exploration of the trope. i think using rain, thing that isolated people as a narrative tool for love connection is absolutely brilliant. last but not least pat is just the perfect bl love interest, he's an very idealized character but he do feels like an actual person. i want to give a shout out to Pee Peerawich the way he said "มันหนาวอ่ะ" in ep 8 sent me, the raspy voice, the eye twich and combo those with a back cuddle, sir! you just commited a mass murders with that move. 9/10 plz i need season two with my baby boy tien.
Love in Translation. the unhingendness of that first meeting is probably my favorite bl meet cute. look if you don't get into a fistfight with the guy you destined to be with then what is the point of life. this show fake date is very well done it's doesn't feel forced like in a lot of other bls and it make the growing attraction feels very genuine and it pay off in one of the best sex scenes in all of bl, yang is such a freak and i loved him for it. 8/10 the last two episodes did got slightly off the rail for me but i still enjoyed the show.
Moonlight Chicken. one of the most beautiful shows i ever watched. when watching this show i can feels, smells and tastes everything it depicted. from the comfort khao man gai to jim's loneliness, from alan's heartbreak to liming and heart's midnight motorcycle ride. this show gave me all the feels and i still can't completely shake it off. 9.9/10 this show is a healing.
My School President. These boys!!!! i can't, i loved these boys so much, all the boys, YES ALL OF THEM! this show is on the opposite spectrum of Moonlight Chicken for me. while MC give me the good heartaches this show give me unbridled joy it's like heartstopper on cracks. i absolutely adored tinn and gun and the show relentless optimism about thier first love. love is awesome no matter the romantic, familial or platonic kind and i think this show hit the marks with all three. 10/10(i'm super bias but fuck it idc i even liked the singing) this show made me started watching thai bl and it always will have a place in my heart.
My Ride. this show is lacking in intimacy but making up by being all heart. could this show be better if they fleshed out and explore more of tawan and his cheating bf's relationship, maybe but i'm happy for what we got. 8/10 mork and tawan were very cutie patootie, i don't remember much about the het and the side couple were just st ok.
Step by Step. man trisanu is exactly the same height at me and i want everyone to know that is the only reason i started this show🤣 . i feels like this show have a lot to say about stuff but i kinda got lost staring at man trisanu while watching. one thing i really loved is the very fem *ตุ๊ด coworker who got to be a real character not just a jokey sidekick and having a loving relationship with a hottie. 7.5/10 can i get more man trisanu in bl plz.
Triage. asshole doctor stuck in a timeloop for him to find the meaning of life, yes plz give it to me. i loved stories about assholes who need to better themself for love and other junk. tinn and tol are both grumpy bitches and i just loved that the show use the timeloop to soften these nerds. at the end i just want to wrap them in blanket and let's them cuddle each other forever. 8.5/10 the last ep is bit convoluted but i forgave the show for that cute clocktower kiss.
You're My Sky. i started this show for my boy suar and he did not disappointed. the pining and the longing for an older boy who been there for you most you life, chef kiss. this show also very beautiful to look at. 8/10 i'm kinda meh about the side couples, i do think they all got the "good ending" for their stories.
Thai BLs that i didn't finish or gave up and skipped to the ending:
Bad Buddy. Oh boy, am i gonna get murder for this??? sorry but idk why i didn't wholeheartedly love and give this show my undivided attention. i watched this show very weird and out of order, i started with the last ep than just watch other episodes in bit and peice. i think i've seen 70% of this show. plz forgive me this is the first thai bl i tried to get into but can't. maybe i need to give this show another chance and watch it properly. or idk maybe cause the way i watched it, it's ruined for me forever. 6.5/10 i loved the rooftop kiss plz don't kill me.
Dangerous Romance. this show is trash and not the good kind, how this show depicted relationship between a rich asshole and a poor boy feels very gross to me. i fast forward a bunch and gave up after the not just dumb but very cruel breakup. 4/10 it's watchable if you ignore the plot and the chatacters.
Hidden Agenda. wow this is the most nothing show that ever nothing for me. it's a perfected white noise while playing chill video games. i stopped watching after ep 8 cause look like there going to be a dumb break up, i have no desire to revisit this show. 5/10 joongdunk were kinda cutes.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear. this show is too god damn long with too many side plots the one and a half hour per episode killed the momentum for me. i liked the show and do think i want to revisit and finish it one day. 6/10 for now.
Vice Versa. why are they giving jimmysea this show. this show is so boring for me, i gave up in episode 6. 4/10 gmmtv give my babies better shows!!
Thai BLs that i've watched all the sex scenes and have no intention of watching the actual show:
Kinnporsche: heheehehhehehe everyone were so hot, too bad i don't like rich mafia story. mile being a nepobaby also significantly killed the mood for me. 55555/dead bodyguards (idk how many there are but i don't care) the ost are bangers though.
Venus in the Sky and Love in the Air. cringe gay sex for the wins. 69/420.
ok, whoo that was a lot. gonna pin this cause i don't think anyone want to read all that in one sitting. i think i'm gonna make another post for non thai BLs in the near future. thanks for reading my unhinged opinions hope i'm not gonna get moider for it 55555555.
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
Dat’s right! It’s everyone’s favourite ‘Keef watches TFP and all you get are the notes!’
Maybe I should make a cover for this series.
ANYWHO! I’m watching season 1, Episode 10: Deus Ex Machina.
I write down timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (and Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
00:00 - I know that’s my favourite book ‘World History’.
00:04 - please tell me that everyone else saw her just break the fourth wall.
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00:11 - Bulkhead’s an asshole if Miko can hear the car from inside the building.
00:14 - Read.. 150 pages? Okay, I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never been to detention (I haven’t even gotten a slip [3 slips means detention]) so I could be wrong but.. isn’t detention formed by a variety of students? Not everyone’s going to be reading the same thing so how can a teacher assign such vague homework?
00:41 - In Bulkhead’s rear view you can actually see the teacher.
01:39 - I may have yelled ‘what the fuck?’ When I saw that cactus. Why did they get a real cactus?
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01:43 - Bulkhead’s hovering above the road.
02:15 - Bots not understanding human expressions. So beautiful.
02:25 - Jack sounding exactly like an older brother, then Bulkhead ignoring him is hilarious.
02:37 - this has the same energy as ‘you’re going to end up at McDonald’s if you don’t do your work. We going to McDonalds if I don’t do my work? :D’
02:51 - you already KNOW Greek viewers went crazy.
03:16 - ‘those’ being a car… although still sounds kinda racist. Transformist? Modist? That sounds like modest.
03:17 - mmm I like when they have very.. civil reactions to comments.
03:24 - pssst guys… it’s a height difference
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03:27 - I get that this part is supposed to show that Starscream considers Knockout inferior, but like… he knows that decepticons also need to have ground support that aren’t just vehicons, right?
03:30 - honestly, go off, K.O. Ya look good.
03:44 - that must be such a weird sight.
04:11 - Miko’s an idiot. I will explain further. She’s been rejected from every other mission, regardless of what it was and when Bulkhead notices a connection between Miko’s school work and a harmless mission, let’s her join. Why would Miko assume that it’s anything other than school related??
04:25 - Bulk didn’t need to justify how he knew that.
04:52 - randomly including democracy, alright
05:04 - he’s got looks, brains and fighting ability. Can you tell who’s one of my top Decepticons?
05:07 - he means boyfriend. (I’m like fairly certain that in some canon they are in a relationship)
05:09 - Where’s Starscream lookin?
05:43 - they’re ex boyfriends
06:26 - Bulkhead angst potential.
06:37 - what’s he supposed to be pointing at rn?
06:47 - I dunno why but that just reminded me that Bayverse Bumblebee was in WW2.
06:52 - that’s really smart
07:11 - why are there so many dangerous weapons??
07:20 - Arcee decided to use a double negative than say ‘Miko’s right’ + Bee looks lifeless. Like I got jumpscared by him.
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07:30 - no it doesn’t. I checked.
07:32 - I think Bee was just zoned out because he’s eyes/Optics are now full+ Bulkhead’s lean is beautiful.
07:34 - Optimus’s boobs are too big. He can’t see the screen.
07:48 - I get the joke being ‘oh he’s a machine’ but honestly- I agree with Ratchet.
07:52 - I’m gonna be honest… I cried looking at Bee from Optimus’s perspective. He looks like a puppy!
07:54 - *cri* he’s so cute.
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07:58 - confiscate as in remove dangerous weapon.
08:18 - Here we witness an idiot forgetting that they turn into cars.
08:29 - Miko using her brain. Woo!
08:39 - Optimus saying ‘Bulkhead’. I need a compilation of Optimus saying each Autobot’s name. (Specifically Bumblebee tho)
08:47 - ‘aw fuckin Soundwave’ ~ my genuine reaction when it showed that Soundwave was back at his hijinks
08:48 - draw the gang like this.
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08:57 - that’s… what the frag… that’s so messed up.
09:21 - it might just be me, but wouldn’t it make more sense for either Bee or Arcee to be parked up front and Optimus at the back? Considering that people there have cars like Bee and Arcee’s a motorbike so it would look fairly normal. Then Optimus as the back to look like he’s museum property. I could be wrong tho.
09:46 - …Fnaf SB was def inspired by this so. I will not hear otherwise.
10:06 - Just seeing Optimus like that reminds me… why don’t the other have holoforms like Arcee? Their windows don’t have a heavy enough tint that an absence of driver does goes unnoticed.
10:55 - Knockout flirting with Optimus is such a silly idea.
11:08 - that was smooooooooth.
11:24 - Optimus lookin around, then looking down to see Knockout is actually really funny. I bet that happens all the time at the base.
11:30 - the way Optimus’s foot/pede bends implies that he can go on the tip of his toes and that fills me with immense joy.
11:37 - that’s a horrifying sight.
11:59 - Woo! Bee!
12:05 - NO! BEE!
12:10 - Okay but like Arcee could’ve dodged that initial missile(?) with a smaller turn, means she wouldn’t have crashed into Bee. + Whump potential anyone? + Bee does a backflip. Get on his level goddamn.
12:13 - Knockout really took down Optimus and just stood on him. Power move.
12:31 - if they’ve only NOW gotten it down, then there’s something wrong with them.
12:38 - Knockout reacted before Optimus started to move, but I now understand why Knockout stood on Optimus.
12:43 - that could’ve looked so cool.
12:44 - but Optimus said no
13:10 - Damn, Miko..
13:12 - She was complying yet the officer decided to be really rough.
13:18 - I now point out the foreshadowing when Bulkhead talked about Miko getting arrested.
13:25 - Soundwave got them feminine legs. Go off, king.
13:30 - that was a forced ‘gulp’ and I love it.
13:37 - Harry Potter, or whatever.
13:42 - Optimus, how long have you been lying on the floor, Primus.
13:53 - Shoutout to bots that can do backflips. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
14:07 - And do what?.
14:08 - Mmmm Y E S. (Optimus said Bulkhead and Miko)
14:36 - a good liar doesn’t hesitate like that, Miko.
15:06 - Ratchet in the corner.
15:38 - Does anyone else now get annoyed at Bulkhead? Like dude! Ratchet needed that! Couldn’t you have punched a wall or something??
16:06 - EXACTLY!
16:08 - shut up, Jack.
16:23 - bots feeling strong emotions are more heavily animated.
16:49 - that’s how I act and I’m feeling called out Ò-Ó
17:17 - did anyone else feel deeply disturbed watching that?
17:45 - Bulkhead lookin like a penguin.
17:52 - When you compare that walk to other bots (such as Bee or Arcee) you can especially tell the Bulkhead is not made for swift movements. He’s shaky on his pedes/feet when he went from uneven to stable ground and from the slide into a run.
18:00 - most realistic r action right there.
18:04 - Knockout’s significantly faster than Breakdown he’s just decided that instead of using his quick strides to run forward, he’s going side to side.
18:12 - LMAO
18:37 - Take that out of context. I dare you.
18:57 - okay, this looks awesome af.
19:16 - take THAT out of context-
19:27 - OOOOH I get it! Because traditionally it’s ‘fight or flight’ but because their both cars he said ‘drive’
19:50 - Awww look at them. That’s sad. They also kinda look like video game characters, especially because their eyes aren’t glowing the way they usually do. (Sorry I couldn’t get a clearer photo)
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19:59 - this is what I sound like when I’m talking about Polar Bears.
21:03 - I would like to acknowledge that TFP is bad with letting characters take a moment to recover. The more this happens, the more you’ll hear about it.
And that was Deus Ex Machina.
Honestly I’m not a big fan of this episode. It’s okay, but definitely doesn’t stand out as much as it could’ve. I thought the plots were very weak and there were very few iconic moments. Considering that this was the first appearance of Knockout and Breakdown, it’s an underwhelming reveal.
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krazys-ass-emporium · 10 months
More senseless rambling at 4 am no one asked for! Star Trek is technically my first fandom? I think? It's either that or the Redwall Abbey series. But anywho, I was like 10 (so this would have been 2001 or so), and my family kept saying I was "as literal as a Vulcan". I didn't know what a Vulcan was so that's when I found out about Star Trek. And oh boy, little me, armed with a library card, went nuts. This was pre-internet for me, I didn’t really use that until I was a teenager. I checked out every book, vhs, and DVD the library had and read/watched them all.
And became a nerd.
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Chapter 10: Everything has Changed
I do not own Harry Potter and any of the characters from it.
Someone on Fanfiction.net mentioned that I’m making Harry a “bad dad”...I’m making him realistic? And where they said it literally had him being a good dad! Like bro...he was literally defending his son? Yes, Harry will make some shitty choices as a parent. As will Ginny. And literally every single parent in this story! Parents aren’t perfect, I’m not going to make them that way. I will write that they will have mistakes made. The kids will see it and be aware of it. If you aren’t happy with that, then don’t read my story! That’s all I have to say!
Also...I kinda don’t really know what a “good dad” is? My parents got divorced when I was 6/7 and I haven’t seen my dad since I was 7 and like...my older brother didn’t let me have any good memories of him and stuff. And I kinda saw it with my grandad and my mom and aunts, but still. I am sort of unsure about the “good dad” department. But I’m trying, really hard
Anyways, this is also posted onto my Fanfction.net account SomeKind0fMagoc and my Wattpad somekindofmagic1 so you can check it out on there too!
But anywho, hope you enjoy!
Love Z <3
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Albus stared at the Maroon wall. He knew he needed to ask his parents if he could paint and change his room again. That maybe it would be a way to not have to see James. He sighed as he slipped out of his bed and walked down the stairs. Yawning as he entered the kitchen where his mum and sister were. He opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk. “Morning mum, Lily.”
Lily looked up from her book and smiled, “Morning Al!”
He smiled at Lily and looked at his mum, “Where’s dad and James?”
His mum looked up from her paper, “Your dad had to go to work early today and James left to hang out with Fred and Oliver at your Aunt and Uncle’s.” Albus nodded as he grabbed a bowl and cereal. “So can we expect any of your friends over soon? Or expect you to ask if you can go to their house?”
He shrugged, “Scorp said he just needs to double check with his mum on if she’s okay with people coming over. I think Annie just needs permission as well.” He turned to face them again, “Why?”
His mum shrugged, “I was just curious.” She looked back at her papers, “And your dad and I were talking about it, so if you’d like, you can invite them to the World Cup with us. I have to write a report on it, again.” She rolled her eyes, “We’re still going to keep Lily away from cameras as much as possible.” And before Lily could say anything their mum continued, “I was also thinking that you two could stick together. Not ideal for you or James to be pictured either, but we just know that since you two are in school, it’s harder for you to not be. So, if you are okay with it, could you stick with her? You’ve always been a fast runner and have always been able to carry her easily. And if you can’t carry her, you have permission to practically drag her. Plus, there is the fact that you pay attention to literally everything going on.”
Albus shrugged, “I guess I can mum.” He pushed some hair out of his face “Anyways, Scorp said he was probably going to the Cup. Same with Annie.”
She nodded, “Oh, well, maybe then I could meet her family. And I can talk to Astoria. I have always liked her.”
He shrugged and looked at Lily, “What’re you doing today?”
She shrugged, “Not sure, I may just stay in my room and read, but who knows.”
“Well, I’m here if you wanna do anything.”
She smiled, “Well, I may drag you to help me play quidditch.”
He laughed, “Well, I don’t care if you do. I just call dibs on the newest Wood Model in the shed.”
Before Lily could protest, their mum spoke again, “Oh! Albus, your dad and I were wanting to know if you were going to try out for the Slytherin team next year?”
“Maybe. The only two places that need to be filled are the Keeper and one of the Chasers.”
“Why don’t you go for Chaser? Would make people compare you to your dad less.”
He shrugged, “I guess, but I’ve always just preferred Seeker.”
“You’ve always been an excellent Chaser though. I remember how you, James, and Lily would be Chasers while the rest of us were in other positions.”
He shrugged again, “Yeah, but as I said, Seeker has always been more fun than Chaser. Always get more thrill from it.” 
His mum nodded, “I get that sweetheart.” She looked back at her papers, “Just let your father and I know if you do end up planning on trying out.”
Albus nodded and brushed some of his hair that was falling into his face away, “And besides, Scorp is already trying for it and I don’t wanna take away his chance. Plus I’ll be a second year, they rarely get picked for the House team. Always someone older, bigger, and more experienced.”
“I heard James talking about how Slytherin sucks so bad that it would be better for them to just replace the whole team with 2nd years and maybe then they’ll win.”
Albus scoffed, “Yeah, maybe then, but I still doubt it. We really, truly suck.”
His mum hummed, “You never know, honey. Something crazy could always happen.”
Albus shrugged, “Maybe, but I still find it unlikely.”
“And everyone thought it was unlikely for you to be in Slytherin, Al. If anyone is going to defy what previously has been suggested, it will be you.”
Albus didn’t respond to that. He wasn’t even sure how to. He knew that his mum didn’t mean it as a jab in any way, but somehow it felt that way. So he just stayed silent the rest of the time he was in the kitchen with them.
Albus closed the window as the owl flew away. He heard a knock at his door and, before he could respond, the door opened, “I could’ve been naked.”
“But you weren’t. Besides, I knew you would’ve been dressed.”
Albus snorted as he turned to his sister, “What made you know that?”
She shrugged, “The door was unlocked. It’s a rule in the house. Door locked means do not enter. Unlocked is free reign.”
He rolled his eyes, “What do you want, Lils?”
She smiled, “Wanna fly? I have nothing else to do and I’m sure you don’t.”
He crossed his arms, “And why would you just assume I’m free?”
She shrugged, “It’s you Albie. Sure you have friends, but if you were going to hang out with them, wouldn’t they already be here?”
He looked at his sister flabbergasted, “Damn, when did you become such a menace?”
She shrugged, “Always have been. You and James have always just been worse so I couldn’t shine.” She crossed her arms, “So?”
He sighed, “Sure, why not. Why not go get mum and see if she’d wanna join us?”
She nodded, “I get mum and you get the brooms?”
He nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”
Lily quickly turned and ran out of his room and Albus closed his curtains and followed out after her. But instead of making the turn left that went to the two rooms that enclosed their parents' studies, Albus made the turn right that lead to the, in his opinion, overly large backyard. As he passed the small table that contained a few keys, he grabbed the key to unlock the shed so he would be able to get the brooms. 
As he was entering the shed to grab the brooms, he heard his mums voice, “So are you wanting to play a mini-game or just fly?”
Albus shrugged as he exited the shed, three brooms in hand. “Ask Lily, this was her idea.”
The girl in question shrugged, “I don’t care, I just wanted to do something with Albie.”
Albus felt his face soften at his sister's comment. He hadn’t realized just how much he needed to hear something like that until she said something like that.
“Why not play a mini-game? You two against each other and I be the keeper?”
The two siblings agreed to their mums' idea and while she got the Quaffle out, they began to fly into the air and to the trees that had become the goalposts years ago.
The three of them played for what felt like hours to Albus, but in reality, it was only about 2 or 3. The only reason they had stopped playing was because Albus’s Aunt Hermione had come over. And now Albus was stuck in a situation. 
He was sitting on the couch as his mum and Aunt talked and Lily and their cousin Hugo played wizards chess. And he was just sitting there doing nothing. Occasionally, he would get death looks from Rose, but that was only when she chose to look up from her book. But unlike how it used to be when they were growing up, it seemed like it was every 30 seconds instead of minutes. Of course, he would be in his room but his mother had wanted him to stay and so he did. But that was mostly because he didn’t want to cause any arguments between anyone later.
So now he just sat on the couch with his head in his hand, staring out of the window in front of him that outlooked the garden that Lily was overtly proud of.
“Albus?” He looked over to his aunt when she said his name. “Are you going to try out for the Quidditch team next year?” He looked at his mum who just shrugged, “Hannah said that some teachers are already placing bets on who will. Apparently many have that you are going to try to and then succeed in getting on the team.” Albus just stared at her. Bets were being placed on whether or not he would join the team? Professors actually cared about Quidditch that much? His Aunt continued with, “I’m only asking as Rose told us she was when we got home.”
So he just shrugged, “Maybe, I’ll have to see if I have the time. I mean, Annie tends to drag me and Scorp down to the library at least once a week so we don’t fail-”
“As she has every right to.”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah, mum. Anyways, then Scorp and I tend to just hang out in the common room.” He ran a hand through his hair, “I dunno, might just see what he ends up doing. Last we talked about it, he mentioned that he was considering it. But then I would feel bad about leaving Annie up in the stands all alone.”
“She doesn’t like Quidditch?”
He shook his head at his Aunt, “Not that, she just doesn’t understand the point of it. All of her brothers are obsessed with it so she’s been surrounded by it. So it’s not that she doesn’t like it, cause she does, even if she denies it, she just doesn’t understand why everyone cheers at a ‘bloody barbaric sport’.”  He sighed, “She’s probably only going to the World Cup because her brothers are and she doesn’t want to end up home alone.”
His Aunt nodded, “She has 7 brothers, right?”
He nodded, “Yeah, her youngest, Nicholas, or Nick for short, turned 2 last year and her eldest, Aidan, just graduated. Annie is sure that he is already engaged to his girlfriend.”
“Wow, and he’s only 17?”
“He’s actually 18, most of her siblings, herself included, were born between September and June.” He stopped for a moment and thought of when she told him everyone’s ages. “Come to think of it, I think only one of them wasn’t. Aidan, Odette, and Eden were in September, then the twins Liam and Randy, herself, Clara, and Nick were in October, Alexa and Liana in November, Genevieve in December, Dominick in April, and then Tony and Derek in May.” He nodded, “Yeah, only Elina wasn’t.”
“When was she born?”
His Aunt nodded, “Well, are any of them starting next year?”
“Yeah, Alexa and Liana. They’re twins.”
“Have you met them?”
He shook his head, “No, but I have met all of her older siblings plus her younger sisters Eden and Elina. They ran up to her so it was a brief introduction.”
His mum nodded, “Was it those two blondes that went up to her at the station?”
He nodded, “Yep, the two tiny blondes who dragged her away.”
His mum smiled, “Well, it seems that she cares about them a bunch.”
He smiled softly as he thought of all the times she would praise her younger siblings. He also thought of how, even though she didn’t want to, always hyped her older brothers up, and made sure they and her sister were always happy. “Yeah, she really does. I mean, she cares about all of her siblings. Not just her younger ones. I mean, yeah, of course, she complains about her siblings all the time, but heaven forbid if anyone was to hurt one of them.”
“Sounds like someone I know when it came to family.”
“Which one?”
His mum and Aunt laughed and Albus gave them a confused look. “What’re you talking about?”
“Oh, all your uncles.” His mum adjusted how she was sitting so she was facing him more. “Let’s say this, sure, they may not have gotten along all the time, but if anyone tried to do anything to one of them, or more importantly, me, that person would have been dead before they could even say quidditch.” She smiled softly, “It just goes back to the simple rule of siblings that only siblings can make fun of their sibling. If someone else does, then they’re dead meat.”
“Wow.” Something about that hit Albus, but he couldn't pinpoint what or where it was.
“Yeah and-”
“This is why I don’t play with you!”
Everyone snapped their hands over as they heard something collide with the wall, Lily’s yell, and Hugo laughing. 
“It’s...n-not my f-fault tha-that my dad is-is the be-est.” Hugo barely made out between laughs.
“Sorry mum.”
“Sorry Aunt Hermione.”
The two kids apologized, but neither sounded truly apologetic.
“Well, it’s 5:20, I better start making dinner soon. James said he would be home by 5:30 and Harry and Ron get off at 6, so it’ll probably be ready by the time they get home.”
His mum got up and Aunt followed after her. “I’ll help.” She turned to Lily and Hugo, “You don’t you two pick this up.” They nodded and began to pick up the mess from the chess pieces. Lily mostly focused on the ones she had thrown in anger.
Once the adults were out of the room, Albus raced up to his room to grab a book of literally any kind so he wouldn’t have to find some other way to distract himself. But instead, he stopped as he saw a letter sitting on his bed. He walked over to grab it, he recognized the messy but legible writing of Annie’s. He opened it to read,
Hey Al!
So my mum said that you can come over whenever you feel like it (please come over soon) and that I can do the same (if it’s okay I will be there like, tomorrow). But apparently, she talked to your mum a few days ago, I guess it would have had to be at the graduation. And she said that it was fine for us to hang out whenever.
But! In other news, Aidan and Cassie are engaged and will be getting married in August. They said that I’m allowed to have a plus one and was wondering if you’d like to go? I would’ve invited Scor but since our families are “close” they all are already invited. But we can talk more when I see you.
Albus took the letter and book that was by it, which he still hadn’t checked the title of, and ran back downstairs and into the kitchen. “Hey, mum?”
“What is it?”
“You didn’t tell me that you spoke to Annie’s mum.”
She looked up at him, “Oh yeah, I totally forgot, it was at Graduation right?”
“I-mum, I just found out about this! Why would I know?”
His mum playfully rolled her eyes, “Well anyways, what’s the point of this?”
He placed the letter on the counter and pushed it over to her, “She said that if it was alright with you and dad that she may come over tomorrow.”
His mum glanced at the paper and nodded, “Okay, yeah, that’s absolutely fine with me. And I’m sure your dad wouldn’t mind either. But we can ask when he gets home.”
He nodded, “And her brother is engaged and is getting married in August and...” He stopped, not sure if he should add the next part.
“And?” His Aunt asked inquisitively.
He sighed as he saw his mum's questioning look. “And she’s allowed a plus one and since Scor will already be there, she asked me.”
His mum stopped stirring the food and looked at her youngest son. “Are you asking to go?”
He shrugged, “I guess.”
“Well...I’ll have to see. Louis, Percy, and I’s birthdays are all in August. I know my mum is wanting us to all get together for them all. But, Louis and I share a birthday, and Percy’s is only 11 days later, you probably could. But still, just let me know when and I’ll talk to my mum and your dad and we all will see if you can.”
She turned back to the food and took over stirring again and Albus looked at her, dumbfounded. “Wait, so, you’d let me go?”
She stopped again and looked at Albus exasperated. “Well, yes, I trust you, Albus. I know you wouldn’t do anything stupid.” For some reason that he didn’t know, he walked over and hugged his mum tight. “Oh! What’s this for?”
He shrugged and looked at her, “I don’t know. I just felt like it.”
She smiled and Albus noticed his Aunt smile to herself. “Well, I like it Albus, you should do it more.”
“I will mum, I promise.”
And Albus made a note to himself that he would never forget the promise.
0 notes
billy-reads · 2 years
Deadly Little Leo
My Wattpad story. It's all copied and pasted from there so it may be abit weird in the way it's laid out.
Inej Ghafa × Oc
If anyone wants to check the story out on
Wattpad it's @billy_readS x
There's more updates on there than here, and on here will probably be slow updates but I'II try my best. THIS IS MY FIRST STORY ON TUMBLR SO BARE WITH ME!
Anywho, if you're familiar with the Six of Crows franchise and some may be more familiar with the Shadow and Bone Netflix series, you know the warnings as it's just the typical violence and hamster shit. There will be more language in this than the books and TV series so I will warn you with that.
REBLOG! PLEASE! If you enjoy this the please reblog, as this is a new fic it won't get any attention unless it's shared around! And if it isn't I see no point in uploading stories on here if no one is able to find and enjoy them.
Without further ado, please enjoy ×
(All gifs belong to me)
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3 Dregs and a Heartreder where heading back into the Barrel from the Garden district, Kaz once again leading the way back.
The Grisha's hands were shaking from the encounter they had just had with Dreesen the wealthy merchant. The woman had never seen someone been shot before, it scared her. And knowing that Jesper currently had a gun on his person didn't help.
"Is it true what you say" she asked Kaz, slightly out of breath from their brisk walking, she wondered if they were always in a rush "about my boss... is he dead?"
Kaz spared no sympathy "yes" he put it simply, Inej jumped in, hoping to show more sympathy that her boss currently did,
"It would be best if you make yourself scares for a few day, stay out of sight. Can never trust what the Dime Lions may do" she told the woman,
She nodded at Inej's words and silently parted off from them when they reached the turning for West stave, she planned to head home, lock all of her windows and shut her curtains. Hopefully catching some shut eye.
The 3 noticed her leave but said no goodbyes, they didn't have time. Kaz needed to plan for this Fold trip, and he only had till the morning to do so.
Jesper was sceptical, and a Inej seriously doubted he could do it.
She couldn't leave the Barrel, curtesy of Tente Heleen. The tattoo that stained her wrist was a reminder that she wasn't free yet, and she wouldn't be for a while. Not until her indenture was payed off.
Kaz led them down the short cut, secluded from the busy streets. The straight path was one no one but the Dregs traveled down, and no one wanted a run in with a Dreg.
It would be quicker because the straight path had no people to get in their way and have to avoid.
Inej lacked behind, she knew she couldn't convince Kaz to abandon a whole millions worth of Kruge no sane person would do that. Hell, even she wouldn't, she would risk her life a thousand times over for her freedom, but she had no choice but to back out.
'Tante Heleen wouldn't risk loosing her swift lynx'
She heard a sound from behind her and glanced back. It was the sound of a stone hitting the pavement, a sort of scrapping sound.
She kept walking as she surveyed behind her, she found nothing in sight. Maybe if had thought to look up, she would of changed a multitude of problems in the future.
She sighed when she saw nothing, following the two in front as then practically ran to the Crow club.
She didn't get a chance to tell them to slow down when an arm wrapped tight around her throat from behind and a sharp poke pressed into her lower back.
She shriek she let out made the others turn immediately,
Jesper nearly screamed at what he saw,
"Grace! Hey! Wait- wha- what are you doing" he didn't know who Grace really was, either the others didn't tell him or Kaz, who now knew Leo was the Arrow, didn't get a good look at Grace at the gambling tables to make the original connection,
"Ah, hello my gamble babe, how are you today my darling?" Leo smiled at her friend,
Jesper was stunned, what was Grace doing here? What is she doing in general? And most importantly, why does she have Inej in a head lock?
'That's not how you flirt Grace'
Inej's breaths were stuttering, if she took to much air in her back gets pierced by the arrow at her back, she looked to Kaz, his face was neutral but she noticed the frantic look in his eyes, he didn't for plan this,
"Arrow" he greeted, Jesper looked at him in shock, in no time he had his gun out and pointed at Leo,
Leo hid behind Inej and the girl sucked in a breath when the arrow Leo had scratched her skin,
"I wouldn't do that, one move to the left and this arrow severs her spleen. But don't worry, you can live without it" Leo spoke out,
Kaz quickly held his hand out to Jesper, signally him to put the gun down,
He gave Kaz a look before slowly lowering his fire arm,
Leo's head re appeared from behind he girl she had hostage,
"Hello again. You tried to trick me, smart, but stupid. Very stupid for you Kaz" she tightened her hold on Inej,
Kaz pursed his lips together before he spoke again, he wouldn't let her wind him up. He knew she could do that easily "I'll make you a deal"
"I don't make deals with the Barrels bastard" she sneered, Kaz took a hesitant step forward, his cane clinking as it touched the ground,
"Leo... Iv got a job, one with a big Kruge reward lined up. You help us find a way to do it, let Inej go, and you get a split" he told her, he watched her roll her eyes,
"You're such an idiot. I ain't risking my life in the Fold when I can easily get what I want right now, send a warning for you to not cross me again. You should know better" she said,
Jesper frowned "and how do you know about the job?"
She scoffed "Pekka Rollin's is a proud man, likes to gloat, show his strength up front. He ain't exactly quiet either, he's loud when he boasts"
"You spoke to Pekka Rollins?" Kaz now asked, he knew the girl wouldn't speak a word to that man unless it was a goodbye speech before she killed him, but he couldn't help but ask,
"Ha, I'm not an idiot, like I said, he isn't quiet when he boasts. And I happened to be in the right place at the right time"
"Help us find a way, you get your split"
"I'll help you find a way... but I get to kill her after" Leo gestured to the shaking Inej in her hold,
"Absolutely not"
The two Dregs looked at Inej like she was mad, even Kaz,
Inej explained "we need this. Any leads we can get. So I'll agree to that deal" Inej in reality, hoped she could bye her freedom and takeoff before the Arrow got a chance at her when they got back. It was a long shot, but still a shot.
Leo turned to Inej and gave an evil smirk "see, pretty face here knows how it works"
Kaz gave Inej a hard look before he caved, there was no way Inej came out alive until they found a better plan.
"Fine. Let her go"
"I'll be at your office in 20" she said and Leo did as he asked, pushing the girl forward to the two. Jesper reached out for her and put her behind him, he quickly raised his gun again, but when he looked back to where Leo once was. She was gone.
"Fuck. Where'd she go"
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poppywrites41 · 2 years
Kingdom of Lilies Ch. 10 (King! Eren x Fem Reader)
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Hellooooo! I'm back! Sort of lmao. Sorry this is a short chapter but I really needed to do at least a little bit of writing and I felt bad for saying I would get a chapter out when I didn't. I'm currently working full time for my parents and my mom won't let me have my space at home bc I'm the oldest and she misses me when I'm at school. sooo ill probably be writing and posting at times like this again💀😂
Anywhos, even though it is short, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
The artwork is mine
Chapter Warnings: Language?, preggy time, a LOT fluff, Eren ranting about a book
Disclaimer: I do not own any character from the AOT universe
Eren didn’t expect his wife to be so fast. By the time he made it to the kitchens, Y/N was sitting at a small table, humming in glee as she at some warm oatmeal.
“What happened to the cheesecake?” Eren huffed as he sat across from her.
“Well, I was about to ask for some when I saw the kitchen staff eating oatmeal and it just smelled so good,” she sighed, taking a bite, and smiled, “Eat with me.”
Eren chuckled at his wife’s silliness and went to grab a bowl of oatmeal from the staff. Two ate in silence, Eren happy that Y/N was eating something more fulfilling than dessert.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“I’m fine,” she hummed.
“You didn’t seem fine yesterday, with everything that happened.”
“Well, I’m fine now. What are your plans for the day?”
“I sent a message last night before I arrived back to Eldia requesting that Pixis bring some of his troops and come to Marley so that we can leave tomorrow. It’s the week of my anniversary as king so you and Armin still have some planning to do and I would like for us to be home for that. We heard back from him so I am going to see about his response, then I’ll probably take the Scouts and secure the perimeter around Marley.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” Y/N hummed, “I’m going to take it easy today and relax.”
“I’ll have Mikasa be with you. Just in case.”
“Hey Y/N?” Mikasa said, pausing her painting. Y/N insisted that Mikasa also relaxed with her, hence she had them painting together.
“Yes?” Y/N replied, still focused on her art.
“Eren told me that you refused the breakfast he gave you this morning.”
“Oh yeah,” she chuckled, “It tasted weird.”
“And that you wanted cheesecake.”
“Now that I think about it, that sounds ridiculous!” Y/N said with a laugh.
“Y/N…” Mikasa hesitated, “Have you seen a doctor recently?”
“No. Why?”
“Do you think you could be…pregnant?”
Once the words left Mikasa’s mouth, the brush fell out of Y/N’s hand, paint spattering all over her canvas. Y/N stared wide-eyed as the paint from the brush seeped into the colors of the flowers she made. Pregnant? Could she really be pregnant?
Y/N looked up at Mikasa, eyes still wide, “I need to see a doctor.”
Y/N waited impatiently, hands fidgeting while the royal physician checked her body and asked her questions about how she was feeling. When she was done, she looked up at Y/N with a smile, “Congratulations, you’re highness! You are indeed pregnant!”
Y/N gasped. She didn’t know what to think. She was pregnant with Eren’s child. Eren, who she loved and he who loved her. She looked over at Mikasa who gave her a big smile, “Congratulations!”
“Shall we tell the husband?” the doctor suggested.
“No,” Y/N said with a shake of her head, “I think I should surprise him with the news at the ball.”
“That would definitely make his day,” Mikasa agreed, “And it would take his mind off Zeke for a while.”
“Please don’t tell anyone else,” Y/N told the physician.
“My lips are sealed,” the physician smiled.
By the time Eren got back, Y/N was reading a book in bed.
“How was your day? Relaxing?” he asked, shedding his clothes, and changing into more a more comfortable attire.
“It was indeed relaxing. Mikasa and I went for a walk in the gardens, read some books and even did some painting!” she smiled.
“Mikasa painted with you?”
“Yep! I accidentally spilled some paint on mine so that was ruined,” she huffed.
Eren chuckled as he got into the bed next to her, planting a kiss on her head, “What are you reading?”
“It’s a book about humanity struggling to survive against giant monsters called titans who try to eat them.”
“That’s morbid.”
“It’s so good though! The people think that they are the last of humanity, but they really aren’t. There were two kingdoms at war in the past, you see. One conquered the other with the power of a titan. The titan was a slave who made a deal with the devil to inherit those powers. She brought the kingdom who enslaved her so much wealth and power. She and the king bore three daughters who ate her when she died, inheriting her powers. Then their children ate them and so on. There were nine titans all with their own special capabilities. But soon the people of the kingdom were driven out by those who they took land from and exiled themselves on an island. 2,000 years go by and no one remembers anything. That’s because the original titan, the Founding titan wiped the island peoples’ memories. Then- am I talking too much?”
Eren smiled at her fondly, kissing her arm, “No, not at all. You look so happy. Keep going. Tell me all about it.”
Y/N blushed at his words “Okay. So, the book is mainly about a boy and his three friends…”
“And that’s how the book ends!”
“Wait so the drunkard that was in love with his mom the whole time sacrificed himself to save both of them? Then he can control titans all of a sudden?! And the small titan leaves with the Armored and Colossal Titan, leaving the girl she loves behind? What about the basement?! All they talked about was the fucking basement!” Eren ranted.
“That’s in the next book, silly!” Y/N laughing at her husband’s frustration, “There’s four books. This was the second one.”
“Ugh” he huffed, “Why not just make one book?”
“You seem so invested now. You can read them if you want to find out what happens.”
“No. It’s not the same as listening to you.”
“Then you’ll have to wait until I finish them.”
“How about you read them aloud and I’ll listen?”
“Will you be able to stay awake?”
“To your voice? Yes.”
“Alright. I’ll grab the other books before we leave to go back home,” Y/N said as she placed the book on her nightstand.
“Oh yeah. We are leaving tomorrow. Pixis said he will come watch over Marley. He should arrive in the late morning.”
“That’s good,” Y/N yawned.
“Mhm” she replied as she snuggled under the covers.
Eren smiled, placing another kiss on her forehead before he got under the sheets. He pulled her body close to him.
“Goodnight, my love.”
Hope you all enjoyed. Again, i apologize that this one was short again😫😫
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b4nka1 · 2 years
hokage reader and kakaobi as their guards
headcannons/au where reader is the 5th hokage and obito, rin, sakumo, minato and kushina survive , gai isn't on a wheelchair, enjoy ♡
this might be a little long and is not proofread, so excuse me if i accidentally used male or female pronouns for the reader anywhere ♡
life with kakashi and obito as your guards would be very fun but stressing
they'd go with you no matter where, if you wanna use the restroom, they'll stand outside and guard you, if you're going home (when you get free time), then they're excorting you back home. going out for ramen? treat them ramen too they deserve it
they're the ones helping you with paperwork as well, checking everything and stamping on them, seeking approval of you
when you take a break and go to a park for fresh air, gai is somehow always strangely present there, challenging kakashi to different stuff, and you agree on being the referee for their rivalry.
when you have a meeting with the other kages, they know that you won't need much protection because all of them are allies.
obito usually falls asleep with his head on the heaps of paperwork, drool threatening to spill on them anytime and kakashi has to smack him awake
you take walks around the village everyday and everyone loves you. the kids around always come to hug you and when they do, your heart melts and you can help but give them all a forehead kiss
you visit the academy randomly at times, but you do not interrupt the classes
you feel kind of proud looking at your stone face in the hokage monument
whenever you leave the village for any work, obito and kakashi always come along, getting rid of all the nukenin who dared to attack you
every morning, obito has your morning coffee ready and kakashi has your breakfast ready
ofc he doesn't prepare lunch by himself, papa hatake helps him in the kitchen as well. he usually makes lunch for you, obito and himself, and sometimes papa hatake, when he's not on a mission (yes he doesn't want to retire yet)
kushina ABSOLUTELYYY loves you because you used to be in her team when you were a genin. she is the one bringing you dinner at times, or naruto, or they both come and you five, including kakashi and obito, have dinner together in the hokage office.
kakashi absolutely finds you super duper mega attractive in the hokage hat, it's something that he can't take his eyes off when you're wearing it
and oh, obito dies a little inside whenever you wear your hokage cloak. he always "dusts" it off for you (it's just an excuse to touch you because he might have a little crush on you)
rin and tsunade are the medical head in the konoha hospital. rin too, your bestfriend from academy, tags along with you during your trips at time because you, kakashi and obito SUCKKK at medical ninjutsu (lmaoo losers)
but oh, if you ever get into a situation when you're hurt badly during a trip, obito and kakashi will SLIT everyone's throats who come 10 feet near you, and i mean it
sometimes you get drunk together, but kakashi doesn't drink much to keep you and obito under his eye
you're that one hot ass mf hokage who turns heads. heck, even iruka and genma might have a teeny tiny crush on you
yamato always has to make tables for the office when you break one out of rage /hj
when sasuke went rogue, you were frustrated that he left the village to suck an immortal's snake dick
so when susgay returned to the village
you gave him a bigass lecture of abt 5 hours and he swore he fell asleep for an hour right then and there
but when everyone pleaded that he should he free, you kind of felt bad for him
ANYWHO BACK TO THE STORYLINE kakashi and obito love you as their friend, and their comrade and as the *cough* hokage *cough*
obito will never admit to this but he has secret pics of you in the hokage cloak in his room and he stares at it for 5 mins a day, believing that you're his goodluck
and kakashi, he still has that stupid love note you gave to him when you were 5, he has kept it safe in one of his icha icha books so there's no chance you'd ever find it because he's a PROOO at hiding those books from everyone (kushina once beat him up for reading that in front of 5 year old naruto)
sakumo very well knows his son, and very well knows abt his crush on you because he caught his son creepily smiling at you (that smile type when obito was kissing that pic of rin) from far away when you were talking to iruka regarding the academy progress
in short you're the best hokage, everyone loves you and you love everyone. minato knew he did right leaving konoha in your hands, and you very well knew who was going to be the sixth hokage
17 years later, obito sat in the hokage's office with his 'rokudaime hokage' cloak on while crying while doing his paperwork
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bukojuiice · 4 years
i like you a latte. ➸ coffee shop au headcanons
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ೃ pairings: (izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, and shoto todoroki x reader)
ೃ  tags: headcanons, coffee shop au!
ೃ warnings:  none
ೃ word count 4572 words
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​ @sparkykatsuki​ @ramunegoddess, @serossimpy
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- Katsuki Bakugo
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-        Being a barista or just someone who works in a coffee shop in general, leads to a lot of unexpected things.
-        You meet and interact with a lot of busy people every single day. They come and they go.
-        Anything could absolutely happen.
-        But did it ever cross your mind that amongst all these busy people who flock in and out of the café, that you’d fall in love with one of them? Nope.
-        That was until a particularly handsome spiky-haired blonde came crashing into the door with his chaotic friends at his tail, pushing him to confess his feelings to you.
-        How did this come to be? Why you of all people?
-        Bakugo and his squad frequently visit a café that you work in as a barista.
-        You were one to take note of every regular customer you see.
-        You do it for fun most of the time and it’s nice to observe people, especially at a very social job such as this.
-        Katsuki and his friends were a bit loud and stood out in particular. They were good-intentioned people and they looked like they were very fun to be with.
-        They immediately piqued your interest as soon as you saw them line up at the counter, chattering away, their personalities clashing with each other with the way they talked, yet they looked like they were all still the best of friends.
-        Kaminari noticing how cute and pretty you are, and decided to hit on you. Pulling a very lame romantic coffee pun that you’ve heard time and time again.
-        His red-headed friend who was a few places away from him, bonked him in the head for being a weirdo again.
-        You brush him off jokingly, ignoring his pleas and side remarks until he finally tells you his order and apologizes. (Not only for embarrassing himself, but also to you for having to put up with a lame joke.)
-        When it was time for the blonde to order, you notice his expression soften and his voice go low. and as oblivious as you were, you just took it as a casual customer who was just being courteous and respectful to baristas like you.
-        But, you were very very wrong. There was meaning in it all along.
-        “One Pumpkin Spice Latte please.” He announces his order, looking away from you, whilst you can hear his friends snickering behind you as if they were teasing him about something.
-        “Will that be all?” You smile, calculating his order onto the cash register.
-        “Yes.” He nods solemnly, then hands his payment to you.
-        “Name please?”
-        “Katsuki.”
-        Ever since that warm spring day in March, the blonde would visit almost every day.
-        Sometimes with or without his friends, sometimes just dropping by to get his usual drink or staying until closing hours, sometimes ordering his usual Pumpkin Spice Latter or some other drink that surprises you, and sometimes with a book on his hand or typing away on his laptop.
-        And- you never got tired of seeing him.
-        For all the people who come in and out of this establishment, he was special.
-        He became someone whom you couldn’t get out of your head, someone who you were excited to see after a tiring day, and he became a sort of reminder to you as to why you came to love this job in the first place.
-        In fact, you’ve grown to like him by just merely observing him.
-        Sure, there were times when you’d go up to his table and interact with him. Engaging in small talk, albeit sometimes he didn’t seem interested, but you knew he was listening.
-        You wanted to interact with him more than just idle chit chat. More than just asking if he enjoyed his drink or if he need an extra fork or straw. You wanted it to be more than just that.
-        Katsuki feels the same too, but with how unfriendly and aggressive he may look sometimes, he has no idea how to interact with you either. Maybe, he might hurt your feelings or maybe you might misinterpret something he says, prompting you to not approach him anymore.
-        Maybe for the first time in his life, he needed to appreciate and be contented with the little things. No matter how insignificant or trifling they may be, he had to be content with what he has with you right now.
-        That was until today.
-        You take a tray from the counter, and place Katsuki’s drink on it. You walk slowly to his table, showing him your usual smile, sliding his drink off your tray and putting it down on his table. “Enjoy your drink Katsuki-san!” Next, you place tissues and his usual order of honey-glazed donut (in contrast to his every day order of pumpkin spice latte)
-        When… your hand brushed with his.
-        You hear yourself squeal in place, slowly taking back your hand and apologizing. “Ah, I’m s-sorry! Anywho, enjoy your drink!”
-        “Wait.” He grabs your wrist. His touch, soft and gentle, giving you a very different feeling that you would usually feel from a guy like him. “Can I ask for your name?”
-        “Oh. It’s (Y/N)! It’s nice to meet you Katsuki-san! Bye!” You cover your face, running back to the counter to attend to another customer’s order, leaving his table before he was even able to say another word.
-        It was a week before he came back to the coffee shop after that day.
-        You counted the days when he didn’t visit, and because of that, you were in a rather damp and sad mood ever since. Maybe he wanted to tell you something? Maybe he was about to tell you he was never going back to the coffee shop again? Maybe he took the gesture of you running away from him as a sign that you weren’t interested in talking to him that’s why he didn’t bother coming back?
-        It was a regular Tuesday. Taco Tuesday actually. You decided to stop counting the days that Katsuki didn’t visit, maybe he really was gone now.
-        Your eyes lit up at the sight of Katsuki entering the café with his friends. A pink-haired girl, obviously points at you, nudging her blonde friend in the arm. “Go for it! What’s stopping you from talking to her!?”
-        You pay them no mind and divert your attention back to the customer in front of you. Although you were waiting for them to get in line and attend to them.
-        You hear their voices from the back of the line growing louder and louder as they got closer to the counter. You couldn’t help but shake your head and chuckle at the sight of seeing them.
-        “Hi (Y/N=chan)!” Mina beams. Kirishima and Kaminari had their arm around Bakugo’s shoulder at both sides whilst Sero was behind Bakugo making sure he had no chance of escape. “My friend, Bakubro, here wanted to ask you something!”
-        “Sure.” You give them your signature smile. “Is there something up?”
-        “Ooooh! He wants to ask you if-“
-        “Could you guys shut up for a second!?” He turns to his friends, shooting all of them a glare, and you swear you could see him pop a vein on his head. His friends simmer down and hand you a note with all of their orders instead, as they retreat to a table within earshot of the two of you. They flash Katsuki a thumbs up before trying their best to not eavesdrop.
-        He collects himself first, taking a deep breath before finally speaking again.
-        “I was wondering… if you’re free sometime?” He scratches the back of his neck, looking away from you as to not show the cute and dorky blush present on his face. “If you’re not interested though then-“
-        You giggle, reaching for the cup of his pumpkin spice latte and writing something down on it. You put down the orders of his friends on a tray then hand it over to him. “Let’s talk about it later… If that’s okay with you?”
-        He nods, a puzzled look on his face, as he gets out of the line.
-        You notice his friends were about to jump for joy as soon as their explosive blonde friend approach their table, Kirishima grabs Katsuki’s pumpkin spice latte before he takes a sip, then notices what you had written on there. “OH MY GOD!?”
-        “WAIT!? WHAT!?” He reaches for his drink, stealing it from his red-headed friend, reading the contents of the cup.
-        You notice him blushing as his friends burst into a fit of laughter. “SMOOTH MOOVES, KATSUKI! YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! YOU WERE THAT OBIVIOUUS!” they continue to tease him as he registers your number into his cellphone.
-        “yeah~ yeah~ yeah~”
-        You giggle at the sight of them relentlessly teasing him still.
-        At the end of your shift, you finally check your phone to be greeted to a text by Katsuki.
-        “Hey (Y/N). Is Friday good with you? I noticed that you don’t work at the café during Fridays, and I wanted to confirm if that’s one of your free days?”
“Of course! And, yes, it is! Can’t wait to see you for the first time out of the café by then!  (´。• ω •。`)”
-        “Yeah… see you.”
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 - Shoto Todoroki
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-        Why is the owner of the coffee shop near your university have to be this hot?
-        The girls around campus call him the Coffee Prince for a reason.
-        Who gave him the right? Who gave him the right to arrive at the very café he owns in a dashing black coat that he matched with a black (sometimes grey) turtleneck, his defined and toned muscles clearly perking from underneath, an expensive watch in his wrist, and some doc. Martens boots to complete the look.
-        Who gave him the right to be this handsome?
-        Did I mention that he’s also a student at the same university you go to?
-        Did I also mention that he sometimes manages the cash register? And how everyone and their mothers flock to the café as soon as they see him at the counter?
-        Shoto Todoroki.
-        That was his name.
-        The youngest son of the Todoroki family who owns pretty much about every corporate building and company in the city.
-        Yet, here he was, managing his little own café. Clearly not interested in the business world that his entire family had built.
-        It was large yet quaint coffee shop, not only were the drinks crafted with love and care along with the snacks and food you can order, but it was also the wonderful smell of scented pinecones wafting around the café. It was heaven. (Just like all coffee shops are, but this one in particular has a special place in your heart, and it’s not JUST because of the handsome man that owns this café.)
-        Shoto was different and a very hands-on kind of guy. If he wasn’t managing the counter, he would be making drinks, messing around in the kitchen, and bringing out yummy cookies and other amazingly baked goods (that he made) as the dish and the dessert of the day.
-        He was very kind to his staff. Making sure the energy was always light and happy. Joking around with them, helping them out, and with the occasional outbursts that customers have, he quickly handles the situation with ease.
-        He was perfect in more ways than one. And with that, he was very much out of your league.
-        Although your friends would encourage you, it wasn’t enough for you to push through with it and talk to him.
-        Besides, it’s not like he has time to talk with customers on a daily basis right? He was a busy man and a college student just like you.
-        You were just like everyone else. Helplessly in love with a guy like him. The rich and handsome young man who looked like he came straight out of a romantic comedy.
-        There is a 0.0001% chance he would even notice you. Why bother trying to compete when there’s so much competition? You weren’t main character material at all. Why would he notice you then?
-        In some days, when busines is slow and the café is quiet, you see him working at the farthest table in the corner, near the charging station. He had a stern and serious face, very much focused on his laptop, typing away, while sipping on a cup of coffee from time to time.
-        Although this happened very rarely since the café was usually packed 24/7.
-        But, when days were extremely slow, these were the perfect times to just admire him from afar.
-        His handsome features, half-and-half colored hair, and his beautiful heterochromatic eyes…
-        Sometimes, he would run his fingers through his hair, and you feel your heart stop every time he does it, that you can’t even focus on the project you were doing.
-        Unbeknownst to you, he too would sneak glances at you from time to time.
-        Maybe, Shoto Todoroki wasn’t the type of guy who would fall in love with the main heroine.
-        Maybe, he wasn’t that kind of person after all this time of thinking that he is.
-        As books and clichés go, maybe you just had to read in between the lines.
-        To notice that he too was in love with you all this time.
-        “Earth to (y/n)?” Ochaco waves a hand in front of you. No answer. The girl huffs and starts to pack up her things. But, before she leaves, at a last attempt to wake you up from your trip to space, she whispers loud enough for you to hear.
-        “Is that Mr. Shoto Todoroki I see shirtless in the corner!?”
-        “You won’t be able to trick me with that Ochaco-chan.” You snap back into reality, shaking your head at your best friend’s failed attempt at trying to get your attention.
-        She winks and grins at you in disbelief. “Still gotcha there love. I’m about to head off to my next lecture, will you be staying here?”
-        “Yup. It’s not too crowded today anyway, and I also need to catch up on my lessons.”
-        “Mkay! I’ll tell Tsuyu and the others to head here after class! See you!” Your brown-haired friend waves goodbye, a ringing bell at the door signaling that she left the premises.
-        You watch Ochaco’s walking figure as she leaves. But, once you turn to sneak a glance at Shoto, you catch his gaze.
-        Oh. my. God.
-        He was looking at you too.
-        You grin sheepishly, waving gingerly at him. “H-hi Todoroki-san…”
-        He returns the greeting by nodding at you, as he gets back to doing his work. (trying to keep his cool as you obviously caught him staring back at you.)
-        You frown as soon as he averts his gaze. Much like him, you go back to focus on the pile of learning materials you had to go through.
-        Someone suddenly enters the store, disrupting you from your studies yet again with how loud they shut the door behind them. Shoto was also annoyed and alerted by this, keeping an eye on the sleazy guy who had just entered his precious establishment.
-        The guy approaches you, shooting you a glare. “This is my seat. Get out.”
-        “Excuse me? I was here first. I don’t see your name anywhere you a-“
-        “What did you say!?” The sleazebag attempts to grab you by the wrist forcefully, trying to drag you out of the table by first. But, before he could, you notice someone grab his arm first, pushing him away from you.
-        “Who the hell are you!?”
-        You look up to see Shoto shielding you, his hand gripping onto the guy’s wrist. You feel your heart beat rapidly at the sight of his tall and well-built figure standing in front of you.
-        “The owner of this café. There are a lot of unoccupied seats in the area that you can sit in, as you can see. Unless you’re blind that is.”
-        “Excuse me!? What kind of asshole are you!? Ain’t the customer always right!? I’m never going back to this shitty establishment!” He flips Shoto off before storming out of the store.
-        Shoto sighs and then turns to you. “Are you okay?” His hand tries to reach out for you, but he hesitates, and stops before you notice him doing so. “Did he hurt you anywhere?”
-        “Ah no. Not really. Don’t worry.” You wave your hands in assurance, a faint blush appearing on your cheeks. “Thank you, Todoroki-san. You didn’t have to do that.”
-        “I had to. You’re an…“ He pauses for a second, as if trying to collect his words and trying his best to not slip up in front of you. “Important customer. I couldn’t stand to see anybody be hurt like that.”
-        “Important customer?” You look at him in disbelief. You turn away from him, trying to process what he had just said. “I’m just another regular old customer who frequents your café. How can I be of importance when nothing stands out about me?”
-        Shoto raises his finger, telling you to wait a moment, and then leaves your table. He collects his things from the place he usually sits at and heads over to sit on the chair opposite of yours. Sitting down on the seat, he brings out his laptop and places his coffee mug on the table.
-        You blink and tilt your head. But on the inside, you wanted to yeet yourself into space because here he was, the guy you’ve been crushing on for almost a year, face to face, your face meters away from his, and the two of you trying to study in peace like some lovey dovey university couple.
-        The two of you continue to make idle chit-chat while working on your respective tasks. You told him your name and in turn, he told you to stop being so formal with him, saying that you calling him Shoto was fine.  He was fun to be with despite the fact that the two of you were quiet throughout the entire time.
-        Time does fly when you’re with your crush, that you didn’t notice it was time for your next lecture. You were about to stand up from your seat when Shoto suddenly speaks.
 -        “(Y/N).” He says sternly. You look up from your computer, continuing to fold it and stuff it in your bag. “Yes?” You reply.
 -        “I was wondering if you wanted to be study buddies? I notice you studying alone most of the time whenever the café isn’t busy, and I think it would be less lonely if we shared a table. Only if you want to though…” He says ever so casually, as if nothing fazes him. Even though on the inside, he was about to die of embarrassment thinking about what would happen if you said no.
 -        “Of course! I’d love to!” You reply coolly, trying to not act like you were about to explode of happiness on the spot. “See you tomorrow, then?” You stand up from your seat, slinging your backpack on your shoulders.
 -        “Yup. See you.” He waves goodbye, watching you leave his café. As soon as you were out of earshot, he breathes a sigh of relief, mouthing a joyful “yes!” as he goes back to what he was doing, and he’ll be in a good mood for the rest of the day.
 -        You did the same too. As soon as Shoto wasn’t within reach, you smile widely, squealing, and clutching your journal to your chest. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t believe that actually happened.”
 -        This was it. The start of something new.
 -        Your love story with the Coffee Prince was about to begin.
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 - Izuku Midoriya
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-        Izuku Midoriya is the cute and hardworking barista who works at your favorite café that you and your friends visit every day.
-        Aoyama and Ochaco call him the “matcha haired cutie” for some reason, even though the color of his hair?? is far?? from the color?? of actual matcha??  
-        Even from afar, he just looks like the most precious cinnamon roll ever?? And your heart just can’t stop fluttering at the thought of seeing him every time you drop by to get a cup of coffee.
-        Pls why must this boy be so cute? his floofy dark green-hair do be making all the ladies swoon
-        The coffee shop is flooded with customers every time it’s his shift. Most of them are regulars who find him really sweet + adorable and they spend way too much time at the counter trying to make idle chat with “izuku” (as seen on his name tag) and it’s really annoying.
-        Some bold and confident regulars attempt to ask for his number, but izuku politely refuses.
-        Which means more chances of winning for you (even though you’re in the same level of interaction with izuku as all these other people)
-        When you come up to the counter however, his smile feels different. He shows you a smile that feels so warm and comforting. A smile that reminds you of home. a smile that makes you forget the stress put upon you by college just for a little while.
-        You notice that he adds extra whipped cream and some chocolate sprinkles to your frappe from time to time and you have no idea if this is intentional or if he just does it by accident.
-        Either way, your friends are convinced that it is intentional and it’s some sort of love language/special treatment that baristas have for customers they have a soft spot for.
-        You always greet him warmly. “good morning izuku-kun! How are you today?”
-        He immediately beams at you. “Good morning! It’s been a great day so far! may I take your order?” You then proceed to recite your usual drink.
-        It’s the littlest things and the smallest gestures that matter after all.
-        Sometimes you would space out whilst at the register, not knowing you were next in line (most of the time it’s because you’re trying to think of something witty to say to him)
-        He smiles at the sight of seeing you, “hi! will it be the usual?”
-        “a-ah yes. I’m sorry for spacing out there.”
-        “it’s alright! I feel you! it happens to me all the time too actually!”
-        His smile. His cute little freckles, his friendly aura, and just his entire presence in general. There’s just something about him that draws you in.
-        He reminds you of a little daisy amongst a field of different flowers. pure, bright and very pleasant. Just swaying with the wind and perfectly content with life.
-       If he arrives early from uni, you see him chilling at the mini library of the café and is usually seen engrossed in a classical novel (you’ve noticed he’s been reading a lot of jane austen, franz kafka, f. scott fitzgerald and arthur conan doyle novels recently!)
-        For some reason, when he’s out of his whole barista uniform, no one seems to notice him. It’s like he fades into the background.
-        He’s able to enjoy the peace and solace that loneliness brings, with a frappe or an expresso usually at the table next to him along with a pile of other books.
-        At the insistence of your friends, you decide to approach him and have small talk.
-        That was enough to make you happy even just for a moment.
-        “hi there izu-kun! It’s nice to see you out of your popular barista persona for the day.”
-        “oh? hi (y/n)!”
-        “wait… you know my name?” you immediately feel a faint tint of pink appear on your cheeks, trying your best to hide it from him by covering your mouth until it fades.
-        “of course! i asked one of your friends who regularly visit the shop. Your blonde friend? The one that has these sparkles around him that follow him everywhere?”
-        “aoyama…” you grit your teeth, muttering under your breath.
-        “anyway, would you like to have a seat? It’d be nice to have some company.” he pats the cushion next to him, scooting over to the other side of the sofa.
-        You slowly sit down, feeling yourself shaking a little bit because you had absolutely no idea he even ACTUALLY knew your name and what you had originally wished for, which was just a normal interaction with him, would ESCALATE to this.
-        “What are you reading?” you turn to him, trying to take a peek.
-        “Pride and Prejudice!” he grins, scratching his head sheepishly. “I know it’s not the typical book that you’d expect someone like me to read out in public like this, but mr darcy and elizabeth’s romance throughout the book makes me feel giddy. They’re such a good couple and they’re written so well!”
-        “they are! The dumb English lit major in me wrote a 40-page doc just talking about their love and other classical couples seen in novels! There’s just something about them that makes the book worth reading time and time again!”
-        “Y-yeah…”
-        You notice him grow flustered and nervous all of a sudden and you can’t help but shoot him a puzzled look. “is something wrong Izu-kun?”
-        “I-I actually want to recommend this to you!” He hands you a small and slightly worn book with no cover or title in it. He then takes a look at his watch, his eyes growing wide. “A-ah! It’s time for my shift!” He stands up from the couch, but before he properly leaves, he turns to you and smiles his precious smile again. “see you later (y/n)!” he waves then quickly takes a beeline to the back of the café.
-        You wave back. watching his figure growing smaller and smaller until his disappears when he enters the backdoor.
-        You sigh and start to skim thru the pages of the book, when you notice a yellow sticky note inside.
-        “Words cannot expresso how much you mean to me. Would you like to go out sometime?”
-        And you swear, at that moment, you feel your heart about to combust from happiness. Squealing internally, you hide your flustered expression by digging your face inside the book, not to be seen by anyone else.
-        You were going to savor this moment.
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Hiiiiii! ^^
I was going to request something from you at the very beginning but it ended up slipping my mind because I have the memory of a gold fish :D
Anywho, could I request a scenario or headcanons, whatever you're more comfortable with, of Kuuske (The disastrous like of Saiki K) with an s/o (gender neutral please) who can read his mind even with his headset thingie on?
Feel free to ignore this but have a great day/night and remember to eat, drink water and take care of yourself! 💜
I'M FINALLY WRITING THESE LETS GO! I am so so so sorry that I have been putting these off for so long. You are an incredibly amazing person to talk to and I hope everytime you go to the store your favorite food is on sale. Anyways, I hope you like this! (Ps. This was written on my phone so they may look a little sloppy lol)🧡
Warnings: none! Just pure fluff and funniness!
Kuuske Saiki with a S/O who can read his mind:
Okay starting off for the meeting. Lemme set the scene:
You're out at a local bookstore in your small little neighborhood in England
He goes there just to look around
He sees you checking out a book on psychic abilities and he's interested
So he walked over, and right as hes about to say hello and tap your shoulder you mumble a soft "Oh hello, mister"
Now this shocks him
How'd you know he was there? Was he that loud?
Just brushing it away with a charming chuckle and smiles at you, waving slightly. "Hello, miss. I can't help but notice the book in your hand, what's got you so interested in it?"
You turn around and laugh nervously, carefully explaining you're basic excuse for just liking supernatural stuff
And this big brained man obviously seeing through your lie, asks you if you'd like to come over for tea
And not being able to deny such a beautiful man you say yes
Or he just finds a way to get you to convince you to say yes if you were a bit hesitant
So when you get there he asks to to play a game of chess and you agree
But you know since you could read his mind you beat his buttocks
Which uh shocked him
So he pesters and pesters you about how you beat him each time you come over for tea and chess
And finally after just weeks and weeks of annoyance you told him that you could read minds
And this really shocked him
You could read minds? He thought his crown cancelled it out!
But he eventually just comes to terms with it
Not seeing you as a threat but more a... partner?
He's honestly never felt these kinds of emotions for anyone before so he doesn't know what to think.
And after almost a year of knowing each other you two get together
And he loves you to smithereens
He brags about you to Kusuo that you were better than him and that you two were a power couple
You're literally his favorite person
You always know just what to do and what to say
Granted that's probably mostly due to your powers, it's also due to your caring personality
You just make him so happy
He's always trying to surprise you, so please for the sake of his dignity and ego try to be surprised
He loves it when he can beat you at something
It makes him feel so incredible that he can beat such an incredible person at something
But don't get me wrong, mans still needs loads of affirmations
Like some nights he'll come to you with water eyes and rant to you about how insignificant he feels
Please hype this kid up, he needs it
Anywho I'd give him a solid 7.5/10 for a s/o like this:)
I hope you enjoyed this!! I'm sorry it's not the best, but I tried! Make sure you all are taking care of yourselves!!🧡💜
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hypedsnotch · 2 years
Ok so.. I’m unsure of I wanna continue this or nah but here we go
[ location: nyakuza metro] 
Well known performer Bowie needed some snacks so she asked hatkid to grab her some from the metro stations near by, although hatkid had her beef with the “queen “ of the metro, she wanted to help bowkid in a way or another so if giving a snack would do it, then so be it.
Hatkid rode her scooter to the metros and Grabbed a few cookies and some smoothie for bow while hatkid was on her way to go to the location of the building that bowkid is practicing her performance in, fell a note on hatkid’s hat reading [ meet me in  green clean station @ π pm ], hatkid took the note rather confused, not with the symbol though, that sure does mean 3:14 pm if you wanna word it in a way , giving a shrug, hatkid made her way to bowkid giving her some snacks and water and a smoothie , with a hug as a form of “KEEP GOIN BOW!!, YOU ARE DOIN FANTASTIC! >:]” which was appreciated since bow was unsure and well.. afraid if she will disappoint the  audience of todays show, anywho. 
Hatkid still was confused about the note thing…she thought to herself “I mean it doesn’t hurt to check out what’s going on, I mean I did Survive lots of dangerous and yet stupid Situations” “ if this will be another one of those, so be it, who will they try to kill?, a time traveler who’s “ friends” with lots of folks..” “ I mean I won’t call em friends, they sure tried to kill me, but for now I will go by the empress type of rule and call em allies.. since they can help me a bit” .. after a while of hatkid drowning in her own thoughts, while riding her scooter, a bit of a swerve snapped her back to reality for sure, “oh I’m in the metro main station..” said hatkid while being surprised on how quick she reached the place, asking about the time and it was 3:10 pm already. Time flies by very quick here huh.
Not taking any distractions hatkid went right away to green clean station!, “seems like no one is here..” hatkid thought to herself as she looked around the place, although there were some arrows that point to a room of sorts,  hatkid followed the arrows to check what’s going on.. and most importantly why does it involve her,
Didn’t she suffer enough?!, with the arrows followed a sign reading “enter here” 
An obvious trap but hatkid didn’t care less, entered the room and feeling like taking a nap, seems like there is a gas of sorts that make aliens sleep or at least  get knocked out in here, slow blinking followed by a yawn hatkid was already down , sleeping like one of the books that she read “the sleeping Beauty”, 
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sock-ness-monster · 3 years
I might have impulse bought the coolest thing ever at a yard sale yesterday day check it out
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This one caught my eye because I love elephants, and then when I went to pay for it the lady was like 'Oh hey, I have this book that goes with it too! You can just have it' and I'm never one to pass up anything for free, so I said thank you very much ma'am and went on my merry way
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Then, when I get home, I flip through it and I notice there's a page I didn't see before because it's a fold out!
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And on the other side, it's covered in names and signatures, right?
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And at first I think oh maybe this person went here on like a field trip and these are their classmates signatures? But then I got to lookin closer, and one name stood out to me because well look at it
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And lo and behold later on in the book I find
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So now I'm like 🤯 and THEN I see THIS
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And now I'm going 🤯🤯🤯
But then I googled and that ones for sure probably not real because pt barnum died in the 1890s and this is a 1973 edition, BUT a lot of these really do look real??? I don't anything about signature verification but if these were just printed on why would they be formatted like this
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Anywho, real or not I still think it's super cool and worth the 10 dollars I gave
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jupiterswasphouse · 2 years
It's once again time for a little bit of non-bug-related advertising because I just put out an album on my music channel titled 'YOU CAN WALK THROUGH WALLS IF YOU MOVE FAST ENOUGH'!:
Check it out if you wanna support me and if you're a fan of electronic, hardcore electronic, happy hardcore, speedcore, noise, etc. etc.- All of which this album explores over 12 tracks!
My personal recommendation off the album is my longest track yet, clocking in at 10 minutes:
Anywho though! I'll be back to your regularly scheduled bugposting soon!!
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juuls · 3 years
So the good news is I’m not dying (well, let’s give it another 50 or so years then check back on that 😋)
I told a couple people but mostly kept it between my dad and I; at least, I told him stuff before my besties because I’m a daddy’s girl and I wanted comfort and hugs and someone physical to cry on.
And okay, look, what I’ve been experiencing is nowhere near as bad as others have it, but this was the worst case of nauseating gastrointestinal distress I have ever experienced to the point I woke up at 3am this morning, threw up for the 10th day in a row, clutching at my upper abdomen and barely able to walk (no one else was around to help me get there). Anyway, no one wants cramps where they’re not supposed to be on women—felt like when I ruptured an ovarian cyst a few years ago along with kidney stones another time, just felt higher up the abdomen.
Two points about the personnel at hospitals and how people with fibromyalgia get treated. One bad, and one surprisingly good.
The triage nurse told me I shouldn’t be wasting hospital time (there was no else in the waiting room because it was goddamn 5am) and that all ‘normal visits’ should be conducted through general practitioners/family doctors. Never mind the fact that the 2018 census showed 241 doctors for every 100,000 people. Which is abysmal, and I’m so lucky to have the same one for 20 years now. Anyway I told her in a snippy tone (I get bitchy when people imply I’m a hypochondriac or wasting people’s valuable space and resources as a disabled person) that a) it currently takes 6 weeks to get an appt with my doctor and that’s why I book two months in advance, but am shit out of luck if something pops up between all that. Like, I get a d understand and take precautions with Covid. But like??? Sometimes people need to have their abdomen poked and prodded which…
Might actually save my life/or from a long recovery surgery, or a lifetime of having to plan his and grandma’s days around his (I’m now learning: hereditary— thanks grampy) disease. But yeah this female doctor in probably her late thirties comes in and actually TAKES ME SERIOUSLY. I did also start the meet and greet by expressing concern over her doing what countless others have done…. Blame it all on the Fibromyalgia (oh you have a concussion Tommy?? Keep playing, it’s just your fibro!” Bitch please. Anyway. She said she absolutely understood and would help me figure out what feelings were fibro, and which were abnormal for anyone. Reminds me of this tweet I found around this hellsite:
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But I’m so grateful she listed and she actually ordered all the blood panels they have available at this rural hospital, took x-rays, did a physical exam… and after all that and the tests she semi-smiled at me and said “well it’s not fibromyalgia” and I about cackled.
But yeah, if you start throwing up for no reason for 10 days in a row (plus some other gross things I shall not mention), please go to the hospital. Apparently I have something fucked up going on in my large/small intestine and perhaps colon. She was worried enough about me, since they don’t have the tech there except x-rays, that she said she’d bully my do tor into seeing me sooner so he can arrange some, uh…. Well; some not bad; some uuuugh…. tests to figure out wtf is going on.
I didn’t even know what was going on! So hard to explain pain when you’re in pain every day. Bah. But she helped and had excellent bedside manners and took me seriously. One of the best feelings as a fibro patient.
Only problem with it not being fibro… is you only have deductive reasoning and tons of tests to do. She told me if I don’t vet these tests done, I could die from a rupture or whatever term she used. Though I do know what sepsis is! Yay! *rolls eyes*
I’m just glad I didn’t talk myself out of going to the ER, because I was worried it ‘wasn’t serious’ enough…. Yeah well, your body can lie to you! Jerk body.
So yeah now I have a plan of action, new medications to hopefully last me until the more thorough tests are conducted.
I don’t want to be (more) sick, but I’ve always believed in knowing what can happen to your body even if it’s a bad thing. And maybe we caught this early.
All I can ask for now is this, though: please please please no more upchucking every day, or at leat only for a few days.
God, it’s been a miserable 10 days, but I still somehow feel better. Knowing does that. :)
(P.S. I’m not intending this as a ‘woe is me’ thing because sometimes people do care about how their friends are doing, and also because I am a hug supporter of listening to your body and judging WHEN not IF you go to the doctor about it. I hope this post helps that attitude somewhat.)
Anywho, we’ll see how the tests do (whenever that may be, because of Covid) and treagmt with meds a d adjust food until I learn more.
Take care. Be safe. Stay well!!!! ❤️
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altruistic-meme · 3 years
anywho, aftg question! the japanese mafia? how’d [check post] neil and or kevin bother them? i just assumed that neil has connections to like the american mafia. but the yakuza?
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aaskjdhfssdh OHOHOHO public infodump time???
(in case anyone doesn't wanna see it; spoilers for the aftg trilogy!)
gonna answer these out of order but they feed into each other SO
Kevin Day (not kevin the terrifying space penguin) is the son of one of the creators of the sport of Exy!! his mom created it alongside Tetsuji Moriyama (who is important later!) he is one of the best (actually,,, THE best) strikers in collegiate Exy. the books actually start after he leaves, but he was a striker for the Ravens and suffers an injury and goes to the Foxes :)
Tetsuji Moriyama is the coach of the Ravens, Kevin's former team, and is Kevin's godfather(?) and raised Kevin after his mom died! Tetsuji's son is Riko, and the Moriyama's are also the Japanese Mafia. yayyy. but not this branch, technically, they are the outcasts. but anyway.
Neil, when he was 10 and before he and his mom ran away, went to tryout for the Ravens (who are, actually, a cult, but i won't get into that right now) under the guise of just playing for them, but he was basically sold by his dad to the mafia. so he is the Moriyama's property. then he, ya know, disappears. so it's not actually just his dad who wants him back, bc he is an asset for the Moriyamas.
so when Neil joins the Foxes team, he discovers this info, and basically he continues to be a little shit to Riko and a nuisance to the Ravens whenever possible despite knowing that they are mafia and actually,,, orchestrated the death of one of his teammates in one of the books hshdh
so technically, Neil doesn't actually have any connections to the American mafia! he ends up basically selling himself to the Japanese mafia (via giving them a percent of his pay as an exy player so that they'll let him go). his father the serial killer actually worked for the Moriyama's!
however! Neil does have familial connections to the British mafia on his mother's side :') though they are barely mentioned in the books and only actually show up 2 times!
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