#if I wanna listen to my fav band from my teenage years I should be allowed to do so
gjordis · 4 months
In my humble opinion Christians should shut the fuck up sometimes
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vro0m · 1 year
(unserious) analysis of the 'My first day' answers
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Charles : couldn't decide on a handwriting style, has the musical taste of a teenage girl (not a bad thing), has lost all personality beyond being a Ferrari driver, is probably gonna get the Prancing Horse tattooed at some point
Carlos : has lost all personality beyond that Smooth Operator thing that happened 4 years ago, didn't understand he had to sign the board
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Oscar : of course he listens to house music look at him, "achieve my dream" is kinda cute
Lando : looks extremely depressed, apparently no ambition beside staying alive this year (relatable), didn't understand he had to sign the board
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Logan : had to say what state he's from as all US-americans like the rest of the world gives a shit, even indicated the state his favorite food is from, he does look like he would listen to Eminem, "USA! USA! USA!"
Alex : said he's called Albono, doesn't know what music he likes which is a red flag in my book (sorry), just wanna be the prettiest blond around the paddock
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Nyck : also doesn't know what music he likes which is a red flag in my book (sorry), "live my dream" is also cute, the newbies still have hope
Yuki : the band is called Hentai Shinshi Club. That's all I have to say. It doesn't match his baby face.
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Pierre : didn't understand he had to sign the board even though they literally wrote it down for him, of course he likes Drake
Esteban : solid song choice
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Max : I'm precisely 0% surprised he didn't write down a song, who's fav food is tomato soup?, just wanna eat well (relatable)
Checo : didn't understand he had to sign the board, writes like he's 8, color esperanza was exactly what I thought it was before looking it up
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Valtteri : extremely happy to be here, simple man with simple ambitions, my hype song also changes every week
Guanyu : "rap!", girls just wanna have fun
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Kevin : I don't think I've ever seen someone in the whole F1 world referring to him as just "Kevin" until now but I've chosen an editorial line and I'm sticking with it, I didn't know what smørrebrød was but it seems nice, the song is... a choice...
Nico : said his name was Hulk, can't write, what the fuck is his fav food, of course he listens to house music look at him, oh btw look at him, he doesn't wanna be there, his ambition is to get tanned, he should go back on vacation and leave his seat to someone else, didn't understand he had to sign the board, that smiley face looks like it's in about as much pain as he is
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Lance : happy to be here, holding the board like a toddler showing a 'first day of school' thing for a photo which is kind of the point, writes like he's 12, "this year I will... great :)", didn't understand he had to sign the board
Fernando : 23, 23, 23, doesn't listen to music, doesn't look like he's gonna have fun in the photo, didn't understand he had to sign the board
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George : couldn't decide on a handwriting style, basic ass music choice, also holding the board like he's a toddler
Lewis : wasn't there
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transformers-why · 6 years
I was tagged once more by the beautiful and gracious @thatswhyhesprime!
Thanks for the tag, love! Tags from you are always fun! (Also if I'm one of the people you tagged that you thought were out of your league just wanted to let you knoW YOURE SO NOT OUTTA MY LEAGUE LMAO. We joined at basically the same time and have been mutuals for awhile, you're like, my awkward go-to mutual to tag in stuff like this lol. We're totally buds in my eye!)
Name: Shard or TW (T.W.)
Nickname: Uhhhhh, none, really? If any of you have a nickname for me feel free to ask if I'm chill with you calling me that! (I prolly am.)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus!
Height: A Lovely and Majestic 5"4' (162cm)
Langauges Spoken: English, and now I'm learning French which is totally great!
Nationality: I'd say American but I feel like I give off a different vibe when I go places in the lower 48, so...
Favorite Fruit: Mangos! Love 'em so much. Lemons, peaches, and nectarines are good too!
Favorite Season: Winter! ALWAYS winter.
Favorite Scent: Anythin' my family or I am cooking. Or tea scents!! (& Brown sugar, lol).
Favorite color: White, since it can be any color! (And black and midnight blue.)
Favorite Animal: Definitely wolves, although Sharks, foxes, and lynx are growing on me!
Favorite Fictional Characters: Ratchet from Transformers, of course. Um, Drift, Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus, Knock Out, Brainstorm, and Ten! Non Tfs are Kaz Brekker (Six Of Crows), Raphael (TMNT), uhhh Kiawe and Brock (pokèmon), and many many more.
^Fun Fact: I've got a mega mega gay crush on Velocity.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: TEA. EVERYDAY. ALL THE TIME. I DRINK IT FOR BREAKFAST AND LUNCH (sometimes dinner if I didnt finish it during lunch).
Number of blankets I sleep with: 3! Ones my main big blanket I usually use, next is my Sherpa to add that extra layer of Good Fluff, and then I've got a thin fleece one to make me feel nice and cozy! (In the summer tho I die and just use one or none.)
When My Blog Was Born: uuuuhHHHHH I think it's the same as you, @thatswhyhesprime, I think we joined at relatively the same time lmao.
Small Edit: I just checked and it says Jan 21st, so basically February.
Favorite Subject: French Class and Creative Writing! They're such fun classes this year! (And anything Algebra)
Currently Watching: Well, as of right now I've been keeping tabs on Transformers Cyberverse, Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I've been watching The Drawfee Channel on YouTube a lot!
Favorite Band: shitshitshitshit uUUH, I dunno I listen to alot of people. This morning I listened to Bad Suns? They're good. Uhm, Day6, The Score, American Authors, Air Traffic Controller, uhhhh and BANNERS. I listen to alot of other stuff but that's the most frequent I suppose. (Along with FOB and Panic! Occasionally.)
I can totally put a link or something to my Spotify if you guys wanna check out my playlists or something, I make different ones for different situations. Like I've got 'Upbeat Airports' and I use it for travelling (and reading).
Instruments Played: Piano? A little? I've got a keyboard but I don't get to use it too often. I should. I'd love to learn violin, too!
Favorite Books: Easy. Six Of Crows and its sequel, Crooked Kingdom both by Leigh Bardugo. And A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. (I'm hoping its sequels are good I gotta read them). And MTMTE and LL of course! OH AND MY FAV. YOUTUBER WROTE A BOOK TOO! I've watched Stacyplays' videos since I was younger and now I just,, always keep up with her? Shes super fun and I love her vlogs and alot of her gaming series'. The book she wrote is Wild Rescuers: Guardians Of The Tiaga. It's the first of many to come!! I really enjoyed it.
And then I'm supposed to tag like 20 ppl to do this??
I dunno enough people for that lol.
So uh, @ask-eclipsemtmte-stuff, @primussavethesemechs, @chaotickindbird, uhhhhh @weird-squish-cube, @scremlin (you are on a hiatus thingy tho, so you totally dont have to do this. Not that anybody else HAS to or anything.), @toto-the-cactus,,
And... I've got such a bad memory for this kinda stuff??? I cant remember blog names well at all lol, sorry folks. Thanks for reading!
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