#if I wanted to listen to a bunch of women invalidate SA survivors to be pick me's over a man who would never want you
You don't have to like Gwynriel as a ship to not be trash about Gwyn's character. I'm not certain some of y'all know that.
Everytime you feel compelled to call Gwyn a liar, check out page 273 of ACOSF.
"Why did you sign up for this, then?" Nesta drank the glass Gwyn extended. "If you already have mind-calming exercises you're accustomed to?"
"Because I don't ever want to feel powerless again," Gwyn said softly, and all those easy smiles and bright laughs were gone. Only stark, pained honesty shone in her remarkable eyes.
Nesta swallowed, and though instinct told her to pull away, she said quietly, "Me too."
Y'all be out here using the text to make up convoluted theories but have you ever thought of using it to read with comprehension? Just because you only think about Azriel's dick doesn't mean Gwyn does. She didn't give a single shit about Az when she showed up. She wanted to feel safe in her own skin again and when you call her a liar because she knew about the Dread Trove (from research because unlike y'all, she's smart and knows how to read) and Azriel likes her, you just embarrass yourself.
Some of you really do hate to see women win. If you can't connect it to a man it's worthless to you. No one said you have to like her but calling her a liar with your crack theories because you learned to read in Clown College says way more about you than it does about the character you're so pressed about.
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