#if I've written dayzel getting marked by nox before
blackberry-bloody · 1 year
Now that the Zine has finished being sent out, I can post this!
For @zineofgid I did both a written story for Dayzel, as well as an Illustration to go along with it!! (The Illustration is bellow the cut for nudity.)
This was the first ever Zine I've participated in! so I hope you all enjoy!
CWs: gags, burning, objectification (nonsexual), noncon touching (nonsexual), weaponizing whumpee's fears, intimate whumper, creepy whumper, whumpee used as art, restraints, harness/body jewelry, nonsexual nudity, demon whumpee, demon whumper
Everything about the man in the mirror looked wrong. Dayzel blinked a few times, tilting his head back and forth, even violently shaking his head as if to deny the image. However, his head stopped as Rupert's hands reached out to grab his horns, promptly putting an end to the motion.
Dayzel's mirror image teared up just the same as he did.
Rupert had him chained up more than usual, but in a way that was far too… Decorative. He didn't know what to make of the change. It certainly meant nothing good. But at the same time, through the amount of effort Rupert had taken to re-dye his now much longer hair, cover the bruises and marks under layers of makeup, and put all this decoration on him - well he hoped it meant it wouldn't be anything especially physically painful.
Either way, he had no way of preventing whatever Rupert had planned from happening to him. He couldn't lift his arms away from his waist, his ankles were chained together with just enough room for him to carefully walk, the restrictive chest piece made him shiver at the delicate metal ghosting across his skin, and even the rings on each finger all connected together just to add insult to injury. It all made him feel far too vulnerable, especially now that he'd been stripped of his clothes for the time being, in front of his current captor and former boyfriend.
He snapped back to reality as one of Rupert's uncomfortably warm hands gripped his chin and shifted his face to look up at him. He stared down at Dayzel with a look of… what could only be described as reverence… Although if it was for Dayzel himself or Rupert's own handiwork, he couldn't tell. Dayzel wanted to crawl out of his skin, but he didn't dare pull away until Rupert finally let go. 
“It’ll have to do.” Rupert hummed “I still have too much to set up, and not much time left to do so.” 
“What? What are you setting up?” Dayzel risked, keeping his voice quiet.
Rupert paused, fixing Dayzel with a warning look. "I'm having some friends of mine over. And I thought I could… Share the wealth, so to speak. It's such a shame you can't behave well enough for me to show you off more often."
Dayzel glared at him, "Nox used to say the same thing." He instinctively tugged at the restraints. His anger boiled away any caution. "And- you have friends? Are you sure they aren't just people you paid to pretend-?"
Rupert’s hand shot out towards him, making Dayzel cut himself off as he flinched back and braced to be hit. But all he felt was Rupert’s hand on his cheek, thumb gently stroking circles in soothing motions. His eyes however, held the angry fire Dayzel was expecting, and nowhere near as calm as the hand already on him.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not Nox then, isn’t it?” Rupert forced a tense smile. 
Dayzel wrenched back, leveling his former friend and confidant with a look cold enough to freeze. “You’re half right. You’re not Nox. But you’re something even worse. Nox was just a whiny brat that didn’t get his way. You? You’re a fucking monster.” He was shaking. And there was no hiding it as the subtle clinking of metal from his jewelry rested comfortably within the loud silence between the two men.
Rupert blinked at Dayzel. The seconds stretched before he wordlessly walked towards a nearby drawer, back facing Dayzel. Dayzel couldn’t see what he pulled out, before he turned around and hid it behind his back. A wide grin that was all teeth and danger split across his face. “Dayzel, please come here, won’t you?”
Dayzel felt any hope of a lenient night smothered. The silent rage was always the worst. He could feel the heat radiating off the fire demon from several feet away. “I’m sorry-” “Dazzle.” Rupert’s grin didn’t waiver as he interrupted him. Dayzel flinched at the nickname that had no business being on Rupert’s tongue. But he was in far too much trouble already… So, on shaky legs, he walked the few steps towards him. Rupert reached a hand out and carefully tucked a loose strand of hair behind Dayzel’s ear and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. Rupert was scorching hot, but Dayzel couldn’t risk pulling away again. “That's better. Now we’ll have a talk about that outburst later. But for now, I’m sure you’ll understand why I have to take preventative measures.” He dragged his thumb from behind Dayzel’s ear to rest on his bottom lip, leaving a pink trail behind from the heat.
Dayzel hated to admit it, but it was instinct that took over as he opened his mouth at merely the gesture. Rupert hummed in approval, and Dayzel could feel some of the heat ebb away.
Rupert’s arm came out from behind his back, holding a gag. Dayzel wasn’t surprised… This was far from the first time his smart mouth had ended up with him like this. He didn’t even fight it as Rupert fastened it tightly behind his head. The plastic of the ball gag hurt his jaw, and the straps bit into the sides of his mouth. But it was far from the worst punishment Rupert could have chosen. He must really be serious about hiding any marks on him.
The heat quickly faded from Rupert and Dayzel felt himself release a breath he had unconsciously been holding. However, that relief was short lived as Rupert effortlessly picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder to carry him out of the room. He tried not to let his mind spiral too far away from him…
Rupert hustled him into a fairly large and tall room. It wasn’t anything extravagant or particularly glamorous, but it was still decently nice. It was clear Rupert had put effort into making it look a certain way. Once Dayzel was put down on the ground, he took a look around. There was a large table in the center of the room, seemingly where Rupert and his “friends” would be seated. But, what caught Dayzel’s attention was a metal chandelier laying on the ground.
He looked at it, somewhat confused. His eyes followed the chain connecting it to the top of the ceiling. None of it looked damaged, so why had Rupert decided to lower it? 
He was quite rudely torn from his thoughts as he felt the other demon tug on his collar, momentarily choking him, and he quickly stood up. Still being pulled by the collar, he was dragged towards the chandelier. And that’s when it clicked for him. Why had Rupert gotten him all done up? To be a decoration hanging from the ceiling. Nothing more than an art piece for Rupert and whoever he had invited to oogle. He yanked against the collar. However, all it did was make Rupert yank back. Dayzel lost his footing and came crashing down to the floor, unable to prevent, or even break his fall. Dazed, he groaned uncomfortably, only snapping back as he felt his ankles being lifted. As Rupert was now using the shackles to drag him instead.
There was no use in fighting it as Dayzel watched the restraints around his ankles be attached to the bottom of the chandelier. His eyes followed Rupert as he walked away to flip a switch on the wall, which jerked the chain to life, beginning to raise the chandelier and Dayzel with it.
He screwed his eyes shut tight, refusing to watch as the ground under him got further and further away… Once it finally stopped, he craned his neck up towards the ceiling, making sure he wouldn’t see how high he was. But even just the feeling of nothing below him, the mere thought of the drop, was enough to make him tremble. Nox always thought it was hilarious… A creature with wings to fly, that was terrified of heights. His neck quickly started to hurt, so he screwed his eyes shut again, and let his head drop. His heart stuttered as the movement rocked the chain ever so slightly. A muffled whimper escaped him. Pathetic…
He felt a slight gust of wind before a hand touched his face. In shock, he accidentally opened his eyes. Rupert had flown up to him, holding several purple sticks in his other hand. Curious, Dayzel glanced at them, but he quickly regretted it as he caught sight of the ground much too far away. He quickly snapped his eyes shut again. He winced at how loudly Rupert laughed at that.
“Don’t worry, you’ll figure these out soon enough.” Rupert condescending pat Dayzel’s cheek before pulling his hand away. Dayzel kept his eyes shut while he did whatever it was he was doing.
Eventually, Rupert finished and Dayzel felt him fly back down to the ground, like he so desperately wished he could do as well… Hesitantly though, he lifted his head again and opened his eyes. Candles… Rupert had lit candles. As if it wasn’t bad enough already…
In a fit of frustration and panic, he thrashed, trying to knock the candles off or at least put the flame out. All he managed to do was instead, splash some of the melted wax on him. He yelled out in pain, but it was muffled by the gag. He started to cry… This was going to be a long, long night.
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blackberry-bloody · 2 years
Random thing I wanted to write. Pretty happy with the results!
@icyheart-and-friends @emmettnet
CWs: domestic abuse (physical, verbal, and emotional), mention of being disowned by family, whumpee blaming self, branding/magic branding, non human whumpee, non human whumper, demon whumpee, angel whumper, bad relationship dynamics, failed escape attempt
Please let me know if anything else should be tagged.
Dayzel was exhausted as he watched Nox pace across the dining room. His vision swam as he half heartedly "mhmm"-ed and "uh-huh"-ed through Nox's rant. He rubbed his hand over his eyes and the bridge of his nose, leaning back against the chair with groan. Nox had been droning on about some complaint or another- most being about Dayzel but he was too tired to listen- for hours now. "Look, can we do this some other time? I'm really not up for this right now." Dayzel finally caved and asked. He heard Nox's footsteps pause, as did his rant. He let out a sigh of relief and wearily smiled. He heard Nox walk over behind him and place a hand on either shoulder. He felt himself tense but hoped Nox couldn't tell. He pried his eyes open again and looked up.
Nox was leaning over him with a tight smile, "I'm sorry, am I boring you? Falling asleep on me?"
Dayzel paused before hesitantly replying. That smile never meant anything pleasant... "Well - Not specifically. I'm just... Already so tired. You know I haven't been sleeping well."
Nox hummed and nodded rubbing circles into Dayzel's shoulders, slowly relaxing the tenseness in them. "Ah I see."
Immediate relief flooded Dayzel's expression and he leaned into his husband's touch, resting his head against his arm. "Thank you."
Nox's hands trailed down Dayzel's arms, making him shudder slightly at the contact. He let his eyes slip shut. Only to snap open again at the sound of metal clicks. When he looked down at his wrists he huffed in annoyance at seeing the connected iron cuffs around them again. Nox usually reserved them for when he was really mad at him though.
"Well in that case, since you're needs are clearly much more important than mine, wear them until you feel up to continuing this conversation." Nox all but simpered in his ear.
Dayzel growled and yanked away in frustration. "That's not fair, and you know it! I just- If you're going to be telling me what I'm doing wrong, I'd like to be awake enough to process it so that it won't happen again!"
Nox rolled his eyes and pulled back "Oh please, we both know you won't actually do anything differently. You always say that you will, but you never do!"
Dayzel was tired and he'd had enough... He stood so suddenly that the chair he was sitting in toppled over. "SHUT UP! I am trying so fucking hard for you and you're always so ungrateful for it! It's always what I do wrong! And never mind what you do wrong! Fuck this! I'm -" He was suddenly cut off by a slap across the face, making him stumble back slightly. He froze instantly, and stopped to stare at Nox. Nox's eyes were dark and angry, his chest heaving with barely contained wrath. Dayzel took a step back in fear.
"Oh, I'm ungrateful?! Ungrateful?! You absolute brat!" Nox ground out. And before Dayzel could pull away, he lunged. Grabbing Dayzel by his shirt and shoving him at the wall with a thud. He swiveled and pinned him to the wall by the back of his neck.
Dayzel was terrified and everything seemed to be spinning out of control. He'd seen Nox mad before... Hell he'd been hit before... But not like this. He'd never seen Nox this enraged. Every fiber of his being hated being pressed face first to the wall. Told him to fight back. But he knew he'd only make it worse for himself. He'd already managed to make Nox this mad. He couldn't risk making him even angrier.
Nox leaned in to speak directly in his ear. "I gave you everything you are. Your own family disowned you! And you call me ungrateful?!"
Dayzel couldn't help it as he started to cry against the wall. It was too much. "I'm sorry! I-I didn't think about it that way!"
"That's right. You didn't think. You have a nasty habit of doing that, don't you?! Maybe I'll fix it for you. Just like I fix all of your other problems!" Nox's tone shifted to something dangerous. Something deadly. Dayzel couldn't do anything but let out a scared whimper.
He flinched when he felt Nox's other hand gently touched his waist and tug up at the hem of his shirt. Dayzel didn't dare pull away... Even as Nox's bare hand touched his hip, all he could do was close his eyes. But after a moment, he felt an oddly warm sensation coming from Nox's hand... Which then turned into a burning sensation the likes of which he'd never experienced before. He tried to scream but he couldn't find the air for it.
As soon as it stopped, Nox released him and Dayzel crumpled to the floor in a trembling heap. Shakily he looked down at his waist and found... A brand. Nox had marked him. A new wave of dread and fear crashed over him as his stared up at Nox with shock and betrayal in his eyes. Nox also seemed somewhat surprised now that the moment was passed. Dayzel needed to get out. He... He had to call Rupert. He'd be able to do something about Nox.
In an instant he'd jumped to his feet and was running for the bedroom for his phone. In another instant he was crashing to the floor with a thud. He groaned and shook his head, only to yelp as his ankles were grabbed by a now recovered Nox. "Dayzel, you were running to the phone, weren't you?" Nox phrased the question even though they both knew the answer.
Now Dayzel did scream. Screaming for help from anyone that would come. Kicking at Nox as he hurried to drag Dayzel to the basement. All but shoving him down the stairs... Dayzel went still at the bottom with another cry of pain. Still trembling, but he made no move to climb the stairs back up. He felt his wing bent at an unnatural angle and stifled a sob. By the time he looked back up the door was closed and locked. With the light above the door the only source of light in the decently sized basement, he didn't want to move too far away. Slowly he shifted to push himself up into a sitting position. His arms, still chained together, practically yelled at him not to move. But he had to. He shifted his shirt again and stared down at the mark on his hip again, trying to process it... Trying to process all of this...
Fresh tears streamed down his face. What the fuck had just happened...
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