#if any of you start getting butthurt in my inbox I will close it outright and then go private
twiceasfrustrating · 2 years
Hey I know request last are closed but your my favourite writer and I was wondering if you could do an angst for Beelzebub that compares mc to being so disgusting he would rather eat Solomons food? Please make it really heart breaking. If you don’t I’m really sorry for wasting your time and I apologies sincerely
I'm about to sound like a raging bitch, but you know what? Fuck it. I'm too annoyed to play nice in internet land today. I would normally just delete this request and move on, but it just happened to be my last straw.
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Requests are closed. They've been closed for weeks. You even acknowledge that they are CLOSED. Yet, for some reason, you still feel the need to drop one in my inbox? As if you are above the rules or boundaries I set? Did you think that would make me more likely to take it? Because, spoiler alert, it does the exact opposite.
I even said this not that long ago to a different anon.
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I gave that anon the benefit of the doubt because I got their ask not long after posting they were closed, so it's possible (in retrospect) that they were marked open when they started sending the ask but I closed them before they sent it officially. I am more than happy to look at requests when they are open, but I don't give a shit about the ones sent when they are closed.
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I usually just delete requests that people send when they aren't open, but this one just pisses me off in a special way because you explicitly state that you know they are closed but you just really had to send yours for some reason. It's like a slap in the face.
"I know request are closed but I was wondering if I could ignore that fact and do what I want anyway regardless of the answer because my own desires are more important than your stated boundaries." That's how this reads to me.
You don't know why my requests are closed. Maybe I'm busy irl, maybe I'm going through something, maybe I just don't want to write or plan or edit an entire fic that gets distressingly little feedback for the amount of time I put into it, maybe I want to work on more personal fics than requests, or maybe it doesn't matter what the reason is because it's really easy for you to just not send anything when they are closed. In fact, it takes less time than it did for you to type this request.
While we're at it, fuck this too.
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It says a lot that some people can't be bothered to check what people's limits are and just toss things at them for some fucking reason. Do y'all think your above their boundaries and limits? Do you think if you ask nicely enough you can manipulate your way into convincing them to make you something?
I am not a content machine, no matter how much I seem to produce. I am a person with an actual life outside of writing whatever people send my way. I have rules for a reason. I have a request status for a reason. I do not care how "nice" or "polite" you think you sound when you send something someone explicitly does NOT want; the fact you sent it is already rude as fuck.
I don't care if I sound rude in this. I really do not. I care that I make it clear that I have boundaries and rules in my space/blog and if you can't follow them I don't want you. I don't want someone who thinks my limits are a suggestion rather than something to be respected, especially when you knowingly trample on them.
This was just my breaking point because some of y'all have been testing me and other writers/artists lately with your lack of respect for the people you claim to like. It's fucking gross. We are not machines creating shit for your amusement. We are human beings sharing something we like to do with you.
Get that through your head and respect the rules.
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