#if anyone brings discourse into here im putting you on blast
dear-ao3 · 1 year
so in honor of pride and gay month:
not to sound cheesy as hell but! idk for the first time in my life i feel secure and proud of my identity and im glad you lot (all 85k) are here w me for it. i hope everyone of you is having a fucking fantastic day, month, year, and so on. even if youre not, it will get better. if you cant come out due to family, or location, or youre just not ready, you deserve to be proud too, even if no one knows. knowing yourself is more important than anyones opinion of you. and if you dont know yourself quite yet? youre still wonderful and valid as well. youll get there somepoint, you have all the time in the world. even if you dont get there, youre still valid and cool as hell. if you are out, whether you show it off, or whether you dont, youre still valid. theres no right way to have pride in being queer, and theres certainly no wrong way either, unless you tear down others.
so, its pride month, 2023, and i know things look like shit, but its bound to get better someday.
stand with your friends and your community, and even if you arent part of it, stand by with us anyway.
id like to thank saph, brad, fennec, and all of you who are cool as hell and are supportive as hell.
be proud of yourself for getting this far.
(a very proud bisexual transman)
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