#if anyone is encouraging you to detrans based on re-conforming to heteropatriarchal standards they dont have your best interests in mind
jawz · 1 year
Do you care about detransitioners or do you care about gnc people re-conforming to the expectations of their assigned sex? Do you care about lesbians, gay men, bi people, and any other gnc person, or do you care about hyperfeminine women supposedly being “nature’s counterpart” to hypermasculine men, both of whom are expected to perform heterosexuality and only heterosexuality (these concepts, in the Western world, backed up by oppressive Christian ideals)? Do you care about doctors and surgeons, most of whom are NOT TRANS OR GNC, coercing gnc people into “acceptable” binary gender and promoting treatments that can sometimes decrease quality of life and cause health issues, or are you only interested in pointing & laughing at trans people and gnc people because you consider us to be freaks of nature? Do I embarrass you? Does my noncompliance make your skin crawl?
Do you only celebrate detransitioners “finding ourselves” when that involves re-conforming to the standards we initially ran from, or do you support those of us (in fact, a majority) who still look to the outside world like trans people/gnc nonbinary people and are treated as such? Do you actually believe that biological sex exists regardless of physical appearance, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, “gendered” behavior, and sexual orientation, or are you a servant of the binary gender spectrum just like those you claim to disagree with?
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