incorrect-hiveswap · 4 years
Tyzias: I should’ve left you on that street corner wwwwhere I found you.
Tirona: But ya’ didn’t!
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incorrect-hiveswap · 4 years
Stelsa: We may have found the first digital proof of a ghost.
Tirona, holding up a photo of Tyzias sticking her entire hand inside of a left over tupperware: and th33y said i wast33d my lif33.
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incorrect-hiveswap · 4 years
Tegiri: There goes MC. What crimes will they commit?
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Trizza: Identify yourshellf.
Dammek: We are the Resisty! And we have come to-
Trizza: Whoa, whoa whoa. Did you say the Resisty?
Dammek: Yes the Resisty! And we have come to-
Trizza: That's a stupid name.
Dammek: See! I told you it was stupid! Why do I keep listening to you??
Xefros: i don’t know X:(
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Tegiri: bitches be like “you mine” Tegiri: first of all, I am a cop “I” belong to the state of Konoha
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Daraya: is crying in the class punk rock? Mallek:…. yeah I = pretty sure it is
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Lanque: The other day, while I was helping Daraya hide her burn scars so Bronya wouldn’t see she started a fire again, I heard two kids in the hall. One of them went:
Wanshi: “I don’t fear the darkness”
Lanque: And the other one said
Karako: “YOU SHOULD!”
Lanque: And then there was a really loud smacking noise, and one of them started crying–
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
MC, singing a jingle: Come on down, get some corn~
Chahut: or we will sacrifice your newborn~
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Cirava: Why was I cursed with all of the dummy and none of the thicc.
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Kuprum: Wait so did you die?
Folykl: Cockroaches never die.
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Elwurd: Was the battLe axe reaLLy necessary? Chahut: A lady should always accessorise Elwurd: Does the accessories have to incLude bLood? Chahut: IT’s called color Theory. look iT up.
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
MC: You should treat others how you want to be treated!
Tyzias: Killed without hesitation.
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Kuprum, high off his ass: Bro I just came back from the brocter. I got the brobonic plague.
Folykl: Aw sick bro I got brolio.
Cirava: Brothritis.
Mallek: Ebrola.
Elwurd, deadpan: Bronchitis.
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Elwurd’s Skuttlebuggy GPS: In 69 miles, keep gay?
Elwurd, driving to the brooding caverns: what??
GPS later: In two miles, turn queer
Elwurd: do you mean turn here?
GPS, even later: You’ve reached your destigaytion
Elwurd: gog damn it stop–
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
Bronya: I'm very tired and sad.
Bronya: *Kisses Karako on his sweet little baby forehead.*
Bronya: I'm recharged and ready to go!
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
It has taken a lot of ignoring big facts, a terrible memory, and a general lack of caring to earn the 'completely clueless badge'. Which I would wear with pride if I knew how.
Cirava Hermod
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incorrect-hiveswap · 5 years
A Well-Meaning Someone: He's a miracle worker!
Lanque: Nonsense. Galekh cures the incurable simply because it has the audacity to exist.
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