#if anyone wants hcs for how Denki finds out if his crush is into dude lemme know
Fuck, I think I’m a bit gay
Yes, that is a dan reference. Headcannons of our fav pikachu figuring out he’s not quite as straight as he thought and then telling his friends. Enjoy!
He/Him pronouns for reader.
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- We all know how Denki is. He flirts with every girl under the sun.
- So he definitely thinks he’s straight- swears it even.
- But then you come along and...
- Uh oh.
- He denies it straight away. Him? With feelings for a guy? Pfft- of course not.
- I mean, it’s not like he thinks about you all the time, or stares at you in class, or thinks you’re super attractive, or tries really hard to impress you-
- Shit, maybe there is something there.
- He’s not really sure what to do about his feelings, isn’t even sure if it is a crush or just him looking too deep into it.
- Don’t get him wrong, he has nothing against being gay. He’s just not sure what to do and how everyone is gonna react.
- What If his bros get all weird on him?
- He doesn’t actually think they’d treat him any differently, but the insecurity is enough to make him hesitant about asking them for help.
- So he resorts to using the web. It’s not the best idea, but it’s all he’s got.
- He posts on an advice forum, the post reading sort of like this:
- I think my friends really hot and I kinda wanna kiss him, but I’ve totally wanted to kiss girls too. Am I gay or no?
- The very first response he gets is just the word Bi.
- And he has a fucking epiphany.
- In all his stressing over having feelings for you, he never even stopped to consider he might just like girls and guys.
- He instantly starts looking a little further into being bi and the lgbtq+ community in general, feeling elated when he realizes that he finds the label fits him really well.
- Then He thinks about telling his friends and he’s a little stressed again.
- He knows it’ll be fine, he does, but the lingering sense of dread clings to him.
- He doesn’t want things to change, doesn’t want his friends to treat him any differently.
- So, to help him be just a little more comfortable, he decides to tell them one at a time in order from the ones that make him the least worried to the one that worries him a lot Bakugou.
- He starts with Sero, the chillest member of the group by far and the one he’s closest to.
- And he’s completely cool about it.
- The conversation is basically:
- “I’m bi.” “Cool, what do you wanna watch?”
- And that’s it.
- Make no mistake, Sero’s happy Denki told him. He just doesn’t feel the need to make a big deal out of it.
- Denki is a bit shocked from the casualness of it all, but it feels nice to see that his best friend isn’t treating him any differently than he did before.
- He can barely keep a smile off his face as they continue to just hang out like normal.
- The next week is when he decides to tell Kirishima and Mina.
- They all decided to go out on the weekend and he figured he’d find time to tell them while they were out.
- That time shows up as they’re walking back to the dorms.
- Mina And Kiri noticed something was on his mind, and they were a little worried. Mina decided it’d be better to ask than wait for Denki to speak up on his own, so she did.
- “I have something to tell you guys actually. I’m uh... I’m bi. I hope that doesn’t change anything.”
- Denki was surprised when he was nearly tackled to the ground.
- Kirishima grinned with an arm thrown around Denki’s shoulders. “Of course that doesn’t change anything man!”
- Mina hugged him around the waist. “Yeah, you’re still you! We’re proud of you for telling us!”
- And all Denki could do was smile because god he really does have the most amazing friends in the world doesn’t he?
- And then came the time he was most worried about. Telling Bakugou.
- Now Denki knew that Bakugo was more understanding then people thought, but at the same time he was also not exactly the most accepting person in the universe.
- Like, He was pretty sure it’d be fine, but... what if it wasn’t?
- So he waited quite awhile to come out to bakugo, trying to think of the best way to do so.
- By the time he has a chance, he still has no clue how to do so.
- So, while Bakugo is tutoring him (as I headcanon he does for his whole friend group), he’s even more distracted than normal, and Bakugo notices.
- Of course it pisses Mr. Explosion Murder off and he gives Denki an earful for it.
- And Denki argues back some, but mostly just sighs and excepts his fate. Until Bakugo says something he wasn’t expecting.
- “If you spent less time staring at Y/N in class, you wouldn’t need so much help anyway!!”
- And like Denki’s first instinct is to be defensive, til he realizes what was said.
- “I do not state that mu-! Wait, what?” And he’s flustered now, but also nervous because damn, guess Bakugo figured it out for himself.
- “You heard me!” And Bakugo’s glaring at him, but not because he likes a guy. He just wants him to focus for one fucking minute.
- And the He makes him get back on topic so he does because he’s not sure how to ask Bakugo what he thinks of him liking guys.
- it’s hard enough asking in general, but asking Bakugo specifically adds a whole other level of stress to it.
- By the time he works up the courage he’s done with the homework.
- “So you know then?” He asks, which gets him a raised eyebrow in return.
- “Know what?” The blonde asks, grabbing his books so he can go to his room and get ready for bed cuz mr. bad boi has to be in bad at a certain time lol.
- “That I’m not... yknow, straight? Like, you figured that out?” He chose to focus on putting away his things rather than look at Bakugo. Made it a lil easier.
- “I guess? I mean, I’m not fuckin’ blind.”
- “Yeah, I guess I’m a little obvious sometimes...” Denki admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
- Bakugo looked over to his friend (wether he’d admit it or not, they’re definitely friends) and sighed when he saw that he seemed kinda uncomfortable. As much a he hated being sincere and whatever, his stupid conscience made him not wanna leave Denki like that.
- “Look, you know I don’t care, right? Suck face with whoever you want, it’s none of my business.” He said, stuffing his last paper back into his bag.
- “I’m goin’ now. Night, Pikachu.” Bakugo was never one to stick around after being nice, when he was nice at all.
- But even with Bakugo ducking out so quick, Denki felt like most of the weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
- Nothing would change with his friends- it didn’t matter to them. He was still the same ridiculous person they’d befriended before.
- He was finally worry free for the first time in weeks.
- Until he remembered that he still had no clue whether or not it was even possible for his feelings to be returned. And then he was stressed all over again.
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