#if anyone wants to moot me pls just dont be a hater if i ship other ships🙏
mewmewpercy · 1 month
After a lot of thinking and researching and scouring for info I've decided to break down exactly why I have such a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to RenHeng
Its the shippers because holy shit you guys are like actually so infuriating sometimes.
With all due respect(which is slowly waning the harder I try) they aren't canon. They also aren't implied. YingFeng are the ones that are married. I am not about to sit through another conversation with someone telling me I didn't play the right quests or pay attention because not only have I played these quests but I've watched them numerous times for data collection. If RenHeng was actually implied they wouldn't be attempting to kill each other every time they meet nor would Dan Heng have literal fucking nightmares about Blade with no change in their relationship.
Another issue yall have is making shit up. I don't spend an average of 25 hours a week rewatching vods of these storylines and quests and I don't spend hours upon hours scouring an entire fuckin region as a mobile player to be told I'm wrong about the story. If there's one thing I trust my knowledge on its this. Dam Feng did the immortality stuff for Baiheng who is almost definitely Bailu who got reincarnated from Foxian to Vidyadhara because of it. Yingxing was his helper which is why he's immortal yes but has no Vidyadhara traits. Baiheng got killed in a past war and they wanted her back easy as. Dan Feng didn't do it for Yingxing. Yes they may have been married or whatever but the fact remains they missed their friend and maybe he tried to help turn Yingxing into a long life species and we can say that's a headcanon but it isn't true.
Next thing I'd like to bring up is how some of you guys get about other ships because hoo boy I've seen shit. I don't know what it is about you guys and hurling the word homophobic at people who don't ship it but yall gotta stop. People not shipping your ship isn't homophobia its a fucking preference. If you don't like a ship dni or whatever(sounds ironic I'm sure but I try my hardest some of yall just love hate bombing other ships I interact with) but maybe don't spread slurs and threats and anger because someone prefers JingHeng instead? I live for the policy of ship and let ship but stop going into places you don't like and dragging others when they never once mentioned you.
Look I love hsr and I love these characters but it's specifically this group that makes it so hard to just enjoy safe spaces for my ships. Now on a lighter note I will say you guys are talented ass artists and writers because holy fuck even just scouring character tags on socials I've seen some beautiful stuff. Keep being awesome and talented just maybe don't be mean?
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