#if anyone wants to send more TST asks today…feel free!
shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: what's one literary device you think you overuse/use the most in your work? Why are you drawn to this one so much? And what's one that you would like to use more in your future work? Is there a reason you haven't used it as much as you would like? Thanks! <3 -@fieldsofview
Ooh interesting question! Maybe foreshadowing? I love dropping hints so much 😅 though I sometimes wonder if I telegraph too much. Maybe it just seems that way to me because I already know the answers. I love using it because I feel like every good twist needs some foreshadowing to hit just right—especially since imo the best twists are guessable. And also it's just plain fun—it feels like letting my readers in on a secret, but juuust enough to still be mysterious 😉
Hmm I'd love to use imagery more. I feel like I'm not a very descriptive writer—I'm more of a dialogue person, and even my descriptions lean more in the practical direction than scene-setting/visualization direction. Like...I can describe what my characters are doing and feeling, but sometimes it feels like my characters are talking inside a white room
(which I've heard is common for screenwriters, which is funny since I've never written a screenplay before 😅 though I've always sorta envied screenwriters for not having to do much scene-setting aside from just straight-up TELLING)
Still, it's something I wanna work on in my prose!
Ooh and I'd love to use more puns too. I find them delightful, I just struggle to make good ones 😅 or any ones
talk shop tuesday!
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