#if anything that bua was not necessary with him going into the military
dearweirdme · 6 months
So taennies are back in full force.. apparently jennie posted a picture holding up a shirt that says friends on it, and Taehyung's new profile picture has them theorizing... I was just arguing with one on tiktok, and they think the breakup article was just media play to somehow hide their relationship 🙃😂 idk how that even makes any sense since nobody ever confirmed it anyways. They also think Tae chose special forces to be closer to seoul for jennie. Thoughts?
Hi anon!
My thoughts are that Taennies need a new tag… now what’s a nice word for desperation 🤔.
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dearweirdme · 9 months
What is still baffling for me is how there is not a single shot from those videos and photos in Paris of Tn together the way how it was so clear when it was just Tae and his manager. Even when they were about to go inside the car, Tae looked momentarily at the camera, but he looked so different, like he has a moustache or something. Also why was the video of that fan initially was so blurry then later on she released the HD version. I guess they just left enough room for doubt so that fans won't get too disappointed or something. I guess that PR was mostly for Jn since before Cannes, her show was already receiving so many negative reviews, so I agree with you. I just haven't seen a PR like this before, so I'm not sure about Tae's bearding, but if we think about it, he was about to enter the military, so I guess it was necessary for that reason. What's even weirder is how involved JTBC was from the Paris walk down to the break-up news. Do you think they're behind this considering their beef with Hybe? Oh that Tn fiasco will remain as Kpop's biggest mystery. Nothing can top that. lol
Hi anon!
I think it’s purposefully vague images and a purposefully clear images of him and his manager. The shots of them together will be the ones that will keep on circulating around fandom for years to come. The shot of him and his manager were only important for the moment the Paris shots dropped. Those will not be going around much, except amongst the few Taennies that have survived the bua.
Having the Taennie shots vague is a way to keep people still debating whether it was them. At first that was for the purpose of keeping attention, in the long run it will be the thing that makes people question whether it was actually true.
I know very little about JTBC to be honest.
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