#if arabs/muslims/sudanese/congolese-americans get *blamed* if the elections go a certain way????
rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
tbh what I really think is that guilt-trips and pressure over genuine disgust or refusal to engage with the system after its repeated abject failures and current genocide (and worldwide genocide denial) is definitively not the way to go.
if certain elections go... any given way (or any elections honestly, counting the coming french ones where I absolutely intend to vote blank on what I assume the second turn will look like --unless a miracle happens-- and no force on this fair earth can make me do it a third time, I already massively regret having been coaxed into doing it a second time if you must know), it will absolutely not be the fault of the people who refused to engage with a completely broken system that repeatedly failed everybody, but will entirely be the fault of those who profited from said broken system to enable their own power at the literal cost of the powerless dying by the thousands
no matter what everybody ends up doing and what sort of internal peace anyone manages to find within themselves in a truly grueling historical moment, and I genuinely extend my sympathy here, in the name of everything precious let's not get it twisted over who ends up getting blamed in the end.
let's not lose the plot here.
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