#if he had the anger issues of the previous iterations of him he probably would’ve killed someone on accident by now
thejadecount · 2 years
Okay usually I don’t complain about the rottmnt fandom when it comes to them writing the characters in fanfics BUT WE HAVE TO TALK
Like yeah, I get it, everyone loves the big tank soft guy trope but he’s a Raph regardless. And we’ve seen him get impatient and frustrated with his bros, for example the infamous “DONT EAT THE POISON” episode and in the movie.
We also know he threatens them as any older sibling does (which I can confirm as a middle child) like in the maze episode when he tells Leo he’ll haunt him if he dies in the maze and in the fish episode when he tells Donnie he’ll shove his head in the toilet.
I just think we all need to get our facts straight and remember that just because Raph doesn’t outburst and isn’t the Anger Issues™️ Raph we know from the other iterations DOESN’T mean he’s always Mr. Nice Guy.
Point is I need more fanfics where Raph gets frustrated and does the classic ‘threaten-your-younger-siblings’ move all older siblings do and stop being the all cupcakes and rainbows the fandom makes him out to be. Specifically a crossover fanfic where the other version(s) of the TMNT are telling the Rise TMNT they aren’t taking things seriously and all it takes it one death threat from Rise! Raph and they straighten out immediately and all the other Leos and Raphs are impressed by it.
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
My Top 10 Favorite Ducktales Characters
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NO. 10 Hewey Duck
At number 10 is Huey!
Hewey has been my least favorite triplet for most of the series; it by no means he’s a bad character or any of the sorts, Huey is more down to earth compared to other characters. It’s hard to say much about Hewey other than how he’s a sweet, fun character I’m glad is around.
His development in season three was good, though the weakest of the three. Kinda half-baked and rushed, as if the creators thought, “we have to add some Huey development since this is his season.” With Dewey and Louie’s, it felt like their respective seasons revolved around them instead of the other way around. The only episode I really think perfectly gave Huey development and at the same time move the main plot forward fluidly was the “Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!” with the whole Huey vs. Violet rivalry. Y’know what also sucks. Huey wasn’t even that integral to the finale. That annoys me to no end.
Now, I’m going to end this with positive notes.
What got Huey into the list was his sweet nature and how integral he is to the team’s balance. Every team needs someone who represents order and Huey is just that. Plus, his innocent love for romance is so cute. I love the episode where him and Webby were setting a date up for Fenton and Gandra.
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NO. 9 Scrooge McDuck
Scrooge is probably the most interesting protagonist I’ve ever watched. Unlike most of them, he’s more of an anti-hero than a pure hero like Steven Universe or Luz from Owl House.
I don’t really have much to say about him because I don’t love him as much as the characters above him. He probably has the best development- Lena’s rivaling his really well. In the beginning, Scrooge was a grumpy miser but now, thanks to the kids, his heart is softer and more open. His cheapness is annoying, but the good qualities overthrow the bad.
Scrooge most likely would’ve been higher in the list if “The Life & Crimes of Scrooge McDuck” didn’t happen- or at least occurred in season two instead since humility and hard work was the main theme. The writers went overboard showing the audience how bad of a person Scrooge was in the past, especially with him taking advantage of the poor villagers and leaving them in their states-without even helping them. This episode downgraded Scrooge pretty badly.
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NO. 8 Donald Duck
Although on the lower half of the list, I still hold so much love and respect for this version of Donald. He’s such a massive improvement from his previous iteration. The creators made him kind and strong-willed but kept his anger issues. Though, they turned that flaw into a more comedic and positive aspect of Donald since he uses that intense anger to protect his family. Speaking of that, his relationship with the triplets is absolutely adorable. He loves and protects them like a great father, and I’m still a bit peeved that characters didn’t acknowledge that more. Instead, their relationship was sidelined and pretty much haphazardly... replaced-I don’t know if that’s the right word- with May and June.
Another thing that annoyed me was Donald’s voice treatment. The creators pretty much portrayed his speaking problem as a joke, which is terrible. I hope to goodness that children with speaking troubles don’t take those “jokes” to heart because there is nothing wrong with having a different voice. It’s also surprising how much characters mostly don’t understand him when I can seventy percent of the time. This complaint is more towards season one since that was the season where most of the jokes happened.
Anyways, I hope this Donald will start a new beginning for the next iterations of him. A nice guy who has anger issues but means well. Same with him and Daisy’s relationship-another massive improvement the writers did. They are such a great couple from the episodes we got with them and this dynamic should continue.
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NO. 7 Webby Vanderquack
Another character who was massively improved was the great Webby Vanderquack!
In the original series, she was a boring damsel-in-distress with no personality-pretty much like the earliest Disney princesses. The ‘17 creators did such a great job molding reboot Webby into a character who can kill you with kindness or impressive fighting skills. This pink-loving queen is probably the sweetest character I’ve ever met; I just want to hug her.
I love her optimism and caring personality. She was able to change Lena for the better and not give up on her when almost everyone did. Webby is the best friend you can have.
While I’m not fully on board with the Webby finale twist, I really liked how her interest in the McDucks played some big part of the finale. Do I wish it was in different circumstances? Yes, but I’m still glad Webby got an important moment for herself. That interrogation scene was very emotional; seeing Beakley fully breakdown like she did was shocking and really set the mood of how pivotal that moment. I literally almost cried seeing Webby so heartbroken by her grandmother’s lies- this pink baby deserves all the love in the world. At least she found out the truth and gained a parental figure in her life.
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NO. 6 Louie Duck
I’ve gotta admit; I did not like Louie that much at the start of the show. Greedy and selfish characters usually don’t get my love, but season two changed. A lot more depth was added to him such as his insecurities and anxieties. I struggle with these issues and it was nice to see a character show that as well. One of my favorite arcs was Louie’s trouble connecting with Della; it was realistic and not rushed. While watching this season, I was often having trouble connecting with people, even old friends. Sort of having someone experiencing them alongside me made me feel less insecure and lonely.
His development was really good too, from beginning to end. At first, Louie was someone who was willing to execute every angle no matter how much it could hurt his loved ones. Yet, he grew to be a humbler person who now knows the consequences of his angles. A favorite episode of mine is “The Richest Duck in the World” because of this development. Seeing Louie clean the Bombei’s shoes with Scrooge made my heart melt.
What lowered him down to number eight was season three. There were a few episodes that backtracked Louie’s development like “The Trickening” and “The Fight for Castle McDuck” episodes. He was a real jerk towards Huey for no reason. It frustrated me enough to affect this list. And I also prefer other characters more.
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NO. 5 Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
You can’t expect me to not put this quirky and adorable dork in the top five! He’s one of the best boys in the show. Him being voiced by the great Lin-Manuel Miranda does add some bonus points- you can tell I’m a big Hamilton fan.
Like Webby, Fenton was drastically improved. He became this sweet, scatterbrained scientist who only wants to help people. I instantly fell in love with him. And it got even better when Fenton became Gizmoduck- my second favorite DT hero. He deserved so much more screen time, especially in season 3; “Beaks in the Shell” was not a good enough episode for Fenton and his relationship with Gandra. There should’ve been more. The finale moments he had was not satisfying enough, particularly him and DW sort of team up. It was rushed.
If a Darkwing Duck reboot takes place in the ’17 universe then Fenton must be a major character- at least show up in ten episodes a season. A Gizmoduck and Darkwing crossover is essential, and I will riot if it that doesn’t happen. And more Fandra, my fifth -maybe fourth- favorite ship.
I also had a big crush on Fenton back in season one. You can’t help but love him this sweety pie. This pretty much influenced thirty percent of his placement.
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NO. 4 Launchpad McQuack
This muscular dummy is amazing! He brings a sense of comedy and light to every episode he is in. It’s infectious as h*ll!
I liked Launchpad instantly. He’s kind and wants the best for people. Optimistic characters are almost the best characters. They are great reminders of how there are still many good people in the world. Whenever I’m down and watch Ducktales, LP makes me feel a lot better with his dumb yet endearing moments. My favorite jokes are literally LP sending Beakley an invitation saying not to come and when he tried to make small talk with Gosalyn at the window; I can never stop laughing at those moments.
There are times when Launchpad’s dumbness irks me, but his good qualities overthrow that. Though, I wish he wasn’t used too much as comedy relief; LP had the potential to gain more development than what he got. I’ll give an example. Learning about his family would’ve been great to know- an appearance wouldn’t have hurt either. It could’ve opened a reason to why LP cares about Scrooge’s opinion and cares about him like a dad. Maybe there’s some bitterness in LP’s relationship with his dad and that’s why he doesn’t talk about his parents. Loopey not being introduced was a missed opportunity. Big brother Launchpad is all I need.
I also have a small crush on Launchpad, though mostly for his personality and voice. He’s still cute *wink.*
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NO. 3 Drake Mallard
We made it to the top three! With the dashing caped crusader Darkwing Duck starting us off!
It’s funny how much I love a character who’s only appeared in like five-maybe six- episodes enough to put him in the top three. I had some trouble defining many reasons why I love him; it’s this weird connection I have with DW. He’s this dorky dummy who loved a big part of his childhood enough to make it his reality, yet I love him so much.
I think what made me fall in love with him was how similar we are. Like him, I was a meek person who got pushed a few times- either physically or mentally. Those times also inspired me to grow stronger and be an inspiration for the next generation. I can be pretty clumsy too(lol). Characters I see myself in are usually really high in my love list and it shouldn’t be surprising that Drake is one of them.
His kind and genuine nature was also what drew me in. And, I just made this realization, this is the first time I don’t prefer the original iteration over the latest one. I still love ‘91 Drake but he’s too arrogant.
Unlike the original DW, Drake became a hero to help others- though a wish for glory played a bit of a part too. This clumsy, stuttering actor took a step to become his hero and a future one for children like him. That’s admirable. His lovable personality also being so cute enough for me to want to give a big hug is a good addition.
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NO. 2 Lena Sabrewing
Hands down Lena had the best development!
She started off as this distant loner who followed the gray area of morality. Now, Lena is a part of this loving family and her own person. A few of her episodes are my favorites, such as “Friendship Hates Magic!” and “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill.” They are well-written episodes and hit me in the feels.
Like Louie and Drake, I see myself in Lena. There are times I’ve been afraid I’ll take on my family’s bad habits or turn like them. That’s why I love “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” Watching Lena try to be good enough and feeling insecure reminded me of the dark times I usually think about. There are even times I have dreams of these issues. The creators must have been inspired by me (lol). Though, I am kind of jealous of Lena because of how great her friends are. I want friends like Webby and Violet.
Even so, I do have some issues with Lena. Her magic arc was not written as well as her previous arcs. This might be more of a personal opinion than anything, but I’m still going to say it. Lena learned to control her magic too quickly, and it was treated as more like a plot device. And a shaking one at that. For example, in “The Split Sword of Swanstantine” Lena was able to stop time and send her and Huey into his mindscape. But, somehow, she couldn’t conjure a burst of energy to attack Steelbeak; granted, Huey mentioned that, yet Lena’s reasoning was dumb. Attacking someone with magic is way easier than doing what she did. I’m a little lenient on this since that idea lead to more Huey development, though I’m still going to critique it.
A great thing about Lena learning was her temporary outfit change. She looks absolutely amazing in light colors, which I didn’t expect, and her hair design is what I saw she would look good in. The eye shape is kind of weird.
Lena’s magic mode is in my list of cosplays.
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NO. 1 Dewey Duck
Finally, number one is Dewey Duck!
Dewey has stolen my heart since the beginning. His positivity and fun nature always make me smile, even during the toughest times.
In my opinion, Dewey has the best arc/development of the triplets. His arc trying to find out what happened to his mother was what kept me watching Ducktales and helped me see why this show is so special. Many of my favorite moments are in season one, specifically ones involving Dewey. For instance, the scene in “The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!” where Dewey was willing to risk his life to get the last piece of paper and possibly solve what happened to Della was emotional. Hearing the desperation in his voice while pleading with Scrooge to tell him what happened hit me hard. I can’t imagine how much pain HDL have gone through not knowing what happened and thinking they aren’t allowed to ask. It would be terrible to experience.
Another moment I loved was in “The Spear of Selene.” It was when Dewey was hesitant to know what happened as the possibility that Della was a bad person grew more prominent. He looked so defeated admitting that realization and it reminded me of myself. There were moments when I realized that my parents were not as good as I thought. It hurt me a lot. At least sweet Dewey didn’t have to go through that. The scene when Dewey started tearing up seeing his mom in the sphere was also heartwarming. I wanted to give him the biggest hug.
Dewey’s insecurities of not being good enough and to be loved is what I struggle with too. Its kind of different because I have trouble believing anyone loves me while he wants everybody to like him. Confidence is not my forte.
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tacosandtomcos · 4 years
Me Going Through Star Vs Tv Tropes
So while Tv tropes is a fan thing similar to the Star vs Wiki and is imperfect in many ways. i was curious to check it out and see what had been put there for some aspects i was interested in in terms of the show.
And boy, is it interesting.
I checked out cleaved first because i heard so much about how this page was outright going on about how much the finale messed up, and they weren’t wrong, it actually feels like whoever wrote this was pretty mad themselves.
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There’s discussion about the implied genocide, the implied dangers of merging worlds, heck, this entire page went over obvious plot holes.
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It is the most salty thing i have seen in awhile, and it’s kinda funny in a way, this one got to me man:
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it hits on mos of the critisim towards the episode and some more that some people may of missed upon first glance, so for all it’s faults i give it credit for finding new ways of disscussing everything wrong with the finale in ways that make it easier to understand where things went wrong for others.
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I will admit though, the page does try to jusitify star’s actions despite also pointing out how bad they are with the “Saving of the monsters”, and it feels like someone should add the fact that there were other solutions available as pointed out by previous episodes and star’s actions aren’t easily forgivable considering the damage her actions caused outweigh the good intentions.
I think people are happy she wanted to save the monsters and wouldn’t let them die but the magic destroying thing would have massive consequences and the ideas behind it are not fleshed out enough to justify this was the best course of action for mewni and it’s future.
The monsters are saved, but will the destruction of a vital source for the universe mean better for everyone across all dimensions, including the monsters?.
After i wanted to check out tom’s family junk, see what they had, and at least someone added the fact eclipsa’s family and tom’s family almost seem to be parallels because even though people picked up on it, and me myself wanted more done with that....clearly nothing came of it, so i’m glad they have a section on that.
 though someone did forget to add wrathmelior having wings to her section.
Honestly this little tidbit stings considering the ending: 
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Honestly what they have for dave is the weirder section cause since his character got shoved to the wayside and little was done with him, most of his section is a lot more guesswork about his relation with tom then anything
Like some of the tropes with him and wrath are funny because well, they fall into some fun couple troupes, all his stuff with tom are more...like putting his original abusive persona mixed with what he’s like now: 
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Honestly in show where tom got his anger from relationship wise is not made clear since his parents were in 2 episodes.
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like THIS was a detail that was a thing when tom’s dad was still an abusive demon, but i really don’t know how much this applies now. Dave seems to maybe have anger issues (I mean the dude threw a chair out of a window), but how tom feels about it or how big they are is put into question now.
Not to mention the “Big Guy” thing also seems like an abandoned part of OG dad and it feels like the show was going to make him a major character but abandoned it.
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Like again, i wonder if these details should even be there because their canoncity is put into question since this stuff is coming from the original design of tom’s dad and not this current iteration. And i’m not sure if we have enough to even imply that dave is oblivious or has a serious temper since his anger has been shown once in the series.
i mean this is interesting cause i get to see what they put as far as minor characters and yeah it makes me wish the characters were used more because then the show could’ve done something with dave to actually give him a more clear character then having people base his personality and relationships off probably outdated info?
or at least, daron should’ve actively disbanded that info herself at one point or another if it’s untrue. It just feels like dave is supposed to be a wildly different character now but his og character is leaking in cause the show refused to give him anything to make people think of him differently.
tv tropes even mentions this was the original pitch, the abusive demon thing, so it’s weird they kept these elements while knowing they were adabonded
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most of the rest of his page is pretty fine i was mostly curious about his page because i wanted to see how this thing would handle a minor character who was changed so drastically
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Moved on to tom’s section, it’s decent at showing his flaws but reminding the people reading of his arc and improvement.
I love at least it addresses a lot of stuff i’ve been saying for years though
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as someone who is used to people downplaying tom as a character, it’s neat here they do indeed consider tom is basically be almost the 3rd most important character in later seasons.
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though concept alone did not gather him such a prominent fanbase, tom was just a good and interesting character in general and even the crew knew it, which is why even after the show ended how it did so many fans still consider tom a bright spot in it.
Tom still has a bunch of haters who refuse to like him no matter what and will probably never like him no matter what.
But most can agree he had a proper arc and his character remained likable and enjoyable at a time where a lot of characters were becoming increasingly hard to watch.
Tom didn’t just have a cool design, he was just a good character, and he and eclipsa have similar reasons for still being beloved even despite everything, the show never really ruined them for anyone, if anything, people cared about them WAY more then most of the other characters because they never got butchered like moon, star, or marco felt like they did.
Then i moved on to stuff about after the finale, and yes, the page remains salty.
I mean, i knew the show was being screwed bit by bit because as a fan i was keeping a close eye on this stuff, commercials, time, dates, ect. It hurts to see it though cause at the time people thought moving to Disney channel was gonna mean GOOD things for the series.
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which sucks because THIS was also very true:
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they did so much on their twitter to boost star, heck, it was designed to look like star, they showed star fanart, had star livestreams. Like Disney used to push this show hard till it slowly seemed to stop caring.
The Ama is also addressed briefly, especially Daron’s reaction, and yeah....
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Still makes me pretty mad tbh.
Here’s some interesting stuff i found as well
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From Friend-enemies 
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apparently this was gonna be a thing.
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Also from tom’s section, which makes me wish we got stomco instead of what we got cause it’s so clear that finale had those implications and sad to see where it ended up.
Oh, and my favorite one:
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Me too Rider, me too.
I hope someday you get better treatment for your character, especially since it was clear you loved playing him so much, i would’ve been mad too.
Yeah, so i checked out Tv Tropes under star to look at some things, it’s not perfect but kinda interesting, and hopefully i find time to go into stuff like this more in the future on this blog.
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beatriceeagle · 7 years
1-3, 8, and 20-21 for the main 4 from lolilo (Freddie, Ben, Peter/Pedro, and Balthazar) - obviously this is quite a long one so feel free to ignore if it's too much work :) xx
I love long asks so much. They give me so much procrastination material. :)
1. Their physical weak spots
I’m going to be honest, I don’t think this is ever addressed on-screen, and it may be the one thing I’ve never thought about for LoLiLo. So, off the top of my head, I bet Freddie is really ticklish, just, like, generally; Ben, we know, has zero physical endurance; Peter probably has at least one sports injury that’s going to ache when he gets older; and Balthazar is a perfect human specimen. (Actually, Balthazar canonically can’t kick a soccer ball remotely accurately. Is that a physical weak spot?)
2. Their moral/emotional weak spots
Okay, we’re on firmer ground here. A lot of this is covered/dealt with in LoLiLo, but I figure weak spots don’t go away over night.
Freddie: She’ll throw it all away to win. (I think I stole that phrasing from Aaron Sorkin.) What I mean is that she’s goal-oriented to a fault, and once she picks a goal, she has trouble seeing when something is more important than that goal.
That’s her moral weak spot. Emotionally, she can’t handle being put on the spot. It flusters her. Especially when she feels like people are watching or judging her.
Balthazar: His moral weak spot is that he’s so damn manipulative, when he wants to be. His emotional weak spot is a giant red button labeled “Peter.”
Ben: His moral weak spot is his high-handedness–sort of his inability to see that what he wants and what other people want might not be the same thing. His emotional weak spot is his self-confidence. I think he measures himself by other people’s success a lot, and it really bothers him when he sees himself falling behind. (It just occurred to me that Ben’s moral and emotional weak spots fit together really neatly.)
Peter: His moral weak spot is that he’s so incredibly petty. Peter could be 100 years old and happily married to Balthazar with a gazillion grandchildren and a long, productive career in whatever field you think (I tend to say politics, but I know some people disagree), and he would still throw an egg at Vegan Fred. His emotional weak spot is… uh… I want to say “a giant red button labeled ‘Balthazar,’” for symmetry, and because the only time we ever see Peter (kind of) cry it’s because of Balthazar, but I don’t know. I think if you really want to get to Peter, you remind him of something he’s done wrong.
3. Scars or painful spots
Does this mean literal, physical scars? Otherwise I feel like it’s kind of covered in #2 and #8. I don’t know, these people are all 19, they probably don’t have a ton of scars yet! Balthazar probably has intense calluses from all the ukelele/guitar. Ben might have a scar from jumping off something he shouldn’t have, while showing off for Bea. I already talked about Peter’s future old sports injury. Freddie… Do you think Freddie runs enough to have foot/knee issues? Probably not yet. But in a few years, maybe.
8. Bad memories/experiences
Other than the ones we see on-screen? Let’s go ahead and say yes, because this is about headcanons.
Peter is the easy one here, because he’s got family drama. I think in a previous meta I talked about my headcanon that during some of the more turbulent times in his family’s life, his parents put a lot of seemingly benign pressure on him to be the easy child. (I’m trying to find the clip from Inside Out that demonstrates this dynamic perfectly, but I don’t think anyone’s put it on YouTube.) Anyway, that’s kind of a sucky, conflicted experience.
Ben… well, Ben moved away from England, didn’t he, at an age when your social life is tricky enough. He’d have had to leave his old friends (and his, you know, entire country) behind, and acclimate to a new school and a new social group as an obvious outsider. Which is bad enough for anyone, but Ben has social anxiety. Plus, we know that he didn’t really understand the reasons for the move.
For Balthazar, it’s gotta be the break-up with Damien. (Which one? I dunno, pick one.) We don’t get a ton of insight into either iteration of that relationship, but it was serious, fairly long-term, and seems to have ended on less-than-amiable terms – and Balthazar hates conflict.
Freddie. Freddie, Freddie, Freddie. I feel like Freddie’s worst experience has to be failing at something. Like, taking home a report card or a test with a failing grade. I thought about saying something like, “She was up for an award and got cut in the final round,” but I think that would just make Freddie angry at the people who gave out the award. Whereas I think if she failed a test, she’d put that anger on herself. (I’m not sure why she’d fail a test – maybe it was a Hermione-in-Prisoner-of-Azkaban kind of deal, where she just took on too much.)
20. What-Ifs/Alternate Timelines
@marydebenham and I have a really elaborate AU constructed in our heads of what would’ve happened if Bea had agreed to go out with Pedro in “All Round Great Guy.” The fun thing about that AU is that it’s a lot better for everyone in the short-term (“Hero’s Birthday” probably never happens, for a start), but it’s absolutely miserable in the long-term. Because Bea and Pedro would be a terrible couple, and they’d make themselves and everyone around them incredibly unhappy. (In our heads, they eventually get couples counseling, then break up and get together with Ben and Balthazar respectively. Because this is fanfiction, and we get to make things work out if we want to.)
For Balthazar, there’s always the question of what would’ve happened if he and Pedro had talked at the apology party (I think they’d have kissed, and I think it would’ve been a mess), or if he hadn’t come down to Wellington with Ben and Peter (he’d have been really sad for a while, and then he’d have found someone else, though I doubt he’d ever have “gotten over” Peter, exactly – I think he just would’ve moved on). Those AUs aren’t any fun, though. How about a Good Omens AU where Balthazar is literally an angel and Peter is a demon, and they keep trying to put off the Apocalypse so that they can stay on Earth and play the ukelele and star in weird theater productions.
With Ben, again, most of the single-point-of-departure AUs aren’t any fun – they mostly lead to “Bea and Ben never get together” or “Ben never goes down to Wellington.” A few of them lead to “Bea and Ben have a good time in Wellington when Bea shows up,” which is nice (although I think they’d inevitably end up teaming up with Meg for love god shenanigans, which would probably backfire horribly). I don’t know, let’s go for a Before Sunrise AU instead, where Ben never moved away from England, and he and Bea meet while Bea is on her post-high-school travels, and they spend an incredibly romantic day together, and then there’s drama, because Bea is leaving in the morning, and instead of sticking with the movie’s ending, Ben takes off to travel with her. (And there’s running! Through international airports!)
Freddie’s canon story is less convoluted than everyone else’s, so I’m having trouble coming up with what-ifs. But really I think that Freddie belongs in a political high fantasy AU where she’s a petty queen trying to claim control of the high throne. Kit is the guardsman she falls in love with. Obviously.
21. Turning points in their life
I’m just going to list episodes for each character, I think.
Peter: “All Round Great Guy,” “Hero’s Birthday,” “one foot,” “TOWN”/“RULES,” “TEA,” “Stay,” “RUSSIANFUDGE”
Ben: “OLIVES,” “Hero’s Birthday,” “PROJECT VI - MONTAGE,” the off-screen decision to go down to Wellington, “TOWN”/“RULES,” “TRIANGLE,” “PUNISHMENT,” “SARDINES”/“i don’t know what to call this,”     “RUSSIANFUDGE,” “FEATHERS”
Balthazar: “one foot,” the off-screen decision to go down to Wellington, “TOWN”/ “RULES,” “CHICKEN,” “Stay,” “i don’t know what to call this,” “+confrontation+”
Freddie: “TOWN”/“RULES,” “CAMERA” (on the assumption that this is the episode where she’s deciding to ask Kit out), “PUNISHMENT” (on the assumption that this is around when she and Kit start having problems), “SARDINES”/“i don’t know what to call this,” “RUSSIANFUDGE”
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